Cubes from beads of the scheme of weaving. Bead cube patterns for beginners with photos and videos

Cute little things that you can make yourself from multi-colored beads. Such a cube can be decorated with any patterns and made in any color! In this case, all you need is your imagination and a little skill in beading.

To weave a cube, you need to take:

- for starters, select the beads of the desired color, Japanese or Czech production, and the size you need is crayons No. 12-15
- you can weave on any strong thread, monofilament is also suitable
- be sure to buy a needle for beads No. 12

Cube assembly scheme:

So, we need to weave 2 identical rectangular segments of beads. If the approximate size of the finished product should be 2x2 cm, then weave segments 2 cm in height and 6 cm in length. On the side, you can look at the photo above, step by step, you need to sew all sides of the cube in the correct order.

Since there is no weaving pattern, the photo clearly shows that the cube is made using the mosaic weaving technique. To begin with, you need to weave at least the first 3 rows so that they turn out to be 2 cm in height, if everything worked out, then you can continue weaving. As a result, you should get 2 identical segments, which can be divided into three equal squares each, so that when you assemble you get exactly the cube.

You can make a lot of trinkets from multi-colored beads! For example, beaded cubes can be made in any color and decorated with any patterns. I made a simple two-color cube, so that in the photographs you can better see how to weave them. If you are new to beading, then you first need to learn the mosaic weaving technique. It is not difficult, but the products are dense. Everything is shown on the diagram.

So, let's get back to the bead cubes. Prepare small beads of any colors, start with a simple one, then you can experiment with patterns and colors. Take a thread (preferably nylon). Do not like to work with simple threads? Then use monofilament - it will work too. And, of course, a needle, but not a simple one, but a special one for beading.

First you need to weave two rectangular segments from beads. For example, my segments turned out to be two centimeters in height and six in length. As you already understood, they must be woven using a mosaic weaving technique. I got eight beads on each side of one square. Two segments can be divided into three identical squares each, if you did it somehow differently, then the cube will not be able to be sewn together.

Two pieces ready? Great, now all sides of the future cube must be sewn in the correct order - for this it is enough to look more closely at the diagram and photographs, the sequence becomes clear from them.

Such cubes can be used as key chains, pendants (for this you just need to sew on the appropriate clasp), earrings. In general, this is a universal bauble that, if desired, can turn into anything!

At all times, a person has sought to somehow stand out from the crowd, to declare himself as an individual. Various improvised means came to his aid in this. For example, the Indians adorned themselves with bright feathers and fangs. In today's world, a huge number of modern materials have appeared, with the help of which people create various accessories. Using patterns of beaded cubes, you can make some stylish designer jewelry that will make you known to the whole world.

A bit of history

Beading is a popular and beloved type of folk art, rooted in the distant past. Jewelry, accessories, interior items are made from this bright and many-sided material. The variety and the widest range of colors of beads allows you to fantasize and create bright and memorable things.

The beginning of beading as an art was laid by the ancient Indians, who, with the help of bird feathers, animal fangs and stones strung on a thread, sought to stand out from the crowd and designate their individuality. Stone became the prototype of modern material. Beads were made from shells, corals, jade and turquoise. About 3000 years ago, the first beads appeared in ancient Egypt. They not only embroidered the clothes of pharaohs and wealthy people, but also made independent products.

A little later, beads appeared in Syria, then in Ancient Rome, from there it spread throughout the world. The Chinese were the first to come up with a device made of stretched threads, on which there were beads - abacus. Thanks to active trade, this material evolved by leaps and bounds and penetrated into Europe. It was made from glass in working workshops. But the discovery of America and the Indian way forced to expand the production of these accessories. It was made in factories.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, beadwork has not only not lost its relevance, but has also gained the greatest popularity. Products from this fittings are used to decorate clothes, to create accessories and decor items. The variety of materials from which modern beads are made allows them to be given different shapes, textures and colors.

Weaving methods

To give originality to boring earrings or effectively set off a boring necklace, a wicker beaded cube can. It can also be used as a keychain or hung as a decoration in the car.

Consider 2 options for making this craft. Having studied in detail the schemes of cubes, even a beginner can make a stylish decoration.

For work, we need first of all beads. Its color and size depends on your preferences. You can make a solid cube or multi-colored. The material itself is better to take a round shape.

Make sure that it is the same size and without chips. Otherwise, the product will come out crooked and unpresentable, since when weaving the base line is tightened very tightly and all the flaws will become visible. The most popular is Japanese and Czech material.

You will also need a base. It can be fishing line, waxed thread, spandex or monofilament. It all depends on the type and functions of the future product. Thin wire is suitable for rigid frame crafts, and an elastic band is suitable for bracelets and necklaces. You need to stock up on beading needles and sharp, durable scissors or wire cutters.

The first way to weave a cube is suitable even for beginners, but first you need to study the master class of types of weaving.

So, the essence of the work. From beads of two colors, two rectangular segments 2 centimeters high and 6 cm long are woven using mosaic technique. Sizes can be varied, the main thing is that the length is three times the height. Otherwise, the faces of the cube will not be formed. You can perform one strip of one color scheme, and the other - of another. To whom as the fantasy tells.

Now the strips are stitched according to the schemes below.

To keep the product in shape, you can fill it with padding polyester or insert foam rubber.

The second scheme uses more complex techniques. But if you carefully understand the description, then they will not cause difficulties in manufacturing.

To complete this craft, you will need small dark-colored beads and large beads of five bright colors.

Work begins with the execution of a strip of 4 curly squares. It is woven from small accessories. The last square should remain without a wall, as it will close with the first.

Large beads are carefully inserted into the almost finished product. The cube is ready. It can be used as a pendant on a chain or mobile phone.

Favorite puzzle

After the simplest weaving patterns are mastered, it's time to move on to more complex tasks. Making a Rubik's Cube will be the next step in honing your skills.

There are two ways to weave a bright puzzle.

In the simplest of them, 26 multi-colored cubes are made according to the first scheme described above. After the parts are tightly sewn together, forming the finished product.

The second method involves braiding a wooden or plastic blank according to the scheme below.

Video on the topic of the article

Videos will help you understand the nuances of beading, from which you can get additional useful information.

Such a wonderful product as a beaded cube can be used both as a toy and as an original decoration, for example, earrings, a pendant, a key ring. By choosing beautiful and high-quality beads for weaving, you will receive a unique accessory that will complement any look: from everyday to evening. Next, let's look at several ways to create delicious cube-shaped products with your own hands.

The next idea is a wonderful set with cubes of beads in the form of a pendant and earrings. Weaving is pretty simple. You will not spend a lot of time on it, and the materials will require a minimum of mind. But the result will surely please you - this is a truly elegant decoration that you can make with your own hands.

A similar cube is made of beads based on a technology called "in a cross". With its help, all kinds of chains and rather weighty beaded canvases are often made. In addition, on its basis, it is possible to braid eggs or figures of other shapes.

The scheme of work is presented in the course of the description of the weaving of the cube.

Before you understand the process, prepare the following materials and tools for the process: small beads or beads (three millimeters in diameter). The color of the base material is chosen based on the personal preferences of the needlewoman. In this case, it is a spectacular golden hue. Also prepare earrings, a chain, foam rubber, or any other material that can fill the middle of the cube.

The master class begins with the creation of a chain. This is a simple row of crosses, consisting of eleven elements. After that, turn the work on top and start weaving the second row of crosses. This row, like all subsequent ones, is woven in parallel lines. Upon reaching the length of the beaded fabric you need, it will need to be sewn. In this case, all the same technique is used - “in a cross”.

After the side parts of the cube, weaving of the bottom and the upper part (a kind of cap) follows.

In order for the finished beaded cube to have a clear shape, the cavity inside it is filled with any available filler.

To turn a finished product, for example, earrings, attach special earrings to the cubes. To create a pendant, the craft is put on a chain. So you get an interesting set of jewelry. By changing the color of the beads and playing on color contrast, you can get other equally original accessories, as well as key rings.

As you have already seen, simple beaded cubes are a good option to practice weaving and create something original with your own hands from small sparkling beads. The following options for cubes can be complemented with interesting patterns and ornaments from beads of various colors. With a rich imagination and beading skills, you will definitely come up with a wonderful craft, which will not be difficult to find a use for.

So, let's start by looking at the main components of weaving. First of all, you should choose beads of a suitable shade of a small caliber (numbers from the twelfth to the fifteenth). If we talk about the quality of the material used, then you should pay attention to the beads of Czech and Japanese manufacturers. The first is quite common, and in terms of price-quality ratio, it allows you to make very beautiful products. The second - Japanese - is a more expensive option, characterized by high quality and presentable appearance.

The process of weaving cubes is carried out on a strong thread. In addition, you can use monofilament. You should also purchase a special needle for beading (number twelve).

In order to assemble all the woven parts of the cube into a single whole, use the following scheme.

One cube of beads is made up of two identical rectangular blanks. For example, for a finished craft measuring two by two centimeters, you should weave two segments (two centimeters high and six centimeters wide). The diagram shows the step-by-step assembly of the product, as well as the correct stitching order for each of its sides.

In the course of weaving, a mosaic technique was used. If you are not familiar with this technique, there are tutorials on this topic on the worldwide web. In the beginning, you should weave the initial three rows, the total height of which will be two centimeters. After that, you can continue the process. Thus, you have a pair of identical blanks. These parts are divided into three squares, which, during the assembly process, form a beaded cube.

As in the first case, to give the craft elasticity and a strong shape, fill the interior of the cube with a special filler. It can be foam rubber, cotton wool, etc.

The bead weaving theory gives us the basic foundations and knowledge. But, to make it easier for you to understand the technique, we offer you to view a fascinating detailed master class, from which you will learn how you can make a unique beaded dice.


Recently I was asked to make a master class of a beaded dice, of course this is not my idea, I had to learn how to make it myself, the only thing I had to figure out was how to assemble it. In this master class, you will see how to make the sides of a dice and use the diagram.

You will need:

  • Beads #10 - 30 grams for overall color and 5 grams for dots.
  • Monofilament.
  • Needle for beads.

Description for those who can't watch the video.

1. Dial 4 beads and make a ring, tie and fasten the thread. On these four beads a cube will be made.

2. Dial 3 beads and make a ring on the first bead.

3. You will get 2 rings.

4. Pass into the next bead of the first four.

5. Dial 2 beads and make a ring by passing through 2 beads of the second and first ring.

6. You will get a third ring if you pull the thread, you will see 3 walls of the cube.

7. Go to the next bead in the first ring.

8. Dial 2 beads and make a ring by passing through the bead of the previous ring and the first one.

9. You will get another side.

10. Pass into the last bead of the first ringlet.

11. Tighten the sides of the cube, you will see that one bead is missing for the last side.

12. Go up in the course of weaving.

13. Add a bead and go through the next 3 beads closing the ring.

14. You will get a small cube.

15. The beads at the top of the cube will not be connected.

16. Connect 4 beads at the top by going around the circle of beads.

17. Making the second cube. Dial 3 beads and make a ring.

18. Pass into the next bead of the lower ringlet.

19. Dial 2 beads, make a ring, passing through 2 beads of two rings.

20. Go to the next bead in the bottom ring.

21. Dial 2 beads and make a ring by passing through two beads of two rings, the previous one and the bottom one.

22. Go through the last bead in the bottom ring.

23. In the course of weaving, go up into the bead.

24. Add one bead and go in a circle through three beads, connecting three sides. Fasten the top 4 beads by going through them in a circle. The second cube is ready, so we make 9 cubes.

25. We proceed to the second row. We make a cube on the side of the flagellum by building it on the lower four beads. We collect 3 beads and make a ring.

26. We pass into the next bead of the lower ringlet.

27. We collect 2 beads, make a ring.

28. We pass into the next.

29. We collect 2 beads and make a ring passing through the resulting corner.

30. We pass into the last bead and make a ring, adding the missing one, we go up.

31. We connect the top 4 beads in a circle.

32. It turned out the first cube of the second row.

33. We make the next cube for the next 4 beads from the bottom, given that one side is already there.

34. We go down to the corner of the two beads.

35. We collect 2 beads, make a ring by passing through the two beads through which we just passed.

36. We pass into the next bead in the lower ringlet. We make a ring, etc.

Continue to make cubes following the pattern. For convenience, it is indicated by numbers.

For example, a cube with four dots.

37. Having made two cubes in the second row, we make the third with a pattern. After passing through the first corner, pick up one light, second dark bead and make a ring. The dark bead will be at the top.
