Osaka massage in Russian. Japanese Asahi facial massage: the subtleties of performing

Every day, Japanese facial massage is gaining more and more popularity. Reviews of cosmetologists claim that this technique is very effective. Already after the second session, the skin is significantly smoothed. And since this massage affects the bones, it also returns them to correct position. In addition, the procedure affects the muscles are activated, and the face begins to shine with freshness.

A few important points

Japanese massage Asahi's faces (reviews confirm this) - a technique that does not cause pain, but it requires the correct distribution of force during the implementation. Massage should be done with delicacy and caution. Be especially careful around the lymph nodes.

In other areas, work is carried out with maximum confidence and intensity. Beauticians claim that main feature of this massage is that it affects both superficial and deep muscles. Lymphatic drainage, which occurs in this case, significantly improves the appearance.

Before starting a Japanese facial massage, reviews of cosmetologists recommend thoroughly cleansing the skin. This is very important and obligatory moment, because in this way you will free the ducts along which the lymph will move.

What is it made with?

In order to achieve best effect, nessesary to use aids for massage. Classical Asahi is performed using a special oriental cream, which is not sold here. It can only be ordered in the Country rising sun.

But domestic cosmetologists claim that it is quite worthy replacement he might be wearing a mask oatmeal cooked at home. Also for this purpose, the most common milk for removing makeup or soft foam for washing is suitable. You can choose any non-aggressive skin care product in your cosmetic bag, the main thing is that it does not clog pores and increases the sliding of your fingers.

Who shouldn't get a massage?

Like any procedure, Japanese self-massage (Asahi facial gymnastics) has its contraindications. It is undesirable to use it in the following cases:

  • have lymphatic diseases;
  • ENT problems (primarily inflammation of the tonsils);
  • pathology of the skin of the face;
  • with any ailment (even if you have the most common runny nose), since the lymph flow spreads inflammation;

  • during menstruation, but each girl has an individual reaction: for some, everything goes without problems, while for others, bleeding increases;
  • fatigue is also an individual indicator: someone does not tolerate the procedure well, but for others it is an excellent tonic;
  • Japanese facial massage Asahi reviews recommend stopping people with a thin face as soon as they notice that it has become even more involved.

Effective but dangerous lymphatic drainage

During the procedure, please Special attention where your lymph nodes are located. You need to massage them very carefully, carefully calculating the forces and only slightly pressing on the lines along which the lymph flow moves. Attention! Do not try to press on the lymph nodes! This is the most important rule of this technique.

If you damage them, the treatment will take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, if you are not confident in your self-massage skills, it is better to contact a professional.

Each exercise, except for one, is advised by cosmetologists to complete with the same technique. In it, the hands move to the parotid lymph nodes, which are located between the temple and the ear tragus. When you reach this point, hold your fingers on it for one to two seconds. Then continue light movements around the edges of the face. Work with the cervical lymph nodes, located two centimeters below the jaw. Then go down the sides of the neck. The movement ends in the region of the jugular trunk, located between the clavicles.

Smoothing out the forehead

Japanese facial massage reviews of cosmetologists refer to excellent remedy to get rid of forehead wrinkles. Thanks to smooth movements from its central part to the temples, the skin is smoothed and becomes more elastic.

The influx of lymph contributes to the activation of regeneration processes and the rejuvenation of this part of the face, on which mimic wrinkles first of all become noticeable.

Even in young years, this zone, due to constant mimic activity, begins to lose its smartness, and every day small folds on it become more and more noticeable. But, according to cosmetologists, Asahi massage is able to cope with this problem and remove the burden of years from your forehead.

Enlarge the eyes

Puffy eyes are a common problem for many girls. Due to improper distribution of fluid, the cheeks increase in volume, their shape is deformed. This is especially evident in the morning. But even during the day, instead of a radiant, cheerful face, we often see in the mirror a picture that is opposite to what we want.

Asahi massage for the face, according to cosmetologists, helps to drive away excess moisture deposits from under the skin around them, tighten the contour, make it more expressive. But most importantly, this technique helps to really increase the size of the eyes, adding liveliness and vigor to them.

Exercises are carried out separately for the upper and lower eyelids. Thanks to this, every millimeter of skin around the visual organs can be worked out as much as possible and the eyes really shine. Smoothing the skin from the outer corner to the inner and back tighten it, restore elasticity and help to give the desired shape.

Modeling the lower part of the face

Japanese facial massage reviews of cosmetologists are also recommended to be used in order to correct the shape of the mouth and chin. Many girls face such a problem as lowered corners of the lips, because of which the face constantly seems sad. Many people also suffer from the fact that the second chin spoils their appearance.

Beauty experts say that with the help of this technique, you can not only correct the shape of the mouth and get rid of unnecessary creases at the top of the neck, but also significantly tighten the skin in this area. Due to the lifting effect, which can be achieved with the help of the procedure, the contours of the face become clearer, sharper, the excess fat layer from the cheeks disappears and the appearance of the patients is transformed.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage Zogan (Asahi) reviews are also recommended for shaping or completely smoothing them. Also, according to cosmetologists, it helps to lift the cheeks, eliminate wrinkles on them.

Thanks to this technique, the face becomes more prominent, excess fat disappears, and muscles are activated. Internal and external tissues are filled with life, the inside of the face becomes elastic, and the outside is smooth, fresh and radiant with health. After this massage, any girl looks like after a day spent in the spa, even if in fact she worked hard all day.

We model the shape of the face

Asahi Japanese Facial Massage (reviews and benefits can be obtained from any beauty expert) - great way correct the shape of the cheeks. If by nature they are plump, rounded, and you dream of model cheekbones, this procedure will help you achieve what you want.

It is also used to lift the upper jaw, remove excess fat from the face, and correct the shape of the lips. Cosmetologists say that the drainage, which is the basis of the technique, really works and gives visible results after the first sessions.

The Japanese Asahi facial massage, whose techniques are based on normalizing lymph flow, activating muscles, and reshaping the bones of the skull, can also elevate the lower jaw.

Simply moving your fingers across your skin can redraw your facial features, but this time they will be more perfect, defined, and sculpted than before. Cosmetologists talk about the benefits of massage not only for beauty, but also for health. After all, it accelerates regeneration processes, improves metabolism, due to which problem skin ceases to peel off and become covered with blackheads.

Oriental medicine - an alternative to plastic surgery

Japanese Asahi facial massage (exercises can be easily done on your own) - universal method to correct and combat the signs of aging. Beauty experts say that it is great for people who want to look young and healthy, but are not ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon for this.

Of the additional funds for its implementation, only milk or cream is required. And the whole effect depends primarily on the skill and caution of the master. Coming from traditional oriental medicine, massage is becoming increasingly popular among girls and women around the world.

First this technique published by beautician Hiroshi Hesashi, who learned about it from her grandmother. And over time, a book about facial massage, written by stylist Yukuko Tanaka, became one of the most successful Japanese bestsellers and overtook even Joan Rowling's Harry Potter novels in her country in popularity.

Such popular love is the strongest proof that this technique really works. Reviews of cosmetologists also confirm this. Massage effectively copes with smoothing the skin on the forehead, tightens the cheeks, makes expressive cheekbones, helps lift the corners of the lips, corrects the shape of the mouth and just makes every millimeter of the face perfect.

Japanese facial massage Zogan (or Zogan) is an ancient Japanese self-massage of the face, it has been passed down from generation to generation. The first to use it was the beautician Hiroshi Hirsashi. Make-up artist Yukuko Tanaka made it widely known and called it "Become 10 years younger."

(By the way, its second name is Asahi (Rising Sun), not Japanese. That’s what Laine Butter, an English-speaking beauty guru, called him when she met him on the Internet and decided to use it in her work.)
Ten is not ten, but the condition of the face becomes much better. And you will see the result within a week, unless of course you do everything correctly and regularly. To do this, learn how to properly the techniques shown in the video below.

Here are the problems that the Japanese lymphatic drainage self-massage for the face Zogan (translated as “facial transformation”) removes:

Cleans around the eyes, bags, dark circles, skin laxity and wrinkles.
Helps to make the shape of the nose more elegant.
Removes wrinkles on the forehead, swelling, cheeks, double chin, nasolabial folds.
Significantly improves complexion.
The face is tightened along the contour.
There is some weight loss in the face.
Removes excess fluid and toxins. Due to this, it also has a healing effect.

And interestingly, this massage acts in a complex way: on the lymph, bones, muscles, and skin. What is much more important, because it is precisely because of the drying of the muscles that wrinkles appear on the face.

The massage takes about 5 minutes. You can perform it at any time of the day, in complexes or daily. There are no specific recommendations for this. It is possible that at first your hands will hurt, since you need to press hard enough, but after a month they will get much stronger and will not cause you any trouble.

Zogan massage has contraindications.

If you have a fever or just bad feeling, then it is better to refrain from performing a massage complex, since in the event of an infection, toxins can spread throughout the body. This is because the massage is lymphatic. And the lymphatic system of the body is one whole, regardless of where in the body we act on it.
It cannot be done if you have diseases: lymphatic system or autoimmune, inflammatory processes on the face or rosacea. If in doubt it is possible or not, it is always better to consult a doctor.
skinny face with sunken cheeks.
It is undesirable to do during menstruation.

How to prepare for a Zogan massage.

Wipe the skin with your usual cleansing toner or lotion. Apply a special massage cream to the face and neck area, or a special oil (almond, apricot, olive, which is said to work best) Coconut oil) or simply baby cream in sufficient quantity. Let your hands slide freely over your face. During the massage, add cream as needed if you feel that your hands do not glide well. After the massage, remove the remnants of the cream or oil that you used for the massage with a napkin.

How to do self-massage for the face from Yukuko Tanaka.

The video is divided into 3 parts.
In the first, Yukoku (by the way, she is 62 years old in this video!) shows a massage on a model.
In the second, the model shows how to do Asahi self-massage.
In the third part, Yukuko Tanaka talks about common mistakes during the Zogan lymphatic massage.
First, carefully review all 3 parts and only after that begin to perform facial massage.

And remember!: On the temporal cavities and lymphatic pathways, use only light pressure!!!

Japanese massage Asahi 2 after 40 years

Remember that these are additional techniques, first you need to do the main set of movements.

Japanese massage Asahi 2 after 50 years

Japanese massage Asahi 2 after 60 years

Here are some reviews copied from the rutracker forum:

Now as for the active distributor and inspirer to perform the ancient Japanese massage Asahi (Zogan) - the respected Yukuko Tanaka. On the Internet you can read different theories. But in fact, Yukuko died in 2013 - and lung cancer ruined her, as she was a heavy smoker. So please do not smoke - take care of your health and watch your beauty.

You can read other articles, for this use

Massage has therapeutic and restorative properties. Its techniques can be used both to maintain health and to preserve youth. There are several anti-aging techniques for facial muscles, among them a rejuvenating massage developed by Yukuko (Yukoku) Tanaka.

ancient secrets

Japanese massage is an ancient ritual. It used to be mandatory. daily care, with which geisha maintained their beauty. The procedure was complemented by applying natural sources of nutrients to the skin - dairy products, herbs, oils.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the famous Japanese stylist and beautician Yukuko Tanaka decided to revive the tradition. She carefully studied the ancient sources and added her grandmother's advice to them. As a result, a effective technique self-massage of the face. Its regular use allows you to rejuvenate by 5-10 years without expensive cosmetics and salon procedures.

Yukuko Tanaka made Japanese anti-aging massage an international treasure by publishing the work "Face massage" ("Face massage") in 2007, where she described all the technical subtleties in detail and in an accessible way. The book is also sold in Russian. You can find many video tutorials on the Internet. Other names for the Yukuko Tanaka technique are either.

Mechanism and effect

Japanese massage has three key differences from the classic effect on facial tissues:

  1. all layers of the dermis and muscles are involved in the process;
  2. movements are carried out pointwise with the fingers and the plane of the palms;
  3. the technique involves working with the lymphatic vessels and nodes, this stimulates the lymph flow, as well as the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the tissues.

Systematic massage Zogan allows you to achieve the following results:

  • eliminate swelling on the face and under the eyes;
  • improve skin color;
  • tighten the contour;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • strengthen blood vessels and facial muscles;
  • make the covers elastic and elastic.

Indications and contraindications

Massage according to the Yukuko Tanaka system can be used from the age of 20 to tone the muscles of the face, relieve swelling and prevent aging. At an older age, it is indicated for:

  • double chin, "flews" and other changes in the contour of the face associated with weakening of the muscles and a decrease in skin turgor;
  • mimic folds;
  • edema tendencies;
  • earthy complexion.
  • lymphadenitis, lymphangitis and other diseases of the lymphatic tract;
  • pathologies of ENT organs - sinusitis, pharyngitis;
  • ARI and other ailments in the acute stage;
  • rosacea;
  • rashes of any etiology;
  • sensitive and thin skin.

Basic Rules

Yukuko Tanaka describes the features of massage for various types faces and age groups. They must be taken into account when implementing procedures. For example, with a thin physique and a small amount subcutaneous fat it is necessary to use special careful equipment.

Japanese massage is characterized by the following principles:

  1. You can only process clean skin without decorative cosmetics. It is advisable to clean it with a scrub once a week.
  2. Cream or oil should be applied to the face. With an insufficient amount of base, the fingers will injure and stretch the epidermis, with an excessive amount, swelling will increase. It is important to make sure that there is no allergy to the cream or oil. After the procedure, the tool must be removed.
  3. The force of impact on the tissue should be palpable, but not painful.
  4. You need to make sure that the spine is straight. Ms. Tanaka advises to sit or stand during the session, but you can lie down on a smooth surface.

Japanese massage can be done daily. With a tendency to edema best time for him it is morning. The duration of the first procedure is 4-5 minutes, gradually it should be increased to a quarter of an hour. Results will be visible after 2-3 weeks subject to regular sessions.

The key point of the Japanese ritual of rejuvenation is the impact on the lymph nodes. With the independent implementation of the procedure, it is necessary to study their localization in the face and neck.

The main points are located behind the ears, on the back of the head, under the lower jaw, in front of the neck. When processing these areas, the intensity of movements should be reduced, and some experts recommend not to affect them at all.

Basic reception

Japanese massage has one main technique, the purpose of which is to activate the lymph flow. His algorithm:

  1. Combine middle, index and ring fingers both brushes.
  2. Touch the points at the level of the ears (between the temporal cavities and the tragus) for 2 moments.
  3. Pressing with the entire length of the fingers, smoothly draw along the “line” of the face, “standing” for 3 seconds on the cervical lymph nodes under the jaw.
  4. Moving along the sides of the neck, reach the upper edges of the collarbones and hold the fingertips for 3 moments.

This "route" should be taken at the beginning of the session and after each exercise.

Consider the standard techniques offered by Mrs. Tanaka for various areas of the face. All of them need to be repeated 3 times. Receptions are performed symmetrically with both hands.

Forehead, eyelids

Forehead work

  1. Press the middle, index and ring fingers of the hands to the middle of the forehead for 2-3 seconds. Draw them to the temporal zones without reducing the pressure.
  2. Moving to the left and back, make zigzag movements along the surface of the forehead.

Eye exercises

  1. Touch the outer corners of the eyes with your middle fingers. Slide them without significant pressure along the lower contour of the eye socket to the bridge of the nose. Hold for 3 moments. With increasing pressure, run your fingers from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer along the line running under the eyebrows. Hold for 3 seconds.
  2. The starting position of the fingers is similar to the previous exercise. Move them around upper eyelid to the inner corner without pressure. Reverse movement - from the inner corners to the outer along the line of the eyebrows with pressure.
  3. According to the same scheme, it is easy to work out the lower eyelids: slide from the outer corners to the inner ones along the eyelid, and return along the lower edge of the eye socket.

The described techniques of Japanese massage help smooth out the network of wrinkles around the eyes and remove swelling.

Mouth, nose, cheeks

Nose exercises

  1. Place your middle fingers on the center point under your nose. Draw them with pressure up around the wings to the bridge of the nose and back.
  2. Put your fingers (middle and ring) on ​​the bridge of your nose. Rub the back of the nose, heading towards the cheeks.

Receptions for lips and cheeks

  1. Raising corners. Place two fingers (middle and ring) in the middle of the chin. Press and wait for 3 moments. Without releasing pressure, move along the edges of the lips to the middle point above the lip. Fix for 3 seconds. This exercise is the only one that does not require basic technique to improve lymph flow.
  2. Lip and cheek lift. Attach the bottom of the palms to the middle of the chin. Pressing on the skin and spreading the palms, move to the ears.

Massage against wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle

  1. Place three fingers of both hands in the central zone of the chin, hold them up, pulling the tips of the mouth to the nose and holding for 3 seconds. Continue moving to the outer corners of the eye sockets.
  2. Place the left hand on the left cheek (to fix the head). Three fingers right hand move with pressure along the line running from the outer part of the right jaw to the bridge of the nose. Repeat for the left side.
  3. “Hide” the nose in the palms: touch the chin with the thumbs, and cover the wings of the nose with the rest. Press the edges of the palms to the skin and spread the hands to the ears, "stretching" the face.


Face lift techniques:

  1. Place the bases of your palms together. Attach them to the center of the lips. Pressing on the skin, spread your palms up and to the sides, working your cheeks to the temples.
  2. Against a sagging chin. Put your hand under your chin, clasping the jawbone and muscles with your palm. Pressing on the skin, hold the palm to the temples. Repeat with the second side.

Japanese Zogan massage is a way to maintain youth. Its regular implementation allows you to correct the contours of the face, improve skin color, remove wrinkles and swelling. To achieve the effect, all movements must be performed with tangible pressure. Know the location of the lymph nodes.

Women who do not have medical education, before starting the procedures, you should consult with a professional massage therapist or carefully study the video tutorials. If the puffiness is caused by kidney diseases, they must be cured, otherwise the result of the massage will be short-lived and mild.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your flawless appearance, and their eyes lit up at your appearance ...
  • Every time you look at the mirror, it seems to you that old days never to return...

Tsogan massage was created by Japanese stylist and beautician Yukuko Tanaka (田中宥久子). While working as a make-up artist for film and television, she noticed that many people over 40 had a young body, but could not improve the condition of the face. She had to make people look young and fresh in front of the cameras.

At first, she tried to achieve this with an aesthetic facial massage before applying makeup, but it did not help. Yukuko Tanaka has spent many years studying the relationship between skin, bones, muscles, and lymph glands. Finally, she developed her own anti-aging facial massage Tsogan. This technique is also called the Y-Method massage, because it is performed mainly with two fingers - index and middle or middle and ring.

Tsogan massage

Tsogan massage is very different from the classic aesthetic facial massage. Aesthetic massage is done by light circular movements on the skin. While the massage from Yukuko Tanaka is done in depth using all 10 fingers and palms, with a lot of pressure.

Stylist Yukuko Tanako - you see a photo of this 62-year-old Japanese woman - described the massage in the book Yukuko Tanaka's Face Massage, 田中宥久子の造顔マッサージ (DVD付) (単行本)). In Japan, Mrs. Tanaka herself and her methods are very popular. Her book "Facial Massage" topped "Top 10 Books" in Japan in 2007. For several recent years This massage technique is of unflagging interest in women of all ages.

This massage includes manual techniques, it helps to accelerate the removal of toxins, improve tissue nutrition and release them from excess fluid, relax muscles, has a beneficial effect on the skin, blood vessels and muscles of the face, helps to maintain them in good condition. This is an effective, simple and affordable remedy for the prevention of wrinkles. Yukuko Tanako claims that doing a massage every day will make you look 10 years younger!

Video results before and after 2 months of Tsogan massage

The main benefits of massage

  • Improving lymph circulation
  • Reducing puffiness under the eyes
  • Improves complexion and contour of the face
  • Smoothes wrinkles on the face
  • Removes double chin

Disadvantages of massage

If your face is prone to acne, then a Tsogan facial massage can make it even worse. If this happens, but you still want to continue using it, then you can try using it instead of a face cream - good lotion, it helps some.

Massage from Yukuko Tanaka, frees the face from swelling, therefore thin face gets even thinner. People with a small amount fat layer on the face, you need to massage very carefully and stop at long time immediately, as soon as the effect of losing weight on the face appeared. If you are familiar with all the steps, then you can remove techniques from them that worsen your facial contours.

You must remember that Tsogan massage works your face very hard. If you do it too often, it can cause unpleasant changes in your face.

You have to adapt it to your own face and only do it once a day. For example, you can focus on lymph drainage around the eyes and skip some of the movements that focus on lower part faces. Remember that Tsogan massage was designed to Asian type individuals who have a slightly different bone structure are more prone to lymphatic blockages around the jaw.

It may take you a few days to remember all the movements and learn how to do them correctly. But once you get familiar with the massage steps, then it won’t take long to complete, the whole self-massage takes no more than five minutes.

Contraindications for massage

Inflammation or disease of the skin of the face, diseases of the lymphatic system, ENT diseases (runny nose, inflammation of the tonsils, etc.), poor health.

Mandatory pre-cleansing of the skin of the face.

Self-massage of the face is performed on the skin richly lubricated with cream or oil, as it will have to be pressed hard. The cream should be in sufficient quantity so as not to injure the skin and not cause wrinkles. Originally designed for self-massage special compound from cosmetic cream with cotton. You can also use makeup remover milk, foam or oatmeal milk, as well as other products for your skin type, only the main thing is that your hands glide easily over your face.

The main rule of Tsogan facial massage: stroking the skin along the lymphatic pathways - from the periphery to the center. It is necessary to massage the lymphatic system carefully and delicately, calculating the efforts, making only slight pressure along the entire path of the lymph flow. In no case should you put pressure on the lymph nodes themselves. Pre-examine the location of the lymph nodes.

Japanese self-massage of the face Tsogan

Before starting the massage, apply to the entire face quite a large number of cream, as you have to press hard. It is best to use a special massage cream.

Tsogan massage is performed with the use of force, but it should not be done very hard. Particular care must be taken in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Appearing pain are a sign that the massage is being done too hard. At the same time, one should not be afraid that the skin will stretch, and new wrinkles will appear from exposure to the deep tissues of the face.

This movement prepares the face for the massage. To improve the flow of lymph. In Tsogan self-massage, all exercises, except for one, are completed with this particular movement.

Simultaneously with both hands, using three fingers resting on the middle and ring fingers, lightly press at the point in front of the ears on the parotid lymph nodes for two seconds. Not with the fingertips, but the entire length of the fingers. Then slowly lower them down the sides of the contour of the face, pay attention to the deep cervical lymph nodes, they are located about two centimeters under the lower jaw. After stopping, we continue to slide along the neck to the collarbone. Finish the massage in the supraclavicular lymph nodes. This movement is performed three times.

Video on execution technique

Step 1. Smooth out the forehead and wrinkles between the eyebrows

This massaging movement smoothes wrinkles on the forehead.

Place the index, middle and ring fingers of both palms flat on the center of the forehead and press them firmly against the skin. Hold for two seconds and with pressure take them to the temples. Turn your palms ninety degrees down and, reducing the force of impact, move them along the sides of the face to the ears, then from the ears to the supraclavicular lymph nodes, driving the lymph away from the face. Then follow the basic movement of Tsogan self-massage. Repeat everything slowly three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, eliminates swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Place the pads of the middle fingers at the outer corners of the eyes, make light pressure and go under the eyes to the inner corners of the eyes. After stopping, we move along the bone under the eyebrow and return to the outer corners of the eyes - line 1. Then we lead again to the inner corners of the eyes, slightly pressing. Then we slowly return back along the lower edges of the eye sockets, fix the fingers above the infraorbital edge, after that we lead to the temples and complete everything with the main movement Tsogan - line 2. In this case, do not put pressure on the eyes. Repeat everything slowly three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement tightens a tired face and lowered corners of the lips.

Place the middle and ring fingers of both hands in the center of the chin. Hold for three seconds. Without releasing pressure, circle your fingers around your lips, pressing on your gums, and bring your fingers together in the center under your nose. Hold the pressure for three seconds. Then we start again from the beginning, repeat all three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement smoothes the nasolabial folds and gets rid of impurities near the nose.

Place the pads of your fingers near the wings of the nose and massage these places with arched movements five times - line 1. Then the bridge of the nose from top to bottom at an angle three times - line 2. At the end, spread your hands with pressure to the temples and complete with the main movement Tsogan - line 3.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement fills the cheeks, lifts the cheekbones and corners of the mouth, tightens the haggard face.

Place your fingers in the middle of the chin, pressing hard, circle your fingers around the lips and draw straight from the wings of the nose to the inner corners of the eyes and linger there for three seconds. In this case, use the first and second phalanges of the fingers. After stopping, we continue to move towards the temples and finish with the main movement of Tsogan. Repeat it all over again - the center of the chin, the corners of the lips, the wings of the nose and lift the muscles up. If you work only with your fingertips, the muscles will not rise, so use the whole palm. massage movement is performed three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement corrects the oval of the face, lifts the lower part of the face and cheeks, and smoothes the wrinkles from a smile.

We support one side of the face - rest the center of the palm on the bone of the lower jaw. On the other side of the face, with effort, we guide the palm along the skin from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. After stopping, loosening the pressure, we move to the temple and complete with the main movement of Tsogan.

Repeat the exercise for one side of the face three times in a row. Do the same steps three times for the other side of the face.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement removes fat accumulated at the wings of the nose. Strengthens middle part faces.

Place your fingers horizontally on either side of your nose. Next, with strong pressure, we lead our fingers to the temples, then slightly weaken and complete with the main movement of Tsogan. The massage movement is performed three times.

Video on execution technique

Step 8. Smooth out the middle and lower part of the face

This massage movement lifts the middle part of the face and smoothes the lower part of the face.

From the beginning, smooth the middle part of the face. Place the ridge under the thumb in place between the wings of the nose and the cheekbones. With pressure, slowly lead to the ears and complete with the main movement of Tsogan. The massage movement is performed three times.

Then the lower part of the face. Place an elevation under your thumb on either side of the corners of your lips. With pressure, we slowly lead along the oblique to the cheekbones and complete with the main movement of Tsogan. The massage movement is performed three times.

Do you have wrinkles, and the skin of the face has become flabby? No problem! Rejuvenate the skin for 7-10 years, make the oval clear and Japanese facial massage will help you. Mastering his technique is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To do this, it is not necessary to go to paid courses, you can simply watch free video tutorials that can be easily found on the Internet.

The History of Japanese Facial Massage

Japanese facial massage was born thanks to the beautician Hiroshi Hisashi. She kept this miraculous recipe of youth a secret for a very long time, fearing that her technique would not be taken seriously.

But having received a blessing from her mother, she nevertheless decided to reveal her secret. Japanese women, after which the technique from Hiroshi Hisashi scattered around the world. If no one suspected the existence of this massage for literally several decades, then after the release of the bestseller Asahi Massage. Morning Sun”, which was created by Laila Butter, today it is already known in every country and is very popular among the female population.

Why this technique was called Asahi is still not known. Its real name is ZOGAN-massage, which means "Face Creation".

Impact principle

Japanese Asahi facial massage affects all structures, down to the bone base, which allows you to use both superficial mimic muscles and motor ones. Due to this, there is an increase in blood circulation, which allows you to accelerate the flow of nutrients into the skin cells, thereby the face acquires a healthy color.

During the procedure, muscles and blood vessels are strengthened, due to which the skin tone increases and its tissue is transformed, the number of wrinkles decreases, and the face oval becomes clear. And for some women, Japanese facial massage even improved their eyesight. Thanks to this technique, you can rejuvenate the skin for 7-10 years.


In order to master the technique of massage, you need to know about some rules:

  • Asahi facial massage should only be performed on clean skin. It must be cleaned from makeup, as well as from the fatty layer. To do this, use a scrub and wipe your face dry;
  • Before contact, the skin must be softened with natural oils. For these purposes, you can use linen, olive, almond or cotton. Today, these oils can be easily purchased at any pharmacy;
  • Japanese massage can be done in any position - sitting, standing or lying down. However, the posture must be perfectly even;
  • Each exercise should end with final movements: after finishing massage reception you have to move your fingers top edge auricle, linger there for literally a few seconds, after which, with sliding movements of the fingers, go down, while still making a small pause at a point that is located 2 cm below the edge of the lower jaw. Then we bring the exercise to the final point.
  • It is necessary to do massage twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

After the first procedure, you may experience headache and dizziness. This is explained strong inflow blood to the head. As a rule, after the third procedure, this disappears.

Asahi facial massage includes 12 exercises. Let's consider each of them separately in the sequence in which they should occur.

Exercise #1

Japanese facial massage begins with the frontal bone. It is necessary to fix the fingertips in the center of the frontal bone (we use two fingers on each hand), and then spread them to the temples, while applying force. Next, you need to turn the palms of your hands by 90 0 and, slightly reducing the pressure, make the final movement, which was described above.

Exercise #2

Next, there is a gentle massaging of the lower eyelids in the direction from the outer area to the inner corner. Then, from the inner corner, you need to smoothly move to the bridge of the nose, and from it to the superciliary region, after which there is a reverse movement in the same direction, only with the use of force.

Then, from the outer region of the eyelids, you again need to smoothly move to the inner corner and, having slightly reduced the pressure, perform the final action.

Exercise #3

Next, Japanese facial massage is calculated to strengthen the muscles around the mouth. The pads of the fingers must be fixed in the fossa of the chin, after which, using force, it is necessary to make a circular motion around the mouth, connecting the fingers over upper lip at the center point. This exercise does not require a final movement. It is performed 3 times.

Exercise #4

It is necessary to fix the fingertips on the side walls of the nose. It is necessary to make quick massaging movements with the use of force in the up and down direction 20 times, then go to the temples in the direction of the zygomatic region and perform the final action.

Exercise #5

Exercise #6

This exercise is performed first with one hand, then with the other. While one hand is doing the exercise, the other one fixes the skin in the lower jaw area, while the effect of stretching the skin is obtained.

So, the fingertips need to be fixed at the corner of the mouth. Then, using force, draw them over the cheeks up to the eyes. From the eyes, reducing the pressure, to the temples and make the final movement.

Exercise number 7

For this exercise, it is necessary to fix the fingertips along the edges of the nose and make a smooth pressing movement to the temporal region, from which the final movement is then made.

Exercise #8

This exercise is performed not with the fingers, but with the hands joined at the wrists and spread apart at the fingers. They need to be placed under the chin and with force make a smooth movement to the temporal region, after which the final movement is made.

Exercise #9

The same movement must be done from the corners of the mouth to the temples, from where to go to the final technique.

Exercise #10

We use the hands again, only now the pressing movements occur along the edge of the mandibular bone to the temples, then the final technique.

Exercise #11

For its implementation, it is necessary to fix the pads thumbs under the chin, and close the forefingers. It should turn out to be a kind of triangle, into which it is necessary to “push” the face, as it were. Further, without opening thumbs, with the index fingers with the use of force we spread towards the ears, then, without taking our fingers off the face, you need to draw them under the lower eye area.

Exercise #12

Japanese facial massage ends with zigzag movements on the frontal bone, which smoothly flow into the final action.

This technique works very quickly. After you have reached desired result, you do not need to completely stop anti-aging procedures. In order for the effect to last for a long time, it is necessary to do a preventive Japanese massage using the same technique at least once every 2 days.

By secret

  • You missed a class reunion because you're afraid to hear that you've grown old...
  • And less and less often catch the admiring glances of men ...
  • Advertised skin care products don't refresh the face like they used to...
  • And the reflection in the mirror more and more reminds of age ...
  • Think you look older than your age...
  • Or you just want to "preserve" youth for many years...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and are ready to use any opportunity for this ...

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Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth
