DIY origami Easter baskets. DIY Easter Egg Baskets! (ideas and master classes)

Good day everyone! Preparations for Easter are in full swing, the sun is shining brightly outside, the birds are singing, in general the mood is rising and you want to sing and of course create. And help us with this for this occasion. Today let's make another souvenir in which you can easily put Easter eggs and even put a chicken and chickens there. It's about baskets.

I think that you have already learned how to decorate, found the most suitable way for yourself and painted them somehow in a special way this 2019. After all, doing the same thing every year gets boring, you want variety, right?

As usual, I went and walked around the expanses of the Internet and what I was looking for there, and indeed from various magazines and newspapers, I will show you today, I think that you are all for it! By the way, you can also write what else you would like to see in my next articles.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that you can make such a beauty out of paper or cardboard. Or you can cheat a little more, take a lid or something like that as a basis. The box will turn out colorful and original, and most importantly, you will make it in a couple of minutes.

We will need:

  • colored paper (can be replaced with office paper) - 2 pcs.
  • openwork napkin - 1 pc.
  • stationery knife
  • satin or other decorative ribbon - 1 pc.
  • Hochland processed cheese lid

Stages of work:

1. Take sheets of paper and you need to make them square, and then follow these steps that you see in these images.

2. In my opinion, it looks very charming and gentle. Can you imagine, if you put more krashenki there, it will definitely be cool!

These cockerels have sunk into my soul, this year with our little ones we will do exactly such a cool little thing, but do you like it?

Even an ordinary napkin or cloth can be folded in such an unexpected way, such as rabbits.

You can take any idea as a basis and decorate it with corrugated paper.

Either go in an original way, for example, find a wooden ring, or make it out of thick cardboard, tie it with thread and decorate it with something, even feathers can come in handy. And place the testicles. A kind of modest stand will turn out, it also looks very good!

And if you are friends with the fabric and are deeply in love with it, then perhaps this idea from foamiran will hook you.

We will need:

  • foamiran
  • glue gun
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Make flowers from this fabric, you can take any shape, or this:

3. Make the base itself green. These will be leaves.

4. Then follow these steps. You need to buy or make your own bow and plus a pen.

The most favorite activity for kids is plasticine classes or you can use modeling dough. First roll a bun out of it, and then blind it with the help of flagella as shown in this instruction.

There are many options, you can come up with something unusual yourself.

You can’t imagine, but you can even use newspaper strips or paper from old unnecessary magazines.

Remember, in childhood, bookmarks for books were made in this way, this is exactly the technique here.

This is what it might look like if you come to someone's house with an Easter egg.

And one more paperwork.

Or take a look at this option.

They even make it from twine, hiding it in a multi-colored fabric.

From a seemingly ordinary egg box, you can also make another souvenir.

Or this one with weed, you need to cut the shape from under the eggs.

Cut grass imitation from any material or paper. You can also decorate live.

Place flowers.

And that's what happens, cool!

Here is such an interesting idea from threads and sticks.

You can take ordinary threads, preferably thicker ones, and wrap them around any glass or container.

Or you can make a laying hen. The base is a candy box.

The fence is made of ordinary paper strips.

You will be very surprised if you still look at this miracle.

This beaded craft looks fantastically elegant and beautiful.

Making crafts from newspaper tubes

It's not difficult to learn such a thing, so if you like this idea, then go ahead with the song.

Well, for those who are in the subject, see what the great Internet network offers us, to make such a nice chicken.

Or like this. How cool it is, and most importantly, that you will do everything yourself.

How to crochet a basket (description and diagram attached)

We move on and do wonderful souvenirs for Easter from knitting threads, take note of the needlewomen. For those who know how and love to knit, this post will also be interesting. From past years, I have left and lie on the shelves such different ideas.

I’ll start with perhaps an egg, namely, with a stand or a cover, I don’t even know how to put it more correctly. But, one thing I can say is that you can crochet such a charm in just an hour. And make others happy too. You need quite a bit of thread.

So try to create! An example diagram is as follows.

Or you can still make it more openwork, for this, take this idea and translate it into reality. If you need a diagram and description of this model, write to me at the bottom of the article, I will send it to your email.

I can offer another option, it looks a little like a vase.

To be honest, someone can even say that this is such an original box. Although mushrooms were put here, you can bring Easter gifts here.

Here is such a wonderful beautiful cockerel, just a wonderful one, I once made from the description of a magazine a long time ago.

I also really like this bird family of chickens. You can hide Easter eggs with them.

Or tie potholders on which to place the Easter cakes.

If you are new to knitting, you can use this craft - an egg stand.

Or tie a chick that will decorate your holiday table.

The cool novelties of this year are, of course, basket bunnies and mother chicken.

I also have a detailed description and diagram of this illustration in my piggy bank, who needs to contact.

Or take this blank and wonder, also a cool version of a bunny, or maybe it's a rabbit. According to the description, this is a mini crocheted basket for Easter eggs.

I also liked this option. Quite a simple diagram.

And in conclusion, this is a charming miracle, which is also unrealistically beautiful.

It feels like an opening flower.

I was looking for a description for this model, but unfortunately I did not find it, if anyone has it, share it).

An interesting idea for a souvenir. A basket decorated with hares.

Another version of the basket with bunnies looks cool and very unusual, and you can take any material, even cotton fabric, even felt, and even any unnecessary shreds.

In order to create such an exclusive gift, you must first outline the correct pattern, it may look something like this.

And then you apply it to the material and manually circle these funny figures.

After stitching or sewing by hand, remove all unnecessary.

Looks like a whole army of rabbits))).

It remains to decorate them, add a nose, mouth and eyes to them, embroider these parts of the body with floss threads.

Then give the ears originality and some playfulness, pull them off with a thread carefully and slowly.

Then stuff the toys with cotton wool or padding polyester.

And now only the base is missing, make two circles, insert cardboard.

And then connect the bunnies and the stand together, sew on the skirt-assembly. It turns out very cute and attractive.

Now we will make a mold for krashenok in the form of a muzzle of a hare.

We will need:

  • white fleece or velor
  • any fabric: linen or satin
  • buttons
  • white calico
  • synthetic winterizer

Stages of work:

1. Cut out the parts of the basket from the velor.

2. The template will be like this for these side parts.

4. From coarse calico, make these blanks.

6. After the fabric in the box, make a rim.

7. Start directly assembling all the parts, sew with a blind seam.

Do not forget to fill with padding polyester and add something of your own to this product. It turned out to be a cool Easter bunny.

Templates and schemes of paper boxes for eggs

Let's start with the most primitive and common form. Take this template, print it out and color it however you like. Where dotted lines bend, and then glue.

The next option will be more interesting, already with a small plot.

Or take this one, you don’t even have to paint here.

It can even be done as an app.

Master class baskets for Easter from pasta

If you are a fan of all sorts of decorative things, and especially like to be weird with homemade tools, then I suggest you watch this charming story. Already today you can make such a charming big egg in the form of a handbag where you can place your gifts.

Don't think it's hard, it's easier than you'd expect, all you need is a balloon, glue and of course noodles and your crazy hands.

A beautiful cardboard basket in the shape of an egg for children

Now it's the turn to surprise and do very unusual things, for example, from threads.

Stages of work:

1. Take a large bowl or even a bowl so as not to get dirty, you can cover it with cling film or cover it with newspapers.

Inflate the balloon with your mouth to the desired size. Blow until it reminds you of an egg, and then tie the ends with threads.

Then apply PVA glue directly on the ball, and fill the threads with glue too.

2. And now rewind the ball with threads. And then boom, cotton, pierce it with a needle.

3. Wait for the threads to dry completely, and then take the scissors and make a hole.

Everyone gets absolutely their own masterpieces.

We can not do without the technique of kirigimi or vytynanok this time.

You have to first print the template on your printer, and then use a cutter to cut and glue two bunny blanks together.

Also with a flower.

Do the same with chickens.

The main thing is not to rush and be careful and everything will work out.

Or you will stop on these options?

There is a bit of work to be done here.

You can do something interesting and unusual yourself.

Who needs templates and stencils for these crafts, write below.

Which was adopted not so long ago in our country - this is an Easter basket. It is quite easy to make it out of paper using the origami technique, especially if you use special schemes.

An Easter paper basket using the technique is made from one square sheet.

First, it folds in half diagonally. In this case, the lines of the sides should clearly coincide with each other.

Easter basket - step 1

Then the sheet unfolds and again bends diagonally in half, but in the other direction.

Easter basket - step 2

The resulting triangle again turns into a square, on which we see two clear crosswise intersecting lines. To the place of their intersection, we begin to bend the corners of the square: first one ...

Easter basket - step 3

Then the opposite.

Easter basket - step 4

In the same way, we bend the remaining two corners. We again got a square, but smaller.

Easter basket - step 5

We turn it upside down, and again begin to fold the corners towards the center. First one...

Easter basket - step 6

And then everyone else.

Easter basket - step 7

The square is even more reduced in size. But we do not stop there, but fold it along ...

Easter basket - step 8

And across. Now our square has become quite miniature, but more dense and voluminous.

Easter basket - step 9

Our next task is to bend the corners of the square to make an Easter origami basket out of it.

Bending the corners is quite simple, the main thing is to do it carefully so as not to tear.

When all the corners are bent, the craft will take the form of a small cup.

Easter basket - step 10

We just have to cut a ton strip out of paper.

And glue it to the edges of the basket, like a pen.

Beautifully colored eggs for Easter "require" a beautiful design. In this article, we will learn how to make cute baskets out of colored paper.

For each basket we need

one sheet of paper - square or pentagonal. Accordingly, the baskets will turn out with 3 or 5 corners. The color can be any - you can choose with a delicate floral pattern or vice versa, with a bright ornament. It is good if the color of the box will be combined with the painted eggs.

Now we need to make folds going through all the corners and all the centers of each of the sides. We put the square with the colored side up and make diagonal (angular) folds. Then we turn it over and make transverse - through the centers of the sides. In the case of a pentagon, this is not important - each fold passes through the corner and through the center of the side opposite to the corner.

We turn our blanks face down and bring the transverse folds to each other. You should get something like pyramid-stars.

We lay the pyramids on their side and bend one of the free corners up to the top.

Now you need to open this folded corner. Make a pocket, press it to the workpiece and smooth it out.

This should be done with all the remaining corners of the pyramid. After that, it will become more like a house.

In each pocket, we bend the central corner up (again, in the case of a pentagon, this corner will not reach the opposite, as in the case of a square).

We do the same with all the corners, and bend the rest in the other direction - we get the shape of a crystal.

We easily bend the top of the crystal in half - this way it will be easier for you to “open” the bottom of the basket.

Origami (jap. 折り紙, lit.: "folded paper") - the ancient art of folding paper figures. Art origami its roots go back to ancient China, where paper was discovered.

Initially origami used in religious ceremonies. For a long time, this type of art was available only to representatives of the upper classes, where a sign of good taste was the possession of paper folding techniques. Only after World War II origami went beyond the East and ended up in America and Europe, where it immediately found its fans.

classic origami folded from a square sheet of paper.

There is a certain set of conventional symbols necessary to sketch the folding scheme of even the most complex product. Most of the conventional signs were put into practice in the middle of the 20th century by the famous Japanese master Akira Yoshizawa.

classic origami prescribes the use of one square evenly colored sheet of paper without glue and scissors. Contemporary art forms sometimes deviate from this canon. Varieties origami - And .

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Easter (other Greek . πάσχα, lat. Easter, from Heb. פסח‎ Passover , lit. from Heb. "passing by") in Christianity; also the Resurrection of Christ (other Greek . Ἡ Ανάστασις τοῦ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ) is the oldest Christian holiday; the most important feast of worship O of the year. Established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Currently, its date in each specific year is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar (movable holiday).

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