Permanent eyelash makeup. eyelash tattoo procedure

Any woman always strives to become even more beautiful. There are many ways to do this, one of which is inter-eyelash tattooing. Thanks to him, you can save on makeup, look fresh and attractive. The advantages of the procedure are the stability of changes and the expressiveness of the eyes, but you should be aware of the complexities and consequences of the procedures.

What is an eyelash tattoo

Permanent, or interciliary eye tattoo refers to a complex procedure, which is based on the introduction of coloring pigments under the skin. Due to the introduction of paint between the eyelashes, an effect is created more thick eyelashes, the look becomes open and wide open. At the same time, natural freshness is given to the face, no unnatural effect is observed. There are several options for tattooing - from a thin feathered line to a bright eyeliner.

Thin arrows on the eyes

A variant of tattooing the interciliary space is the technique of drawing a thin small arrow, which is designed to visually lift the eye, make it more elongated and regular in shape. The arrow is barely noticeable. The curved strip runs strictly along the lash line in the form of an exact line between the hairs. The arrow can add zest to both daytime and evening make-up.

Bright eyeliner

So brave option is suitable not for everyone, but only for those girls who are sure that they will not get tired of walking with the same make-up all the time. The arrow is made with a bright thick line, sometimes it can be on the upper and lower eyelids at the same time. The advantages of this option is the effect of painted eyes, so you can not spend on makeup long time.

Eyelid tattoo with shading

The effect of shadows with an arrow is a tattoo of the eyes with shading. It refers to a decorative effect, can be done with black or colored pigment. The arrow and shading can be of any shape that visually corrects the cut of the eyes, changes their shape, lifts the outer corners for a lifting effect. This is especially true for aging skin.

How is the tattoo of the interciliary space done?

Before you make an eyelash eye tattoo, you should familiarize yourself with the portfolio and resume of the master, make sure that the hygiene standards of the cosmetology room are met, and that the specialist has a proper education. Before the procedure, it is worth coloring the eyebrows so that their shape is in harmony with the future arrows. The procedure should be abandoned if the eyelash perm was done less than 2 days ago.

When visiting the master, it is worth taking glasses with you if the client has poor eyesight in order to correct the shape of the arrow and shading in accordance with the diopters. It is better to perform the procedure on the weekend so that the next day is not a working day. To hide redness and bright pigment, you should bring sunglasses or tinted glasses with you. The tattoo lasts about an hour.

Features of the tattoo procedure

Before the appointment, clients make a sketch, agree, learn about contraindications and medications taken. It is worth telling the master about the desired effect, color and makeup style. It is worth listening to the advice of a specialist in order to make the appearance even more expressive and not regret rash acts. After the approval of all the nuances proceed to the tattoo. It includes the following steps:

  1. Antiseptic treatment of the skin of the eyelids, anesthesia with a cream or injection.
  2. The procedures are performed with disposable needles, the master puts on a bandage and gloves. The input of the pigment is carried out with a special tool - a dermopigmentator, similar in shape to ballpoint pen.
  3. Paint is introduced pointwise with pulling the eyelid, starting from the inner corner to the outer.
  4. After the procedure, the master will apply a disinfectant, drip drops into the eyes and advise cooling restorative agents in the form of ointments or creams, antiseptics for home treatment.

Useful tips from tattoo artists:

  • you can not do the procedure in the lenses;
  • if the patient is doing Botox, then at least 2 weeks must pass between his injections and tattooing;
  • before the procedure, you need to remove the extended eyelashes and permanent mascara;
  • a month after the tattoo, you can increase eyelashes, do perm painting eyelashes with paint.

Eyelid skin restoration

During the first day, the eyes will swell, but this should go away on its own. Do not be surprised by too bright pigment in the early days, because the pigment will gradually become less pronounced. A week after the tattoo will be marked by the formation of crusts that will fall off on their own. For fast healing and skin restoration, you should regularly wipe the pigment application area with an antiseptic and prescribed means.

What are the consequences of eyelash tattooing?

Not only the beauty and saving time on makeup can boast of eyelash tattooing. Possible backfire arise due to the low competence of the master, sharp and illiterate movements, the use of low-quality paints. Among the undesirable "results" note:

  • prolonged swelling;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • blurred outline;
  • allergy;
  • fading, discoloration;
  • conjunctivitis.

Contraindications for tattooing

Can't get tattooed the following cases:

  • for any eye diseases;
  • allergies to coloring pigments;
  • intolerance to anesthetics by the body;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • low pain threshold.

How long does an eyelid tattoo last?

The durability of eyelash tattooing depends on many factors, but the average time is 2 years. Minimum term durability - one year, maximum - 3 years. It should be borne in mind that on dry young skin, tattooing using dark pigment lasts longer than on oily age skin using light cosmetic pigments. Resistance is influenced by habits in hygiene, everyday life, for example:

Price of eyelash tattoo

The cost of the procedure has many influencing factors. The price depends on the level of the salon, the equipment used, the choice of the type of tattoo. An arrow with feathering will cost more in price than a simple interlash line. The price in beauty parlors for a tattoo starts from 4,000 rubles and ends at 8,000. An unsuccessful tattoo can be corrected - in this case, the price will be from 1,500 rubles.

Interciliary space tattoo - before and after photos

The effect of the inter-ciliary eye tattoo done can be seen in the photos of girls taken before and after the procedure. In the "before" pictures, you can see an expressionless look, fatigue and redness. In the pictures after the procedures, the look is emphasized, even a bare face looks fresh, there are no signs of fatigue and swelling. Even after a small number of hours devoted to sleep, girls with permanent eyelash makeup in the photo look good.

Video: permanent makeup of the interciliary space

Eyelash tattooing is a procedure during which the space between the eyelashes is drawn with a special pigment of plant origin. As a rule, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids at the base of the eyelashes is painted over with the help of strokes and dots. In fact, such a tattoo is Permanent makeup(like eyebrow tattoo) with all its inherent advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to the tattoo, the eyelashes visually become thicker, brighter and more expressive, which the best way highlight your eyes.

The main advantages of eyelash tattooing include the following:

  • the result of such a procedure can last up to 3 years;
  • permanent makeup is well preserved in any situation: in bad weather, in rain or heat, in the pool, bath, sauna, etc.
  • there is no need to constantly apply makeup, which will save you a lot of time;
  • women with low vision this procedure also saves a lot of time and nerves;
  • tattoo will well emphasize your eyes, create the effect of volume and density of eyelashes;
  • well suited to all women without exception. The main thing is to carefully choose the desired makeup color.

The disadvantages of this procedure include:

  • may cause allergic reactions, which may not appear immediately, but after some time;
  • during the procedure, slight bleeding may occur, since makeup is injected under the skin to a shallow depth;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules during the procedure can lead to infection with various diseases;
  • after the procedure, small scars or scars may form;
  • swelling of the eyelids may occur as a result of improper procedure;
  • in rare cases eyelash loss may begin due to damage to the hair follicles;
  • as a result of the inexperience of the master, you can get a crooked eyeliner that will be difficult to remove;
  • There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to refuse eyelash tattooing.
Eyelash tattoo: contraindications
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • blood diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reaction to coloring pigment;
  • oncological diseases;
  • can't drink coffee alcoholic drinks and antibiotics on the day of the procedure.

eyelash tattoo procedure

Eyelash tattooing is a rather complicated procedure that requires certain skills, experience and equipment. Therefore, the masters highly do not recommend doing it at home on their own.

Before carrying out the procedure, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • if you want to get decent and good result, then you should carefully approach the choice of a beauty salon and a master. It is on his professionalism that the possibility of the emergence negative consequences and the level of the result.
  • carefully and seriously approach the choice of the shade of the pigment that will be used for tattooing. After all, the result will be saved for long time and it will be difficult to remove.

Professional eyelash tattooing is carried out using micro-injections of pigment into the upper layer of the skin of the eyelid. The result of the procedure lasts up to 3 years, since the coloring pigment is introduced at a shallow depth. The pigment is applied using a special device. Before the procedure itself, local anesthesia in order to exclude unnecessary and accidental movements during the procedure, as they can ruin the makeup. Of course, the procedure must be carried out in compliance with the rules of hygiene.

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The eyes are called the mirror of the soul. Naturally, every woman wants them to look more expressive, and inter-eyelash tattooing can fulfill this dream.

Interciliary eye tattoo

Interciliary tattooing is also called permanent makeup, which is very similar in its application to tattoos. In the process of its creation, the same dyes are used, which are injected under the skin with special tools.

Women who want to always look attractive, but do not waste time on eye makeup, resort to applying inter-eyelash tattooing.

Interciliary space tattooing - the basics

During this procedure, a dye is injected into the space between the cilia, as a result, the effect of thick eyelashes is achieved, and the look becomes more expressive. At any time of the day you will be sure of own irresistibility. Eyes with interlash tattooing look very natural, since there is no clearly defined eyeliner line.

The procedure is quite simple, and to eliminate pain local anesthetics are used. The result can be admired for a long time, usually it lasts from 3 to 5 years, provided that high-quality pigments are used and the procedure is carried out by a professional.

But eyelash tattooing has its pros and cons.

One of the disadvantages many will call high cost, but the long-term effect compensates for this disadvantage. More serious cons procedures - risk possible complications and lack of desired results.

eyelash tattoo - before and after

Complications arise in two cases:

  • existing contraindications were not taken into account
  • low level professionalism and qualifications of the master.

High professionalism of the specialist guarantees obtaining desired effect. The contour will not be crooked or go beyond the lash line if the procedure was carried out by a professional. A high-level master will inject dyes under the skin to a sufficient depth so that they do not quickly burn out and do not change.

Tattoo interciliary space - how is the procedure

The procedure for interciliary tattooing is as follows. First, the condition of the eyelids and eyes is assessed to determine if there are any problems or limitations. At this stage, the color of the dye is also selected. Cosmetics and contact lenses should be absent during the examination. Then there is disinfection and treatment of the eyelid area with an anesthetic. Next, the cosmetologist will proceed to the point injection of the drug, pulling the eyelid. It will move from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Re-disinfection will complete the procedure.

Video about how the procedure of inter-eyelash tattooing takes place:

Puffiness, which may appear on the first day after the tattooing of the interciliary space, will pass by itself. Formed over several next days the crusts will fall off.

Photo in the process of performing the procedure - Inter-eyelash tattoo

If discomfort occurs, use coolants that the beautician will advise. Before complete healing You will need to use an antiseptic regularly. The result of the tattoo can be assessed only after 2-4 weeks.

If you decide to get a tattoo, follow some recommendations. To prevent the pigment from fading and fading, it is necessary to provide protection from the sun. If you have planned a build-up or permanent coloring eyelashes, then postpone these procedures for a month.

Don't Get a Tattoo the Day Before important event, should have a couple of weeks left for rehabilitation. Artificial eyelashes will need to be removed. And most importantly, be responsible when choosing a clinic and a beautician.

Interciliary eye tattoo - contraindications

There are contraindications for interciliary tattooing. Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components of the coloring matter and anesthetics are one of them. With various eye diseases, the master will refuse you this procedure. During pregnancy and lactation, tattooing is not recommended. Some ailments associated with blood clotting and heart vascular system, will become an obstacle to the procedure. Also, do not tattoo people with serious mental disorders.

Interciliary eye tattoo - consequences

In addition to the pros and cons of eyelash tattooing, you need to know about possible consequences. If the quality of the paint is poor and it is incorrectly injected, the contour may spread, which will be noticeable to you and others. Only a sufficiently complex correction can eliminate such a consequence.

In the course of tattooing, with sharp and inaccurate movements of the master, damage to the mucous membrane is possible, and this is very dangerous. Unforeseen allergic reactions will cause a lot of problems, since it is impossible to quickly remove the coloring matter.

Infection and the appearance of conjunctivitis may follow after the use of non-disinfected instruments. Puffiness can persist for several weeks, and this will ruin appearance and cause a lot of inconvenience.

Nowadays, it is very rare to meet women who prefer not to use cosmetics. Even if nature generously rewarded natural beauty However, make-up is an integral part of a woman's life. But what about those representatives of the fair sex who do not have pronounced facial features? They have to spend every day precious time for beauty. Modern cosmetology does not stand still and provides its clients with such services that can significantly save time spent on makeup, as well as a certain amount of finances aimed at purchasing cosmetics. For example, one of these miracle services is tattooing, photos and reviews of which can be found in almost every forum dedicated to beauty and health.

Eyelash tattoo features

A feature of this tattoo is that it has absolutely no age limits. It can be successfully used in both young and older adulthood. If young girls do tattooing, it is mainly due to the fact that they want to be in shape at any time without resorting to a long process of applying makeup. Older ladies are looking for in this procedure the restoration of the brightness of the look, which, unfortunately, tends to fade with age. With this procedure, you can achieve the following effects:

Create the effect of thick eyelashes by painting over the space between the eyelashes;

Put arrows on the bottom or upper eyelids optional;

Apply a feathered arrow, creating a pencil effect;

Create a makeup effect with shadows.

If the inter-ciliary space is painted over, then light and sparse eyelashes optically become thicker and acquire saturated color. Some women note that this type of tattoo is even more effective than using mascara. The face at the same time looks completely natural, and the look becomes more expressive. To make this type of tattoo, you just need not to go beyond the lash line.

Eyelash tattoo with arrows

As for the staining of the arrows, in this case it would be desirable to apply a preliminary contour. This type of tattoo is a kind of addition to the above. In this case, the area adjacent to the lash line is stained. Width, length, shape and color are selected individually for each client. In most cases, such a tattoo is carried out using black paint. But more brave girls can afford arrows of green, brown or blue shades.

Where to make an arrow?

If we talk about the location of the arrow, then here you need to rely on the advice of the master. The fact is that the arrow drawn on upper eyelid. Suitable for every woman. As for the lower eyelid, an incorrectly done tattoo can optically narrow the eyes and make bags under the eyes more noticeable. Therefore, the advice of a makeup artist in this case will help to avoid mistakes. The effect before and after the procedure is noticeable immediately.

The effect of a feathered arrow will create the illusion of a make-up with a soft eyeliner or shadows. Thanks to this species tattoo, you can create an effect smooth transition which makes the look softer. This technique is used for women who have age-related changes the skin of the eyelids is already quite clearly defined. Other types of tattooing may not be as high quality, as wrinkles deform the permanent.

To make small scars less noticeable or to change the shape of the eyes, tattooing with the effect of shadows will help. For him apply natural tones, and such a permanent looks very beautiful even without the use of cosmetics.

Correction of appearance with the help of a tattoo

Permanent make-up will not only help you save time on beauty in the morning, but also hide small imperfections in the skin or appearance. For example, deep-set eyes can be corrected using arrows without shading and slightly expanded at the end. bulging eyes will become more attractive if you apply the technique of wide shading and dark shadows.

Small eyes can be visually made larger with the help of colored arrows, which slightly recede from the inner corner of the eye and do not close together. With the help of long arrows with shading on the outer part, which go beyond the border of the eye, you can Round eyes make it almond shaped.

Wide-set eyes can be visually brought closer by arrows that are well painted near the inner corner of the eye and tapering towards the outer corner. Conversely, close-set eyes can be corrected with arrows with a weakly traced initial end, a gradual expansion and shading of the outer end.

If the patient has a prolapse outer corner eyes then here fit arrow on the upper eyelid, which gradually begins to expand from midline eyes to the outer edge.

Video on the topic of the article

Applying makeup every day takes a lot of time. In order not to wake up early, not to spend extra effort on the make-up and look great at the same time, you should do an inter-ciliary tattoo of the eyes. Reviews note that the procedure is quite painful, but it gives a wonderful effect, for which it is worth enduring temporary discomfort.


The eye (the reviews of most women note that the eyes look brighter and more expressive with it, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time on their design in the morning) is a kind of colored tattoo, but, unlike the latter, the colored pigment is not injected here so deeply. Thanks to this technology, the make-up becomes indelible and lasts for several years. The specialist selects the shade individually, based on the personal preferences of the client.

eyes after cosmetic procedure become visually larger. Emphasizes the natural shape of the eyes, their beauty. This procedure visually lifts the corners of the eyes, which makes a woman visually younger. Before the cosmetic session, the master makes a preparatory sketch to show the client how she will look after permanent makeup. If the lady likes the future result, then go directly to the procedure.

Types of tattoo for the eyelids

Century can be done crown different ways, this is:

  • Tattoo of interciliary space. Here the pigment is injected into the space between the eyelashes. Eyes after this procedure look natural. The effect of thick eyelashes appears, and the look becomes deep and expressive. Most of all, this type of makeup is suitable for fair-haired women who do not like the everyday bright make-up.
  • Eyelash tattoo with eye shading(You can see a photo of such makeup below). Such a procedure is an innovation in the cosmetology field. This creates the effect of shadows or shading with soft cosmetic pencil. Diluted paints are applied to the eyes, the tone of which is closest to the shade of the eyes and skin. The execution technology is somewhat different from the first. It is more complicated, so only an experienced master should perform this procedure.
  • Arrows. Able to completely change the shape of the eyes. Eyes with it become more expressive, and eyelashes look thick and lush. Arrows are made both on the upper and lower eyelids. The paint is applied in a continuous line. Usually women prefer black arrows, but you can choose others if you wish. color solutions. The shape of the arrows is selected individually, based on the natural outlines of the eyes.

What to choose - eyelash tattoo or arrows? Such a question, as a rule, worries many women who have decided to perform a permanent makeup procedure. The first option looks more natural, and if you wish, you can always paint arrows on the eyelid with eyeliner. The second option makes the eyes brighter and more expressive, but at the same time, if the arrows get bored or are made by an unskilled specialist, they cannot be removed until the tattoo itself leaves the skin. You will have to walk for quite a long time with what the beautician did, even if the result was not to your liking.

All eyelid tattoo techniques can be combined with each other to create the most effective and harmonious image. Here it is possible to use the most different colors. Particularly interesting is the option with various shades contour on the lower and upper eyelids. The most important thing is that the colors blend well.

It will reduce the use of decorative cosmetics to a minimum and help create a new expressive image.

Stages of inter-eyelash tattooing

Makes the appearance much more noticeable and effective eyelash tattooing. Photo (reviews note that the eyes after the procedure heal rather slowly, within 14 days) confirm the change in appearance in better side after the long-term make-up procedure.

Some women are afraid of pain and therefore refuse to do this procedure. As experts note, these fears are in vain, because pain during tattooing can be removed with the help of an anesthetic in the form of injections or a special gel.

In order for the result to please, only a highly qualified specialist should perform eye tattooing. The space between the eyelashes (the photos of the girls who have done this procedure are impressive, and their appearance has become much brighter and more expressive than before) is filled knowledgeable master in just a few minutes. During the procedure, the coloring pigment is not introduced as deeply (no more than 0.5 mm) as with a tattoo, which allows you to save the result not forever, but only for a few years.

Unlike other eyelid tattoo techniques, filling the space between the eyelashes occurs without the use of a template, according to the natural shape of the eyes. Therefore, this makeup is considered the most natural, unlike the rest. This procedure includes:

  • discussion with a specialist of all the nuances of the work (choice of pigment color for application, technique of execution, form of tattooing);
  • preparation of tools;
  • trial application of the future tattoo with cosmetics;
  • anesthesia;
  • application of pigment in the space between the eyelashes;
  • treatment of the skin with wound healing agents and its disinfection.

To avoid sad consequences after performing long-term eye makeup, all doctor's recommendations should be followed.

The skin of the eyelids after the procedure will look swollen and red, and the makeup will be too bright. After a few days side effects will pass, and the shade of the paint will smooth out and acquire the desired tone, become less saturated. Two weeks later, they do it when the master corrects the admitted defects. If the eye tattoo is too dull, the space between the eyelashes (reviews of some ladies note that the result lasts long enough, about three years) is once again filled with pigment to make the makeup more expressive.

Such a make-up is not afraid of any bad weather. With the help of tattooing, you can improve the shape of the eyes, their cut, visually make the eyelashes thicker and more beautiful.

To fill the interstitial space you will need:

  • a special machine with replaceable needles;
  • coloring pigment;
  • gloves for the procedure;
  • disposable needles and nozzles related to the device;
  • a container in which the colors will be mixed.

All instruments for the procedure must be disposable or disinfected with a quartz lamp, which will help to avoid unwanted complications associated with infection in the blood.

What do you need to know before the procedure?

In order for the event to go off with a bang, and side effects disappeared quickly, you should carefully prepare for the procedure:

  • the day before the cosmetic session, you can not drink drinks containing ethanol;
  • you need to give up spicy food and strong coffee, as they improve blood circulation;
  • you can not wear contact lenses both during the procedure and after it;
  • for a day you can not take medicines that affect blood clotting;
  • it is required to refrain from scratching the eyelashes, even if itching occurs in this area;
  • it is forbidden to curl eyelashes.

Compliance with the above rules will provide a spectacular transformation and prevent the development of negative reactions.

Requires special approach eyelash tattoo. The photos (reviews of some women warn that a poorly performed procedure can cause eye disease) presented in this article clearly show the effect that was achieved thanks to permanent makeup.

Care after the procedure

Usually eyelids after the tattoo procedure heal within 14 days. Twice a day, injured skin is treated with antiseptic and wound healing agents. Usually prescribed by a doctor beauty salon. They contribute to a faster discharge of the crust and accelerate the rehabilitation of the patient. You can not remove the crust yourself, there is a chance of damaging the color pigment on the eyelid. The ichor is removed with a cotton swab soaked in Chlorhexidine.

After applying permanent makeup throughout the day, it is forbidden to wet the eyelids and eyes. Also, in the first week after the tattoo, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics and intense exercise. For four days or more, all steam activities should be excluded, this also includes taking a bath.

Further correction is carried out as needed, because when the skin heals, sometimes partial loss colors. The eyelid tattoo lasts differently for everyone, from 1 to 5 years.

eye: before and after photos, advantages

Applying a permanent make-up to the eyelid area has undeniable advantages. Among them:

  • saving time on make-up;
  • expressive and beautifully defined eyes without the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • long-term result - in some cases, the effect of inter-eyelash tattoo lasts up to 5 years;
  • emphasizes the advantages and allows you to remove the flaws in the shape of the eyes;
  • minimal use of cosmetics;
  • the resistance of such makeup to bad weather, water;
  • the use of hypoallergenic dyes;
  • visual increase in the density of eyelashes;
  • changing the general appearance of a woman for the better.

All this highlights interciliary eye tattooing (photos of women clearly demonstrate the benefits of using this method) among other techniques used in the salon to improve appearance. The most important thing here is to choose a qualified specialist for the procedure.

Disadvantages of eyelash tattooing

Like any cosmetic procedure, eyelid tattooing has both advantages and disadvantages. First of all, this is the pain of the procedure, and each woman suffers this discomfort in different ways, depending on individual threshold sensitivity. Unpleasant sensations persist even with the use of anesthetics. It can be severe, moderate or mild degree or slight tingling.

With a crust, several eyelashes may also come off the surface of the skin. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of rehabilitation and strengthening of the hairs. From this make-up You can't just get rid of it, even if you get tired of it. Also, after the tattoo, the eyelids become swollen and reddened. Their recovery can last from 7 to 14 days.

In addition, interciliary eye tattooing has a fairly high cost. The consequences of the procedure can be quite sad if the master did not follow the rules of hygiene during its implementation. In this case, there is a possibility of infection in the blood and the possibility of the most various diseases eye.


You can see how interciliary eye tattooing looks in the photos in this article. Women with such a make-up become brighter and more spectacular. But despite this, not everyone can do similar procedure. So, permanent eye makeup is not applied when diabetes during pregnancy and lactation. The procedure is contraindicated for lesions skin, menstruation. Hepatitis, HIV infection, epilepsy can serve as a ban on a session. You can not carry out the procedure on skin prone to scarring, and people with poor blood clotting. Cosmetic measures should be abandoned during the period of illness and with exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Do not carry out the procedure for diseases of the eyelids and eyes.

You should inform the master about all your illnesses in advance, in order to avoid negative phenomena after the cosmetic procedure.


It has a fairly high cost of eye tattooing. Interciliary space (photos, reviews confirm the effectiveness of this procedure, because women after it become brighter and more beautiful, visible defects in the shape of the eyes are eliminated) masters with great experience fill in for several minutes and for one such session you will have to pay from 3 to 9 thousand rubles. Ladies are not advised to save money, because the procedure by an unqualified specialist for a lower price can turn into very sad consequences.

Interciliary eye tattoo: reviews

Interciliary eyelid tattoo has the most controversial reviews. Some ladies are satisfied with the result. They say that at sea and on the beach they looked their best with him. The eyes were "made up" constantly, and thus it was not necessary to expend additional efforts. The ladies are satisfied with the tattooing of the eyelids and Everyday life. They note that the eyes always look tinted, beautiful and expressive. These women began to spend less time on makeup. This category citizens claims that during the procedure they did not feel pain, and the result was preserved for a long time (up to 5 years) and exceeded their expectations.

Interciliary tattooing of the eyes also has negative reviews. They note the high cost of the procedure, a fairly long rehabilitation period (up to two weeks), swelling and redness the next day after the session. They say what to do this event Better on weekends when you don't have to go to work. Some women felt pain during the session, noted the poor quality work of the master, with which they had to walk enough a long period. For some ladies, permanent makeup did not last even a month.

Undoubtedly, this procedure is not pleasant, but the result sometimes exceeds all expectations. If the tattooing of the eyelids of the interciliary space was performed correctly, then the women were satisfied with the effect and this procedure did not entail any negative consequences.
