Hairstyles for adults for the new year. Hairstyle for girls Christmas tree

New Year - special holiday. Everyone celebrates it in their own way. For one it is music, unrestrained dancing, a noisy company of friends. For others - quiet family evening, an opportunity to remind loved ones of your feelings. But no matter how the celebration scenario goes, appearance girls playing important role, because it is the hostess who sets the tone for the whole evening. A pretty haircut for the New Year 2019 is able to show others how the celebration will take place.

Hair health – most important factor, influencing the beauty of the chosen hairstyle. Shiny, silky curls are a decoration in themselves, and styling gives the face special charm. To achieve this effect, you should follow some hair care rules:

  1. Regular removal of split ends will visually improve your hair and make your New Year's hairstyle more neat.
  2. Berries, nuts, fatty fish and avocados contain vitamin E, which provides beauty and fast growth hair. A couple of months before the holiday, it’s worth reviewing your regular menu and adding these healthy products to it.
  3. A regular comb can damage your hair. It is better to replace it with a special brush.
  4. After washing, you should rinse your hair cold water. This will revitalize the color and tighten the cuticle.
  5. Maintenance water balance no less important than proper nutrition. Those who drink about two liters of water per day never have dry or brittle hair.

Compliance with these simple rules will help prevent hair loss and split ends. But don’t forget about regular use. special means: balms, masks, oils and so on. The use of all of the above will ensure the health and beauty of your hair, and therefore irresistibility at the New Year's holiday.

Hairstyles with loose hair

Long flowing hair attracts admiring glances. This New Year's hairstyle shows natural beauty girls. It is noteworthy that there are no two identical images with loose hair: facial features and hair structure emphasize the individuality of the beauty.

Romantic curls

Slightly curly, flowing hair is reminiscent of carefree childhood, which is why girls with such a hairstyle seem very petite and cute. Doll curls are quite easy to make. Depending on the chosen method, you may need curlers, a hair straightener or curling iron, as well as hairspray to fix the hairstyle. If your hair is naturally curly, you can braid your hair at night and enjoy your curled strands in the morning. Additional decorations can add solemnity to the curls: flowers, hairpins, headbands, and even tiaras.

Hairstyle with side curls

This New Year's hairstyle can add sparkle and emphasize a girl's cheerful disposition. Asymmetry adds life to the face. Combined with light cocktail dress curls on one side hint at mischief and readiness for a fun evening, and coupled with a long classic version create a romantic and very feminine image. Simplicity of execution also plays a role: it takes very little time to create curls, but the result exceeds all expectations!

Gathered hairstyles

More classic and convenient option New Year's hairstyles for long hair – collected hair. New Year's Eve can be a real adventure, and not every hairstyle can adequately withstand all the tests. However, collected hairstyles, as a rule, retain their original appearance. The fashion world has long taken this into account and again and again makes collected hairstyles the trend of the season.


There are many types of tails: ponytail, low, and sideways... Everyone can choose what she likes. And it is not necessary to curl your curls or, conversely, straighten them curly hair. Ponytails look equally impressive in any look. Hair combed to the back of the head will emphasize character serious girls, and a light bouffant at the roots will add playfulness and romance. There are no restrictions on this matter - any imagination will be appropriate!


This New Year's hairstyle is always in fashion. It can also be worn elegant ladies, and reckless teenage girls. There are many options: the size of the beam, its location depend only on individual preferences girls. A romantic bun is perfect for a New Year's party. You can do it in several steps:

  1. Lightly comb the hair in the forehead area.
  2. Raise long strands up and twist them into a tourniquet.
  3. Form a medium-sized bun, releasing strands.
  4. Secure the hairstyle with hairpins and fix it with hairspray.

Hair bow

Such an original New Year's hairstyle for long hair will amuse not only the guests, but also the girl herself. And what could be better than good mood for New Year? There are several ways to make a bow. Here is one of them:

  1. Gather your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head. Secure with an elastic band.
  2. Make a small loop from the tail so that the ends of the hair are directed towards the face. Secure with a second rubber band.
  3. Divide the loop into two identical parts and separate them in different directions.
  4. Place the end of the ponytail between the loops and secure with bobby pins and hairspray.

Braided hairstyles

- one of the most feminine hairstyles, and on long hair oh the braids look simply luxurious. There are thousands of options for creating braided hairstyles, and each one looks very impressive. Moreover, it is convenient: New Year's Eve promises to be long, and the braid will not lose its beauty.

Braid to braid

This unusual braid will highlight the girl’s individuality. An excellent option would be a New Year's hairstyle for long hair, decorated with flowers or a tiara. You can braid a double braid like this:

  1. Divide the hair into three strands and start braiding the spikelet “inside out” or.
  2. To the second strand, add another one from the remaining head of hair. Finish the braiding with a strand left on top.
  3. The same thing happens with the third strand of the first braid. Repeat the algorithm until the end of the main braid.
  4. Divide the strand left in step 2 into three parts and braid it into a reverse braid.
  5. Add one more strand to the remaining additional strands and continue weaving.
  6. Stretch and relax the edges of the braid. Secure the braids and secure them with hairspray.

Spit "Waterfall"

If you want to braid your hair and leave it loose beautiful curls, then this hairstyle for the New Year will be a real salvation. A careless braid bends around the head, freeing up curled or straightened strands. Falling curls create a beautiful, romantic image. This hairstyle will suit for any celebration and is guaranteed to delight guests.

"Crown" or "Basket"

If, on the contrary, you want to collect your hair so that it does not interfere with dancing and generally actively celebrating the New Year, then this is a hairstyle for long hair will do never better. It can be either a classic braid or a . The weave can be fluffed and released messy curls. The main thing is to fix the hairstyle with hairspray so that it retains its original appearance.

Hairstyles with bangs

Bangs always make you look younger. Girls look cute and a little mysterious with this haircut. There are different bangs, and there is something for everyone perfect styling. The main advantage of bangs is that you can use them to create any hairstyle that will sparkle in a new way. Long hair styles with bangs suit absolutely everyone.

60s hairstyle

The bangs will fit perfectly into the image of a girl from the 60s. It’s not difficult to do this hairstyle for the New Year. To do this you need:

  1. Using a hair brush and hairspray, comb the hair firmly on the top of the head.
  2. Fix the bangs to one side.
  3. Tie your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head.
  4. Tuck the tail in.
  5. Secure the hairstyle with a ribbon, passing it along the line of the bangs. However, you can do without it.

Braid headband

A playful braid headband will hold the main head of hair, so that curls will not interfere during the New Year celebrations. The advantages of this hairstyle include ease of execution. You just need to separate a strand at the temple, braid it and throw it over the opposite temple. To fix the hairstyle you will need bobby pins and hairspray.

Careless styling with voluminous bangs

The image of a confident woman will be created by long bangs combined with deliberate carelessness of styling. For better effect no need to try: you can blow dry your hair in any direction, straightening does not have to be perfect, and the curls may well be slightly tangled. This is the idea of ​​the hairstyle: these factors will show others that the girl is serious and determined.

Video of hairstyles for the New Year

Girls! The time has come to think about how, where and in what way we will meet the New 2018 year! We all remember how much preparation is required for the holidays. Sometimes it takes several days just to create a menu. And who wants to leave the choice of outfit or hairstyle for manicure to the last minutes? There are few such extreme lovers. That’s why today we’ll talk about which ones will be relevant. Here is a hint article so that we can have the opportunity to celebrate the holidays in a truly charming way!

So, let's talk about fashion trends. Let's consider how to choose a style, taking into account the features of the face and figure, as well as personal preferences.

Fashionable hairstyles for the New Year

What we can congratulate ourselves on is that fashion has now finally listened to us! She treats us to a full set of different hairstyles. There are no strict rules! There are no one or two trends! For middle length There are hairstyles in several promising directions at once, each of which can be done in various options! And this is good! Allows a girl to be individual and choose exactly what suits her best.

So, I'll list fashion trends coming year:

  • Curls;
  • Bun;
  • Braids;
  • Shell.

Of course, all styling beautiful and are worthy of decorating on a festive evening. It is quite acceptable and even encouraged to choose several directions at once. So let’s talk a little about each of them and the possible options.

Hairstyles for shoulder length hair

I'll start with hairstyles for shoulder-length hair: a bob or bob can also be decorated on New Year.

Hairstyles for medium hair


Curvy hairstyle created by curly curls - winning option For festive evening. It will highlight your chosen look and add mischief and charm. Lungs curls can become the basis for any other styling. A bun of curls or braids on them looks beautiful.

Option 1. Iron curls

Option 2. Romantic hairstyle with curls

Option 3. Curls for medium hair without a curling iron

Option 4. Glamorous curls of the brilliant Irina Shayk

Option 5. Glamorous curls decorated with a hair bow


Create perfect image on corporate event, meeting with friends or family celebration possible using different versions of the beam. So, smooth bun makes the face open. If you make it a little fuller and taller, thanks to backcombing, it will take on an elegant look. A bun based on curls and braids is more suitable for new Year's Eve in ballroom style.


Not only children's hairstyle, decorated with pigtails, but also for older ladies, has several directions due to the fact that there are different kinds braids. What they have in common is that they are suitable for any type of face and outfit and can be easily made with your own hands. The advantage of a braid is that it opens up the face and helps focus attention on the eyes.

French braids. The type that we practice more and more often. Only part of the hair is used for styling. With this type of braid, the face opens with the right side. Evening Ethnic style styling is gaining more and more popularity due to the fact that french braids They harmonize perfectly with curls and buns.


Classic is always in fashion. But now the classic smooth shell is diversified with curls, curls or backcombing. For photoshoot the shell looks amazing: open face, open look.

Children's hairstyles for the New Year

A few more words about accessories!

With their help, not only haircuts are decorated, but also new, unusual versions of familiar hairstyles are created, even at home.

Choose your style

I offer several more options for medium-length hair. All photos of hairstyles from step-by-step master classes clickable.

What to focus on to make the styling decorate:

  • Face type.
  • Figure and height.
  • Hair quality.

And again, a little more detail about everything.

Face type. There are several types of faces:

For example, oval. It is easiest for girls with this type, since the face is considered ideal and everything suits it. The basis is considered winning - square. On this basis you can experiment freely.

For triangular face Lush, flowing curls that balance the volume of the cheekbones are suitable.

For rectangular face perfect hairstyle With a bang. This will give the shapes a softer appearance.

Round and square are lengthened by straight hair along the face and curls below the chin. Required condition- the installation must be without bangs, but if you can’t do without it, then it’s better to make it along an oblique line (no horizontal lines).

Height figure. Tall girls will do lush styling for medium hair length. For petite women Lush hairstyles are not recommended. It is better to choose braids or a bun. And yet, the head should not be smooth; it should be decorated a little with strands or curls. Curvy girls should focus on their growth.

Hair quality. Hair structure also plays a role. Yes, on Thin hair You should choose asymmetrical haircuts or use a graduation technique (stepping at a certain angle) to give a little volume and fluffiness to your styling. Then the hair will appear thicker.

I’m glad if the article helps you decide and find your style. And finally, I want to wish you all happiness, health, be charming and do everything in time, so that you can have a wonderful holiday during the holidays! Don’t forget to subscribe so that in the new year you will always be aware of how to become better, more beautiful, and make your life more interesting! Invite your friends and check out the site yourself! And I always stay with you and am always ready to delight you with relevant articles!

Everyone prefers to celebrate New Year in different ways. Some people like to celebrate noisy company among friends, enjoying loud music and dancing, while others prefer home gatherings with family and closest people.

Be that as it may, it is very important for every girl to look attractive, beautiful and formal. Original hairstyles for long hair will help complete the look. The provided photos of new products for 2019 will help you make your choice.

Hairstyles with loose hair

If the curls are long, well-groomed and neat, then the hairstyle for loose hair will look especially impressive and beautiful. Thus, you can successfully emphasize naturalness and sophistication in 5 minutes.

Such women's hairstyles force you to pay attention to the girl's individual features, which will allow you to stand out from others and look special.

Romantic curls

Hair curled into curls makes the girl's features more pretty, a little childish, and her facial expression becomes lighter and more carefree. Achieving such an effect will not be difficult at all.

In order to create romantic curls, you can use curlers or a curling iron, as well as a hair straightener.

In addition, it is necessary to fix the strands with varnish. Girls who already have natural curls can braid their hair in the evening and undo it in the morning. To decorate your look, it is advisable to complement your hairstyle with accessories, for example, a hoop, hairpins, flowers.

Hairstyle with side curls

In order for your facial expression to acquire some playfulness, you need to add a little asymmetry by laying your curls to one side. It looks unusual and non-standard. This pairs especially well with a cocktail dress, adding femininity and elegance to the look.

This hairstyle can be created very simply and quickly, and it looks quite impressive. Suitable for women with round shape faces.

Gathered hairstyles

Not all girls are suitable for hairstyles with loose hair, because not everyone feels comfortable: they can get in the way or become disheveled. In this case, collected strands are an ideal option.

Such hairstyles are fashionable and popular, and most importantly, convenient: the hair will not fall into the eyes and interfere. This installation will retain its original appearance longer if it is well fixed.


A ponytail is a hairstyle that has many variations and varieties, with the right approach It’s simply impossible to look banal with him. It looks equally good with curled hair and straight hair. If the tail is gathered at the back of the head, this will give the girl’s appearance a little seriousness.

A little backcombing, on the contrary, will make you look more mysterious. You don’t have to limit yourself to the classics; you can get creative here.


This hairstyle is great for celebrating and looking attractive. It looks good on little girls, teenagers, and older girls. You can come up with a lot different options: the beam can be of any size, located with different sides. To create a unique image, you need to use your imagination.

For the New Year you can make a romantic bun. To do this you need to use a “donut”. It is needed as a basis for the hairstyle.

You can create it like this:

  • Make a small backcomb in the forehead area.
  • Take long strands of hair and form a rope.
  • Create a bun by releasing the strands a little.
  • Secure everything with hairpins and hairspray.

You can place them at the back under the bun. It looks very beautiful and elegant if the back of the dress or blouse is open.

Volume complex bun with braiding

A voluminous bun is a complex hairstyle, the creation of which will require a sufficient amount of time and effort, but the result will certainly be appropriate. A similar hairstyle can be created only if the girl has.

An important point When creating such a hairstyle, the hair first needs to be curled or backcombed a little; alternatively, you can lift it with a hairdryer near the roots. Having completed one of these procedures, you can begin to form the beam itself.

To add mystery to your facial features, you can let out one or two strands; for a playful look, they should be curled. Excessive use of varnish is not recommended; it is advisable to use pins and invisible pins.

Hair bow

This hairstyle is for New Year's holiday good because it adds liveliness, gaiety and enthusiasm. This is exactly what is needed in the light, joyful holiday. This hairstyle can be created in different ways.

Option step by step:

  1. Comb your hair at the back of your head, form a ponytail, and secure with an elastic band.
  2. Bend the hair, forming a loop so that the ends of the hair lie on top and are directed towards the face.
  3. Secure with another rubber band.
  4. Divide the loop in half and place it on different sides.
  5. Place the ends in the space between the two loops, secure with bobby pins, and use hairspray.

Braided hairstyle options

Braided hair can be called the most feminine type of hairstyle, this especially applies to long braids. There are dozens of options similar hairstyles, characterized by a very impressive appearance.

    Which hairstyle did you like best?

In addition, by the end of the long New Year's celebration, the attractiveness and neat appearance of the braid will not be lost.

Braid in braid

This type of braid is considered very unusual and looks truly original. This New Year’s hairstyle can also be complemented with a tiara or flowers.

Braiding order double braids is as follows:

  1. The hair is divided into three strands and braided purl braid“spikelet” or a reverse variation of the French braid.
  2. One of the following is added to the second strand total mass hair. Upon completion of weaving, you must leave the top strand.
  3. The third strand of the first braid is braided in the same way. The algorithm is repeated until the main braid is braided.
  4. The strand from the second point is divided into three parts and used to braid a reverse braid.
  5. The edges stretch and weaken. After securing the braids, they should be secured.

From the photo collection and detailed video We’ll find out what hairstyles for long hair will be in demand and what styling can be done for the New Year 2019.

Braid in the form of a “Waterfall”

This type of hairstyle allows you to leave loose curls along with a braided braid, which will look especially good on New Year's Eve. The head should be wrapped around the head with a casually braided braid, and curled or straight strands should be released. With the help of flowing curls you can create an image full of romance. This hairstyle can be easily done for any occasion.

Braids with tails

IN winter season braids are back in fashion, especially special occasions. Sometimes a hairstyle may not be complicated in terms of creation technology, but it looks just great. To complete the festive occasion, one braid or two can be braided in the form of spikelets, which are located on the sides. At the end of the braid, the braiding stops, all strands are secured with an elastic band, resulting in a ponytail.

The braid is woven from the forehead to the top of the head, where the tail is tied. When creating two spikelets, you can make a parting in the form of zigzags or decorate the roots with sparkling sparkles.

To obtain soft airy curls, the ponytail can be curled using a curling iron. In addition, it is permissible to color the strands in bright colors, for example, in red or orange to make the look even more New Year's.

Braid in the form of a “Basket”

This variety will become ideal option for a New Year's party. You can braid a classic or French braid. It is permissible to fluff up the weave and let out the curls. The main condition is to fix the hairstyle with hairspray in order to preserve the original appearance.

Hairstyle with bangs

Bangs can visually rejuvenate and also add a touch of mystery. female image. There are many types of it, and you can choose the perfect one for each. It should be noted that bangs can suit any hairstyle. A female representative will look great with long hair styled with bangs.

You can make a hairstyle similar to what was done in the sixties of the last century, it is called “retro”. To look fashionable, you should decorate it with a beautiful ribbon.

Execution step by step:

  1. At the top of the head, the hair is combed with a brush and fixed with hairspray.
  2. The bangs should be fixed in the side direction.
  3. The hair is tied at the back into a ponytail, which is then tucked inside.
  4. To secure the hairstyle, a ribbon is used along the bang line. But the presence of this accessory is not mandatory.

Creating a headband from a braid

Using a braid headband, you can hold the main head of hair, which will prevent curls from falling out of the composition during the celebration. This hairstyle is quite easy to achieve. A strand at the temple is separated, a braid is made from it, after which it must be thrown to the other temple. The bezel is fixed using invisible pins and varnish.

Creating a messy hairstyle with voluminous bangs

Combination long bangs With careless styling will give confidence to the image. The direction when drying with a hairdryer can be any, you don’t need to straighten your hair perfectly, the curls can be slightly tangled. The main idea of ​​this hairstyle is to create a decisive image.

How to use hairpins correctly

Sometimes there is no time to create a festive hairstyle. You can correct the situation by styling your hair and pinning it with an original hairpin at the back of your head.

IN next year metal accessories that form some kind of geometric figure. If there are no hairpins, you can replace them with a bobby pin, the arrangement of which should resemble, for example, a triangle or a square.

For costume theme party you can use a tiara decorated with flowers.

Children's New Year's hairstyles

The selection of hairstyles for children this season is determined by a specific thematic image. Any matinee involves creating something unusual carnival costume, which is complemented by a beautiful hairstyle. Most often, images are created for teenagers and children that imitate the characters of the most famous ones.

There are several types of children's hairstyles, the creation of which does not require much time:

Fashionable ponytails

Nowadays, hairstyles based on ponytails are very popular among little fashionistas. From a variety of options, you can easily choose an image for a New Year's party. Here everything depends only on imagination and taste.

You can use layered ponytails or ponytails with interlocking braids that form complex designs on your head. This hairstyle will certainly not go unnoticed.

Stylish bows

Will add playfulness and coquetry to the New Year children's outfit neat and small hair bow. And there can be many options for such a hairstyle.

Cute “ears” and cheeky “horns”

This option is more suitable for a masquerade or themed costume. These hairstyles appeared thanks to comics and cartoons that are popular in Asian countries. Maybe that's why kids like them so much.

Various braids

Braided hairstyles remain trendy year after year. 2019 is no exception. Real masterpieces are created from various braids. Currently there are about 50 known different techniques weaving.

The most common ones can be identified:

  • regular and reverse braid from 3 strands;
  • braid " fish tail»;
  • French and inverted braid;
  • intertwined braids;
  • Danish braid;
  • braids of 4 or more strands.

Many ways have been described on how to turn a little girl into a princess with the help of a beautiful hairstyle. Most of them can be reproduced yourself at home. In other cases, you can contact a good stylist.

Children's retro hairstyles

Retro hairstyles are gaining great popularity and are complemented with appropriate outfits and accessories. Choosing such an image will be appropriate in the New Year 2019. What types of such styling are there:

  • the famous curls of Marilyn Monroe;
  • hairstyles with curls;
  • "babette";
  • "shell";
  • "cook".

For women's choice young fashionistas presented great amount various options original hairstyles to celebrate New Year's Eve.

They can be made in both simple and complicated techniques, they can be discreet or characterized by careless execution. For any look for the New Year 2019, you can choose an original option.

In addition, to complement the composition on long hair, you can use different materials(photo) such as metal accessories, glitter or hairpins. In addition, you can use various bows, beads, hoops from the most unexpected materials. And also another relevant addition would be coloring the strands in bright colors.

New Year is wonderful wonderful holiday, which everyone has loved since childhood. It is best to decide in advance who you will celebrate with and where it will take place. Although the New Year is considered family holiday, but you can meet him either visiting friends or with a group of friends in some restaurant or club. The choice of outfit and hairstyle for the New Year 2017 for long hair directly depends on the location of the holiday.

Themselves with a mustache

In stock long hair there are both pros and cons. On the one hand, you have a much greater choice of what hairstyle to do, but on the other hand, dealing with long hair, especially if it is significantly below the shoulders, is not so easy. When choosing a hairstyle, we advise you to think carefully about whether you can do it yourself at home or whether you will have to go to a hairdresser. It’s best to try styling your hair in the chosen way long before the holiday. If everything works out, then it makes sense to do your own hair using products that every woman has at home. This will save not only money, but also time, because before the New Year, hairdressing salons have a large booking and you may not be able to get there at a time convenient for you.

Playful curls or elegant waves

If you have beautiful long hair - thick and shiny - you can create a beautiful romantic hairstyle using regular curling irons. To do this, apply a fixative to your hair and curl your hair using a curling iron. It is important that there is not too much hair fixing agent, otherwise the hairstyle will look unnatural.

Note! Nowadays it is fashionable to do so that the curls do not start from the very roots. Therefore, start curling your hair from about the shoulders, and leave just straight hair on top. Make sure the curls are large. It's very beautiful and natural.

If you decide to create not a romantic image, but a daring one, then you can also use a perm, but of a different type. To do this, you need to start curling your hair from the very ends to the bottom. Moreover, this must be done so that the curls are much smaller than in the previous version. The hairstyle will be very fluffy and stylish.


There is another one completely simple hairstyle for New Year 2017 for long hair - this is “ ponytail" Almost every woman knows how to do this hairstyle. You may feel that this is an unsuitable run-of-the-mill option. But it depends on how you approach its creation. If you comb your hair well, make it voluminous, straighten or curl it, put it in a ponytail and fix it, and then decorate the resulting ponytail with various ribbons, flowers or other decorations, then this hairstyle will turn out to be very elegant, and your look will be perfect. new year party It won't be boring at all.

Democratic bun

If you have long, but unfortunately thin hair, a bun will probably suit you. It can be done both at the bottom of the head and at the top, depending on how you like it best. This is also an easy hairstyle to do. For it you will need a special “donut” or “doughnut” on which you will need to wrap your hair. Then be sure to fix the resulting bun with hairspray so that the hairstyle looks neat all New Year's Eve. This hairstyle is suitable for women of absolutely any age and for any outfit.

Note! The bun can be decorated with various hairpins.

Other wonderful New Year's hairstyles are made with the same “donut”: babettes and beehives. It is fixed in the required place, for example, by putting it on the tail, and a backcomb is done on top. You can wrap the “donut” with braids so that it is not visible. There are many variations of such hairstyles.

Various braids or unusual weavings

Loose fishtail braid wrapped around head

There is also great option for New Year's hairstyle - this various weaves long hair, which does not mean that you just need to braid one braid, although this is also possible. You can beautifully braid your hair with an unusual weave, because there are quite a few types of braids, and insert flowers there for decoration. This will already look elegant. There is, for example, another option with braiding: divide the hair into three parts, braid two strands on the sides into two braids from the very roots of the hair, connect them with middle strand and make it out of it low bun. Or, for example, you can do this hairstyle option: divide your hair into two parts with a side parting, braid one of the strands, starting from the very roots of the hair, then connect the braid with the second strand and make a ponytail. The elastic band you use to tie your ponytail can be hidden with a small strand of hair.

Note! Various hairstyles based on French braids, including reverse French braids, look very elegant. Nowadays it is fashionable to make such braids not tight, but a little fluffy. More precisely, at first the braid is braided quite tightly, but then, when the braid is already tied with an elastic band, the outer strands from each turn are strongly pulled out, making the braid more voluminous. Slight negligence looks very romantic and airy.

Don't forget to fix your hairstyle with hairspray so that by the end New Year's Eve you looked magical.


Fishtail braid

Babette with “donut”, decorated with braids

Hive with fishtail braid

Donut and braid hairstyle with headband

Hairstyles for the New Year will allow you to remain the most fashionable and beautiful at the holiday party.

New Year's hair styling

Short hair is not a reason to give up beautiful and elegant New Year's hairstyles. Don't believe me? After following the master class, repeat these quick hairstyles on yourself.

Knot styling

  1. On the side of the parting where there is more hair, separate two thin strands and tie them together.
  2. Connect both ends, add another strand to them and tie the knot again.
  3. Continue weaving to the back of the head. Tie the end with a thin silicone rubber band.
  4. On the other side, separate another part of the hair, throw it to the back of the head and connect it with a braid of knots.
  5. Lift your hair a little at the top of your head to create a more voluminous style. Pin the resulting little one with bobby pins or a decorative hairpin.
  6. Curl the ends of your hair with an iron.

Hairstyle made of flagella

Who would have thought that simple plaits could turn into such a stylish and elegant hairstyle. And that's exactly what happened!

  1. Curl the strands with a curling iron with a corrugated attachment.
  2. Separate part of the hair in the middle using two vertical partings - you will get a mohawk.
  3. Comb it well with a thin, thick comb.
  4. Bring the bouffant down and curl it into a shell all the way down to the base of your neck. Secure with pins and smooth the top layer.
  5. Divide the side parts into three strands.
  6. Twist each into a rope.
  7. Lay all the strands crosswise on top of the shell.
  8. Tuck the ends of the last pair into the middle and hide inside the shells. To secure the harnesses, use pins or bobby pins.
  9. Spray the styling with varnish.

Buffalo for short hair

Another very light, but incredibly gentle and feminine option. We are sure that with this hairstyle you will be the most noticeable at the New Year's party.

  1. Separate a small section of hair from the top of your head.
  2. Twist it into big ring and secure with small clips on both sides.
  3. Above the ring, separate another part of the hair and comb it with a comb.
  4. Lower the comb back, completely hiding the ring and clips. Smooth the top layer with a brush.
  5. Lift the strands up a little and pin the resulting little piece with bobby pins crosswise.
  6. Curl the hair near your face with an iron.

Asymmetrical styling

This elegant hairstyle can transform even a short haircut. With her you will become incredibly sexy and seductive.

  1. Comb your hair into a deep side parting.
  2. Leave some hair to the side and tie the rest.
  3. Twist the ponytail into a bun and secure with hairpins.
  4. Divide the side strands into several thin sections and curl them with an iron.

New Year's crown

On short strands You can even braid your hair! And not just braid it, but arrange it with a crown – like the one in this photo.

  1. Comb your hair to the side.
  2. Curl the strands with an iron.
  3. Beat them lightly with your hands.
  4. Leave the curls near your face to lie freely.
  5. Divide the rest of your hair into two parts.
  6. Twist a tourniquet from each and place them at the back of the head, hiding the ends inside.
  7. Loose curls with larger side Divide the parting in half.
  8. Braid two French braids - regular or reverse.
  9. Hide the ends of both braids in plaits at the back of the head and fasten securely.
  10. Simply twist the curl on the other side into a braid and attach it to your hairstyle.
  11. Spray the styling with varnish.

New Year's hairstyles for medium hair

Don't know what hairstyle to do with medium-length locks? Let's try to help you with this easy master class!

Lush braid of flagella

1. Separate a small section of hair from the top of your head and comb it thoroughly with a thin comb.

2. Lower the comb down and smooth the top layer.

3. Separate the strands remaining near the face with a side parting.

4. Divide each part in half and form tight ropes.

5. Connect them at the back of the head with a thin silicone rubber band.

6. Immediately below these strands, separate two more strands of exactly the same width.

7. Divide them in half and make bundles again.

8. Connect them with an elastic band under the first pair.

9. Continue braiding until the end of the hair.

10. Tuck the ends of the last strands down and secure with a bobby pin.

11. Decorate your hair with flowers.

Low braid bun

Beautiful hairstyles don't have to be complicated. For example, you can create such a bun without the help of experts in order to amaze everyone!

  1. Comb everything back and braid a loose braid, moving it a little to the side.
  2. Wrap the braid in a circle and secure with hairpins.
  3. Tuck the tip inside.
  4. Stretch the weave with your hands to create a loose bun.
  5. Also very carefully stretch a couple of strands at the back of the head and crown.

Bun with braids

Fashionable New Year's hairstyles are unthinkable without buns. You can decorate them with weaving on both sides.

1. Comb your hair and curl it with a curling iron. Temporarily pin the bangs or front strands with a crab, and divide the rest of the hair into 4 sections (top, bottom and two on the sides).

2. Comb the top section of hair with a thin comb.

3. Lower the backcomb down and form a neat shell, trying to maintain volume. Stab her with bobby pins.

4. Divide the hair in the lower section into thin curls.

5. Lift them up in random order and place them in loose bun. Pin it with pins and spray it with varnish.

6. From the right section, braid french braid, tying the end with a silicone rubber band.

7. Braid exactly the same braid on the left side.

8. Wrap both braids around the bun and tuck the ends inside.

9. To be secure, secure your braids with bobby pins. Arrange your curls beautifully near your face and spray your hair with hairspray.

Fairytale braid

Celebrating the New Year 2019 will be like a fairy tale in which you simply must be a real princess. And this braid with a clip will definitely help you with this.

Elegant hairstyle

This beautiful bun- Just perfect choice for a celebration in a restaurant. Easy to do and looks great!

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Divide your hair into two parts with a horizontal parting.
  3. Tie the top one into a ponytail.
  4. Divide it in half and braid it into a tight rope.
  5. Place the bundle in a bun and pin it with pins.
  6. From the bottom, braid a French braid, picking up loose curls on one side only.
  7. Braid the braid to the end and wrap it around the bun. Pin the end of the braid.

New Year's "Lanterns"

When choosing a hairstyle for the New Year, take a closer look at this option. Hair lanterns look simply gorgeous!

  1. Comb your hair into a side parting.
  2. Take a thin part from each side of the parting.
  3. Divide them into three strands and braid loose braids.
  4. To make them fuller, stretch the weave with your hands.
  5. Tie the rest of your hair into a ponytail.
  6. Wrap the ponytail first with one and then with the second braid. Secure them with bobby pins.
  7. Step back 2-3 centimeters from the base of the ponytail and tie another elastic band (silicone, matched to the color of your hair).
  8. Stretch the strands slightly with your hands, forming a round lantern.
  9. Repeat steps 7-8 as long as the length allows.

Holiday hairstyles for long hair

Long hair is every girl’s dream, because with it you can create unique styling. Look for something for the New Year too!

Unusual fish tail

The shape of this hairstyle resembles a fishtail, but is woven completely differently.

How do you like this ponytail? Looks great!

Rose on loose strands

Do you love curls? Why not decorate them with a cute flower made from your hair? Look how easy it is to do!

  1. Comb your hair into a straight or side parting.
  2. Curl it with an iron.
  3. Separate two thin strands near your neck and tie them into a ponytail.
  4. Lightly stretch the hair above the elastic with your hands to make the hairstyle look fuller.
  5. Braid your ponytail, tying the end tightly.
  6. Stretch the weave with your hands.
  7. Twist the braid in a circle, forming a beautiful flower.
  8. Place it at the base of the tail and pin it with a bobby pin.

Luxurious curls

Many girls prefer loose hair, curled with an iron, romantic and incredibly beautiful, to collected styles.

  1. Comb and divide your hair into thin strands.
  2. Curl each of them with a curling iron or iron. Start twisting the strand from the roots, holding the device vertically.
  3. Curl the side sections first, then move to the back and crown.
  4. Comb the curls with a wide-tooth comb and spray the finished style with hairspray.
