We remove the bruise under the eye as soon as possible. How to remove a bruise: available means and methods

Who among us has not found bruises on his body? Everyone is familiar with bruises. From the first steps they become our "friends". We learn to ride a bike, skate, rollerblade - they are with us. We go in for sports - they are right there. And in old age, these "friends" appear for no reason. What is a bruise, the causes of the appearance on the body, the types of bruises and their color, how to quickly remove bruises at home - you can find the answers to these questions in our article.

Causes of bruising on the body

Bruise, in other words, hematoma or bruise appears when small vessels rupture, blood flows out of them and spreads under a layer of skin in soft tissues.

Therefore, a newly formed bruise has a burgundy color - the color of blood. Interestingly, bruises are more common in people with red hair, blondes are in second place, and brunettes are in third.

What are causes of bruising on the body and why sometimes bruises appear on their own, without bruises?

1)Hit- the main reason for the formation of a bruise, it is from the impact that damage to the capillaries most often occurs.

2) Fragility of vessels, it can be caused by the following factors:

- the use of medicines. These can be antipyretic or analgesic drugs, as a result of which the blood thins, for example, Analgin. Means, as a result of long-term use of which the fragility of blood vessels increases, for example, Prednisolone;

- diseases that result in impaired blood clotting, such as hemophilia.

- age-related changes. In old age, the vessels become fragile, and it is enough to press on the skin area to provoke a bruise;

3) Hormonal failure in women associated with a lack of estrogen.

Bruise color: stages

Why does a bruise change color? After all, at different stages, the color of the bruise is different.

Fresh bruises are purplish red. Arterial blood accumulates in soft tissues and is visible through the skin.

After a day, the color of the bruise changes to blue-violet, this is because hemoglobin, which is responsible for the color of the blood, begins to oxidize and becomes darker.

On the 5-6th day, the bruise becomes yellow-green. At this time, breaking down, hemoglobin turns into biliverdin - a greenish pigment.

A bruise turns yellow when biliverdin is converted to bilirubin, which is yellow.

Dangerous bruises

Bruises that are not formed from a blow can indicate serious problems. Such dangerous bruises require special attention.

  • a bruise around the navel may indicate internal bleeding;
  • a bruise behind the ear is the result of a traumatic brain injury;
  • very small (1-3 mm) multiple bruises indicate diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
  • bruises under the eyes are the result of stress, overwork of the body, lack of sleep.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

We mistakenly believe that a bruise is a trifle, and it is inconvenient to disturb a doctor over trifles. Moreover, most bruises go away without any treatment. But there are reasons to seek help from a doctor if:
  • the bruise pulsates, which means that a large artery is damaged, and it is urgent to stop the bleeding;
  • after an injury, the temperature begins to rise;
  • if you are diabetic;
  • if bruising often appears for no reason;

How long does it take for bruises to go away if left untreated?

If bruises are left untreated, they will go away on their own in 2-3 weeks. In women, bruises last longer, as women's skin is softer and thinner.

Why hide a bruise for 3 weeks under long sleeves or jeans? No, you need to get rid of the bruise as soon as possible, it is quite possible to do this at home.

First aid for bruises

In order for the bruise to disappear faster and be less noticeable, urgent measures must be taken when receiving a blow. First aid for bruises involves the following steps:

1) Apply ice or some cold object. At home, you can use frozen food from the refrigerator. If the blow had to be taken outside the walls of the house, then you can use a metal object or at least a coin.

If the bruise is on the arm, then you can put your hand under a stream of cold water. Cold quickly constricts blood vessels, prevents edema from forming.

The ice can be removed after 30 minutes.

The sooner you apply cold to the damaged area, the more likely it is that a bruise will not appear.

2) Apply a tight bandage. It is better to use an elastic bandage, it will squeeze the skin and make it difficult for blood to flow out of the damaged vessel. The less blood gets into the tissues around the affected vessels, the less noticeable the bruise will be.

3) If it is not possible to apply ice or apply a tight bandage, you can lift up the injured area and the blood will drain slightly from this part of the body, which will prevent bruising. This method is used for trauma to the limbs.

How to quickly remove a bruise at home

It was not possible to prevent the appearance of a bruise, and he adorned the most prominent place on our body. How to quickly remove a bruise at home? We use all possible methods and the best remedies for bruises to get rid of them in a short time: local medicines and folk remedies for bruising.

Effective ointments for bruises

6-8 hours after the bruise appears, topical medications, that is, ointments and gels, can be used. The most effective ointments and gels for bruises:

  • Troxevasin- gel for external use. It is applied to the hematoma 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, with massaging movements until completely absorbed. Eliminates puffiness, reduces the fragility of blood vessels, increases the density of the vascular wall.
  • Voltaren Emulgel- gel for external use. Apply 3-4 times a day. Relieves pain, inflammation, eliminates swelling.
  • Heparin ointment- a product for external use that improves blood circulation. Many consider it the best remedy for bruises, heparin ointment helps get rid of them in 2-3 days.
  • The pharmacy can also recommend ointment Rescuer, gel with leech extract Bruise-off; cream-balm SOS, the use of which is also quite effective.

How to remove a bruise folk remedies

Traditional medicine has many recipes that really allow you to quickly get rid of bruises with folk remedies. The following remedies will help you quickly remove a bruise at home:

1) Badyaga (freshwater sponge)- from bruises and bruises the best remedy. Sold in a pharmacy in the form of a powder or gel. The powder is diluted with water to a doughy state and applied to the bruise. It is better to use badyaga when the bruise is still fresh, then you can quickly get rid of the bruise at home.

2) Iodine from bruises. It is applied to the bruise the day after the bruise in the form of an iodine mesh.

3) Infusion of garlic. It is prepared as follows: finely chop the garlic and mash, it should turn out 3 tablespoons, add 300 ml. 6% vinegar. Infuse the resulting mixture for a day, stirring from time to time. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and rub the bruise with it. Apply several times a day.

4) Pepper plaster. It also helps to quickly remove bruises at home. It is applied for a few minutes to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin where the bruise has formed. It is impossible to treat bruises that have appeared on the face with a pepper plaster.

5) Horseradish and radish. Grate any of the vegetables on a fine grater and apply the gruel on the bruise.

6) raw potatoes from bruises. Cut the potato in half, apply the cut to the bruise. You can make notches at the cut site to increase the release of juice.

7) cabbage leaves. Only fresh cabbage leaves are used, they are applied to the bruise, if possible, you can bandage it.

Physiotherapy for bruising

In order to quickly remove a bruise, you can use physiotherapy procedures. Of course, it will not be possible to carry them out at home, but you need to know about them.

  • Magnetic therapy. Relieves pain, swelling, inflammation, restores damaged tissues.
  • ultrasound therapy. Improves tissue nutrition, relieves pain and swelling, restores damaged tissues.
  • Medicinal electrophoresis. In the treatment of bruises, an aspirin solution is used, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and aloe extract, which promotes tissue repair and improves their nutrition.

Physiotherapy has a number of contraindications, so you can use these methods after consulting a doctor.

How to avoid bruising

In order to avoid frequent bruising, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. A contrast shower can help with this. Temperature changes make the walls of blood vessels elastic.

You can strengthen the walls of blood vessels by eating foods rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is found in oranges, lemons, pineapples, green onions, carrots, rose hips.

You also need to consume foods that contain vitamin K - these are leafy salads, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

Everyone thought about how to quickly get rid of a bruise. The appearance of a bruise slightly spoils the mood, but if effective medications, physiotherapy and the best traditional medicine are applied in a timely manner, the bruise can be quickly removed at home. The main thing to remember: the sooner you start treatment, the faster the bruise will disappear.

Also, our self-development portal will tell you,.

A hematoma is a mechanical injury, accompanied by a rush of blood under the skin. Before you quickly get rid of a bruise, you need to choose a remedy suitable for use on the face. It is unlikely that the problem will be eliminated in one day, since the hematoma passes from 3 to 15 days. But we will consider quick-acting pharmaceutical preparations and folk methods.

Pharmacy remedies for a bruise on the face: TOP-5

Since you can quickly remove a bruise on your face with cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, we recommend starting with them. The following drugs are suitable for home use:

No. 1. "Troxevasin"

The basis of the ointment is troxerutin. The composition acts on the vessels and restores their integrity, relieves inflammation, removes edema, and prevents the growth of a hematoma. The tool is suitable for the treatment of large bruises. It is used twice a day in the morning and evening. Before use, a skin sensitivity test is done.

No. 2. drugs with heparin

This list includes Trombless, Heparin Ointment, and Liotin. The main purpose is to anesthetize, cool, relieve swelling, restore capillaries and promote the resorption of blood clots. The selected drug is applied to damaged facial skin 5 times a day.

No. 3. "BruiseOFF»

Produced in the form of a gel, the composition includes an extract of leeches. A directional agent helps both to quickly get rid of a bruise on the face, and to eliminate hematomas in other parts of the body. In one day you need to do 5 applications. Contraindications include poor blood clotting.

No. 4. "Ketoprofen" or "Diclofenac"

These drugs belong to the category of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory. You can choose any other drug in this group. The ointment is distributed over the damaged area up to 4 times a day, the course of treatment is no longer than a week.

No. 5. "Livetail balm" or "Badyaga 911"

All remedies with comfrey or badyaga can be used to treat a bruise on the face. Due to the removal of puffiness, anesthesia, restoration of blood vessels, the hematoma quickly resolves. Minimum contraindications, gels or ointments are suitable for children and pregnant women. You need to apply them 4 times a day or make a bandage at night.


Ointments with a warming effect are by no means used in the first 2 days following the injury. It is optimal to use them for 2-3 days, when the puffiness subsides.

Folk remedies for a bruise on the face: TOP-8

There are many home methods on how to quickly get rid of a bruise. It will not be possible to eliminate a hematoma on the face in one day, but making it less noticeable and enhancing tissue regeneration is easy.

No. 1. Ice

Use ice cubes or regular frozen meat. Wrap in 2-3 layers of gauze, apply to the bruised area for a quarter of an hour. It is important to remember that you cannot apply ice without a tissue, otherwise you will catch a cold of the facial nerves.

No. 2. Honey

This option is suitable for the treatment of a bruise under the eye and in general on the face. Fold the bandage in several layers to make a square of fabric. Soak it completely with honey and fix it on the sore spot. Keep an hour and a half.

No. 3. Potato

Pass a large potato tuber (raw or boiled) through a grater. Combine with a spoonful of honey, put on a bruise and fix with a bandage. Remove after 2 hours.

No. 4. Iodine with vinegar

If the bruise has already become purple, then this composition will help. Combine apple cider vinegar in an amount of 50 ml. with iodine (5 drops). Take a cotton pad, saturate it abundantly and wring it out. Apply to the bruise, wait a while. With a strong burning sensation, remove the compress.

No. 5. Onion

Before you quickly get rid of the bruise, you need to pass the onion through a grater and mix with 10 gr. salt. This composition is wrapped in gauze, applied to the hematoma on the face and aged all night. In one day, you will remove the main signs (swelling, pain, etc.).

No. 6. A pineapple

Only fresh, not canned, tropical fruit is used. Cut off a thick slice, fix it in place of the bruise and wait an hour. Repeat every 4 hours.

No. 7. Iodine

An iodine mesh will help get rid of a hematoma on the face. It is necessary to dip a cotton swab into the preparation, wring out and trace the damaged area with neat thin strips crosswise.

No. 8. Parsley

The leaves of a fresh plant will do. Grind them in a mortar or blender, but do not remove the juice. Place on the affected area, rub lightly and leave the leaf pieces for 1-2 hours.

If you really want to remove the consequences of a bruise, then it is better to use a combination of folk and pharmacy remedies. First of all, ice is applied, which prevents the growth of the hematoma. Then, pharmacy products with a cooling and regenerating effect are applied.

Almost every person at least once in his life is faced with such a nuisance as a bruise. But such a phenomenon in any other part of the body does not disturb a person as much as a hematoma on the face. This spoils the appearance, causes ridicule from others and I want to get rid of such a defect as soon as possible. There are many methods. Some of them have been preserved by folk medicine, some are offered by modern pharmacology.

A bruise on the face looks unaesthetic

Bruise on the face: causes of appearance

The appearance of bruises on the face is caused by various reasons. Among the main medicine defines:

  • mechanical impact on the surface of the skin of the face;
  • bruise, blow; trauma;
  • consequences after tooth extraction;
  • beriberi, lack of iron, cobalt in the body;
  • constant heavy physical activity;
  • lack of sleep.

In addition to these reasons for bruising on the face, doctors can blame the weak, brittle walls of blood vessels. Even a slight impact on the surface of the skin can cause vascular injury, a slight hemorrhage under the upper layers of the epidermis. This is a consequence of the appearance of bruises on the face. A bruise may appear after mechanical impact, and may indicate a serious illness.

A bruise on the face has several stages, which pass until the hematoma completely disappears.

How to treat a hematoma

There are many on the face. Effective methods are offered by modern pharmacology and traditional medicine. But in order to achieve a quick recovery, it is necessary to know the cause of such a phenomenon and only after that choose a remedy for a hematoma on the face. In any case, the visit to the doctor should not be postponed. Especially if the bruise was the result of a strong blow. Concussion or traumatic brain injury must be ruled out.

There are several methods of providing first aid to the victim. Therefore, the treatment of a hematoma on the face begins at home, even before a visit to the doctor. After an injury, it is necessary to apply ice to the site of injury as soon as possible. Repeat the process for the first hour. The cold provokes a narrowing of the blood vessels and prevents the bruise from growing in size.

Bruises from the disease must be treated comprehensively

As a cold, you can use products from the freezer, which must be wrapped in a clean towel.

Treatment of hematoma with traditional medicine

Modern pharmacology offers a lot of ointments, gels, tablets, intramuscular injections. But do not forget that a hematoma on the face after a blow can be accompanied by a concussion. Therefore, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. Self-medication is often fraught with serious consequences. Only a doctor will help you quickly relieve pain, remove swelling, but you won’t be able to quickly get rid of a bruise.

Ointments from a bruise from a pharmacy

Compresses containing alcohol, ultraphonoresis and cryotherapy are no less effective. These methods will help you get rid of the bruise faster. The most popular means are:

  • bodyaga (powder from a freshwater sponge);
  • ointment Bruise OFF;
  • heparin ointment;
  • magnesia for compresses;
  • Troxevasin;
  • iodine grid;
  • Fastum gel;
  • Long;
  • Ketonal.

These funds accelerate healing and relieve swelling. No less effective in combating the effects of traditional medicine. It is already reassuring that the hematoma on the face passes faster than on other parts of the body.

If you use various means, then this process is slightly accelerated. But if the hematoma is large and does not resolve for a long time, it can be assumed that there is a concussion. In such cases, the patient is offered to make a puncture in order to suck out the blood accumulated under the epidermis. After that, special treatment and nutrition enriched with vitamins are prescribed.

Do not forget that malnutrition, dubious quality cosmetics, beriberi can cause bruising under the eyes. In these cases, treatment will require longer.

Badyaga - an effective remedy for bruises

Treatment of hematoma with traditional medicine

For the first 3-4 days, it is necessary to give up taking baths, replace it with a shower with warm, more cold water. Warm compresses can only be used on the fourth day.

As mentioned above, heat can be used after the swelling subsides. For this purpose, use ordinary salt, well heated in a dry frying pan. After that, it is poured into a linen bag and applied to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is effective if repeated at least three times a day. After the last procedure, before going to bed, you can make an iodine grid directly on the bruise. It has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect.


A bruise on the face is not only an unpleasant phenomenon, but also unaesthetic. There are cases when a simple, harmless flick on the tip of the nose can cause large bruises under both eyes. Also, do not forget about a complete, fortified diet.

There is a special set of simple exercises that will help strengthen blood vessels so that bruises do not appear after slight contact with the skin of the face. The tips presented here will help you quickly get rid of swelling and bruising, strengthen blood vessels. Let the look be irresistible. Be healthy!


Getting a hematoma under the eye is quite simple and it does not have to happen in a fight, a person can simply lead an active and healthy lifestyle, playing sports. However, during classes, you must be careful enough not to get seriously injured, but not everyone succeeds in avoiding bruises and bruises. If a person has a bruise in the eye area, then this is a reason to once again arouse the interest of passers-by. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to remove a bruise that has appeared in one day, and whether this can be done at all.

How does a bruise develop?

A bruise is formed when a person hits hard or receives a severe bruise. At this time, the vessels burst, and blood gets under the skin. This should be remembered if the bruise fell on the face, because on this area of ​​​​the body, the bruise may not appear immediately. Now, if the blow was delivered to the eye area or the bridge of the nose, then within twenty-four hours, only severe swelling will be visible. After this time, and will be noticeable.

Appearing in the area of ​​​​the eye, in just one day is very difficult, we can say that this is impossible. And all because the formation of a bruise takes a certain time, because the formation process itself is divided into several stages. Of course, it is possible to speed up these processes a little, but human capabilities in this are limited.

So there are two main steps:

  1. The area where the blow was struck swells and takes on a red-blue color, because hemoglobin in the blood is colored that way. The size of the hematoma will directly depend on the amount of blood leaking under the skin. Accordingly, so that the size of the hematoma and its color are not so pronounced, it is necessary to prevent a large outflow of blood. This stage usually takes no more than three days, in some cases less. During this time, you can not heat the site of injury.
  2. At the second stage of hematoma formation, hemoglobin is decomposed, and therefore the staining of the bruised area changes. Yellow appears first, then it turns green and finally brown. If no action is taken, then the hematoma will disappear after one and a half or even two weeks.

There is one homemade recipe for removing a bruise.

You'll need:

  • One tablespoon crushed pomegranate seeds.
  • Three teaspoons of crushed walnut.

Mix the ingredients to make a homogeneous mixture, and apply it on the bruised area. Leave on for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

How to help if a few minutes have passed since the injury?

Since it is practically impossible to cure a bruise at home, especially when it is large, everything should be done to prevent all signs of a bruise from appearing later. You need to do this very quickly, because the time count goes by minutes. The sooner you start taking action, the faster the bruise will subside.

The following rules must be observed:

  • In the first minutes after the injury, cold should be applied to the sore spot. You can use any frost from the freezer. But before that, the package must be wrapped in a towel so that the skin does not touch the cold.

In the first minutes after the impact, it is necessary to apply ice to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

  • The time during which this must be done must not exceed ten minutes. If this limit is exceeded, then it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of a large hematoma.
  • Keep the cold for twenty minutes, then you need to take a break for ten minutes and again apply a towel with cold.
  • Also, medications, for example, Heparin ointment, will help you get rid of a hematoma in 1 day. It must be applied within the first ten minutes after injury. But you can do this during ten minutes of rest from the compress. If you apply it later, the effect will not be so strong.
  • It is impossible to apply heat on the first day, because the effect will be the opposite. Heat can only be applied after the swelling has been completely removed.

Substances with absorbable action

If you need to quickly cure a bruise at home, then various lotions or masks with a resolving effect will come to the rescue. There are many such recipes, let's look at some of them:

  1. Badyaga mask. Badyagu is used to eliminate bruises and age spots on the skin, because it is a potent active substance. This tool will help the fastest, but it still has its drawbacks. It should be used very carefully if the bruise fell on the face. Before applying the product to the skin of the face, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it. If everything is fine, you can start applying. Just remember that the area under the eyes is too delicate, so it is not recommended to keep the product here for a long time. In time, it will take no more than five minutes. Apply the product carefully so that it does not get into the eyes. If the bruise needs to be removed from another area of ​​the body, then the badyag can be used without fear of anything, but still wisely. Keep no more than fifteen minutes. To prepare a badyagi mask, you need to mix the powder and water.
  2. A compress of cabbage leaves. Cabbage does not have such a strong effect on the bruise as the previous remedy. But it is also often used to eliminate a bruise under the eye in a day. For a compress, you need chopped cabbage in a blender. Apply the resulting mass to the bruise for fifteen minutes. The more often you carry out this procedure, the faster the bruise will come off.
  3. Onion ointment. You will need a small head of onion, one tablespoon of grated laundry soap and melted wax. Peel it from the husk, put it in a small enameled container, completely fill it with sunflower oil and put it on fire. Cook until the onion turns black, then remove it and squeeze the juice out of it into the same oil. Also add wax and soap to the oil, and put the container in the refrigerator to solidify the mixture. It should be applied at least three times a day.
  4. Salt compress. Everyone understands that it is almost impossible to get rid of a bruise in a day, so in some cases you can use several methods at the same time. For example, a saline compress will quickly get rid of a bruise. To prepare it, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of salt in one liter of boiled water. In the resulting solution, wet a piece of cloth and apply it to the damaged area on the face for about half an hour.

Help of medicines

Arriving at the pharmacy, you can ask the pharmacist about in a very short time. To date, there are many such drugs, for example, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Rescuer, Bruise-Off, Arnica and many other means.

Generally speaking, any remedy that has a resolving and vasoconstrictive effect will help to get rid of a bruise.

Ointment from bruises "Lyoton"

Also, it will not be superfluous to take vitamin C and PP, this can be done using a special cream or taking vitamins inside. They will strengthen blood vessels and quickly restore damaged tissues.

When you buy a drug in a pharmacy, carefully read the instructions for use for contraindications and side effects.

Remember that the most effective way to deal with a hematoma is to simply try not to get a bruise. But if it was not possible to avoid this, then the therapy undertaken in the first minutes after the bruise will help in getting rid of it. If this is not done, then the treatment will be delayed for several days, regardless of the method used.

Each of us has been in a situation where you hit something, and then a bruise appears in this place. But it's good if this place can be covered with clothes. What if there's a bruise on your face? And what to do if you need to go to work, and there is such beauty on your face? How to remove a bruise very quickly with the help of folk and pharmacy remedies, we will now tell you.

How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye?

In the first minutes after the impact, edema first appears. At this moment, you need to attach something cold to the injury site - ice, snow, any product from the freezer. It can also be metal objects - spoons, coins. Keep the cold at the site of injury for at least 15 minutes. Internal bleeding under the influence of cold will stop, and the swelling will subside. The cold also relieves pain.

If the pain syndrome is very pronounced, you can take an analgesic drug or antispasmodic:

  • no-shpu;
  • analgin;
  • paracetamol.

But it is worth remembering that in no case should you take aspirin, as it thins the blood, and in a situation where the vessels are injured, this is inappropriate. Even one tablet of acetylsalicylic acid can cause an increase in the area of ​​bruising.

The following remedies will also help to quickly remove a bruise from the eye:

  • Lyoton;
  • Troxevasin;
  • cream Rescuer;
  • ointment Bruise Off.

They have a good absorbable effect, removing edema of blood vessels, therefore, the bruise will quickly come down. But you need to apply them quickly, the sooner the better.

How can you quickly remove a bruise with a badyagi?

If a bruise has already appeared, you need to act differently. Of the pharmaceutical preparations, badyaga has an excellent effect. To remove a bruise with it you need:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of badyagi powder with 1 tablespoon of water.
  2. Stir until the state of slurry.
  3. Apply the mass to the bruise area for fifteen minutes.
  4. Rinse badyagu with warm water.

This procedure should be carried out at least twice a day. If there is a bruise in the eye area, you need to act with extreme caution so that the badyaga does not get on the mucous membrane in any case.

How to quickly remove a bruise on the face with heat?

Under the action of heat, blood circulation increases, so the bruise disappears quickly enough. For a thermal procedure to get rid of a hematoma, you can use a regular heating pad, a bag of heated salt, or a warm boiled egg. You can warm up the bruise 3-4 times a day for fifteen minutes. Only such a procedure should be done already when the swelling subsided. Immediately after the impact, the bruise should not be heated.

How to remove a bruise in one day using folk remedies?

Salt and onion compress:

  1. Three onions on a fine grater.
  2. Add one tablespoon of salt.
  3. The resulting mixture is wrapped in a piece of cloth and applied to the bruise for about thirty minutes.

You need to do such a compress three times a day. For each procedure, it is necessary to prepare a fresh onion mixture.

Compress of honey with beets:

  1. Grate the beets on a fine grater.
  2. Add honey in a ratio of 1:1.
  3. Mix and apply a thick layer of the resulting mass on the bruise.

Compress of apple cider vinegar, salt and iodine:

Wormwood compress:

  1. Grind the bitter wormwood grass in a mortar until juice appears.
  2. We impregnate them with a gauze napkin.
  3. We put a napkin on the site of the bruise. It can be fixed with pieces of plaster.

To achieve the maximum effect, you can, and even need to use several products during the day.
