What does a real lady wear. Real lady rules

The laws of etiquette are quite simple, if you understand them. And everyone can master these rules of behavior.

We have collected modern rules etiquette you need to know to earn the respect of society and make your life comfortable.

When guests come to visit

  • If you have a guest for the first time, first show him where he can put himself in order, and then invite him to join the company.
  • If the guests brought you drinks or treats as a gift, they must be put on the table so that everyone can treat themselves.

When you come to visit

  • If you urgently need to leave the holiday, it is enough to call the hosts of the party and apologize for the fact that you are forced to leave. At the same time, you should not say goodbye to the rest of the guests - this way you will bring discord into the general fun and hint to the others that it is time for them to leave too.

At the restaurant

  • If you feel stuffy, then you should not wave a napkin in front of your face. It is enough to tell the waiter that you do not have enough air, and the air conditioner will be turned on for you.
  • In no case do not lay out the entire arsenal of cosmetic bags in a public place.
  • If you need to comb your hair, this should also be done in the ladies' room. The need to do your hair again will lead you there.
  • You can put on lipstick right at the table, but you only need to use mascara or powder in the toilet.

Communication rules

  • You should not call to a stranger to “you”, even if it seemed that the child answered: the impression may be erroneous.
  • Do not forget about the rules of etiquette at home. For example, it is very important when communicating not to shout from one room to another - this is at least indecent. In addition, this manner of communication can become a habit and make a bad impression about you.

At the table

  • It is ugly to top up from a bottle only to yourself. Taking a bottle or a decanter, first offer to a neighbor on the table.
  • It is impolite to choose the best from the portions on the dish. Take the piece that is closest to you.
  • A spoon of soup should not be put on the table - neither during meals, nor after it. Leave the spoon in the plate so as not to stain the tablecloth.
  • A cup of tea should be held by squeezing the handle with your fingers. A cup of coffee can be held by "laying" a finger on the handle.

Are common

  • Remember that at work you should not put a handbag on the table, put a hat on it or lay out cosmetics on it. Find another place for all this.
  • If you are sitting in a low chair, do not cross your legs. Better press your knees together and tilt your legs to one side. You can cross your legs, placing one foot directly behind the other.

Cloakroom in a public place

  • If where you came there is no wardrobe, outerwear must be hung on special hangers indoors.
  • You can straighten your hair in front of the mirror at the wardrobe, but you can’t put on makeup or comb your hair, as well as bandage a tie - there is a toilet for this.
  • In some cases, it is perfectly acceptable for a woman to sit in a raincoat, but this rule does not apply to men.
  • If there is a wardrobe, all bulky luggage is left in it: umbrellas, bulky bags, cases (if there is nothing important in them). However handbag must remain with the owner.

Etiquette in the car

  • When a woman gets into a car, she does not "step" into it. It is enough to sit on the edge of the seat, and then “pull” your legs into the car. And, on the contrary, leaving the car, put your feet on the asphalt, and then get out of the car.

Initially, only the wives of lords belonging to the aristocratic circles of secular society were called ladies. But now many ladies, wanting to be like real English ladies, are trying to find their own style, learning proper manners and etiquette. Often we call this charm and the ability to present ourselves, without at all connecting such a feature of a woman with her noble origin. But learning to be a real lady is not an easy task. To do this, it is not enough to be well-groomed and attractive. You need to have a special inner charm that attracts people. How often does it happen that by nature beautiful girl literally "lost" in a pile of ridiculous things. And not very beautiful, but enough confident woman attracts the eyes of strangers with just one look. The same goes for the way you speak. Very smart, well-read, but self-contained persons remain in the shadows, while sociable and friendly personalities are always in the spotlight. And if you want to understandhow to be a real lady, we will tell you what rules and life guidelines you must adhere to.

Manners of a real lady

In classic English version real ladies possessed a number of qualities that distinguish them from other women. These include special style and elegance. Girls from aristocratic families received a good education. They studied art, so they always knew the value of things and felt the beauty of forms. As a result, such ladies developed a special taste andreal lady style, allowing them to surround themselves with elegant objects and select an exquisite wardrobe for themselves.

Education true lady certainly complemented by her high intellectual development and the ability to keep up a conversation on any topic. Such ladies believe that it is absolutely not necessary to have a degree in order to learn a couple foreign languages and regularly be interested in at least the most famous achievements of scientists. For this, curiosity and the desire to improve oneself are enough.

Another "trump card" of a real lady is her perfect manners, the ability to gracefully move and speak correctly.Etiquette for a real ladyallows her to stay on top in any situation. And even when left alone, educated ladies do not allow themselves to relax, they automatically continue to do everything beautifully and correctly.

Previously, girls from aristocratic families were taught to play a musical instrument, sing and dance from childhood. This instilled in them a sense of rhythm, musicality and grace. At the same time, the girls carefully studied home economics, cooking, sewing, floriculture and other disciplines that help them become good housewives. If you want to be a real lady, be sure to analyze what you do not know how and what you should learn. Start going to theaters and museums, take a cooking class or a dance studio. And very soon you will have a lot of ideas on how to change your home, your wardrobe, and possibly your whole life.

How real ladies act

One of the most important qualities real woman- her pleasant energy and the ability to make people around her happy. It is hardly possible to call a lady an embittered, hysterical, touchy and envious person who cannot cope with her negative emotions. But female gentleness, good nature and charm can work wonders. Sincere smile, openness, good feeling humor - these are the qualities that help win favor and sympathy in any society. And the ability to listen and the ability to yield make a woman a wonderful wife and mother. If you learn the right manners and reconsider your views on life, become open, sincere and start smiling more, the people around you will certainly see real lady. And in order to consolidate the result, we have prepared for you a number of rules that you should try to adhere to.

Real lady rules

  • Never dress too revealingly, but always choose things that flatter your figure.
  • Use large bags only when it's really appropriate. Otherwise choose neat handbags small sizes.
  • If you do not know what to wear, it is better to dress modestly so as not to get into an awkward situation.
  • Feel free to look people in the eye. If someone smiles at you, be sure to respond with a smile.
  • Always thank people for their help or attention. Try to do it as sincerely and openly as possible.
  • Do not refuse if your beloved man or friend offers you to pay for dinner. But be sure to thank him for it.
  • Do not complain about your weight and figure flaws. We are all imperfect, but everyone deserves love and respect.
  • Don't talk on the phone in public places. Only when it really matters.
  • Never be late. Even if a passionately in love man is waiting for you, show respect.
  • Don't be arrogant. Always treat people with respect.
  • Don't gossip and don't gloat.
  • Don't joke about religion, racism, sex and politics.
  • Easily forgive people for their mistakes, and forgive yourself for your own.

A real lady is not a frivolous beauty with narrow waist. This is grace and taste, style and manners ... Such a woman is not just seen off, she is respected, admired, imitated.

What are the qualities of a lady?

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By definition, a lady is the wife of a lord, which means that she belongs to the most privileged aristocratic stratum. But today we call a lady a woman who has a certain set of qualities, and blue blood has nothing to do with it.

  1. Style

A sense of style always distinguishes a real lady. Usually this quality is innate, but it can also be brought up. If from childhood to instill in a girl a taste for high art, give her a comprehensive education and show an example of elegance in everything, then there is hope that a real lady will come out of her.

Style is not only the ability to dress well. This is the presence of a special taste for life. This is the ability to surround yourself with only elegant things and selected people, the ability to radiate special charm and attract those around you. And not always being stylish means being fashionable. Today, being stylish means being yourself and not losing your dignity under any circumstances.

  1. Manners

It is hardly possible to call a lady a woman who swears and behaves defiantly cheeky. The lady knows how to hold herself correctly, moves gracefully and is not lost in any situation. She will be at her best in any environment, and even when alone, she will not allow herself to relax.

A lady is most easily recognizable by her manner of speaking: her accent and bad pronunciation give her away instantly. That is why in all boarding schools for noble maidens pronunciation is given paramount importance.

  1. Education

A real lady speaks several languages. She is up to date with all the news and will easily support a conversation on any topic. It is not true that a lady's lot is housekeeping. The modern lady is an educated and intellectually developed woman.

She may not have academic degrees, but be aware recent achievements in the field of science. And she never stops on the path of her improvement.

  1. Music

Not only should a real lady be able to understand art. Music and dance accompany her all her life. Since childhood, the future lady has been taught music. She must be able to play well musical instruments and not be afraid to sing a couple of romances to your guests.

If you think that her lack of hearing releases her from this duty, you are mistaken. Hearing develops over time. And even if an elephant stepped on the girl's ear, as she learns, she can begin to hear and feel the music.

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  1. The ability to dance

This skill is a must for a real lady. She must be confident while dancing, be graceful and rhythmic. ballroom dancing are included in the mandatory program for future ladies. And it is at balls that a lady should be able to present herself with dignity in high society.

  1. Knowledge of etiquette

This is not only the ability to eat with a knife and fork, but also the knowledge of all the subtleties of behavior at the table and in society. How to communicate with royalty how to receive guests, what to say and to whom, when to smile and when to show equanimity - a real lady knows all these secrets perfectly.

  1. home economics

Even if the lady lives in a house filled with servants, she is an unsurpassed hostess. Cooking, beautifully setting the table, managing the household - all this the lady does to perfection.

Cooking is a must educational program for the lady. She will always be able to pamper her guests with original and refined dishes.

  1. Floriculture

The ability to grow flowers and arrange bouquets is one of the most important components aesthetic development lady. This is the ability to see and feel the beautiful, unsurpassed taste and subtlety of perception.

Flowers accompany the lady throughout her life, and in her house you can not see a wilted bouquet. She independently composes compositions and decorates her house with them.

  1. The ability to sew

And even if the lady dresses in best stores and sews outfits from the most famous tailors, she must be able to sew and understand all the intricacies of styles, stitches and fabrics.

  1. INriding

The ability to ride, participate in hunting, knowledge of all the intricacies of horse racing allow the lady to feel confident in high society.

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Real lady rules

Real lady rules

Many girls dream of being the most beautiful and attractive. They want to enjoy life and receive friendly smiles in return. They dream of a handsome prince who will love them. However, in order for everything to be just that, you need to make some efforts. Every girl (and you are no exception) can become a young lady if she takes care of herself, her speech and manner of communicating, and keeping herself in society. And then the general delight is guaranteed to you. Here are some tips and tricks to help you develop right line behavior in communication and life.

Appearance. It is important that your appearance is appropriate for your age. Avoid excessive use of makeup or clothes worn by older women ( business suits, office dresses and grandmother's sundresses). Young girls have their own fashion and clothes that match it, and which will decorate you much more. The main rule in clothing is that it should not be too open. If the top is open (for example, a topic), then Bottom part body almost to the knee should be closed. If you are wearing shorts or a short skirt, then a more closed T-shirt or blouse will suit them.

Make it a rule to choose only one: Short skirt, tank top or bright lipstick. Together these things are incompatible.

A short skirt does not decorate the girl at all. She is more indicative of her promiscuity. For a young lady, this is completely useless. Her beauty and attractiveness are expressed not only by her appearance, but also by her mind, character, and sociability. Normal stylish clothes you can be much more interested in guys and in general everyone around you. Therefore, the main skill of a young lady is to look stylish without excessive exposure of the body. Not suitable for a contender for this title and the constant wearing of jeans, especially with a bare stomach. Skirts of moderate length and dresses adorn the girl most of all.

Be sure to look neat and at home. Dressing up just to go out of the house is not at all good for a young lady.

? Behavior. This component moment of the image of a young lady is manifested mostly in communication with other people. Correct behavior can be learned. You also need to be able to control yourself. For example, when meeting or communicating with unfamiliar people I would like to talk less about myself. It is better to answer questions with phrases with a general meaning, without specific details. You don't have to tell everyone about your personal life. Its details may be very interesting to your interlocutor, but this will not lead to anything good, but will only contribute to the appearance of gossip. You can read special literature about the rules of communication. In communication, it is important to be able to listen to the interlocutor, to make him feel understanding, your tact. Talkativeness is not acceptable for a lady. During a conversation, do not actively gesticulate, be distracted by phone calls, interrupt the interlocutor. Having begun to control yourself, it is very easy to master these simple rules behavior. DO NOT decorate the girl bad habits. Even for the company you should not smoke or drink alcohol. They are harmful to health, cause a feeling of debauchery and lead to an early fading of beauty.

? Politeness and tact. These qualities are very important for a young lady. Calmness is a character trait that can be developed. It allows you to navigate many difficult situations and choose the right course of action. You should be tactful not only in conversation, but also in relation to people who are less attractive in appearance, worse dressed. In other words, don't turn up your nose. During a conversation, you should remember such words of politeness as “thank you”, “please”, etc. If you are in a company of arguing or conflicting people, then try not to take a position. Stay neutral. If you notice that one of those present has violated the rules of etiquette, then you should not be reminded of this. Tactfully act like you didn't notice.

? Remember your virtues. Every person has some flaws. We need to work on them, eliminate them. But when talking to other people, forget about them. At your leisure, remember your virtues more often and use them in communication. If you are positive inside, with love for yourself, then the people around you will perceive you just like that.

? Keep your posture. In the view of every person, a girl who claims to be a young lady must have a good posture. A straight back, a raised head with a raised chin, free and calm hands. This position definitely suits you and is worthy of a young lady.

? Personal care. Be sure to take care of your face and body, as well as your hair. Appearance is business card every girl and woman. Many skin problems adolescence(greasiness, acne) can be eliminated. Starting to take care of yourself from a young age, in the future you will retain youth and attractiveness for a longer time. Skin care can help prevent early age-related changes although they are still very far away. Be sure to pay attention to your arms and legs. Without manicure and pedicure at least hygienic, a real lady is indispensable. Hands should be well-groomed, soft, and heels clean and smooth.

? Don't be afraid of change. In adolescence, life is hectic. The girl is faced with a lot of new things. Do not be afraid of changes in life and change yourself. This is a natural process of growing up. At each stage of life, a person comprehends the previously unknown and changes under the influence of this. active people purposefully looking for changes in life. They have many activities - hobbies, sports, creativity, which contribute to the development of personality and make life more interesting.

? Your scent. Surrounding people are very pleased when a pleasant and individual smell comes from a person. Therefore, cleanliness of the body and clothes is very important. Do not use a lot of perfumed cosmetics or water yourself abundantly toilet water. Everything is good in moderation. Look for a scent that suits your style and that you like. toilet water spray in a small amount on a clean body, and not on clothes. If you have a headache from the smell or it is very strong, then it does not suit you.

? Your style. On television, we see a lot of beautiful women, especially representatives of the show world. You should not copy others and adopt their manners of behavior and communication. It will look like a cartoon. You can take note of the general advantages of any girl - politeness, tact, the ability to cheer others up, vitality. And look for these traits in yourself. Then they will show up naturally and become yours. The same applies to makeup. Having made up like any famous pop star, you will not become one. And you can lose yourself behind someone else's mask. Yes, and it's not reasonable. It is unlikely that a guy will be proud that his girlfriend looks like ... but yours own style he appreciates. Guys value girls in which there is individuality and dissimilarity to others. However, all your personality traits must fit within the rules for young ladies.

? Behavior at the table Pay attention to your behavior at the table. Eat with gusto and beautifully. Don't stick around strict diets, which make others sad, of course, if they are not prescribed by a doctor. A healthy appetite always adorns a girl. After eating for 5-10 minutes it is useful to chew chewing gum to refresh oral cavity and breath.

? Gait. Pay attention to your walk. Young lady will never walk in a waddle, shuffle his feet and wave his arms. You need to walk with straightened shoulders, raised chin. Hands should be freely located along the body and move slightly in time with the steps. When walking, do not look under your feet and slouch. The gait says a lot - about the state of health, well-being and upbringing of the girl.

? Learn new things. It is interesting to communicate with a person who has a broad outlook. Therefore, a lady should have a large stock of knowledge on various issues. Read more books. You can, of course, use the Internet, but information from books is better remembered.

? Specialty of the house. Every girl is future wife and the hostess, and it's time to master the kitchen. Learn how to cook at least one dish that will become your signature dish, such as apple pie. You can treat your friends to them and show yourself as a hospitable hostess.

? Voice. Always speak calmly and moderately loudly. The interlocutor should not ask you again, but also recoil from your cry too. Even if something throws you off balance, stay calm and never raise your voice.

? Behave according to the situation. Imagine that you are playing the lead role in a movie. Try to imagine yourself in different images, but at the same time be sure to remain yourself in each of them. It's interesting and exciting. Different events happen in life and you need to be able to behave accordingly every time.

Be generous to your friends and loved ones and be able to forgive insults. This the best remedy keep the attraction long years.

? Do not show your mind excessively. People around are always annoyed if someone shows himself too smart and constantly speaks in quotes, cites encyclopedic data. Everything is good in moderation. Other people should also speak out and you can’t make it clear to them that they don’t know something.

Smile. It shows that everything is fine with you and the birds sing in your soul. By the way, people usually think that they smile because they feel good. This also works in reverse. If you feel sad and this state is delayed, then try to smile at something. After a while, you will notice that your mood has improved and life has become more fun.

? Less tears. It's not right for a young lady to cry. It is a mistake to believe that tears touch another person and help achieve something. In most cases, tears are negatively perceived by a communication partner. You are no longer a baby who can burst into tears over any trifle. A real lady knows how to control herself.

? Look into your eyes. During interesting conversation look into the eyes of the interlocutor. This helps to understand the other person, contributes to the development of mutual sympathy. Of course, you do not need to hypnotize the interlocutor with a look. Just be natural and don't be afraid to look the other person in the eye.

? Praise. Doing good deeds for others, never expect praise. Don't skimp on it yourself. Give others sincere compliments, thank you for your help. Just keep in mind that flattery and pretense are always felt.

? Sense of humor. Laugh heartily at funny situations. Do not just laugh, crouching and showing everyone the tonsils. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. A sense of humor helps in the fight against some of their shortcomings.

? Congratulations. Do not forget to congratulate your family and friends on the holiday and birthday. You can make a list and follow it on a calendar. This will help to remember in a timely manner that someone needs to be congratulated.

? Drive away negative emotions. Negative emotions, such as envy, anger, irritability, have a very detrimental effect on girlish beauty and attractiveness. Don't give in to them. Find the positive in everything. Rejoice for your friends and loved ones, share their feelings with them. This is one of the secrets of personal attractiveness for everyone.

? Show emotion. Don't force them inside of you. Everyone has the right to experience a wide variety of emotions. If they appear in moderation, then they naturally flow into one another. You can openly show emotions, designating them with words. For example, you can directly say that you are upset or offended. It's better than sulking all evening with resentment, and everyone will wonder what's happening to you. Make it a rule before going to bed to remember something pleasant from recent events. This will help you fall asleep and wake up faster. good mood.

? Don't be intrusive. Communicate more with those people who reciprocate you. Do not impose yourself in other people's companies, but you can make sure that you are invited there.

? Down with laziness. Laziness, like negative emotions that has a devastating effect on a person. find yourself different activities(sports, hobbies, housework) and know how to enjoy them. Then there will be no place for boredom in your life.

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It's hard to describe the elegance. Nevertheless, its presence in a person is always noticeable. The elegance of the lady is visible in her walk, in the way she speaks. This is evident in the behavior of the woman. Even in the little things in her behavior, in her smile, in a thousand different things that distinguish her from the rest. Elegance becomes the topic of many articles, films and even tutorials. But it's still hard to describe. This is not something that can be measured and evaluated. Real elegance is simply felt. However, there are a few details worth paying attention to.

An elegant lady always understands how she looks

When people look at you, what do they see? A woman rushing off somewhere on a busy day? Someone who fusses down the street in endless motion with his whole body tilted forward? Or someone waiting for a subway train with a face so grim that you could win a sad face contest with such a grimace? But why? Don't let unattractive behavior become the norm for you. Of course, most often this happens - once you stop controlling yourself, and now the pleasant expression on your face is already disappearing, automatically changing to a dreary mine. An elegant woman always remembers how she looks.
This does not mean that you should always force yourself to smile. It's not the secret, it's just attractive appearance becomes a natural state. This means maintaining a sweet and welcoming attitude throughout the day. The point is not to attract the attention of others, but to sincerely enjoy life.

Elegant woman loves herself

A true woman knows how to relax and slow down. She likes to enjoy the sound of silence. She would rather look at the clouds than endlessly check the phone screen. Whatever she does, she does not try to bring herself to complete exhaustion. There is no point in working half to death in order to succeed at work - it is simply a road to nowhere. If you feel calm and are at peace with the reality around you, it is much easier for you to realize yourself both in your personal life and at work. Therefore, try to recharge your internal batteries in order to remain a radiant person and give light to others.

Elegant ladies are impossible to piss off

An elegant lady laughs in the face of conflicts - she never takes offense at the world and does not perceive every unpleasant life surprise as a personal insult. There is nothing more stupid than to think that fate itself creates problems for you. Every person has a reason to feel sorry for themselves.
It’s just better not to use such opportunities and allow yourself not to worry about anything. A truly elegant woman does not think about this and does not gossip about the problems of others with others. She does not suffer from low self-esteem. For example, you will never catch her gloating over how badly her former classmates look in photographs.

An elegant lady knows how to respond to admiring glances

A stylish woman knows what it's like to be the center of attention. She knows how to take compliments and respond to admiring glances. She is not afraid of popularity, but she does not pursue it either. She just knows her worth. If a compliment is given to her, she does not try to belittle herself out of modesty and somehow refute it, but simply thanks for it and is not ashamed of praise.

A true woman is confident in her body

If you think you have elegant women chiseled waist and steep hips, it's time to just forget about the stupid stereotype! There are many examples that you can be a charming lady even with magnificent forms. It's all about how well you present yourself. You don't need body-hugging clothes to look attractive. Things should look harmonious. Curvy curves are great as long as you don't try to fit them into tight frames. modern fashion. Therefore, you should not even think that you can only be a real lady in a certain weight.

Elegance is not limited to rules and traditions

The secret to being a real lady is to always act according to the situation. There is no need to wear a tight jacket to a picnic. You don’t need heels for a walk, and on a hot summer day, a formal suit is out of place. Do not believe those who consider the key to the pursuit of the ideal and classic style. Loose hair is not the enemy of elegance. Listen to your own intuition. If you think that your hairstyle is good in a natural way, then leave it. If you are uncomfortable in heels, choose beautiful couple flat shoes. Whatever you do, don't try to imprison your personality with boring classical rules. True style is not limited at all black and white clothes and traditional dress. Being yourself and being able to present yourself with dignity at the same time - that's what real elegance is.
