The smell of ketone bodies in the urine. Urinary ketones in an adult

Ketone bodies (acetone bodies) are a natural breakdown product. They are constantly produced in the human blood plasma. In a healthy body, their production is so low that they do no harm.

Ketone bodies enter the kidneys through the filtration system from the blood. It is almost impossible to detect a small number of them in the laboratory. But if the increase in ketone bodies in the analysis of urine is significant, this indicates a pathological process in the body.

An increased level of ketone bodies in the urine (ketonuria) occurs in the body against the background of a lack of glucose. This condition can be caused by various factors: diabetes mellitus, starvation, increased psycho-emotional and physical stress, alcohol intoxication, poisoning.

If ketones are found in the urine, the causes of which are unknown, urgent measures must be taken to remove them from the body and establish what caused ketonuria. This will allow proper therapy and quickly normalize the level of acetone in the urine.

Ketonuria in adults is most often an indicator of the development of diabetes mellitus. But this condition may have other reasons. In 90% of cases, ketones in the urine appear in pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

Children are not afraid of ketonuria if the acetone in the urine disappears upon re-examination. Usually the doctor prescribes a special diet and drugs to cleanse the body, and after a couple of days the analysis is repeated. If there are no serious pathologies, acetone in the urine is not detected again.

Adults are less likely to ask what ketone bodies are in urine, but if such indicators appear in the analysis, this indicates the development of a pathological condition and requires urgent corrective measures. Acetone, which accumulates in the liver in an adult, can become a threat to life.

In the analysis of urine, the presence of ketone bodies is indicated by the symbols KET. An excess of ketones in the urine will be indicated by an analysis in which the KET value is above 0.5 mg.

An express method that allows you to determine whether ketones in the urine are elevated is also available at home. Pharmacies sell tests for self-diagnosis of urine pH levels. The test strip, when in contact with urine in the presence of ketones, turns into a color, which must then be compared with the color scale.

When acetone appears in the urine, the range of possible shades on the test strip varies from light pink to lilac. The richer the color, the more acidic the urine, which indirectly indicates an increased content of ketone bodies.

It is important to know that diabetes will be indicated not only by a high concentration of ketone bodies in the urine, but also by an excess of glucose levels.

Developing diabetic ketoacidosis will be indicated by a urine test with an elevated ket value against the background of high sugar content. This condition indicates a prolonged deficiency of insulin and excessive formation of metabolic products.

Causes of ketonuria

An increased content of acetone in the urine can indicate both temporary failures of certain processes in the body, and a serious pathology. There are traces of ketones in the urine of adults and children against the background of the following conditions:

  • fasting and prolonged diet;
  • violation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • intense physical activity;
  • hypothermia or heat stroke;
  • developing anemia;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • violation of hematopoiesis, blood leukemia;
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • oncological diseases of the digestive tract;
  • intoxication with salts of heavy metals;
  • taking certain medications;
  • vomit;
  • chronic alcohol dependence, leading to destructive changes in the liver.

The reason for the appearance of KET in the analysis of urine can be a carbohydrate-free diet, prolonged fever, poisoning and infectious diseases of the intestine.

Patients after surgery are also at risk, since the breakdown of blood proteins increases in the wound surface, and anemia due to blood loss can aggravate the process. Urinary ketones can appear due to insufficient fluid intake, as well as when eating a large amount of animal products.

But this is not a complete list of reasons why ketone bodies can appear in the urine. Many other pathologies can cause acidosis, therefore, without examination and consultation of a specialist, it is impossible to draw conclusions.

Ketonuria in children

The reason for the detection of acetone in the urine in children is most often overwork, stress, emotional overload, a long trip. Acidosis also occurs against the background of viral, infectious diseases, intestinal infections, especially if the disease is accompanied by high fever or frequent vomiting.

In addition, ketones in the urine of children under 12 years of age indicate an insufficient intake of fluid into the body, as well as an improper and unbalanced diet.

A temporary and slight increase in the level of ketone bodies in children is easily corrected and most often does not cause serious pathologies.

However, ketonuria in children can also indicate serious disorders in the body, such as a brain tumor, liver failure, diabetes mellitus, and thyroid dysfunction. Therefore, it is important, when a KET indicator is detected in a urine test in a child, to conduct repeated studies to prevent the development of pathologies.

Ketones in urine during pregnancy

Normally, in a pregnant woman, ketone bodies in the urine should be absent. If the analysis showed the presence of ket in the urine, most often the pregnant woman will be hospitalized.

Despite the fact that elevated acetone in a pregnant woman does not always indicate serious pathologies, only with a hospital examination will doctors be able to find out exactly what this means and why the ket indicator is present in the urine.

Usually, in pregnant women, an excess of the norm of ketone bodies in the body occurs against the background of toxicosis, especially accompanied by frequent vomiting.

Or ketonuria can develop against the background of preeclampsia (toxicosis of the last trimester) due to hormonal changes and the consumption of large amounts of food rich in proteins and fats. In addition, pregnancy and pathology of this kind can be interconnected for the following reasons:

  • viral and bacterial diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • liver damage;
  • oncological diseases.

The presence of acetone in the urine can be dangerous for a pregnant woman. Ketonuria threatens not only the life and health of the child, but also the mother.

This condition can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, and even coma. If a pregnant woman feels unwell, notes severe fatigue, drowsiness, and at the same time ketones are found in her urine, this condition requires treatment in a hospital.

Associated symptoms

The process of excessive accumulation of ketone bodies in the body is accompanied by indirect signs that are easy to identify before passing the analysis.

An unpleasant smell of acetone from the oral cavity will indicate ketonuria, which may be accompanied by increased fatigue, nausea, and even vomiting.
In addition to these signs, children may also have such pathological symptoms as:

  • decrease in physical activity;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • loss of appetite;
  • abdominal pain in the navel.

These symptoms are sometimes noted against the background of elevated body temperature (37-39 degrees).


Diagnosis of ketone bodies in the urine is an important medical study that allows you to identify the level of intoxication with acetone in the body. Ketonuria in a neglected state can cause serious harm to a person, therefore, when acetone is detected in the urine, it is important to establish the exact cause of this pathology.

The final interpretation of the general analysis of urine in the presence of ketone bodies in it should be carried out only by a doctor. Methods for diagnosing the presence of acetone in the body include not only a urine test, but also a blood test, thanks to which it will be possible to determine a more accurate level of ketone bodies in the blood.

Based on additional laboratory tests, the doctor will be able to determine whether diabetes is the reason that ketones were detected in the urine, or this pathology arose against the background of another disease.

The boundary value, which serves as an indication for further monitoring of the patient's condition, is determined at the level of 0.5 mmol / l in blood tests. An indicator of more than 1-2 mmol / l will indicate prolonged intoxication with ketones.

To confirm the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus", in addition to a general study on the level of ketone bodies in the urine and in the blood, a blood test for glucose is performed. If the determination of the glucose level did not show an excess of the norm, it will be necessary to look for another cause of the pathology.

Treatment and diet for ketonuria

The main goal of therapeutic therapy for ketonuria is to remove acetone from the body. Within the hospital setting, measures include intravenous saline infusions and drug therapy. But hospitalization for elevated levels of ketones in the urine is not always necessary.

You can reduce acetone in the urine at home. The first thing that is needed is to detoxify the body with the help of enterosorbents, as well as restore the water balance.

It is important to correct the condition and prevent a further increase in ketones in the blood and urine with the help of proper nutrition. The diet for ketonuria includes the following recommendations:

  • first of all, it is necessary to exclude fatty meat and dairy products, canned food, smoked meats and fast food from the diet;
  • alcohol, coffee, cocoa, chocolate are prohibited;
  • it is advisable to remove mushrooms, tomatoes, citrus fruits from the menu;
  • it is useful to include foods rich in fiber in the diet, as well as to consume juices, fruit drinks, compotes from berries and dried fruits, diversify the diet with cereals.

Patients with diabetes are prescribed doses of insulin. In liver pathologies, drugs are indicated that support the function of this organ. All patients, without exception, are recommended to drink alkaline water (baking soda).

If ketonuria is detected in time, the correct therapy is carried out and nutrition is balanced, the prognosis for correcting the pathology is favorable.

It develops due to disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and requires close attention, since it can cause the development of ketoacidotic coma. In this article, we will introduce you to the causes of ketoacidosis, its symptoms and treatment principles.

Urinary ketones (or ketone bodies) are a group of organic substances synthesized in the liver during the breakdown of fats and the release of glucose. They consist of acetone, β-hydroxybutyric and acetoneacetic acid.

Normally, these compounds are rapidly cleaved, and a small part of them is excreted through the kidneys. There are so few of them in the urine that they are not even detected during a routine analysis.

When the presence of ketones in the urine is not dangerous

Ketones in the urine of diabetics can appear due to non-compliance with a low-carb diet. If, against this background, the patient does not increase to 13 mmol / l and above, then such test results are not a reason for prescribing treatment.

Why does ketoacidosis develop?

Diabetic ketoacidosis is the result of carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Carbohydrates that enter the patient's body cannot be decomposed into wine sugar bases, and insulin deficiency leads to the fact that cells are not able to absorb glucose as an energy source. As a result, the body uses reserves from fat reserves and intensively processes them. Because of this, fats and proteins are not completely oxidized and form acetones, which accumulate in the blood, and then appear in the urine.

Ketones in the urine in the first type of diabetes appear when the blood glucose level rises to 13.5-16.7 mmol / l or when glucosuria is more than 3%. In the absence of timely treatment, ketoacidosis can provoke the development of ketoacidotic coma.

As a rule, ketoacidosis in diabetes mellitus is the result of late diagnosis or the result of improper treatment:

  • insufficient administration of insulin;
  • refusal to administer insulin;
  • accidental missed injections;
  • rare control of blood glucose levels;
  • incorrect correction of the dose of insulin depending on the indicators of the glucometer;
  • the appearance of an additional need for insulin due to the intake of a large amount of carbohydrate-rich food or the development of an infectious disease;
  • administration of insulin that has been stored incorrectly or has expired;
  • malfunction of the insulin pump or insulin pen.

The following conditions can contribute to the development of ketoacidosis in diabetes of any type:

  • or inflammatory processes;
  • trauma;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking insulin antagonists: glucocorticosteroids, diuretics, sex hormone preparations;
  • surgical operations;
  • taking drugs that reduce the sensitivity of tissues to insulin: neuroleptics, etc .;
  • depletion of insulin secretion in decompensated type 2 diabetes.

Sometimes the cause of the development of ketoacidosis is the mistakes of doctors:

  • outdated administration of insulin in type 2 diabetes;
  • misdiagnosed type 1 diabetes.

How to detect ketones in urine

The following methods can be used to detect ketones in urine:

  • urinalysis in the laboratory - the results are defined as "+" (+ - a weakly positive reaction indicating the presence of traces of ketones, ++ or +++ - a positive reaction indicating the presence of ketones in the urine, ++++ - a sharply positive reaction indicating the presence of ketones in the urine the presence of large amounts of ketones in the urine);
  • test strips - the test is dipped into the urine for a few seconds, and the results are interpreted by comparing the color on the strip and on the scale attached to the package.

At home, in the absence of test strips, you can find out about the presence of ketones in the urine using ammonia. Its drop must be added to the urine. Its coloring in a bright scarlet color will indicate the presence of acetone.


In most cases, diabetic ketoacidosis develops over several days, and sometimes within 24 hours.

At first, the patient begins to be disturbed by symptoms indicating an increase in blood sugar and a lack of insulin:

  • pronounced thirst;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • weakness;
  • unjustified weight loss;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes.

In the absence of treatment, an increase in acidosis and the development of ketosis occurs:

  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • Kussmaul breathing (deep and noisy).

The aggravation of this condition causes disorders of the nervous system:

  • lethargy and lethargy;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • precoma and ketoacidotic coma.


The condition of patients with ketoacidosis can be severe.

Treatment of ketoacidosis should begin at the first signs of it, which are indicated by the results of blood and urine tests.

A patient with diabetic ketoacidosis at the initial stage (with the preservation of consciousness and the absence of severe comorbidities) is hospitalized in the department of therapy or endocrinology. And patients in a more serious condition - in the intensive care unit.

To draw up a correct treatment plan, the department conducts constant monitoring of vital signs.

The treatment plan includes the following activities:

  • insulin therapy;
  • elimination of dehydration;
  • elimination of acidosis;
  • replenishment of lost electrolytes;
  • treatment of diseases that caused a complicated course of diabetes.

Which doctor to contact

Patients with diabetes should be constantly monitored by an endocrinologist, take the necessary drugs and carry out all recommended tests. If you suspect the development of ketoacidosis, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

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Diagnosis of almost any disease begins with standard laboratory tests of urine. Research indicators provide useful information and initial direction in the diagnosis of many diseases.

After all, urine removes from the body a large amount of salts dissolved in it, organic substances, cellular elements and toxic elements absorbed into the blood. The study of these indicators allows doctors to diagnose the state of internal organs and systems, the viability of immunity.

Detection of ketone in the urine- this is ketonuria, the state of the presence in urine of propanoic substances (acetone) and an intermediate product of fat oxidation - acetoacetic and hydroxybutyric acids.

In the normal state of the body, such substances are not found in urine, because more than 45 mg. acetone (ketone) bodies, the excretory system daily removes from the body.

Causes of ketones in urine

Initiates the accumulation of ketones in urine - deficiency of glucose in the body. With its lack, the process of splitting fats begins in order to replenish the body's internal energy reserves.

The excellent consistency of this multi-stage process is provided by keto acid (oxalacetic acid), which occurs in the processes of glucose oxidation. But with its lack, the body tries to produce glucose on its own.

But, the amount of glucose and the ketacids formed at the same time is not enough for the normal maintenance of metabolic processes. Therefore, a different mechanism of fat dissimilation is triggered with multiple ketone formation.

In a healthy person, the rate of ketones in the urine does not exceed 50 mg. savings per day. Exceeding the level of ketone in urine is a clear evidence of the course of pathological processes in the body.

There are many factors that provoke the concentration of these connective substances in the human body. Many may even be life threatening. The process of their accumulation can be the result of a huge number of factors:

  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • pregnancy and the resulting eclampsia (very high blood pressure);
  • acute respiratory infections pathologies;
  • cancer and the development of hypercatecholaminemia, as a consequence;
  • unlimited protein foods in the diet;
  • anemia, diabetes, kitoacidosis, hyperinsulinism and other pathological conditions;
  • cerebral (hyperglycemic) coma;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, severe poisoning and toxicosis (acidosis);
  • severe fever and physical exertion;
  • alcohol and isopropranol intoxication;
  • various types of glycogenosis.

The process of liver synthesis of organic compounds, in particular ketone ones, depends on the method and diet. It can be disrupted in case of failures in metabolic processes.

Sometimes, the causative factor of ketonuria is due to a catabolic imbalance that disrupts the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates from food. In this case, the reduction in the likelihood of disorders can be remedied by a balanced diet.

Signs of the development of diabetes mellitus are manifested by ketonuria due to an increased level of sugar in the urine, while its smell will be akin to fruit and resemble rotten apples.

  • The detection of acetic (ethanoic) acid and ketone bodies in urine is evidence of an exacerbation of the disease, turning into a more severe clinical stage of the course.

In this condition, there is a global disturbance in the utilization of sugar, provoking the manifestation of diabetic (hyperglycemic) coma.

The development of ketonomia with signs of an increased level of ketones in the urine is due to disturbances in metabolic processes. In many cases, their appearance is a consequence of protein lipoprotein breakdown, provoked by surgical operations. Ketone bodies and ethonic acids, in such a situation, accumulate not only in urine, but also in blood plasma.

What do ketones in the urine of a child mean?

In children, the disease is diagnosed much more often than in older patients - but this does not mean at all that ketones in the urine of a child necessarily indicate the development of ketonuria.

The presence of acetone in children's urine may be one of the signs of non-diabetic ketoacidosis - a syndrome of cyclic acetone vomiting, which is increasingly manifested due to a decrease in the child's immune system. The development of pathology is facilitated by: high subfebrile condition, infections, unbalanced diet and stress.

The detection of ketones in the urine of a child may indicate violations of the processes of fat metabolism in the child's body. In very young children, acetone (ketones) in urine are found after antibiotic treatment, which is due to immunosuppression and failure of liver functions that are unable to cope with the withdrawal of acetone.

Signs of its presence in urine are manifested:

  • instant vomiting after drinking or eating;
  • loss of appetite due to constant nausea;
  • spastic pains in the abdomen;
  • the smell of vomiting from the mouth and fever;
  • enlargement of the liver.

The pathological condition may be accompanied by dehydration. The child's skin becomes pale and dry, dry tongue coated. An unnatural blush appears on the cheeks, the child is weakened and lethargic. The amount of urine output is sharply reduced.

Nervous system disorders can be manifested by hyperactivity and increased arousal, followed by a lethargic and sleepy state. At risk are children under 12 years of age.

Very rarely, but there are pathologies of a congenital nature (leucinosis). The reason for the increase in ketones in the urine in these cases is due to metabolic disorders of amino acids, manifested by disorders in the central nervous system, muscle tone decrease, developmental inhibition and hypoglycemia, a specific smell of urine, reminiscent of the smell of maple syrup. The course of the disease is severe, ending fatally.

The presence of ketones in the urine during pregnancy is often explained by the protein and carbohydrate imbalance in the nutritious diet of the expectant mother.

Their insufficient amount prompts the body to search for an alternative energy source replacement. In the normal course of pregnancy, the presence of organic matter in urine should be minimal or completely absent.

The allowable rate of ketone bodies varies in pregnant women in the range of 15-160 mg. per deciliter Exceeding the concentration may indicate many pathological processes, manifesting itself:

  • gestational diabetes (gestational), which can adversely affect fetal development;
  • kidney disease;
  • the risk of mental disability of the fetus, due to prolonged exposure to ketones;
  • vascular lesions;
  • the development in women of signs of a decrease in bone density and ketoacidosis;
  • premature birth.

An increased concentration of acetone in urine increases the risk of its content in the blood, which is especially dangerous for women with a history of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and signs of metabolic disorders (food metabolism).

If the manifestation of ketonomy is one-time, it is not dangerous and should not cause concern. But, with periodic manifestations, especially during late pregnancy, this condition requires careful diagnosis.

Cause of ketones in urine in pregnant women may be due to:

  • a long break in the diet;
  • a low-carbohydrate or high-fat diet;
  • poisoning and carbohydrate loss caused by nausea and vomiting;
  • unmanaged SD;
  • infections and stress;
  • the presence of hyperthyroidism and pathologies in metabolic processes.

Abnormal concentration of acetone in the urine of pregnant women is diagnosed by the level of accumulation:

  1. A low concentration corresponds to 20 ml / dl. Due to toxicosis or improper diet.
  2. A moderate value, at which the level of acetone corresponds to 30 or 40 ml / dl. May be due to severe starvation.
  3. An increased concentration corresponding to a level exceeding 80 ml. - an indicator of the development of diabetes in pregnant women (gestational).

The best option for monitoring the condition is a regular examination, which will help to prevent pregnancy abnormalities in time.

Signs of the presence of ketone bodies appear in pregnant women:

  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and fatigue;
  • dizziness and attacks of headaches;
  • polydepsia (constant thirst);
  • signs of halitosis (bad breath from the mouth);
  • soreness in the abdomen.

Ketones in the urine - what to do?

Test strips for determining ketones in urine photo

The presence of ketone in urine can be detected independently, using a very simple test that can be purchased at any pharmacy chain.

It is a strip that detects ketones in the urine and their level on a special color scale. Different colors on the scale correspond to a certain level of severity of the pathology.

A special indicator printed on the strip displays the level of ketone substances. When it comes into contact with urine, it turns into a color corresponding to a certain level on the color scale.

The success of the treatment process of ketonuria depends, first of all, on the identification of the causative factor that provoked the increase in acetone in urine, its level and the patient's condition. The treatment protocol includes drug therapy and dietary modification.

  1. Complete power restriction;
  2. Every half hour you need to take one teaspoon of 10% glucose;
  3. Physiological solution in the amount of 20 ml. mixed with the same amount of 10% glucose, for microclyster injection;
  4. In the absence of an enema effect, intramuscular or intravenous administration of physical is carried out. solution and 5% glucose;
  5. Effective and gastric lavage - physical. solution with a one percent solution of soda;
  6. Appointed to receive "Cardamine" and "Caffeine" (according to indications).

At high concentrations of ketone, the patient is urgently hospitalized. The treatment protocol is drawn up taking into account the use of drug therapy and nutritional correction. Drug therapy consists of drugs that eliminate pathological symptoms:

  • adsorbent preparations;
  • rehydration solutions;
  • injectable drugs to eliminate gag reflexes;
  • painkillers analgesics;
  • complex vitamin therapy.

Decoctions of dried fruits and raisins, chamomile tea contribute to a significant improvement in the patient's condition. Non-carbonated mineral alkaline waters and oral rehydration solutions Regidron or Orosol significantly reduce intoxication.

With an increased level of acetone, drinking plenty of water is recommended. The restoration of water balance is carried out using the process of intravenous infusion. In order to prevent severe vomiting and loss of fluid by the body, an injection of the drug "Cerukal" is prescribed.

As adsorbents that help eliminate intoxication and bind ketones, adsorbent preparations are used - Sorbex, Polyfepam, activated carbon, or Polysorb.

  • With a severe clinic and very poor health, the patient is prescribed cleansing enemas.

Nutrition Features

The reasons for the development of pathology are individual in each case. You can prevent and remove excess acetone from the body with a balanced diet, which is a mandatory and effective recommendation. The diet should include:

  • from stewed or boiled meat and fish of non-fat varieties;
  • cereals and vegetable first courses;
  • fruit juices and drinks;
  • fruit and vegetable cucurbits.

For patients with ketonomia, it is very useful to enrich the body with mineral and vitamin complexes. Salts, spicy, spicy, smoked foods and citrus fruits prevent the absorption of carbohydrates.

Alcohol intoxication contributes to the oppression of the psyche, which means that provocative factors should be categorically abandoned.

Ketone bodies (Ketone, KET)

Ketone bodies is a general term for three metabolic products that are formed in the liver: acetone, acetoacetic And betahydroxybutyric acid.

Normally, ketone bodies in the general analysis of urine are absent. Although in fact, a small amount of ketone bodies is excreted in the urine per day. Such concentrations cannot be determined by the usual methods used in laboratories, therefore it is assumed that there are no ketone bodies in the normal urine.

Ketone bodies are found in the general analysis of urine in violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, which is accompanied by an increase in the number of ketone bodies in the blood (ketonemia).

Under normal conditions, the body draws energy mainly from glucose. Glucose accumulates in the body, primarily in the liver, in the form of a special substance - glycogen. Glycogen forms an energy reserve that can be quickly mobilized if necessary to compensate for a sudden lack of glucose. With a deficiency of glucose in the body, glycogen is broken down by enzymes to glucose, which enters the blood.

With physical and emotional stress, with diseases with fever and other increased energy costs, glycogen stores are depleted, the body begins to receive energy from fat reserves. When fat breaks down, ketone bodies are formed, which are excreted in the urine.

Compared to adults, children have much lower glycogen stores, start using fat earlier, and as a result, ketonuria is detected on urine tests. In newborns, an increase in ketone bodies in the urine is almost always caused by malnutrition.

If glucose is found with ketone bodies in a general urine test, then this is a sure sign of diabetes mellitus.

Also, ketone bodies in the general analysis of urine appear as a result of dehydration of the body. They are found in the urine with a sharp weight loss, fever, starvation, severe poisoning with severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Ketone bodies (acetone) in urine during pregnancy

Ketone bodies in the urine during pregnancy may indicate the presence of early toxicosis. This should not be ignored, because ketone bodies poison the body with acetone, thereby complicating the course of pregnancy.

The level of ketone bodies in the urine is expressed in mmol / l or indicated by pluses. The number of pluses determines the level of ketone bodies:

(+) - weakly positive reaction;

(++) and (+++) - positive;

(++++) - sharply positive.

Ketone bodies is a term that connects a group of substances (acetone, acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid) synthesized by the liver during metabolism. Other definitions of this phenomenon are used in the literature - ketonuria, acetonuria, acetone in the urine. It’s just acetone that is heard, probably, this concept is closer to ordinary people, and if all ketone bodies are detected, then only all together. This is how the concept changed.

Acetone is formed in small volumes, is quickly excreted and is not detected in studies. This is the norm, but when the analysis shows the presence of ketones, it means that a functional failure has occurred.

Causes of ketonuria

As usual, acetone is diagnosed with an improper diet (when proteins and few carbohydrates prevail in food), but it can also provoke its formation:

  • elevated temperature;
  • low fluid intake;
  • hot weather;
  • great physical activity;
  • wrong diet;
  • underdevelopment of some functions of the pancreas in children under twelve years of age.

Ketones formed due to the above disappear in a few days due to the exclusion of the cause. If the analysis reveals them for more than five days, this is an indicator for going to the doctor, because some serious illnesses can also become their source. For example:

  • cancer of the small intestine and stomach;
  • brain tumor;
  • diabetes;
  • blood cancer;
  • thyrotoxicosis (excessive synthesis of thyroid hormones, acceleration of metabolism, and as a result, the functioning of organs with an increased load);
  • anemia with the breakdown of red blood cells;
  • concussion;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • toxicosis;
  • heavy metal poisoning.

Ketone bodies in the urine of a child

Ketones are produced due to insufficient production of food enzymes and disorders of fat metabolism (an age-related feature characteristic of the age of up to twelve years).

Symptoms of ketonuria in children will be:

  • nausea and pain in the navel;
  • lethargy, weakness and drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • the smell of rotten apples from the mouth;
  • appetite disorders;
  • an increase in the size of the liver;
  • temperature increase;
  • pallor of the skin.

In a child, the analysis reveals acetone for the following problems:

  • overwork;
  • the presence of colds;
  • unbalanced or insufficient nutrition;
  • stress
  • overexcitation.

To eliminate ketonuria, it is enough to remove the causes and consequences of its occurrence. It is necessary to carry out a set of measures to remove acetone - give the child a lot to drink at intervals of fifteen minutes in small doses. It is advisable to use electrolytes, sweet teas and non-carbonated mineral waters. To calculate the required volume of liquid, you need to adhere to the ratio - 120 milliliters per kilogram of weight. Sufficient glucose levels must also be maintained. Such small patients need a special diet, but this is in the absence of vomiting. Diet will be required to restore carbohydrate metabolism. The correct menu will help stabilize the child's well-being and remove acetone.

To improve the condition, you can carry out cleansing enemas with a 1-2% solution of sodium bicarbonate or cool water.

If the acetone does not disappear or the condition worsens, hospitalization and subsequent inpatient treatment are required.

For the future, you need to increase the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates and remove ketogenic foods from the diet:

  • oranges;
  • mushrooms (children under seven years of age mushrooms are generally strictly prohibited);
  • fatty broths;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • marinades;
  • cocoa;
  • smoked meats;
  • tomatoes;
  • coffee;
  • cream and sour cream;
  • offal;
  • sorrel;
  • fast food restaurants;
  • products with dyes and preservatives;
  • soda.

To prevent the formation of ketones in a child, the following steps should be taken:

  1. The organization of a healthy full-fledged fractional nutrition, without long intervals between meals.
  2. Prevention of infectious diseases. To do this, it is important to do all the mandatory preventive vaccinations.
  3. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Walks in the air, outdoor games, but without overworking the child, healthy sleep (the norm is not less than eight and not more than ten hours) will help bring the negative analysis in order.

Parents need to pay special attention to the fact that the reasons for the formation of ketones may be associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus, which develops precisely at an early age. That's why you need to be on the lookout and have ketone test strips at home.

Ketone bodies during pregnancy

Periodically detected traces of ketones do not cause serious concern, this is the norm. Their formation is usually explained by an increased load on the body in the first part of pregnancy or dehydration due to frequent vomiting. If acetone appears for a long time, then this is an indicator of preeclampsia, which is fraught with complications for both the child and the pregnant woman herself (up to miscarriage and death).

Causes of ketonuria may include:

  • liver disease;
  • starvation;
  • malnutrition;
  • infectious diseases;
  • gestational diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

If the occurrence of acetone is associated with toxicosis, then an increase in fluid intake is required, preferably electrolyte solutions in small doses with an interval of ten minutes. When food intake is not possible, droppers with vitamins and glucose are used to feed the child. So that ketones do not appear in the future, you need to stick to a diet and not skip meals. If ketones are formed due to other ailments, then their treatment is necessary.

For the prevention of acetonuria, the nutrition of a pregnant woman must be fractional and frequent, with the obligatory intake of liquid (preferably mineral still water) in small portions.

Determination of ketone bodies in urine

You can do your own ketone test at home. For this, you need to purchase indicator test strips, which are based on the Legal test (when acetone gets on the indicator zone soaked in a special reagent, it is colored). What the result means can be understood using the scale that comes with the kit. According to the intensity of the resulting color, a conclusion is made about the concentration of ketones.

Test strips are the most convenient and simple method for diagnosing ketonuria. Their correct use will allow you to quickly determine the state of the body, you just need to analyze exactly according to the instructions:

  1. Take one test strip and close the tube tightly.
  2. Dip the test for a couple of seconds in the urine so that the indicator is wet.
  3. To remove excess urine, for this it is convenient to hold the strips along the edge of the container for analysis.
  4. We decipher the results by comparing the obtained color of the strip with the scale.

The interpretation of the results can be as follows:

  • Negative result (norm).
  • Weakly positive. This means that the content of ketones is not more than one and a half mmol / l and can be treated at home.
  • positive. The content of ketones reaches 4 mmol / l, which means the patient's condition is moderate, help can be carried out at home, but under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Sharply positive. The content of acetone reaches ten mmol / l - the most difficult condition, hospitalization is required.

As you can see, everyone can do an analysis, and the diagnostics themselves will not be expensive and will not require special skills. The main thing is to correctly collect the material (preparatory procedures, sterile container), otherwise the result will be erroneous. If, nevertheless, the result puzzled you, re-check. It is likely that an error occurred during the study.

In addition to home use, test strips are used in laboratories, medical centers, dispensaries, sanatoriums and hospitals to obtain

Today, such companies are engaged in the production of these tests: German Siemens, Chinese Beijing Condor-Teco Mediacl Technology, Moldovan DAC-SpectroMed, Czech Erba LaChema, Korean YD Diagnostic, Russian Biosensor AN, Russian Bioscan, Ukrainian Norma and Ukrainian Farmasco.
