Quatrains for teachers on the last call from children. Mom, look how I've grown

School years flew by in a flash,
Remember them again and again.
After all, you have your whole life ahead of you,
There will be good, there will be bad.

Well today - last call!
May good luck smile on you in life!
Hundreds of roads are open before you,
Let the problems be solved.

The school waltz sounded everywhere,
Your last bell has rung.
Today you say goodbye to childhood,
Your final lesson is over.

There will be many discoveries ahead,
Interesting and bold ideas,
Many meetings, partings, events,
And reliable and true friends.

And, leaving the school threshold,
Don't forget your classmates
May the road be happy
IN bon voyage, graduate, good luck!

The last bell rang,
And it became happy and sad.
Everyone has certainly matured
And everyone is overwhelmed with feelings.

We wish you adventures
Meeting pleasant and friends.
So that there are many new achievements,
And only good news.

We wish you success in life,
Victories and bright prospects.
There are always only pleasant surprises,
And let everyone be happy!

In adult life seeing off,
Our last bell is ringing.
And it immediately comes to mind,
How school gave us a “lesson.”

How we sat down at a desk for the first time,
And the first backpack is on my back.
And here we are in suits and dresses
We say goodbye to school.

The last bell rings
The whole school is in the yard,
And fun and joyful
Smart kids.

We whole year studied
We tried our best
And finally it's here
Vacation summer days.

At school we are of course
We'll miss you a little.
And the past year we will
Remember all the time.

But in September we are again
We'll all gather here.
And let's tell you, school:
Thank you for being there!

The school year has flown by,
The last bell rang
And today we are from the heart
Congratulations to everyone at school.

You tried all year not in vain,
Thank you, teachers,
After all, only thanks to you
Now we know more.

And we tried our best
And took care of your nerves,
Sciences are different all year
They taught with diligence.

Now the holidays are waiting for us,
The warm seas are calling us,
But let's not forget what
They taught us at school!

Today is an unusual day
The school year is already over.
There is no need to rush to class,
You don't need to learn all the lessons.

Everyone has grown up this year,
Everyone has certainly become wiser.
Today it's summer outside,
We'll have time to take a break from school.

From classes, from teachers,
From accumulated homework.
And from notebooks, dictionaries,
And from those sleepless nights.

So you have become big,
Just completely grown-ups!
May the road be wider
So that there are no problems!

And learn and love,
And strive for kindness
Treasure your school friendships,
Be happy everywhere!

Last lesson finished
We are in summer time let's enter,
Today is the last call
Guys, we congratulate you!

You have become adults now,
And it’s time to say goodbye to school,
The door of life is open to you,
Let the peaks submit to you!

Well that's it over school years,
Your last bell is ringing cheerfully,
You are sad and happy at the same time
And I want the lesson not to end.

So be open to new roads,
We congratulate you, because everything is ahead!
Let there be success, there is no place for worries
Let your heart tremble joyfully in your chest!

The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!

Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead!

For whom is the last call?
For the one who is here now
On this wonderful spring day
Do not hide the joy of the eyes!

Behind the year of exercises,
There's a big life ahead
Life, search, doubts
Open the road wide!

Don't be sad, dear school,
A new squad will grow up!
And with the autumn rain again
You will meet the guys!

We say - goodbye!
We say - thank you everyone!
We will be able to apply knowledge,
One hundred percent! No problem!

Summer is outside the walls, the sun is at your feet,
How long does the last call last?
The universe doesn't fit in the windows,
The ringing grows, does not stop,
In the huge hall, glances meet,
Everyone says goodbye to school in silence.
It will echo in the soul in due time
This last one school bell!

White aprons, white bows
Many children - many talents.
That's it - and your last lesson has passed.
That's it - your last call has rung
I congratulate you on your graduation!

Years of achievements and years of knowledge...
What awaits you next... What awaits you?
In life you are a navigator, and you are a pilot!

School time is over
The page is turned
This carefree spring
Will never happen again!

But maybe we'll be back
To say “thank you” again,
Let's smile at the teachers
And let's look into our native class!

In the meantime, we say “See you!”
Thank you for everything.
Happy graduation evening
We would like to sincerely wish:

And health and patience,
And good luck, the ocean is deep.
So that new generations
They came to your lessons.

The last bell rang...
Smart guys:
Who put on an apron with bows,
And who has a neat suit?

Congratulations, graduate!
School is over.
And you are no longer a student -
Try to become a student!

Days after days have flown by,
Flashed by like dreams
And no more than a week
Stays with spring.

So the road has been passed
Called “first class”.
Summer is just around the corner -
He's waiting for us, hurrying us along.

Summer is calling us somewhere -
Away from work and worries...
That's it, guys.
Our first academic year.

It is both joyful and difficult
There was one for each of us.
We'll never forget
We are you, our first class.

Today we are parting -
But sometimes in autumn
Again, again let's go back to class -
But now it’s the second time.

We'll come running, we'll come, we'll come
To our school - in the meantime
Let's celebrate our holiday together -
Last call day.

We waited a long time when
Let's all say “Bye!” to the school.
Why is it so sad now?
What mixed feelings.

Well, it's time for us all to admit
It's a pity for us to leave school.
Still, we have been here for a long time,
And, of course, they loved everyone.

A new world is before us,
Well, we will defeat him!
We will become better than we wanted
And we will be able to achieve
Some money, some power,
Someone of glory without bad weather.

The main thing is that there are those people
Which we won't forget.
We will thank you.
We owe you everything forever.

The last call will not be ruined by the weather,
Sharikov's wreath soars into the sky...
The school years are over,

Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, happy liberation!
At school today is the last call.

Rejoice! There will be no more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
The bell rings loudly for you:
At school today is the last call.

They won't ask you homework,
Don't wake up for first lesson
This just made me sad.
At school today is the last call.

School is now a thing of the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
School will be remembered only for good things.
At school today is the last call.

Your school days are over,
Please accept our congratulations!
Fed with granite of science,
And I really wanted grilled meat!

We wish you to continue your studies,
Find the real deal!
And so that from morning until night
The energy of life was in full swing!

First teacher forever
You will stay. All school years
We peered at the cute features -
There is so much kindness and warmth in them!

What love, patience reserve
You need to teach us all,
Understand, help, forgive
Or scold, -
At the same time, love everyone.

There is no favorite person in school!
We value your radiant eyes,
Smile and praise for the work -
Your kind words are so appreciated!

But the main thing is that we have been given a great start,
And we are grateful to you for this.
So in high school knowledge will come in handy!

And henceforth we will try to study,
So as not to let you down, but to show you,
What knowledge did you give to many?
And we will remember that from your hands
We went to the world of big sciences!

Every year you grow older
The school is behind us.
Be wiser, be braver
You are on the path of life.

Life is tough. Toughen up.
And keep up with your studies.
Just don't get lost.
And don't forget your relatives.

From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world,
Which step to take - the decision is yours:
Should I continue my studies?
Should I go to work?
You control your own destiny.

Just one wish;
Everything requires effort,
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood.
Now I would like to find a way
To comprehend the main essence in life.

There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with his mind.-
Health is strength
And so that there is happiness,
You must achieve it through hard work.

Work is the basis of life
For the benefit of the entire Fatherland,
Which means it will be good for you too.
Work or study
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny,
To be happy, successful,
Let not be sinless in everything,
But love life with faith
To live in the heart:
You deserve happiness!
And always be determined
Conquer any obstacles!

They will leave bright memories.

Just recently you went to first grade. You were so small and shy that it seemed to me that you would not even speak. Usually small children make noise, but first-graders sit intently because they do not understand what is happening. We just started talking to you, showing you our backpacks and briefcases, you shared pencils and pens with each other, and after that our long-term friendship began. I admit that at times I did not want to teach classes at all, but just wanted to sit and talk with you, because each of you is incredible interesting companion. You yourself have taught me a lot, so I want to wish you not to stop there. I have no doubt that you will achieve a lot in life, because you are capable and hardworking guys. So good luck to you and all the best.


Guys, you probably remember the day when you first went to school. Do you remember how you felt? Was it really unforgettable? You were even a little afraid, because you didn’t know what to do, say, how to behave. Many of you just got up and started walking around the class, but I accepted it all, because I understood that you needed to put your energy somewhere. I admit that you have all become family and friends for me, with whom I would like to support friendly relations. But the most important thing is that you maintain relationships with each other that have been built over the years. I know that at times it was very difficult for you, you did not want to go to classes, but it was friendship that saved you, because you helped each other out. My dears, today you stand before me not just as students, but as graduates. I am proud of you and want you to succeed in everything in life.


The day that you have all been waiting for has come. My dears, I would like to wish you not to rush to grow up. You still have time to grow, so it’s better to enjoy the time you have now. I want to congratulate you on the day of your Last Call! Today you look simply wonderful, you are all so elegant and beautiful that I can’t even get enough of you. It seems to me that this is the only day when you all came to school, and even came in uniform. But now this is not about that, but about the fact that I want to wish you all good luck. You guys are capable, creative and creative, so I have no doubt that you will become real professionals and specialists, but luck will definitely not hurt you. Happy holiday to you, my dearest and beloved graduates. Let everything in your life be the way you want it. I wish you success!


My kids, my most beloved and dear graduates! I still can’t believe that this day has already come, because it seemed to me that I would have time to mentally adjust to the fact that you are already such adults. Very soon you will have final exams, then admission to university. It will be difficult period, but incredibly interesting, which you will certainly cope with. I want to wish each of you the fulfillment of all cherished desires. You are all great fellows, because you were able to withstand the real school of life. Don't forget what school taught you. And we are talking not only about formulas and rules, but also about how one should behave in a given situation, how one should communicate with people, make friends and get acquainted. You have become real individuals! I congratulate you on the holiday, my dears! Relax and have fun today because it's just your day.


My dear graduates, I can’t believe that the day of your Last Call has come. You have been preparing for this day for a long time because you decided to organize an interesting and memorable event. Don’t even doubt that you will succeed. But before that, I want to say that each of you has become family to me, and I am really very sad to say goodbye to you. But I know that a lot of interesting things await you ahead, and you yourself are striving to grow up as quickly as possible. I would like to wish you all good luck, my dears. I have no doubt that each of you will achieve success in one way or another. The most important thing is that you don’t forget about school later, because we will be waiting for you all at any time. Remember that we are not saying goodbye to you because you are part of our big family. Happy holiday to you! May this day give you a lot of pleasant impressions.


Well, my dears, the day has come for which you and I have been preparing for so long. You kept telling me that there was a lot of time, but before you even had time to blink an eye, time flew by, and the day of your Last Call came. I don’t want you to be sad or cry, because this is not a sad occasion for you, because you really wanted to finish school as soon as possible. But I’m sad today because I’ve become attached to each of you. I want you all to become real specialists in your field, so that you achieve success and sometimes come to visit us at school. My dears, do not forget that here you received not only general knowledge, but also knowledge in the field of friendship, so to speak, and even love. After all, you have made so many friends and acquaintances here. Hope you keep this connection on long years. Good luck to you!


Well guys, the day we've been waiting for has arrived. I admit that I really wanted to delay time, because I didn’t want to part with you, because you had become family and friends for me. Believe me, I didn’t treat you like younger guys, because I knew that each of you is an individual with whom you can talk. You yourself taught me a lot, for which I will always be grateful to you. I want you not to lose the connection that has been established between you over these many years. You are all very strong and purposeful guys, so I have no doubt that you will achieve success. But promise that you won’t forget about school and teachers. We will all miss you, our beloved graduates. And let everything in your life develop the way you want. If you need support or help, be sure to contact us.


My dear graduates, you may not believe it, but I remember the day when we first met you. You were still small, shy kids who didn’t even know how to behave. But we quickly found you mutual language, that’s why we became friends just as quickly. Now I’m very sad, because I don’t really want to say goodbye to you, to the guys who themselves were able to teach me a lot. I am eternally grateful to you for what you were able to create unique atmosphere in our team. I congratulate you on the day of your Last Call and want to wish you only the most positive and pleasant things. Today is only your day, so you must rest and gain strength. I even allow you to forget about your lessons today, because they can wait a little. And you should have fun, because such a holiday only happens once in a lifetime.


It seemed to me that we met only recently, but in fact today you are already standing in front of me in such beautiful outfits- real graduates. Of course, prom You will only have one in a month, but you can call them graduates now. I want to wish each of you to pass all exams with flying colors. I don’t even doubt you, because I know how serious and hard work you've done it. Don’t doubt yourself either, because you are great guys, so just remember that. I would also like to wish you success in your application and good luck. Well, besides all this private, I want to wish you to maintain your cohesion and friendship. I want you to never lose this connection, because it is unique. Well, don't forget about home school, which is always ready to accept you, but as former schoolchildren.


My dear graduates, I look at you and can’t understand at what point I missed your growing up? Just recently I was thinking that there was still so much time before the Last Bell that it was not even worth thinking about, but today you were already standing on the stage where graduates usually perform. This is all very touching and exciting, because you are all just incredibly beautiful and a little excited today. But you were able to arrange a real holiday for everyone who was present in the hall. You touched us, made us laugh, made us happy and just helped us have a good time. We all want to wish you good health, as well as good luck and fulfillment of all desires. I hope that you will all remember your native school, which gave you so much knowledge. We are waiting for you at any time of the year and any day of the week. May this day not only be memorable for you, but bring a lot of positive emotions.


I want to congratulate my incredible graduates who today are one step closer to adulthood. My dears, I would like to warn you that in adult life there are sometimes very difficult and incomprehensible situations that require endurance from you. Believe me, they are much more serious than a bad grade in physical education. But you will definitely cope with each of these problems, because you are all wonderful and such capable guys. I want you to find your calling and your place in this life, but I don’t even doubt you. You grew up before my eyes, so I became attached to you, and now I am very sad that you are already leaving. On the first of September this year you will no longer come to school, but will go to your educational establishments. I am proud of you, my dear guys. I have no doubt that you will achieve the best in this life.

The last bell rang.
How quickly time flies.
Just recently in first grade.
And the sadness in my heart grows.

Just recently we were together
But let's run in all directions.
Everyone has their own path.
Goodbye school years!

The last call sees off
To an adult, big life.
A tear appears involuntarily.
We will keep the school in our hearts.

My friends, the farewell hour has come.
Today we are leaving school.
Everything here is close and familiar to the point of pain in my heart,
We will definitely come back here again!

Let's go back to the bright classrooms and the noisy corridor,
There are steep stairs in the foyer, in the dining room, and on the stairs.
Here is the school board looking after us...
The teacher and friends are all like family!

Many exciting minutes have passed here,
Sadness and joy - we have all known here.
Steps to knowledge and the ladder of sciences,
We walked together with the teachers.

Well, that's it, finished school path.
The last time we are here is with the teachers.
We understand that time cannot be returned,
But the heart remains close to you!

Today you have become more mature.
Go one last time to your favorite class
Hurry up, hurry up!

Today the call is just for you.
Today you have become more mature.
The unknown waits ahead of the hour,
But be smarter, braver!

Today the call is just for you.
Today you have become more mature.
You are at your school last time.
Appreciate the school more!

Seeing off into adulthood,
Our last bell is ringing.
And it immediately comes to mind,
How school gave us a “lesson.”

How we sat down at a desk for the first time,
And the first backpack is on my back.
And here we are in suits and dresses
We say goodbye to school.

Our last bell has rung
All the school classrooms were empty,
The time for parting has come,
But there is no need to be sad in vain.

Great paths lie ahead
And victory will certainly await us -
You just have to try to go,
Achieving everything gradually!

Last call

Everything in the world blooms like a vein,
And sometimes my heart beats like that,
Today the school bell upsets us,
It rings farewell above me.

The birches grew sad near the school:
The time for parting has come.
On school line cried
Today with friends in the morning.

Don't cry, grandmothers and mothers,
Let sadness not squeeze your hearts,
It's hard for us to part with friends
We are faithful to friendship to the end.

Time pushes us forward,
And he takes his childhood with him.
The school forgives us pranks,
And waves his hand in a friendly manner.

Let the bell ring for us
Our last school lesson.
Let him remember us in a friendly way
The teacher was strict with us.

Farewell our dear school,
And our school bell, goodbye!
Thank you for everything, school!
Remember us sometimes!

You are a graduate!
But remember school
Your lessons and calls,
The noise of change, Saturday is Saturday,
Your silence at the blackboard.
Do you remember your farewell evening,
Your first class, teachers.
Believe me, you will never meet
Happier days and more fun.
The last time you sit at your desk,
This is the last time you are a student.
Now no one will tell you:
“I’m putting a stake, bring the diary!”
You'll leave me here at the threshold
All the carefree school days,
But you'll never forget
Happy youth.

Spring is walking through the yards, and I’m so sad.
For the last time I enter a familiar classroom.
The exams will be held soon, very soon.
Life will scatter our once friendly form.
I will walk alone again school corridors,
My childhood is hidden around the corners here!
And after many years I can argue again,
There is nothing better in life than school days.
There is a line in the yard,
The girls are crying
Teachers with flowers, tears in their eyes,
And a first grader
With a huge white bow.
Gives the call for the last time, the last time!
Last call!
Last call!
He calls for class again as before!
Last call, it's so sad
It’s like he’s saying goodbye to me too!

Other paths-roads,
We have become a little more mature
There will be no repeat childhood,
We will meet new people.

We want miracles and secrets,
We want to go to distant countries.
Boys don't hide their smiles
But why are girls crying?

Farewell to school is anxious and sad,
After all, this is our house - it was very good,
And in memory the brightest feelings,
The last call will remain in the past.

Thank you for your knowledge, experience, patience,
We've all grown up, we've become big,
All the teachers were an inspiration to us.
It's time for us to conquer the peaks in life.

Lessons, friends - we will never forget,
For us, our school is forever home.
May fate scatter us everywhere,
We will all smile remembering her.

We went to first grade, we sat down at our desks
And many people don’t remember their first lesson.
And every spring, every time it came closer,
Our sad, sad, farewell call.

School called us, science beckoned us
And we were bored playing in the yard.
Became habitual, lessons for a minute,
There are so many good things in school time.

Here we were taught and raised,
There were good teachers here.
We are leaving school for new children,
Farewell and see you my school.

The last call will not be ruined by the weather,
Sharikov’s wreath soars into the sky...
The school years are over,

Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, happy liberation!
At school today is the last call.
Rejoice! There will be no more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
The bell rings loudly for you:
At school today is the last call.
They won't give you homework,
Don't wake up for first lesson
This just made me sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now a thing of the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
School will be remembered only for good things.
At school today is the last call.

Thank you for your kindness.
For your knowledge, lessons, warmth.
For everything you taught us to see.
For everything you were in a hurry to teach us!

You always tried to understand us,
Forgive for stupidity and pranks,
Shared joy and trouble with us,
You taught us to work and work.

We are so glad that life has connected us,
That we ended up in your class.
We wish you spiritual fun.
Always have a great mood!

Do you recognize us? Look...
Your first-graders are standing here.
We wore big backpacks,
Rulers, pens, blotting pads.

We remember you with love
So dear, so familiar,
How did you treat us like a mother?
And we felt at home with you.

Thank you, bow to the ground
Please accept from all graduates
And just as carefully, lovingly,
Teach your students.

May 25, Last call!
And I don't need to rush to class anymore...
And no one will tell me: “_____, let me write it off!”
I won’t brag to my mother: “For the test - five!”

Childhood flew by in an instant...
What lies ahead?
And I whisper not boldly:
"Childhood, don't go...."

Last bell - farewell to school,
And tears of sadness in everyone's eyes.
We are always ready to return those minutes,
Erase the parting in a moment on your lips.

Peaks, wide distances beckon us,
There are probably simply countless possibilities,
But the doors are closed, alas, we missed it,
Like a childhood train leaving for a long journey.

All that remains is to congratulate each other with a smile,
We wish you all good luck and happiness.
And what was decided incorrectly, with an error,
Standing at the board, it’s better not to remember.
