What do they buy in Israel. What to bring from Israel

Israel is an amazing country. Antiquity in it is perfectly combined with modernity, chic resorts harmoniously exist against the backdrop of sacred places.

The Promised Land is the cradle of three religions. The waves of three seas wash its shores. The Holy Land has a huge heritage of culture and history.

Options for the best souvenirs from Israel

The minor is one of the symbols of Judaism. This is a candlestick with seven lamps made of clay or glass. There is a description of its form in the Bible - a menorah, personifying the days of Creation.

Minor is also identified with the temple of King Solomon. It is a symbol of the traditions of the Jewish people and main symbol State of Israel, depicted on seals and coins.

You can buy this memorable souvenir in any shop or specialty store.

Hamsa is a talisman, amulet and amulet. It is also called the hand of Miriam or the palm of Hamesh. It is depicted in the form of a palm, three fingers of which are raised, and two large fingers on the sides are symmetrical.

The hamsa can be used to protect the home, office, or as a pendant worn around the neck. The material for making a souvenir is also diverse, ranging from ceramics to more expensive materials.

As a present for friends, a hand-painted ceramic hamsa with the image of all the shrines of Israel is suitable. Such a gift is placed at the entrance to an apartment or house, hung in a car or other place to protect it from an evil eye.

This traditional Jewish headdress is made in the form of a small round cap covering the top of the head. It will be a great souvenir for friends, regardless of their religion. Bales can be sewn from matter or knitted from natural thread.

They are decorated with an additional pattern or embroidery that reflects religious themes or folk traditions countries.

The Star of David is also one of the traditional symbols of Israel. Her image can be found on many gizmos sold in markets and shops.

Starting from cups and spoons and ending with rings and pendants. Among such an abundance it is easy to choose the right gift with the right price.

Get a real Israeli present.

5. Christian gifts - an icon, a cross or candles

For true believers, Orthodox attributes consecrated in Jerusalem are of particular value. In souvenir shops, you can buy small icons complete with a prayer addressed to this saint, Jerusalem olive leaves, test tubes with the Holy Land, consecrated oil, holy water from the Jordan, and much more.

By the way, pilgrim tourists bring things purchased in other Holy places to the Jerusalem Church of the Resurrection of Christ for illumination.

Silk tablecloths are the most popular gift imported from Israel. Such a present is practical - the tablecloth is easy to wash, ordinary soaking removes all stains, it is quickly ironed.

The splendor of patterns and variety colors any of these products will not leave indifferent any tourist.

7. Salt or mud from the Dead Sea

On the healing properties of salt and mud extracted from Dead Sea, known to all. They are suitable for the prevention and treatment of inflammation of the joints, neurodermatitis,
psoriasis, dermatitis and other diseases.

A bag of mud or salt is the most inexpensive and most common souvenir, which is simply a sin not to bring from Israel. Natural salt without additives or with an admixture of various oils, flower petals, with all kinds of aromas and odorless - the choice is huge and satisfies every taste.

In Israel, you can easily pick up a gift for friends and colleagues. Give them a souvenir of health care.

8. Dead Sea Cosmetics

The advantages of Israeli cosmetics are undeniable. It contains only natural plants, oils, as well as unique mud and salt from the Dead Sea - a storehouse of health and beauty.

Such a cosmetology product does not mask problems, but eliminates the source of their occurrence. Being in the homeland of this wonderful product and not buying it is unthinkable for a woman.

The most famous cosmetic brands are Sea of ​​Life, Ahava, Sea of ​​SPA. Means for the face, body, hair - the range of stores in any city in Israel is great.

Those who do not have time to stock up necessary means, may not despair - the duty free zone located at the airport will fill the tourist gap regarding gifts and souvenirs.

9. Silver jewelry from Magnolia

One glance at the products of this company is enough to make you want to buy the products of its masters as a memory of Israel. silver jewelry distinguished by elegance and impeccable taste.

Silver harmoniously combines not only with pearls, it also effectively frames semiprecious stones. In addition, Magnolia products are recognized in other countries as high quality jewelry.

10. Porcelain plate

Jerusalem is one of the most mysterious places on the planet. Millions of people want to visit this city. The same number, having visited it once, dream of returning again.

A souvenir in the form of a decorative wall plate with the image of Jerusalem will decorate any home. The combination of porcelain, silk-screen printing, gold framing is an impeccable memorable gift.

He will remind you of the places he has seen and tell his friends about the city they will definitely want to visit.

11. Famous wines of Israel

Israeli wines are worthy of attention. They have a more tart taste than Mediterranean wines. It is recommended to buy wine presentations at the place of their production, where tasting is possible and the cost is slightly less than in stores.

Red wine King David's wine, which has a sweet taste, is in demand among tourists. Currant wine has interesting and unusual flavor notes.

Wine made from pomegranate - rimon, also has a remarkable taste. Wine gourmets will appreciate such a gift.

The incredible taste of Israeli dates will delight lovers of this fruit. meaty, natural, sweet souvenir perfect for those kind of fans.

13. Coffee with cardamom

Friends - passionate fans of coffee, will appreciate the Israeli version of this drink with the addition of cardamom. It is easily recognizable - a green package with a painted cardamom leaf.

Israeli cosmetic products are famous all over the world for their rejuvenating and healing properties.

The choice of cosmetics offered by specialized stores is very wide and is able to satisfy the needs of any buyer.

Judge for yourself: mud and salt, soap, creams, serums, balms, scrubs and peels, masks, shampoos and conditioners, as well as all kinds of cosmetic sets. Prices from 5 to several hundred shekels. For 5 shekels, for example, you can buy a small bag of salt, or a tube of hand or foot cream.

The most popular cosmetic brands in the range of decorative cosmetics are: Sea of ​​SPA, Sea of ​​Life, Yes to, Ahava and Premier.

The products of such manufacturers as Dr.Sea, Holy Land, Mon Platin, Christina, GiGi - refers to medical cosmetics, with a high content of deep-penetrating minerals. The products of these brands are very successfully used in the treatment of skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema and acne.

Travel Tips: Pay attention to the promotions in the store, they are often very attractive. Among the most common promotions is this: you can buy one tube of cream for 15 NIS, and 2 for 25 NIS.

Do not buy cosmetics in the first store that comes your way. Remember that prices tend to be much higher in busy tourist centers.

To protect yourself from fakes, purchase products either in specialized stores from manufacturers or in pharmacies in the country.

2. Eilat stone products

Be sure to pay attention to products made from semi-precious, which is a fantastic natural mixture of malachite, azurite and turquoise.

Separately from each other, these semi-precious stones are quite common in nature, but their natural compound is mined in only one single place on Earth - in the south of Israel, not far from. It just so happened that it was in this place that such factors as tectonic activity, the movement of magma and heat led to the alloy of these minerals.

Depending on which mineral prevails, the Eilat stone can be either blue-green or green-blue. That is why each Eilat stone is unique. The stone looks great in both gold and silver frames.

Considering that the stone reserves at the deposit are gradually depleted and there is practically no mining at present, the cost of Eilat stone products will only grow over time.

Travel Tips: If you are in, then be sure to visit, it is there that this unique natural mineral is processed. Currently, the cost of processed Eilast stone at the factory is $ 2 per 1 gram. And for residents of Eilat, the factory provides a 50% discount on its products.

3. Food and drink

If you want to bring a present from this series, then pay attention to: coffee with cardamom, dates, date honey, Israeli wine, olives, olive oil, hummus and tahini sesame paste.

COFFEE WITH CARDAMOM(cafe im hel) - aromatic finely ground coffee, which is brewed in the specialty Turku (cezve).

In the East since ancient times when cooking natural coffee It is customary to use all kinds of spices, one of which is cardamom. In addition to a pleasant taste and aroma, cardamom is able to have a beneficial effect on the human body, while being a powerful aphrodisiac.

If you want to surprise your loved one, then coffee with cardamom - perfect recipe for a romantic date.

As a rule, the packaging of such coffee is marked by the manufacturer with either a green leaf or a green stripe, symbolizing a cardamom leaf.

Cost from 10 shekels per 100 gr. packaging.

DATES excellent ones are grown in Israel, and lovers of natural sweets will definitely appreciate such a gift.

Dates can safely be called national culture modern Israel, a symbol of its rebirth. On an industrial scale, nine varieties of dates are currently grown. The most revered of which are: the royal "Medzhul" (Medjoul) and "Deglet Nur" (Deglet Nour).

The 'Medjool' variety is a premium date and is the only variety that, due to High Quality, are collected piece by piece. When collecting other varieties of dates, the bunch is completely removed from the tree.

It is customary to bring dates as a gift to yourself and your loved ones not only because of their excellent taste, but also because of the beneficial properties that they can have on the human body. According to studies by Israeli scientists, the consumption of dates reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Modern scientists generally believe that a person can live on only dates and water, since dates contain everything necessary elements to maintain health and mental activity. Not without reason in the Middle East, dates are called "bread of the desert."

The cost of dates is 10-15 shekels 500 gr. packaging.

DATE HONEY is another product that you should definitely pay attention to while on the Promised Land. It is a concentrated date syrup (silane), similar in texture to honey, and has all of the above useful properties, which is dates.

Very tasty and healthy. Healthy lifestyle lovers have long appreciated date honey as good alternative various kinds of sweeteners, and in the first place very sugar.

The cost of date honey - from 10 shekels per 300 gr. jar.

Travel Tips: Date honey is made by squeezing juice from freshly picked fruits and there should not be any other additives in it. This is exactly what you need to make sure by carefully studying the information on the manufacturer's packaging. The fact is that in Israel, in addition to natural silane (without added sugar), you can also find syrup with the addition of sugar and other fillers.

WINE, produced in Israel, has a rather pleasant tart taste. Given that Israeli wines are almost impossible to find on the shelves of Russian stores, it turns out to be a very good option for a present.

In Israel, the Star of David can be bought in the form of wall pendants, key chains, bracelets and pendants. The price depends on the intended use, size and material from which it is made. The cost of a keychain is from 10 shekels.

It is believed that the Star of David helps its owner to comprehend the secrets of the past, present and future. The amulet is advised to be worn by those who wish to develop their psychic abilities.

RED THREAD ON THE WRIST. According to the ancient Jewish esoteric teachings of Kabbalah, a red woolen thread tied around the wrist is a powerful amulet, able to protect a person from adverse extraneous influences, such as the evil eye, damage, envy and slander, as well as attract success and good luck to him.

You need to wear the thread on your left hand, since according to Kabbalah, it is the left hand that is the gate for penetration negative energy into the human body and aura.

Must pass first special rite consecration at the grave of the foremother of the peoples Rachel.

The thread is tied into 7 knots, by a loved one who sincerely wishes well to the one to whom this very thread is tied. Most often, this person is the mother. When tying a thread, it is necessary to read a special prayer, Ben Porat.

When the thread breaks, it is believed that the amulet has accumulated enough negative energy in itself, after which it must be burned. At the same time, you must mentally thank him for taking the blow, which was actually intended for you.

The cost of a red thread in Israel is from 2 shekels.

Travel Tips: the thread cannot be accepted as a gift, it must be bought by paying at least a symbolic amount. The text of the Ben Porat prayer and instructions that inform about the rules for wearing the amulet should be attached to the red thread.

And finally, a few more tips:

When planning to make purchases, do not forget about the opening hours of stores in. Israeli shops are closed on Friday after 15:00 and on Saturday.

Try to make purchases within the country, do not count on the fact that it will be cheaper in Duty Free, as a rule, everything is much more expensive there.

If the purchase amount is at least $100 (according to one document), then in this case it will be possible to return the paid VAT (17%) at the airport before departure. Don't forget to tell the seller cherished word Taxfree.

We will tell you what souvenirs you can bring from a holiday in Israel. Gathered tips in several areas: products, cosmetics, jewelry and souvenirs.

The Jewish country is original and spiritually rich. When you arrive in Israel, there will be a desire to buy souvenirs for relatives, relatives and friends. Do not buy gifts on the first day in souvenir shops near hotels or at the airport. There will be enough time for shopping.

Souvenirs from Israel: what to bring

Standard magnets, key chains, T-shirts can be bought at any shopping center, but they will not surprise anyone. To buy symbolic souvenirs, visit specialized shops, local markets. And buy religious items in holy places in Jerusalem. Now let's talk about what to buy.

Source: kkabala.com

Red thread

Such a product is a powerful amulet. The red thread is consecrated on the grave of Rachel, the foremother of nations. They tie it on the wrist of the left hand into seven knots. She brings health and good luck. When the thread breaks, it means that it has accumulated a lot of negative energy. Burn it down and buy a new one.

The product cannot be received as a gift, you must buy it yourself. Most often, such threads are sold in Kabbalah centers. The cost varies from 2 shekels (33 rubles).


Traditional headdress. Kipu is worn by men. It is a cap that is worn on top of the head. Previously, they were worn only by the priests of the Jerusalem temple. Then they were allowed to put on all men during prayer. Now they are worn even in Everyday life. Kippah is considered a symbol of religiosity.

Tourists are offered hats with different designs. There are knitted piles of natural wool or sewn from expensive matter. decorate original patterns or embroidery on a religious theme. The cost of a headdress varies from 5 shekels (82 rubles).

Source: barev.today

Ceramics and Antiques

When visiting Israel, tourists bring souvenirs from the country in the form of ceramics and antique dishes. Painted objects, which are dominated by blue color and original ornaments, can be bought in the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem. There are low prices for plates, flowerpots, jugs.

If you buy antique dishes, then choose vintage items in licensed stores. And remember, items dated earlier than the 18th century cannot be exported from Israel. To export the rest of the antique dishes, obtain permission from the Antiquities Administration. You will need to pay a tax of 10% of the value of antiques.


For children, a souvenir in the form of a game is suitable. Matkot is considered a popular pastime. The game reminds table tennis. The set includes two wooden rackets and a rubber ball. Balls can be different colors. They are not chosen for originality. Colors act as markings and indicate the strength of the ball rebound.

You can buy matkot in any gift shop. The cost of the game is from 20 shekels (328 rubles).

Source: spiritualtravels.info

Religious souvenirs

A variety of sacred paraphernalia is brought from the Jewish country. Pay attention to the following religious souvenirs:

  • icons of Christ the Savior, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Virgin of Jerusalem. Perform on stone, wood or canvas. The price is formed from 10 shekels (164 rubles);
  • torch of 33 candles. Purchase in Jerusalem and perform the rite of consecration - burning with the Holy Fire. The price of paraffin products is from 4 shekels (65 rubles), and candles from beeswax- from 30 shekels (491 rubles);
  • Menorah is an ancient Jewish attribute. It is a chandelier for seven candles. It symbolizes 7 churches erected in Asia Minor and 7 planets. The cost of the product is from 40 shekels (655 rubles);
  • Hanukkah is the symbol of the holiday of Hanukkah. Made in the form of a candlestick for 9 candles. The price varies. The initial cost is 40 shekels (655 rubles);
  • oil - oil with incense. The Jews use it for anointing. Often used for wound healing. It is believed to bring health, strength and vitality. Sold in a small bottle. The cost of the product starts from 35 shekels (573 rubles);
  • tales or tallit - a prayer coverlet. Sew from cotton, linen, silk or sheep's wool. The size of the white prayer vestment with stripes on one side is 1 by 1.5 meters. The price of the bedspread is from 60 shekels (982 rubles).

Dead Sea cosmetics are known all over the world. They heal, rejuvenate and improve the appearance of the hair, skin of the face and body. Traditional gift from a Jewish country, cosmetics are considered for friends. Popular products from the following brands:

  • Sea of ​​SPA;
  • beauty life;
  • Ahava;
  • Mon Platin;
  • Sea of ​​Life;
  • Vero Nika;
  • Yes to…;
  • Kedem;
  • doctor sea;
  • minus 417.

Often brought, as souvenirs, the following cosmetics:

  • face creams - from 8 shekels (131 rubles);
  • mud from the Dead Sea - from 10 shekels per 600 gr. (164 rubles);
  • sea ​​salt - from 30 shekels (491 rubles);
  • hair masks - from 6 shekels (98 rubles);
  • body scrub with sea ​​salt- from 60 shekels (981 rubles).

Buy Israeli cosmetics in specialized stores from manufacturers or in local pharmacies. Follow the promotions, sales are constantly going on and you can make a bargain.

What products to bring from Israel

Coming to Israel, try kosher treats. They have a peculiar taste. Spend some money and bring gastronomic gifts to your family and friends.

pomegranate wine

This is the only wine in the world that is made only from pomegranate. It has a tart, rich flavor. Produced at the Rimon winery.

Buy at the winery itself. There you can taste the drink for free and purchase at a low price. A bottle of RimonWinery wine is the best pomegranate wine. It is sold in beautiful packaging. The cost is from 100 shekels (1637 rubles).

Coffee with cardamom

In Israel, they make a fragrant drink with spices. Buy coffee with cardamom and give it to your loved ones and loved ones. Finely ground grains are prepared in a special cezve.

Make sure you don't buy a fake. Coffee is sold in a sealed green bag. The packaging has a cardamom leaf logo. You can buy it in any store or market. The cost is within 60–70 shekels (982–1145 rubles).


Israeli honey will be a sweet gift. The assortment is large - there are apple, citrus and eucalyptus. But date honey is popular. It is tasty, healthy, will become a substitute for sugar.


A kind of pasty snack, with which the Jews eat cakes, pita bread, nuts and even chips. For Russians, the product will be a novelty and may not appeal to everyone. It is chickpea puree. Add olive oil, sesame paste, paprika, garlic and lemon juice to it.

Buy hummus before flying to glass jar, as it is a perishable product. The cost of a snack, 0.5 l. - from 10 shekels (164 rubles).


Buy local dates. The peculiarity of the product is that it is large, even huge, and fleshy. 9 varieties are grown in the country. The type of "Medzhul" is considered popular. Price per pack of 500 gr. costs from 22 to 59 shekels (360–965 rubles). Surprise your relatives - buy dates stuffed with nuts. They will come out more expensive at a price - from 90 shekels (1473 rubles).

What jewelry to bring from Israel

Israeli jewelry is popular all over the world. They are in great demand. At the same time, the cost of rings, bracelets and pendants is lower than in European countries. Coming here, visit the MichalNegrin jewelry chain of stores. There is jewelry for every taste and at a low price.


Protect yourself from the evil eye, buy a palm-shaped pendant in Israel. Hamsa is sold in souvenir shops. The product is designed for home or car decoration. But there are jewelry in the form of pendants on the bracelet. The simplest ones cost from 2 shekels (33 rubles). Pendants made of gold and silver are more expensive.

Star of David

Bring the traditional symbol of the country with you. The Star of David looks like a six-pointed amulet. Buy jewelry made of gold and silver. The Jews themselves believe that the amulet helps develop psychic abilities. The cost of the product varies depending on the material used. Most simple decorations cost from 10 shekels (164 rubles).

Eilat stone jewelry

Rings, bracelets, earrings and even cufflinks made of this material look luxurious. The Eilat stone is considered rare and its reserves are depleted, so they stopped mining. Despite this, the products are affordable.

Eilat stone jewelry is a malachite green material with inlaid azure. Jewelers combine it with precious metals. The cost of Eilat stone jewelry starts from 119 shekels (1947 rubles).

The sights of the Promised Land impress travelers so much that they certainly want to take some piece of these places with them to leave a memory of the trip. Standard souvenirs are not bad, but you can find more interesting gifts. So, what to bring from israel?

You can buy all sorts of little things in the markets and shops, but for more impressive purchases, it is better to go to a shopping center or a specialized store. The most popular markets are Mahane Yehuda and the Old City, which are located in, as well as Carmel (Tel Aviv).
Just keep in mind that shops open at 9:00 and close at 19:00. Friday on Shabbat malls close at 2:00 pm, and Saturday is generally a day off.
You can pay in Israel in dollars, but it will be more economical to exchange them for shekels. One dollar is equal to approximately 3.70 shekels (at the exchange rate for August 2018). VAT is refunded for expensive purchases from 400 shekels in one check.

Standard Souvenirs

In almost any shop in Israel you can buy small memorabilia. T-shirts with the Star of David and the inscription "Israel" will cost about 60 shekels. All kinds of magnets with the image of sights cost 8 - 10 shekels. For a keychain they will ask for 5-10 shekels.


Any woman, regardless of age, will be pleased with cosmetics purchased in the Holy Land. It contains minerals and salts useful for any skin, which are mined on and are universal in use. Face, body and hair will be grateful for the beneficial effects miracle cures. Soaps, scrubs, masks, creams, peels, shampoos are best purchased from trusted manufacturers, for example, "Sea of ​​SPA", "Sea of ​​Life", "Ahava", "Yes to ...". If it is difficult to make a choice, buy a set - lovely ladies will be very grateful. Prices for cosmetics start from 30 shekels.
You can also buy real salt with the addition of aromatic oils. Such a pleasantly smelling gift is dissolved in water and taken in a bath with it. The effect of the spa treatment is guaranteed! It costs about 5 shekels.
Another option is Dead Sea mud. It is very beneficial for any skin type. From it make masks for the whole body, face and hair. The main thing is that the mass does not freeze on the skin - periodically moisten with water during application. One and a half kilograms will cost 40 shekels.

Religious souvenirs

What to bring from Israel? Of course, religious souvenirs! These are gifts filled with special meaning. If you visit the Holy Land as a pilgrim and do not bring any icon, your believing acquaintances simply will not understand you. The image of the Holy Family is most revered in the Promised Land, and similar icons are difficult to find in churches in other countries. An engraving or canvas depicting St. Joseph, the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus will be a wonderful gift for Orthodox and Catholics. The price of such an icon starts from 10 shekels.
Also, any believing Christian will need oil. It is an olive oil consecrated in a church, sometimes with the addition of wine and aromatic plants. It has antiseptic properties, it is anointed with sick people and poured into lamps. A small bottle costs about 8 - 15 shekels.
Crosses purchased in the Promised Land and consecrated in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher are of particular importance to religious people. You can purchase both a wearable relic and a small figurine. The price depends on the material, on average, the cost starts from 7 shekels.

They also bring bundles of candles from Israel. As a rule, they are sold in a bundle of 33 pieces - for each year of the life of Jesus Christ. The price depends on the composition, paraffin ones are cheaper, about 4 - 5 shekels.

Israel is a country of three religions, so you can find gifts to bring to representatives of all faiths. A Muslim will be touched by souvenirs with quotes from the Holy Quran. You definitely will not lose by acquiring a Star of David for a Jew. You can also bring a minor - a symbol of Israel. This is a candelabra with seven candles, which symbolize the seven churches of Asia Minor, the seven planets and the seven days of Creation.

Another traditional candlestick is Hanukkah, designed for nine candles. It is lit on the Hanukkah holiday, which lasts eight days. A Jewish man will certainly need a kippah - a national headdress. With a tallit - a traditional prayer veil - it is better not to risk it if you do not know exactly what tradition a person professes.
Both Jews and Muslims can bring hamsa. This is an image of a symmetrical palm with two downwards thumbs. It is worn on bracelets, as a pendant, key chains, and is also used to bless the home. The Jews call the hamsa Yad ha-hamesh and associate the number of fingers with the five books of the Torah. Among Muslims, it is called the Hand of Fatima and symbolizes the five pillars: faith, mercy, pilgrimage, prayer and fasting.

Well, most universal gift for people of any religion there will be Jerusalem stones and minerals - evidence of your stay in the Holy Land. Prices for religious souvenirs start from 10 shekels.
Red threads from Israel are popular all over the world. They are a powerful amulet that protects a person from misfortune. Ideally, such a thread should be consecrated on the grave of Rachel, the progenitor of the peoples. The amulet is bound on the wrist by all means with seven knots by a person who sincerely wishes you well. It is believed that when the thread breaks, all wishes come true. The approximate price is 2 shekels.


What to bring from Israel edible? First of all, wine. Drinks with a tart taste are made from currants, fruits, but the most popular are pomegranate wines (rimon). This is a kind of symbol of Israel, since there is no tastier fruit that grows in the Promised Land. To purchase a truly high-quality product, go directly to the winery. For example, Netofa Winery in the Galilee, Tzuba Winery in Jerusalem or Lotem Winery in Carmel are well established. Before purchasing the coveted bottle, you will be offered a tasting so that you can decide. Another plus is that the production of wine is cheaper, from 35 shekels per bottle. Buy varieties from Saslove Winery, Golan Heights Winery or Cabernet Sauvignon - you can't go wrong.

Another delicious drink from Israel is coffee with cardamom. Choose it in grocery stores, but be careful: green packaging should be decorated with an image of a leaflet. Finely ground coffee is usually brewed in a Turk. It costs about 60 - 70 shekels.
Hummus is a very interesting delicacy with a specific taste. You just need to taste it - many people start to like this snack only from the second or third time. The treat is chickpea puree with the addition of paprika, lemon juice, sesame paste and olive oil. Sometimes it includes pine nuts. Hummus is used as a side dish and is also eaten with chips, bread and pita bread. Please note that the product is perishable, so it is better to purchase a jar just before departure - hummus is sold in duty free. The price starts from 10 shekels.

Delicious dates can be bought not only in. Large and meaty, sometimes stuffed with nuts, they are expensive, but worth every shekel spent on them. These fruits have unique properties for the human body - they improve the work digestive system help to fight skin problems help with anemia. The price varies from 22 to 59 shekels, dates with fillings are more expensive - about 90 shekels.
Those with a sweet tooth will love Israeli honey. Amber thick liquid comes with citrus, eucalyptus or apple flavors. Especially delicious varieties are sold at the Carmel market in Tel Aviv. Just keep in mind that the jar will have to be put in luggage: it is forbidden to transport honey in hand luggage according to customs rules. A treat costs about 20 - 25 shekels.


When you think what to bring from israel really for a long memory, then jewelry will be the best investment. Local craftsmen create real jewelry masterpieces of the highest quality. Main specialization - silver earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants and pendants. All of them are made with taste and are distinguished by the finest workmanship. The most popular network is Michal Negrin, where the goods are of really high quality and with a certificate. By the way, diamond jewelry is much cheaper there than in Europe. Of course, jewelry cannot be sold for nothing, it is useless to bargain, prices start at 100 shekels for a small item.
If banal jewelry does not appeal to you, look for unusual products made of Eilat stone - green with blue splashes. Stocks of this unique natural material exhausted, so hurry up to get such an ornament. Prices start from 119 shekels.
Do not worry that you will be offered a fake - the crime rate in Israel is negligible.


Every woman will be pleased to receive a silk tablecloth as a gift from a trip. This excellent interior decoration comes in all colors of the rainbow, does not shed, is quickly ironed and is easy to wash. A good souvenir - weightless neckerchiefs and scarves resembling a cloud. Fabric prices start at 70 shekels.


Why not bring some fun game from Israel to pass the evenings and have fun with your family? For example, matkot is a national game similar to ping-pong, but it does not require a table. The kit includes two rackets and a rubber ball. The rules are simple: throw this ball to each other with rackets. The game seems elementary, but it is really addictive. The balls come in different colors, but these are by no means decorative features - the coloring shows the strength of the rebound. Yellow balls bounce weakly, white and green balls bounce moderately, and the most bouncy ones are red or blue. The price of a game set starts from 20 shekels. A child can be taken for a couple in the evening by a designer: let him try to assemble Noah's Ark, Solomon's Temple or the Tower of David.

Shops in Israel are open from Sunday to Thursday 9:00 - 21:00. Friday - 9:00-13:00. On Shabbat most shops, establishments and restaurants are closed. Large shopping centers located in all cities are open from 8.00 to 22.00. Currency - Israeli new shekel. You can reward yourself after long and, at times, tiring walks around the city (by the way, you can get acquainted with local beauties in absentia in the section “photos of Israel sights”) with some new acquisition. The range of goods in Israeli stores is diverse. And although the choice of clothes is not as rich as in Europe, and the prices are comparable to those in European stores there are seasonal sales.

Dozens of new ones open every year across the country. shopping centers working on a flexible schedule, which is quite suitable for tourists. Modern shopping malls in Israel coexist peacefully with colorful oriental bazaars, located, for example, in the old part of Jerusalem and a number of other cities. There you can buy handicrafts, souvenirs and authentic goods. When making a purchase on the market, bargaining is welcome. Thus, the Mahane Yehuda (Jerusalem), Carmel (Tel Aviv) bazaars, oriental markets in Acre and Nazareth are open daily during the week. The Druze market (village Daliyat El Carmel) is closed on Friday, the Bedouin market (Beersheba) is closed on Monday and Thursday, etc.

Connoisseurs of antiques will certainly want to bring an old thing from Israel - antique coins, bronze Jewish money from various eras, jewelry, ancient ceramics. Such products should be purchased from licensed sellers. Those wishing to purchase antiques in Israel should remember that objects made before 1700, according to the current legislation, can be exported from Israel only with the written permission of the director of the Antiquities Authority. The value of the product is subject to an additional 10% export tax. Management is not responsible for the authenticity of the goods. For information, contact The Antiquities Authority Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem.

Israel is famous for its diamonds. Stones or jewelry with them can be purchased at the branches of the Diamond Exchange in Tel Aviv, Netanya, Eilat, Jerusalem and other cities. The main jewelry manufacturer is Israel Diamond Center.

When buying at the Diamond Exchange, the buyer is issued a passport for the stone. State-licensed jewelry stores offer high quality products with a 7-10% tourist discount. It is worth remembering that, wanting to buy a more expensive stone, in next trip in Israel, you can hand over the previous one to the exchange, pay the difference and purchase new stone or product.

Silver lovers in Israel can also make a good purchase. Local jewelry silver products are distinguished by a unique style, you can buy them, for example, in the network of salons "Magnolia". Also on sale are good quality silver dishes and interior items - glasses, goblets, sugar bowls, figurines, candlesticks. When buying, you need to be vigilant: some products are made with a silver layer sprayed onto a plastic base, they are cheaper than completely silver ones.

Israel is also known for its cosmetic products based on Dead Sea minerals. The most famous brands are Ahava, Sea of ​​Spa, Hlavin, Dead Sea Premier. In addition, local shops and pharmacies sell a lot of lesser known, but often very effective cosmetics. In boutiques at the Dead Sea clinics, you can buy serious medicines to combat severe skin ailments.

Almost all tourists visiting Israel bring with them religious souvenirs as a memory of the country, including Christian cypress and mother-of-pearl crosses, Jerusalem candles, icons, rosaries, Jewish religious objects (hanukiah (seven candlesticks), mezuzahs (a bundle with a prayer), bales (yarmulkes), tallits (woolen shawls), kiddush (a bowl for consecration), besamim (a vessel for incense)). Muslim religious souvenirs include tablets with inscriptions from the Koran, prayer rugs, and rosaries.

In addition, Bedouin and Palestinian carpets and fabrics can be purchased in Israel; products made of copper, brass, tin; Armenian ceramics; hookahs (arab. شيشة‎‎, “shisha”); olive tree souvenirs; soap from Nablus; Hebron glass (Arab. زجاج الخليل‎, zudjazh al-Khalili or Azaz al-Khalili), the secret of which was taken out of Murano (Italy).

It is also worth buying "tasty" souvenirs: hummus, chickpeas, pistachios, dried peppers and eggplants, mulberries, spices.

Tax Free in Israel

In Israel, non-resident citizens of the country can return VAT (from Hebrew - maam) when purchasing goods or services in the amount of more than 400 ILS. It is curious that VAT is returned if the tourist also used the following services: accommodation (in hotels, hostels, campsites); meals at the hotel, included in the total bill for accommodation; organized excursions; rental of tourist transport (with or without a driver-guide); flights operated by Israeli airlines; cruises; meals during organized excursions; hospitalization; participation in the conference (for groups of 50 people); use of space for exhibitions.

At the same time, however, the purchase of food products, drinks, tobacco products, electrical equipment, cameras, film and other equipment for filming is not subject to VAT refund.

You also need to remember that as the cost of the purchase increases, the percentage of the VAT refund decreases (i.e. the maximum 15% can only be obtained by making a purchase for 400-600 ILS. From 600-1000 ILS you will get 13.5% back, etc. ).

The return of VAT in Israel is handled by a private company, Change Place, and the tax is refunded only if the purchase is made in a store that has a contract with this company. The existence of such an agreement must be checked with the seller before purchase.

To get a VAT refund, you need to fill out a special form (green) in the store and attach a check to it. Before check-in, present the goods sent as baggage (not hand luggage!) at the Change Place point in the BUY - BYE hall, after which the service employee will put a stamp on the VAT refund forms. The VAT refund procedure is carried out at the Change Place point in the Duty-Free hall. There you need to present: a foreign passport, air ticket, purchased goods in intact packaging and a receipt. The employee of the department will open the package with the goods, check its contents, sign the check and return the VAT in cash, by check, credit card or by bank transfer in any currency.

There are Change Place representatives at all border crossings, ports, airports:

  • Ben Gurion International Airport;
  • border checkpoint Rabin (Arava), Taba, Allenby, on the border with Jordan, Rafah;
  • Ovda Airport (Eilat);
  • seaports: Haifa, Ashdod.

Shopping in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is not only the most popular tourist destination among cities in Israel, but also, as a result, a popular city for shopping. Usually here you can find everything your heart desires, from cosmetics based on Dead Sea salts to exquisite jewelry. In the capital of Israel, there are a lot of shopping centers, large outlet stores, oriental markets and pedestrian areas for those who like to shop.

People usually come here for souvenirs, antiques, stylish clothes and footwear, fur and leather products, cosmetics and fashion accessories, toys, ceramics and bedding, oriental delicacies and, of course, for authentic products that can only be purchased in Jerusalem. Audio, video equipment and electrical equipment in Jerusalem is not so profitable to buy.

Israelis are very fond of shopping, in connection with this, the service in the country is high level. The stores always have a friendly atmosphere, so shopping in Jerusalem is a pleasure. All sellers can communicate in Russian and English. It is worth remembering that from Friday evening to Saturday evening all shops are closed. However, in Saturday evening trade resumes.

Shopping areas

In order to understand where it is better to shop, you should identify the most popular shopping areas. One such area is the Ben Yehuda Walking Street. Here you can find many souvenir shops with cosmetics of the Dead sea, jewelry, toys and other goods. On the same street, you can listen to street musicians and have a hearty meal in passing restaurants. There are many more streets near Ben Yehuda Street where there is a brisk trade.

For those tourists who want to make a thorough shopping, the Malha area will be the most convenient area. This name refers both to the area and to the largest shopping center in the city. Malkha Center is located at the end of the Rabin Highway. Here you can find more than a hundred stores of world brands, including Zara, Mango, Castro and other brands.

The most prestigious area for shopping is Talpiot. Tourists come here mainly for fashionable clothes and accessories. There are many large shopping centers in the area. Among them are "Hadar", "Lev Talpiyot" and several department stores. In addition, there are profitable outlet stores here, where clothes from past collections are often sold at reduced prices.

A great place for shopping is the walking street Nahalat Shiva. Here buyers can find a large number of authentic souvenirs and original works of art by the masters of Jerusalem, as well as Jewish studies and several local restaurants.

Working hours

The traditional opening hours of Jerusalem shops are from 9.00 to 19.00, from Sunday to Thursday. On Friday all shops are open until 14.00 or 15.30 and then close on Shabbat until Saturday evening. Muslim shops are traditionally closed on Fridays, while Christian shops are closed on Sundays. Smaller grocery stores may have afternoon siestas at working time. Large supermarkets and shopping centers in the city can work from 8.00 to 20.00. Ben Gurion and Ovda airports, as well as some shops in Eilat, offer duty free shops.

Export restriction

Antiques made before 1700 are recognized current legislation valuable handmade items. It is possible to take them out of the country only with the written permission of the director of the Antiquities Administration. In addition, these products are subject to a 10% export tax.

Popular souvenirs

Due to the fact that Jerusalem is a popular city for pilgrims, pilgrim kits, candles, crosses, icons and other religious souvenirs are especially valued among traditional goods.

Another popular commodity among Jerusalem tourists is Armenian ceramics. Along with the true works of masters, the markets are full of fakes. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is recommended to walk along the streets of the Armenian Patriarchate and Habbad, which are located at the Zion Gate. There are shops-workshops where you can not only buy high-quality painted dishes, but also watch the process of its manufacture.

VAT refund

VAT refunds for tourists in Israel are carried out by Change Place. Today, VAT in the country is about 5-15%. You can find out if the store is participating in the tax refund program by asking the seller or looking at the window. Often on the windows of such stores there is an image of a black bag with a red inscription VAT Tax Refund. VAT refunds are only available on purchases worth at least $100. However, this does not apply to tobacco products, food and some other products. In the store where the VAT refund is carried out, the seller, in addition to the check, must issue a special completed form. Taxes are refundable at Ben Gurion Airport, at Eilat Airport, as well as at the seaports of Ashdod and Haifa, and at checkpoints in Taba, Allenby and Arava. There is a kiosk with a Change Place sign in the departure hall at Ben Gurion Airport, where you must present the goods themselves, receipts and the tax refund form. An employee of the company will put a tax refund stamp, and the money can be received in the Duty Free hall after check-in for the flight. When buying expensive jewelry worth more than $200 in specialized stores in Eilat, VAT can be refunded in full at the point of departure.


It is hard to imagine an east without markets, and Jerusalem is no exception. One of the largest and busiest markets in the city is located on Jaffa Street, not far from the city center. It is known by the name of Mahne Yehuda. The market is unusually crowded with fruits, vegetables, oriental sweets. It is always noisy, colorful and colorful here. Therefore, those wishing to fully experience the atmosphere of the oriental bazaar are advised to visit the market in Jaffa.

There is also an authentic market in the Old Town, where life is in full swing. This market is preferred by lovers of haggling, looking for something interesting, wandering in a crowd with local residents. Here you can buy not only food, but also clothes, souvenirs, jewelry, handmade glass jewelry, handmade olive wood items, and much more. It is customary to bargain in this market. Sometimes prices can be doubled.

Shopping malls and supermarkets

All major shopping centers in Israel are called canyon. The word is derived from the Hebrew "knia", which means "purchase". Canyons are usually complexes with a variety of shops, boutiques, cafes, restaurants, entertainment facilities (skating rink, cinema, children's room, bowling, etc.) located under one roof.

The founder of the canyons was the architect and entrepreneur David Azrieli, who in 1985 built the first such complex in the city of Ramat Gan - the Ayalon Canyon. The complex was very popular and became a place of mass pilgrimage for Israelis. Ayalon Canyon is still one of the most haunted and popular shopping malls in Israel.

The largest shopping center in Jerusalem is the Malcha Canyon, on three floors of which there are more than 260 outlets, of which there are more than a hundred stores of famous brands, a playground, a cinema with 12 halls, a food court and various entertainment facilities.

The largest supermarket chain in Israel is Shufersal, also known as Super Sal. There are more than 240 stores of this network in the country, and Jerusalem is no exception.

One of the largest shopping centers in Jerusalem is the Hadar Mall, located in the Talpiot area. In the center there are not only shops, but also office premises, as well as entertainment venues and restaurants.

Supermarkets in Jerusalem, as in all of Israel, mostly offer kosher food. However, there is also a non-kosher supermarket in the city called Tiv-Taam, which belongs to the chain of the same name. There are about 30 branches of this store in the country, and you can buy products from all over the world in them. What's more, Tiv Taam, unlike most shops in Jerusalem, is open on Saturdays and public holidays, except for Yom Kippur, an important Jewish holiday.

Video about shopping in Israel

On the official website of the TV show “Eagle and Reshka. Shopping” you will be able to see the issue dedicated to shopping in Israel.

Eagle and Reshka. Shopping - Issue 11 (Tel Aviv)
