How to reconcile politely with a woman. Ways to resolve a quarrel, or how to put up with a girl

After a fight with a girl, do not rush to buy her flowers, because in some cases, conflicts in relationships are completely different from what we used to imagine.

There is always the possibility that the quarrel that has occurred has a slightly different meaning. Perhaps the girl deliberately makes an offended look in order to provoke you to show weakness.

Of course, if you soberly looked at the situation and realized your guilt, then you still need to apologize. And for the future you should know what à should be

The correct reaction of a man to conflicts

Arguing and cursing with a woman is like banging your head against a wall: you are unlikely to prove your point of view, but it is easy to spoil your nerves and show weakness. Moreover, proving that you are right is a thankless task, because a self-confident man does not need it.

If you are not sure that you are right, then your reaction to her accusations should be a constructive question. If you don’t get a normal answer to it, then you need to end the communication (meeting). And do not get in touch until she herself does not get in touch with her.

If you initially know that you were right in this situation, then in response to her negativity, you just need to leave silently. Such an act will force her to play by your rules.

Often guys are afraid to end the conversation/meeting, hoping that she will speak out and calm down. This is an erroneous opinion, because deep down the girl hopes that you will get up and leave.


  1. Your value as a man will largely depend on how you respond to her claims. There is no need to quarrel with a girl, because in this way you show your weakness and insecurity. It is best to be calm and at the same time remember about self-respect, not allowing her to remake you "for herself."
  2. It is important to ask yourself if you are really wrong in this situation. Listen to inner feelings, and not to the words of the girl and do not be afraid to act in spite of her offended appearance.
  3. Feel free to apologize if you really are at fault. But don't rush into it. Let her wait a little!

Do you want to know what else to do after you had a fight with a girl? Then check out the new version of the article on my blog at this link:

A woman is like a match. Now she broke out and announced that she was ready to part with you, after half an hour she had already cooled down, and was waiting for your first step towards reconciliation. How to make up with a girl if she does not want to talk? In this publication, we will offer you some original methods to return the passion of your beloved, even if you have a very big quarrel. The main thing is to act, and do not let everything take its course, and do not let the abyss form between you.

Method one: Standard.
As the saying goes: “For a woman to fall in love with you, you need to make her laugh properly!”. If you're having a big fight, give her some time to cool down first. It is necessary. Indeed, in the heat of emotion, she can tell you even more unpleasant things, you will not remain in debt either, and now, you already have a new wave of quarrels.
Wait until you can talk to her calmly and productively. Next - "melt the ice." Cheeky. Start the conversation with the phrase: “I know why you are offended by me!”. Thus, you will disarm her. After all, she was preparing to pour out a whole stream of negative emotions, resentments and claims on you, and then, take a tough position on the offended side, and you just took away this pleasure from her! You already know in advance what she is offended by, and there is no point in discussing it again!
In the end, by cheating, you avoided negativity in your conversation. Further, your task is to bring it to the positive. By any means. It's good to joke. Or show a pitiful jokey look of a “beaten dog”, making her smile, or just say that she looks divine today, and you are tired of fighting off rivals from her, any pleasant remark , the main thing is to make her smile at you!
If you bring it to the positive, consider that 90 percent of the work is done. Yes, what a 90! All 100! Further, it’s a matter of technology, as they say, grab her in your arms and kiss until she gives up - like in the movie Office Romance.

Another effective way is to fulfill her old dream. Buy or make something that she has dreamed of for a very long time. Thus, you show by your actions that you are not indifferent to her. But do not abuse gifts. This can cause a backlash, which we will talk about a little later.

Method two: Non-standard.
In fact, this method is very effective on one condition: it must be applied directly during a quarrel. You need to have sex with her. No matter how strange it may sound, but at the very moment when your emotions are on the chapel, the desire for sex also increases to the very peak. The fact is that when the negative rolls over, our psyche turns on a protective mechanism and redirects the human brain to something else: tears, the desire to escape or sexual desire. Thus, you are guaranteed the most unrestrained sex in your life. And after an orgasm, she will have nothing to be angry about.
Most importantly, do not use this method regularly. Firstly, it will cease to be effective if it is used regularly, and secondly, constant strong emotions are harmful to the psyche of both. Everything is good in moderation.

Method three: Hard.
It is especially effective if the girl is to blame. The bottom line is not to admit one's guilt, and "resting on the horn", to wait for the first step from her. And when she does it, return her attention to her not immediately, but in parts.
Practice shows that a man who runs first to measure in any situation loses respect in the eyes of a girl, therefore, make her suffer a little, show that you have pride, and you will not let her sit on your head.
But don't go overboard. There are men who “go into denial” even if they themselves have screwed up a lot. And then they wait for the beloved to come running to put up. This method only works with weak and insecure girls. If, however, yours has character and self-respect, you can simply lose it completely.

Method Four: Do it yourself.
If you are to blame yourself, or just want to save the relationship, take the first step towards reconciliation. If you apologize, apologize, but only once. Do not call, do not "fill up" her with gifts, and do not grind the topic of a quarrel in a conversation a hundred times. You apologized, showed that you are sorry, then, if she wants, she will forgive you.
If, however, you begin to persuade her and give presents every time she looks askance at you, she will quickly realize that you are afraid of losing her. And he may begin to manipulate you openly. So, she will begin to provoke scandals intentionally, knowing that in the final, a present awaits her.

If all these methods do not suit you, then in this article, you will find , that really work.

So, let's once again, briefly go through all the advice that we gave you and draw a conclusion. How to make up with a girl if she does not want to talk? The fastest and most efficient way:

    1. Wait until she calms down and talk to her. Try to evoke only positive emotions in her or do something pleasant for your beloved. Men's beautiful deeds are always in fashion.
    2. To play on a quarrel at the moment when she least expects it - to have sex with her. You will kill two birds with one stone at the same time: she will forgive you, and this sex with YOU will never be forgotten.
    3. If she is guilty - “go into denial”, and wait for her first step. Show that you have pride and dignity.
    4. Take the first step: apologize or give flowers, but only once. Do not follow her, do not beg you to forgive, otherwise, she may begin to manipulate you.

Any relationship does not pass without quarrels, and there is no escape from this. The reasons for disagreements can be different, from banal forgetfulness to call back to the case of treason. If you want to keep the relationship, and the girl is really dear to you, look for all kinds of ways to reconcile. Most often, it is the man who takes the first step towards restoring relations, even if the girl is the culprit of the quarrel.

Psychologists advise to wait some time after a quarrel, and only then go to put up. While passions are still running high, you run the risk of slipping into the abyss of mutual recriminations and accusations, which will only aggravate the situation. Wait a few days, and then the problem of how to make peace with a girl after a strong quarrel will appear before you in a different light. Perhaps she herself will have time to get bored and take the first step towards restoring relations. Wait a pause, and only then proceed to action.

There is no single right recipe for how to make peace with your girlfriend, but psychologists give several universal recommendations that can be used in a difficult situation.

take it easy

You both need to cool down and get your emotions in order. Usually, it takes a couple of days. Go to the cinema, go for a long walk, chat with friends, in a word, take your mind off the problem and look at yourself as if from the outside. An objective assessment will allow you to decide whether you want to continue the relationship or not.

Analyze the conflict

A quarrel cannot arise from scratch; most likely, there are good reasons for disagreement. Think about what could have been the cause, and whether there was a chance to avoid conflict.

Evaluate what is happening: what triggered the quarrel, what was said, whether you regret your words or not.

In any stressful situation, a person's memories are purely subjective. Most likely, your girlfriend sees aspects of the fight from a different angle than you do. This is completely normal.

Allow yourself to express your emotions

Release steam. Suppression of all emotions sooner or later can lead to a nervous breakdown. Do not ignore the feelings of resentment or anger that sit deep inside. Talk to a friend, be extremely frank, and you will immediately feel better.

Conflict resolution

First of all, think over the upcoming conversation, how you will behave. After a serious quarrel, it is important to determine the time when both parties are able to think soberly and deliberately, and only then meet.

Let the time for the meeting be a workday evening or weekend, when no one needs to rush to work.

Choose neutral territory for the conversation. Let it be a quiet place, without crowds and loud music.

It is better to meet a girl after a quarrel with a bouquet of flowers or a sweet present at the ready. An original gift, reminiscent of the happy days spent together, would also be appropriate. Show care and attentiveness at a meeting, first listen to the woman’s point of view, and only then express your own. If you quarreled because of your fault, admit your mistakes, say how much you repent, and wish to start all over again. If the girl became the culprit of the quarrel, discuss the situation, perhaps you will find a compromise and save the relationship. Unexplained reasons for the discord, most likely, will provoke a new round of showdown, which sooner or later will lead to a complete break.

How to reconcile with a girl? First of all, in a calm conversation, find out if you both really want to be together, and what you are ready to do for this. The success of a long and happy relationship lies in the constant search for compromises, without which life together is not possible. Listen carefully to the girl's speech, do not interrupt. As soon as she lists all the claims against you, explain what made you do this or that act. Perhaps misunderstanding and understatement caused your quarrel. If you want to reconcile with your loved one, regardless of who was the culprit of the breakup, demonstrate your willingness to reunite. For many girls, pride is that insurmountable wall that prevents them from taking the first step towards reconciliation. Take on this responsibility and be the first to reach out.

Causes of a quarrel

You can quarrel over nonsense or a very serious offense. There are moments in life when, due to circumstances, we cannot answer the phone or go to the cinema at the moment when an important football match is broadcast on TV. A quarrel that arose almost from scratch, most often goes away on its own, and the guy is not tormented by the question of how to make amends to his beloved. But there are more serious problems - treason. Often it is she who becomes the main reason for the complete cessation of relations.

Option one - cheated on you

In this case, the very existence of you as a couple is in question. Only you decide whether to forgive the girl and continue the relationship with her, or part forever. If you have made a deliberate decision to forgive the cheater, consider whether your future relationship will be sincere or not. Such an act is difficult to forgive and forget, and not every man is ready for this.

Option two - you changed

Just a bouquet of flowers and a banal "I'm sorry" is hardly suitable to make peace with a girl. First of all, decide for yourself whether you really need your relationship, and what are the motives for your act. If this does not happen again, and you sincerely regret what happened, use all available means for reconciliation. If a girl loves you, you may have a chance to renew the relationship. Turn on your fantasy at full power and go for it, sooner or later you should succeed.

How nice to ask for forgiveness

Quarreled with a girl and don't know how to make up beautifully and effectively? There are quite a few ways to ask for forgiveness, and it all depends on the desire and financial capabilities of the man.

Flowers, decoration or soft toy

It is rare that a girl will remain indifferent to a bouquet of flowers. For greater efficiency, write a declaration of love and put a note in the bouquet. A large teddy bear will bring tenderness and melt the ice in your relationship.

Declaration of love with a large crowd of people

The more offended the girl, the more fantasy will have to be applied. There are many options: write something on the pavement under her windows, or make a public confession in a cafe or restaurant, and so on.

Fulfillment of the cherished desire of the beloved

Every girl has a cherished desire, which for some reason still remains unfulfilled. Take on the role of a good wizard and fulfill an old dream. Expensive perfume or a hot air balloon flight will help an offended girl forgive you much faster.

Romantic trip

What to do if there is not enough money for an expensive resort, but you want to please and surprise the lady of your heart? Plan a weekend trip to a secluded place, after which you have only positive memories.

If you are hoping for a long-term relationship, listen to the advice of psychologists on how to behave correctly:

  • Do not criticize your girlfriend in front of others. If you don't like her style of dress or her new hairstyle, it's best to talk about it in private.
  • Find a common hobby. Watching movies, trips to nature, playing sports together will only strengthen your relationship.
  • Do not accumulate negative emotions in yourself. To quarrel, one spark from understatement and misunderstanding is enough. Discuss problems, do not accumulate negativity in yourself.
  • Praise your other half. Feel free to say what you like about a girl, this will only spur her to further improvement.

If you put in a lot of effort, but still failed to reconcile, do not despair. Time will pass, and the girl will begin to feel the lack of your presence and attention. It often happens that the time spent apart only strengthens the relationship. If you can’t cope with the problem of how to make peace with an ex-girlfriend on your own, contact a psychologist or online forums. On the World Wide Web, you can find many useful tips on how to behave when parting and what to do for a quick reconciliation. If you really love a girl and dream of reconciling with her, use all possible methods for this, and luck will certainly smile at you.

What do you do after a big fight with your girlfriend? Most likely, you simultaneously experience feelings of resentment, anger, or disappointment. If you want to save a relationship, there are ways to restore it. Start with a direct understanding of the cause of the conflict, and then show a little mercy and humility in this situation.


Conflict analysis

    Take it easy. You will not be able to resolve a quarrel immediately after it is over. In a fit of disagreement, take some time to calm down. It may take you several hours or even several days to calm down and sort out your feelings carefully. Go for a long walk, meet up with a friend, watch a movie. Do something that relaxes you so that you can calm down and look at the situation objectively.

    • Make sure your girlfriend knows you've taken the time to calm down. Say something like this: "I'm really upset and I need some time to rethink everything. Let's talk about it tomorrow? I want to cool down now."
  1. Analyze the cause of the conflict. Quarrels rarely happen out of nowhere. Take some time to understand what was the cause of the conflict and whether you could have behaved differently in this situation.

    Accept your feelings. After a fight, you need to accept and acknowledge your feelings. While you may not like feeling angry or sad, it's important to accept them rather than ignore them.

    Listen to basic emotional needs. Fights are often linked to the fact that certain emotional needs are exposed. When your girlfriend is offended or angry with you, try to determine if you are meeting all of her needs. Have you been distant lately? Perhaps you are too busy and give her too little time? Think about whether you meet the needs of your girlfriend and if not, what can you do about it?

    Summarize everything that has been said to make sure you understand everything. Always summarize what was said after a fight. What do you feel? How does your girlfriend feel? Do you both want to resolve this situation so it doesn't happen again? Take 5 minutes to sum up and prevent another fight.

  • Make sure you are in a healthy relationship. If you spend more time trying to "fix things" than enjoying each other, this relationship may not be worth the effort.

Sometimes the end is just the beginning. And even if you broke up, but you understand that you love, you can still return. If you cannot imagine your life without her, she is the best, you need to build relationships. Psychologists will tell you how to make peace with a girl after breaking up.

It is easier to put up and build relationships in hot pursuit. After all, the resentment that gnaws at the girl from the inside flares up more and more every day. Therefore, a couple of days after the conflict, you will be forgiven much easier than after a month of silence. So do not wait six months until she, too, "understands who she has lost." If your girlfriend is dear to you - quickly put up. Otherwise, there is a risk of being late, because after some time someone else may take your place.

How to reconcile with a girl after a breakup?

If you know what the reason for the breakup is, of course, you need to “eliminate” it, if possible. Think about what did not suit the girl in your relationship, what prompted her to leave? Promise, only sincerely, to correct this annoying nuisance. And try to keep your word, otherwise new conflicts, even more serious ones, will not be long in coming.

Sincerely ask for forgiveness. And just saying, "Well, I'm sorry" will not be enough. Tell the girl that you understand your guilt, realize how wrong you were, and promise to never do that again. Of course, if you really feel guilty. After all, insincere apologies “if only she would return, and then we’ll see” are not needed by anyone, they will not glue your broken relationship together.
But what if you can’t talk to a girl and apologize in any way. She is offended and does not want to talk. Well, you have to work in other ways. It will be even more romantic that way.

For example, write a letter to a girl. Gentle, frank, tell her how you miss her, how you regret that you offended her, how sincerely you want to return everything back. Writing is truly a win-win. After all, if in a lively conversation surging emotions can “explode” and, if the offense is too strong, the matter will again turn to reproaches and a quarrel, then she will definitely read the letter to the end, so that you can express everything that is in your heart. In a letter, you can not only ask for forgiveness, it is important to remind your beloved of all the good things that you had. Describe your emotions from the first date, remind you how good it was together, how many pleasant memories connected you. Let the girl plunge into the memories of your joint happiness - then she will understand that the good is clearly worth it to try to start all over again.

A good way to get a girl back after a breakup is to send your loved one a bouquet or a small gift with a meaning that both of you can understand. Such romantic things can melt resentment and chill in a relationship, and it will be easier to make peace. Just don't do it in public, don't embarrass yourself or her. If she wants to brag about your gift to her friends, then she will do it on Instagram.

Give her the opportunity to take the initiative without losing her sense of dignity. Let her make an informed decision. For example, tell or write to her that you understand how much it hurts her, but still really hope that she will be able to forgive you. And you will wait for her call or message. Still silent for days? Well, it's worth repeating the move with a bouquet - after all, girls love when they are sought. But in no case should you be intrusive - wait for her near the house, keep track of where and with whom she is, call her mobile, and fill her up with messages. After all, you want her to consider you in love, and not a maniac.
