How to create a festive mood. Shiny and luminous objects

We can create a mood for ourselves only by our own desire to have. Happiness in the soul does not depend on anything or anyone. The desire to rejoice is inherent in ourselves and therefore, we ourselves can revive it. Make an effort on yourself, and life will answer you with a grateful smile.

Holidays are conceived by people for joy

This is a time-honored way to remember that life is good and living is good. But we are not always able to follow their laws. There are situations when nothing pleases, when problems and troubles obscure everything, and there is no desire and incentive to have fun. The expectation of a holiday no longer overwhelms the soul with joy, and is perceived as a set of routine tasks and duties. Meanwhile, it is worth making a little effort, and life will improve, and the world of the holiday will be filled with love, happiness, a sense of unity with people and harmony with the world. Having touched the holiday for real, with all his being, and thoughts, and feelings, a person comes to life. Because the weather in the shower - depends only on ourselves.

Teach yourself to be happy

The desire for joy is inherent in ourselves and therefore, we ourselves can revive it if it is gone. There are many ways and motives for doing this, and everyone is free to choose their own path. First of all, you need to understand what exactly prevents you from feeling positive?

Is it general fatigue, or apathy or personal and everyday troubles? All these are solvable problems that you will get rid of sooner or later anyway. What then? Try to decide how much your problems have affected the most important thing - life and health - of you and your family. Remember that your loved ones are with you. And problems and illnesses, who does not have them? Throw away all non-principal problems and allow yourself to join the general flow of pre-holiday mood.

Festive chores create a sense of celebration

The very expectation of the holiday is already pleasant, and the pre-holiday chores will only create the necessary festive atmosphere. Creating a pre-holiday atmosphere is a job for which you need to roll up your sleeves. But don't carry everything on your shoulders. Distribute the responsibilities in preparing for the holiday among all members of your family. Pre-holiday cleaning of the apartment - required attribute preparation. In some incomprehensible way, cleanliness can have a positive effect on a person’s mood. Compose holiday program, pick up your favorite music, decorate the apartment in accordance with what holiday has come.

The best decoration of the holiday will be a harmoniously made bouquet that will cause a storm of positive emotions, give solemnity and chic to any event. Fresh flowers are created by nature itself in order to delight, give warmth and good mood.

Balloons will also convey the atmosphere of the holiday, wake up joyful emotions and bring a smile. They are like greetings from childhood, fill positive emotions any celebration.

You can also create a holiday feeling with the help of theme songs, films, TV shows, books and cartoons. Choose to your taste.

A real holiday requires serious preparation

It is absolutely unacceptable to leave all the preparations for the last day. The rush will turn into a heavy load, and fatigue can ruin any holiday. It is better to solve all practical issues in advance, having prepared everything as fully as possible for the upcoming delicious and carefree fun.

This will free you from unnecessary hassle on the last day and will allow you to prepare for the meeting of the event in best form, because it will give you the opportunity to thoroughly deal with the most pleasant - the issues of a festive toilet and the transformation of yourself: into a prince or king - for a male, into a queen - for a female. Barbershop, manicure, cosmetic procedures create the necessary special emotional festive mood for girls and cheer up.

There are many holiday paraphernalia that can create festive mood. Particularly pleasant: - beautifully set table - delicious food - nice talking- gifts - drinking songs

You can use your favorite scents. The smell of orange, lemon, cocoa, apples with cinnamon, vanilla, rosemary and peppermint are set up for optimism and increase energy. Scented candles and oils will add a sense of coziness, harmony to the holiday atmosphere, awaken feelings of joy or nostalgia in you.

The music is great for uplifting. The main thing is that it be dynamic and cheerful.

Let the holiday into your life

Run around the shops, buy food, gifts, holiday decorations, toilets, share your signature recipes and listen to them from others. Buy a present for yourself. Something very desirable, something you have long dreamed of.

Let the holiday into your soul. And of course - congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! Expand communication. Get better.

The general joyful pre-holiday mood unites, reconciles, sweeps away barriers and even eliminates enmity. Alien positive mood sometimes it is capable of a miracle that will help you find a wonderful and joyful festive mood.

Force yourself to suddenly believe and feel that all the troubles and troubles are in the past. Extend the holiday spirit. Giving positive to the environment around us, we have the opportunity to get in return also a lot of good things that can make us happier, more successful, smarter.

A holiday is not a specific date on the calendar, it is a state of mind. Happy man shares the feeling of happiness with all the close people around him, and therefore the festive mood created by you can be preserved and increased by sharing it with others. If you believe in yourself, then your efforts will certainly be rewarded, and this festive event will be remembered for a long time by both you and your guests.

Video: Morning after the holiday

A funny story of the morning after the holiday.

To main holiday became truly memorable in the year, it is not necessary to go on a trip or book a table in an expensive restaurant. New year's night can become special at home if you show imagination and think in advance how to create a festive mood. Especially for you, we have prepared 8 inspiring Christmas decor ideas.

1. Set the tone for the holiday

First of all choose base color decorating your holiday. The house for the New Year can be decorated in colors characteristic of the winter season - pastel, blue, red, brown or green. Choosing suitable color, keep in mind that it should be in harmony with the interior of the house. Having decided on base color decoration, add additional accents: for example, decorate a tablecloth and Christmas decorations silver or gold paint.

2. Decorate the Christmas tree correctly

The main element in New Year's decor It is, of course, a tree. But this does not mean at all that you need to hang all the toys in the house on it. Choose only those that are combined with the base color of the design and are in harmony with the interior. The Christmas tree should not be overloaded with decor. If you are unable to purchase new, more suitable toys, buy tinsel - it costs less, but looks stylish.

3. Turn off the light and light the candles

You will be surprised how much the atmosphere in the house will change if you replace the lamps and fixtures with ordinary candles. With the help of glue and sewing materials (beaded beads, ribbons, strips of bright fabrics and unnecessary buttons), you can easily give them holiday look. Create whole candle arrangements throughout your home by grouping them into New Year's wreaths. To keep the candles burning longer and not going out before morning, put them in a bag and put them in the freezer the day before the holiday.

4. We hang garlands

Garlands hung around the house will also create Christmas mood. Hang them literally everywhere - on the railing of the stairs, along dining table, on the walls, windows and, of course, on the Christmas tree. Thanks to this, the house will immediately change and shine with new colors.

5. We decorate the house with natural materials

Let winter nature into the house - cones and fir branches I can be original design decor. Decorate them with silver paint or tie them with ribbons, and you can safely decorate the Christmas tree, the festive table, as well as the doors and windows of the house with them.

6. Serve the table

Like the tree New Year's table also should not be overloaded with various accessories. Lay a tablecloth (it is desirable that it matches the base color of the design), arrange beautiful dishes. The picture will be complemented by candles, New Year's wreaths, decorations from cones and fir branches.

7. Decorate the windows

Draw on windows Frost patterns. To do this, mix toothpaste with water, dip a sponge into the resulting mixture and blot the windows with it. Now let your imagination run wild and draw snowflakes and frosty swirls on the glass.

8. We select textiles

Soft decorative pillows with thematic prints and inscriptions - this is perhaps the easiest and most effective way create a festive mood at home. Decorate sofas and armchairs with them - and your home space, as if by a wave magic wand, will begin to fill with the long-awaited atmosphere of celebration and magic.

It often happens that the red date is close, and the festive mood still does not come. This does not interfere with fully preparing for the holiday, feeling its atmosphere. And it’s good if you don’t want to celebrate your “158th” birthday, but what to do if you don’t even want to think about such favorite holidays from childhood as New Year and Christmas? Although sadness before a birthday can also be dealt with using some of the tips.


It's no secret that there is no New Year without decorations. So, maybe you should start with this, by giving your home an elegant look? A Christmas tree, garlands, rains - all this cannot but give at least a modicum of fun. If this is a different holiday, you need to decorate in a different way. Consider the proposals of designers specifically for winter decorations.

1. Main character- the main reason to get a festive mood. And in this case it does not matter at all whether your choice falls on a tree from the forest or on an artificial beauty. Decide what color holiday you need, and start "dressing" the Christmas tree with the whole family.

The size of the tree does not affect the mood in any way, so there is no need to choose a three-meter spruce - take the one that you like. If you want to buy a simple wreath on the door or small bouquet twigs - take.

2. Lighting has strong impact mood, so think carefully. Candles, garlands - all these are components of a fabulous mood, so you should not neglect them.

3. Think about the whole apartment. It is not enough to put a Christmas tree in the main room, and that's it. It is necessary to spread at least a minimum of joy throughout the apartment, not forgetting about the kitchen and the corridor. If you live in a house, hang decorations outside too.

4. Change colors. Try to decorate your home in an unusual way. If you most often hang colored toys, maybe it's time to stop at the monochrome version? Blue/Silver, Red/Gold, Plain White. And if it requires broad soul- totally black. The main thing is that, looking at the apartment, you feel joy, a festive mood.

If finances do not allow you to purchase jewelry, you can sit down with the whole family to make them. Not only will this bring benefits and pleasure, but it will also bring the family closer together, and provide an opportunity to talk about business.

Of course, before the birthday there is no need for a Christmas tree and garlands. But still, putting fresh flowers, preparing candles, spreading sachets with your favorite aroma is quite appropriate. Many people like to burn Indian incense, which has a positive impact to the nervous system.


A festive New Year's mood can be found by starting to draw up a plan. Decide what style the holiday will be in, what actions need to be taken before it arrives. Who will you invite to visit, where will you go, on which day, what will you dress the children in for matinees and public Christmas trees? Be sure to think over your outfit, hairstyle, makeup, because for a woman, creating a festive mood begins with decorating herself.


So what if there is still a lot of time before the holidays? Congratulate good man always a pleasure. Yes, and your own festive mood from this only wins. When meeting friends, acquaintances, do not forget to congratulate them on the upcoming holidays. Paying at the store, congratulate. Leave messages and statuses in in social networks. Remind about the upcoming holiday in a beauty salon, in a sauna, at work, on the bus - look forward to it.


Children never ask themselves the question of how to create a festive mood. In order to catch fire, the child just needs to remember about the gifts! So, maybe you should take an example from them and start buying presents for loved ones and not so people? Souvenirs, trinkets or something more expensive - the main thing is to start. The cost depends on financial capabilities and the desire to please a particular person.

Colleagues, just acquaintances will only need to purchase a postcard, a key chain, a small symbol of the coming year. Friends should buy beautiful and high-quality souvenirs. The closest will be happy with tickets for various events, household appliances, jewelry, perfume, cosmetics, accessories - everything that you want to give them.

Choosing a gift for a child is a special pleasure. True, all the glory will go to Santa Claus, but this is not the main thing, but the joy of the baby! Moreover, he has long been waiting for what he described in the letter. New Year's grandfather. Well, yes, you have read this letter, what can you do ..

If there is financial opportunities, get a gift for yourself. And you can even pack it in a beautiful wrapper. And put under the Christmas tree - what, why are you worse than others?

By the way, great gift for yourself, your beloved (or even your beloved) will go to a beauty salon or spa. There you can escape from everyday worries, relax, putting yourself in the hands of professionals. Massages, masks, wraps, cleansing procedures... And after all - hair, manicures and pedicures. What could be better in order to before the holidays?


What to do if there is no festive mood, and the New Year is just around the corner? Of course, go to the table! Few people will not enjoy a beautifully decorated table, laden with delicious and favorite dishes. During the day, until the evening feast, you can treat yourself to a candy from baby gift, a tangerine pulled out of the box, a piece of cake waiting in line after the main feast - anyway, it will not come in handy before the first January. Suddenly you want pizza - do not infringe on yourself, in the struggle for a festive mood, all means are good!


How about without the good old films. And although these tapes have already been watched almost to holes, but we again and again, every year on the thirty-first of December with a child ... oh, that is, we watch the same films. And we are also offended if suddenly some channel decided to change the usual course of things and launched some new, unknown films.

It would seem that this is very simple tips. But they really work. Therefore, if suddenly, on the eve of the holidays, the thought of the coming days causes melancholy - try it. It won't be worse for sure. AT last resort you just do everything to make the holiday memorable for your family and loved ones. And be sure to smile - this is the most strong remedy!

Friends, welcome! Accumulated here for you whole 50 ideas on how you can help create a New Year's atmosphere for yourself in your soul and around you. I dedicate this post to all those who are still not imbued with the feeling of a holiday and need friendly and ideological support! 😉


  • Think and decide how you would like to celebrate the New Year. Understand how you feel and what you want. And if you don’t want anything, you don’t need to force yourself. It is important to allow yourself to relax and just enjoy life and current affairs without having to fuss and worry like everyone else. Let this holiday be for you a time of rest from duties and imposed values. Well, if you still need to get a festive mood, then proceed to the following points.

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  • or invest your own in them. It is we who single out for ourselves how this day can be different from all the others and why it should be special for us.
  • playlist. Music is able to charge the New Year mood in its most bright colors. Evenings seem much more comfortable, and things get done faster and more fun, acquiring a slight hint of magic and a New Year's miracle.
  • You can look for New Year's inspiration and in the social networks: various publics in VK, in or on Pinterest. The main thing is to approach this matter in a dosed manner. Otherwise, you can overdo it and get disgusted with New Year's pictures and, accordingly, the whole pre-holiday atmosphere.

  • Make or buy new toys. It might turn out nice family tradition, and each toy will eventually be associated with a specific year and special memories.
  • Christmas tree. dress her up in the traditional way, remember childhood and hang soviet toys or come up with something out of the ordinary and build the most unusual and original Christmas tree.
  • Dressy house. Decorating an apartment or house does not have to include glitter and tinsel in all available places. It can be elegant blankets and pillows or individual items special colors or color combinations. Rooms can be dressed up quite discreetly, but at the same time create incredible comfort and a sense of magic.
  • Present. One has only to go shopping, choosing something valuable and useful for loved ones, or make something with your own hands, as a festive feeling will come right there. Particularly inspiring to invent original packaging for gifts. For me personally, this is perhaps the most interesting stage.
  • Snow. When there is no snow, creating a New Year's mood is not so easy. Especially if it rains, fogs and green grass around the clock (like ours). However, nothing prevents us from conjuring snowy weather, at least in our apartment or house. Thankfully, there are so many options now. Can be covered new Year decoration layer artificial snow from a balloon. Or use small foam balls for these purposes, scattering them on the windowsill or in New Year's composition. And for this, glued on glass or painted snowflakes are perfect.

  • Eat chocolate Santa Claus or a hare. And do not think that such entertainment is exclusively for children. This taste always brings back to childhood. Admit it, you liked to make fun of the figurines? I have always been fascinated by these chocolate patterns. And I liked the hare, first of all, to bite off the ears, peer into the emptiness of the figure and hope to suddenly find something interesting there. Children...
  • Hot chocolate. The coziest, warmest and most delicious drink, which always helps me personally to fight bad mood. Proven way.
  • Tea with cinnamon. From time to time replaces chocolate and so gives gingerbread! The taste of comfort and winter evenings.
  • Mulled wine. Warms and relaxes. It smells like a real frosty winter and a festive atmosphere.
  • Gingerbread. As it should, I tried them only this year. And, it seems to me, they cannot be replaced by any other sweetness. This is a special Christmas treat.

  • Books. It would be nice to reinforce the winter atmosphere with novels, stories or stories about New Year's or Christmas night. Skillful metaphors and epithets can sometimes convey the mood even better than our own imagination.
  • Movies. Arrange an atmospheric family viewing or immerse yourself in an interesting movie alone, gobbling up various holiday goodies, which can be no less enjoyable.
  • Town. walk along evening city while enjoying the illuminations and fantasy city scenery.
  • Ornate houses. Or look into the neighbor's windows, which are nicely decorated with garlands. You and I know perfectly well that everyone decorates windows not only for themselves :).
  • Candles. Create festive composition(only according to the rules fire safety), light candles in the room, turn off the lights and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of warmth and night lights.

  • think over holiday menu , looking for new easy and interesting recipes.
  • take care of original festive serving table and various small cute decorations that can make the New Year's dinner the most memorable.
  • Tableware. All kinds of mugs and plates with festive patterns, textures, reliefs.
  • New Year's goodies. Why not let yourself into it wonderful time eat whatever your heart desires.
  • Remove all unnecessary. How beautiful is the morning of the new year? The fact that everything around shines and sparkles with cleanliness and spaciousness. For some reason, it is on December 31 (or the day before) that we rush to clean up and declutter as soon as possible, as if other days are not enough for this. So why not bring a sense of purity and freedom into your life at least a few weeks earlier?

  • hang calendar. My favorite january ritual. So many plans for a wonderful and yet unknown future.
  • Remember childhood and return the feeling of a long-awaited miracle by looking at photos family holidays and these cutest children's New Year's costumes, or dive into a box of old toys, feel their smell and texture again and be filled with associations from a distant beautiful past.
  • Cut out the snowflakes. From paper or napkins. And stick them, as in childhood, on glass with water and soap, decorate them with a Christmas tree or any other suitable place.
  • Make hand made decorations and decor items. Looking in the store the other day New Year's toys, I was horrified: the shelves are stuffed with low-quality, shabby plastic toys with glue sticking out at prices that are not at all commensurate with the quality. And then I was finally convinced that there is nothing nicer, more exclusive and sincere than handmade things.
  • Bed sheets New Year theme or just festive colors, which you certainly associate with the upcoming celebration.

  • Paint the window. With white paints or the old-fashioned way with toothpaste, draw snowflakes or frosty patterns on the glass. Or create a magical story in the drawings on glass with your own hands.
  • Write a letter to Santa Claus. On the very beautiful paper list all your best cherished desires and thanks for the past year.
  • Make yourself a gift in without fail. After all, who can please us more than ourselves?
  • Learn to dream. At this fertile time for writing wishes, it's time to figure out what is really important and necessary and what you would like to think about before going to bed, what goals to set and what to strive for in the end.
  • Realize what you have long dreamed of. At least a minor victory or a burden thrown off your shoulders can energize you for several days and motivate you to even more productive “moving mountains”.

  • New Year Wallpapers. Another holiday tradition of mine. And no one bothers to do this at least every day.
  • Blind a masterpiece snowman. If, of course, the weather allows.
  • Get a Christmas wreath. And it is much more pleasant to create it ourselves from everything that only falls into the hands and what our imagination is capable of.
  • Attend a New Year's event. The right company can give the right mood in high concentration.
  • Create a Christmas moodboard or collage and hang it in a conspicuous place to please yourself with amenities and prettiness, reminiscent of the beautiful, every day.
  • hug more. With family, loved ones and friends. They say that during this process, a decent proportion of endorphins and oxytocin are produced, which give us joy, harmony, tenderness and tranquility.

  • The smell of spruce branches. We haven't set for a long time live Christmas tree. But every year we bring a few pine branches, the aroma of which spreads throughout the apartment and evokes holiday associations.
  • Tangerines. In all my articles, I kept repeating that this is the smell and taste of childhood. But this year I have a small puncture with my joy. All of a sudden, an allergy that had been dormant since childhood woke up to wonderful orange sweets. I am glad that I ate them in November. And I am sad that December and January will pass without the most important attribute.
  • Clothes and accessories. All kinds of sweaters with deer and Scandinavian patterns, earrings, rings and pendants in the form of gifts, New Year's sweets, Christmas trees, etc. It's time to get all this from home storage or acquire new products at least on the eve of the holidays.
  • Collect photos of Christmas trees. I know that some people have this tradition: to take pictures elegant Christmas trees on city streets, in shops, shopping malls or simply collect images of the original and most unusual Christmas trees.
  • Try to set the mood for others. If you don't have it yourself, don't despair. Try to give a feeling of magic to family and friends, friends or just strangers so that there is a feeling of happiness and warmth that fills the soul with such pleasant sensations that you yourself do not need anything else for joy and a festive mood.

Share your ideas on how to create a New Year's mood in the comments. What techniques and methods do you use? Maybe there are some unusual pre-holiday rituals and traditions?

It's one thing to spruce up a room with a few traditional, festive touches, but it's quite another to create a completely festive interior. How to create a festive mood in the house? What is needed for this? When planning festive interior, in addition to external elements, one should not forget about ergonomics and the harmonious unity of style. Take care of the presence of a visual center in the house. In order for everything to look good, to be emphasized favorably, you need a stylish decor, an interesting background, and properly organized light. If you are preparing for the holiday and are thinking about creating holiday decor and atmosphere, then pay attention to our tips and ideas.

In this article, you will learn how to create a festive mood in the house, what it takes, how to achieve it without much effort.

Disco ball

Disco balls are increasingly used for home parties. They are a wonderful element. The interior will become much brighter and more elegant. A disco ball is a kind of lamp that can rotate in different planes. Colored refracting rays create interesting effect. For the home, you can buy compact disco balls, they will create a festive mood in any room. This decor method is quite inexpensive and original. It is especially suitable for those who do not like to visit nightlife, but want to hold events in narrow circle friends in your area.

play with the light

Any holiday should be bright in every sense. Light decor can be created with a combination of garlands, candles, basic lighting. Special attention give evening light, it creates an unusual atmosphere, especially before new year holidays. Small garlands can be put along the curtains, children will like a night-light projector with a starry sky.

Can do interesting composition from candles, complemented by sweets, beads and small cards with wishes. For additional lighting effects, use transparent, shiny and mirrored interior items. Electric garlands you can decorate vases, table, various decorative items. They will look good around the perimeter of the room. From garlands you can create various figures and forms.

Shiny and luminous objects

Shiny items create a festive atmosphere without a doubt. Please note that if you have hung a lot of shimmering garlands, then there should be less shine in the interior. Shiny elements create additional effect Sveta. Glitter is often used to transform the interior. This invention can add sparkle to anything you desire. He easily transforms everyday objects, making them truly festive. Glitter is appropriate for any holiday.

Bright colors

What easily creates the atmosphere of a holiday? Of course, bright saturated colors. For the holidays, there are traditional color combinations, for example, orange-brown-green, white-blue-silver, green-white-red, gold-white-green. But if you follow more current trends, then pay attention to combinations such as purple-brown-white, gold-white-black, pink-gold-white. In certain cases, full color is also suitable.

When choosing tones, it is recommended to focus on the general color background of the room or the house as a whole. If the wall decoration is done in bright colors or it has a colorful pattern, then focus on one or two basic, neutral shades, for example, white, beige or brown.

Festive decorative elements

How else to create a festive mood in? To create a real holiday atmosphere, one detail is sometimes suitable, but it is distinguished by its brightness and unusualness. As such a detail can be used paper garland and a large number of her variations. Classic variant are multicolor triangles in the required color palette. Unleash your imagination, make such a themed garland. For children, the garland can be cut in the shape of boats, favorite characters, butterflies, stars, hearts.

The more garlands are used, the more festive the interior will be. Also interesting and festive element are pompoms. It takes effort and time to create them, but this decoration is very stylish, it is suitable for any holidays, from children's birthdays to weddings. Pompoms can be hung, then they will become a kind of variation balloons. Some put them in flowerpots instead of real flowers. Thematic wall stickers will look interesting, they diversify even a minimalist interior. Their appearance can be made in the form of wishes. This decor can be a real gift.

Colored glass

Stained glass can also be used for holiday decor. It can be applied in various decorative elements(which will look great when illuminated from the inside) and can also be used to create mosaics and stained glass. All this will fill the room good mood and fun.

If you will arrange fresh flowers, then take vases made of colored glass, you can simply use decorative vases that do not require flowers. Lamps and tableware made from this material will look good. Festive table with such dishes will be remembered by each guest for a long time. To make colored glass look as interesting as possible, you should use the right lighting, for example, candles, soft artificial light. This decor does not go out of fashion, which means it will be relevant for any holiday.

Thus, you have learned how to create a festive mood in the house. This does not require a lot of money and your strength.
