What tattoos does Laysan Utyasheva have? Gymnast Utyasheva: got a tattoo so that my luck would no longer be “broken” and would always be with me

36-year-old Pavel Volya surprised fans with a strange photo: the Comedy Club resident now has two babies on his chest. What is it: tattoos or photomontage?

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva prefer not to show photographs of their children, and the public can only guess what the couple’s babies—2-year-old Robert and 4-month-old Sofia—look like. Apparently, tired of fans’ reproaches on this topic, the showman decided to show off his heirs and posted a photo with portraits of the children online.

True, the portraits turned out to be tattoos on the comedian’s chest: “My wife is nearby, children are on my chest. The family is always together. Everyone have a nice tuesday. I'm at sea! — Volya signed a selfie with his beloved wife.

Subscribers were delighted when they saw such a touching photo and an equally touching tattoo: “Wow, what a tattoo!!! I haven’t seen one like this yet, especially among men... Usually there are girls, poker... but this one evokes admiration and tenderness and respect, she is really very deep meaning!!! Pashka, you are a great father, congratulations!!!”, “Very beautiful wife, a charming couple and a wonderful family. All the best to you (hereinafter the spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved - note Woman.ru),” followers wrote.

Many began to wonder whether Volya really had such a tattoo or whether the “stuffed” portraits were just a skillful photomontage. Many are inclined to think that the comedian really decided to immortalize images of children on his body, because last year young father already seen with the same pattern on the chest.

However, at that time there was only one baby on Volya’s body - a tattoo in honor of Robert’s son, as fans suggested.

Let us note that Pavel Volya also has another body design, on his back, which is certainly real, but what it means is a mystery. It is unknown whether the showman has tattoos dedicated to his wife. But it’s no secret that the charismatic TV presenter is a caring and exemplary father who idolizes his family: “We are the happiest in the world! Now there are four of us: Pavel, Laysan, Robert and Sofia. Daughter, happy birthday! Lyasenka, you are my heroine! Champion! Lord, thank you!” — Volya wrote on the microblog after the birth of his daughter Sofia.

At the moment when you want to give up, but you have to continue to fight, in the world of rhythmic gymnastics they remember her. In the early 2000s, after the disqualification of Alina Kabaeva and Irina Chashchina, Laysan Utyasheva, who became the first number of the Russian national team, passed the test with a serious injury - a complex fracture of the scaphoid bone in the foot was not immediately noticed. The gymnast either won medals through pain or fell on the mat. She did not give up, underwent several operations and successfully returned to big-time sports. A lot of time has passed since then, today Utyasheva is a famous TV presenter, the wife of actor Pavel Volya and the mother of two children - Robert and Sofia, but in her life there is still a place for the struggle for victory and bright emotions.

R-Sport correspondent Elena Sobol met Laysan Utyasheva on the shore of the lake, finding the famous gymnast dressed in all black during a photo shoot. On her 30th birthday, in an interview with the agency, the athlete spoke about her image of a black swan and a panther, as well as about the big happy family, about warm relations with the President of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics (VFKhG) Irina Viner-Usmanova and her friendship with Pavel Volya, as well as the meaning of her tattoos.

- This image...

This is a black swan. This is a panther. As you wish! This is “The Swan Princess” by Vrubel, my mother’s favorite painting. I rarely take photographs for publications; I set aside one day every six months for shooting. Usually I cover everything at once - before I could go every day for photo shoots, but now my schedule is different. I don’t like to pose - I like to “live” in the frame. In the same way, in principle, when working in front of the camera - I don’t like to speak memorized texts, I really like to speak from myself.

"Project "Dancing" is my soul"

- I read that every morning you get up at six o’clock. Where did this habit come from?

This is from my son. It has become such a thing that Robert has been waking up at six in the morning for two years now. At first it was hellishly difficult, but then it became a habit. And even when I was pregnant - there are enough assistants, I basically didn’t need it - dad was with us the entire period of pregnancy, the nanny, and my father’s parents. I don’t need to get up so early, but I do!

- What TV projects are you working on now?

- “Dancing” on TNT will continue, there will be a second season. It’s nice that we made it to the TEFI final in the “event of the last TV season” category. The only ones above us are the film “Crimea. The Path to the Motherland” and the action “Immortal Regiment”. It's so high level! I think it would be wrong if we won - it’s already a great honor that we got into the top three - standing next to such guys is already a victory and recognition.

There will be many more different projects. But I try not to take on everything at once, there are a lot of offers, I filter - it’s impossible to be torn.

- Do you give priority to “Dancing”?

Because it's mine! Gymnastics dash dancing, I know this nerve. I help the guys behind the scenes a lot. This project is my soul. I've always dreamed of doing something like this. I think the guys did an incredibly cool project! You know, this project is nervous, lively, emotional! The attitude towards dancing has changed. Dancers are no longer perceived that way - “ah, backup dancer”! They are individuals, they are alive! They are incredibly beautiful - and we show it.

Also, humor. Sergei Svetlakov is responsible for this. And the skirmishes between Miguel and Yegor Druzhinin. These are really two incredibly talented choreographers who are sometimes ready to “kill” each other! One carries modern dance, the other conservatism. And how Egor Druzhinin was brought up! How he builds dialogues, monologues! How Miguel builds them! Those who love Yegor Druzhinin, those who were brought up like that, watch the show because of him. Those who are more relaxed, those who move through life - those are attracted to Miguel. Who just likes to laugh - Svetlakov. Anyone who loves dance watches us. I have been waiting for this project for a very long time.

- Do you dance yourself?

Of course I dance. The pregnant woman just couldn't Lately dancing, it would be too risky. I know everyone is expecting some number from me in the project, and there will be one. We are still thinking how and what. I don’t want to pull the blanket over myself, but we are showing talented guys, the struggle between them. And if the presenter dances constantly, it will be narcissism. If the producers feel that it would be adequate to make one this season beautiful dance, for example, under New Year, then yes, of course.

- Is what you are doing now 100% “yours”?

I have been working on TV for a long time: “Main Road”, “This Morning” on NTV, the “Live” channel - and in parallel with all this, gymnastics on NTV-Plus. Also my “Charging” on “NTV”, which was very rated. Now all our energy is thrown into “Dancing”, let’s think about what can be done, because I really want to return “Zeradka”.

Yes, I “live” everything that happens on the screen. In the “Main Road” I didn’t know how to live, and then I found, in fact, I became “a stupid girl who was taught to drive a car.” And then everything grew together. When I tried to play, it was a little strange, inorganic. And when you live in the frame - even with mistakes, even if you laugh a little louder somewhere, you are real, and people see the real you, and not the text that a person reads, a glassy look. I live, I surrender. I can't do it any other way.

"Half of me is Irina Alexandrovna, the other half is my mother"

- You previously commented on gymnastics. Do you plan to return to this?

I commentated on gymnastics for 12 years. During the time when Mommy left, then Robik appeared, then “Dancing”, I was very lost. And I like to comment when I know everything - the rules, the gymnasts, I know their path. I don’t know the generation that is performing now. I know the names of the girls, I saw them in the hall, I came to visit Irina Alexandrovna (Viner-Usmanova), she showed the athletes. But I don’t know them themselves, these girls! I always root for our team, of course. I am rooting for Irina Viner’s work. This work is visible in each of her girls, they carry it. Well done for bringing her gold.

So far I haven’t accepted the offer to comment again, but I haven’t refused either. I have to line everything up, come, meet them, talk a little. Maybe even live at the base a couple of times... But for me Small child, everything must be in balance. When Sofiyka is able to go to Novogorsk, for example, I will take the whole horde, let them run around there, and I will look at the girls and devote time to them.

- That is, it would not be entirely correct to ask which of the current athletes of the national team appeals to you?

I know Rita Mamun and Yana Kudryavtseva as magnificent gymnasts. A very thin Yanochka, which evokes an association with a thin birch tree, but she is as strong as an oak tree, incredible! I saw Ritochka Mamun when she was just a baby, she gives the impression of a fighter, but very gentle and feminine. This is the work of Amina Zaripova, it's great!

As for group exercises, once magic hand Irina Viner touched on the group games - I don’t want to underestimate the work of other teachers - she, of course, inspired, one might even say, sexual aggression in the girls. The girls have become bright, beautiful - before they were just group members, but now they are crazy beauties who do incredible things! IN last time, when I commented on the Olympics in London, I just fell in love! Although I have seen many beauties in my life. But I look at this work and don’t understand how these girls did it all? It was simply incredible. They need to be included in the Book of Records - how many re-rolls, how many incredible elements at that moment, what connections were made! Wiener showed in Once again that can make the impossible possible. Because group exercises were never famous for sexuality, there was technique, technique, technique. We throw together, we catch together, we jump together. And here you can see each one, each one began to play, sparkled, like diamonds in a ring. This is amazing work, I am delighted. And then I immediately wanted to return, I thought, maybe I should join a group? (Laughs). But that’s it, I realized that I was pregnant with Robert, and all my thoughts are now about something else.

- Irina Alexandrovna is like a second mother, an inspiration, a wise mentor for many gymnasts...

For me, she is nothing more than a mother, but she has been with me all my life, from the age of ten. And, probably, half of me is Irina Viner, and the other half is my mother. Everyone has their own life circumstances, I have a dad, but he didn’t invest anything in me, I didn’t feel him. I do not know what is fatherly love, I'll be honest. But I know what maternal love is from both sides. Wiener simply lifted me up when I was incredibly depressed with my leg injury.

- Is it true?

At this age - 17-19 years old - you either fly or fall: absolute maximalism. At that moment I was offended, why am I so devoted rhythmic gymnastics, so honest and pure in front of her in every sense, why - like this? Why was I punished like that?! There are girls who study, but also manage to do something, you know, they don’t give their whole lives... But here - that’s it! And then Irina Alexandrovna, first of all, lifted my spirit. But, of course, everything was done technically correctly.

The second time was when my mother passed away. She insisted that I should not be anesthetized from the inside - no antidepressants, so that I could feel everything on a living nerve and be alive. Because when people are put on antidepressants after tragedies, yes, it helps in some way, but people are “glass”. And I remembered every second, how mommy was lying there, how we saw her off... It was scary, it was painful, but I was not glass. I’ve already had a blast, so there are no tears now. Irina Aleksandrovna literally got me out of there, because I had already gone to bed with my mother. I did not care. And Pavlik (Volya) and she, all my friends, did such a colossal job.

Therefore, all these pictures, all the images - a black swan, a panther, whatever you want to call it - are all my nerve. I didn’t just take pictures, I put something into every photo.

- And Irina Alexandrovna called you Vixen.

Yes, Alinka Kabaeva always called me Utya, and Irina Aleksandrovna - Fox. And I thought - is it my name that “eats” my surname or does the surname always fly away from the name? (Laughs).

- In my opinion, they are very harmonious together, even musically.

Thanks to Mommy, she picked it up.

- Returning to your sports career, how would you characterize the world of rhythmic gymnastics?

This is the jungle. The strongest survives. It's a fair fight. He ran up and grabbed it, which means it’s yours. He sat in the shadows and waited until he needed to jump - also yours. You ran and ran, and someone overtook you - this also happens. Predators and herbivores gather in schools.

-Is it a good school?

It’s not like school, it’s a formative moment for every girl. Gymnastics is already my blood. They called me a panther, here it is on my arm (tattoo). I am a panther. At first I didn’t feel that way, but then I realized: it looks like it. Everything is very similar. It was not named by chance.

Proved that you can come back

Besides your steely character, what else did gymnastics give you? As far as I remember, sport changed you a lot, it turned you from a timid girl...

At school I was afraid to raise my hand, knowing the correct answer. She was so timid. They called my mother to the director and asked what she was doing with me at home, why I was so downtrodden. Mom said that “we just love her.” Nobody offended me, I was just like that. Children usually strive: “Me! Me! Give me an A!” And I sat, silent, and in my head it was always: “When necessary, they will ask me, and I will answer. Why get ahead?”

When serious gymnastics began, I began to understand that I had to quickly earn marks, because I had to fly to competitions and run to training. This pace probably made me so fast.

- If you don’t take medals and victories, what is your greatest achievement in sports?

A great achievement... The fact that after two operations and two years of plaster I came back. This is probably my personal achievement and ours together with Irina Alexandrovna. Because we gave faith to girls who quit gymnastics, who love it, but left because of injuries. And we have shown that you can fight injuries; an injury does not have to ruin your whole life. We are not talking about those injuries when girls are confined to a chair. If you break an arm or a leg, it’s hard to come back, but it’s possible. This injury is not life-threatening or career-threatening. You need patience to heal, recover, lose weight, get mentally in shape and go back to your favorite sport. I think it was big victory, we brought a lot of people back to sports. After my return, I began to receive letters in batches saying, “I followed your example, had operations and returned to gymnastics, thank you!” But the issue here is not one’s own selfishness. The girls understood that I was number one on the team in five minutes. What horizons awaited me, and I flew down from Everest... The whole world was watching! Some gloated, some supported.

This is what I consider to be probably the greatest achievement. After recovering from the games in the Baltics, where big rivals came, I won five gold medals. We have an expression that if you win the Russian championship, you win the whole world. In the team competition, I won the Russian Championship then, the team included Alina Kabaeva, Irina Chashchina, me, Olga Belova, Yulia Golubenko...

-Has your leg bothered you since then?

A little bit. I was worried during pregnancy, but not as critical. Everything is fine.

- Irina Alexandrovna doesn’t invite you to the hall?

She’s calling me, I’m 30, and she’s still calling me to the gym. And I go there, I train. But I train for myself or for some performances. I keep fit and have invented my own method, which will soon appear on the Internet. I collect video content into one whole to show girls all the knowledge accumulated over ten years. Because when you show one bead and then nothing, it’s strange. I will have the entire layer covered.

You don’t have to be a gymnast, but you can feel like one by working out with me. The stretch marks will definitely increase. Ask how I recovered after childbirth - my daughter was only recently born, and I’m already in a swimsuit? It takes a little work, a lot of discipline, removing all sugar from the diet. And in my head - I’ll tell you this technique in detail later - I imagined myself as what I wanted to be. And here I am, who I want to be. Two kilograms are still “stuck”, but we’ll remove that!

- You, probably, like all gymnasts, can’t stand scales?

I resisted, even when I was pregnant - they put me on the scale, and I said: “No! I beg you! I’m pregnant, I don’t want to!” “It’s necessary,” they answered me... I’ll ask those girls who react to the scales like I do to throw them away. Because this is a psychological attack. It’s better to take a centimeter and measure yourself with it than to weigh yourself 8 times a day and worry that the weight isn’t coming off and psychologically crush yourself with it... Put away the scales, you can lose weight without them!

-Have you ever wanted to coach?

I had experience, I trained. But I probably love gymnastics too much and love children. They hung around my neck - we didn’t train. We laughed, we did some funny exercises... I can’t! I find it difficult. The girls start crying, I can't! I must have an iron, steel character, but I can’t stand the tears of children! And they always cry - that they are tired, that they want to go home. You drive home - they cry, you say that the training is over, they cry again. These emotions are difficult to deal with, and I myself am very emotional. In “Dancing” I cried almost the entire time when the children left, because I understand how much work, how much hope, and all this is now like this... Difficult.

Moreover, I couldn’t bring a gymnast onto the mat when the World Championships are going on, stand and watch, and then lie somewhere with heart failure... I can’t, it’s not my thing. Come make up nice exercise or dance - yes, that's mine. I love working with older women, teaching gymnastics, healthy image life or general physical training for girls who came consciously, who do not cry, but walk with me.

I really like to bend men. Literally. Because flexibility is youth, I really want our country to have young and handsome men who would remain men until last days. Stretching helps with this. I know secrets and I will share them soon, follow my Instagram - @LiasanUtiasheva.

Daughter - a mixture of love, tenderness and aristocracy

Not so long ago, just a few weeks ago, there was an addition to your family. What has your daughter brought to your large family?

You know, children are new life. I can say for sure that with the birth of my daughter, literally everything became new. First, she brought the appearance of an adult brother. With us, Robert has become completely grown up. I can’t describe it to you in words - it’s probably like this for all mothers - there are no words, there are only sighs and emotions. It is impossible to describe in literary text what these emotions are, they are incredible.

- Does Robert feel like an elder himself?

He is very mature, a great fellow. He helps, he always says: “If my sister cries, I’m sad.” Like this. It's impossible to convey. Love... It's just in the air everywhere.

- Sofia - what is she like?

It's too early to describe her, she's too small. I can say with confidence that she is a mixture of love, tenderness and crazy aristocracy. She has delicate facial features, such a chin, long legs. And she lies there - not mannered, but gracefully. Every mother, describing her child, will say that he is the best. All children are good for me. But there’s something special about her... Maybe she’s an actress? Let's see!

Have you already thought about where you will send your children to play sports?

No, we haven’t thought about anything yet, we’ll try everything for general development. Robert loves football very much, and at the same time he is incredibly good at assembling construction sets - he is two years old, and he is already doing such things! He loves to read and loves fairy tales. We will develop in all directions, we will try to give everything - and then let the children and their talent choose. Because teachers will see. They saw it in me too. When my mother took me to the art school, the singing teacher immediately said: “It’s better for her not to sing, but she hears music.” They tried to get me into dancing - they said that “the dancing is incredible, it’s absolutely hers.” We'll try everything.

“We have such a schedule that Pavel and I are almost always alone.”

In your story with Pavel, that is the same case when long friendship turned into love. You are both quite busy people, and you probably now appreciate every hour spent together?

We make ourselves such a schedule that we are almost always alone, always together or as a family. For example, a photo shoot - I do a big pool shoot for the whole day, and then for six months I’m not distracted by it at all. We have almost a live broadcast of dances - this is one day a week. I “clean” everything else. I understand that I appear less often or almost never at any events. But it’s much more valuable to me to be at home at this moment, change diapers, read a new fairy tale Robert... If the event is hosted by our friends or I think it's worth it, I'll go there. Many were offended, but I believe that smart people will understand me. And family members will understand me.

- Pavel also sits with the children?

While we are recording the interview, while the photo shoot is taking place, he sits with the children. We share our time. If I went somewhere for the whole day, then he frees up all the time. Our children do not sit only with their grandparents; there is always one parent at home - either Pasha or me. And when everyone is together, it’s generally great, surprisingly good!

- How do you like to spend your leisure time with your family?

I really like to cook! You know, it's a big temptation to eat something extra. But I calmly cook manti and don’t touch them. Yes, of course, I try whether it works or not. I make dumplings, cook kharcho, borscht, bake chicken, meat, everything, everything, everything... Yes, I want to eat, but I’ll cook a little fish for myself, something like that.

We love to play and have fun. The first sentence that Robert consciously learned was “Who are we? Friends! And our job with you? - “Hang out”,” that is, have fun. That's how we live.

- What inspires you most now?

I’ll say it as a mother - my children, my family. Our incredible evening conversations when the children are sleeping. I think all parents understand me now. When everyone is settled, everyone is fine - it's bliss! And we can talk. This is exactly the feeling, because when you leave the children, the feeling of excitement is constant, you can’t breathe out. And when they were lying here, and we went to the balcony, quietly, so as not to wake them up. This is an incredible, amazing feeling. And it is very inspiring. I want to do everything in a day so that I can put the children to bed in the evening and curl up in this little corner and talk.

- I know that you want a big family.

- Four people - that's already big family, or do you need more?

We will take as much as the universe gives us. It will be like this. Children are happiness. The number of times I am pregnant, the number of times I will give birth. Abandoning children is murder, under no circumstances. Therefore, we decided to sign, children should be born in marriage, there should be a lot of them.

- Is that why the wedding was quiet?

I am a “quiet person”, yes, this is personal, ours, not public.

- It’s difficult to leave something in your personal space when you’re a public person.

My example shows that it is possible. If people want to keep it secret, then all this can be done.


- You starred in Yolka’s video “I’ll Be Waiting for You.”

It wasn’t even a video, I won’t say that I filmed anything on purpose. I danced to my favorite Christmas tree, I danced to my beloved man. I danced with my eyes, I wanted minimal gymnastics - more emotions. This is all that Pasha loves, he loves understatement. He loves “under-”, everything is in halftones, “we walked towards each other for too long” - everything is written there. This is from the "come from" series long voyage, I will wait for you with borscht,” this is about such love. Words like “ eternal love“We won’t give up, we are too young, but this is truly conscious love!

- And you also wrote the book “Unbroken”...

It’s not like she’s mine... My favorite girls, fans then attacked my mother’s e-mail, asking what really happened? Because different publications wrote according to their own format, sometimes they were confused about the number of operations, what happened and why, but I generally keep quiet about the yellow press. People were so confused about what really happened to me that the publishing house itself contacted my mother and suggested: “Zulfiya, let’s write a book to explain all this, to tell how it was, maybe someone will take something from it for themselves.” her." There is too much pain, too much truth, many did not like the truth. For example, to the doctors who were involved in what happened to me.

The book was written together with my mother and even more so with my mother. At the beginning she talks a lot about how I grew up. From this we can draw conclusions about why I became like this. A book for everyone. I've been asked to do a re-release because everything was sold out, but I don't know if it's necessary.

- Would you like to gain any other literary experience? There's certainly a lot to talk about.

I have a lot to talk about, but until I have matured, I am accumulating it all. Someday, when Robert gets married, when I marry Sophia, I will raise their grandchildren, perhaps I will sit in a rocking chair and think: “Come on, now is the time, I have experience.” And then, probably, I’ll write.

"Tattoo on the neck - painting past life"

The panther on your left hand is one of your four tattoos; you have already revealed its secret. Can you tell us about the other three?

I already forgot how much. One, two, three... Yes, really four.

- The one on right hand, is somehow connected with all religions?

Yes. Everything that was written about me, that I accepted something and refused something, is not true. I respect every religion. I was born a Muslim, and I remained one, no one changed their religion. But I also accepted my husband's faith. The Koran says that we must accept and love every religion. I have not given up any religion! I also accept Buddhism, I read a lot, I’m interested in studying it. I go to their temples and can pray there. I love and respect everything that is created around religions, because it purifies, it ennobles, people are drawn to God - this is wonderful! What language they pray in is not important to me. I will shake hands with any person who loves God and carries him within himself. That’s why the tattoo is on my right hand: when I say hello, extending my hand, I accept any person of any religion, with my god in my head. And who am I to judge? I accept everything and refuse nothing.

- In a word, you simply believe in God.

I believe in any languages, I know everything muslim prayers. I also know Orthodox and Buddhist. I'm interested in all this. I love the world as it is. And if someone condemns me, then that’s his right... But I didn’t refuse anything, and I appreciate that I was sent to Muslim family that I was born a Muslim. It's a great honor, it's beautiful. Eastern upbringing and this female craving for everyday life: cooking, cleaning herself - it all comes from there, from eastern roots. And I have it. And I actually clean myself. Yes, I am calling for help, because at this pace it is impossible to keep up with everything. But it doesn’t “break” me to take a rag and wash the floor myself, sweep, vacuum, get into the dirtiest corners, cook big table. It's all about me. I am a woman! I don’t only go to beauty salons... It’s clear that if I post photos on Instagram of how I wash the floor - this is today’s reality - people probably won’t be interested. But all this is in my life.

-You have “Success” stamped on your neck.

This is perfume. This is the first perfume that was given to me in my life, in Sweden at the age of 10. The girl who gave them to me was three years younger than me. She gave with such an angel blue eyes: “May you always be lucky! May these spirits protect you, protect you, and bring you victory. May you be a winner in everything.” Her name was Rebecca. I took this perfume, and it stayed with me until I was 17, when everything was really very beautiful. And then - a sloppy movement - they fly from the bedside table, I can directly see this moment. And it was written in my head: “My luck has left me. My victory has left me.” And exactly 3-4 days later, the tomography reveals what kind of horrors happened to my leg. And everything started rolling...

When I turned 18, I talked to my mother. She agreed reluctantly. “So that none of my luck is broken, let me get myself a tattoo.” She says: “Okay, go ahead. You put so much meaning into this!” And now I’m no longer attached to things, to tattoos... To anything. It's like a painting of a past life. With the advent of children, a lot has changed in my head. This could not have been done.

- But it remains as a memory.

Yes, like a memory. This is me too, the many-faced fox.

- How far could you see the fourth tattoo - near the navel - is it an eye... with wings?

Eye with wings. She made it at the age of 16, hiding it from her mother. Eye from the evil eye. I projected this onto the fact that this eye would protect my children when they were in the tummy. This is what I still believe. That’s why I hid my pregnancy; I don’t like to write or talk about it. I like to say when everything has already happened. This is so “mine”, so personal. My truth is that I’d rather go to the den, and then I’ll tell you. But I absolutely love the photographs of our pregnant stars, it’s beautiful, it’s noble. It's just my truth, I can't.

We see Kabaeva and Chashchina very rarely

-I am sure that as an athlete you cannot help but set goals for yourself. Which one is the closest?

I am merciless with myself. It seems to me that the biggest self-hater is myself. Because I constantly train myself. I dig deep into myself all the time, I demand a lot from myself. That's why I set goals for myself every day.

My internal growth, as soon as I stop, that’s it. “Fish in an aquarium” state. It should be like this - today English, tomorrow Spanish, the day after tomorrow French, I read this, why don’t you know? All the time I simply destroy myself in this sense! Why don't you know this dish? We need to cook! This is all of me. Many people close to me say “why”, but it’s me, I need all the time ahead.

- Do you know three languages?

Not yet, I’m learning! I’m very annoyed that I don’t know, I need to learn, I need to work on myself.

- It happens that you have a free minute for yourself. What do you like to do?

This is very rare. I love my friends very much! This happens maybe once every six months, the girls say that we need to meet more often. We gather in a cafe and just relax. I have an hour of time, but I listen to my girls’ stories and discuss something with them. And I completely dissolve, I feel good. Or we go to the bathhouse with them. Let's do something together. I really enjoy this time when I'm with my girlfriends.

- Friends from the world of rhythmic gymnastics?

Where's everyone from! All girls are very different.

- Do you keep in touch with anyone from the world of sports?

I’m talking with Alena Posevina, two-time Olympic champion in group exercises, an incredible beauty! I keep in touch with Dinara Gimatova, who played for the Azerbaijani national team. In principle, we all communicate, but every day - with these two girls. With everyone else, greetings to each other, I love everyone very much, thank you to everyone for everything. It was a colossal school. I'm sad for many things. Sometimes I remember moments... I really missed Alinka (Kabaeva) recently. I remembered how we were little, how friendly and great it all was...

- You probably rarely see her now.

All of our trio (Kabaeva-Chashchina-Utyasheva) and I see each other very rarely. Thank God that Irina Aleksandrovna makes time for me, because I stand in line to meet her - she always has a terrible schedule! Now she is there, now there, I wait every time, and as soon as she arrives, I go straight to her! These are the warmest, most joyful meetings. It’s so great that he and Pashka became such friends!

- Is it true?

Yes, they became so friends! Sometimes it seems to me that when I come, I hug her, and then they chat, and I just sit. I lie down on the sofa - I feel good... And they are chirping and laughing about something! Pasha has already told Irina Alexandrovna several times: you need to join Comedy! Because she says things like that! It is impossible to record, you have to listen to it live.

Wiener always liked Pasha! Even when she didn’t know that we were friends, she always noted this project - Comedy club, saying that she watches it when she can, that she listens to it on the radio, when in the car, which she really likes. She and Pasha found mutual language very fast. "Hello!" - and away we go.

Ballet. Black Swan. A chidhood dream.

I remember that in one of the interviews you said that you wanted to perform in ballet again for your 30th birthday. Moreover, you already had a wonderful experience at Bolero.

I really wanted to organize and I still want to, but it’s not like I have to dance right at thirty. We are thinking about it. Maybe it will be next May or already at 31, but we will definitely do it. This is an incredibly beautiful, noble experience that I want to return to.

- Why did you get so caught up in it? Is this a childhood dream?

Yes. I madly loved and love Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya - may she rest in heaven! This was my idol. At first I saw her on TV, her swan. And when I was four years old, I told my mother: “I want to be like her!” Mom replied that it is impossible to be like her, you can only try to repeat it or be yourself. I asked my mother to take me to a ballet school, they didn’t take me only because I was too small - they said, the data is there, come back in 3-4 years. We went to the store, upset, and there I was met by a rhythmic gymnastics coach. The arrows have been moved.

It is clear that with my leg surgeries, I will never stand on pointe shoes again. But those classical works where you are allowed to dance barefoot or in gymnastic slippers or slippers, I, of course, want to learn!

Katie Topuria and Laysan Utyasheva.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

Laysan Utyasheva and Katie Topuria got unusual tattoos

This season, women in show business, as if by agreement, began to decorate their bodies with tattoos. True, then sometimes you have to hide them.

At the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the A-studio group, the group's lead singer Katie Topuria appeared in an original urban outfit made of multi-layered leather structures. The costume was decorated with metal spikes and rivets, which were difficult to hold on to the soloist. Katie appeared before a WoomanHit.ru correspondent wearing a half mask on her face and with two tattoos, one of which the singer made especially for the show.

Both tattoos have musical meaning. The singer depicted a musical staff on her neck, and on her wrist she carved a phrase in Kazakh, and flatly refused to talk about its content.
Olympic champion Laysan Utyasheva appeared in the Metelitsa nightclub in a short black trapeze dress. Fake pockets added originality to the outfit. The collar of the trapeze dress, which fettered the gymnast’s hands, gave Laysan the image Japanese geisha. The look was complemented by a clutch bag; this model is back in trend; now, perhaps, all women on the planet wear it. In Europe, “smart” clutch bags in the form of literary books have now become fashionable. True, this trend has not yet reached us. Laysan, like Katie, recently got a tattoo on her wrist. True, the athlete covers her in every possible way.
