Nose drops for pregnant women: what can I do? Vasoconstrictor nose drops for pregnant women. Cold drops for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a rather difficult period for women. During the growth and formation of the fetus, the expectant mother may face such a problem as a runny nose due to allergies or the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. The main difficulty that may arise during therapy is the toxic effect of many drugs on the baby. In this regard, the use of a whole list of medicines is prohibited. But to improve the well-being of a woman, drops and sprays during pregnancy were invented, which are no less effective.

Causes of the disease and principles of treatment

Causes of a runny nose in pregnant women include:

Treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women should obey several principles:

  • drops and sprays should mainly consist of natural low-allergic components;
  • the use of drugs should be aimed primarily at eliminating the etiological factor and only then at reducing symptoms;
  • any pregnant woman needs an individual approach, in each trimester certain drops are recommended, which are not desirable or prohibited in another period of gestation.

Drops and sprays from the common cold for pregnant women

Preparations for topical application relieve swelling of the tissues of the nasal cavity, restore airway patency and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

All drops from the common cold are divided into the following groups:

  • vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • antihistamines;
  • plant extracts;
  • saline solutions.

Depending on the gestational age, the causes of rhinitis and the degree of development of the common cold, a specific treatment plan is drawn up.

First trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy is considered the most crucial period, during which the laying of all vital organs occurs and the primary processes of the physiology of a small organism are formed. For this reason, a woman must be protected as much as possible from the negative effects of the environment and reduce the risk of developing any diseases.

If this failed, and a runny nose still appeared, doctors recommend the following nose drops during pregnancy:

Second trimester

This period is less stressful for a woman, but despite this, it is necessary to continue to monitor her own health and try to avoid hypothermia or contact with patients.

The list of allowed drops during pregnancy remains the same and is supplemented by two more drugs:

  1. "Kromoheksal". It is used for the allergic nature of the common cold. It is not considered the safest drug for pregnant women and is prescribed only when the risk of fetal developmental disorders is higher than the effect of the drug on the child;
  2. "Xymelin" for children. It is a vasoconstrictor, affects the stability of the blood vessels, which is why it must be used with caution and in extreme cases.

third trimester

By this time, the main anatomical and physiological signs and features of the child are practically formed, for this reason, doctors recommend a wider range of medicines, which includes antibacterial and vasoconstrictive substances:

  1. "Tizin", "Sanorin" , their use is limited to one injection into the nasal cavity per day for pregnant women;
  2. "Bioparox"- a strong antibacterial agent used topically. Despite its properties, it does not enter the bloodstream and does not affect the development of the fetus.

Tizin during pregnancy

Bioparox for pregnant women

Prohibited nose drops during pregnancy

There is a fairly large list of drops from the common cold, the appointment of which is unacceptable during any period of pregnancy. Below is a table that includes negatively affecting drops during pregnancy.

This opinion can be challenged by two arguments:

  • many drugs lose their effectiveness when used by an adult, as sensitivity to the main active ingredient decreases and the clinical picture does not disappear;
  • even in small doses, the drug still enters the bloodstream, reaches the fetus and has an effect on it, albeit not so strong.

Onion drops from a runny nose during pregnancy

Onion drops

A runny nose during pregnancy can also be treated with proven folk methods. These, for example, include the use of onion juice.

With all the discomfort that this procedure brings, the remedy is very effective. Onions are known for their high concentration of volatile biochemical compounds that have a bactericidal effect on microorganisms. Also, the vegetable is rich in:

  • vitamins;
  • trace elements:
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • organic acids.

Together they raise the pregnant woman's own immunity, stabilize metabolic processes and relieve the symptoms of a runny nose.

How to prepare drops for a runny nose during pregnancy:

  1. Grate the onion on a fine grater,
  2. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil
  3. Strain the resulting mass through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  4. The tool must be typed into a pipette, inject three drops into each nostril twice a day.

Drops from Kalanchoe for pregnant women

Drops based on Kalanchoe juice

Another effective folk method is the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women with Kalanchoe juice. This plant includes:

  • trace elements;
  • tannin compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins.

It is these substances that contribute to the local destruction of pathogenic microflora and stimulate the immune system.

Preparation of drops from the common cold takes a long period of time.

  1. First you need to cut a few dense leaves, rinse them and dry them.
  2. Next, the biomaterial must be wrapped in paper or a bag and put in the refrigerator for seven days.
  3. At the end of the period, the leaves are passed through a meat grinder and again kept in a refrigerator for two days.
  4. In the end, the mass must be passed through cheesecloth or a sieve in order to obtain pure concentrated juice.
  5. Inject two drops into each nasal passage three times a day. The treatment is ten days.

Runny nose, nasal congestion are symptoms in which pregnant women often go to the doctor. To facilitate breathing, most drugs in the nose are contraindicated, but there are a number of drugs that are allowed to be used for a cold in pregnant women.

In the autumn-winter period, the defenses of a pregnant woman are reduced, and no one is safe from colds. - one of the symptoms of a developing cold that requires treatment.

During the bearing of a child, the woman's body is rebuilt and the level of hormones changes. During this period, a runny nose may also occur. In medical practice, this phenomenon is called "". This non-infectious phenomenon often occurs in the 2nd and 3rd trimester and disappears after childbirth. Treatment in this case is not required, but drops should be used to alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman.

If the runny nose is allergic in nature, then this symptom is accompanied by lacrimation, sneezing and profuse mucous discharge from the nose. It manifests itself in spring or summer when plants bloom, but it can occur when particles of dust, animal hair, etc. get on the mucous membrane. A pregnant woman should definitely contact an allergist.

There are other causes of a runny nose:

  • Adenoiditis
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Displacement of the nasal septum
  • Neoplasms
  • Low air humidity
  • Foreign body in the nose

With a runny nose, a woman should definitely consult a doctor who, after establishing the cause of this symptom, will prescribe the necessary treatment and drugs.

Self-medication, as well as the use of certain medications for a cold, is strictly prohibited.

When choosing a drug, the doctor takes into account the causes of the common cold, the duration and course of pregnancy, the tolerance of individual components, as well as the appropriateness of drug therapy. Taking into account these factors, drugs are prescribed.In the treatment of the common cold and during pregnancy, the choice of drugs is limited, due to the ability to penetrate the active substances through the placenta to the fetus.

Vasoconstrictor sprays

With a cold, nasal drops are usually used. Vasoconstrictor drugs in the treatment of a runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy are strictly contraindicated, since there is a narrowing of the vessels not only of the mucous membrane, but also of the capillaries of the placenta. An insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied to the fetus, which can lead to hypoxia.

For the treatment of a runny nose, it is strictly forbidden to use Nafazoline, Ephedrine, Fazin, etc. The active substances that are part of these drugs negatively affect the blood circulation of the placenta. Drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect should be prescribed only by a doctor.

The choice of vasoconstrictor sprays that are allowed to be used by pregnant women is small: Tizin, Xymelin, Vibrocil. One of the drugs should be used only as directed by a doctor and at a lower dosage than indicated in the instructions. Approved for the use of drops in the nose with a runny nose, which are intended for newborns. They should be used once a day for no more than 3 days.

Moisturizing sprays

The nasal mucus secreted outside has bactericidal properties. To maintain the normal production of nasal secretion, as well as its consistency, it is recommended to use moisturizing drops. They can be used for any type of cold.

Moisturizing sprays or drops are harmless and effective for a runny nose and nasal congestion. The following preparations have a moisturizing effect:

  • salin
  • Physiomer
  • Humer etc.

They include sea water or ionized salt solution, which contains the necessary minerals and trace elements. Thanks to this composition, microcracks in the epithelial tissue are healed, which stimulates the mucosa to recover.

Such drugs only moisturize the mucous membrane and remove the secret, saturated with pathogens. It is important to remember that sea water-based sprays do not help with nasal congestion, especially with diseases of viral or bacterial etiology.

Useful video - How to treat vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy:

Aqua Maris and Aqualor have not only a softening, but also an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane. Salin helps to normalize secretion and quickly moisturize the inside of the nose.

Homeopathic preparations

If a runny nose appeared on the background, then it is possible to use:

  • Delufen. Homeopathic remedy in the form of a spray. It has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, protective and restorative effects. The composition of the preparation includes the following components: black mustard, meadow lumbago, resinous spurge, loofah and mercury iodide. When using Delufen, the sensitivity of the mucosa to pathogenic microflora and allergens decreases.
  • Euphorbium compositum. It is used to treat the common cold of various etiologies. It is produced in various forms and has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, thanks to its several active ingredients. The homeopathic remedy normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates swelling and dryness in the nose, and normalizes breathing.
  • EDAS-131. Assign for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinitis. The effectiveness of the remedy will be observed when the first symptoms of a cold appear.

In homeopathic preparations, the concentration of active substances is minimal and they do not have a therapeutic effect. Homeopathy moisturizes the nasal passages, which does not allow a runny nose to drag on due to the formed crusts. In addition, there are no contraindications and addiction to such drugs, unlike vasoconstrictors.

Drops or sprays in the nose with an antibacterial effect are prescribed for thick and purulent discharge. They have a bactericidal effect and help remove pathological secretions from the sinuses.

Many antibacterial nasal drops are strictly contraindicated for use during pregnancy. However, if the mucous secretions turn yellow-green, then this indicates the addition of a bacterial infection and the use of antibiotics cannot be avoided.

Of the drugs with antibacterial action during pregnancy, it is allowed to use, but only under the supervision of a doctor:

  • Polydex. This is a combination drug that has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and antimicrobial effects. The composition of the spray includes components such as neomycin, dexamethasone, polymyxin. Since the drug has a complex composition, during treatment, especially during pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the dosage and the general course of treatment.
  • . The active ingredient is fusafungin, which is also a topical antibiotic. It can only be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. You should be aware that when injecting the drug, there is a possibility of developing bronchospasm. It is undesirable to use more than 7 days, as addiction to the drug will occur.

Unlike systemic antibiotics, these drugs act locally and are not absorbed into the blood.Such drugs as Isofra, Funentin and their analogues are contraindicated for use. Prolonged bacterial rhinitis should only be treated by a doctor, so a pregnant woman should follow all his recommendations.

Nasal sprays for allergic rhinitis

During the bearing of a child, a woman often appears in response to stimuli. Changes in the hormonal background are reflected in the immune system, the defenses of which are reduced.

Against this background, the woman's body is sensitive to the effects of various irritants: dust, wool, pollen, cosmetics and chemicals, etc.

The following drugs can be used to eliminate an allergic reaction:

  • Kromoheksal. An antihistamine that reduces the symptoms of an allergic reaction. The product is based on sodium cromoglycate. The drug is more effective as a prophylactic.
  • Nazawal. An antihistamine drug that protects the nasal mucosa from various irritants. The main active ingredient is cellulose. When sprayed on the mucous membrane, a gel-like layer is formed, which prevents allergens from entering inside.
  • . This drug has a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect, due to the two substances that make up the drug - phenylephrine and dimentidene. Since the remedy constricts blood vessels, it is not recommended to use it. But it is possible to use only in the second and third trimester, if the health of the expectant mother is higher than the development of the fetus.

In any case, the treatment and elimination of symptoms of allergic rhinitis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

During gestation (carrying a fetus), hormonal changes occur in the female body, which affects the functioning of the immune system. Due to a decrease in general immunity, approximately 1/3 of expectant mothers experience inflammation of the nasopharynx of an infectious or allergic origin. Nasal spray for a runny nose for pregnant women allows you to eliminate local manifestations of the disease and speed up recovery. It should be remembered that almost all local drugs have only a symptomatic effect.

Rhinorrhea (excessive mucus), nasal congestion and sneezing are symptoms that accompany the development of many respiratory diseases. You can eliminate unpleasant manifestations by means of aerosol preparations. But when choosing a nasal spray for pregnant women, several nuances must be taken into account: the composition of the drug, the gestational period and the presence of individual intolerance. Ignoring the basic criteria for choosing medications can lead to disturbances in the intrauterine development of the fetus, deterioration in well-being and complications.

How to choose a spray?

The use of sprays during pregnancy will be justified only if the benefits of their use outweigh the potential harm that the active components of the drugs can cause to the intrauterine development of the fetus. Unfortunately, modern pharmaceuticals are not able to offer special nasal products for pregnant women, but among the existing drugs there are still those that can be classified as safe.

When buying an aerosol, it is necessary to be guided not by personal preferences or the recommendations of friends, but by the main criteria for choosing effective and safe sprays. To prevent violations in the intrauterine development of the child, it is desirable to consider the following factors:

The use of nasal sprays is justified only in case of persistent violation of nasal breathing, allergic, viral or bacterial rhinitis.

If a cold occurs without severe symptoms, it is recommended to stay in bed for 3-4 days. To reduce the viscosity of mucus in the nasal cavity and facilitate its release, you should ventilate the room at least 2 times a day and humidify the air with sprayers. Washing the nose with salt water or saline will not be superfluous.

List of approved drugs

Spray from the common cold during pregnancy is used as a symptomatic drug. It must be understood that any means for intranasal use act locally and do not destroy the infection throughout the body. However, it is aerosols that are most often used to eliminate the symptoms of rhinorrhea. During the injection of the drug, a fine liquid penetrates into the paranasal sinuses, which prevents the development of severe complications - sphenoiditis, maxillitis, etc.


What aerosols can be used in the first weeks of pregnancy? The first three months of gestation are considered the most unfavorable for the use of medications. An overdose of drugs and allergic reactions can aggravate the health condition, which will negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child.

Moisturizing sprays with sea water are the safest drugs for decongestant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory action. Unlike other nasal products, they contain only sea or ocean water, trace elements and plant components. Moisturizing spray can be used to treat colds of any nature - viral, microbial, fungal, allergic, etc.

The most effective aerosols for pregnant women include:

  • "Physiomer";
  • "Quicks";
  • "No-Sol";
  • "Otrivin More";
  • "Aqua Maris";
  • Morenasal.

You can also use a moisturizing nasal spray for pregnant women as a preparation for washing the nasopharynx. To clear the airways of mucus, you need to insert a sprayer into the nostril and press the dispenser. The liquefied mucus is then blown out through the nose and the second nostril is cleared in the same way.

After washing, it is undesirable to go outside for 30-40 minutes, as this can lead to local hypothermia and the development of sinusitis.

Homeopathic preparations

Homeopathic aerosol is the best remedy for colds, which has immunostimulating and regenerating properties. The composition of nasal preparations includes mainly minerals, herbal ingredients and vitamins. It is immediately worth noting that they do not have an instant effect, since they do not contain vasoconstrictor substances.

The therapeutic effect of homeopathic medicines has not been confirmed by clinical trials. But in practice, it is this category of local preparations that promotes tissue regeneration in the nasopharynx, increases local immunity and alleviates the symptoms of rhinorrhea. Help to eliminate:

  • "Delufen-spray";
  • "Asinis";
  • "Euphorbium Compositum";
  • "Rhinitol";
  • "Edas-117".

According to experts, homeopathic medicines work in placebo mode. However, their use stimulates the immune system to fight the viral infection.

Vasoconstrictors are among the potentially dangerous drugs, since in case of an overdose they have a systemic effect on the body.

They contain adrenoreceptor stimulants, which are located in the vessels of the nasopharynx. The use of decongestants contributes to the narrowing of blood capillaries and the outflow of intercellular fluid from the affected tissues. Due to this, the patency of the nasal passages is restored, and nasal congestion disappears.

  • "Rinotaiss 0.1%";
  • "Tizin Xylo";
  • "Sanorin";
  • "Naphthyzin".

During pregnancy, it is impossible to use drugs that contain oxymetazoline (Fazin, Dlyanos, Xymelin).

Some adrenergic stimulants (oxymetazoline, phenylephrine) are absorbed through the nasal mucosa into the blood and cause vasospasm of the placenta. The subsequent disruption of uteroplacental blood flow can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and, as a result, brain damage.

Allergy medications

Rhinoconjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis are autoimmune diseases that are accompanied by severe swelling of the nasopharynx and impaired nasal breathing. The danger of allergies lies in the fact that swelling of the mucosa leads to blockage of the airways that connect the nasal cavity with the paranasal sinuses. Stagnation of mucus in the maxillary sinuses can cause the development of maxillitis (sinusitis).

Antiallergic spray for the common cold for pregnant women has a decongestant, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect on tissues. To stop the manifestations of the disease, the following types of antiallergic aerosols are usually used:

  • mast membrane stabilizers ("Vividrin", "Kromolin") - prevent the destruction of cytoplasmic membranes in mast cells, due to which inflammatory mediators do not penetrate into tissues and do not cause inflammation;
  • hormonal aerosols ("Baconase", "Aldecin") - inhibit the production of prostaglandins, which cause inflammatory reactions in the nasopharynx;
  • barrier aerosols ("Prevalin", "Nazaval") - form a protective film on the surface of the mucosa, impermeable to irritating substances.

The abuse of hormonal drugs negatively affects the structure of the mucous membranes, so they are used only as directed by a doctor. An overdose of glucocorticosteroids is fraught with impaired functioning of the kidneys, nosebleeds and atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

Antibacterial drugs

Absolutely all types of sprays with antibiotics are prescribed solely under the personal responsibility of a specialist. The therapeutic effect of their use often does not exceed the potential harm that they can cause to the fetus. Antibiotics in the nose are prescribed for the development of serious bacterial complications - sphenoiditis, nasopharyngitis, maxillitis, etc.

Antimicrobial aerosols are used in strictly established terms in the minimum dosage. The irrational use of drugs harms the intrauterine development of the fetus and causes adverse reactions in the expectant mother. Conditionally approved drugs include:

  • "Isofra";
  • "Fusafunzhin";
  • "Polydex".

Antibacterial aerosols can only be used from the second trimester of pregnancy.

It should be understood that all nasal sprays are symptomatic drugs. In this regard, they are used only as part of the general complex of therapeutic measures.

Application rules

The therapeutic effect of nasal sprays largely depends on the correctness of their application. Failure to comply with the rules for irrigation of the nasopharynx with aerosols reduces the effectiveness of treatment and creates conditions for the development of complications. In the process of using local preparations, it is desirable to observe the following recommendations:

  1. clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus with a saline solution or moisturizing spray;
  2. shake the aerosol bottle and insert the nebulizer into the nostril so that it remains upright;
  3. press the free nostril against the nasal septum and press the dispenser the recommended number of times;
  4. after injecting the medicinal suspension, take a slow breath;
  5. do the same with the second nostril.

It is desirable to use decongestants as little as possible, as they are addictive and dehydrate the mucosa. To minimize the occurrence of adverse reactions, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity at least 3 times a day with saline solutions.


During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use medications, as many of them can harm the health of the unborn child. However, about 35% of expectant mothers develop allergic rhinitis or a cold during pregnancy. Local preparations in the form of sprays help to stop the manifestations of the disease, which irrigate more than 70% of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, you can not use potent drugs. To alleviate the course of the disease, homeopathic, moisturizing and oily sprays are used - Pinosol, Edas-131, Physiomer. In the second trimester, some decongestants and glucocorticosteroids are included in the treatment regimen. It should be understood that the irrational use of drugs can cause complications and malformations in the development of the fetus.

The first trimester is the most significant period in the life of a pregnant woman. In these weeks, the laying of almost all the vital organs of the future little man takes place, changes also occur in the mother's body. That is why it becomes extremely undesirable to take any medications that can have a toxic effect on the fetus.

During this period, expectant mothers need to especially protect their health and prevent the occurrence of diseases where they can be easily avoided. This is especially true for the common cold and other colds.


Every mother wishes health for her child, and care for his health should begin from the first weeks of pregnancy. In order to avoid the occurrence of a runny nose, it is necessary to be well aware of the reasons why it may appear:

  • Hypothermia of the body(or, colloquially, a cold);
  • Allergy(reaction to pollen, household chemicals, polluted air, certain products);
  • Changes in the structure or injury of the nasal septum;
  • (in severe forms of angina, the infection can get into the nasal passages);
  • sinusitis(inflammation of the sinuses);
  • Hormonal changes ().

Hormonal causes are not typical for the 1st trimester, rather for the 3rd. But, nevertheless, in some, vasomotor rhinitis is observed from the beginning of pregnancy and disappears with the end of the period. It should be treated with natural preparations, because nasal congestion has a negative effect on the fetus and the body of the expectant mother herself.

Possible Complications

A runny nose in the first trimester is dangerous due to possible complications and side effects of drugs. Improper behavior at the beginning of pregnancy can harm the fetus and the expectant mother. That is why every pregnant woman should be well aware of the possible negative consequences of inattentive treatment of the common cold:

  1. Runny nose of any cold, since the nasal passages are blocked, cold air enters immediately into the respiratory organs and supercools them;
  2. A permanently stuffy nose opens the way for viral infections directly to the lungs and on to the fetus. After all, the nasal mucosa, in addition to warming, also retains pathogenic microbes, processing them into mucus. A viral infection of the fetus is a direct path to miscarriage or premature birth;
  3. With congestion of the nasal passages, all nearby organs are at risk of inflammation, what can provoke a sore throat, sinusitis, otitis media;
  4. If a pregnant woman is not able to fully breathe through her nose, there may be a threat of fetal hypoxia, which is fraught with deviations in the development of the fetus;
  5. The transition of the common cold from the acute stage to the chronic stage when the treatment will no longer be so fast and effective;
  6. If a runny nose lasts throughout pregnancy, there is a risk of infecting other pregnant women in the delivery room. This may raise the question of the safety of staying in a general ward.

The main risk during this period is the inability to use most medications due to the vulnerability of the fetus. Any medicine has contraindications, and at the beginning of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), the unborn child is still being formed, and the placenta along with it. Only by the 13th week does the growth of the child's place end, and then the child receives full protection.

Runny nose in pregnant women in the early period is a dangerous phenomenon, but it must be treated with great care, the choice of medications must be agreed with the doctor.


Treatment of a runny nose in the 1st trimester begins with general measures that help reduce swelling of the mucosa and make breathing easier:

  • Increasing the humidity in the room with a damp cloth and water containers having a large evaporation area;
  • Raising the head of the bed for easier breathing during sleep;
  • Constant ventilation of the room maintaining the temperature up to 22°C.

Plentiful drink enriched with vitamin C helps well. To raise immunity, it is worth reviewing the diet and including antiseptic products in it.

Medical therapy

The first remedy for the treatment of a cold is drops. However, for the 1st trimester of pregnancy, any medication should be selected with great care with the help of the attending physician.

Vasoconstrictor drops

Drugs of general access and proven action are drops "Otrivin", "Pinosol", "Sanorin". They are allowed even in the 1st trimester, although they are vasoconstrictor. The scheme for using them should be carried out in accordance with children's norms.

The rest, the most common drugs, are prohibited for pregnant women due to their negative side effects:

  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Narrowing of blood vessels in the placenta and uterus;
  • Rapid addiction and termination of the therapeutic effect;
  • Overdrying of the nasal mucosa;
  • The occurrence of possible fetal pathologies.

The drugs in this group include Naphthyzin, Oxymetazoline, Xymelin, Tizin, Vibrocil.

Treatment of pregnant women in the 1st trimester with vasoconstrictor drops should be carried out only in the most extreme cases.

Antiviral drops and ointments

Since the common cold is often viral in nature, it becomes justified to use it for its treatment. During pregnancy in the 1st trimester, drops "Grippferon" and "Derinat", ointment "Viferon" are prescribed.

A significant effect has the use of balm "Asterisk", which has no contraindications for pregnant women. Its essential oils have antiviral, warming and liquefying effects.

Saline solutions

The safest drugs that should be prescribed in the 1st trimester are instillations prepared on the basis of sea salt. They moisturize the mucous membrane, while the mucus is thinned and its free outflow occurs. Since all the components of the solution are of natural origin, they do not pose any harm to the body.

The offered pharmacy saline solutions are quite diverse:

  1. Marimer;
  2. Aqualor;
  3. Aquamaris;
  4. Otrivin Baby;
  5. Humer.

To prepare a working solution, it is enough to dilute a teaspoon of the medicine in a liter of boiled water.

Sea salt preparations should be the first remedy used for a cold in the 1st trimester, because they do not have any side effects, and the effect in the treatment of salt sprays and drops is quite stable and fast. The main thing is to observe the regularity and dosage.

Other drugs

homeopathic remedies are Compositum, ointment Evamenol, Euphorbium. These drugs are herbal and are quite safe, but it is better for pregnant women to consult a doctor before using them.

allergic manifestations of rhinitis are eliminated with Vibrocil and Flikonase, which help to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, get rid of itching, and reduce the amount of mucus secreted.

Drops plant-based, such as "Pinosol", should be used with caution. The oils of eucalyptus, pine and mint included in its composition undoubtedly have an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. However, with a tendency to allergic reactions or sinus diseases, this drug is contraindicated.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes with herbal ingredients, based on herbs, foods and warmings. It should be remembered that during pregnancy, warming procedures should be carried out with great care, and it is better to be excluded altogether. This is especially true of the lower body, where harm to the fetus can be done (for example, soaring legs).

Traditional medicine helps not only relieve swelling of the mucosa, but also fight other symptoms of a cold:

  1. Instillation into the nose with a few drops of vegetable juice(carrots, beets) mixed with olive oil;
  2. Warming up the sinuses with a blue lamp or boiled eggs. In this case, you first need to make sure that the patient does not have sinusitis, in the acute form of which heating is contraindicated;
  3. Inhalations with decoctions of medicinal herbs(thyme, calendula, chamomile, sage) or with boiled crushed and well-salted potatoes;
  4. The legs should be constantly warm, while it is recommended to make warm hand baths;
  5. A decoction of 1 cup of dry fruits of viburnum in 1 liter(boil 15 minutes) leave for 40 minutes, then add 4 tbsp. l. honey and take 0.5 cup after meals 4 times a day;
  6. Do not abuse the well-known natural antiseptics - onions, garlic and black radish. These are strong remedies and in a weakened body during a cold, they can provoke a miscarriage.

Folk remedies, even proven ones, should be used during the 1st trimester of pregnancy with great care to avoid side effects and allergic reactions.


Preventive measures to avoid a runny nose in the 1st trimester should include the following measures:

  • Strengthen immunity(vitaminized balanced diet, walks in the fresh air, feasible physical activity, lack of stress);
  • Avoid contact with infected people, and in case of forced communication, wear a mask;
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature, which can cause a cold;
  • Use oxolinic ointment when visiting public places;
  • Start treatment at the first sign of discomfort, after consulting with your doctor.

Measures to strengthen immunity can be supplemented by the introduction of decoctions and teas from raspberries, rose hips, cranberries, mountain ash into the daily diet. When taking drinks, add a spoonful of honey to them. Only put honey not in boiling water, but in warm tea, then all its useful components will be preserved. Better yet, take honey in your mouth and hold it until completely dissolved, then drink it. This will provide the nasopharynx with a full antiseptic effect.



The first trimester of pregnancy is a difficult period for a woman, when she has to be as careful and prudent as possible, and many have toxicosis, when even looking at any product causes nausea. Therefore, you should be as careful as possible and pay special attention to strengthening the immune system, choosing those foods and vitamins that do not cause negative reactions.

If, nevertheless, a runny nose has appeared, hurry slowly. It will be mandatory to consult your doctor, even before using seemingly safe and proven folk remedies. After all, they can have a side effect not only on the health of the expectant mother, but also on the expected child.

Inflammation of the sinuses in the people called a runny nose: and what complications can be with a running form.

All about syrup "Alteika": instructions for use, and tips.

The mucous membrane of our nose first has to deal with dust and dry air, with its low temperature and various viruses. Therefore, a runny nose is a fairly common disease. We are all subject to this disease. And pregnant women (their body is especially vulnerable during this period) are no exception.


Everyone knows how to treat a seemingly harmless runny nose, but pregnant women should be a little more careful about this problem. And then, if you follow all the rules, nothing will threaten the unborn baby.

Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy?

Any virus, being in the body of a young mother, is a threat to the unborn child. And in the first trimester, especially, with the ongoing process of formation, laying of all organs. First of all - the central nervous system. A runny nose is the first signal that a virus has entered the human body.

A runny nose may not have anything to do with a viral infection. And to be just a manifestation of vasomotor rhinitis - typical for many pregnant women. But this runny nose should also be disposed of, since the lack of oxygen has a negative effect on the body of a little man.

Nose drops for expectant mothers

Ordinary drops used for a runny nose all the time are not always applicable to expectant mothers. This is especially true for vasoconstrictor drugs. And most sprays and drops have just such an effect. The use of these drugs will lead to their absorption into the blood and effects on the entire female body. And all the vessels will narrow, and not just the vessels of the nasal cavity. As well as placental vessels.

Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is better not to purchase such medicines on your own or on the advice of friends. Some drops with herbal ingredients can also harm the unborn baby.

It is better to opt for natural and therefore safe medicines. You can rinse your nose with saline or herbal decoctions, make inhalations, drip drops with menthol.

Vasoconstrictor nose drops for pregnant women

Basically, nasal drops and sprays have a vasoconstrictive effect. They act very quickly - breathing is restored instantly. However, these drugs have a huge disadvantage - they quickly become addictive, negatively affect the baby developing in the mother's stomach. The body adapts after a while, and the effect of the drops becomes weaker, they have to be applied almost hourly. And again the developing fetus suffers.

The active substance of the spray (drops) with a vasoconstrictive effect penetrates into the blood, spreads throughout the bloodstream. It reaches the placenta, causing vasoconstriction. This can cause a lack of oxygen in the fetus and lead to a delay in its development.

Drugs at risk

Drops and sprays "Otrivin", "Sanorin", "Tizin", "Xylo Bio", "Naftizin", "DlyaNos", "Ferveks", "Olint", "Ksimelin", "Ripostad rino", "Rinostop", " Nazivin", "SNUP", "Xilen", "Oxymetazoline", "Rinorus", "Farmazolin", "Nazol", "Xylometazoline".

Nasal drops for pregnant women with colds, the active substance of which is xylometazoline, should be used with caution by pregnant women. As part of the drops "Vibrocil", "Sanorin-analergin" there is also an antihistamine. Drops based on oxymetazoline are contraindicated for use by pregnant women.

Use vasoconstrictor drops during pregnancy - only on the recommendation of a specialist!

Drops in the nose for pregnant women. What are possible?

Pregnancy allows drugs based on salt. These are such means as Dolphin, Humer, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Physiomer, Salin, Alergol. These drugs help to get rid of mucus in the nose, make breathing easier, and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose.

Homeopathic nose drops for pregnant women with a cold - Euphorbium compositum. This remedy for the common cold does not harm the fetus, it is allowed for use.

The antiseptic "Pinosol" is successfully used, one of the components of which are essential oils. This nasal spray for pregnant women can be used for no more than three days. Dosage - no more than four times a day, a few drops.

Nose drops for pregnant women, what else can you do? Try to prepare drops according to the folk method. For example, from the leaves of Kalanchoe. They show themselves quite effectively.

Drops "Grippferon"

In the pharmacies of your city you can find the drug "Grippferon". This is a new generation drug. It is based on interferon, which is already known to all of us, has passed all the tests and has earned universal recognition. Means "Grippferon" is a very effective drug and completely safe. It is used for anti-influenza therapy and prevention, and is able to cope with other respiratory viral diseases. It is successfully used in children, adults, and is also approved for use by pregnant women at all times.

The stabilizers that make up the drug "Grippferon" are safe for both the female body and the unborn baby. A pregnant woman should only strictly adhere to the instructions for using the drug. Nose drops for pregnant women "Grippferon" is a unique antiviral drug. Interferon in its composition activates the synthesis of a cellular protein that destroys the influenza virus. The peculiarity of the drops "Grippferon" is that interferon (as part of the drops) does not interact with the virus. Interferon blocks the mechanism of its reproduction. Thanks to this, drops of "Grippferon" prevent not only the growth, but also the development of a pathogenic agent, do not allow it to penetrate further into the body, and block the virus in the nasal passages.

The use of drops "Grippferon"

Nose drops for pregnant women that can be used is "Grippferon". The drug is non-toxic. Does not contain harmful components. According to the manufacturers, absolutely safe nose drops for pregnant women with a cold. When applying drops "Grippferon" from the morning of the next day, you can feel an improvement. Interferon, being on the nasal mucosa, prevents the reproduction of the infectious onset and further penetration into the body. This is its main difference from other drugs with antiviral action. Nose drops for pregnant women "Grippferon" prevent the risk of further possible complications with the flu. The medicine does not require the simultaneous use of other medicines. It is enough to use only these drops alone, and the body will get rid of the disease. There are no contraindications for interaction with other drugs.

You should start taking the drug at the first sign of a cold. You can bury three drops in each nostril. You can repeat every two to three hours. For the purpose of prevention, it will be enough to instill two drops, but already once or a couple of times a day for several days. For example, if there was contact between a pregnant woman and a sick person.

Immediately after instillation, you can massage the wings of the nose a little with your fingers for several minutes. So the distribution of the medicinal substance in the nose will be better. Breathing eases quickly. The general condition of the body improves. Body temperature decreases, runny nose disappears, sputum discharge from the lungs improves, pain in muscles and joints disappears. Simultaneous reception of drops "Grippferon" and antipyretics is not contraindicated.

And then, if you follow all the rules, nothing will threaten the unborn baby.
