The number of divorced. Real statistics of divorces in Russia, growing or decreasing

In 2016, the number of registered marriages decreased by 15%,
divorces - by 0.5%

Trends in the growth and decline in the number of births quite consistently repeat changes in the number of registered marriages, although they are formed against the backdrop of a relatively high proportion of births to women who are not in a registered marriage, and a periodic increase in the number of registered divorces (Fig. 19).

The decrease in the number of births in the 1990s occurred simultaneously with a significant decrease in the number of registered marriages against the backdrop of a decline in the demographic wave. At that time, the relatively small generations of those born in the second half of the 1960s - the first half of the 1970s, whose parents - mainly children of war and post-war years of birth - were also relatively small in comparison with the generations of adjacent years of birth.

In 1998, the number of registered marriages dropped to 849 thousand, and subsequently began to grow against the background of the rise of another demographic wave - numerous generations born in the 1980s began to reach marriageable age. The largest number of marriages - 1316 thousand - was registered in 2011. In general, during the period 1998-2011, the number of marriages increased by 55%. Deviations from the growth trend were noted only in 2004 and 2008.

In 2012-2016, there was again a trend towards a decrease in the number of registered marriages. In 2015, 1,139 thousand marriages were registered (excluding the Crimean Federal District), which is 13.5% less than in 2011 and 5.5% less than in 2014. Taking into account the data for the Crimean Federal District, the number of registered marriages amounted to 1,161 thousand, a decrease of 5.3% compared to 2014.

According to the data for January-December 2016, the decline in the number of registered marriages has noticeably accelerated. Excluding data for Crimea, 968,000 marriages were registered, which is 15% less than in 2015. In general, in Russia, taking into account the Crimea, in January-December 2016, 986 thousand marriages were registered against 1161 thousand marriages in 2015 (by 15.1%).

Against the background of a decrease in the number of marriages, the number of registered divorces remained relatively stable, fluctuating mainly in the range from 650,000 to 700,000 a year. The largest number of divorces was registered in 2002 - 854 thousand. The sharp increase in the number of divorces in 1999-2002 was partly due to changes in the practice of registering divorces (obtaining certificates of divorce). In subsequent years, the number of registered divorces returned to its previous level, dropping in 2005 to 605,000. A period of moderate growth in 2006-2008 was followed by a period of decline in 2009-2016. In 2015, the number of divorces decreased significantly - by 12% compared to 2014. According to the data for January-December 2016, the reduction was insignificant - 608 thousand divorces were registered, 0.5% less than in 2015 (excluding Crimea, 600 thousand, or 0.7% less than in 2015).

The increase in the number of marriages and divorces, as well as the number of births, is to a certain extent associated with the corresponding movement of the “demographic wave”, since relatively large generations of those born in the 1980s reached the marriageable and reproductive age in the 2000s. At the same time, the proportion of couples who do not register their marriage and the proportion of children born out of a registered marriage have increased, as mentioned above. If in the 1970s and in the first half of the 1980s the proportion of children born out of a registered marriage was about 11%, then since the mid-1980s it has been steadily growing, rising to 30% in 2005. Then the growth trend was replaced by a fairly rapid decline - to 21.6% in 2015.

Figure 19. Number of marriages and divorces registered in Russia (thousands) and share of births out of wedlock (%), 1960-2016

* 2016 - according to monthly operational accounting, other years - according to annual development, excluding the Crimean Federal District

The overall marriage rate dropped to a minimum, as did the number of registered marriages in 1998 - less than 6 marriages per 1,000 resident population (5.8‰). Then its value began to increase with certain fluctuations, increasing to 9.2‰ in 2011 (Fig. 20). Then a moderate decrease resumed - to 7.9‰ in 2015 and 6.7‰ according to the data for January-December 2016 (including and excluding the Crimean Federal District).

The overall divorce rate remained stable at around 4‰ from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. By the mid-1990s, it slightly increased to 4.6‰ in 1994, but then dropped to 3.4‰ in 1998. In subsequent years, the increase in the divorce rate resumed. In 2002, both the overall divorce rate (5.9‰) and the ratio of divorces to marriages reached their highest values ​​(837 divorces per 1,000 marriages were registered). In subsequent years, oscillatory increases and decreases were observed in a rather narrow corridor from 4.2 to 5.0‰. In 2015-2016, the value of the divorce rate was 4.2‰ (including and excluding the Crimean Federal District).

The number of registered divorces per 1,000 registered marriages fell to 509 in 2011 and rose to 620 in 2016.

Figure 20. Number of marriages and divorces registered in Russia per 1,000 resident population and divorce-to-marriage ratio, 1960-2016*

* 2016 - according to monthly operational accounting, other years - according to annual development without the Crimean Federal District

The registration of marriages retains a rather pronounced seasonal character - the least number of marriages takes place in May, the most - as a rule, in August (Fig. 21). Preferences for registering marriages in certain months are based, as a rule, on religious, cultural and material motives. So, in accordance with the church calendar, marriages are prohibited during periods of fasting; folk customs, omens and traditions, in accordance with the cycle of agricultural work, stimulate autumn marriages in many cultures. In modern society, the effect of such factors is weakening, but seasonality, nevertheless, persists.

In modern Russia, 3-4 times fewer marriages are registered in May than in August. Relatively few marriages are also concluded in January-March, and most of all, in addition to August, in September. Relatively less often marriages began to be registered in December and April, which, apparently, is associated with the spread of church registration and the wedding ceremony (fasts usually occur in these months).

In 2016, most marriages were registered in July (137 thousand), a large number of marriages were also registered in August (130), June and September (113 thousand each). The May (less than 47 thousand) and January (48 thousand) decline in the number of marriages remained pronounced.

Figure 21. Number of marriages registered in Russia, by months 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014-2016*, thousand

Seasonal deviations of the monthly number of marriages from the average annual values ​​in Russia demonstrate a steady seasonal wave, growing from January to September with a rather deep dip in May and a clear decline in October-December (Fig. 22).

Figure 22. Seasonal deviations of the monthly number of marriages from the average annual values ​​in Russia, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014-2016*, %

* 2015-2016 - according to monthly operational accounting without the Crimean Federal District, other years - according to updated data of the annual development

The registration of divorces is less influenced by the seasonal factor than the registration of marriages, although the smallest number of divorces more often occurs in January-February or May, and the largest - in March, October or December (Fig. 23). In 2016, the smallest number of divorces was registered in January (43 thousand), the largest - in March (55), somewhat less in August (54) and December (53 thousand).

Figure 23. Number of divorces registered in Russia, by months 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014-2016*, thousand

* 2015-2016 - according to monthly operational accounting without the Crimean Federal District, other years - according to updated data of the annual development

Seasonal deviations of the monthly numbers of divorces from the average annual values ​​are insignificant in the period from April to October and are quite significant in the winter months (Fig. 24).

Figure 24. Seasonal deviations of the monthly number of divorces from the average annual values ​​in Russia, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014-2016*, %

* 2015-2016 - according to monthly operational accounting without the Crimean Federal District, other years - according to updated data of the annual development

The level of marriage and divorce differs markedly in the regions of Russia, which is associated with the peculiarities of the age structure of the population and ethno-cultural stereotypes of the marriage behavior of the population.

According to data for January-December 2016, the value of the total marriage rate varied from 3.8‰ in the Republic of Ingushetia to 9.7‰ in St. Petersburg (Fig. 25). In the previous 2015, the value of the coefficient varied over a wider range - from 4.8‰ in the Republic of Ingushetia to 11.7‰ in Sevastopol. The median value of the indicator in 2016 decreased to 6.4‰ against 7.8‰ in 2015. In the central half of the regions, the value of the total marriage rate varied in a narrow range from 6.0 to 7.1‰ in January-December 2016 (from 7.2 to 8.3‰ in January-December 2015).

The value of the total divorce rate varied in 2016 from 0.9‰ in the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Ingushetia to 6.3‰ in the Magadan region (in 2015 - from 0.8‰ in the same republics to 6.2‰ in the Magadan region) . The median value of the trait remained the same - 4.3‰.

Figure 25. General marriage and divorce rates by regions - subjects of the Russian Federation, 2015 and 2016, per 1000 people


Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) –

Socio-economic situation in Russia.
January-December 2016 and previous editions of the monthly report;

The natural movement of the population in the context of the subjects of the Russian Federation
for January-December 2016 - ;

Preliminary population estimate
on January 1, 2017 and on average for 2016 (Posted on January 26, 2017) - ;

Number and migration of the population of the Russian Federation in 2015
(Statistical Bulletin). M., 2016

Population of the Russian Federation
by gender and age as of January 1, 2016 // Statistical Bulletin

Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2015 and previous editions of the yearbook;

Russian statistical yearbook. 2016 and previous editions of the yearbook.

Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2016;

Health care in Russia. 2015;

Women and men of Russia. 2016.

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The family plays an important role in the life of every person, and divorce often becomes not only a turning point in personal life, but also changes the social situation. According to statistics, the breakup of a family almost always negatively affects all areas of life. But, despite this, every year half of the marriage unions break up.

Psychologists and sociologists, using statistical data from various segments of the population who are married, are trying to find the reasons for the breakup of families. But the statistics are a little distorted, as recently many couples refuse to officially enter into a marriage union.

Since 1970, the number of divorces in Russia has increased significantly, and according to statistics, it currently stands at about 140,000 a year. Statistics of registry offices show that every year there are less and less official registrations, and the position of civil unions, on the contrary, is strengthening.

Statistics indicate that today every second marriage ends in divorce. Just 10 years ago, every third union broke up. The growth of divorces on the face - almost one and a half times! But these are unfortunate children, deprived of a full-fledged family and broken hopes of spouses for joint family happiness. According to statistics, divorces by years of family life are distributed as follows:

  • 3.6% - up to 1 year;
  • 16% - 1-2 years;
  • 18% - 3-4 years;
  • 28% - 5-9 years;
  • 22% - 10-19 years old;
  • 12.4% -20 years or more.

It turns out that in the first 4 years of family life, a divorce occurs in about 40% of couples. Also, statistics show that the most responsible and important period in the life of a family occurs when spouses are 20 to 30 years old. Statistics show that marriages concluded before the age of 30 are twice as long and more promising than unions registered between spouses after 30 years. This is due to the fact that it is easier for people under 30 to get used to and get used to each other.

As it turned out, most divorces occur between the ages of 18-35. The divorce rate rises sharply at the age of 25. In case of a divorce, the court gives the spouses time to think, in about 64% of cases, but only 7% of married couples take away the divorce application.

So, below we will take a closer look at:

  • entry into early unequal marriages;
  • entry into civil marriages;
  • remarriages;
  • entry into interethnic marriages and with foreigners;
  • marriages by flight.

Early alliance statistics

Legally, early marriage is a union concluded between people who have not grown up to the legislative age. Also, early marriages can be attributed to marriages that are concluded before the standard age, that is, at 18-20 years old. According to statistics, the main reasons for joining an early union are:

  • by flight;
  • strong passion, love;
  • the desire to be freed from excessive parental care.

According to statistics, over the past 5 years, the number of early marriages (under 18) has decreased significantly. But, despite this, the problem of early marriages remained. Modern society does not support such families, because according to statistics they have no future. Statistics indicate that in 90% of cases, early unions end in divorce, and most families break up after a year of marriage.

remarriage statistics

According to statistics, repeated marital bonds are more stable than the first ones. This is due to the accumulated experience from the past marriage, greater tolerance for each other, as well as the lack of illusions about family life (a real understanding of what marriage is). Women need about 1 year to restore their psychological state and join a new family, and men about 1.5-2 years.

According to statistics, after the termination of the first union, people register the second in 2-3 years. To register a second union, people have the following motives:

  • the desire to acquire comfort and peace of mind;
  • satisfaction of needs for physical and emotional love;
  • improvement of living conditions and material condition.

Remarriages are very diverse, conditionally they can be divided into the following types:

  1. a divorced man whose children live with his ex-wife, converges with a divorced woman with children.
  2. a divorced man meets a younger, free woman without children.
  3. return unions.
  4. marriage between a widower and a widow.

Building relationships in remarriage can be difficult for the following reasons:

  • embarrassment and awkwardness at the beginning of a life together;
  • fear of re-experiencing separation and disappointment;
  • fear of intimacy due to difficult past family relationships;
  • feeling of guilt towards children;
  • the child does not accept the parent's new relationship. This problem is especially relevant in cases where the former spouse has died.

Interracial marriage statistics

Statistics indicate that today the number of interethnic marriages is growing rapidly. This trend is especially noticeable in Moscow. According to statistics, in 1912, about 95% of Muscovites were "White" Russians or ethnic Russians, and by 2000, the population of Russians in Moscow had dropped to 89%. If mixed marriages are registered in the same rhythm, then by 2025, the number of Russians will decrease to 73%.

According to statistics, today approximately 25% of the population of the Russian Federation lives in multinational families, which worries many Russians. Last year alone, about 50,000 interethnic marriages were registered in Moscow. In addition, it is worth noting that mixed marriages with close ethnic groups are growing in number, and with representatives of distant ethnic groups, they are falling. Various surveys were conducted on the topic of interethnic unions.

The degree of importance of nationality when choosing a wife / husband

Mixed marriages can be successful only if the spouses can resolve issues among themselves regarding different mentality and upbringing.

civil marriage statistics

A civil marriage is a marriage without registration in the registry office, in fact it is considered cohabitation. Statistics in Russia showed that 85% of men living in a civil marriage consider themselves single, and only 8% of women consider themselves unmarried.

According to statistics, the critical date of civil marriage is the milestone of 4 years. In the future, such relations have practically no chance of developing into an official union. 64% of children born in a civil marriage witness the wedding of their parents.

According to statistics, in Russia 40% of couples live in a civil marriage. Recently, an interesting survey was conducted, which showed that every third man marries at the request of his second half, every fourth according to tradition, and only every tenth - of his own free will and love.

Civil marriage and registration of relations

According to statistics, living in a civil union within 1 year pushes 18% of couples to formal marriage, within 2 years - 20%, within 3 years - 17%. The main reason for registering a marriage is the planning of a child. In Russia, according to statistics, couples who have formalized relationships after living in a civil marriage are 30% less likely to divorce than spouses who do not live together before an official marriage.

Unequal marriage statistics

Sociologists have published interesting statistics - today marriages between peers are concluded in only 28% of couples. Nowadays, there are more and more unequal marriages, and the age difference can reach 20 years, both towards the wife and towards the husband. According to statistics, in Russia every 12th marriage is unequal.

Statistics of marriages with foreigners

According to statistics, in Russia every 10 people marry a foreigner. But in 80-85% of marriages with foreigners break up due to deportation, the threat of visa revocation and physical violence. Moreover, Russian girls used to consider marriage with a foreigner as “a ticket to a beautiful life”, now, with the improvement of the socio-economic situation in the country, foreign suitors are not so attractive, and marriages are less common. The situation is even worse in marriages with foreigners.

Marriages by flight

Statistics in Russia show that a third of marriages are registered by flight. But, unfortunately, family ties most often break up on the fly, and in most cases the man becomes the initiator of the divorce. Of course, there are also happy families on the fly, here, first of all, everything depends on the relationship in a couple. If there was only passion in a couple, then an aerial marriage is practically doomed to divorce.

Family life in this case is short-lived. Very often, both a man and a woman who marry on the fly are disappointed in family life, get divorced or look for love on the side. An aerial marriage without love and mutual respect cannot be successful, because it is not for nothing that they say that you cannot keep a man with a child.

Therefore, registration of marriages by flight often does not bring comfort and family coziness to either a man or a woman.

According to statistics, among people living in a civil family, an aerial marriage is often successful. After all, there are already serious and long-term relationships between partners, they have built their way of life and are able to solve emerging problems among themselves. In this case, an aerial marriage is practically no different from an ordinary marriage.

The strongest marriages in Russia - statistics

According to statistics, out of 20 marriages for love, 10-11 are unsuccessful, out of 20 marriages of convenience, only 7 are unsuccessful, and out of 20 couples who marry purely out of reason, only 4-5 families get divorced. Based on statistics, we can conclude that love is not a guarantee of a lasting and happy union, and the strongest families are created according to reason.

A recent survey found that in love marriages:

  • 46% still love their partner;
  • 18% - believe that only a habit remains;
  • 14% - together because of common interests and views;
  • 12% - keep the union because of the love for joint children;
  • 10% - combines physical intimacy.

marital infidelity statistics

In Russia, the statistics of adultery is as follows:

41% of wives have cheated on their husbands at least once;

59% of husbands do not deny cheating.

The main motives for change include:

  • fading of feelings for a spouse;
  • desire for novelty;
  • life style of friends;
  • revenge by treason for treason;
  • rude attitude of the partner;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • prolonged absence of a partner;
  • feeling of self-attractiveness;
  • cheating under the influence of alcohol.

According to statistics, lovers most often meet:

  • At work;
  • on a rest;
  • business trip;
  • place of residence (neighbours).

By the way, the presence of adultery in the family, according to statistics, leads to divorce in 15% of cases.

Change statistics - some interesting facts

  • According to recent studies, most unfaithful husbands consider their marriage happy and successful, and most unfaithful wives consider their married life unhappy.
  • Most male cheating is associated with a thirst for fresh sexual sensations, and female cheating is most of all on an emotional level. 81% of cheating women start with friendships.
  • Married men, as a rule, do not have long-term infidelities. They prefer numerous and short-term relationships, just for sex. There are practically no female betrayals just for the sake of sex, as a rule, the wife cheats not only with her body, but also with her soul with a constant partner-lover.
  • Statistics indicate that the cause of male infidelity is mainly sexual dissatisfaction, and the cause of female infidelity is emotional.

Gone are the days when divorce was rare and universally condemned. Since the seventies of the last century, the number of divorces in Russia has been at least 500 thousand a year. This means that thousands of families are broken every year.

What does the divorce statistics look like in Russia?

The statistics kept in the registry offices of the country are disappointing. Every year the popularity of a registered marriage is falling. The difference between the number of marriages and divorces in Russia is shrinking every year. In modern society, civil marriage is in vogue. But many people do not take into account the fact that a civil marriage does not give spouses practically any rights and obligations in relation to each other.

Divorce statistics in Russia in 2013 is 667,971 out of 1,225,501 marriages. Thus, the percentage of divorces in Russia in 2013 was 54.5%.

Demographers explain such sad statistics by the fact that at the present time the marriageable age of boys and girls born in the early nineties has come. And the nineties were distinguished by a very low birth rate, and many families in those days were considered extremely disadvantaged. However, this is not the only reason why many couples in Russia are getting divorced.

Reasons for divorce in Russia

Many girls and young people remember their wedding day for the rest of their lives. This day brings a lot of joy to the bride and groom, their relatives and friends. Still, after all, the wedding day is the birthday of a new family. Unfortunately, as statistics show, many unions turn out to be weak and soon fall apart. The duration of approximately 15% of family unions in 2013 was about a year.

According to numerous sociological surveys, experts have identified the main reasons for divorce in the Russian Federation:

  1. Alcoholism and drug addiction. This reason is the most common, and causes the breakup of 41% of marriages.
  2. Lack of own housing. For this reason, about 26% of married couples get divorced.
  3. Family interference in family life. This reason causes about 14% of divorces.
  4. The inability to have a child - 8% of divorces.
  5. Long-term separation - 6% of divorces.
  6. Imprisonment - 2%.
  7. Prolonged illness of the spouse - 1%.

Also, sociologists have identified a number of reasons that prevent spouses from getting a divorce. The most common ones are difficult to “divide” children (35%), difficulty with the division of property (30%), material dependence of one spouse on the other (22%), disagreement of a husband or wife to a divorce (18%).

The very procedure of divorce in Russia is quite simple. Spouses or one of them writes an application for divorce. You can dissolve a marriage at the registry office or in court. In the registry office, a divorce is possible only with the mutual desire of the spouses and in the case when they do not have minor children. Together with the application, the spouses submit their passports, marriage certificate and a receipt for payment of the state duty for divorce to the registry office. Payment of the state duty for divorce can be made through the registry office or through a bank. A month later - the prescribed period for reflection, the spouses receive a certificate of divorce and a note in the passport that the marriage has been dissolved. In the presence of minor children, divorce is carried out only in court.

Divorce with a foreigner in Russia is also carried out only through the courts. The procedure for divorce with a foreigner is longer and requires various additional documents for its implementation. To make this process as simple as possible, the plaintiff should seek the assistance of an attorney.

Why do people even get divorced? Modern statistics on the territory of the Russian Federation suggests that today the number of official registrations of marriage relations has decreased. Couples prefer to live in a so-called civil marriage. Most give the following argument in favor of such a relationship: why get married, because you can just live together, and if irreparable family troubles arise, then you can disperse without paperwork.

Although there are still young people who want to formalize their relationship. At the same time, registering their relationship, they believe that this is once and for all. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Quite often, families break up. If we turn to the statistics, most divorces occur in families with up to 10 years of marriage. The second place in divorces is occupied by long-term marriages - more than 20 years. It turns out that after 10 to 20 years of marriage, couples break up less often.

So, why do people get divorced? What could be the reasons for the divorce of once in love people?


  1. Too early marriage 40%;
  2. Cheating 25%;
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction 15%;
  4. Incompatibility of characters 13%;
  5. Alcohol and drugs 7%;
  6. Internet addiction.

Family life time

  1. After 1-2 years, 16% of marriages break up;
  2. After 3-4 years already 18%;
  3. After 5-9 years, 28% of families divorce;
  4. After 10-19 years, the percentage drops to 22%;
  5. And after 20 years, 12% decays.

Table 1950-2015

Reasons for Divorce

According to sociological surveys, the main causes of divorce in Russia can be identified:

  1. Marriage at a fairly early age. Pretty young people register their relationships on an emotional level, without thinking about a joint future. Sometimes, even the process of growing up young people, becoming a person becomes the reason for the dissolution of marriage.
  2. Registration of marriage at a fairly late age. The average age for marriage is considered to be 22-24 years. Even psychologists say that after 30 years it is more difficult for people to get used to each other. Still, you should listen to the saying: everything has its time!
  3. Domestic life. Quite often you can hear that married life has been broken into everyday life. To avoid the destruction of a marriage, one should treat each other with respect, help each other, spend time together outside the home.
  4. Career pursuit. Preoccupation with one's career tends to overshadow family life. Lack of interest in family matters, employment at work leads to the fact that the spouses have different interests, common topics for conversation disappear. As a result, the spouses become completely strangers to each other, and they have no choice but to get a divorce.
  5. One of the reasons for divorce is the infidelity of one of the spouses. Most cannot forgive such a betrayal, which leads to the breakup of the family. In this case, betrayal occurs most often due to the following:
    1. dissatisfaction of one of the partners in sexual life (for example, due to an irregular intimate life);
    2. the search for new experiences and thrills (a partner who is trying to diversify his bored family life in this way does not think about the possible consequences);
    3. committing adultery out of revenge (usually out of anger to another spouse).
  6. material difficulties. Poverty and poverty leads to tension between spouses, which in the future may inevitably lead to the breakup of the family.
  7. Spouses can get divorced because of each other's habits. The behavior of a partner can be annoying, in connection with which, a certain hostility arises. To save a marriage, you should be more tolerant of your chosen one (tse), because each of us has habits and not everyone may like them.
  8. Change of feelings. It is no secret that for many couples falling in love passes, only friendly feelings remain. Most of them see no point in living together and decide to get a divorce.
  9. The appearance of a child. It is not uncommon for families, especially young ones, to be unable to cope with the added stress and problems, which eventually leads to divorce.
  10. Fictitious marriage, for example, registration of marital relations in order to obtain a residence permit in another city. Naturally, such a marriage is not based on mutual feelings, relationships between people, and as a result, it has no future.
  11. Absence of children. The infertility of a couple is also a reason for the breakup of a family.
  12. Deception of one of the spouses, constant lies. It will be much harder for the other spouse to find out the truth. In addition, trust in your soulmate disappears, which can cause a negative result.
  13. Incompatibility of personalities, different characters and outlooks on life. One likes to spend time outside the home, while the other prefers to sit quietly at home. Often these situations lead to divorce. If a person is dear, then it is worth looking for certain compromises to save the family.
  14. Marriage of convenience (pursuing selfish interests: obtaining material benefits).
  15. Pernicious habits of the second half (dependence on alcohol, drugs, gambling), the use of physical force against family members (in other words, beating).
  16. Oppression. Most people are leaders by nature, and this is evident in family relationships. Not everyone is able to live under the same roof with a family despot, so often marriages break up precisely for this reason.
  17. There are divorces in the case of emotional immaturity in relation to official relations. Marriage for the female half is a guarantor of peace and stability. However, the male half is not always ready to give himself over to the family. As a result, the spouses have different family goals, which can destroy relationships.
  18. Another reason may be relatives, or rather their interference in the family life of spouses. Trying to give advice to young families, older relatives can only do harm. Or often there are cases of a negative attitude of one of the relatives to the chosen one of the daughter (son). Spilling out their negativity, they involuntarily set the spouses against each other.
  19. Jealousy, and groundless and excessive. Such a manifestation often develops into conflicts and scandals. And you must admit, any person will get tired of living like on a powder keg (a little late at work - get a scandal and hysteria based on the conjectures of the second half about treason).


Why do people get divorced, we examined above. Although this list is not exhaustive. The reasons can be very diverse, even comical: the wife cooks borscht tastelessly. Although in fact, the breakup of a family is a kind of tragedy. And not only for the spouses themselves. And not only one of the spouses is to blame, both are to blame! Yes, and problems are brewing not every second, but over time. Therefore, if people really have warm feelings for each other, it is worth trying to maintain the marriage union, to find some compromises. And maybe it will turn out to live five, ten, twenty, fifty years.

Ekaterina Kozhevnikova

Reading time: 2 minutes

Russia is a country of traditional ideas, where the values ​​of the modern developed world take root slowly and with difficulty. This is especially true of the main achievement of advanced civilizations ─ freedom. But despite this, citizens of the Russian Federation accepted the facilitation of the procedure for dissolution of marriages without resistance and use the opportunity to divorce at any time very widely. Divorce statistics in Russia have a trend that is steadily increasing from year to year, which is largely facilitated by the tolerant attitude of society towards the very fact of divorce: the status of a divorced person does not affect his position in society, his career, or the respect of others.

In the USSR, membership in the CPSU imposed restrictions, now this factor has been eliminated in the Russian Federation. Even the leading politicians of the country, mostly men, do not experience difficulties in their careers in the event of a change in marital status.

Statistical patterns of divorces

Currently, according to demographers, 50% of families in Russia are being destroyed. There has been a huge increase in divorce rates over the past decade, with only a third of marriages being annulled recently. The ratio of the number of divorces in accordance with the duration of family life has a stable character.

  • Divorces in families that have existed for less than a year are observed in 3.6% of the total;
  • 1-2 years ─ 16%;
  • 3-4 years ─ 18%;
  • 5-9 years ─ 28%;
  • 10-19 years old ─ 22%;
  • 20 years and more ─ 12.4%.

In the first 4 years after marriage, about 40% of divorces are registered, within 9 years - about 65%. The vast majority of breakups occur in the 18 to 35 age range, rising steeply as people reach 25.

It should be noted that in Russia the marriage statistics indicate an increased age threshold for people who start a family for the first time, at least in the educated strata of society. But at the same time, men and women who have registered relationships after 30 create marriages that are half as long as younger spouses.

Studies that allow identifying and summarizing the main factors of family breakdown rank them differently. However, their lion's share is due to four factors. The main reasons for divorce in Russia:

  • Alcohol abuse, drug addiction of one of the spouses. The authors of studies write about 31-42% of women who decide to divorce for this reason. The proportion of men who could not stand the drunkenness of their wife reaches 23%.
  • Psychological unpreparedness to create a family and life in marriage. This reason for parting, which former spouses often mistake for incompatibility, is indicated by up to 41% of respondents. The unpreparedness of spouses for married life, both psychological and practical, entails secondary reasons for parting: rude treatment, inattention of husband and wife to each other, lack of spiritual intimacy, unwillingness to share household chores, increased conflict, and inability to cope with household chores . Among women's claims, the insufficient participation of the husband in the upbringing of children is often indicated. Men (up to 9%) do not withstand pressure regarding the financial situation of the family.
  • Marital infidelity. Cope with painful experiences about revealed lovers is not given to everyone. The statistics of marriages and divorces in Russia show a somewhat greater tolerance of men to this phenomenon. A seventh of women do not forgive their husband for a relationship on the side. In men, an eighth indicates the reason for the divorce is the infidelity of the spouse. In total, the figure is 27%.
  • Lack of conditions for separate living (14%). In this case, the immediate cause of the dissolution of the marriage is domestic problems and the dissatisfaction of one of the spouses with interference in the affairs of the family of relatives. Spouses who live independently, if they get divorced, rarely refer to this reason.
  • Other circumstances.

Other reasons why a certain number of marriages break up in Russia make up an insignificant percentage for each separately (0.1-1.5), but in the aggregate they occupy a certain segment. These include:

  1. Jealousy.
  2. Dissatisfaction with sex life.
  3. Serving a sentence by one of the spouses.
  4. Severe illness of a partner.

In the available materials, attention is drawn to a large scatter of data (0.2─9) regarding the impossibility of conception as a reason for the separation of spouses. Intuitively, this reason seems to be quite significant, and the upper limit of the range is closer to the truth.

Dynamics of marriages and divorces

The statistics of marriages and divorces shows the prevalence of the former, but the difference between them is decreasing. Comparison of Rosstat data for the first quarter of 2013 and 2014 shows:

Regional data on divorces are interesting. The largest number of broken families live in the Leningrad and Magadan regions: here, for every 1,000 new families, there are 772 broken families.

There are fewer divorced men and women in the autonomous regions. The data for the Volga Federal District testify to the greater stability of families in Mari El, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Udmurtia in comparison with other regions, but the percentage of divorces here is still above 50.

Improve the picture of the Republic of the North Caucasus:

  • Chechnya - 14.2%;
  • Ingushetia ─ 18.2%;
  • Dagestan - 25.1%.

In these areas, the number of divorces may also indicate a more prosperous environment in families. At first glance, the Muslim factor affects, but this possible reason is contradicted by the fact that in the same Tatarstan, divorces make up a high 64.5%. Rather, the weak economic development of the area, the subordinate position of women, is of importance.

Across the developed world, divorce statistics are disappointing, forcing governments to take steps to protect families, although practice shows that these efforts do not produce the desired result. Comprehension of the problem pushes sociologists, culturologists, psychologists to the conclusion that the institution of the family needs a deep transformation.
