Beautiful cards for Happy Thursday. Happy Maundy Thursday cards with the right wishes


Maundy Thursday is one of the most important Christian holidays. On this day, all Orthodox believers take care of their spiritual purity. It is common among people to clean their homes, take a shower and send postcards and pictures on Maundy Thursday 2018.

Cool and funny greeting cards with inscriptions you can easily send to all your friends, making your wishes for the upcoming Easter holiday kind and sincere. Congratulations on this day should be sincere and full of love.

Congratulatory pictures for Odnoklassniki on Maundy Thursday 2018

Pictures and congratulations on Maundy Thursday 2018 are nowadays sent to Odnoklassniki by everyone who has the Internet, but not everyone follows necessary rituals. On Maundy Thursday it is customary to prepare for Great Easter. The Church teaches that on this day it is important to take care of your spiritual robe with the help of the sacrament of communion and repentance. Maundy Thursday is also called Great Thursday, because on this day Christ established Holy Communion. In addition to compliance strict fasting, the most important thing is to put your thoughts and feelings in order. Even those who rarely receive communion try to receive this sacrament. In cathedral churches, after matins, the consecration of oil takes place - the rite of anointing believers with oil. It is believed that this is how grace is invoked on a person and healing from illnesses. You can download congratulatory pictures for Odnoklassniki on Maundy Thursday 2018 below.

Options for pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 with congratulations for Odnoklassniki

Ideas for funny pictures for the Orthodox holiday of Maundy Thursday

Pictures of the church holiday Maundy Thursday 2018 with captions

Maundy Thursday is one of the main holidays of believers. This is a day of soul renewal. After all, sometimes a person wants to start all over again, to become kinder. Pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018 with inscriptions will help you congratulate your loved ones on this day. We are given strength for this during the sacrament of communion. In memory of the Last Supper Orthodox people come to church to confess and receive communion. On Thursday it would be good to join the holy mysteries of Christ in order to become participants in these great events. Among many people it is believed that if you observe this ritual, then grace will act whole year. But this requires a sufficient level of self-control over thoughts and feelings. Good pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 congratulatory inscriptions are given below.

A selection of greeting pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 with congratulations

Congratulatory pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 and upcoming Easter

According to the traditions of the people, on Maundy Thursday 2018 you need to clean your apartment, take a bath, prepare for the upcoming Easter and send congratulatory pictures to your family. However, the church teaches to pay less attention to external cleanliness and to prioritize internal cleanliness. In ancient times, people who were preparing to be baptized on Saturday tried to get themselves in order before Thursday, so that on the remaining days they would think not about themselves, but about Christ. According to folk traditions, windows and doors on this day should be washed with water containing fines. Then the water is poured under the tree, and the home is not swept until Easter. From Thursday to Sunday, nothing can be given from home into the wrong hands. These days they wash themselves with water from Maundy Thursday. It is believed that in this way you can attract beauty and health. Congratulatory pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 and Happy Easter can be found in the collection below.

Collection of pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 and Orthodox Easter

Postcards for the Orthodox holiday of Maundy Thursday 2018 with wishes

It is recommended that all preparations be made not on Maundy Thursday 2018 itself, but the day before, in order to spend Orthodox holiday in prayer and send cards with wishes to your loved ones. You can put things in order on Tuesday or Wednesday to dedicate Maundy Thursday to your internal state. In order for the Easter cakes to turn out blessed, you need to work in a joyful mood and with prayer. Purity of spirit creates personal behavior, affects cleanliness in the home, in the workplace and in relationships with others. That is why, before Easter, it is recommended to remove dust and dirt from homes, so as not to indulge quarrels and bad intentions. Postcards for the Orthodox holiday of Maundy Thursday 2018 with wishes can be downloaded below.

Collection of greeting cards with congratulations for Maundy Thursday 2018

Funny Maundy Thursday 2018 cards with congratulations

Since ancient times, it has been customary to cut children's hair on Maundy Thursday. Nowadays, people send each other cards with funny congratulations on Maundy Thursday 2018. You can also prepare “Thursday salt” on this day. To do this, each person from the family takes a handful of salt and puts it in a pot. This salt can then be used for a whole year. Funny Maundy Thursday 2018 cards with congratulations can be downloaded from the collection below.

Ideas for funny cards for Maundy Thursday 2018 with inscriptions

Postcards and pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 from our selection will help you create congratulations for your family and friends. Cool and funny wishes They will convey a festive mood to your friends, and postcards with congratulatory inscriptions will remind you of the upcoming Easter.

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The last week of Lent has everything to do with it Christendom special meaning, because during Holy Week believers keep the strictest fast, attend church services, pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins and cleansing of the soul and prepare for a bright day Easter. And in the middle of Holy Week, 2 days before Easter, our people celebrate the Orthodox holiday Maundy Thursday - a day on which it is necessary to cleanse both the house and the body in order to meet Good Friday clean. In 2018, Maundy Thursday falls on April 5, and on this day, both churchgoers and those of our compatriots who rarely attend church will congratulate everyone they know, sending beautiful congratulatory pictures on Maundy Thursday 2018 and the upcoming Easter, and will also hold a general service at home cleaning and starting to prepare for Easter. And to make it easier for all network users to find congratulations for April 5, 2018, here we have collected funny, funny and beautiful cards for Maundy Thursday 2018 with inscriptions - wishes for relatives and friends.

Beautiful greeting pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018

Maundy Thursday Christian tradition- This is a day of strict fasting and cleansing of both the soul, body and home. On this day, believers are preparing for Good Friday - the day of the crucifixion of Christ, so on Thursday they need to redo all their household chores in order to pay more attention to spiritual matters on Friday and Saturday, and to celebrate Holy Easter on Sunday. And Christians send congratulatory pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018 to all their friends and relatives, but this is where congratulations on this day, as a rule, end. Maundy Thursday is not customary to celebrate or celebrate in any way, and people also do not go to visit on this day.

A selection of congratulatory pictures for Maundy Thursday for friends

On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to wish everyone we know, first of all, cleansing of the soul, forgiveness of sin and the mercy of the Lord. Therefore, Christians, congratulating loved ones on this day Holy Week, limit themselves to wishes for spiritual blessings, and remembering the upcoming Good Friday, remain restrained in their congratulations. And here are congratulatory pictures on Maundy Thursday 2018 short inscriptions, which are perfect for congratulating Orthodox Christians on April 5 this year.

Cool and funny pictures for Odnoklassniki on Maundy Thursday 2018

Despite the fact that today we perceive Maundy Thursday primarily as an Orthodox church holiday, according to historians, this holiday has pagan roots. And before Rus' became Christian, our ancestors also celebrated this day, but for them Maundy Thursday was the day when spring finally gave way to winter and the earth awakened from winter sleep. On Thursday before Easter, people glorified Mother Earth and the pagan deities Makosh, Veles and Perun. Moreover, the tradition of cleaning the house and yard, as well as washing and getting a haircut on Maundy Thursday arose in pagan times - according to the beliefs of our ancestors, the god Perun did not like disorder and dirty things, and in order to appease the stern deity, people kept their homes clean.

Perhaps precisely because of the ancient roots of this holiday, folk traditions allow you to congratulate your loved ones with jokes and funny cards. Therefore, for Odnoklassniki and other social networks, as well as for congratulating close friends, you can choose cool and funny pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018.

Large funny images for Maundy Thursday for social networks

Here visitors to our site can familiarize themselves with a selection of great funny and funny pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018. These congratulatory pictures can be downloaded for free and then posted on your page on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook in order to congratulate all your virtual friends at once.

Pictures of the church holiday Maundy Thursday 2018 with captions

Talented people who want to congratulate their loved ones and virtual friends beautifully have composed beautiful and funny quatrains And short poems in honor of Maundy Thursday. And now pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018 with inscriptions in poetic form Anyone can download it from the network. Such congratulation cards can be sent via social networks or messengers to loved ones even without accompanying text, because congratulations and beautiful wishes are already written on them.

Pictures with congratulations on Maundy Thursday

When choosing pictures to congratulate relatives and friends on Maundy Thursday 2018, it is important to pay attention to the inscriptions and images on them. After all, if friends and acquaintances like a funny postcard with funny rhyme, then it is better for your grandmother, boss or believing friend to choose pictures with images of Christian symbols and more restrained inscriptions.

Pictures of congratulations on Maundy Thursday 2018 and upcoming Easter

Despite the fact that in the Christian tradition Maundy Thursday is not great and happy holiday, yet Christians on this day feel joy and happiness from the imminent arrival of Easter. Believers know that although Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, on his resurrection he rose from the dead, thereby proving that he was the son and messenger of God. Therefore, on April 5, 2018, many people will send pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018 and the upcoming Easter to their friends to congratulate them on two holidays at the same time.

Collection of greeting pictures for Orthodox Maundy Thursday and Easter

Below is a selection congratulatory pictures Happy Maundy Thursday and upcoming Easter. Congratulations cards from this collection are perfect for sending to everyone virtual friends. But it’s better to congratulate your closest and best friends on each holiday separately, and on the great Orthodox holiday of Easter it would be right to gather with all your family and friends for festive table to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.

Happy Maundy Thursday 2018 cards with beautiful wishes

We always choose the best for our loved ones, so Christians choose Maundy Thursday 2018 cards with wishes for loved ones especially carefully. The best cards for this church holiday are written poetic wishes all the best - happiness, peace, prosperity, cleanliness in the house, in the soul and in thoughts.

Despite the fact that Maundy Thursday itself is not a joyful holiday, for believers it is undoubtedly an important day of preparation for Holy Easter. And you must congratulate your loved ones on this day, because in this way you can show your desire to share with them not only fun and holidays, but also troubles.

A selection of the best greeting cards for Maundy Thursday 2018

Below is a great collection of cards with wishes for Maundy Thursday 2018. Beautiful and sincere words Congratulations on these electronic pictures will arouse joy in the souls of recipients for the imminent arrival of Easter.

Happy Maundy Thursday 2018 cards: congratulations for everyone

For those users who did not like any of the virtual pictures posted in the collections above, we have placed another collection here. This collection includes the most beautiful cards for Maundy Thursday 2018 - congratulations on April 5, 2018 for all people you know. The postcards presented below can be sent on Maundy Thursday to colleagues, relatives, and virtual friends.

Each day of Holy Week preceding Easter has its own important purpose and a number of characteristic traditions, rituals, and signs. But among them there is the most unusual, mysterious and filled with strange rituals - Maundy Thursday. In 2018, this day falls on April 5th. They say that whoever prays and washes himself before sunrise on Maundy Thursday will be healthy, clean, vigorous, active and successful all year. And also, on this extraordinary church holiday, all congratulations are due magical power. IN this year everyone can check the veracity of what was said. Just download cool ones Greeting Cards and pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 with inscriptions and send to all your loved ones and acquaintances on Odnoklassniki or by simple SMS message to your mobile phone. Perhaps your wishes will truly come true as never before.

Congratulatory pictures on Orthodox Maundy Thursday 2018

Story church holiday Maundy Thursday is directly related to the Last Supper of Jesus and his disciples. Having gathered all the followers, the Son of God washed the feet of each of them. By such an act the Savior proved that a true Christian must have boundless humility. Perhaps that is why bathing on Maundy Thursday is considered not only a physical cleansing, but also a spiritual one. Modern Orthodox person It is also important to visit the temple on Maundy Thursday 2018, pray from the heart and congratulate relatives with verbal wishes, beautiful poems or electronic pictures. This gesture is unlikely to be evidence of deep humility, but it will certainly prove love and respect. The best congratulatory pictures for Orthodox Maundy Thursday 2018 are collected in the next section.

A selection of the best greeting pictures for the Orthodox holiday - Maundy Thursday 2018

Beautiful pictures of Happy Easter and Maundy Thursday 2018

The most important tradition of Maundy Thursday is morning swim in a bathhouse, lake, river. There is a belief: if you want to stay healthy and happy all year, wash yourself thoroughly before sunrise. Water in holiday morning has miraculous properties, and thanks to them is able to wash away all human sins that have accumulated over time. last year. And there is also a second belief: if you want to make peace with someone you have been at enmity with for a year, congratulate you on Maundy Thursday and the upcoming Easter. kind words, good wishes and beautiful pictures. It has long been believed that on this day not only the body is cleansed of dirt, but also the body of ailments, but also thoughts of offensive memories. Choose beautiful pictures Happy Easter and Maundy Thursday 2018 in the next collection and feel free to send to all the people important to you.

A collection of the most beautiful greeting pictures for Orthodox Easter and Maundy Thursday

Thematic pictures with Maundy Thursday 2018 with and without inscriptions

Every year Maundy Thursday becomes the day spring cleaning from thousands of housewives. Since it is no longer possible to clean the house on Good Friday and Saturday, women try to thoroughly clean the house and yard before Easter on Thursday. But before you get down to business, you need to visit the temple to confess and take communion, pray well and congratulate all your loved ones on Maundy Thursday 2018 with thematic pictures with or without inscriptions. Only after this can you thoroughly wash the floors and walls, wash the curtains and tablecloths, beat out the carpets, grind all the shelves and cabinets, polish the mirrors and window glass, take out the collected rubbish. Details of cleaning the house on a church holiday can always be found in useful articles popular Internet portals, and themed pictures Happy Maundy Thursday 2018 with and without inscriptions to congratulate relatives - in our best selections.

Collection of thematic pictures with inscriptions and without text for Maundy Thursday 2018

Cool and funny pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018

They say if Maundy Thursday count all the bills and coins in the house three times, within next year the family will be wealthy. Such a ritual should be carried out secretly (secretly from household members and strangers) early in the morning, exactly at noon and exactly at sunset. Otherwise there will be no sense in performing the ritual. You can also throw a handful of small change into a bucket of water, read the “Our Father” three times and thoroughly rinse the floors with charged water. All these customs for hundreds of years helped our ancestors preserve their property, and they will certainly help you too. But in pursuit of financial benefits, do not forget to congratulate your friends on Maundy Thursday with funny and funny pictures. After all, the real strong friendship you can't buy it for any money. Download cool and funny pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018 in the next section and send them to your friends and acquaintances on your mobile phone.

A collection of funny pictures for congratulating Maundy Thursday 2018

Greeting cards for the church holiday Maundy Thursday 2018

Orthodox people know about the list of things that are strictly prohibited on Maundy Thursday. Since this day is associated with spiritual and physical cleansing, creating a mess in the house and in the yard, polluting the water in a river or well, using obscene language, using black magic and other “unclean” things is considered sinful. You should also not give away valuable items from home or borrow money. They say that with them you can convey your health, luck and prosperity. As on any other church holiday, on Maundy Thursday you shouldn’t quarrel and sort things out; it’s better to send out greeting cards or thematic pictures with inscriptions to all your colleagues in your spare time. Such a gesture certainly will not bring harm to anyone. In addition, we have collected all the most suitable greeting cards for the church holiday Maundy Thursday 2018 for you in one place.

A selection of greeting cards for the church holiday - Maundy Thursday 2018

The best Maundy Thursday 2018 cards with wishes for Odnoklassniki

Clean Thursday is ideal not only for cleaning and washing, but also for coloring easter eggs and baking Easter cakes. Perhaps it really is filled with special power and atmosphere. Or maybe the fact is that on the remaining days before Easter you simply cannot do anything. In any case, Maundy Thursday 2018 is worth making the most of important tasks without wasting time searching for postcards with wishes in Odnoklassniki, VK and other social networks. It is much wiser to find and download all the congratulations in advance, so that on the holiday morning you can only send them to the right recipients. Fortunately, you won’t have to search for long: best cards Happy Maundy Thursday 2018 with wishes for Odnoklassniki are collected in our latest selection.

Collection of cards with wishes for Maundy Thursday 2018 for Odnoklassniki

Postcards and pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 with inscriptions - great way not only to congratulate loved ones, but also to remind them of the important traditions of the Orthodox church holiday. Take the opportunity, send cool congratulations Happy Maundy Thursday and Easter to family and friends on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, and Facebook.

Maundy Thursday is celebrated on April 5th in 2018. On this special day, you should focus your energy on cleaning and adhere to the rituals and signs that are associated with Maundy Thursday. According to tradition, it is on Maundy Thursday that the house is prepared for Christ's Resurrection, and then they don’t clean it up until Easter.

Congratulations on Maundy Thursday in verse

Christ washed the feet of his friends,
And I will honor you,
Happy Maundy Thursday!
Let good things come to your home!

A passionate week is approaching
Towards the end and the Last Supper
Brings goodness to your bright home.
Happy Maundy Thursday today!

Let the angels sing to you,
Prophesying the joy of moments,
And let him take over his sanity
Above the feeling on Clean Day - Thursday!

On Maundy Thursday, prepare your heart
TO happy holiday Easter, my friend.
I'll tell you if you're interested
How to find your truest path:
Follow the Lord, listening to the Word,
Make the commandment your beacon,
Give joy, forgiving all insults.
Let love fill your home!

Today let all thoughts become purer,
Let the filth disappear from souls and hearts.
May everyone who seeks happiness and joy
He will exclaim with prayer: “Forgive us, Father!”
Let there be no pain or fear in life,
The Lord will grant us salvation forever.
Repent - we are all guilty before God -
And welcome Maundy Thursday in peace!

On Maundy Thursday, open your heart to God,
Tell me everything that worries you.
Don't doubt it, He's interested!
You are like His own child.
Cleanse your thoughts, only then - home,
He looks into the soul as if into the eyes.
Make your life brighter and cleaner,
And then the heavens will rejoice!

Today is Maundy and Maundy Thursday,
May your thoughts be bright forever.
Give your smiles to everyone around you,
Shower kindness and love to others.
Let there be no enmity and resentment in your heart,
May the Lord protect you all your days.
Appreciate every moment, take care of every hour,
Our world is so beautiful! And God loves us!

Our house shines with cleanliness
It's cozy and warm.
Only the house can't save us
In a world where evil is happening.
Only the Lord is our support,
Only He will save us
From sadness and strife,
From temptations and insults.
We need to cleanse our souls
Remove filth and envy.
Will you be obedient to the Lord?
You will live in grace!

Holy being, let it drive away grief,
On Holy Thursday I will be with you,
I wish you happiness, I pray for joy,
A person needs a little good in life.
Not afraid of what will happen if someone judges,
Only the Lord is with me and will love you,
Open up to God, follow the path,
Don't go to the edge, because there is no heaven there.

Holy Week, holiday - “Clean Thursday”,
I see before me joyful faces,
Dear people, may the Lord love us,
And no one else will judge you anymore.
Pray in the temple, touch God,
And on holiday, move away from vile thoughts,
Be happy and beautiful in soul,
And share your happiness, together, with others.

On Maundy Thursday, you accomplished a lot,
Give us love and let go of anger,
On the Christian holiday, you gave people faith,
What is possible to live better and give kindness.
I wish you not to get sick and let go of envy,
To bring love to others, and happiness to pieces,
To share for loved ones, and to give to people,
So that the faithful soul burns endlessly,
And you found your light, in which there is no grief.

Holy Week is coming to an end,
Let's wait for a blessing from Jesus from heaven,
Humbly, Holy Thursday greets the Orthodox,
Great, pure holiday, gathered wonderful people.
The road will open and the path will be paved to God,
And the soul will only have a little time to wander,
Wash your hands with water and let go of your thoughts,
With your most holy prayer, take your soul to church.

Congratulations on Maundy Thursday in prose

On Maundy Thursday we can experience unprecedented feelings. This is an expectation of renewal and one’s own purity. We understand how much depends on us if we need to cleanse the world of filth. Happy holiday to everyone! We wish everyone enlightenment!

On Maundy Thursday I would like to sincerely wish you purity of thoughts, feelings, love and happiness. Let sorrows leave your home, let sadness escape from your heart, let there be no more room in your life for stains of insults and bad words, let this day give you good hope and good luck.

April comes important holiday. We get the opportunity to wash away the sins that have accumulated over the year - and maybe over a lifetime. Happy holiday to everyone! On this day, spring develops in a special stage. We can move it into the soul. Let it be!

Today is Great Maundy Thursday, the day of soul renewal. Today there is no place for sorrow, the machinations of darkness and lies. Heat a hot bathhouse to wash away all the bad things, and on this beautiful day, let only the good, bright and beautiful replace everything unnecessary. Let family relationships be stronger than granite, your head is clear, and luck never turns away from you.

On Maundy Thursday, may all grievances and anxieties leave your home, may all dark thoughts and sorrows leave your heart, may clear and bright horizons of happiness appear ahead, may a bright streak of prosperity and good miracles begin in your life.

Congratulations on Maundy Thursday and I would like to wish you to make every effort and diligent effort to remove all the garbage and remnants of worries from your home, to free your soul from evil memories and grievances, so that this day becomes a new and clean page from which another story of your life will begin, filled with only happiness, love and joy.

On Maundy Thursday, may the water wash away all worries and sorrows from you, may all troubles and bad weather leave your home, may bright happiness and joy remain in your soul, may your heart be freed from sadness and resentment, but not lose faith in all good things and hope for better.

On Maundy Thursday I would like to wish you to get rid of everything bad and old in the house, put things in order in your head and soul, stay with sincere love in the heart and the bright light of goodness in the hands. I wish you goodness and happiness, generous luck and joy.

On Maundy Thursday we care, first of all, about cleansing the soul from sins. And therefore I wish you repentance and liberation of your conscience from all unpleasant memories and painful misdeeds. May the feeling of freedom never leave you from this day forward. Let purity reign in the soul, in the body and, of course, in the house!

Congratulations to your entire family on the great day - Maundy Thursday! Let the grievances and evil thoughts that may have accumulated over the year come out of your home along with all the rubbish. On this day, Christ gave people an example of love for one’s neighbor and humility, let them reign in your family!

May your soul become light and joyful on this special day. Let the clean holy water of a stream, river or lake, having washed you, take away sorrows, troubles and resentments, bringing peace. I wish you peace in your heart and soul. I wish happiness to your loved ones and you! Let kindness shine through everything that surrounds you! Let everything you dream about come true!

I wish you to accept with humility everything that gives you grief and resentment, and then your soul will be cleansed and filled with light and love, may the cleanliness brought to your home on this day bring only good people and fill your home with bright and joyful events.

On the day of the church holiday Maundy Thursday, you can start baking Easter cakes. It is also ideal for performing ablutions. And on this day you should definitely congratulate your Orthodox Christian friends, wishing them happiness, health, and prosperity. The most helpful ways to express respect and attention to friends are: best pictures and postcards. For readers, we have created a selection of images with inscriptions, wishes, and congratulations. They can be sent to Odnoklassniki and other social networks. networks. They are also suitable for sending in emails, mms. Cool and funny cards and pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 can be sent via messengers. It is recommended to supplement them with wishes for a good meeting of the upcoming Easter.

Congratulations on Maundy Thursday 2018 - a selection of photos and drawings

On the day of the church holiday of Maundy Thursday in 2018, you can send congratulatory pictures and photos to your friends. We have selected the most unusual and cool images with girls, children and animals.

A selection of congratulatory pictures in honor of Maundy Thursday 2018

Cool and funny pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018 - selection for Odnoklassniki

Please all your friends on Odnoklassniki and give them positive mood maybe with funny pictures about Maundy Thursday. Cool images and the cards will certainly bring a kind smile to the recipient. You can send cool and funny postcards for Maundy Thursday 2018 with personal wishes.

A selection of cool and funny postcards for Odnoklassniki for Maundy Thursday 2018

With the help of the funny and cool pictures we have selected for Maundy Thursday 2018, you can beautifully congratulate your friends and colleagues. They are suitable for sending in Odnoklassniki in private messages. You can also post them in your albums for general wishes to relatives and friends of happiness, success, and goodness.

Original pictures with inscriptions Happy Maundy Thursday 2018 - Orthodox cards

Orthodox cards are ideal for congratulating loved ones on Maundy Thursday. Recipients will definitely like original images. Choose good ones Orthodox cards with inscriptions for Maundy Thursday in 2018 can be found in the next collection.

Original Orthodox pictures for the holiday of Maundy Thursday 2018 with inscriptions

Selected by us orthodox pictures For the holiday of Maundy Thursday you can send it to all relatives. Beautiful cards with inscriptions, images of angels, and Jesus will definitely give the recipients positive emotions.

Beautiful pictures of Maundy Thursday 2018 and upcoming Easter - a selection of postcards

Because housewives start baking on Palm Sunday Easter cakes, then on this day you can send pictures with baked goods and dyes to your friends. They can be supplemented with other Easter attributes. Pick up original pictures Happy Maundy Thursday and upcoming Easter in 2018 in our next collection.

A selection of beautiful pictures for Maundy Thursday and the upcoming Easter in 2018

Funny and beautiful pictures for the holiday Palm Sunday and Easter can be sent to in social networks, mms, messengers. Our readers can find the best greeting cards among the following examples:

Touching cards with wishes for Maundy Thursday 2018 - a selection of pictures and videos

For church holidays it is better to choose beautiful and touching cards. They can be forwarded not only to friends, but also to colleagues and acquaintances. You can find the best cards with wishes for Maundy Thursday 2018 in the collection of pictures we created.

A selection of touching cards with wishes in honor of Maundy Thursday 2018

Cute and touching cards with sincere wishes will be given to the recipient great mood. They will help him spend the entire Maundy Thursday in high spirits.

Touching video cards for Maundy Thursday 2018 with wishes

Not only pictures, but also video postcards can be sent on Maundy Thursday. The following animations are suitable for congratulating a church holiday:

The best greeting cards for Maundy Thursday 2018 - pictures with wishes

Beautiful congratulations in verse are perfect for sending on a church holiday. But they can be sent not only as text. For original congratulations Happy Maundy Thursday 2018 will do virtual cards with poetry.

A selection of the best cards with congratulations and wishes for Maundy Thursday 2018

Our readers can select the best cards for Maundy Thursday 2018 in the following collection. It includes beautiful and cute pictures with sincere wishes in verse.

Our readers can beautifully congratulate all Orthodox relatives and friends on Maundy Thursday and the upcoming Easter with different collections of pictures. For example, cool and funny images are suitable for sending to your closest friends. But the beautiful and touching congratulations and it is better to send wishes to parents and other relatives. The best cards and pictures for Maundy Thursday 2018 will help you give them great mood. If desired, they can be supplemented with inscriptions and poems. Or you can immediately send it to your family on Odnoklassniki or email video postcard. Every recipient will certainly like the animated greeting.
