Do they congratulate you on the red hill. Beautiful congratulations on the red hill in verse

On Antipascha, every hour is filled with joy
And she brings us faith in God,
In the fact that He is near, save, comfort us,
Bless for deeds and a new path.
In Antipascha, you just have to want
And the conviction will return to us today
For people to see
God's holy return to us.

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Congratulations #5129

Spring joyful day
Let happiness flow like a stream
Let antipascha bear
Enlightenment, shower flight,
Let doubts dispel
In faith, in life, in healing,
Let the house shine
On this happy day!

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Congratulations #4561

Let the songs sound loud now
And everyone is invited to the party!
Today is Red Hill!
Let sadness and sorrow go away!

They will be replaced by fun
With enthusiasm, with scope, with fire,
Mood will improve instantly
Uplifting in the soul!

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Congratulations #4560

Let sadness not disturb at all,
And take your mind off your problems
After all, on a holiday on Red Hill
Fun is for everyone!

Let the soul open with a song
And the dance will carry you away
And suddenly the world becomes more interesting
And happiness will come into your life!

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Congratulations #1962

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Congratulations #1960

Congratulations on the Red Hill
You accept with all your heart
A merry ringing song
Meet the holiday soon!

On this special day of the year
Sing, dance for the joy of all,
And let happiness be new
And let the sadness go away completely!

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Congratulations #1946

Giving joy and happiness flight,
The red hill is coming towards us again,
Inviting us to the holiday soon,
And offering us many things,

Do not ignore this day
Songs and dances at the general festivities,
Bright joy will overwhelm you,
And life will go on in a new way!

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Folk customs and signs on Krasnaya Gorka

If a guy or girl sits at home on the red hill - you can not expect a happy fate. it real truth, which was formed into such a sign to warn guys and girls. Krasnaya Gorka is the time when matchmaking traditionally took place throughout Rus'. Young people gathered all together, danced round dances, confessed their love to each other. Perhaps, until that day, the guy simply did not notice the girl. If she stays at home, then her betrothed can pay attention to another girl and propose to her. But the one who stays at home will miss her happiness - the man of her fate will be already busy. The same goes for guys.

Throw a coin into the well on the red hill - you will attract happiness into your life. Perhaps this is superstition, but throwing a coin into a pond has always been a tradition. If a person wanted to return to the place where he felt good, he threw a coin into the river, into the sea, into any other body of water, and then he would definitely return to this place again. Red Hill is a special day. It is believed that if you throw a coin into the well on this day and make a wish, it will surely come true. And, you won't have to wait long.

If you wash yourself off the icon on the red hill, you will become rich. This is not superstition, but pure truth. In the old days, it was customary to wash icons on this day. It goes without saying that there was no running water in those days. Therefore, the icons were washed over the basin. But those who knew special words could improve their well-being with the help of this water. But the water with which the icons were washed can help without a conspiracy, it’s just that the result will have to wait much longer. 'Cause you couldn't ask for what you wanted the right words. You need to wash yourself with this water. And if you do not live alone, then start washing all family members with this water, starting with the smallest. But those who are older than you - you should not wash, otherwise you will attract poverty into the house. Most the best option when these manipulations are carried out by the oldest member of the family. You cannot tell anyone that this ritual was performed in your house. Especially if you are asked about how you managed to get rich so quickly. You will lose everything, and the money will go between your fingers.

Who reads prayers on the red hill - he lengthens his life. Let's start with the fact that prayer always helps to get out of the most difficult situations and solve problems. Prayer helps to get rid of diseases and fulfill your cherished desires. But this day is special. In many parts of Russia, Krasnaya Gorka is the day when people go to the cemetery to commemorate their loved ones who are no longer there. Therefore, if a person prays on such a day, he is helped not only Higher power, but also all the relatives who are no longer there, and whom you came to visit. Therefore, if you pray for health on this day, then you beg for health not only for yourself, but for all your relatives.

Krasnaya Gorka is a big holiday, although today many people don’t know about it. But this is the day when you can radically change your life. The signs of Krasnaya Gorka must be observed, otherwise you will have to wait whole year in order to fulfill your desires. But it is worth remembering that in addition to the signs of the Red Hill, you need to follow the signs of the day on which this holiday falls. These signs are also important, and they can affect your destiny.

By its name Fomino Sunday owes to the Apostle Thomas, who doubted the resurrection of Jesus Christ and became convinced of the truth of this event on the first Sunday after Easter. On this day, Jesus himself appeared to the apostles. Since then, Antipascha has been celebrated on the last day of the Easter week. However, the "anti" particle does not carry this case negative meaning, but only indicates that this date is at the opposite end of the week, replaces Easter.

On Krasnaya Gorka, and this name was given to the holiday among the people for the custom of rolling down the hill colored eggs, it is customary to arrange mass celebrations. Participation in them was treated especially, it was considered mandatory. good omen- timing of weddings, matchmaking, weddings to this day.

Red hill - joyful holiday, a holiday of faith, rebirth and the arrival of spring.

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How the girls sing loudly
How fervently they dance!
This holiday is Krasna Gorka,
He is with our soul!

What a miracle sundresses
How well embroidered!
Take a walk, booths:
This is Red Hill!

Come on, all honest people,
We will meet the arrival of spring
Songs and dances!
That's the Red Hill!


Blooms outside the window
Spring in all colors
The bright holiday is coming
It's time for us to meet him!

Congratulations on Gorka Krasnaya,
Have fun honest people
I wish you a wonderful life
From happiness, let the soul sing!


In the meadows and hills
Celebrating Krasna Gorka!
People are dancing to the accordion
The guy kisses the girl.
Everyone welcomes spring
Seeing off the winter with noise!
She flows like a stream,
Feeds the black earth
For the herbs to bloom
The birds chirped loudly.


We rush to meet spring,
From the heart we meet the sun,
Kisses to everyone, everyone helmet,
Our bow to Red Hill.

Everything blooms, as in nature,
So in the soul everything seems to bloom.
And it's time, it's time
Leave us from the yard.

Everyone to meet their spring,
Dear girl-red,
Caress to warm yourself and many,
So that the road is bright.


With the holiday of spring and the red hill,
With a holiday of hope and love,
Let the girls braid their braids
And they float wreaths on the river.

Let warmth and peace come to homes,
With a joyful and quivering spring,
Let the bad go forever
The world blooms and smells of kindness!


Farewell, miserable winter! Down with the blizzards howl!
Everyone - with the Red Hill! With a sweet beauty in spring!
Get out on the street! Walking sounds are heard.
All young people kiss. Love takes over.

Are you staring at the monitor? Is there no other fun?
You'll grow old as a bachelor. Or maybe on a pockmarked one,
Oblique, crooked and ugly you will be glad to marry.
Today, all the busty ones will be taken apart, brother!

What are you, pretty girl? Throw Kafka on the shelf!
Your rival is already crushing the grass with might and main.
Russian belief says, to be powerful over fate,
Meet spring without getting tired! And you will be happy!


On a day like this a long time ago
All the dead are remembered
Here we are now given
Remember those we knew.
The red hill has come
The festivities have already begun
Spring will come soon
And while we wait.
I congratulate you
On this Orthodox holiday,
And I wish the earth
What was in the snow recently
Warmed up faster
Plants would appear
Immediately become more fun
And regrets will disappear!


Eighth day after Easter, and again Sunday
Dress up people, get out of the houses,
There will be Red Hill and there will be fun,
And perhaps someone will look after their own fate!

Youth, dress up, sing songs loudly
It's a sin today to sit and be bored alone,
The Red Hill calls and beckons everyone,
And if you stay at home, fate will be taken away!


What a feast today
Celebrate in the yards?
This is a well-known holiday
The red hill has begun.

Round dances, booths
Seen from all sides.
On the hills where there is no snow,
We play with the whole yard.

On this holiday of antipascha
All who died - we remember,
Who was going to marry -
We will take them to the altar.


Spring usually comes after Easter.
Nature blooms, longing away from the soul,
The rays of the sun caress with warmth,
The heart is beating so that it smells good.
The red hill stands in the yard,
She opens the gates to spring.
Red girls meet guys
Weddings are played, all friends are called
Happiness prophesies that day to the young,
Give smiles to your loved ones today!


Red Hill came to us a long time ago,
It is also called Antipascha.
With the coming of spring, when the snows melt,
Everyone celebrated this day not in vain.

The girls chose their boys
And in the form of playful love confessed.
They often argued: who is more beautiful,
And they all got married, but at first they fell in love.

There is logic in the name of the holiday:
"Red" in the Slavs meant "beautiful".
And that beauty was already innumerable,
Well, who can resist a stubborn girl.

Everyone called out and waited for spring,
All the people on the hills played games.
Only now I don't understand
Why don't we know about red slides?


Red Hill has come,
We will gather friends
We'll set the tables for a feast,
And pour a full cup
Pie in the oven is ready
And the pilaf smells very delicious.
Let's circle round dances together,
Let troubles not come to us.
Happy holiday to the whole world!
And we will invite you to the table, to the feast.


Antipascha in the yard - the power of spring has come,
Time for remote festivities, a hearty table,
Time for songs, round dances, noisy booths,
In Krasnaya Gorka, expect a warm holiday.

Nature is reborn from winter oblivion,
Birds start their trill early in the morning,
Happy girls with guys are roaming by the hand,
The sun begins a wondrous game.

April 15 - date for 2018
Krasnaya Gorka - old Russian folk spring holiday. With the spread of Christianity, it was timed to coincide with the first Sunday after (the so-called Fomin Sunday or Fomin's Day).

The Red Hill symbolizes the full arrival of spring, this holiday was celebrated this time of the year, this is a holiday of fun, round dances, numerous booths and celebrations were held on this day.

This holiday, among other things, symbolizes the meeting of boys and girls, it is a holiday of kisses and the beginning of sexual activity, akin to the fact that spring is the beginning of a new life for all nature, therefore Krasnaya Gorka is also the first spring festivity of young girls. Games and festivities took place on the hillocks, which were freed from snow earlier than others, hence the name - “red” (that is, beautiful) hill. Usually in Russia, weddings were timed to coincide with Krasnaya Gorka, in some places it began with the remembrance of the dead (at the cemetery), after which a holiday was held.

On Krasnaya Gorka, guys and girls chose their brides and grooms and in the game room, playfully showed their sympathy. Boys and girls dressed up in their best and most beautiful clothes. "Krasnaya Gorka" got its name, maybe that's why. Girls and women braided colorful ribbons into braids and tied beautiful scarves to attract attention and please your loved one.

It was impossible for boys and girls to stay at home that day, for the edification of those who were absent they called them mocking nicknames. It was believed that everything festive festivities young people sitting at home will never find a bride or groom for themselves, or they will get unworthy couples, because the best brides and grooms will be "taken apart" by others.

In any case, Krasnaya Gorka was one of the most beloved holidays in Russia. In addition, Krasnaya Gorka is the most popular day for marriages, for weddings and connecting new couples in the face of God. An old Russian proverb said: “Whoever marries on Krasnaya Gorka will never get divorced.”

The bride and groom, who were betrothed precisely on Krasnaya Gorka, were called "weed" and "weed", boys and girls came to their houses in a noisy mob, the groom's friends sang songs, for which they were treated to delicious pies.

Playing a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka is very popular in modern days, registry offices are bursting with those who wish, it is especially good if the young are also getting married.

Krasnaya Gorka - a holiday of spring,
A holiday of divination, festivities, fun.
The day everyone is in love
Droplets are awakened from hibernation by the sound of drops.
On this day, there are no count of weddings in the district,
All young people will be happy
There has long been a sign among the people,
Such marriages will be successful. ©

Sunday after Easter -
Red hill bright light
This holiday is young
Celebrated for many years.
Many weddings are walking
And spring is knocking at the door!
Congratulations and wish
To be happy now.
This day means a lot
You remember him
And to him over the years only
Let's not forget.
May all the happiness that today
Fills the whole world
Will stay in your life
For tens, hundreds of years. ©

AT Orthodox Church Red Hill is called Antipaskha (Fomin's Week).
(since "week" is translated from the old Church Slavonic as "Sunday", do not confuse it with a regular week)

The name Antipascha means "instead of Easter": not a contrast, but an appeal to a past holiday, a repetition of it. Since ancient times, the eighth day after Easter, as the end Bright Week, is celebrated especially, constituting, as it were, a replacement for Easter.
This day is called Thomas Week in remembrance of the miracle of the assurance of the Apostle Thomas.

Where does the name "Red Hill" come from?
A long time ago, the Russian Slavs did not have churches and performed liturgical rites in open places, so hills and mountains replaced their temples (Temple is a pagan temple.) And trebishche (Trebishche is an altar, a place of sacrifice to God). In Russia, there are many ancient places called red mountains, hills, hills.

In Slavic dialects, the word “red” is used in the meaning of “beautiful, blooming, cheerful, gratifying”, in contrast to the dark, red, scarlet, crimson color.
Spring and summer itself are called red, because the weather is clear, and nature is in all its glory.

Krasnaya Gorka means beautiful in location and entertaining in games. In many places, the hills or hillocks on which people gathered in the spring were called red hills.
