Get an ashy shade of light brown hair. Trendy ash-blond hair color (50 photos) - Who suits, how to achieve it at home? Who will suit the hair color ash blond

Ash is a very fashionable hair color that has many shades and undertones.

Its features:

  • This is a cold shade, which explains its popularity, because. it suits common cold color types.
  • It is a color at the junction of green and blue, sometimes with a slight addition of purple, which adds pearly, mother-of-pearl notes to the color.

Everyone represents the ashy color in their own way: for someone it is an ash-platinum blond, for someone it is a pearl-steel shade. Consider the main directions in this color.

Who suits

Ash hair color suits girls:

  • with a cold or neutral skin tone (in the theory of 4 color types, this is summer and winter);
  • with blue, dark brown eyes. If the white of the eye is of a contrasting cold color, then green, brown eyes will do.

And not suitable for girls:

  • with skin of a warm undertone, tanned. In this case, the cold of the ashes will not be in harmony with the warmth of the skin. With warm skin, it is better to choose then caramel-golden-ash shades.

Ash blonde

The brightest and most sought-after blond is ashy, without yellowness. The correct shade of ash in a blonde emphasizes the color of the eyes, conceals a slight redness, and enhances the contrast of appearance.

Such a blond is difficult to obtain, because. it requires preliminary clarification of hair. The lightening background (this is the color of the hair after lightening) should be clean from level 9, and especially without redness.

Then on such a clean background you can get a beautiful ashy shade of blond. Otherwise, it may turn out a dirty greenish gray.

Ash blonde hair color

Light brown with an ash tint is a cold direction of a dark blond. A beautiful deep color, but not as bright as an ash blonde, more muted and natural.

If your hair is light enough, level (light blond and lighter), then this color can be obtained by tinting in the ashy direction. But if it’s darker, then even for dark blond, you must first lighten the hair with powder and get a clean background, and then paint it over in ash blond. Then the color will be just perfect platinum.

Dark ash color

Dark Ash is a deep dark blond (level 6 and below) cool color. Suitable for a contrasting cold color type.

Ash pink

A beautiful shade of ash with the addition of a red tint will give freshness to the face, suitable for girls with redness on their faces.

Ash brown

Ash brown is a brown-haired with a cold platinum direction. The color at the junction, containing both the warmth of a brown, chestnut hue and a noble ash tint.

Pearl-ash (mother-of-pearl)

Pearl ash hair color contains ash, some violet and pink. Noble, very fashionable shade. For those who have not yet decided, but already want to make bright notes. Mother-of-pearl hides and compensates for the cold and greenishness of the ash.

Ash purple

Ash-violet hair color will suit bright and bold girls.

Ash silver (grey)

Ash-silver color is not flashy and at the same time bright, gloomy. If you beat him with makeup and clothes, it looks very impressive.

But the gray-ash color can emphasize redness, make the skin pallor painful, so you need to be careful with it.

Ash blue

Ash with blue is a bright, slightly doll-like hair color, but spectacular. Requires a perfectly clean background clarification.

Ash Gold

In the name of this color there is a contradiction between heat and cold. Ash-golden or beige-ash hair color is a neutral shade, neither warm nor cold. Ideal for the summer, when the skin becomes tanned and dissonant with very cold ash on the hair.

Caramel Ash

Ash with caramel is a cocktail of light brown color with ash, beige warmth and light pink. Suitable for warm and cold color types, as well as for tanned skin.


A very common natural ash color for the summer color type. But natural ash is more unattractive than synthetic, and is often referred to as "mouse." But a priori it suits the color of the skin and eyes, and does not show yellowness. Proper care will make hair shiny, emphasize the beauty of hair and color.

On the square

The length of the caret allows you to reveal the play of ashy color.

For short hair

Ash color will perfectly emphasize the courage and brightness of a short haircut.

Highlights and ashy color

Well-lightened strands in foil during highlighting allow you to get a clean ash blond with further toning. The platinum, silver shade of the highlighted strands blends beautifully with the natural darker color of natural hair.

Ash ombre and balayage

  • Once every 5 days, regenerating masks under heat. Wash your hair with shampoo, squeeze out moisture, apply a mask and leave for 15 minutes under heat (a plastic cap or bag and a towel warmed over by a hairdryer). Under the heat, the beneficial substances of the mask will get deeper.
  • When styling, be sure to use thermal protection.
  • Use a conditioner or conditioner every time you wash.

What to wear

To a beautiful stylish ashy hair color, clothes of cold tones, both muted and bright, are suitable.


Ash color this season is preferred by Karlie Kloss, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lawrence.

I do not know what's going on. Women still go crazy for ashy shades. It looks like this color will lead the fashion trends forever.

Why? It is very hard to get, hard to care for, expensive to maintain (schedule a trip to the salon every two weeks), very easy to lose. Look, all these epithets are very suitable for a woman. This is probably why the ashy hair color is love forever.

Who will go with an ashy shade?

Let's start with those who won't. If your skin has even the slightest flaws: acne, post-acne, scars, freckles, enlarged pores, redness, wrinkles. Alas, forget the ashes. If your eyes, the natural shade of the hair is closer to warm shades.

How to get an ashy shade of hair?

Let's try to figure it out.

Cold natural shades of hair themselves have an ashy hue. However, to get it with coloring, unfortunately, you need to get rid of unnecessary pigments in the hair very well. Our most persistent pigments are red. None of us will be able to completely get rid of red. That is why, after a while, bleached hair turns yellow, reddens, reddens. This is a normal process. The red pigment makes itself felt. Now let's look at each situation.

Let's imagine that you have a dark hair color, let's say level 4-5. And you would like to become a little lighter, that is, 6-7 levels and certainly with an ashy tint.

It seemed nothing complicated. Lighten by 2 tone levels and paint over with ash dye. But if you understand in order, this is the case.

The darker the hair, the more red pigment in its structure. When lightening (even if your natural level 4 or 5 is ashen), your red pigment will make itself felt. That is, we will get 7.3 or 7.33 or 7.73 shades. That is, light brown gold or light brown-brown red.

What will happen next? To neutralize the red pigment, we will add green and blue pigment to the dye. Of course, we neutralize red, but red + green + blue will give a darker tone. As a result, we will return to your ashen 5 again. So many manipulations, but we returned to the beginning.

The correct option in this case is to lighten from your 5 or 4 tone level to 8 or 9, and only in this case, through a few more intermediate procedures, go down to tone level 7. Such a whimsical color.

If we want to get ash blonde

When lightening hair, there are several stages. First it becomes red, then red, then reddish-yellow, then yellow, and finally a very light yellow. To get us such a very light yellow, sometimes we need to lighten up from 2 to 4 times, and sometimes no matter how much we lighten, we cannot get such a tone.

Let's imagine that your hair is not dyed, not bleached, and you yourself are a fair-haired blonde. Then you have every chance to wear an ashy blond. To do this, we must lighten the hair to the very last row, that is, 10 tones. To ensure that your natural red pigment dissolves (this is still impossible to the end). And then to receive the same ashes.

How to care for ashy hair color

And then more. The ash is washed off the hair faster than all other colors. That is, after about a week you are no longer ashen. And in a week your red pigment will return. Even if you use shampoo for blondes, masks that neutralize yellowness and special sprays for blondes, this is not enough for ashes. Put in your calendar an entry about going to the salon every 2 weeks.

Ash hair color is a hair structure completely devoid of pigment. The hair is damaged and dry. And if you go outside in such a natural form, the effect will be the opposite. This is no longer a style, but the image of a pensioner with protruding tows. Unfortunately, in this case, ordinary (and even unusual) masks are no longer enough. Here you need high-quality salon care programs.

Plan a budget for hair restoration with Botox, the popular “happiness for hair” and “absolute happiness” treatments, keratin restoration for blondes, a hot haircut, finally. All of these you have to use in turn. Therefore, the wallet must be plump 🙂

No wonder they say that a blonde is long and expensive.

Everyone knows what brown hair looks like. This is a fairly common shade that nature itself often endows. For this reason, it is extremely rarely chosen: everyone wants unique tones and undertones. One of them is ash-brown, because in its pure form it is almost impossible to meet.

Ash brown hair color belongs to the "brown-haired" group. Due to the content of gray tones, there is not a hint of yellowness or bronze in it, and therefore it is cold. Often this range is confused with ash dark blond. But there is still a difference between them: the first option is noticeably richer, the second is associated with a mouse shade.

Who is it designed for and who suits such an unusual tone ideally? Of course, for brown-haired women, they will not have to additionally prepare strands, which means that the structure of the rods will not undergo major changes, and the color will lie much more evenly. Blondes are also suitable, but if they don’t want to radically transform, image stylists advise doing contrast / soft coloring or highlighting. Such coloring will look especially advantageous on cascading haircuts of medium length, asymmetrical hairstyles and short curls with ragged oblique bangs.

If brown-ash and black-ash hair outwardly resemble each other (the difference is 1-2 tones), then this shade is also suitable for brunettes. They are also allowed to color the curls indiscriminately in one color or make California / Venetian highlights, resort to the balayazh technique, amber (ombre staining technique is described in). At the same time, the listed techniques are guaranteed to emphasize the beauty of the hairstyles of girls with long strands and add filigree to short haircuts. As for persons with red hair, this tone does not suit them unambiguously.

Since ash-brown belongs to the cold range, you should not forget about the appearance color type when choosing it. The most suitable option is summer color. For owners of gray / faded blue eyes, delicate porcelain or olive skin, it does not just suit: it seems to enliven the image, makes it more interesting, more mysterious, without violating naturalness at the same time.

For girls of winter type, cold brown will definitely suit, if you choose not too light colors. For example, you can stop at a variant similar to dark ash-blond, but having a deeper expression. Representatives of the spring type should be repainted in such shades with caution: the struggle between heat and cold can adversely affect the appearance. In this case, it is better to resort to the zonal highlighting technique or try on the shatush style, where the transition from one color to another is so smooth that the image as a whole looks quite natural. If the desire to paint monotonously in ash brown is stronger than any color rules, then image makers strongly advise you to reconsider the palette and accents when creating a make-up.

About the last type - autumn - only one thing can be said: the color with silver does not suit him, because this image is the warmest and certainly requires golden notes. Otherwise, even banal ashy highlighting will muffle the natural brightness and contribute to a tired, sickly look. Yes, and red hair is difficult to dye in a radically different shade.

What tones of cold brown are found?

For monochromatic dyeing, coloring, hair highlighting, the gamma with ashes is presented in a fairly wide range. We will discuss the most popular shades of it, based on the reviews of the masters and their clients.

  • Light ash brown.

It is unique in that it is an intermediate link between blond and brown-haired. That is why it is chosen by those who do not dare to radically change their image. Unlike the usual light brown, its interpretation with a silvery sheen is at the peak of popularity and is preferred by both young girls with a romantic look and mature women who want to rejuvenate in this way.

  • Average.

This is a classic example of a cold brown hair, has no age restrictions. It looks beautiful on the hair both “solo” and in combination with other (similar / contrasting) tones.

  • Dark.

If you want to transform into a bright brown-haired woman, he will come in handy. For burning brunettes, it can be used for coloring using the technique of shatush, balayage, amber. For women over 50, staining in ashy tones from a dark range, on the contrary, is contraindicated. They will give out age: due to gray tints that look like gray hair, and a too saturated palette that will focus on wrinkles, age spots and enlarged pores.

How to achieve brown-ash hair color?

It is clear that it is better to paint curls not on your own, but trusting an experienced specialist. However, many girls neglect the recommendation and carry out the procedure at home. For those who do not want (have no time, money) to visit a salon institution, we describe the coloring session in detail. But still, we advise you to make a choice after consulting with a professional, because the color is capricious and requires a competent approach.

Action algorithm:

  • prepare gloves, a brush, a comb-comb, a lightening agent (for dark hair) and the dye itself;
  • discolor the curls (if necessary) by applying the product to an unwashed head;
  • dilute the pigment according to the instructions;
  • apply quickly (for this it is more reasonable to use the help of a sister / girlfriend), but with precise movements: starting from the parting, the occipital zone, and ending along the entire canvas;
  • then put on a cap in order to create a greenhouse effect and prevent the release of free oxygen;
  • soak the mixture exactly as much as specified on the paint package;
  • emulsify by adding a little water to the curls and gently massaging them with your fingers;
  • rinse, then treat the hair with a neutralizing balm.

What should I do if the color does not turn out as in the sample? After staining at home, this happens often. But do not be upset - tint shampoos will come to the rescue, which can later be used to maintain tone.

What paints to use?

Some brands give the color other names. They do this for the purpose of a more beautiful sound, so when choosing, know that you will get the same tone with ashes. Proof of this is the before and after photos shown on the pack.

It is better to use the following brands:

  • Estelle ESSEX 6/71 - brown mother of pearl;
  • Estelle ESSEX 5/71 - ice brown (light brown);
  • Estelle DE LUXE 7/71 - brown ash shade of hair with a light brown undertone;
  • Indola Profession 4/1 - medium ash brown
  • Indola Profession 5/31 - light brown with ash
  • Loreal CASTING CREME GLOSS 613 - frosty glaze;
  • Loreal CASTING CREME GLOSS 515 - frosty chocolate;
  • Garnier Color Naturals 4/15 - frosty chestnut.

Fashion is constantly changing, so girls either buy different clothes, or lose weight, or go to the gym, or change their hair color. But no matter what, the color that will never lose its popularity is black.

And recently, ash shades are also fashionable. Therefore, we will combine two relevant topics and answer the main question that worries most modern girls - how to make an ash-black hair color? Attention to the photo:

Who suits a dark ashy shade of hair?

Burning brunettes always attract the eyes of millions of men. Sexuality, independence, determination, self-confidence - that's what comes to mind when you see black-haired beauties.

But does this color suit everyone? The main thing to be guided by is the eyes and skin.

  • Firstly, black is suitable for either owners of dark skin, or, conversely, pale.
  • Secondly, it is desirable that there are no problem areas on the face, because. such a shade of hair will only emphasize them.
  • Thirdly, with green and brown eyes, clearly black will look much more advantageous.
  • And fourthly, the dark color will visually make the curls more voluminous.

It will look incomparable with gray-blue, marsh and brown eyes.

The main thing to remember when choosing such shades is that girls with a cold color type of appearance clearly win.

Combining black and ashy, you get a rather interesting play of colors. Photo:

Ash ombre on dark hair (with photo)

Those brunettes who are afraid to completely dye their curls in an ashy shade, but still want to experiment a little, can consider an ombre - a gradual transition from one color to another. In this case, by the way, a little less harm will be done to the hair.

Ombre on black hair in ashy color is suitable for girls whose hair length is below the shoulders.

This technique has a number of advantages:

  • With it, you can hide the gray hair that appears, often this problem occurs in young girls who, due to heredity or some other reasons, turned gray early.
  • The second reason is that the ombre will help mask the yellowish strands that can appear as a result of lightening the hair.

This coloring technique is perfect for ladies with a cold skin tone and gray-blue eyes, as well as girls with pale skin and green eyes. Photo:

Ash hair color with black roots is certainly a great option, but the most adventurous dark-haired ladies can try to completely change the color of their hair.

To get out of the black color, of course, it will take a lot of effort and time. It is better to contact the salon, because. professionals will do this job much more efficiently than amateurs. After all, no one needs suddenly appeared green or blue shades, and even more so spoiled curls in the form of a washcloth.

The main thing that will be required is patience and a certain amount of money (especially if the hair is long enough). Currently, qualified specialists are not cheap.

Step-by-step instructions for ashy painting

No matter how difficult it is to get out of dark hair color, it is still possible, especially if you have the initial skills in painting.

First you need to bleach your hair, this will help 20 percent peroxide, and then the usual bleaching color.

  1. Peroxide and bleaching powder are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. The mass is thoroughly mixed to avoid the formation of lumps.

  1. Then it is evenly applied to the hair.

  1. A hat is put on the head.
  2. After an hour, the hair is washed and dried.

Then, after clarification, you must use the dye level 10 of the desired color.

  1. Now the same peroxide is mixed, but with paint in a ratio of 2: 1.

  1. Everything is stirred.
  2. Next, steps 3-5 from the previous paragraph are repeated.

To achieve a more pronounced ash color, a purple semi-permanent dye can be used. It is mixed with a conditioner so that an unwanted purple tint is not obtained.

After completing all the steps, a beautiful ashy color as in the photo is clearly provided.

Proper hair care with ashy effect

In order for the color to remain as long as possible, and also so that the condition of the hair after the stress in the form of dyeing does not deteriorate significantly, you need to properly care for the hair.

  • It is advisable to give preference to shampoos without sulfates.
  • Regular nourishing masks will return the hair to its former appearance.
  • The use of tint products: shampoos, balms, tonics.
  • It is better, of course, to reduce the use of all kinds of hair dryers, irons, at least for the first time, because. they dry out your hair a lot.

Do not be afraid of experiments (within reason, of course), life is one!

Photo selection:

Ash-blond hair color looks very beautiful, gentle and even aristocratic. This shade gives the image of charm and sophistication, which is why a huge number of women like it. You can achieve this color both in the salon and at home. Moreover, there are several coloring options: classic, ombre and highlighting.

What you need to know about ash-blond hair color?

What a classic ash-blond looks like can be seen in the photo. Before coloring, it is recommended to look at the "before and after" photos of women in order to understand which types this shade suits the most.

There are two main rules to be aware of:

  1. Ash-blond color must be maintained with special shampoos. Professional cleansers and balms from Lorea "l and Estel are best suited. You should buy shampoos that restore and maintain an ashy tint. They remove all yellowness from your hair.
  2. If the hair is dyed, it will have to be lightened to achieve the desired effect. To do this, you can go to the salon or wash the pigment at home. For these purposes, there are special powders and creams that are mixed with oxide and applied to curls for 20-25 minutes. Such funds cost in the region of 800-1000 rubles (together with oxides).

These are the main, but far from the only rules and recommendations. Before dyeing, a woman should check whether a particular shade is suitable for her. Contrary to popular belief, silver-blond color is not for everyone.

Who suits the ash color?

Natural ash-blond color is much rarer than just blond. As a rule, girls with neat facial features and fair skin have this shade of hair. This color is not suitable for women with dark skin. Eye color doesn't really matter. True, the gray shade does not look very good with green eyes. It is perfect for blue-eyed, black-eyed, brown-eyed. A lot depends on the specific shade: ash brown will look good with brown eyes, but platinum will not.

Who doesn't like this color? Women with obvious flaws on the face. Ash shade emphasizes acne, scars, enlarged pores, pronounced pigmentation. For this color to look good, the skin must be clean and well-groomed.

Varieties of shades

There are a great many options for ash-blond. This shade has not lost popularity for a long time, so the most famous paint manufacturers modify it in every possible way in their new palettes.

Shade options: 1. Dark blond with ash, 2. Light blond, 3. Medium blond, 4. Brown-ash, 5. Golden-ash

To begin with, you should analyze the canonical options:

  1. Dark blond with ash. Suitable for girls with medium or fair skin tone. The shade is pronounced, under artificial lighting it may look dark gray. You can get this color with the help of a tinting balm (with initially light brown hair).
  2. Light blond. Goes more into blond than ash. Suitable for women with blue eyes and fair skin. You can achieve a soft shade with the help of paints.
  3. Medium blond. The most versatile option. The color can go both brown (under artificial lighting) and gray. Medium blond ash coloring is best done in the salon, as all cosmetic brands that produce paints have their own views on this shade. Getting a canonical medium blond at home is difficult.
  4. Ash brown. Brown with a slight shade of grey. This color is suitable for a girl with a bright appearance: brown eyes, sharp features. The most canonical brown-ash shade is in the Estel palette (it goes under number 6/71).
  5. Golden ash. The only non-cold color on this list. Golden-ash blond is in the L'Oreal Paris palette (Preferance paint, shade 9.13). It is suitable for girls with soft features and warm skin tone.

The most fashionable coloring option is ombre. The ombre effect is achieved by dyeing the roots light (blond) and the tips dark (silver, steel or grey).

With highlighting, many women said goodbye, because now such hairstyles are out of fashion. But, it is worth noting that the highlighting of the strand in a gray shade looks very fresh and interesting.

Other color options:

  • mother-of-pearl (distinguished by beautiful tints in the hair);
  • pink (adding a pink tint);
  • purple (same as with pink);
  • pearl-ash (blond color with light gray tints).

The palette, which is included in the line of tint balms "Tonika", includes a beautiful mother-of-pearl gray.

Preparing for dyeing and caring for strands

Preparation for staining consists of three main stages:

  • choice of shade (you need to be based on your color type, skin tone and eye color);
  • lightening (in the event that the original hair is dyed or natural, but dark);
  • choice of paint or interior.

Care for curls in the first weeks after staining should be especially thorough. You should buy a mask for colored hair (budget option - funds from the brand "Grandma Agafya"), balm and shampoo to maintain color. Hair should not be subjected to heat treatment (styling and straightening).

What is the most important thing? The most important thing is to get a noble shade without redness and yellowness. It can be a pure cold blond with hints of gray or ashy with shades of light brown. The cheapest product that helps remove yellowness is Tonic. For the desired effect, it must be diluted with balm in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Color palettes

Many manufacturers produce gray-blond paints. In some variants, silver color prevails, in others - blond. When choosing a paint, you need to pay attention to its characteristics. The coloring agent should give the desired shade on the hair. You should choose a durable and high-quality paint, especially when it comes to gray.


Hair dye brand "Rowan"

The Ryabin brand has shades of gray in the palette, which come under the numbers: 216, 210 (closer to light brown), 126 (cold blond), 246, 411 (wheat blond). On bleached hair, the paint lays down well and evenly. It lasts about 3-4 weeks, after which tinting is required. This hair dye practically does not spoil the condition of the curls. The colors are rich and beautiful.

Estel Professional

Hair dyes from Estel Professional

Estelle is a brand that is considered one of the best in the field of hairdressing procedures. Paints from this company are used in salons, with their help they produce professional coloring. Estel Professional products can slightly damage the hair, but at the same time, they give a lasting and shiny color. Estelle's palette includes many different ash options: 10/16 (light ash-violet blond), 9/16 (ash-violet), 6/1 (dark blond), 7/1 (canonical ash-ash), 10/1 (silver blond).


Hair dye by Garnier

There are not many gray shades in the Garnier palette. Paints from this manufacturer are not of high quality. The coloring pigment remains in the hair for a maximum of 3 weeks, while the color itself may turn yellow. Silver colors Garnier: 7.1 (ash-blond), 8.1 (pearl), 7.12 (pearl blond), 910 (Color Sensation, ash-silver blond). The company has separate lines of clarifier products. They are not bad, but the same budget brand Syoss has much better products.

L'Oreal Paris

Hair dye L "Oreal Paris

There are many platinum shades in the Preferance line from L'Oreal. They can act as an independent paint or brightener. Also in this line are paints that help create an ombre effect on the hair. In the set, along with a coloring agent, there is a special comb, as well as a balm that can give shine to curls. Ash colors are in the Casting Creme Gloss line, they go under the following numbers: 931 (very light blond), 810 (pearl), 1010 (platinum with silver tints). With the help of these products, you can dye or lighten not only natural, but also dyed hair.

Any girl can dye her hair in the desired color right at home. It will be cheaper than in the salon. But it is worth carefully preparing for the painting procedure so that the result lives up to expectations. With the help of high-quality clarifier and good paint, you can achieve amazing silver hair. Experiment.
