A silver coin purifies water better than filters. Water purification with silver, or how silver purifies water How silver purifies water

It so happened that tap water is often the only source of water for a modern city dweller. At the same time, such water in our country almost never meets the quality criteria, either for drinking or for cooking.

Not everyone can afford special filters, devices, their components. What can be done in this case, how to purify water at home on your own?

Home water purification methods

These methods are simple and do not require any costs, or these costs are negligible. The most famous of them are boiling, freezing, settling, as well as purification with activated carbon, silver, shungite.


The main advantage of boiling is the guaranteed total destruction of bacteria. Boiling decomposes such chemical elements as chlorine, ammonia, radon and some other heavy compounds.

Boiled water is safe to drink. Some cleaning by boiling exists, but has its drawbacks:

Firstly, this is a change in the structure of water. Boiling "dead" water, because in this process, along with the destruction of harmful substances, oxygen is removed.

Secondly, in the process of evaporating some of the water, the concentration of salts in the remaining liquid increases. Salts in the form of scale and lime deposits are deposited on the walls of the dishes. Particles of these sediments enter our stomach every day.

It is not difficult to imagine the consequences of such processes: these are kidney stones, arthrosis, and liver dysfunction.

Important! A few years ago, scientists proved that in the process of boiling one unsafe substance is formed - chloroform. It is derived from ordinary chlorine and, if ingested for a long time, promotes the formation of cancer cells. Conclusion - the method of boiling should not be the main and only method of water purification.


The essence of the method is to filter the liquid by the method of its crystallization. Freezing gives the best cleaning result. But in order to get truly purified water, it is not enough just to freeze and thaw it. To get high-quality cleaning, you need to make sure that the freezing process occurs smoothly.

After freezing, you need to remove the frozen water located in the middle of the container, it is this that should not be consumed. When the liquid freezes, the main component crystallizes in the coldest place. That is, only pure water freezes first, and if it is separated from contaminants and heavy metals, the purification is a success.

You can remove the frozen liquid from the middle as follows:

  • take out and put the central part under warm water, leaving it like that until a thawed patch forms in the center. After all, it is there that all heavy metals and pollution that are undesirable for us will accumulate.
  • The ice that remains is the most valuable. This will be the most purified water.


This method is based on the fact that heavy metals will settle, and the upper layers of the water will become cleaner.

Most often, settling is used to clean tap water from chlorine.

The method is suitable if nothing else can be done. Water should stand for at least 2-3 hours and not be mixed.

After settling, the percentage of chlorine in the upper third of the tank will decrease significantly.

But upholding does not solve the problem of cleaning from dirt, bacteria, pathogens. Therefore, after settling, water still cannot be eaten without boiling.

Water purification with activated carbon

Activated carbon is a part of many coagulants (lat. coagulatio coagulation), so we can assume that this method really works. Activated carbon is able to cope with unpleasant and specific odors, if any, and also, as a sorbent, it will “pull out” all harmful impurities from the liquid.

The cleaning process is as follows:

  • five activated charcoal tablets are tightly wrapped in gauze and placed on the bottom of a container of water.
  • The cleaning time is five to six hours. Next, activated charcoal begins to act.
  • After that, the water can be safely consumed. The method is simply indispensable in extreme conditions: on a campaign, in military operations, and even on a desert island.


No less entertaining is the method of purifying water with silver, which came to the world from Ancient India. The ancient inhabitants noticed the amazing properties of silver and copper dishes, especially the effect of water was strong if the contents of the vessel were exposed to the sun. Water, charged with silver ions, is not only 100% disinfected, but also improves metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

"Silver Water" has long won many adherents of this method around the world. Hundreds of scientific treatises have been written on the topic of water positively charged with silver ions. The whole “salt” is as follows: water enters into a chemical reaction with silver molecules, enriching it with positively charged ions.

Important! A concentration of 20-40 micrograms makes silver water healthy and safe to drink.

For external use - masks, lotions, treatment of dishes - doctors recommend a concentrate - 10,000 mcg, which in its action can be compared with a powerful antiseptic.

Carefully! It is absolutely impossible to drink such a solution - this will entail poisoning. Like everything useful, silver water has a downside, so the main thing is not to overdo it.

To purify water with homemade silver, just dip a silver spoon, bracelet or other silver jewelry into the decanter.

Water interacts with silver for 2-3 days and only after that it becomes ionized. With such an ionization period, there is no risk of obtaining a concentrate - this would take much longer.

Water purification with shungite

Another method that has gained wide popularity in recent years is water purification with shungite.

Shungite is a natural mineral. The uniqueness of the stone is due to the rare form of carbon molecules called fullerenes. Shungite is used for water conditioning. When interacting with a liquid, the globular carbon of shungite shares its miraculous properties with it. Possessing bipolar properties, it is able to mix with the components of animate and inanimate nature.

Shungite water is prepared as follows:

  • Rinse shungite thoroughly.
  • Pour at the rate of 150 g per 2-3 liters of water.
  • Infusion 3 days.
  • Can be used for bathing, drinking, cooking.

“Water” and “life” are related and complementary concepts. No water, no life.

The human body consists of two thirds of water and everyone, on average, drinks neither more nor less during their life - about 75 tons of water. That is why it is very important to monitor the purity of this vital product.

How to purify water at home is up to you. The main thing is to make the right choice and enjoy the taste - there is nothing more amazing than real pure water.

The water that enters our houses and apartments through taps from sources contains many harmful impurities. Scientists have proven that water extracted from various sources can contain up to 650 types of harmful substances and microorganisms. This is why health workers strongly advise against drinking tap water and at the very least boil it before drinking.

Popular Water Purification Methods

The easiest way to disinfect water is to pour it into a kettle, put it on the stove and bring it to a boil. Boiled water not as harmful as regular tap water. The only pity is that due to exposure to high temperatures, it becomes less not only harmful, but also useful substances. Therefore, those who want to drink water that is not just safe, but also healthy water, need to look for another method of purification.

Another easy way to make tap water safer is to filtration. There are many water filters on the market today. They do a good job with their tasks, retaining particles of lime, rust, chlorine, and even neutralizing some of the pathogenic bacteria. However, filtration cannot be called an ideal purification method, since the filter only “removes” harmful impurities, but (like boiling!) Does not make water tastier and healthier.

A fairly common method of water disinfection is treatment antiseptics in the form of powders and tablets. Throwing an antiseptic into the water is simple, fast and convenient. The problem is that such processing cannot boast of high reliability. Most products are effective against 5-10 types of harmful bacteria, while in tap water there can be up to 650! And, again, antiseptics do not add benefits, but only harm health.

Quite another thing water silvering. In fact, this is a kind of antiseptic cleaning, but without the use of harmful chemicals - in this case, pure natural silver acts as an antiseptic, which is placed in water for a while. The fundamental difference between this method and the others is that treatment with silver makes water not only safe (it has been proven that silver ions kill the vast majority of harmful microorganisms!), but also useful. According to official medical studies, "silver" water improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, promotes the treatment and prevention of various diseases and improves overall well-being. Just a glass of "silver" water per day - and you are reliably protected from flu, colds, gastrointestinal and other diseases! Plus, silvering has a positive effect on the taste of water.

The principle of water silvering. Why do you need to know the concentration of silver in water?

How does silvering take place? When a silver object is placed in water, a chemical reaction occurs during which the water is saturated with positively charged silver ions Ag+. They negatively affect pathogens, inhibiting their development and causing death. On average, a liter of drinking "silver" water contains 20-40 micrograms of silver ions. This concentration of silver makes water healthy, tasty and completely safe.

For external use (cosmetic masks, baths, processing toys, washing food, etc.), experts recommend using a concentrate - water, in which the silver content reaches 10,000 mcg / l or more. This is no longer drinking water, but a real antiseptic. Environmentally friendly, but, like all potent drugs - hazardous to health.

Yes, yes, with uncontrolled use, even healing "silver" water can be harmful! Drinking water with excessively high levels of silver ions (more than 50 µg/l) can lead to poisoning and/or cause argyria (a disease that jewelers suffer from - an unhealthy discoloration of the skin due to constant contact with precious metals). And if you drink water with a silver content of 10 g / l, you can die!

Is it possible to make "silver" water yourself?

Is it possible to prepare "silver" water at home? Of course you can! Even in ancient times, people noticed that water from silver jugs differs from ordinary water. It does not rot for many months, and food cooked on it is stored much longer and tastes much better. So, the Persian king Cyrus, who ruled about 2.5 millennia ago, took the necessary amount of "silver" water, setting off with his army on long military campaigns.

Many peoples of the world steeped water in silver dishes or lowered silver jewelry to the bottom of water containers. You can also learn from the experience of your ancestors - put a couple of rings or a silver spoon in a decanter of water and wait a few days.

There are only two drawbacks to the "grandfather's" method of preparing "silver" water. Firstly, the process of silvering lasts quite a long time - at least 2-3 days. And secondly, it is difficult to determine when the concentration of silver in water has already reached the desired level and whether it has exceeded it (of course, the risk of "overdoing" is quite low - in order to get a concentrate that is dangerous to health, you will have to wait not days, but months ... and yet it remains!).

...or use a special pendant for silvering

Electronic silvering - a modern way of silvering water

It is easy and quick to obtain "silver" water with a given concentration of silver ions using an electronic water silverer. For example, the domestic "Novaton-IS-112". The device is simple, like all ingenious. As a source of silver ions, it uses a pair of electrodes, one of which is made of the purest silver of the 999th test, and the other is made of stainless steel. A current is applied to the electrodes, as a result, a potential difference is created between them, which accelerates the process of saturation of water with Ag + ions by hundreds or even thousands of times!

When using an electronic water silverer, there is no need to wait several days. The entire silvering process takes a matter of minutes or even seconds. At the same time, you get water with a given concentration of silver, which means you can easily calculate how much you can drink so as not to overdo it. The only remark: after treating water in a silvering agent, the specialists of the site www.site recommend using it after 1-2 hours, since the death of harmful bacteria under the action of silver does not occur immediately.

This is a method of its biological disinfection, which is based on the combination of semi-precious metal ions with bacteria shells, which leads to the death of microorganisms.

Main Purpose of water purification with silver consists in the preparation of liquid for long-term storage (cosmonautics, strategic reserves for other needs) or for its use in swimming pools, SPA-salons, avoiding direct uncontrolled use as drinking water.

It should be noted that only pure liquid can be silvered, since silver does not destroy everything. It is also important to organize the storage of purified water in places protected from sunlight.

Advantages of water purification with silver

  • general improvement in well-being;
  • prevention and treatment of various diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body;
  • improving the appearance of the skin and hair due to washing and rinsing;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • getting rid of youthful acne after washing, which is due to the death of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • significant acceleration of plant growth after watering with silvered water;
  • long-term storage of homemade preparations when using silvered water for marinades;
  • effective disinfection during washing of children's toys;
  • paints and solutions used for construction and repair work, based on silvered water, have increased antimicrobial properties;
  • wallpapers glued with silver water are practically not prone to mold formation on them;
  • concrete and blocks made using a silvered liquid are highly durable;
  • animal immunity improves;
  • young animals receiving silvered water for drinking quickly increase their weight;
  • milk yields increase in cows and goats;
  • chickens increase their egg production.

Disadvantages of water purification with silver

Regular consumption of silvered water for food purposes can contribute to:

  • deposition of toxic silver compounds in nerve fibers, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs and tissues;
  • the accumulation of silver in the skin, which leads to a disease - argyria: the skin acquires a specific gray-green color;
  • argyria, in turn, is the reason for the weakening of visual acuity, changes in the color of the fundus and pupil, the appearance of point inclusions in the lens, clouding in the lens capsule (its anterior part).

Operating principle

The silvering of water as a disinfecting measure is distinguished by an unusually simple technology. A silver object dipped into water saturates it with positively charged ions. Ag+(silver), which occurs as a result of a chemical reaction. They inhibit the development of pathogenic microbes and contribute to their death.

The most accepted theory of the effect of silver ions on microorganisms is adsorption. From which it follows that at the beginning of this process, the division of microorganisms is inhibited under the influence of silver ions, which subsequently penetrate into the cell and cause its death.


To avoid harmful manifestations of silvered water, it is necessary to strictly monitor the concentration of silver ions in the liquid. It is important to know that:

  • 0.05 mg/l- the optimal and maximum permissible concentration of silver, absolutely harmless to the human body. The growth of microorganisms stops, but they do not die;
  • exceeding this concentration causes poisoning and/or argyria(occupational disease of jewelers caused by constant contact with precious metals);
  • when drinking water containing 10 mg/l silver, possibly lethal.

Ways to purify water with silver

Effective treatment of water with silver contributes to its widespread use. There are several methods, as a result of which water is purified and saturated with silver ions.

1. Contact silvering

A fairly effective method, the disadvantages of which are: a large volume of water and a long time interval. In this case, silver-plated pieces of glass, coal, sand are used. A certain vessel is filled with such contents, the water in which is first infused and then filtered, passing through a silver-plated coating.

2. Water treatment with silver preparations

It allows you to achieve any dosage, but these drugs are not resistant, and the effect is very short-lived.

3. Enrichment of water with silver through electrolysis

The most effective method, which consists in supplying electric current in a certain mode directly to the system of electrode plates.

Silver ions begin to enter the solution under the influence of current. This method is the most profitable both in the economic aspect (maintenance of the silver concentration within the maximum permissible limits) and in the technological aspect (saturation of the solution with the required concentration of silver ions).

It is this water that is most often used in the pharmaceutical industry (for the manufacture of medicines), medical institutions (for rinsing, compresses, inhalations and other procedures), in swimming pools (as a filler, thanks to which people are healed, since allergic reactions disappear, caused), for the disinfection of mineral and drinking water.

Often, such installations combine the combined process of saturating water with copper and silver ions.

Popular electric water silverers


Based on the foregoing, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • The electrolytic method of water disinfection with silver is universally recognized in the world.
  • The use of water disinfection with silver, subject to certain doses, does not have a toxic effect on the human body.
  • The use of this method is one of the most effective for disinfecting swimming pool and drinking water.
  • The combination of electrolytic silver with other reagents significantly increases the cleansing effect of water.
  • This technique is most justified for use in swimming pools. The healing effect is multiplied. Along with physical activity, people get the opportunity to swim in clean water, without the presence of foreign odors and impurities. Pools of this type are open to people prone to allergies and children.

Despite the fact that water silvering has been practiced for a long time (silver dishes, water jugs), there are many controversies about the justification for using this method, especially when it concerns the preparation of water intended for food purposes.

This is due to the fact that silver is a heavy metal and its effect on the human body has not yet been thoroughly studied. Moreover, to achieve a high bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, a high concentration of silver ions in the liquid is necessary.

Alex , May 2, 2016 .

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In the hot desert, water becomes a vital substance and a bargaining chip. An entire army can die from a sudden epidemic of intestinal infection. The famous commander A. Macedonian knew about this. The main task for him was to provide his soldiers with clean water. However, supplying a quality ode to thousands of people in a hot desert is a simple matter. The commander gave the order to use special containers, silver-plated inside. Silver kept water fresh and safe for a long time. Let's take a closer look at how silver purifies water.

The healing properties of silver

The healing effect of silver has been known since ancient times. In religious beliefs, it was attributed to the lunar metal, which affects people's health. Today's medicine makes extensive use of Ag.

It is an essential component of some medicines: anti-inflammatory drugs, treatment of burns and wounds. In dentistry, silver-based amalgam is used for fillings. The impregnated fabric remains disinfectant for a long time, which is important for dressings, overalls for medical staff, bed linen in hospitals.

Silver ions destroy dangerous microbes even in small doses that are not absorbed by the human intestine. When reacting with hydrochloric acid, insoluble silver chloride appears in the stomach, which is also safe. Every year, about 30 mg of Ag enters the human body from food, air, and water.

Danger of Ag overdose

Silver salts, which are used in some industries, can be dangerous. For example, the radio engineering industry. With prolonged contact with silver salts, they are absorbed and enter the intestines. After the blood, transfer it to the rest of the internal organs. With a small dose of silver, the liver is able to remove it along with bile. But with long-term contact, argyrosis begins to develop. It is a rare disease peculiar to certain types of professions. The metal begins to accumulate in the blood vessels, bone marrow, spleen, eyeball. A person is constantly tormented by pain in the abdomen, vision deteriorates. The skin is greenish-gray in color.

There is also a possibility of silver poisoning in everyday life, taking medications based on Ag.

For example, lapis for external treatment of wounds and warts, collargol for washing festering wounds. Gastric lavage should be performed immediately with 2% saline solution. Silver will turn into insoluble chloride. Timely assistance will eliminate fatal consequences.

Water silvering

Silvering is one of the methods of antiseptic cleaning. The process does not use chemical reagents, which eliminates the harmful effects. An antiseptic is natural silver that has been in contact with the liquid for a certain time.

Today it has been scientifically proven that silver ions have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and viruses. We can confidently assert the benefits of water silvering. Such water has a positive effect on metabolism, increases the functioning of the immune system, and is a prophylactic against a number of diseases (colds, flu, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.).

How does silver purify water?

For a clear picture, you need to remember the course of chemistry. During the contact of water and Ag, silver ions pass into the water. They are dangerous for harmful microorganisms and bacteria.

Water that has been purified with silver can not only be drunk. On its basis, baths and masks are made, dishes and toys are washed. The average amount of silver does not exceed 10 thousand mcg/l. Water is no longer considered drinking water, but is an antiseptic, harmful to ingestion. Permissible concentration - 50 mcg / l.

In order not to be mistaken in the useful amount of silver ions, it is recommended to use certain filters.

They allow you to achieve the optimal amount. It turns out an autonomous water purification system that disinfects the water used by the family.

The silver ionator is useful in a family with small children and expectant mothers. A number of studies have proven the positive effect of silver on the children's body. Expectant and nursing mothers should additionally take care of the defenseless little man.

Silvered water replaces some medicines. If you use it every day, then the likelihood of getting a viral infection is minimal. It is effective against staphylococci and intestinal infections. Pathogenic bacteria do not have the ability to develop immunity against silver. The intestinal microflora in humans does not perceive silver, which makes ions in small quantities safe for humans.

In medicine, "silver" water is used:

  • with ENT diseases;
  • during rhinovirus infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • disinfection of purulent wounds.

But it should be understood that a measure is necessary in everything. And you can get poisoned with a kilogram of salt.

Today we are increasingly wondering what water to drink is good and what is not. Should I only buy bottled water or is boiling enough? What is better a silver coin in a jug or a household filter? Can you bring water in canisters from a country spring or can you get by with plain tap water?

Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, sometimes with a fairly weighty, but not at all scientific argumentation!

It's time to bust the most popular myths about water!

Myth #1- When boiling, substances harmful to health disappear from the water!?
Having boiled ordinary tap water, many people are sure that they get water that is absolutely clean and harmless to use.
Boiling does not destroy all microbes, not to mention the heavy metals and petroleum products found in tap water. Therefore, to purify water, simply boiling is not enough. In addition, after boiling, useful calcium and magnesium salts settle on the walls of the kettle, which are useful for our body, but are no longer suitable for consumption.
In addition, when tap water is boiled, organochlorine compounds are formed, which, according to scientists, disrupt the balance of minerals in the body and adversely affect our health.
Myth #2- Do filters create clean water?
To date, the most popular source of drinking water are household filters. Indeed, according to the statements of filter manufacturers, they use modern methods of water purification, the same as in industrial plants.
But this is only at first glance. A more thorough study of this technology reveals factors that do not provide the declared quality of filtered water:
Using household filters, you purify all the same tap water that has already been disinfected with chlorine and enters your house through old water pipes.
Household filters do not have a high degree of purification from salts of heavy metals and nitrates, which increases the likelihood of the formation of organochlorine compounds in water that adversely affect your health.
Most often, when using household filters, “water desalination” occurs. With prolonged use of such water, the water-salt balance of the body is disturbed.
If you have a household water filter at home, it is very important to change the carbon component in a timely manner. Since coal, with an excess of harmful substances, begins to saturate the water with a double concentration!!!
Myth #3- Silver purifies water!?
Today it is popularly believed that silver has a bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Many of us are sure that "silver" water has a beneficial effect on our body, this fact has not been confirmed by scientists and doctors.
In 2003, in Ufa, at a conference on water quality control, Academician Rakhmanin Yu.A. A.N. Sysina of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in his speech emphasized that: "I have not seen a single document officially confirming the positive impact of silver-containing water on human health."
Few people know that silver is used as an active preservative in the production of water. Acting with water in the body, silver, like any preservative, can cause bacteriosis and metabolic disorders.
Modern regulations of Russia (SanPin2.1.4.1116-02) allow the content of natural silver in water only in small concentrations (for waters of the first category, silver content is allowed no more than 0.025 mg / l, and for waters of the highest category no more than 0.0025 ml / l).
And in water for the preparation of baby food, according to hygienic requirements and standards, the use of silver as a preservative is not allowed!
Myth #4– Spring water is healthy and safe!
For many years, spring water has been considered the purest and most useful, and some of the springs have been attributed to medicinal properties, or even miraculous ones!
Perhaps sometimes this is true ... but, unfortunately, the sanitary condition of springs in our country is in a deplorable state and requires cleaning and improvement work. What can we say about those springs that are negatively impacted by human activities, and often completely polluted by industrial wastewater.
Before using water from a spring, it is advisable to analyze its chemical composition. After all, the excess or lack of essential trace elements in water can adversely affect your health.
Currently, doctors have established that prolonged drinking of “soft” water (containing an insufficient amount of calcium and magnesium) causes an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, and “hard” (highly mineralized) water can become a prerequisite for the occurrence of urolithiasis.

Don't believe the myths! Drink right! Drink the tested water!!!
