The status of being in love. Men's statuses about love

In his status appeared: "I fell in love ..." And inside of me it was as if a tractor drove through my heart ...

They fall in love with their appearance and only by opening their souls do they begin to love for real.

Don't be afraid to fall in love - it's the only worthwhile thing in the world!

A non-fading smile, shining eyes, refusal to eat - the symptoms of this disease are understandable: I am in love. And extremely happy!)))

Words are not needed to understand each other, and sometimes one glance is enough and you are a prisoner of these eyes.

Dear, yes, I will find a hundred reasons to fall in love with you)

Looking for beauty... but falling in love with character...

The sun shines brighter and summer is the most beautiful when you are in love!

I don’t understand how it all happened, but I think I fell in love ...

If love is in the heart, then it is in the eyes ...

When do you love? Here is the answer: when you see the light in others!

Falling in love is when you walk down the street, and a nice guy meets you, and you smile and think: nah, my MY best!)

It is foolish to be jealous of a woman who LOVES, because she does not notice anyone else ... no matter what the beloved is ...

How do people manage to hide their feelings? I want to write on my forehead that I'm in love.

Sense to score on close friends because of the surging love? After all, when it’s bad, crying, you’ll still run to those whom you scored

It's just that Spring is blooming in the yard ... I'm just a little in love ... :))

All love begins with falling in love, but not all falling in love develops into love.

Her game beckons and intrigues, fascinates and carries away, captures and does not let go ...

Lovers always swear to do more than they can, but they don't even do what they can...

You trigger the release of phenylethylamines in my brain.

I am your Aphrodite, your Goddess, your Themis, your Cleopatra, your friend, your mistress and your concubine... In a word, Your faithful companion...

I fell in love - this is when you dream about him before going to bed, imagine yourself and come up with different stories with him :)

In fact, love is what remains after being in love fades.

When a man of 40 falls in love with a 20-year-old girl, this does not mean that he needs her youth - he is just looking for his

It is not difficult to plant love in the heart of a woman, it is much more difficult to keep this feeling in her ...

Enamored dragons feed on dreams. And that's why they often get hurt. "Treatise on Dragons"

Soul sings! Me too sometimes...

I'm fucking in love and happy. Let's forgive me for this little misunderstanding)))

Being in love is to love what childhood is to life.

As soon as a girl falls in love, all her intuition evaporates without a trace, along with the remnants of her mind.

I'm a maniac... Love becomes my obsession...

Fell in love - this is when he dreams of how he will sleep with you in an embrace ... only sleep.

Falling in love is an intoxication with the possibility of love.

If you can fall in love with just one smile, I am the most in love girl in the world.

Different things Love and Falling in love ... The first is Eternity ... The second is Seasonality ...

Before you swim and dive headlong into happiness, keep a nearby lifeline of the mind in case of an emergency ...

Love has a future, but love doesn't...

A lover is blind, but a visible trail of passion - leads him to where there is no way for the sighted!

Reckless actions are a sign of love.

Loves are like plucked flowers and shooting stars. They also decorate life and just as quickly perish.

I have a habit of falling in love with those - in whom it is impossible.

There is a cherished trait in the closeness of people, it cannot be crossed by love and passion ...

It's strange when you can't be with a person or without him.

Women's love is not so much butterflies in the stomach as rabid grizzlies in the head.

The one who stops falling in love and making mistakes should be buried.

Falling in love is when you do not notice flaws. Love is when you value dignity.

That's why they always ask "are you in a relationship"? And never ask "is your heart busy"?

The best way to lose weight is to fall hopelessly in love, suffering, oh, how well they “lose weight”)))

We always return to a loving look, a passionate embrace, a loving heart, a gentle voice, even if it is in the past.

Whenever you think you're in love, you should say it...

Words of love for lovers - happiness, for players - dividends.

Falling in love is when you want happiness for yourself with the object of your feelings. Love - when you want your loved one to be happy. And even if not with you ...

Fall in love? Then keep your feet warm and your head cold!

… sometimes no words are needed. to understand that a person likes you ... You just read it from his looks, from his “accidental” touches ...

Her eyes were tired, anxious, naive, proud, but still brown and in love...

You love to fall in love, love and be disappointed.

The desire to fall in love with a stranger is most often a passion. The desire to fall in love with a friend is most often revenge.

You should fall in love, otherwise there were no problems for a long time ...)))

A person needs to be in love. In someone or something. Always. All the way. Otherwise life is not interesting.

What is crazy, what is in love - this is the same thing for medicine.

You don't fall in love with looks, no. You fall in love with the special sparkle of the eyes, the incomparable fragrance of the hair, the smile unlike any other…

You can’t fall in love with him, but it’s impossible not to fall in love ...

Time only shows how strong love is, and for it to be, it’s enough just to love ...

There are things you can't help doing: wake up, live, scratch mosquito bites, call the person you're in love with.

They say that when a person falls in love, he becomes more beautiful ...

Spring is here, but where did you “fell in love”?

Falling in love is the best way to end your heart because it doesn't belong to you anymore...

For a man in love, the most difficult thing is to fall asleep peacefully :)

Probably only lovers smile at puddles, because they look like hearts :)

Save time - fall in love at first sight! ;)

Alcohol and falling in love are the official sponsors of all nonsense)))

Turn around, maybe someone is looking at your back with loving eyes ...

If you have not yet fallen in love with me, then you have lost a lot ... or gained ... or the devil knows ...

The best vessel for maintaining relationships and love is the family.

I realized that you are for a long time ... when I caught myself thinking about you, when I see an elderly couple who are still in love with each other.

If you become scattered, "fly in the clouds" and memory lapses appear, then you are in love)))

Fall in love with everyone!!! To choose the right person to fall in love with seriously, you must first prepare a solid database)))

This has probably happened to everyone: I LOVE you the most! ... Time passes ... and you think, how could I fall in love with this person ???

Valentine's Day is not a holiday, but a roll call: mutually in love, unrequitedly in love and in love with yourself.

He fell in love for real, who stopped comparing.

Love will come forever. Lovers change.

It is easy to fly when someone nearby helps with a look.

The most beautiful girl is a girl in love.

Chasing away the feeling of falling in love is the same as chasing away the feeling of hunger.

- Oh, who are you?
Yes, we are your brains. So, we found out that you fell in love, so we went to say goodbye ...

Men! Do not look for a suitable Woman for yourself, look for a Woman who loves you and Fate will bless you!

And now my pride has collected belongings, stands at the door, sighs, because I am a woman in love and between pride and asshole, I choose, of course, the second.

It's easier to die than to fall out of love. But returning from the other world is much more difficult than falling in love again.

-You love? -No... It's just that he has cool eyes... and a voice... and a smile... and yes... I LOVED

DO NOT swim beyond the buoys, beyond the point of no return…

For love there is no limit, only love is fleeting ...

And the main task, looking into his eyes, is not just not to fall in love, just not to go crazy ..

- You look so happy! Are you in Love? - Yes. In a dress.

It is wrong to say "I fell in love" say directly "I love" because falling in love is fleeting, and love is for a long time.

The lover does not always confess his love, and the one who confesses his love does not always love...

I fell in love with your eyes on the ears)) - statuses about love and falling in love.

Love is when they look together in the same direction, and falling in love is when they look only at each other ...

Falling in love is when, during a quarrel, a guy shuts your mouth with a kiss.

Fell in love - this is when all the puddles and water stains on the pavement remind you of a heart!

When you hugged me, I forgot how to breathe. Probably, for the sake of such moments it is worth living.

Falling in love is fascinated by the great possibilities of true love.

There is the concept of love and there is the concept of love. . . do not confuse them. . . love is happiness, love is pain. . .

Falling in love is when you say goodbye on the phone longer than you talk ...

All lovers swear to do more than they can and do not even do what is possible.

Love love randomness...)))

I don't like big words. Let it be quieter, but closer ...

I want to fall in love! So that would be, straight ... so that would be mutual!)

Kiss is love. Love is s*x. S*x is a girl. The girl is me. Kiss me!!!

I want to fall in love with someone. The princes have died, and the goats have already got it.

You deleted me from your VKontakte friends... from your friends in My World... Deleted my phone number... Deleted from ICQ... From Agent... And from memory it's weak?!

- I love you! - Oh, fuck ... yes, do what you want ...

Loved ones are loved for love.

The most beautiful thing in life is delirium, and the most beautiful delirium is falling in love...

Falling in love is the most fragile kind of love.

Falling in love is such a stupid state, but I really like it)

Just ..... I want you to be .... next to me .... - statuses about love and falling in love.

The first love ends exactly when you realize it.

Lovers (Amantes) and crazy (amentes) in Latin differ in only one letter!

Love is like a disease - once you are already in bed!

Your words, as if in the head control.

If you want to fall in love, do it to me.

Even rustles are not heard in the brain ...

A lover is easy to recognize, even the most shabby song evokes a storm of emotions in him!

Doctor, what's wrong with me? Diagnosis: Early stage of falling in love... medicine is powerless...

Fell in love - take valerian, buy new shoes and take everything off as if by hand.

A man's falling in love is when you constantly start putting money on the wrong phone.

You can fall in love with a look, but not fall in love with a person from the very beginning.

Falling in love is when you walk down the street, an awesome guy meets you, and you smile and think: “no, but mine is better”

Love is beyond boundaries and prohibitions.
Love is just love!
It consists of flowers, and sonnets,
And ghosts - mother-in-law, mother-in-law ...
She does not happen without tears, and without laughter,
And there is no better feeling!
Love is the joy of double success
For two very different planets!
Love is music, it is delight,
Love is reality, this is nonsense!
But this is not a market, and this is not bargaining,
And only at the beginning of the secret!
I wish you all, at least a little experience,
Great feeling of love!
And every day a new facet to open,
Give to your counterpart!
The best statuses about being in love

Statuses about falling in love (fell in love, fell in love)

There is no more love in the world ... now the princes are transferred ... they enjoy sex in the toilet, and the princesses, and so - hurt ...

According to psychologists, falling in love is one of the types of mental disorder ... It turns out that I have a diagnosis: I am mentally ill and this is incurable ...

When a girl is in love with a guy, a smile never leaves her lips, she constantly dreams of a future together with him and imagines a wedding and cute little ones. And a guy who is madly in love with a girl thinks only about how to drive her crazy.

Falling in love is the desire to experience together the pleasure of happiness, and Love is the desire to be one forever.

Best Status:
When you are in love, you want to hug the whole world, but when you are in love, the whole universe pales before one person.

Dopamine is a hormone produced by the body when you fall in love. If you get too much of it, it can be fatal, up to exhaustion, asthenia, heart rhythm failure, depression and even schizophrenia ...

Everything happens: interest, love, affection, necessity, sympathy ... yes, everything in life can be, except love))!

Nothing stimulates attending lectures more than falling in love with a classmate or a free Wi-Fi zone.

Falling in love is the most fragile kind of love.

Falling in love is a code from HIS lips, even the word “hawat” sounds like a Bach symphony

Love shows a person what he should be ...

Spring ... Goosebumps run in my stomach: either love, or diarrhea ...

very strong attachment, falling in love ... it hurts ...

LOVE is “I adore you…” LOVE is “I appreciate and respect your opinion…”

Falling in love is when you dream about him before going to bed, imagine yourself with him and come up with different stories with him ...

Falling in love is when, under the influence of a stimulus, the hypothalamus releases a powerful charge of endorphins ...

Ah, Love! I dream of being just like you! - Admiringly repeated Love. You are much stronger than me.

Girls, don't confuse love with falling in love.

Love is only mutual, and everything else is just falling in love.

All the same, love and falling in love are different things, even if you disagree. You can fall in love a lot, but love once.

Love is better than life, and love is worse than death...

sneakers, not heels, rock, not pop music, love, not falling in love ... and I don’t care that it’s not like everyone else ... I won’t adapt to anyone ...

Not all girlfriends can tell about their love! In some cases, falling in love is carried over like a viral infection)

Here it is - love! Drink boiled water instead of tea and without even noticing... mdaaa 😀

Being in love is a lethargy of the organism xDD

Love passes, love - never!

it’s wrong to say “I fell in love” speak directly “I love” because falling in love is fleeting, and love is for a long time.

Selfishness is the worst quality in a person.

Falling in love is like pissing your pants: everyone sees it, but only you feel this warm feeling!!!


Emotions, feelings, falling in love, love!!! To hell with it all!))

It turns out everything is quite simple Friendship, falling in love, love ...

You can't hear me, you have rose-colored glasses in front of your eyes, and headphones in your ears! -This is called falling in love!

LOVE is when I want to be happy with you... LOVE is when I want to make YOU happy...

There is the concept of love and there is the concept of falling in love ... do not confuse them ... love is happiness, love is pain ...

Falling in love is fascinated by the great possibilities of true love.

Damn, in my opinion, my usual state is falling in love :) without it, I'm just a different person :)

Ehh love, you hit hard on the heart. You make us fly through the sky, and then suddenly you disappear, and we fall painfully to the ground ...

Love is born inside, destroyed outside.

Being in love is when it pins, sausages and stomps

Falling in love and alcohol are one and the same: at first - well; then - you get sick for a long time.

Let us have a great life, so that we don’t want to change life, being in love is a reason for temptation, let’s seduce each other ???=

I don't know if it's even possible to catch the moment when love begins. Not some kind of love, but love.

He said that he loves!!! More than once! But she just knew that this was a child's love ...

I read that falling in love goes away after 6-12 months. If you've been in love longer, then it's already love.

Falling in love is a state when you are next to a person, not noticing his shortcomings ...

Falling in love is like pissing your pants: everyone sees it, but only you feel this warm feeling.

Everything is not so simple. Strange love can last a very long time.

Someone wants to fall in love ... but remember, you can fall in love unrequitedly .. and then problems begin .. falling in love is not as beautiful as it seems to many ...

Falling in love is when you want to touch, and love is when you don’t want to let go ...

Falling in love is when only his silhouette / name / nickname / surname is seen everywhere ..©

there is falling in love, love-friendship, love-passion, spiritual love and true love .. and what is your diagnosis?

Being in love is to love what childhood is to life.

The first love ends exactly when you realize it.

You can only love once, the rest is love ...

The most beautiful thing in life is delirium, and the most beautiful delirium is falling in love...

HE calls me little fool...his little fool...probably love...or maybe just falling in love...

Nothing beautifies a woman like falling in love...

- Falling in love is when you do not notice flaws. And love is when you value dignity.

This love quickly sweeps everything away by fire. And love is like a candle. It doesn't hurt, it's warm.)

Love says, “I love you, that’s why I need you,” and love says, “I need you, that’s why I love you.” Eric Fromm.

Falling in love is a feeling that tickles you from the inside when you think about him ...

cocaine is too expensive to spend on banal fortunes, which, in general, can lead to good music, a bottle of wine, or falling in love. (c)

heels, not sneakers ... rap, not rock ... love, not falling in love ... and FSUs that I'm not like everyone else, but I'm so alone !!

Falling in love. From now on, everything will be much better ..)

Falling in love is not difficult - it is difficult to forget the love that you thought was only falling in love!

Falling in love is a strong feeling, with which it is bad, and even without it too ...

He loves you. Meet baby. Be happy, be in love. But DON'T LOVE. Do not confuse falling in love and love, they are so different things ...

It's your fault that you confuse love with fucking falling in love for a couple of months!

What we experience when we are in love may be the normal state. Love tells a person how he should be.

Love 99%. Great, that means I still have 1% of my brains left!

Being in love accelerates all feelings - except for the feeling of common sense ...

[…Dopamine is the substance that determines falling in love. Its excess can lead to exhaustion, arrhythmia, tachycardia, hunger, insomnia or insanity ...]

And humor is life. This is a state. This is not a joke. It's the sparks in the eyes. This is love for the interlocutor and the willingness to laugh to tears ...

To love is cool (sympathy, falling in love, etc.) it's stupid to say that there is no love __ (

Distinguishing love and falling in love, do not define the same thing, please love and fall in love ..

Falling in love is when you look at his schedule every day. Love is when you know his schedule by heart.

or maybe it was not love and not even falling in love, but just a habit with experience ...

Falling in love is when you say goodbye on the phone longer than you talk ...

Dopamine is the substance that determines falling in love. Its excess can lead to exhaustion, arrhythmia, tachycardia, hunger, insomnia or insanity.

love inspires and gives us the opportunity to make the impossible possible!!!

Let us live very cool, so that we don’t want to change our lives! Falling in love is an occasion for seduction ... LET'S SEED EACH OTHER!

You know, something is not very good for me today. Dirty, cold. Geometry, algebra. My love for you. It's already proven.

There is no unrequited love, only falling in love is unrequited

Easy falling in love is as absurd as an easy pregnancy.

Falling in love is when you say goodbye on the phone longer than talking ...

Narcissism is when you consider your snot as a subject of high art.

No love. there is sympathy, love and then a habit. and love? love does not exist.

- Falling in love is when you do not notice flaws. And love is when you appreciate these shortcomings!

It won't hurt... Just a step... Everything will end so quickly below... Taking into account being in love is a fact... Whoever loves is a suicide...

Love is a fickle feeling! Sometimes you need to consult a dictionary! (With)

True love is always preceded by falling in love, and even if we lose our heads in this state, it is more important that in it we find a heart!

... Falling in love is when "Friends will wait." Love is when “We have mutual friends”…

Falling in love is when you do not notice flaws. Love is when you value dignity.

What we experience when we are in love may be our normal state. Love tells a person how he should be

There is simply Love, and there is falling in love… Distance and time interfere with falling in love, and nothing can prevent Love! (With)

It was not love, not blind adoration. Simply, once I saw you, heard your insignificant words, I felt that I needed you.

Statuses about love

A lover cannot always confess his love, and a person who confesses his love does not always love ...

I remember that evening... When we first met, said goodbye... I went home and thought, just not to fall in love, and my heart was already treacherously torn out!

An amazing feeling of love, you visited me for half an hour, when he sang with a guitar and read poetry ... But then ...

And the main task, looking into his eyes, is not to not fall in love, but simply not to go crazy ..

You can fall in love with beauty, but fall in love with only one soul ...

Falling in love is like piling up your pants: you can’t see it for others, but only you feel this warmth ...

Being in love is such a strange state, but I really like it

What is the difference between love and infatuation? Love - you are happy being next to him. Love - you are ready to do everything to make him happy ...

Fell in love - this is when you simply communicate with the entire contact list and are not able to write anything only to her.

Don't tell me that I'm crazy...I already know that I fell head over heels...

Falling in love is when you put money not on your phone))

The old American blues plays in me, the soul sings, and the heart dances, or maybe I'm in love?

For the first time in my life I fell asleep with a smile on my face ... it looks like I fell in love again ...

If you wanna fall in love please do it to me
New statuses about love

It's been a month since we've been dating, but my heart still beats harder when I dial his number ...

And his eyes are so beautiful ... so close ... surprisingly kind ... and a little sad ... it doesn’t take long to fall in love with these eyes ... they give me the desire to live ... yes, to live, and not just to exist ...

I'll come up with a million excuses for my strange behavior. But I never admit that I fell in love

I know what love is: it's a dream without nightmares, touching kisses, days and nights of a wonderful mood, abandoned work, forgotten deeds, light at the end of the tunnel and exercises in the morning ...

Well, it was necessary to fall in love so wildly to even oversalt tea !!.

It appeared in his status: “I fell in love ... “But it’s like inside me - as if a bulldozer walked through my heart ...

People pray to God, “Lord, give us love,” and you cry into your pillow at night and beg, “Lord, don’t let me fall in love with him”

The last chance to forget you, fall head over heels in love with another.

I want to fall in love! So what, right ... so that it would be mutual!
Love statuses

All lovers swear to do more than they can and do not even do it possible.

I have been in love with him for 2 years now and he probably likes me, but he is silent. I tried a thousand times to forget him, but it doesn't work, he's so good.

Fell in love - take valerian, buy beautiful shoes and take everything off at once

One day his look and smile became the meaning of my life...

The first time I fell in love at 17, the second at 18, the third at 19:30

A lover has his own laws, but it is not worth making a code of them for general use!

All girls dream of falling in love. Out of a hundred men, 60 do not believe in love. 40 - do not want to build a serious relationship. But somewhere there is one that will definitely change your life. You can't escape fate...

Love and being in love are two completely different things! From Love to hate is only one step, and from Love to hate is a real abyss ... ..

Being in love is to love what childhood is to life.

When you fall in love, you immediately become a few years younger, you smile at everyone, you see positive and happiness everywhere. So people fall in love.

He said that he fell in love with my eyes, now I am ready not to sleep, if only he could always look into them.

I dream of stars in my palms, of the Moon in a small bag, of the Sun in a closet, and of myself in your heart...

When we are in love, we cannot fall asleep, because reality is much sweeter than a dream ...

Falling in love is when you, like an idiot, wait by the ladies' toilet with a purse in your hand and you absolutely love it.

Falling in love is when a guy shuts your mouth with a kiss during a quarrel
Statuses about falling in love 2012

The most beautiful thing in life is delirium, and the most wonderful delirium is falling in love...

I fell in love with a hysteric. - No! I'm not hysterical! - well, I said that I fell in love, and you only hear the word hysterical ...

How terrible it is to realize that you actually fell in love only when you broke up with him ...

If he saw you without makeup and still communicates with you, then he really loves you.

Fell in love with an angel... and realized too late that I love the devil...

No. I do not like. Just a good person. We are just interested in talking. It’s just that I’ve already fallen head over heels in love, but I myself deny everything ...

You have to be able to leave. Leave when they either bring you back, or simply won’t let you go ...

The more people fall in love with you, the more lonely you feel, every day more and more trying to find someone you can love yourself.

He said that he was in love ... Me too ... But how can he tell that it's not for him?

If you are still not in a fairy tale, then next to you is not the one.

When you fall in love, you expose your soul, so even small injections bring you wild pain.

You will understand my behavior only when you truly fall in love ... Now you think I'm a naive fool ... No ... Just in love ... With you!

And having met, I suddenly realized that I was yours .. I only lived for you and only waited for you .. we will be together ... I believe in our destiny .. because you know how much I love you ...

It is much easier for a woman to fall in love than to confess her love. And it's easier for a man to confess than to fall in love seriously.

If you are not even planning a relationship, then there will surely be a lonely young man who will steal your heart.
