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Bring your home to harmony, ensure correct and favorable movement energy flows, to attract prosperity and abundance, will not help difficult advice By furniture arrangement according to feng shui.


For the bedroom, the most important thing is to install the bed correctly. The well-being of the sleeper primarily depends on the location of the sleeping place. If we consider that sleep occupies a considerable share of everyone’s life, then the question of good sleep seems pretty serious.

Bedroom Feng Shui gives several basic recommendations:

  • the bed should not be located next to the wall adjacent to the bathtub or toilet unit;
  • arrange furniture according to feng shui it is necessary so that the bed is not opposite the door;
  • direction sharp corners should not be directed at sleeping people;
  • furniture arrangement according to feng shui eliminates the installation of shelves, cabinets and other hanging structures above the heads of vacationers - migraines may occur, increased anxiety and poor sleep;
  • the presence of mirrors in the bedroom should be kept to a minimum; if they are present, the bed should not be reflected on their surface at any angle.


The same principles apply to children's rooms. furniture arrangement according to feng shui. Minimum sharp corners, more rounded shapes. In addition, it should be especially noted Negative influence, which Feng Shui of a children's room attributes to all overhanging structures.

For children, if there is more than one of them in the house, double beds are often chosen. The bunk bed design saves space and is quite popular. Principles furniture arrangement according to feng shui, is categorically against such a technique, for the following reasons:

  • pressure from above can cause unmotivated fears in a child;
  • possible increased anxiety and nervousness, nightmares;
  • the child who will sleep on the lower bed will be led;
  • A “locked” space increases the tendency to develop claustrophobia.


The entrance areas in standard apartments are not too voluminous, so arrange furniture according to feng shui It may not work according to all the rules, but the basic principles can be taken into account. The entrance door should not hit other doors or furniture when opening.

Place the mirror opposite front door and it's not worth it at all. All energy comes through the main door of the house, it nourishes the household, gives prosperity and comfort. The mirror will reflect everything new energy and “not allowed” into the house.

Living room
  • the table should be round - this is a harmonious shape that unites all family members;
  • according to Feng Shui in the living room, the sofa and armchairs should not be placed under the window;
  • there should be no hanging shelves or consoles above your favorite chair or sofa;
  • sharp corners should not be directed towards the areas of the room where you are most present.


To arrange furniture according to feng shui it is necessary to take into account the interaction of elements. Water and Fire should not be located close. In a word, in the kitchen according to Feng Shui, your stove and oven should be removed from the washing machine, dishwasher and sink.

The arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui is the key to the favorable direction of the flow of life-affirming energy Qi. When arranging furniture, it is important not to block or interfere with the free flow of energy. Furniture and various kinds of accessories should not be located too close to each other; crowding is the main prohibition in a Feng Shui environment. It is advisable for beds, chairs and sofas to keep a distance not only from each other, but ideally they should be raised ten centimeters above the floor. Then the Qi energy will not encounter barriers on its way. The optimal solution for decorating a room according to Feng Shui can be a minimum amount of furniture. Furniture should also be positioned front side to the doorway. This technique allows you to control the flow of Qi that flows through it.

If this is not possible, hang the mirror at the desired angle to have a good viewing position. Qi energy does not accept unpleasant surprises and surprises. Remember that the distance between pieces of furniture according to Feng Shui should be at least a meter, this also applies to the bedside tables at the head of the bed, which we love to place end to end, and coffee tables by the sofa. The Feng Shui decor of an apartment welcomes individual features in every possible way, so don’t be afraid to add accessories.

Frequently used items should be located in a freely accessible area - at eye level. Favorite paintings and photographs should also not hang too low or high in order to please you more often.

It is believed that arranging an apartment according to Feng Shui allows you not only to attract Qi energy, but also to grab good luck by the tail. Depending on the area in which you would like to increase your luck, Feng Shui offers tips for arranging furniture.


In the eastern part of the house, where the sun rises, place the colors green, black and red. Hang pictures and photographs of streams, trees and lakes filled with fish there. Try to place all plants and flowers here.

The placement of objects in the kitchen and bedroom is extremely important for health, so Feng Shui prohibits placing a refrigerator next to the stove, and according to Feng Shui, the head of the bed should be high and located as far as possible from extraneous radiation and energy, so do not keep books or a phone near the bed.

Family and Children

The part of the house where the sun sets, that is, the west, is responsible for this area. Feng Shui advises using white, dark blue and yellow colors. Here you can hang family photos and arrange toys. Also in this part of the house there will be favorable objects round shape and products made of natural stone.


To improve matters related to work and business, use blue, white, black and gray in the northern part of the house or near the main entrance. Do not place products there correct form and metals such as gold, copper and bronze.


The farthest right corner from the entrance in each room and the entire southwestern part of the house are responsible for matters of the heart. Use the Earth colors here - yellow and brown, as well as the Fire colors - pink and red. Depending on the ardor of your mood, you can place small artificial reservoirs with calm or bubbling water, as well as metals and stones here.


To improve financial situation, you need to correctly arrange the furniture according to Feng Shui in the south-eastern part of the house, and also pay attention to each far left corner of the room, when viewed from the doorway. Add green, red and black. Place the plants with round leaves, and tie red ribbons on the pots or the stems themselves. Place three coins under the plant.

Avoid coffee pots, electrical appliances and holly plants in this area.

Teaches us how to achieve harmony in our own apartment. This is facilitated by the correct arrangement of furniture, forming the correct distribution of energy in the space of the premises. Our material will give you several practical advice on applying the principles of Feng Shui in individual rooms of your apartment.

First of all, remember that a fundamental rule applies to all areas of the apartment - the arrangement of furniture should not interfere with movement vital energy Qi. Avoid bulky objects that cause imbalance in space - in order to achieve harmony in the soul, it is necessary to create appropriate living conditions for the body.

Living room furniture arrangement

  • Place tall cabinets against the solid walls of the room, and it is preferable to keep them away from the door.
  • Pay attention to the reflection in mirrored cabinet doors - never allow images of stairs or doors to appear.
  • Turn chairs and armchairs with their seats facing the window. You should not place these pieces of furniture with their backs to the door or windows: this position creates barriers to the movement of Qi energy.
  • Give preference to chairs and armchairs with high backs and armrests.
  • Choose a “friendly” round table for your living room.
  • To ensure correct distribution of energy flows, do not install the TV with its screen facing a door or window.
  • Decorating the walls with paintings depicting landscapes is encouraged.
  • Place the southwest corner of the room under a large family photo. Turn the happy faces of your household to the southeast, and luck will be favorable to you.

Bedroom furniture arrangement

  • A room of the correct shape (square or rectangular) would be ideal for a bedroom. The distribution of furniture should emphasize the shape of the room, not breaking, but accurately outlining the boundaries.
  • Wardrobes and massive sofas/beds must be placed along the walls. Try to avoid darkened niches - negative Sha energy accumulates in them.
  • The bed must have at least minimum sizes legs, since Qi energy should move freely in the space under your sleeping place. Constant circulation of energy will promote favorable rest and sleep.
  • Position the bed so that the person lying on it can see the doorway. Moreover, the bed should under no circumstances be installed directly opposite the door. The optimal solution would be to place the bed against the side wall: the headboard leans against the wall surface.
  • Hang a picture that is attractive to you opposite the head of the bed - the principles of Feng Shui say that upon waking up, a person should immediately see something pleasing to the eye.
  • Choose bed models, as well as bedside tables and tables with smooth rounded corners. Sharp sharp corners are unacceptable (an acute corner is a physical tangible Sha).
  • You shouldn't fill your bedroom with mirrors - one or two will be enough for your needs. Make sure that the mirror does not reflect a sleeping figure on the bed, as Feng Shui considers this an unfavorable sign.
  • Remove all greenery from the bedroom. In principle, all plants are undesirable, but if you are a passionate nature lover, you can leave a couple of small flowers.

Kitchen furniture arrangement

  • Place the stove in the southeast part of the room. Avoid dark corners, and also try to ensure that the slab does not come into contact with the east and south walls.
  • Position the stove so that the cook at it can immediately notice a potential guest in the kitchen.
  • Hostile elements (fire and water) must be separated: protect the sink and refrigerator from close proximity to the stove, using neutral furniture elements - cupboards and shelves.
  • It is better to allocate a place for the sink in the northeast of the kitchen.
  • For spacious kitchens, zoning would be logical - you can delimit the area with a bar counter or artificial partitions. However, keep in mind that the barriers should not be continuous, so as not to impede the passage of Qi energy.
  • Pay attention to creating good lighting in the kitchen - lighting fixtures should evenly illuminate the entire kitchen space. Take advantage of natural light: do not obscure the windows with massive curtains and lushly growing plants, be sure to keep the window glass clean.
  • An entrance door located away from the window would be appropriate for the living room: placing the door on the same wall as the window is not recommended.

Each apartment has a place where a person relaxes after a hard day, receives friends, and spends time with family. The Feng Shui living room provides positive chi energy to the space of this room.

Over 1000 years ago in China, people noticed that nature had strong impact on their life, its positive or negative energy also affects the home. This energy is the basis of all life in the Universe. Its streams circulate continuously, permeating absolutely everything. By catching the energy flow, you can improve your health and financial condition. This is done by arranging your home in a certain way. Based on these points, the teaching of Feng Shui was created.

A living room arranged according to Feng Shui will help attract positive energy into the home and make the family happier

This teaching gives specific advice for home improvement:

  1. Do not overload the living room with furniture. Chi energy requires space; it cannot tolerate sharp corners or isolation.
  2. You can unload the room using built-in furniture. It should be placed along the walls, furniture should be on high legs.

Qi energy is a movement that fills a person with the desire to live and act

To maintain Qi energy, you should avoid sharp corners; for this you can choose furniture with rounded corners
and install furniture in a certain way

According to Feng Shui, the living room should not be overloaded with furniture

According to Feng Shui, in the hall it is enough to place furniture in the shape of an octagon. Negative energy will be neutralized.

  1. You cannot place mirrored cabinets opposite doors and stairs. Reflections in them will bring trouble to your home.
  2. A small mirror in bronze can be placed on the coffee table and turned towards the door. According to philosophical teaching, it repels negative energy hostile and envious guests who will visit your home.
  3. The energy flow can also be disrupted by a TV set facing the window. But armchairs and chairs placed next to the windows will not be able to slow down the distribution of energy flow.

According to Feng Shui, mirrors in the living room are not placed opposite the door

According to Feng Shui, it is also undesirable to place the TV in front of a window.

A Feng Shui room in a 3-room apartment, located in the center of the home, will influence all residents.

The living room is the center of energy collection in the apartment, and also affects all residents

Chi energy is usually collected in the area where the main item is located, and in the living room a lot of space is devoted to upholstered furniture. From this the compositional line is built.

There is no need to load the room with antiques. These items contain the energy of their former owners. If a thing was passed down from ancestors who lived a long and happy life, then she will bring only positive energy to the house. But it is better to avoid such purchases in markets and stores.

Antiques retain the energy of past owners, so it is better to discard them

Important! When arranging furniture, it is necessary to avoid the formation of empty darkened corners. There will be formed negative energy, and efforts to eliminate it will be in vain. You cannot create potential spaces for negativity in your living room.

According to Feng Shui, corners in the living room should not be left empty; plants, accessories, lighting fixtures, and furniture can be placed in them

Conditions for arranging furniture according to Feng Shui in the living room

Properly arranged furniture affects the harmony of family relationships. Each recreational item is placed in a specific place. Upholstered furniture is placed in a semicircle, going around a small tea table with oval shape. There should be no windows behind the owner of the home; he should sit facing south.

According to Feng Shui, furniture in the living room is best placed in a semicircle around an oval table to circulate Qi energy.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, preference should be given to chairs and armchairs with armrests, but not to voluminous corners. A sitting person must see the windows, otherwise he will not be able to receive a charge of positive energy.

It is better to place armchairs and sofas so that the windows are visible

Furniture in the home should be arranged so that there are no correct geometric shapes. An octagon, semicircle or circle of individual elements situation. This removes negative energy from household members.

Advice! If it is impossible to avoid sharp corners when arranging interior items, then they are decorated with fabric, artificial flowers and other original items.

An example of covering corners in an apartment according to Feng Shui with pieces of furniture and decor

Their benefits for the home are obvious. By decorating the interior, they evoke positive feelings and lift the spirits of the household. You need to understand that by decorating a house with exquisite things, a person changes the energy around him, activates certain area, weakening or strengthening the impact on life. By hanging paintings correctly according to Feng Shui, you can achieve happy changes, get rid of troubles and positively influence your life. emotional condition.

Energy of images

Sometimes, looking at a picture, a person feels that he is unable to look away. The phenomenon can be easily explained strong energy Images. This applies to ancient icons, works famous masters who put effort and energy into their work. The higher their potential, the stronger energy paintings.

While working on a painting, the artist fills it with strong energy, so you need to be careful when choosing it

The objects depicted on the canvases also have special energy. The child calls warm feelings. Aivazovsky's paintings are breathtaking from the beauty and majesty of the sea. Thus, each canvas carries a positive or negative charge. It depends on the personality of the artist, the story and the subject of the image. This should be taken into account when purchasing paintings.

Pictures should carry a positive charge

To change your life using paintings, you must rely on the following rules:

  1. Personal sympathies. The picture should please all the people living in the house. Calling positive emotions, the image brings good luck to a certain extent. If you don’t like reproductions depicting vegetables or fruits, then they will only cause irritation.
  2. Aggressive dying objects. They carry a negative charge, which they will give to a person, taking away positive energy.
  3. Abstract images. You can bring such a painting into your home if you really like it and evoke pleasant emotions. If this is not the case, then it is better to prefer images of a different genre.
  4. Portraits of people. It is better to refuse them. It’s bad when a portrait of a deceased relative hangs in the living room. The presence of a stranger will be felt in the house.
  5. Dried objects under glass. Flowers and butterflies are dead objects. They can only take away energy from a person, and not feed him. The exception is straw and wood, which will give a positive charge and strength.
  6. Amber panel. They are very favorable for the living room according to Feng Shui, they carry healing energy.

To save healthy energy it is better to refuse portraits and images of dead people

It is also better not to use dead plants, insects and animals to decorate your home according to Feng Shui.

To attract happiness, you can buy a picture of fish in the water. Goldfish are a symbol of prosperity, and carps give positive attitude. Posters with birds and horses will bring good luck. Panels with white peonies help in short term find a loved one.

Goldfish are a symbol of wealth and prosperity

Feng Shui images of horses and birds bring good luck

Feng Shui zones by cardinal directions

For optimal distribution of qi energy in the living room, you need to know the purpose of each zone of space. They are distinguished with orientation to the cardinal directions:

  1. In the east and southeast they dominate green color and a tree. This is the family area where family photos should be.
  2. In the west there is metal of golden and silver shades. It is advisable to place a TV and other electrical appliances in this part of the room.
  3. The south is dominated by red or Orange color, as well as fire. A fireplace or floor lamp would be appropriate in this area.
  4. The north corresponds to the elements of water, blue, black and purple colors. It is advisable to place an aquarium here.
  5. The southwest is associated with brown, terracotta and yellow shades. This is the love zone where there should be paired items.

If there is no sector in the room, then you need to hang pictures with landscapes and roads going beyond the horizon.

Advice! For such paintings you should use only a wooden frame, which can be painted gold, silver or green.

According to Feng Shui, paintings for the living room are best placed within frames

Each guest leaves his own energetic trace in the room, so they always intersect different energies. That is why paramount importance should be given to the arrangement of interior items and decorative elements. Only then will there always be positive energy in the house.

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One of the areas of Chinese science, Feng Shui, teaches distribute energy indoors. This can be done through the correct arrangement of furniture.

The main rule is not to interfere with the movement of positive Qi energy in the house, and to create an environment in which the influence of negative vibrations can be avoided. How to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui in rooms?

In the living room

The living room is energy center your apartment. This is a place where family members love to spend time, relax and socialize. The central place of this room should be occupied by a coffee table, which would unite everyone. It's good if the table is oval or round. Angular furniture is a source of negative energy.

Sofa and armchairs need to be placed around the table so that everyone sitting on them can see each other. Many place upholstered furniture in the living room in a straight line to make it easier for the whole family to watch TV. This situation alienates family members from each other and negatively affects relationships.

Don't clutter this room bulky cabinets. Tall cabinets are best placed along the walls. Nothing can be stored on mezzanines and cabinets. All contents of cabinets must be closed with doors.

You can't put a TV next to a window or door. It is advisable to place it on a cabinet with legs or hang it on the wall so that energy can circulate around it.

Try to arrange the furniture so that there is a lot of space in the living room, because this is a room for relaxing with the whole family and a place where you receive guests. The living room should not be crowded. To save space, get furniture in a minimalist style. This is the optimal solution for small living rooms.

In the office

The main task when arranging an office according to Feng Shui is create an atmosphere conducive to fruitful work. Particular attention in this room should be paid to the desktop. The well-being and mood of its owner depend on how and where it is located.

Table standing V east side office, will help in starting new projects. Leaders are encouraged to place their workplace in North-west. If you put a table on the west side, then this will attract stability and reliability in business.

For those involved in science, writing, or studying, it is better to settle down in the southeast. You cannot place your desk on the south side. In this case, the person will quickly get tired and experience tension.

You can't put a table in front of the door or windows, especially if you have to sit with your back to the openings. It is important to position the table so that the owner of the office can see the entire space of the room. Optimal solution– place the workplace so that the person sits with his back to the wall. There should be nothing bulky above the desktop: beams, canopies and other decorative elements. When something hangs over your head, you feel discomfort and a feeling of depression.

Cabinets and shelves You should not place them close to the table; it is especially undesirable to place them behind your back. Cabinet furniture in which documents and things are stored must have doors. An exception is the bookshelf.

Help to strengthen the Feng Shui of your office talismans. You can place a figurine of an elephant on the table - a symbol of prosperity, wisdom and longevity. If this is an office where a child does homework, then you can decorate the table with a figurine of an owl - a talisman of knowledge and experience.

In the bedroom

The main task when planning the bedroom interior is create an atmosphere of calm, lightness and relaxation. You should not store a lot of things in the bedroom, fill it with furniture and household appliances. The only purpose of this room is relaxation and intimacy between spouses.

First of all, you need to think about which direction put sleeping area . There is one thing in feng shui important rule: the bed must be placed so that when lying on it, a person can see the door. But at the same time, your legs should not be directed towards the bed while sleeping. The headboard should be in contact with the wall.

It is undesirable to place the bed with one side against the wall, especially if it is a marital bed. In the bedroom of a husband and wife, the sleeping place should be positioned so that there is free space on both the left and the right. You cannot place the bed against the wall behind which the bathroom is located.

The bed must be stable. Shaky furniture will cool your relationship with your loved one. Also, the bed must have legs. If there is no space under the bed, then the Qi energy will not be able to get there.

Cardinal directions

When choosing the location of the bed, you also need to take into account the influence of the cardinal directions.

  • Bed in North-west will maintain stability and reliability of relations between spouses.
  • On the east side Newlyweds sleep better; this arrangement will help them get used to each other and find mutual understanding.
  • Feng Shui recommends sleep for older people in the northern part rooms - this will preserve and strengthen health.
  • Bed in a southerly direction Suitable for passionate and loving people. In the southeast, it is useful to sleep businesslike and purposeful.
  • It is not recommended to place the bed in the northeast and southwest– these areas can negatively affect sleep and emotional health.

Mirror You need to hang it so that it does not reflect the bed. According to Feng Shui, a mirror hung opposite the bed has a negative effect on human health. It is believed that a mirror absorbs the energy of everything that is reflected in it.

In a dream, a person gets rid of fatigue and negative feelings experienced during the day. If there is a mirror opposite the bed while sleeping, it will reflect all the negativity back to the person, and in the morning he will wake up tired and broken. The mirror opposite the marital bed is also unfavorable. Reflecting the closeness of husband and wife in the mirror can attract infidelity.

Furniture in the bedroom should not have many corners. Corners and sharp objects– sources of negative energy. It is advisable to choose this room round tables and poufs, cabinets with rounded corners. There should be no things or furniture in the bedroom that do not solve the problem of sleep and rest.

Remove the TV from the room, computer, unnecessary things and trinkets. Nothing in this place should distract from sleep and rest.

On the walls you can post pictures, but in small quantities. Overuse of images in this room can lead to an imbalance of energies. Paintings with flowers, butterflies, and nature will bring an atmosphere of calm and goodness. You should not hang anything aggressive or bright in the bedroom.

In the nursery

It is advisable to make a children's room on the east side of the house. It’s good if it is located away from the kitchen, pantry and bathroom. If this is not possible, then try to teach your child to always keep the door closed.

Child's bed It is not recommended to place it near the front door. If, upon entering the room, there is a bed first and then a table, it will be difficult for the child to concentrate on studying. Multi-tiered beds will solve the problem of lack of space, but will negatively affect the emotional state of the young inhabitants of the room.

A child sleeping on the first tier will feel uncomfortable. Table It is best to place it at the beginning of the room, next to the door, but not opposite it. The best option- sit with your back to the wall.

When arranging a nursery it is very important delimit zones into play and work. At the same time, the distinction should be felt both internally and externally. Zones can be designated by the color of the wallpaper or a small through shelf.

A children's room must have many light sources. In addition to the chandelier on the ceiling, there should also be lamps hanging on the wall. You should not hang a large and voluminous chandelier, as it will create a feeling of discomfort and depression.

In a one-room apartment

The main problem of arranging furniture according to Feng Shui in a one-room apartment is lack of space. It is advisable to choose furniture for a small living space that is compact and minimalist, so that there is more space in the space. free space for the passage of positive Qi energy.

Another problem for residents of one-room apartments is difficulty in delimiting zones in a room. If at the same time the apartment has a small kitchen, then the only room will be intended for sleeping, and for meeting guests, and for work. Try to delimit zones in the room so that each zone is comfortable.

Not recommended I place a lot of cabinets and shelves around the room. Volumetric cabinet furniture will put emotional pressure on residents. The main criteria when choosing furniture for a small apartment are functionality and compactness.

If there is a sofa in the room, then every morning after sleep it must be folded. It should only be unfolded at night. Do not place a sofa or bed near the door or next to a window.

In the kitchen it is important to distinguish between the two elements present there - fire and water. Can't bet gas stove next to the sink, since these two different elements will constantly fight each other. If the kitchen is small, and put it differently household appliances If you can’t, then try to differentiate the elements by creating a kind of screen.

A wooden cutting board is suitable for such purposes. The element of wood will defuse the atmosphere and neutralize the negative proximity of fire and water. Also, something green would be suitable as a screen. This color tames any negative energies in the house.

Round kitchen table will bring comfort, unity with loved ones and tranquility to the kitchen space. At such a table it will be pleasant to receive guests and spend time with loved ones.

The bathroom should not be located opposite the front door. It’s good if the bathroom and toilet are not visible from the hallway. If the apartment has a different layout, then plants placed in the hallway will help neutralize negative energy. You can also hang a picture of nature on the bathroom door.

The hallway should be well lit. If it is dark, it has a bad effect on financial situation residents. It is not advisable to hang a mirror opposite the front door, since positive energy coming into the house will be reflected back to the street. It is best to hang the mirror next to the door, on the wall adjacent to it. Its size should be such that residents can see themselves in full height.

Harmony and peace in the house are the key to the proper distribution of energy in it. Richly furnished apartments, beautiful decoration and expensive furniture do not guarantee that you will feel comfortable in such a room. The most important thing is to achieve harmony through the correct arrangement of furniture.
