Chemical Industry Day of the year. Chemist's Day: ideas about the holiday

Now it is very fashionable that for each profession a separate holiday. Therefore, it is not surprising that chemists also have one day a year when everyone, without exception, remembers their achievements and, of course, gives gifts. It should be noted that in 2017 Chemist's Day will be celebrated grandiosely, but how exactly - we will learn about this very soon.

History of Chemist's Day

It is worth recalling that even in the USSR there was a mass celebration of the Day of the Chemist, but then it had a completely different name - the Day of the Chemical Industry Worker. By the way, this holiday originates from the sixties of the twentieth century. This happened because this industry was in great demand. In order to maintain the spirit of all the masters of this difficult business, for about twenty years in a row the celebration of Chemist's Day took place without its approval at the official level. But already on October 1, 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Council adopted a corresponding decree, by which this holiday received official status and was included in the list of memorable dates.

It should be noted that the Day of the Chemist was so fond of people that they decided not to cancel it even after the collapse of the USSR. And this is not surprising, because the profession of a chemist is one of those that serves the benefit of all mankind. Without the discoveries of these people, we would not be able to enjoy the many benefits of civilization that make our life comfortable.

What date will the holiday be in 2017

This holiday is one of the few that does not have a specific date. Therefore, every year it falls on different numbers. As for what date Chemist's Day will be celebrated in 2017, it will fall on the twenty-eighth of May. So at the end of spring, a charming holiday awaits everyone. It should be noted that Chemist's Day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other countries. For example, in Belarus it is also customary to celebrate this holiday, but it was introduced there only in 2001.

The following countries have joined the tradition of celebrating:

  • Kazakhstan;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Ukraine (celebrated since 1994).

Celebration of Chemist's Day in 2017

Despite the seriousness of this profession, its representatives love to celebrate their holiday cheerfully and noisily. This is especially true for those who are just preparing to become a chemist. Students, no less than real professionals, love this holiday and consider it their own. Therefore, they celebrate it on a large scale. Since this holiday falls on warm May Days, students gather in large companies and go to nature to have picnics. Also, future chemists like to prepare various creative performances and arrange concerts.

But the features of the celebration of Chemist's Day in 2017 will not end there. In order to attract the attention of even more people to this profession, as well as to popularize it among students, thematic Olympiads are organized in institutes and schools. Thus, not only the level of knowledge of future chemists is checked, but their achievements are also encouraged.

There are also celebration traditions at enterprises that are associated with the chemical industry. Most often, they open grandiose thematic compositions that are designed to acquaint ordinary citizens with the history and merits of a particular enterprise.

By the way, with the help of thematic exhibitions organized by the institutes, their organizers are trying to help students learn more about the features of this profession.

Even on this day of celebration, it is customary to organize events at which academic degrees are awarded.

It is interesting that this day is usually used to popularize the profession of a chemist among ordinary citizens. So, on television and radio stations in news releases, part of the air is devoted to this holiday. Also, sometimes on the central channels they show special programs that are dedicated to the history of the formation and features of this profession. In this way, many have the opportunity to learn more about chemists and their work.

We hope that Chemist's Day in 2017 year will pass no less grandiose than in previous years. All those who continuously work to improve their abilities and benefit the whole society with their work and discoveries will receive awards on this day. Universities and schools will host specially organized Olympiads and other thematic competitions. And everyone who wants to learn even more about the profession of a chemist with the help of specially filmed documentaries.

As you can see, this holiday serves not only to encourage scientists and workers, but also popularizes this profession, which is very important. After all, the more schoolchildren fall in love with chemistry, the more likely it is that real professionals will work in the country who will continue the work of modern scientists.

Congratulations to the representatives of the profession

As you can see, this holiday has become popular in the country, therefore, Special attention give gifts that representatives of this field of knowledge receive. Of course, many choose funny sms congratulations Happy Chemist's Day, which in 2017 will be no less in demand. You can also use the old, but everyone's favorite way of congratulations - send a postcard with a picture. Therefore, on the web you can find beautiful poems or congratulations in prose. If you are looking for more significant gift, then we offer the most popular options. Most often, they choose themed gifts, such as a microscope or a set of test tubes. But, of course, you can come up with other more original ones. So if you have a familiar chemist or even a colleague, you can already prepare for the holiday and look for an unusual gift.

If you want to learn more about other holidays that will be celebrated in 2017, for example, visit the site site and be aware of all the features.

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May is the month of sunshine and hope. The last Sunday of this month is the most joyful and wonderful holiday for all teachers and students of the Faculty of Chemistry. Every university has a department of chemistry with an obligatory Chemist's Day. In addition, for many graduates, Chemist's Day is the only way get together and remember the old days. The holiday has been celebrated since 1981, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 “On festive and memorable days" V last sunday May. But it's official, not official, even informal,
Chemist's Day has been celebrated since 1966. Since then, the celebration has been under the sign chemical elements periodic tables. So, for example, the first day of the chemist became the Day of hydrogen - the first element of the Periodic system.

In our country traditional holiday Followers of Lomonosov and Mendeleev - Chemist's Day - is celebrated noisily and cheerfully. This holiday is a tribute to people who linked their fate with one of the most modern, complex and economically significant sectors of the economy. It traces its history back to Soviet times, when it was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, and has been preserved as a professional holiday today. In Russia, the No. 1 chemist is, of course, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. It is said that Mendeleev dreamed of the Periodic Table of Elements in a dream. He was then 35 years old. There is such a theory that the world is not only unknowable, but also depends on who knows - the researcher inevitably influences the result of the experiment. And therefore there are many simultaneously existing Universes with different properties. So, our Universe, which now consists of approximately 114 elements, was arranged by Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Chemistry is the science that studies substances and their transformations as a result chemical reactions. A long time ago, people put their knowledge of chemistry into practice, trying to get gold from any metal, melting glass, dyeing fabrics with various dyes. As a result of such practical actions, some reagents and equipment appeared, for example, an apparatus for distilling liquids. Chemistry as a science began in the 17th century with the name of Robert Boyle, who was the first to try to define the chemical element that makes up a substance. In the 19th century, Mendeleev created a table of elements, later named after him, with which it was much easier to determine chemical composition substances.

IN modern life it is difficult to find at least one area where they are not applied chemical substances and materials. All of our lives are related to chemistry in one way or another. Chemist's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of May. This is a professional holiday for workers in the chemical industry, representatives of science, students - chemists and their teachers.

A toast to the professional holiday "Let's get drunk!"

On Chemist's Day, let's get chemist
A little happiness, joy, good luck.
Let's take everything in sensible proportions,
And difficult problems will be solved.

Let the reagents always please
Health will be strong and stable.
All allergies say together: "No!",
Let's say "Yes!" we have an active holiday.

Raise a toast to Mendeleev
And “Thank you for the table!” - let's say.
And even children with their joy
We will easily show chemistry in everyday life.
С2Н5ОН - you are our beloved friend!
With you we will be together
Meet Chemist's Day.
The sun shines brighter
And a happier landscape
When in your stomach
And for the most magical profession on earth!

Comic quiz for Chemist's Day

1. Which element is always happy?

2. Which gas claims to be neon?
3. What non-metal is wood?
4. What chemical element consists of two animals?
5. What element revolves around the Sun?
6. Which chemical elements claim to be able to "make other substances give birth"?
7. Which chemical elements are easy to turn into a fun show?
8. What metal, according to ancient mythology, is doomed to "eternal torment"?
9. Which metal name contains wood?
10. What precious metal is it made up of marsh algae?
11. Adults and children like to play part of what chemical element at their leisure?
12. What chemical elements are composed of various rivers?
13. The drink of sea pirates is a part of two chemical elements. What are these elements?
14. What chemical element is directly related to the herd of horses?
15. What chemical element is suitable for continuous heating or boiling of water?
16. The name of which chemical element begins with a port facility to protect ships from sea waves?
17. From what metal must one third be cut off to obtain the known bone of an animal or human skeleton?
18. The name of what metal carries a magician?
19. What chemical elements are made up of triplets?

1. Radon.
2. Neon.
3. Bor.
4. Arsenic.
5. Uranus.
6. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon.
7. Zirconium - circus, zinc - circus.
8. Tantalum ("tantalum flour").
9. Nickel.
10. Platinum.
11. Gold.
12. Indium, polonium, radon, Nilsborium.
13. Bromine, chromium.
14. Zirconium.
15. Titanium.
16. Molybdenum.
17. Silver.
18. Magnesium.
19. Sodium, yttrium.

Wish to chemists

DIMendeleev discovered 40-degree vodka. Later, he opened a 27-degree "Port". And only in the morning the great scientist discovered that they should not be mixed. I wish you great discoveries not only at this table, but also in your professional life.

Toast in honor of Chemistry and Chemists

Let's make a toast in honor of such a great day. Chemistry is the science of magic, capable of performing extraordinary miracles. I want to appeal to women to say thank you to all chemists. After all, if it were not for chemists, we would not have such a huge variety of creams, shampoos, varnishes and other cosmetics. Men can express their gratitude to chemists for the shaving creams created for them, for car oils. Let's all together try to remember all the merits of our extraordinary wizards. Let's name all the things and objects for which we can thank them.
(Participants unanimously list).

Leader's words: Thanks everyone. It is at this moment that we can safely say that life does not exist without chemistry! Without congratulations and toasts, our tonight cannot exist.

Chemist's Day is a holiday that is known not only in narrow circles specialists, but also among the general public. After all, in spite of everything, he is very popular. This is largely due to its glorious traditions, which acquire something new every year.

If you delve into the bowels of history, you can remember that for the first time this holiday appeared at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. That is, it was the day of the Moscow State University chemist. From the very beginning of existence, a very interesting and funny tradition appeared. Chemist's Day every year without fail passes under the sign of the next Mendeleev presented in the periodic system. That is, the first holiday was held under the symbol of hydrogen. By the way, chemists celebrate their day on the last Sunday in May.

What is related to time official institution holiday - it was May 10, 1965. Such was the decree of the Presidium. However, despite this, the first who decided to celebrate the holiday were people from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. Subsequently, other universities of the country joined them. However, for some reason, it so happened that some of them did not recognize the last Sunday of May as their professional holiday.

Thus, in St. Petersburg the day of the chemist is celebrated on the first Saturday of April, but in Kharkov it takes place on the last Sunday of April. In Donetsk, it was decided to celebrate this holiday on the last Friday of May. And even some chemistry faculties of Moscow claim that their professional holiday falls on the second A in Minsk, which is the 3rd-4th weekend of May. In general, there is no definite unambiguity in resolving this issue.

And of course, the day of the chemist unites all workers in the chemical industry. This includes students, graduate students, teachers, and so on.

In general, it is worth noting that officially, as a science, chemistry was formed in 1961. It was in this year that the Irish scientist published his book The Skeptic Chemist. At that time, he was quite bold in expressing his opinion about what chemistry was. Then Boyle defined chemistry as the process of studying the composition of all kinds of substances and the process of searching for completely new elements.

But for the first time the term "chemistry" was introduced by the Roman astronomer Firmicus, and this happened in 336 AD.

It is also worth noting that the day of the chemist on the last Sunday of May, in addition to Russia, is also celebrated in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

With regards to the celebration itself, it should be noted that they are trying to prepare quite seriously for their chemist - this interesting scenarios, contests, games. Also very popular on the day of the chemist is a congratulation that has a humorous color. Well, as noted above, every year this day passes under the symbol of one of the chemical elements presented in the periodic system, so that the whole holiday "revolves" precisely around the next element. In a way, it resembles under the symbol of a specific animal.

Chemist's Day in 2018 falls on May 27th. The professional holiday of chemical industry workers is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of May.

history of the holiday

Chemist's Day was established in 1980 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The appearance of this holiday is a tribute to all employees of one of the leading industries, without which not only development, but even the very existence of the modern economy is impossible.

Interestingly, in the Soviet Union, even before the appearance of a professional holiday, student Chemist's Day was celebrated for twenty years. For the first time this holiday was swept away in 1960 by students and teachers of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Leningrad state university. This happened on the first Saturday in April and caused a great resonance.

The tradition of celebrating Student Chemist's Day was supported by student communities of other universities. On this day, skits, concerts, sports competitions, contests, etc. are organized. Currently, each institution of higher education determines the date on which to celebrate Student Chemist's Day at its discretion, but this only happens in the range from the first Saturday of April to the end of May inclusive.

Since 1966, the famous periodic table has become the symbol of the holiday. Since then, each student Chemist's Day has been held under its own sign - an element of the table.

The first element was hydrogen. The jubilee, fiftieth, holiday was held under the sign of tin, and in 2018, iodine is the symbol of the celebration.

Another tradition of students and teachers of chemical faculties celebrating their profile celebration is Chemist's Night. Anyone who has not attended such events can only guess what tests future workers in the chemical and petrochemical industry will have to go through on this significant night.

After the collapse of the USSR, the professional holiday Chemist's Day began to be celebrated in Russia, as well as in a number of other countries:

  • Ukraine;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Belarus;
  • Uzbekistan.

The chemical industry is one of the branches of heavy industry and is subdivided, in turn, into many industries and branches.

What does the chemical and petrochemical industry produce?

Without the products of these industries, life is impossible. modern man and economic development of the country. The enterprises produce:

  • mineral fertilizers;
  • alkalis;
  • acids;
  • polymeric materials;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • dyes;
  • varnishes;
  • new types of fabrics;
  • oils;
  • paints;
  • pharmaceutical preparations;
  • photochemical and rubber-asbestos products and much more.

Who celebrates Chemist's Day

In addition to students and teachers of chemical faculties of higher educational institutions, on Chemist's Day, congratulations are accepted by all workers in the chemical and petrochemical industry:

  • engineers;
  • scientific staff;
  • laboratory staff;
  • equipment developers and others.

On this day, many enterprises have a tradition to go out with the whole team in warm May weather to nature. In cities where chemical industry enterprises are city-forming, the professional holiday of chemists often becomes City Day.

Folk festivals are accompanied by concert performances by famous performers, competitions, sports competitions, festive procession, fireworks and other entertainment.

Working in the chemical industry is often hard and hazardous work. Occupational diseases are common among specialists in this field, so they have a number of benefits: early exit retirement, free treatment and prevention.

Days of a chemist spent at Moscow State University:

Year Number Element
2008 May 17 Technetium
2009 16th of May Ruthenium
2010 May 15 Rhodium
2011 May 14 Palladium
2012 may 13 Silver
2013 May 18 Cadmium
2014 May 17 Indium
2015 16th of May Tin
2016 May 14 Antimony
2017 may 13 Tellurium

The most significant discoveries in the field of chemistry:

Year Opening
1770 Joseph Priestley's discovery of oxygen
1808 Atomic theory by John Dalton
1860-1870 Creation by D. I. Mendeleev of the periodic table of chemical elements
1869 John Wesley Hyatt makes celluloid
1897 Discovery of the electron by J. J. Thomson
1890-1900 Discovery of radioactivity by Marie and Pierre Curie
1932 Discovery of the neutron by Jason Chadwick
1951 Linus Pauling identified the secondary structure of proteins
1953 James Watson and Francis Crick laid the foundations of molecular biology
1985 Discovery of fullerenes by Robert Curl, Harold Kroto and Rick Smalley

Since 1980, every year on the last Sunday of May, Russia celebrates a professional holiday - Chemist's Day. This holiday is a tribute and appreciation for the work of everyone who makes new discoveries in chemistry and develops chemical science, works at the enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industries, creating benefits for people, without which we simply cannot imagine modern life.

Chemist's Day, which will be celebrated in 2019 26 of May becomes truly national holiday, since we use the entire range of products that are created by specialists in the chemical industry in our Everyday life. Medicines and cosmetics, various hygiene products, varnishes and paints, fabrics and polymeric materials for construction, kitchen utensils, fuel for transport, glue and solvents, fertilizers for fields, gardens and gardens - all this is the result of the inspired work of chemical scientists and workers of chemical enterprises .

History and traditions of the holiday

The traditions of celebrating Chemist's Day originated in Russia several years before its official recognition. So in April 1960, for the first time, Chemist's Day was held at Leningrad University. Keeping the tradition of the times Soviet Union, St. Petersburg University celebrates its Chemist's Day every year in April. In 1966, the first holiday of chemists took place on Faculty of Chemistry Moscow State University on the second Sunday of May.

Students came up with the idea to hold celebrations under the sign of the periodic table. So the first day of the chemist was held under the sign of hydrogen. Since then, the university continues to celebrate the holiday on the second Sunday of May, and every Chemist's Day is dedicated to one of the signs of the table of chemical elements. Some chemists cannot ignore a significant date in the history of chemical science - the birthday of Dmitri Mendeleev, a scientist who made great progress in chemistry. greatest discovery and along with official holiday, celebrate their Chemist's Day also on January 31.

How Chemist's Day is celebrated

Maintaining the tradition founded at Moscow State University, Chemist's Day in Russia is celebrated every year under the sign of the next element of the periodic table. On the eve of their professional holiday, chemists receive congratulations from the presidents of the republics that are part of Russian Federation and heads of regional administrations where there are chemical enterprises and research centers. It is known that chemical companies and industries in many localities of the country are city-forming, making up a significant part of their budgets and providing jobs to residents. In these cities and towns, the celebration of City Day and Chemist's Day are often combined. The management and residents of these places, thus, express their respect to the chemists, congratulating them on the festive stages, handing them Certificates of Honor, memorable gifts and signs cash prizes. In order to promote professions employed in the industry, exhibitions of achievements and products of the chemical enterprises of the city are arranged, flash mobs, contests and quizzes are organized. Large events are held in honor of chemists concert programs with the participation famous artists, musicians and vocal and instrumental groups and groups.

It became good tradition celebrate the holiday of chemists in labor collectives. On this day, photo exhibitions of the achievements of workshops, productions and departments of the enterprise are arranged. The Board of Honor is being updated, where photos of employees who have achieved best results in labor. On this day, solemn meetings are held by the administration and trade unions, at which leaders celebrate the best of the best, veterans and working dynasties. They are awarded certificates, memorable gifts and prizes. It is becoming a tradition at many enterprises to give small souvenirs with the company's logo to the entire team, so that the memory of the past holiday remains with people for a long time. Thematic concert programs are the final chord of the celebrations. Often these events are fresh air: at stadiums or in health-improving dispensaries of the enterprise. Venues are colorfully decorated with garlands of flags or flags of corporate colors, compositions balloons and company logos and posters.

Whole families are usually invited to such holidays. Festive atmosphere create sports and game programs, competitions and concert programs and a large corporate lunch in nature.
Employees of scientific research institutes of the chemical profile to this significant date organize olympiads, arrange exhibitions scientific works, hold scientific and practical conferences, thematic " round tables”, meetings with outstanding chemists. Scientists receive congratulations from their relevant ministries and departments. Those who have achieved significant results in theory and applied chemistry at ceremonial meetings are awarded special titles and academic degrees. Chemists are conservative people and often end the holiday with a corporate party in a restaurant where you can relax, relax after hard mental work and chat with colleagues.
Future chemists-students celebrate the holiday meaningfully and cheerfully. Graduates and postgraduates of specialized faculties of higher educational institutions. Maintaining the tradition of dedicating the holiday to one of the chemical elements, they arrange themed skits and concerts, KVNs, contests, and quizzes. Students love to celebrate open sky where they organize various competitions between courses, specializations and faculties, play football, volleyball and others sport games. The holiday ends around the campfire with barbecue, porridge, baked potatoes and guitar songs.

What to give for Chemist's Day

Usually on Chemist's Day, they try to give gifts that symbolize the profession or a playful allusion to it. Before choosing a present, think about how to make it sincere and present it with warm words of gratitude. Start your greetings with a postcard. Sincere wishes, which you write in it, will become a pleasant reminder to a person of the importance of his work. If your chemist has a sense of humor, you can give a “talking” postcard, send a congratulatory song to email or mobile phone.
Of the symbolic souvenirs, some of best gifts can be an Oscar figurine with the inscription “The Best Chemist”, a souvenir moonshine still that still works, a coffee or tea set in the form of cones, or a “Chemistry” book case with a damask inside.

Do not forget to congratulate your favorite chemistry teacher on the holiday. He can be presented chic gift– a three-dimensional model of an atom, made with semi-precious stones. Such a souvenir will decorate the desktop of his office and will remind you of grateful students. A good gift idea could be a flask-shaped lamp hanging on a tripod or a periodic table decorated on canvas and placed in a beautiful baguette. Such gifts can be creative element interior design.
For a female chemist nice gift May be indoor flower, purifying the air of the room from radiation and harmful gases. Unusual desktop and wall calendars with the dates "From Chemist's Day to Chemist's Day" 2019 - 2020, made in the chemical theme, notepads and organizers with symbols - all these gifts can take place in the celebration of a professional holiday.
There are many gifts for relatives, friends, teachers and colleagues related to chemistry. You will definitely bring joy to a person by congratulating him even simply warm word. Chemist's Day is wonderful and significant holiday people who have found their calling in making our lives more comfortable. Let's not forget to express our gratitude to them for their hard and selfless work on their solemn day, when Chemist's Day is celebrated in 2019 throughout our country.
