Congratulations on the day of the former policeman. Funny congratulations on the day of the police

I sincerely congratulate you on this today happy holiday! I give a lot of smiles and wishes for perseverance, striving forward, progress! You are my protector! When you leave for service, my heart strives after you to protect you from any misfortunes. Take care, please! Although you get a little light and happy days, but you still hold on to a brave fellow! And you never show fatigue and disappointment. I love you - very, very much, my dear and dear policeman! Good luck and ups and downs! May the good star always illuminate your path and bring only joy! Believe me - I will always stay with you and will definitely support you in difficult times!

Today the whole country celebrates the day of its defenders. The whole country, which is guarded by the police service. On this day, I would like to wish you a brave heart, calm service, meet on the way as few as possible those who are not worthy of being called human. And I also really want to wish you neither more nor less - nine lives. You have only one, and you risk it so calmly. Let your risks be at least justified. I sincerely, with all my heart, congratulate you on professional holiday- Happy Police Day! Thank you for the safe streets at night, for the fact that our children can safely play in the yards. Thank you!

I congratulate you on the day of the police and wish you to remember that people always love and wait at home! Whatever the difficulties, the main thing is to remember about safety, and remember that there are those who depend on you! Let there be no special difficulties in the profession, I wish you only successful operations, high disclosure, and more good deeds. And in your personal life, let mutual understanding and support await! Your loved ones should be a support for you, and you for them, so let your family be perfect example harmony in everything! The most important thing is that let your health never fail you, let everything be perfect and fun in life!

Today is a very important and serious professional holiday called "Police Day"! I congratulate you on him and want to wish you success, health and, of course, good luck, which is so important in your dangerous and difficult service! I wish that you are always appreciated by your superiors and, of course, always encouraged you for your achievements. various gifts and the prizes that you so desperately always wait for! Thank you for protecting the lives of civilians and protecting the security of our country! May joy and love always reign in your fortress, in your house. I wish you that you never met with betrayal. May your friends always be as faithful to you as you are faithful and devoted to them! We wish you prosperity, success and new beginnings! Happy Holidays, Happy Police Day!

Happy Police Day, the day of courageous law enforcement officers, selfless brave people who have devoted their lives to the fight against criminals. Thank you for your work, thanks to which our life becomes calmer and safer. But this is the main thing for every person - to feel protected, and not to be afraid for their children. I wish you good health, success in work and joy. I want to always see you successful, happy, confident in the importance and necessity of your work. And so that your career goes uphill, and that everything is in order in the family, and that your health is enough for both. Be happy and may everything work out for you!

Dear friends! On this day, I would like to give up too pompous phrases, dry statistics and talk about who has been given to us from above. You stand guard over law and order. As lofty as these words may sound, this is the holy truth! Life, health, dignity, property of people - all this is sacred to you, and you sacredly observe your duty, protecting us, ordinary people. It turns out that you are saints! Perhaps I am exaggerating a little, but this is the only way I can express my admiration for you - our hope, our trust, our pride. Happy holiday to you! Happy Police Day!

Today, on the Day of the Militia, congratulations are heard everywhere in our country to the valiant law enforcement officers. We want you to feel great gratitude on this day, appreciation for your faithful service to the law. People with a heightened sense of duty, an irreconcilable craving for the fight against injustice, fraud, and crime go to work in the police. We are now addressing precisely such faithful defenders of citizens, because we feel your strong, wide shield, and criminals are afraid of your sword of justice, already raised above their heads. We wish you calm duties, as well as strength and skill, stamina in order to overcome the difficult tasks of your service with dignity. Happy holiday to you!

Today, November 10, police officers celebrate their professional holiday. From all corners of our Motherland, words of gratitude and wishes of all the best are flying to you, dear policemen. Let us also express our sincere gratitude to you for your daily painstaking, and, let's not be afraid of this word, heroic work! You are always ready to defend order and legality, you provide security on city streets and make our sleep peaceful. Your service is no less important to society than the work of a doctor or teacher. On this bright frosty day, we wish you fulfillment of hopes, great prospects, good health and happiness in your personal life! You deserve all the best!

Being a policeman means honestly, faithfully and courageously serving the people. At the first call to go to the aid of people. Conscientious people serve in our militia who came here at the call of their hearts. From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate all the police officers. After all, today we celebrate your holiday. May your service benefit our country. Let there be a career, thanks to your work. I wish you great happiness, good health, good mood, great peaceful victories. May good luck accompany you on your life path. Welfare and family comfort.

Police Day is big common holiday countries. Weekends and holidays are rare in your service. At any time of the day or night, you rush to help people. Your service is dangerous and very important. I congratulate you on the holiday. May your service be easy and safe. Let there be a minimum of crimes in the country. Good health to you, patience, courage. Let your beloved wife wait for you after the service at home. I want to progress career ladder. Let the shoulder of your comrades be a reliable rear for you. Prosperity, prosperity and good mood to you on holiday.

The valiant militia of our country is celebrating a big professional holiday today. We are proud of our law enforcement officers. Indeed, thanks to courageous and honest guys, we can live in peace. Allow me to sincerely congratulate you on this solemn day. May your service be safe. May God give you good health, perseverance, good luck, love and understanding in the family. Many joyful and bright days, and fewer sleepless nights. So that there are fewer sorrows and crimes on Earth. May true friends always surround you.

Today our valiant militia celebrates its holiday. The policeman will always come to the rescue in time and protect civilians. After all, crime does not sleep. And it needs to be eradicated at the root. This is what our brave, courageous law enforcement officers are doing. I congratulate you on the holiday. May this day bring you some peace and joy. May health never let you down and you will always be in good shape. I wish you peace, success in your service, family well-being and prosperity. Let new stars often appear on your shoulder straps. Good luck to you big, joy and good mood.

Our friend was a policeman, Served for the benefit of citizens, Worthy, valiant example, Reliable and courageous. Today he became a policeman - Such is the work! But on his shoulders lies, All the same days care: Catch the criminals faster, So that the city sleeps in silence, So that the kids walk without fear of drunks. To kinder world ours has become, Not pathos - this is the essence! Let's raise a glass to you, you, rest a little! We wish that there will be fewer hot days in the future. Good health, you, Soul does not grow old!

None of us wants to face evil, but if thunder breaks overhead, we have someone to call for help! Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Police, because you are one of the most worthy representatives of this profession! So let Fate be fair to you and give you happiness in your personal life and a successful promotion in the service!

Dear police officers, we express our respect and honor to you! You are simply irreplaceable people in our Country! Every day you risk your life so that people can live in peace. Thank you for our safety. We wish you new stars and victory over crime!

Courageous Police Day, We celebrate in November - This holiday is known to everyone Who is in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! A policeman is a title, It is necessary to earn it honestly, Their worthy vocation is to serve the Motherland faithfully! We heartily congratulate, Raise a toast like this: We wish you strength of mind, Take care of our peace!

Police officers often work seven days a week, at any time of the day you rush to help people, protecting our peaceful life. Today is your holiday, please accept our sincere congratulations. May everything go well in your life, may luck be your companion. Good health to you, good mood, success in work and happiness in your personal life. May your career skyrocket. We wish you well, all the best and prosperity. May a good angel protect you from failure.

Honesty, loyalty, courage - this is what is inherent in the Russian police. You are always on the protection of our peace of mind. Today is your holiday, we sincerely congratulate you, wish you good health, perseverance, good luck, love and understanding in the family. May all sorrows and worries forget your address forever. All earthly goods you, well-being, prosperity. May every day bring you much joy and warmth. May all yours come true cherished desires. Long and happy life to you, success in everything.

We say huge words of gratitude to the valiant police of Russia. It is thanks to you that we live in peace, knowing that you will protect us at any moment. Today all of Russia celebrates a special holiday - the day of the police. We wish you success in everything, a lot of joy and good mood May your dream come true, may there be understanding, love and comfort in your family. Worthy salary for you, high career development and years life. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil. Good luck to you in everything.

Even Peter the Great was responsible for the protection of public order, and therefore created the police to protect it, which in Greek meant “governance of the state” immediately after the revolution, on November 10, the police were created, which were assigned the same functions. More recently, the militia has risen to an even more professional level and was renamed the police by order of the president. Today, thousands of policemen every day honorably defend the country and society from evil, sometimes risking their health and life!

Dear police officer! Accept sincere congratulations with your professional holiday! Employees of internal affairs bodies have always occupied a worthy place in solving national problems. Your service is a model of courage and endurance. The state of the whole society depends on your professionalism and service to the law. This is a guarantee of order, peace and security of the inhabitants of the country. Thank you for your dedication call of duty for hard selfless work. We express our deep gratitude to you for maintaining a stable operational environment. You are doing your job of upholding the rule of law and ensuring public safety with integrity. You have the right to be proud of the results achieved. We wish you good health, new professional success, clean hands, good heart, support people who contact you in difficult situations. Happiness to you, good luck, love and home warmth!

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Happy Police Day. You are always at the forefront of the fight against crime. Ignoring time, colossal physical and psychological stress, often sacrificing your health and even life itself, you protect the peace of citizens and ensure stability in society. Thank you for your effective law enforcement activities and professionalism. I wish you good health, success in your service, and all the very best.

Congratulations on the holiday - Happy Police Day! What is a holiday without a laid table and without nice toast? I raise a glass to you, brave guardians of order, worthy sons countries! Let there be light in the darkest corners of our society! Let criminals surrender, cases are revealed!.. You work not for fear or gold, but for honor and conscience! I wish you iron patience, health and not harden your soul! For justice, for courage, courage and for new shoulder straps!

Congratulations on Police Day! We wish you happiness, health and success in your hard work. A thief should be in prison, a crucian should be on a hook, and we should be in prison with you. festive table. We will celebrate Police Day with dignity and beauty. Once again with a holiday, with day of the militiaman!

Dear police officers! Please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday! You make our sleep peaceful and city streets safe. The work of the police is as important as the work of a doctor or a banker. On this bright frosty day, leave work, stay with your family, be happy! Happy holiday!

On this day, rooted in the era of Peter the Great, we traditionally honor the valiant police officers. Please accept our congratulations on this heroic holiday. We sincerely, with honor, wish you to overcome the difficulties with which, as you know, your professional activity is connected.

Think of troubles like hailstones during a thunderstorm, which will hurt at first, but will immediately dissolve and cease to exist. In general, I wish that police everyday life proceeded without heavy rains and losses, were warmed by the rays of personal fortune. Happy holiday, happy militia day, to all those who, by their work, are trying to protect us from the troubles coming from the underworld.

Today, November 10, those who protect our peace day and night celebrate their professional holiday Police Day. I would like to wish you success in this hard work, stay as courageous, strong and courageous. May warmth and comfort reign in your home. Health, happiness, joy and kindness. Happy holiday!

Every day you meet face to face with trouble, but this does not make your soul harder. You will never leave a person without help. Your heart and all your deeds are aimed at making the whole world cleaner and kinder. We congratulate you on the day of the police and wish that all your deeds receive a well-deserved appreciation, and unlimited happiness and peace reigned in your families.

Feeling someone else's pain is not given to everyone, but responding in time and professionally providing assistance is already an art that you, the police officers, are fluent in. Happy holiday to you, accomplishments to your hopes, professional upsurge, great prospects and improvement in life positions.

You need to become a very brave person to fight crime. Surprisingly, in our country there are not one or two, but thousands! So let's congratulate these courageous people on Police Day. We wish them more success on working days, smiles on family weekends and simple human happiness!

Colleague, good luck in the service!
Your career is punchy
Let the successful friendship grow stronger
And gives peace of mind!
Be the best, be brave, be strict,
Persistent, fervent - such,
To be envied by many,
What a woman is on duty here!
I wish you patience
Luck, happiness, love,
To understand everything gradually:
The best one here is you!

Who said that women have no place,
Who decided that women are not honored
In the police serve men instead,
Your merits in the police cannot be counted!
I congratulate you on your holiday
May your days be good
I always wish you to be fair
Let the fires burn in your heart of duty!

You elected the police - work for a woman is not easy!
Today we will praise you, let your career growth await!
On this holiday, we wish you not to be sad and prettier,
Without knowing any worries, to be able to do everything and do everything!
To be a wonderful beauty that is smarter than all men,
You work interesting, so that there is no reason
You miss. So that in this life you must be lucky,
You yourself will achieve everything, to spite the enemies!

Who better women can keep order?
Who knows best about the guilty?
The find is a woman in the police,
And you are a link in the strongest coalition!
Let the fanfare ring for you on Police Day,
To catch criminals so as not to get tired!
Thank you for a restful, sound sleep,
You always keep it on all sides!

Courage, experience, wisdom, intuition -
You can't do your job without them.
I congratulate you on Police Day!
I wish you happiness, joy, care.
I wish understanding in the family,
Let the husband love, the children will be healthy.
And you stay longer
The handsomest cop on the planet.

A hard fate doomed you
Wear a police uniform...
There was no other choice, was there?
Maybe ask God for you?
Not! You, directing your feet here,
They knew exactly their difficult destiny!
Happy Police Day!
Decorate your department!

Policewoman, pride of the city department,
Policewoman-woman acts skillfully!
They cry for your figure in the Fashion House,
Analysis with intuition is from nature!
Congratulations on the holiday, a woman in a uniform,
Let there be comfort in everyday life and coziness in the apartment!
Always be nice to yourself on the right, and on the left,
Happy police day, our queen!

A woman in uniform is not a challenge to a man!
After all, as before, all the same alignment:
There is a beautiful floor and a strong one next to it!
Just like many centuries ago!
A woman in uniform is a friend and partner,
The best adviser for us, for men!
We wish you this holiday
Easy roads, conquering peaks!

The form truly suits you,
You are femininity and beauty,
Like a fair fighter
You are honored today!
And on Police Day we want
We wish you kindness
So that the mood is like smoke,
Soared to the clouds of dreams
To increase disclosure
Like experience, fast and easy,
So that spring blooms in the soul,
Sadness has gone far!
You inspire the department
On a feat of valor for a long time
And a folder of all solved cases
It grows instantly, like in a movie!

A slender figure and a proud look,
The shape is perfect
And the medals are so shiny
Like a crystal star!
you to any man
Wipe your nose boldly!
Wake up on call
Difficult business!
But the criminal does not wait,
Do you have a concern
Let it bring income
Happy work!
Happy Police Day
Dear woman
Let the wish come true
You are always divine!

A girl in uniform is non-standard,
Difficulties in the service you can not count.
To serve the young lady regularly in the police,
All men's difficulties must be taken into account.
lovely, beautiful women in the police,
I wish you many happy years!
Wherever you work - at the post, in justice,
Happiness to you huge and not to know troubles!

Happy police day, beauty!
Everyone loves your work!
Just a woman in uniform
Like a star on the polygons
Like a heavenly planet
Like the eighth wonder of the world!
We want to wish dreams
And love and beauty
And attention, of course,
Become a successful careerist
And in the family - wife and mother
The very best, the kindest!

Not light labor- serve in the police
And if it's a girl...
She definitely doesn't need a protector.
She can protect herself!
Achieve justice and truth
Here is the work of the police. Their lot is not easy.
We congratulate the girls and raise
A glass for honor, for valor and awards!

Our weaker sex - you are the strongest!
She proved it in the service!
In work, sometimes overwhelming,
Brilliant victories won!
On your day, special and professional,
Receive a personalized gift from us!
We give gratitude and recognition,
For courage, for a career and for titles!
We female forces we wish the right to the defender
And happy police day!

There are many beautiful women in the police,
They celebrate their holiday today
Women - gentle, wonderful and sweet -
Happy Police Day, colleagues congratulate!
The image of women in uniform is harmonious,
Spirit perfection, beauty!
Their style is impeccable and excellent,
Nothing compares to him.
A lot of different directions,
Where women do not solve the issue,
Women are the beauty and pride of administrations,
We can't live without you!
At posts - smart, correct,
Polite, meticulous in details
Simply put, you are amazing!
And in their communication - always pleasant!
On your holiday, what do you wish you?
Let the service not tire you,
Let success accompany business
And luck does not forget you!
Service growth - will not keep you waiting,
Commanders will be loyal to you,
Happiness - so that you do not look for a long time,
And let prosperity come to apartments!
Accept congratulations on the Day of the Police,
And let all your dreams come true
And in love, let it be the way you want,
And let your loved ones give you flowers!

Lei! Who cares!
Let's forget about things:
So that the container is not empty,
Yes, so that vodka goes through the body,
Like a bullet in the steel of the barrel!
I'm hardly wrong:
We're together, damn it
How much dirt have you seen!
Wherever we've been
But we are human!
And not without reason in this world
The law of being is this:
Darkness does not rule over light!
So let's celebrate
Day of real men!

Let every criminal and bandit know
Even though he hides in secluded corners,
Evil intent will warn him
The harsh hand of the law.
And let the police have a holiday today,
But they don't leave the service for more than an hour
Its brave and courageous employees.
Accept congratulations from us!

The fight against evil and crime -
She deserves admiration
And worthy of gratitude
Worthy and decent wages.
And you deserve happiness in life,
Let him smile more
good luck to you, God bless
From failure and resentment.

Congratulations to the most charming representative of the best half of the domestic police on their professional holiday. We wish you to easily conquer the rungs of the corporate ladder, continue to inspire employees with your inescapable optimism and disarm suspects with just a smile. May honor, success and good fortune always surround you.

I am very pleased to congratulate tender half humanity, which has connected its life with the service in the police. You, women in uniform, skillfully combine stamina, devotion to work and extraordinary charm and tenderness. I congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you only successful police everyday life and a cozy home.

It's hard work for a woman
Be in the police service.
And combine both softness and severity,
In his work for many years in a row.
You really want to be proud
You chose your service for a reason.
With all my heart I congratulate you today,
On your holiday - happy police day to you!

Like a shape to a woman's face,
She is like a god.
Beautiful, stately and smart,
Strong before the criminal.
And let the thief be afraid of you
You keep your watch on him.
Bandit can't handle you
May your city sleep peacefully.
I congratulate you on the day of the ATS
And send a warm hello.

Woman in uniform -
The pride of the whole country.
All the men in the world
She is not equal.
She has weapons
A whole arsenal
By its beauty
Falls on the spot.
With an iron aging
Conduct an interrogation
The logic of women
Will resolve the issue.
Where is the man by force
Will come
A woman is capable
Cunning to decide.
On the day your cop
We want to wish
Charm, happiness
And mental strength.
Let sometimes difficult
And the enemy does not sleep
We firmly believe in you.
We wish you all the best!

Today is police day
Today is the holiday of those
Who wears ammo
And celebrate success!
Crime will punish all at once,
And at home - "supermom".
Happy do not hide your eyes
AT nice shape, lady!

Glorious day, solemn
The whole country will celebrate.
Today is police day
We all shout - hurrah!
But how charming
Congratulate the lady?
How does the shape suit you
And this stern look.
The woman in the police
Oh, not an easy job.
So let you colleagues
They love, protect!

We wish you well
Colleague congratulations
Happy police day
Oh, sorry, the police.
You are strict, beautiful
You make everything alive.
May your career
It will be an example for everyone.

Always in the police native
Dangerous service and difficult.
You are a woman, but you got in line,
And she is on your shoulder.
Proud of you in the Organs,
You are in any situation
You can resist the scoundrel.
And the shape suits you so well!
We wish that in personal life
Everything was great for you.

Congratulations on the day of the police! Serve
Like no man can.
Value law and order
Without fear, without reproaches and without trembling.
Be smarter and more honest
Uncompromising, fair.
Let the villains of all stripes
They will know that the police are beautiful!

First a woman, then only a policeman,
You give yourself completely to work,
And the daily routine is almost army,
But you're both pretty and smart!
Enough time for family and children,
There is only a bit left for the husband,
After all, you are always responsible for them, relatives,
So get your congratulations today!
Whether you are slim, sweet and so beautiful,
So that men admire you all,
So elegant, wisely patient,
And stay forever young!

The police service is dangerous, difficult,
It won't be for everyone.
And only by calling did you go there,
Order, giving peace to people.
Courage, responsibility, courage and honor -
That's what makes you different.
For all of us, you were an example,
We tirelessly repeat.
On your holiday, we want to wish
So that the stars shone in uniform,
So that I can tell my children and grandchildren
About your glorious years of service!

Brave and courageous guys
Calmness, order cherish.
We are glad to congratulate you on the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Let your salaries always grow.
We wish you courage, strength and health.
Let everything be calm at the post.
"Thanks!" we tell you today
For bringing evil always to purity!

Beautiful congratulations on Police Day

Police glorious and brave
We wish you peace and tranquility.
Honored let everyone be rewarded
For character, courage and heroism.
Let the stars on the shoulder straps sparkle
And they compose songs in your honor.
You are our protection and support.
We say: "Thank you for being you"!

Short congratulations on the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies

Employees of the internal affairs bodies
We wish you successful, brilliant service!
To stand guard over order is your lot,
Before your courage - the enemies are unarmed!

Congratulations on the occasion of Police Day in verse

Congratulations, friends, today is a holiday,
Police Day is on the doorstep!
May it bring you joy and happiness
And get rid of eternal worries!
We wish you successful service,
Less litigation and sleepless nights
And solve all crimes
So that there are no “grouses” at all.

Congratulations on Police Day in verse

Police Day, by right,
The most significant day
After all, there is no more valuable reward,
Than the recognition of people!
You are mobile and courageous,
Noble and strong
Your military labor, the most important,
Much needed for the country!
Happiness to you, great success,
Spiritual strength forever
So that you with a cheerful laugh,
Never parted!
Peace to families and prosperity,
And the country - everything is in order!

Cool unusual congratulations on the Day of the police (police)

All the cops - hip-hip cheers,
Your holiday, today!
Happiness to you - for all the years,
Service superb!
Titles, honors, awards,
Lots of premium
Eternal cheerfulness charge,
Auspicious days!
Let the money in the house rustle
Life will be great
And the criminals are in a hurry
Come to you with a confession!

Wonderful congratulations on Police Day

Happy Police Day!
I sincerely wish you happiness
Good health, lots of laughter,
Most wonderful success!
May our country prosper
All crime is on the decline
Joy is waiting for you everywhere
So that everything in the world succeeds!

Short SMS congratulations on Police Day

Happy Police Day! All the best,
Happiness, cheerfulness, success!
For life to bring you
Lots of joy and laughter!

Original congratulations on the occasion of Police Day

We are grateful to you, we are grateful beyond measure
Because every day and every hour,
Maintain law and order approximately
Sometimes risking their lives for us!
You value the honor of the police,
You always know how to appreciate dignity,
Hurry up to help us,
Bravely protect from iniquity!
Happy holiday! We sincerely wish you
Health, happiness, joy, love!
We do not know nobler men,
Thank you family from the bottom of my heart!

SMS congratulations to a police officer on Police Day

To the police officer - our fiery greetings!
We wish a worthy answer to crime,
He was brave and courageous, never backed down,
And all the villains and thieves, how to drink, - detained!

And many other poems!

Congratulations on Police Day!

All the police officers of our great country,
Worthy to say: "Thank you guys!"
Thank you for your faithful work
They don't call the police for nothing
you at home faithful wife And the kids are waiting!

Yes! We congratulate the police, gentlemen!
Yes! May you always have enough strength!
Yes! And it's time to celebrate!
And wish you neither fluff nor feathers!

Super congratulations to the policeman!

We wish everyone to be healthy policemen
You are real men and gentlemen
Let the sun shine for you and the stars shine
And let everyone congratulate you today!

Congratulations to your favorite police officer!

Happy Police Day, I heartily congratulate
I wish warmth in your heart always

And no trouble will break you

May you be lucky in this carefree life
Stay like this, dear, forever!

Dear defender, support of the whole country!

My beloved, you serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
And with the law, and with the order you are friends,
My dear protector, you are the support of the whole country!
I quiet life I wish
Everything will work out for you, I know!
After all, the Motherland needs such supermen!

Dear and dear, dearest,
How proud I am of you!
If you knew how much I love you and I want to be near you.
Courage to you, be careful
You can turn the world upside down
Everything you, my love, in this life on the shoulder!

Taking action -
You are just like in a fairy tale!
Together we say - Hello!

When there is anxiety
And passions rage
You will save reliably
Us from all misfortunes!

Your work is difficult and so changeable,
We sincerely want to tell you:
Let there be fewer offenders
On your way!

Your work is not easy, not sweet,
Son, I set you as an example:
Protects peace, order
Uncle is a policeman.

Justice, honesty, strength -
Services of your achievement,
Let them be worthy of this service
There will be a reward!

There is one quality in people,
It is given to them or not given.
When a machine gun scribbles in a fever,

And so in everything, and everywhere, and always,
When trouble falls on the shoulders,
When life takes you by the throat
One lies, the other runs forward.

And what to do, apparently, it’s the way it is.
Let's pour wine into glasses
My toast is for those who always go,
Rising in full height, only forward!

How wonderful that there is a tradition
Hurry home for the holidays!
Today is Police Day
Since the son-in-law is a major, then the holiday is mine!

Forget the restless weekdays:
Interrogation, evidence, protocol...
Let's pour the glasses full
And invite comrades to the table!

Let the autumn rains outside the window
They knock on the leaves-keys!
We are not up to them - we have fun,
We just don't get bored!

Fighting and serious-faced,
You are good at dangerous work,
With your Day - Happy Valiant Police Day!
We congratulate you wholeheartedly.

May the Lord grant you good luck, health, perseverance,
Understanding and friendship in the family,
So that there are as few sorrows as possible,
Evil and crimes on earth.

And brave and strong
And swift riot police.
Happy Police Day to you guys
You are a crime barrier!

You fight with criminals
You lead yours like soldiers
Service has become your destiny.
Happy police day guys!

Saving the world, without embellishment,
You can't help it
Happy police day to all of you
We love you good luck

To serve in the police,
AT difficult hour you were with us
Always holding high
Your battle banner!

There is the tenth number in November,
We must not forget him
And the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a wonderful date
It's time to congratulate.

You are strong and brave people
And don't be afraid of anything
You are doing something important
Thank you very much for it!

Police Day meets
The whole country from year to year,
This holiday celebrates
Definitely happy people.

We sincerely congratulate
wonderful guys,
We wish you easy service
And high salaries for you!

Happy Police Day
Those who serve and served
We praise those people today,
Who devoted his whole life to her.

Good luck, good health,
Strength for many years
To your service so that with love
You have always treated!

In November we are the whole country
We celebrate a glorious holiday -
Dear police day
On this day we congratulate

Those whose courage and honor
Confirmed by deeds.
Thank you for being
Our people are proud of you!

This is the job of the police.
To eradicate crime in Russia,
On a solemn day of luck and good luck
A huge country wishes you

On this day people say thank you
For difficult, certainly necessary work,
Let more days will be happy
And troubles will bypass you!

Your work is not easy, invisible,
But so Russia needs him, -
For crime to answer for everything,
So that law reigns in the country,

And you have to work
Sometimes without rest and sleep,
To be forever proud
The country has its own police!

It's only in the TV series
Everything is effective, fast, good,
In life you will hardly see
So that the criminal goes straight into the hands.

Everything is more complicated, much more prosaic,
And do not count the problems, worries,
And sometimes you are not up to personal life,
So the whole life goes on, year after year:

Doing something very important
Work without rest and sleep,
We know: the police are on guard, -
So the country is safe!

Happy Police Day, we congratulate
All those who connected their lives with her,
We wish you good luck and health
Let's fill the glass to the brim!

We want to wish you a happy police day
All those who keep order in the country,
We know that you will not turn off the path
And you will overcome obstacles!

On a solemn day, we thank you
For hard work and undoubtedly necessary,
Loving, we wish you to give every day
Good luck in life and success in the service!

The beacon flashes flashing,
In the night he is the messenger of our hopes,
We sincerely congratulate you with a kind word,
Reliable patrol - PPS!

The police are hard work.
Criminals, danger is near.
It’s still bad and they’ll call you,
Send more where they don't need to.

And now is your day
And I congratulate you on it!
You, most importantly, be proud of yourself,
Because there is a reason - I know for sure!

In management "K" you work, serve,
You save the country from IT crimes,
With the Internet - on you, you are friends with technology,
And you put criminals mercilessly in jail.

Today, I sincerely wish for a working spirit,
Accomplishments of the latest in all matters,
And for all crimes - a special scent,
So that neither misfortune nor fear were known!

Police the most important feature -
Mobility, speed in everything,
Let's tell those who these cars are
Stores, repairs in the night and day!

The news comes to you first,
Almost all from sad deeds,
The detainees are brought here,
Boils like a beehive, the regional department.

Fortune in life to you guys
For a day, so that without calls,
100 for everyone under a nice toast,
May everyone be alive and well!

Police officer
Sincerely I wish with all my heart
Don't give up your positions
Because the path is waiting for you!

And let the career develop
Thanks to the work
So let you want and be able
Overcome adversity!

At any time of the day or night
You rush to help people
Do you remember the importance of authority
You will always solve the problem!

I wish you, precinct, -
Sometimes there is no need for you -
To sensible assistant
You stayed for the people!

real officer

You proudly head

had a concept of

Years for the Motherland

Always thought
that you are with her.

others, so
it was hard

They broke into
this service,

Not everyone could
go ahead,

And with a conscience
stay friendly.

In their uniforms
you carry

valor and courage.

Always only
the result is important.
