A lot of long white is squeezed out of the pore. Nutrition for sebaceous plugs on the face

Sebaceous plugs on the face, perhaps, are known to everyone - such rashes can appear at a young age, and already at an older age. By the way, sebaceous plugs on the face are quite serious cosmetic defect, so you need to know not only the causes of their occurrence, but also methods for solving the problem.

As a rule, it is the increased oiliness of the skin that leads to the appearance of characteristic rashes. The fact is that with this type of skin, the pores are always enlarged and naturally dirt, dust, and dead epidermal flakes accumulate in them. And do not forget that through these very pores, the secret of the sebaceous glands comes out, and if they are clogged, then there is an accumulation of all components.

What can cause oily skin? First, it could be genetic predisposition- according to statistics fat type skin in most cases is inherited by children from their parents. Secondly, an important role in the formation of the type of skin is played by hormonal background For example, a woman may have normal type skin, but during pregnancy, the hormonal background changes and after childbirth the skin becomes oily. Thirdly, sebaceous plugs can appear if improper skin care is carried out.

In general, to solve the problem under consideration, it is necessary to adhere to an integrated approach. It will not be enough just to start regular caring procedures, you will need to change your lifestyle, adjust your diet, and use folk methods getting rid of sebaceous plugs. But first of all, you need to visit a beautician and find out the cause of the problem in question. If sebaceous plugs are associated with hormonal disorders, then you will need to consult an endocrinologist and, possibly, undergo a course of treatment. If sebaceous plugs are just a consequence of the wrong approach to maintaining and strengthening the health of facial skin, then the specialist will give clear and effective recommendations.

Nutrition for sebaceous plugs on the face

Usually sebaceous glands begin to actively develop their secret with malnutrition. It is not surprising that cosmetologists, working with patients about sebaceous plugs on the face, refer them to a nutritionist. To correctly adjust your diet, you need to follow some rules:

Such a diet will help not only normalize the digestive system, but also help get rid of extra pounds- such a nice "bonus".

Yes, yes, in order to get rid of sebaceous plugs, you will have to reconsider your lifestyle. First, development must be excluded. And this means that you need to correctly combine active physical activity and rest - walk more, do a 10-minute warm-up in the morning, do 5-10 squats or 5-10 tilts every 2 hours while sitting.

Another point - it is highly desirable to give up nightly gatherings, learn how to fully relax at night. An adult needs 6-8 hours a day and it is completely useless to try to replace nighttime sleep with daytime sleep - the body will still work with disturbances.

  1. mechanical cleaning. This is the simplest and cheapest procedure. The specialist steams the face and removes (squeezes out) each fragment of the rash with clean hands. The advantages of this method of facial cleansing are very doubtful - the patient experiences pain, within a few hours or even days the face will have a red tint and slight swelling, after a short time the rash will return.
  2. Chemical cleaning. The procedure is carried out using fruit acids - they can not only thoroughly warm up the skin, but also partially dissolve sebaceous plugs. The face will become fresher, the skin will be renewed, and the places of sebaceous plugs will turn white.

  1. Laser therapy. Many cosmetologists consider laser exposure to be one of the most effective methods getting rid of sebaceous plugs on the face. Moreover, this procedure is absolutely painless, does not require the patient to stay in medical institution does not leave marks on the face.

In some cases, peeling with special scrubs helps to get rid of sebaceous plugs on the face. You can go through this procedure, but first you still need to get permission for such treatment from a doctor.

Treatment of sebaceous plugs at home

There are also a lot of means of getting rid of sebaceous plugs on the face, which traditional medicine offers for use. In general, even at home, you can significantly reduce the number of rashes and improve the appearance.

Infusion of celandine

You need to take the celandine grass, wash it and grind it thoroughly with a knife or in a blender - the output should be 4 tablespoons of raw materials. Then the resulting mass is poured with 6 glasses of water, boiled for 5 minutes and infused for 8 hours.

How to apply: daily, after washing, you need to wipe your face with a napkin dipped in a ready-made infusion - at least 2 times a day. You can make lotions at night - it is enough for 10-15 minutes to attach a napkin soaked in a medicine to problem areas of the face.

Dandelion root

You need to grind the dandelion root along with the peel. Take 1 tablespoon of chopped raw materials and pour 250-300 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

How to apply: you need to drink ½ cup of the prepared infusion every night before going to bed. Treatment should be carried out for at least 10 days in a row. During this time, the digestive system normalizes and the amount of sebum secretion decreases.

Take 1 teaspoon of dried or fresh yarrow flowers, brew with 1 cup of boiling water and infuse the remedy for 10-15 minutes.

How to apply: infusion of yarrow flowers is used for washing in the morning. In the evening, you can moisten gauze or tissue paper in a warm infusion and apply on the face - such a lotion not only helps to draw out the accumulated dirt, but also narrows the pores.

Mask of pumpkin and nettle

Take 3 tablespoons of nettle leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Grate the pulp of the pumpkin on a fine grater - the output should be 2 tablespoons of the mass. Next, pour 1 tablespoon of decoction of nettle leaves into the resulting pumpkin gruel and put 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, mix everything thoroughly.

How to apply: 1 time in 2 days you need to apply the mixture prepared according to the presented recipe on the face and hold in this position for 25 minutes. Then wash with warm water and dry the skin.

Dairy products and egg white

Once a week it will be useful to make a mask of egg white, a tablespoon of sour cream or the same amount of kefir.

How to apply: apply the prepared mixture on a pre-cleansed face, hold for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water and soap.

steam baths

For them, you can use ordinary boiled water or a decoction of chamomile, sage leaves, thyme. Such a decoction is prepared according to the classic recipe: 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials for 250-300 ml of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes.

How to apply: clean the face of cosmetics and dust (wash), pour hot decoction or water into a wide, but not deep basin and tilt your face over it, covered with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Experts recommend using alcohol-based lotions, soaps and gels with a drying effect as part of facial skin care. The fact is that excessive fat content of the skin can be removed only by drying it - just these means will help in this.

Why do some people not visible changes on the face associated with sebaceous plugs, although their skin cannot be called normal or dry? It's simple - they competently carry out skin care and follow the recommendations of doctors to prevent the appearance of the problem in question. These include:

  1. Power control. You need to carefully monitor your own diet, but rare violations and eating too fatty foods will not be a tragedy.
  2. Regular facial cleansing. To do this, you need to use professional cosmetics - gels, tonics, lotions, scrubs, creams, and so on. They must be selected in strict accordance with the type of skin and age.
  3. Usage medicinal plants. Even without visible sebaceous plugs on the face, you can wash your face with a decoction of chamomile or sage, wipe your face with ice cubes from the infusion of a string, make lotions and masks from pumpkin and nettle decoction.

Sebaceous plugs on the face can cause a lot of inconvenience - from a spoiled appearance to psycho-emotional disorders. That is why it is necessary to constantly take care of the skin, and with the active progression of the problem, seek help from doctors.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Oily skin on the nose is considered a very common problem. This zone is characterized not only by the appearance of an ugly shine, but also by the formation of acne and acne. To cope with this violation will help special cosmetical tools and lifestyle modification.


The appearance of a greasy sheen on the nose is associated with an excess of sebaceous glands in this area. They cover almost the entire body. The only exceptions are the palms and feet. However, it is in the T-zone that their number is maximum.

Of course, you should not think that the absence of sebaceous glands is a favorable sign. They help maintain skin hydration and elasticity, which is a reliable prevention of wrinkles.

Max Volume sebum begins to be produced in adolescence. This process continues until the body develops, up to about 25 years.

After 40 years, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases markedly. In the same period, the balance of hormones changes significantly and general aging of the body is observed. However, age is far from the only reason for the activation of the functions of the sebaceous glands.

These problems are caused by the following factors:

  • disruption of work nervous system;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive organs and endocrine glands;
  • eating disorders;
  • the accumulation of a large amount of toxins in the body.

Excess fat accumulates in enlarged pores. As a result, they are clogged with sebaceous plugs. This creates the prerequisites for the appearance of comedones and acne.

What to do

To get rid of oily skin on the nose, it is very important to determine the causes of this problem. If it is caused by an imbalance of hormones due to adolescence, it is very important to provide the dermis with adequate care.

Significant lifestyle changes are essential.

Normalize nutrition

Violations in the menu adversely affect the state of the dermis. Many products provoke the activation of the functions of the sebaceous glands. To minimize the occurrence of such problems, it is necessary to consume many vitamins and drink enough fluids.

Help improve skin condition fresh fruits and vegetables. Experts also advise eating nuts and natural juices.

At the same time, there are a number of products that are contraindicated in case of excessive fat content of the epithelium on the nose. The main recommendation is to avoid simple carbohydrates. Experts advise to completely remove sweets, sugar, cakes from the menu.

It is these products that contribute to the increase in the fat content of the dermis and can even lead to the formation of acne. In addition, it is very important to eliminate the intake of caffeine and give up excess amounts of protein foods.


If an unwanted oily sheen appears on the nose, you need to use a special facial wash to cleanse the dermis.

An excellent solution to this problem would be a combination of soap and salt.

If the skin does not respond well to soap, you can use oatmeal. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal with boiling water to get a gruel. It must be applied to the nose, performing gentle massaging movements.


Those with oily skin should not use alcohol lotions. They dry out the dermis, which will eventually cause even more activation of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the problem will only get worse.

To give the epidermis the required tone, it is recommended to make products based on infusions medicinal plants. They should have anti-inflammatory and soothing characteristics. AT this case mint, yarrow, sage are ideal.

To deal with oily sheen, in such funds it is recommended to add natural powder fine grind.

Overview of suitable cosmetics

To cope with the problem, it is very important to carefully consider the process of choosing cosmetics.

  1. Buy only high-quality tonal foundation. The use of different products for the T-zone and other parts of the face will help to cope with the problem.
  2. Be sure to use powder. This is the easiest way to deal with oily sheen on the nose.
  3. You can take matting wipes to work or school. This will help maintain an attractive appearance throughout the day.
  4. Use cosmetics that suit your skin type.
  5. Choose therapeutic cosmetics with the most natural composition.

When choosing cosmetics, you need to pay special attention to its composition. It must contain ingredients that have sebum-regulating characteristics. These include extracts of citrus fruits - orange, lemon or grapefruit. Mint and cinnamon have similar properties.

Don't neglect useful properties minerals. White or blue clay will help to cope with oily sheen on the nose.

An excellent option would be cosmetic products made on the basis of Dead Sea minerals.

Thanks to the regular use of such products, it will be possible to forget about the problems of excess oiliness of the dermis forever.

Video: In a beauty salon

How to get rid of oily skin on the nose at home

To deal with high fat content skin, you can use effective homemade recipes:

  • Mask based on curdled milk. To prepare it, you need to purchase low-fat milk and put a slice of black bread in it. Then for a day you should remove the mixture in a warm place. After the specified time, the yogurt will be ready.

To use it, you need to fold gauze in several layers, soak in liquid and apply to oily areas of the skin for 20 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water and dry your face with a towel. This tool not only effectively cleanses, but also perfectly nourishes the dermis.

  • Washing liquid. Into a glass mineral water pour in a tablespoon of grapefruit juice. Use this cleanser in the morning. Not less than effective tool will be sauerkraut juice. They need to rinse their face, let it dry, and then wash with cool water.
  • Useful mask from yeast. Take half a pack of live yeast and mix with milk to get a liquid. Apply a thin layer to the skin and leave to dry. Then the composition should be washed off with cool water.

After the procedure is completed, the skin is treated with a cream. It is recommended to use the product once a day at night.

  • Protein-lemon mask. To prepare it, beat egg white and add some lemon zest. With the resulting composition, treat problem areas. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash yourself with warm water.
  • Lemon-yeast mask. To get this useful product, you need to take 20 g of dry yeast and combine with a small amount of milk. Also add a small spoonful of lemon juice to the mixture. The resulting tool is recommended to treat the nose. After 15 minutes, you can wash with warm water or special milk.
  • Cucumber mask. To make it, mix chopped cucumber with boric acid in a ratio of 6:1. The resulting composition is applied to the nose for 10 minutes, after which they are washed with warm water.

To permanently cope with excess skin shine, you need to provide a whole range of measures. To fight unpleasant symptoms you can use the services of a cosmetologist or resort to folk remedies.

In any case, therapies are based on general rules which include the following:

  1. Use special cleaning compounds that differ in neutral-alkaline balance. This category includes gels and soaps, as well as make-up remover liquids.
  2. Provide adequate moisture to the skin.
  3. Refuse to squeeze out acne, as this creates the prerequisites for infection. It is much better to use products that have exfoliating properties.
  4. Refuse to apply excessive amounts foundation or powder, as this will provoke severe contamination of the pores.
  5. Eat right, eliminating the consumption of sweets, smoked meats, fried foods. Also, experts advise reducing the amount of salt.
  6. Apply when washing the gel and brush, with which you can get rid of dirt. First you need to use hot water, which helps to open the pores. Finally, rinse your face with cool water.
  7. Every day use creams that help moisturize the skin.
  8. Use a scrub three times a week that provides a good cleansing of the skin.
  9. To achieve a better opening of the pores, you can do steam baths.

To cope with the strong oiliness of the dermis, you need to avoid artificial tanning. The fact is that irradiation in a solarium heats the skin, launching hormonal changes. As a result, the activity of the sebaceous glands is significantly increased.

In addition, you can only touch your nose with clean hands or special napkins. Every week it is recommended to wash makeup brushes, which will prevent infection of the dermis.

Oily skin on the nose is quite common and may be due to the influence of the most various factors. To cope with this problem, you need to provide the dermis complete care, adjust nutrition and use folk remedies.

Sebaceous plugs on the face can cause quite serious troubles to their owner. Most people know how unaesthetic the appearance of a person becomes, who has several or a whole scattering of small clogged pores on his face. What is the reason for their occurrence? And also is it possible to achieve a clean and matte surface of the skin if you have a predisposition to the formation of such plugs? Experts say with confidence that to change the situation in better side not only possible, but necessary!


In order to develop the most effective ways to deal with sebaceous plugs, it is necessary to understand the reasons for their formation.

  • Secret. Blockage of pores occurs when excessive production of a specific secret by the sebaceous glands.
  • Purity. The contaminated surface of the skin and its insufficient cleaning become predisposing factors for the development of such a condition.
  • Exfoliation. Excessive keratinization of the upper layers of the skin leads not only to its thickening, but also to the narrowing of the lumen of the pore. As a result, there are difficulties with the discharge of sebum.
  • with a predominance of fatty and high-calorie foods leads to an additional burden on the digestive organs.
  • Unstable hormonal background can also cause their formation.
  • Nervous breakdowns and unstable psychological background.

All these reasons lead to a systematic blockage of the passages of the sebaceous glands. How to get rid of sebaceous plugs? All predisposing factors should be eliminated as much as possible. Active sports, cosmetic procedures at home, as well as beauty salons, and compliance with the daily regimen will allow not only to get rid of clogged pores and maintain the skin in perfect condition.

Skin Care Basics

Most often, sebaceous plugs form on the face: cheeks, on the nose or chin, as well as on the head near the hairline. Those. in those areas where there is an increased accumulation of sebaceous glands.

The main and most effective method the fight against sebaceous plugs will be keeping the skin perfectly clean. You can use the most suitable cleansers for your skin type: milk or tonic, facial wash or gel. After using the product, there should not be a feeling of constriction. Also, there should be no burning or peeling.

Experts recommend the use of scrubs only if there are no inflammatory reactions on the face or there is no pronounced vascular network. In the presence of inflamed acne, the use of scrubs and exfoliating products is strictly prohibited. Thus, it is possible to spread the infection over adjacent areas of the skin, only aggravating the process.

Visiting cosmetologists can also help improve skin condition. In the conditions of the salon, you can carry out, during which the specialist will remove all comedones with the help of tools. At the end of cleaning, the beautician can apply a soothing or tightening mask, depending on the condition of the skin.

The use of professional cosmetic preparations will be a great addition. comprehensive care behind the skin. Excellent results can only be obtained with regular and systematic care. One-time use of corrective pencils can only improve the situation for a couple of days, and you can radically improve the condition of the skin only by reconsidering your lifestyle, nutrition and using professional face care products.

Good results are obtained with regular use of the product. traditional medicine. There are several excellent effective ways bring the skin to perfect condition:

  • with addition activated carbon. Thus, it is possible to get rid of more clogged pores in a short time.
  • Honey massage is becoming an increasingly popular way to get rid of sebaceous plugs. The only negative this method will become a high allergenicity of the main component.
  • Steam baths not only soften sebaceous plugs, but also contribute to the preparation of the skin with subsequent procedures.
  • Peeling. At home, the most effective and affordable remedy has become natural coffe. The precipitate is mixed with a gel or foam cleanser that is ideal for your skin. And it is with this scrub that the dead layer of the epithelium is removed.

But experts say that only a regular and complex effect on the skin leads to the cleansing of clogged pores. And changing lifestyle and diet reduces the likelihood of clogged pores.

white pimples on different parts bodies can be the appearance of various skin anomalies, but the appearance of any type of white acne, first of all, means blockage of the skin pores. Excess fat is removed through the pores, and if they become clogged, neoplasms appear on the surface of the skin, which we call acne. White pimples on the face are usually found in people with oily skin and combination skin.

What are white pimples on the face?

White acne on the face can be a manifestation of various skin neoplasms:

  1. "Prosyanki" or milia - one of the most common types of white acne. These are small (1-3 mm) raised white neoplasms that look like a grain of millet. White acne of this type can be found on the temples, cheeks, eyelids. The reason for the appearance of millet is still the same: dirt, fat, dead skin cells accumulate in the sebaceous duct, and all these skin wastes begin to come out through the cuticle.
  2. .White pimples similar to appearance milia, sometimes confused with wen. Wen are neoplasms of a rounded shape, up to 3 mm in size, consisting of adipose tissue. Unlike other types of acne, wen do not have an excretory duct inside, which is why it is impossible to squeeze out such a pimple. Wen are a benign formation.
  3. Most often, white pimple on the face - this is a common whitehead (closed comedone), which occurs due to clogging with sebum and desquamated epithelium of the mouth of the hair follicle. This neoplasm looks like a whitish papule 1-2 mm in diameter, which becomes more noticeable if the skin is stretched in this place. Whiteheads often become inflamed, forming white nodules and pustules on the skin.

White spots on different parts of the body

White acne in single or multiple quantities can appear not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. Sometimes they are the same prosyanka, comedones and wen, and sometimes symptoms of other diseases.

White pimples on the tongue

This phenomenon is not associated with the above skin diseases. Most often, the cause of the appearance of white acne on the lips is a manifestation of diseases such as stomatitis or candidiasis. It must be remembered that although the elements of the rash in these two diseases may be similar, they are treated differently.

Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor to find out the exact diagnosis.

White pimples on lips

These neoplasms, as a rule, look like a group of white pimples, localized directly under the skin of the lips. Often, a person does not feel any discomfort. At the same time, if you carefully examine these white pimples, you will find that they are located evenly and without much tension on the skin are almost invisible.

If so, then there is nothing to worry about - these are just small pieces of iron that perform important function: moisturizing and nourishing lips. In this case, we are not talking about pathology at all.

white pimple on penis

Men are sometimes bothered by white pimples on the head of the penis, which become visible only when the foreskin is pushed back.

These formations, 1-2 mm in size, although they look like acne, in fact they are not, and are observed only in adolescents and young men, disappearing without a trace, as a rule, by the age of 40.

This phenomenon is not a pathology, and therefore does not require treatment. Approximately 10% of men have white pimples on the penis.

White pimples on labia

Large and small white pimples on the labia in women may be the result of an allergy to hygiene products or to the fabric of underwear. A rash of small white pimples on the labia may also appear after hypothermia or overheating, since such temperature changes negatively affect the blood supply to the skin and weaken local immunity.

White acne: causes

Summarizing the above, there are a number of reasons that contribute to the appearance of white acne on different parts of the body:

  • malnutrition (the predominance of fatty, sweet and fried foods in the diet), leading to metabolic disorders and, as a result, to the malfunction of the sebaceous glands;

  • improper skin care causing clogging of pores;
  • hormonal disorders and changes in the work of the body;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics detergents, washing powder or articles of clothing;
  • problems in the digestive tract or thyroid gland;
  • temperature fluctuations or a sharp change in climate.

If it is impossible to determine the cause of the appearance of white acne on your own, you need to be examined by a doctor and receive recommendations for treatment.

Ways to treat whiteheads

After examining and establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe one of the following treatments:

  • antibacterial benzoyl peroxide (for drying fatty formations);
  • cosmetic facial cleansing (manual, vacuum or ultrasonic);
  • a diet that excludes fatty and sweet foods and increases the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • cure of major diseases (endocrine, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.).

Treatment of white acne folk remedies

Alternative methods of treating white acne are not an alternative to medical ones, but they can perfectly complement them. For example, with white acne on the face, you can cook potato mask(mix boiled potatoes with cream, egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey). On a hard white pimple (acne), not amenable to extrusion, you can apply a compress with calendula (1 tablespoon of calendula tincture diluted with 100 ml of water). Just prepare a soy mask (3 tablespoons of sprouted soybeans mixed with a spoonful of turmeric and a teaspoon of honey).

When using home remedies for topical application, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.

» Hyperkeratosis and acne
» Comedogenic cosmetics and acne
» Demodex subcutaneous mite
» Propionibacterium acnes and Propionibacterium granulosum
» Irritated skin and acne
» Heredity and acne
» Nutrition and acne
» Medicines and acne
» Steroids and acne

Types of acne

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How to deal with acne (acne, blackheads, comedones)

Types of acne (acne, blackheads, comedones)

First, let's understand the definition of acne (acne, blackheads, comedones)

Acne (lat. acne, distorted Greek akmē peak)- collective designation inflammatory diseases sebaceous glands, more often the term is applied to acne and pimples.

Acne - acne, pimple-like tubercles, skin rash elements. In the medical literature, acne is often referred to simply as "acne" or "acne vulgaris". However, these terms are not equivalent. Acne is a particular manifestation of acne, characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Pimples - acne, blackheads, small inflamed bumps on the skin. Acne is a particular manifestation of acne, characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Comedo (Novolat. acne comedonica) - a type of plug formed when the mouth of the hair follicle is blocked by horny masses (lowered epithelium mixed with thick lard). With inflammation of comedones, pimples (acne, blackheads) occur.

What types of acne (acne, blackheads, comedones) exist?

Due to the fact that acne is a very diverse disease due to the causes of its occurrence, the mechanism of development, and the individual characteristics of the skin, there is no single and comprehensive classification of acne. Below are several classifications, the study of which in total makes it possible to correctly diagnose and choose the optimal treatment tactics.

1. Classification according to the inflammatory nature of the manifestation of acne (acne, blackheads, comedones)

Comedones occur when the ducts of the sebaceous glands or the mouths of the hair follicles are clogged with plugs.

Such plugs consist of excess thick sebum mixed with keratinized scales of dead skin cells.

If an infection enters such a gland, a papule (nodule) or pustule (abscess) develops.

After a while, the pus "melts" the epidermis and comes out.

The inflammatory infiltrate of leukocytes that surrounded the pimple resolves.

If the abscess was large, after its healing, a scar may remain.

1.1 Non-inflammatory manifestations of acne (acne/blackheads/comedones)

1.1.a Blackheads (blackheads, open comedones)

If a blockage forms at the top of a pore, open comedones form. In appearance, the sebaceous plug at first resembles a slightly white or clear liquid, then the fat begins to harden and a dense white or yellow lump forms in the pore.

If the pore was open, then under the influence of oxygen, the fat begins to oxidize and acquires a characteristic black head - black dots ( dark color cork attaches melanin - a product of the oxidation of tyrosine).

1.1.b Whiteheads (wen, whiteheads, closed comedones, microcysts, milia)

If the congestion is formed in the lower part of the pore, deep under the skin, the ducts of the sebaceous glands expand from excess sebum and the so-called wen is formed - an accumulation of fat, cystic blood clots that do not have access to the surface of the skin.

Closed comedones can rise above the surface of the skin, and can be felt tactile on palpation in the form of small millet-like tubercles. They are best seen when stretching the skin. On the surface of the skin, they often appear as white nodules. various sizes. Nodules the size of millet grains are called miliums (milium - from Latin “millet grain”) or, in the common people, “millet”.

1.2 Inflammatory manifestations of acne (acne/blackheads/comedones)

If the comedone becomes infected, inflammation occurs.

Then the comedone turns into a papule (nodule) or pustule (abscess).

Let's see how they differ.

1.2.a Papule (nodule)

A papule (nodule) is a sharply demarcated, dense, cavityless formation, usually slightly elevated above the skin surface, with a diameter of 1 mm to 3 cm.

According to the Western classification, papules with a diameter of more than 1 cm are called nodes.

Papules (one type of inflammatory acne) look like dense red nodules, resembling small balls on the surface of the skin. Redness is accompanied by suppuration and swelling of the adjacent skin.

Depending on the type of papule, the color varies from pink to bright red or bluish-purple. If you press on the papule, it changes its color to a paler one. We do not see a white inflamed head in a papule, unlike a pustule.

Most papules form from closed comedones. If the papule formed at the site of an open comedone, an enlarged mouth of the hair follicle with a dark plug is visible on its surface.

1.2.b Pustule (abscess)

Pustule (abscess)- abdominal acute inflammatory element with purulent contents, resulting from a purulent process in the epidermis or dermis.

Pustules are formed both independently (primarily) and secondarily - from papules if opportunistic or pathogenic microflora begins to develop in the papule.

The sizes of pustules vary from 1 to 10 mm. The shape is hemispherical, cone-shaped or flat.

The contents of the pustules are purulent - on the surface we see a loose white head (which sometimes bursts), and red inflamed skin areas along the edges of the ball.

The color of the purulent content may be white, grayish, yellow or have a greenish tint.

The presence of a yellow or greenish tint indicates the addition of a secondary infection.

When the walls of the vessel are destroyed as a result of the inflammatory process, the contents are mixed with blood.

1.3 Dermatoses with acneiform acne

rosacea, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, skin tuberculosis, small nodular facial sarcoidosis, drug rash.

For acneiform rashes, inflammation of the sebaceous hair follicle is primary. When diagnosing, they should be distinguished from acne.

2. Clinical classification proposed by Plewig and Kligman

  • 1. Acne juveniles (Acne juveniles)

    Juvenile or vulgar acne (acne juveniles) - occurs in a third of adolescents aged 12 to 16 years. According to statistics, girls suffer from acne more often than boys. In 75% of cases, juvenile acne is localized on the face, in 16% - on the face and back. In the vast majority of adolescents, acne disappears by the age of 18-20. However, sometimes acne occurs for a long time and occurs in 3% of men and 5% of women aged 40-50 and even 60 years (“physiological acne”). This variety refers to the manifestations of adult acne (acne adultorum).

    1. Comedones (Acne comedonica)

      Comedones (acne comedonica) are formed as a result of blockage of hair follicles by an accumulation of horny scales and sebum. Mild comedones in the absence of an inflammatory component are considered a variant of the physiological norm. The initial manifestation of acne is microcomedones, which do not manifest themselves clinically. Inflammation of open comedones occurs much less frequently than open ones - white, dense, non-inflamed nodules with a diameter of about 2 mm, covered with skin and not having an open exit to the surface. Inflammation is not expressed in them, but there are favorable conditions for its further development. Further accumulation of sebum in them leads to an increase in nodules and possible inflammation.

    2. Papulopustular acne (Acne papulopustolosa)

      Papulopustular acne (acne papulopustulosa) is characterized by attachment to closed or open comedones of the inflammatory process. This form of acne is characterized by the formation of inflammatory elements - papules (nodules) and pustules (pustules). The outcome of papulopustular acne depends on the depth of damage to the layers of the skin. Light form usually heals without a trace, when involved in inflammatory process deep layers of the dermis and damage to its structure, inflammatory elements heal with the formation of a scar defect.

      Comedones and papulopustular acne are the most common forms of acne. Other types of acne in clinical practice are quite rare, are characterized by a more severe course and require a different treatment strategy.

    3. Nodular cystic acne (Acne nodulocystica)

      The nodular cystic form of acne (acne nodulocystica) is characterized by the formation of purulent cystic cavities and infiltrates deep in the dermis, their tendency to merge and form inflammatory conglomerates. With the reverse development, such elements always heal with the formation of scars. This form of acne usually takes a long time (several years), even with a moderate degree of the process.

    4. Lightning acne (Acne fulminans)

      Acne fulminans is the rarest and most severe form of acne. It usually develops in adolescents aged 13-18 years, mainly in young men with papulopustular or nodular-cystic acne. On the skin of the trunk and upper extremities, areas of erythema are formed with pustules, and then ulcers. There are often no rashes on the face. Subsequently, numerous scars, including keloids, form at the site of the rash.

      The reasons for the development of the fulminant form are not fully understood. Probably, toxic-allergic and infectious-allergic mechanisms play a certain role here. Usually, acne fulminans develops in patients suffering from severe lesions of the digestive system (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, etc.), or after taking certain drugs: tetracyclines, androgens, synthetic retinoids.

      The lightning-fast form is characterized by a sudden, abrupt start and rapid progression of the disease. Come to the fore general symptoms and intoxication phenomena: malaise, rise in body temperature above 38 ° C, fever, pain in the joints and muscles, in the abdomen, anorexia, a sharp deterioration in well-being. Sometimes changes in organs and tissues develop: softening of the bones, enlargement of the liver and spleen. In the blood - an increased content of leukocytes, a decrease in hemoglobin levels and an acceleration of ESR, bacteriological culture blood is negative. Inflamed ulcerative-necrotic areas appear on the face and trunk.

  • 2. Adult acne (Acne adultorum)

    If acne persists before the patient reaches middle age or appear for the first time in adults, they are referred to as manifestations of acne adultorum or adult acne. They occur in 3-5% of men and women aged 40 to 50 and older. In some cases, their late resumption is noted years after the resolution of juvenile acne.

    1. Late acne (Acne tarda)

      This form is diagnosed if the rash, which began in adolescence, did not stop until the age of 25. This form of acne is more often observed in women in the second half of the menstrual cycle and requires additional consultation with a gynecologist. In 20% of cases, adult women complain about the occurrence of rashes a few days before the onset of menstruation and the disappearance of acne on their own with the start of a new cycle.

      Often, late acne is present all the time. These are usually papular, papulopustular or nodular cystic acne, often in the chin area. The cause of late acne is often polycystic ovaries complicated by hirsutism and anovulatory menstrual cycle. It is also necessary to exclude tumor lesions of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

    2. Inverse acne (Aacne inversa, Hidradenitis suppurativa)

      In this case, apocrine or large sweat glands armpits, perineum, pubis, navel and other sweat glands. It is manifested by the appearance of large bumpy painful nodes that abscess and open with the release of purulent or purulent-bloody contents. Often individual elements, merging, lead to an increase in the area of ​​the lesion.

      Acne inversion has a chronic course with frequent recurrences and spread of lesions. Heal for a long time, after resolution in severe cases retracted scars and fistulas are formed. They are predisposed to their development by increased body weight, injury to the corresponding zones by combing or tight clothing.

    3. Bodybuilding acne

      This form can also be called steroid acne. It is associated with the use of steroid hormones: anabolic steroids, androgens, glucocorticoids.

      The resulting hyperandrogenism causes increased secretion of sebum. Characteristic features: monomorphism of rashes (all elements are at the same stage of development), the absence of comedones. Rashes are most often nodular-cystic elements, located on the upper chest, less often on the face, quickly regress after discontinuation of the drug.

      Anabolic steroids are often combined with vitamin cocktails containing B vitamins and causing the appearance nodular cystic acne. With this form of acne in patients, it is necessary to exclude endocrine disorders.

    4. Spherical, or heaped, eels (Acne conglobata)

      One of the most severe manifestations of acne is often a skin manifestation of the XYY karyotype in men against the background of thick seborrhea and polycystic ovary syndrome in women. adolescence and persist, as a rule, up to 40 years or more. Without treatment, rashes can persist for decades.

      It is characterized by the fusion of nodes and cysts into conglomerates, the formation of fistulous passages. The trunk is more often affected: spherical acne is manifested by multiple nodular-cystic elements and large comedones located not only in seborrhea areas, but also on the skin of the extremities, abdomen and back. Their healing occurs with the formation of keloid, hypertrophic and atrophic scars.

    5. Pyoderma of the face (Pyoderma faciale)

      Many researchers attribute pyodermatitis to a manifestation of rosacea, a severe form of rosacea, and not acne. Pyodermatitis of the skin of the face often affects young women 15-40 years old. , many of whom have never suffered from acne, develops acutely, in some cases during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. Inflammatory elements are localized exclusively on the face, while there are no comedones and general symptoms. Healing of the elements occurs slowly, over a year or more.

      The disease begins, as a rule, on a hyperemic background. It is characterized by the appearance of persistent erythema on the face, against which large papules, cysts and nodes rapidly develop, which then merge into purulent conglomerates.

  • 3. Acne childhood(childhood acne)
    1. Newborn acne (Acne neonatorum)

      The appearance of acne in newborns is borderline physiological state this period and occurs as a result of a sexual (hormonal) crisis. Its manifestations also include breast engorgement, hydrocele, physiological vulvovaginitis. These conditions are due to the action of maternal hormones obtained by the fetus in the prenatal period. Newborn acne is closed comedones located on the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead in the form of dotted white or yellowish papules. As a rule, they disappear on their own without a trace within 1.5-2 weeks.

    2. Acne children (Acne infantum)

      In children, acne can appear at the age of 3-6 months and cause prolonged, severe forms of acne. Their development may be associated with a dangerous congenital pathology (hyperplasia or tumor of the adrenal glands) and requires a thorough examination of the child.

  • 4. Acne caused by exogenous causes

    In this case, rashes are associated with prolonged inhalation, ingestion, or direct exposure of the skin to comedogenic substances, for example mineral oils or other petroleum products, halogenated hydrocarbons, insecticides, detergents, etc.

    1. Toxic acne, professional acne (Acne venenata) occur when a person comes in contact with chemicals and compounds that clog pores and cause acne (tar, lubricating oils, chlorine, etc.).
    2. Cosmetic acne (Acne cosmetica) appear as a result of excessive or misuse cosmetics (usually face creams).
    3. Acne from detergents (Acne detergicans) develop from frequent use detergents leading to the formation of comedones.
    4. Solar acne (Acne aestivalis, Acne Majorca)- acne, manifested or aggravated in a hot and humid climate.
  • 5. Acne caused by mechanical factors (Acne mechanica)

    This form occurs in individuals who are prone to developing rashes in response to mechanical impact(pressure, friction). As a result of wearing a tight headgear, plaster, with severe sweating, the habit of constantly touching or rubbing the face, etc., mechanical blockage of the follicle ducts occurs and an inflammatory process occurs.

    According to the mechanism of occurrence, it is logical to attribute excoriated acne to this form (rashes in women trying to remove even minimal, and sometimes non-existent manifestations of acne), although the cause in this case is neuropsychiatric disorders.

  • 6. Acneiform acne

    Rashes in which there are no comedones are called acneiform.

    These include a large group of dermatoses: rosacea, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, skin tuberculosis, small-nodular facial sarcoidosis, drug rash. For acneiform rashes, inflammation of the sebaceous hair follicle is primary. When diagnosing, they should be distinguished from acne.

3. Classification of acne according to the severity of manifestations

I degree. One or two areas of the face are affected. The main manifestations are open and closed comedones, with a significant predominance of open ones. Single superficial papules and pustules are possible.

II degree. Several areas of the face and body are affected. A large number of both open and closed comedones. Solitary papules and pustules.

III degree. Against the background of open and closed comedones a large number of deep papules and pustules. Possible widespread hyperemia (redness) of the affected areas due to a pronounced inflammatory reaction. Post-acne phenomena are expressed: scars, stagnant spots.

IV degree. It is characterized by the presence of large, more than 5 mm in diameter, cyanotic-purple painful infiltrates, conglobate elements (several large nodes located nearby, connected by fistulous passages), large cysts that resolve with the formation of rough atrophic scars. One or more areas may be affected. In the diagnosis of this stage, the decisive role is played by the severity, and not the prevalence of manifestations.
