How to teach a child to write with his right hand. How to teach a left-handed child to write: tips for parents

It is no secret that the world is geared towards the right-handed majority, so those 11-13% of the total population who predominantly use their left hand have to adapt to this world. You may not take the problems of left-handers seriously, but if you list a few of the difficulties they have to face, it will become clear why Lately Left-handers are given more attention and special products are developed for them. For example, lefties:

  • have difficulty using standard scissors (the blade of right-handed scissors covers the contour along which a left-handed person cuts);
  • cannot write in spiral or ring notebooks;
  • have problems writing on a blackboard or whiteboard: their hand, following the chalk or marker, erases the text they just wrote);
  • take a long time to adapt to kitchen utensils: knives, can openers, measuring cups, the divisions on which are arranged in an order that is not logical for left-handers;
  • text written with a ballpoint pen is smeared with their hand, and the back of the hand is often stained with ink.

It even gets funny: left-handed people admit that sometimes festive table they accidentally drink from the glass of their right-handed neighbor, extend their left hand to shake hands, cannot get along with colleagues who rearrange folders in the closet in an order that is inconvenient for left-handers, go down the stairs from the side where people they meet usually go up, and also complain that In the car, the coffee cup holder is on the right side.

It happens that children do not decide on their leading hand for a long time, and often switch from right to left, for example, when eating right hand, and draw with the left hand. And this confuses parents, making them think that their children are ambidextrous (people who use both hands equally). But by the beginning of school, as a rule, it becomes clear which hand is dominant. There are also several simple tests which will help parents understand with which hand the child makes active actions: throws a ball at a target, combs his hair, strings beads on a thread, screws the cap on a bottle, holds scissors, cutlery and a pencil. If a child performs most of these actions with his left hand, it means that he is on the team of those who have a more developed right hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions, creativity, and artistic abilities.

Left-handers are often suspected of having dysgraphia (a writing disorder) and dyslexia (a reading disorder) due to the fact that children read words from right to left or write letters in reverse. However, modern experts associate dyslexia and dysgraphia with speech therapy problems, and in left-handed people, mirror writing and reading in reverse order are associated with individual characteristics perception of the text and are, as a rule, temporary in nature. It is also a common misconception that left-handers have messy handwriting and incorrectly angled letters. But many parents of left-handed children do not confirm this. A left-handed child's handwriting will be neat if he is given the correct grip of a pencil and pen in time and taught to position the paper so that his hand is at the bottom of the line: the child will see what he is writing and will not smear the letters.

The first thing parents of a future schoolchild need to do is warn the teacher that their child is left-handed. This will allow the teacher to show understanding where a left-handed person will act slower than others. Most teachers work with their right hand, and it takes time for the child to switch to his own system coordinates and repeat what the right-handed teacher shows. Well, the main task - to teach the child to write, draw and use various household appliances - falls on the parents.

Here are some tips to make life easier for left-handed people:

Specially designed stationery marked “L” will help you hold a pen or pencil correctly. These can be attachments with indentations for fingers, as well as pencils and pens themselves. These writing instruments have quick-drying ink that prevents text from smearing, and – special form a rod that will not tear the paper (when writing, a left-handed person makes a pushing movement with the pen on the paper, while a right-handed person smoothly pulls the pen behind the leading hand). Within a few weeks of training, the fingers will get used to the correct position, and the child will be able to switch to writing with regular pens.

Light from the lamp behind desk should fall for a left-hander on the right. Also teach your child to tilt the notebook to the right 45 degrees: in this position, he will be able to keep his hand below the line and will see what he is writing.

At the school desk left-handed child should occupy a place on the left side, then his elbows will not touch the elbows of his right-handed neighbor. The same point applies to seating dining table: For left-handers, it is better to allocate a place on the left edge.

As a rule, children have no problems using a standard computer mouse; they simply place it to their left. However, if you wish, you can change the settings in the mouse parameters by rearranging the button configuration.

It is not uncommon to see left-handed people holding scissors in their right hand: this is because, if you hold standard scissors in your left hand, their upper blade covers the outline of the cut. If you see that your child is having difficulty cutting, try purchasing special scissors for left-handers, whose blades are positioned in the opposite direction.

To strengthen the skill of writing from left to right, stick an asterisk in the left corner of the sheet and remind them that a line should always start from an asterisk. Future imitation of correct writing can also be developed in games, asking the child to put together mosaic patterns, paint locomotive cars, and count surrounding objects from left to right.

When choosing copybooks for preschoolers, pay attention to those in which the letter or figure is first suggested to be traced along the dotted line. A left-handed hand will remember the spelling better than if he is asked to immediately copy the desired sign from the example given.

If you are right-handed, before you teach your child any movements or sports skills, such as holding a badminton racket, try holding it in your left hand yourself and understand how best to demonstrate and explain the grip. Parents of left-handers share a secret: it is easier to teach a child some things if you put a mirror in front of you for him to look at: for example, it will be easier for the child to understand how to tie shoelaces than if he watches your hands.

Beginning left-handed readers often lose a line. Until the reading skill becomes automatic, you can hold your finger under the line or cover the next syllable with your finger so that your gaze focuses only on the syllable that the child is reading at the moment.

The main advice for parents of little left-handed children is to have a little more patience, because children take a little longer to learn some things than their right-handed peers, such as dealing with buckles, zippers and laces, or telling the time on a watch face. Not a rare case when, looking at a watch that shows the time 1 hour 30 minutes, a left-handed person confuses small and big arrow, answers - “five minutes past seven.” The slowness and thoughtfulness characteristic of left-handed people does not always fit into the head of a person who has been accustomed to using his right hand all his life, so even showing a child how to hold a pen correctly can be a problem for parents: they simply cannot fold the fingers of their left hand in the way they themselves are accustomed to folded when writing.

However, left-handed people are impressionable and vulnerable, so adults need to show more understanding and use praise more often, then left-handed people will quickly learn to read, write and carve accurately. You will continue to notice peculiarities behind them that are strange to your eyes: how they stir sugar in tea counterclockwise, cut bread with an angle to the left, or place mugs in the cupboard with handles in the “wrong” direction. But it’s still very interesting: living next to a person who perceives the world from a different angle.

How to teach a left-handed child to write.

It is believed that left-handers are more talented people, among them there are many great scientists, artists, musicians (Newton, Tesla, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.).

However, there is another side left-handed child more sensitive, touchy, more emotional, which should not be overlooked when raising.

Actually, the development of a left-handed child occurs in the same way as that of a right-handed child. Difficulties may arise when teaching a left-handed child to write.

Indeed, he holds the pen in the wrong hand and covers everything for himself;how to teach a left-handed child to write, if you yourself are not left-handed.

To start, define, is not it child is left-handed . Often parents simply do not attach any importance to this. Or there are left-handed people in the family, whom he imitates and begins to do everything with his left hand, while he himself is right-handed.

As a rule, such children have ugly handwriting. Real left-handed children have beautiful handwriting. And they use their left hand as deftly as right-handers use their right.

Features of teaching a left-handed child to write

First of all, pay attention to the child’s workplace. Fix your attention on the fact that all elements have a special orientation.

  • The light should come from the front or right. So that the child does not cover it with his hand.
  • The sheet on the table is tilted to the right so as not to cover the words. In this case, the sheet relative to the body moves to the left.
  • All lines while writing are straight. The slant of the letters is achieved by tilting the notebook.
  • The hand is in line with the handle, a slight tilt is allowed.
  • The hand is under the line.

It is also important to teach a left-handed child Right hold the pen. Fingers should be higher than those of right-handed children. Approximately 4 cm from the tip.

Another feature is that while writing, the right hand moves the notebook.

If on initial stage, it will be possible to accustom the child to the correct arrangement of elements; in the future, there will be fewer difficulties in teaching a left-handed child to write.

To help: copybooks and pens for left-handers

Now they are releasing specialcopybooks for left-handerschildren. They show the direction of writing with arrows. All letters are written straight. Copybooks for left-handers make the learning process easier and allow you to quickly teach a left-handed child beautiful writing.

Also – specialpens for left-handed people. These pens have indentations for your fingers and an inclination that makes writing easier. Left-handed pens have special quick-drying ink, so they don't smear while writing.

In addition to these products, you can purchase scissors, sharpeners, erasers, and rulers for left-handers. All left-handers who begin to use these useful news They say they make life a lot easier.

About the fact that left-handed people are considered more creative personalities who live more by emotions and feelings, who are difficult to force to do something, just because “it’s necessary” or “it’s customary”, I have already told. Of course, it’s difficult to talk about absolutely all left-handers (and I’m sure that mothers of right-handers can argue with me about the sensitivity and touchiness of each child specifically, regardless of the activity of his hemispheres), but these are the characteristics of left-handers that need to be taken into account both when raising and during training.

And the most difficult (tedious and disgusting) subject that required my increased attention and my son's patience, the letter became. Very slowly, without the required tilt, constantly smeared letters - this is just the minimum that I forgave. But for missing letters and “mirror spelling” I forced everything to be rewritten, to my son’s great dissatisfaction. At the same time, for a long time we could not place the notebook correctly so that the corners did not wrinkle, guess the angle of the notebook so that the letters were in accordance with the slanted rulers, and keep our back straight. It seemed to me that my son was even holding a pen awkwardly, which is why his handwriting was so terrible.

But it turns out that all left-handers (or their parents) have these problems. The main thing is for parents to understand the reason for such difficulties and react correctly (showing great patience, without urging and in no way injuring their left-handed, touchy child with unflattering epithets).

Important points of “Left writing”

It is unlikely that any mother has her head in the clouds and believes that the child, as soon as she takes a pen, will immediately write even and neat letters. Therefore, the development of a baby’s fine motor skills needs to be actively and regularly done, starting literally from birth. This will strengthen the fingers, hand, arm, and will certainly affect general development child.

Next preparatory stage to the letter is

Creating a competent and comfortable workplace for left-handed people

It is important to organize proper lighting and fill the first-grader’s workspace with both furniture elements and left-handed items.

As for lighting, although it is recommended to do it primarily on the right side and install an additional lamp on the left, I simplified the task. AND desk lamp Ours stands almost in the middle of the table, slightly moved to the left. Thus, the son sees both what he writes and how he writes, and the shadow does not fall on the working line.

A place at the desk - also plays big role when training a left-handed person. Let me give you our own example: all September I was wondering why he was writing and writing, and then suddenly the pen went somewhere... After a short conversation, I realized that my son was sitting on the right side of the desk, so when writing he interfered with his right-handed neighbor, and he, accordingly, nudges my left-hander with his elbow. And as a result, both of them have horror in their notebooks. After the teacher switched their places, everyone felt more comfortable at their desks and the notebooks became cleaner.

Correct posture

Every child, whether right-handed or left-handed, should have a straight back. A correct posture at a desk or desk depends on the lighting and the height of the table and chair. The child should reach his feet to the floor (or a special stand), his back should rest on the back of a chair or armchair, and the table should be approximately level solar plexus child.

At first glance, everything is extremely simple and clear. But in practice, my son demonstrated miracles of flexibility, and his posture was shocking: his left shoulder was slightly raised and pushed forward, his entire body was tilted slightly to the right, and his head was also leaning toward his right shoulder. So left working hand lay on the table, the right one was almost pressed to the body, supporting the notebook, and bending over, he tried to see the letters “coming out of the pen.” Through trial and error, we found a comfortable and correct position, and I constantly controlled it until he got used to it.

That's why, Don’t expect the child to sit upright on his own. It turns out that this is quite serious work. But, after six months of joint efforts, the child’s back “remembers” the level position for a long time, regardless of whether he is right-handed or left-handed.

How to position your notebook correctly?

A left-handed person's notebook should (although, more logically, it can) be positioned in such a way that the lower left corner of the working page is opposite the child's right shoulder. Please note that the corner is not of the entire notebook, but of the page, which, as it is filled out, is moved by the right hand.

Thanks to this inclination, left hand The child will be less tired and will be able to see what exactly he wrote.

But often there is also a writing option when the sheet is turned 90º, and the movements of the pen are directed from bottom to top (and not the standard left to right), which is also quite acceptable.

How can a left-handed person hold a pen?

Of course, the speed of writing and the handwriting itself depend on how a left-handed person holds the pen. Basically, the teacher at school is not competent in this issue Therefore, the child himself looks for a convenient option for himself. And he needs to adapt in such a way that the letters already written do not smudge, and it is clear what you are writing.

There are several options for left-handed writing:

The inclination of letters when writing on the left

One of the common mistakes made by both teachers and parents when teaching left-handed people to write is to observe the required inclination of letters, because right-angled writing for a left-handed person is extremely difficult and inconvenient. Moreover, if a teacher reduces the grades of a left-handed child just for handwriting, his actions are unlawful.

After all, according to methodological recommendations Ministry of Health (though back in 1985, but no one before today not cancelled), it is prohibited to reteach and reduce the grade for calligraphy for left-handed children. The same document also states that left-handed people are allowed both vertically straight writing of letters and left-handed writing.

AND modern requirements Continuous writing does not apply to a left-handed child at all.

Some more features of teaching left-handed people to write

The development of visual-spatial perception, somewhat different from that of right-handers, leads to a mirror phenomenon familiar to many parents of left-handers in various options manifestations. This can be mirror reading, mirror drawing, but most often - mirror writing, when a child can “mirror” whole words (writing with last letter, for example, instead of “mama” - “amam”) or individual letters.

In general, there is nothing overly significant in this for a left-handed person, but you need to pay attention to this manifestation of left-handedness. You can help your child fix the beginning of a line, conduct a phonetic analysis of the word, pronounce each letter out loud, and always place a sample of letters and text on the right.

Devices for left-handers

Special copybooks, as well as pens and various devices for developing the correct grip of the “writing instrument,” can help teach a left-handed person to write.

Unlike traditional recipes, workbook for left-handers, it helps to master the direction of writing using arrows, does not have a right-hand slant of letters, all samples are located on the right, and auxiliary signs (asterisks, flags, dots, and others) are used to determine the beginning and end of a line.

To prepare an extraordinary child’s hand for writing, you can use special simulators for proper writing. Made in the form of a toy, they are an attachment for any ballpoint pen, helping the child to correctly position his fingers when grasping the handle.

For left-handers, there are also special pens, which most often have special indentations for fingers and are filled with quick-drying ink, preventing letters from smearing. But, in addition, pens for left-handed people also have a special rod with a tip, thanks to which the pen (which a left-handed person pushes forward when writing, and does not pull behind him, like a right-handed person) does not pierce the paper and ensures easy release of ink.

When sending a left-handed child to school, every parent, to a greater or lesser extent, faces certain difficulties in difficult educational process penmanship. After all, a right-handed mother simply cannot take the baby’s hand and show how to draw this squiggle, which will soon become a letter. But “The Art of Being a Mom” is probably the most large-scale science, and a parent simply needs to know how to teach a left-handed person to write. Fortunately, it’s not all that complicated, but there’s no need to let it go to chance. The main thing is not to “go too far” in pursuit of beautiful handwriting and blank notebooks, because hardly any parent will say that he loves his left-handed miracle solely for beautiful letters. Therefore, any training, both left-handed and right-handed, should bring only positive emotions!


Under no circumstances should you retrain a left-handed child to write with his right hand, as this can lead to various neuroses. And he will not learn to write beautifully with his right hand, just like a right-handed person with his left, because of the different structure of the brain, where the leading hemisphere is the right. Therefore, a left-handed person should be taught to write at home, preferably before entering school.

How to teach a left-handed child to write correctly

Before learning how to write letters, teach your child to sit at a table, hold a pen and a piece of paper:

  1. A left-handed child writes letters straight or slanted to the left. The correct direction of the letters is created by tilting the paper. Place a sheet of paper in front of the child in a linear stitch so that the top left corner is on top and the bottom right corner is on the bottom, i.e. The notebook should be shifted to the left at an angle of 20 degrees.
  2. Your hand should be under the stitching. A left-handed child writes by covering the previous written letters, so you need to teach him to place his hand under the writing line.
  3. A left-handed child should hold the pen slightly higher than right-handed people, about 4 cm from the shaft.
  4. The handle should form one line with the hand, and not perpendicular.
  5. Place the lamp on the desk on the child’s right side.
  6. Place the book to the child's right. A left-handed person has difficulty perceiving material on the left.

Exercises for lefties

And now about homework that will help your child learn to write correctly:

  • Play school with your child every day for 40-45 minutes: 10-15 minutes – continuous operation, then a short break, etc.
  • Start with easy tasks. Do not move on to another task if the previous one has not yet been completed or is difficult to complete.
  • The classroom environment should be calm; do not scold your child if they spell letters incorrectly. If a left-handed child goes to school, he gets enough unpleasant feedback about his writing from teachers, so his mother is his only support.
  • Make sure that all letters are spelled correctly, correct your child immediately if he makes a mistake, and build subsequent lessons with an emphasis on writing those letters that he writes incorrectly.
  • A left-handed child can write letters in reverse, i.e. the tails of the letters “u”, “d”, “r”, “v”, “b” look in the opposite direction. In this case, write rows of these letters so that their incorrect spelling occurs. Give your child the task of finding mistakes.
  • You can draw the letters listed above without adding their tails, and let the child complete their writing.

Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out the first time. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child, so that he does not completely lose interest in writing. He will definitely learn to write correctly, but only with your help and after some time.

Little left-handers and parents, faced with many problems at school, are convinced that the world is created only for right-handers. Teaching writing to those children who write with their left hand is placed in a special category. If in other other types curriculum right-handers and left-handers go the same way, then in writing left-handers collide with big problems. Are there any ways that can significantly make the work of left-handed people easier? Are they effective, and can these methods be used at home?

Three main causes of left-handedness in children

First reason - according to experts, left-handed children inherited this feature from their genetic parents. If the mother or father is left-handed, then the chance of giving birth to a left-handed child increases significantly by ten to twelve times.

The second reason – but, as it turned out, left-handedness is determined not only by the genes of the parents. There are also more serious reasons, for example, disruption of the left hemisphere of the brain in children. Since the hand is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, when it is damaged, the main, leading hand changes.

Third reason – injury to the right hand. The child is forced to adapt to new conditions - forced idleness due to a very serious injury. There are times when some children imitate their beloved family member in everything. There are often cases when a child can write with both hands.

The ability to write with both hands as a problem in learning to write

Without knowing all the nuances, the child’s ability to write with both pens is regarded by the parent as positive factor, intellectual and other development of their child. Could be the first sign negative feature brain development, complete absence dominance of one of the hands.

For most children, by the age of five, the leading handle has been determined. Parents themselves notice which hand is more convenient for their little one to use. Otherwise, it is recommended to fully ensure that the child does not require medical treatment. psychological correction interconnections between both hemispheres of the brain, or the lack of the required dominance of one of them.

How does a child's left-handedness affect a child's abilities?

All the factors written above in the development of children created different relationships to the massive problem of teaching left-handed people to write:

  1. Lefties are very creative people, for assimilation new information additional time is required;
  2. Lefties are excellent opportunists, in a good way;
  3. Left-handers, as well as right-handers, are equal in their capabilities.

Most left-handers who have grown up still remember that in childhood the teacher was forced to teach the little left-hander to write with his right hand at any cost. Everyone suffered - teachers, children, parents. Fortunately, senseless and unreasonable demands are a thing of the past. Techniques modern world take into account the peculiarities of teaching children to write with their left hand, and provide useful and practical recommendations on their training.

Teaching left-handed people to write - psychological subtleties

The general mood of classes is adjusted by innate pessimism, which left-handed children are quite generously endowed with. So left-handed children are quite vulnerable, and they require a special approach:

  1. The inertia and slowness of left-handers drives parents out of patience and causes them a lot of trouble. But, nevertheless, such children need increased attention and understanding; they endure humiliating comparisons, threats, and prodding. The upbringing of left-handed girls should be carried out on a wave of positivity and light banter.
  2. It is strictly forbidden for such children who are highly prone to despondency to learn from their past failures. Such features must be taken into account when teaching writing to children who write with their left hand, since it is calligraphy that causes a greater number of failures for left-handed children.
  3. You should remember the meticulousness and impulsiveness of left-handed children and under no circumstances be offended by them, even if they, without hesitation, stop the narrator, ask some clarifying question, and go away thinking about the information received.
  4. Left-handed children have difficulty navigating in space. When deciding mathematical problems, during writing or reading classes, this is reflected. Since left-handed children prefer to act only according to plan, and therefore new creative tasks may cause difficulties.
  5. For left-handers, gaps in knowledge are unacceptable. These students with difficulties in writing and non-standard thinking are very meticulous. The more detailed and understandable the algorithm, the greater the chance that a left-handed person will cope with the task correctly.

Teaching writing to children who write with their left hand - features

Most parents are very worried that they will not be able to teach their left-handed child to write beautifully, since he cannot hold a pen like ordinary children. It is considered a big mistake to teach your left-handed child to hold a hand and sit the way right-handed people do.

Correct fit

Seating a left-handed child at a desk is no different from the generally accepted one. But still, the correct posture can also avoid many problems. To do this, your back must be supported by the back of the chair and straightened. It is very important to carefully ensure that the child under no circumstances leans towards the table, much less touches it with his chest. The legs should be supported on the floor; at first, it is recommended to place a stand under them if the legs do not yet reach the floor level. It is also very desirable that both handles find support, and that the elbows protrude beyond the table by a maximum of a couple of centimeters. Also plays an important role correct location notebooks. It should be placed in front of the child, but taking into account these features right side move slightly to the left. Thus, a left-handed person will not feel any particular difficulties when moving the pen across the text. One more important thing is to teach your child to change the position of the notebook according to the amount of writing. Fix correct position notebooks, you need to use your hand to start from the bottom, and when moving to the second half of the piece of paper, from the top.

Left-handed desk

Placement on the table various items For a left-handed child it’s a little different:

  1. The light source must be on the right;
  2. Notebooks must lie in a mirror image - straight or tilted to the right;
  3. In the process of filling out the pages, the notebook moves up.

Not very convenient for left-handers, in a school where all classroom equipment is mainly aimed at right-handed students, main source lighting. It is very easy to solve this problem; it is enough to seat a left-handed student on the left side of the desk, near the window.

How to hold a pen correctly for a left-handed child

If you begin to notice that you are raising a left-handed child, you need to take care in advance, even before school, about how to teach him to write correctly with a pen:

  • You should step back three to four centimeters from the tip of the pen;
  • It should be held with two fingers, index and thumb, and placed on the pad of the middle finger. Unlike the letter of a right-handed child, the index finger of a left-handed child must be straightened in order not to cover the line.

Correct orientation in the notebook

Quite often, left-handed people confuse the sides of notebooks, so they need to mark their pens with watches or bracelets. The most common mistake not only by teachers, but also by parents is that they force the child to write with the standard tilt of the letter to the right; doing this is strictly prohibited, since it is much easier for the child to write straight.

The difference in calligraphy

  • Straight, without tilting to the right, it is not only acceptable, but preferable for a left-handed person to write all letters;
  • It is almost impossible for a left-handed person to write without interruption, so the requirements for calligraphic literacy are not relevant.

The main mistakes left-handed children make when writing and how to correct them

How to do it correctly and without extra nerves teach a left-handed child to write? Left-handers tend to have a more noticeable tendency towards dysgraphia. And therefore, all actions and methods of teachers and parents must necessarily be aimed at preventing various shortcomings:

  1. Mirror writing;
  2. Ignorance of where to start writing correctly;
  3. Tendency to go down and up from the lines;
  4. Violation of writing a sequence of letters;
  5. Writing missing and extra letters.

Correction and prevention of various calligraphic defects includes copying diagrams and pictures. You should also pay attention to the fact that in the process of completing tasks, a left-handed child reverse side did not expand the details of the drawing. Exercises can have a great effect applied creativity: drawing patterns, applique, embroidery.

Recommended themes for work are floral, geometric and animal patterns. Such types of creativity are mainly characteristic of folk crafts - painting toys and various dishes, embroidery and sketching. Scissors for left-handed people make manual labor much easier.

Quite effective notebooks are copybooks for left-handed children, latest new product methods in surveys on how to properly teach a left-handed child to write. Various teaching aids for parents, developmental notebooks, and conversations with teachers can help left-handers more easily adapt to school and become a successful student.

Stages in teaching writing to schoolchildren writing with their left hand

Left-handed children have a much more difficult time mastering writing tasks than their peers who write with their right hand. This problem is also significantly complicated by the complete lack of enthusiasm due to psychological characteristics left-handed. Even with the slightest criticism or failure, a left-handed student is immediately ready to quit work and easily hate calligraphy. How to teach a left-handed child to write correctly? In order to develop the most lasting skills, it is necessary to carefully follow the algorithm for working with new materials.

Introduction to letters

  1. It is necessary to describe in great detail exactly what elements the new letter consists of;
  2. Show in detail how and in what order it should be written;
  3. When demonstrating correct spelling, it is recommended to use a felt-tip pen, because it allows you to leave a clearer mark and show the sequence of spelling more clearly.

Practical passive part

Learning how to write correctly new letter, a left-handed child is not yet ready to use his hand. You should invite him to guide your hand. Let him tell you what needs to be done, and you do it.

Practical active part

Next, let your lefty write on his own. At the same time, watch very vigilantly and carefully and try not to interfere unless absolutely necessary. Commenting on the process out loud must necessarily accompany every action of a left-handed child until he himself becomes comfortable enough to work silently.

Consolidation of the educational process

To teach a left-handed child how to write correctly, it is necessary to carefully analyze what is written. The child must think carefully and give a clear answer about where he made a mistake.

For maximum optimization of learning to write, such a table with diagrams is very useful correct spelling letters, like the capital alphabet. The order and direction of the letter are indicated by special arrows and numbering of actions.

Such posters are quite rare. Therefore, it is better to purchase a simple capital alphabet and complete it yourself.

Indeed, left-handed children have some differences, but this is not something negative or negative. Even if your child is not included best students, you shouldn’t worry too much, because sooner or later his talent will definitely find its manifestation. It’s not at all difficult to teach a child to write left-handed correctly, you just need to show more patience and attention, take into account the characteristics of your child, and not try to impose on him an unusual way of acting, which can cause irritation.
