How to realize your innermost desires. Women's sexual desires

Most of us are more embarrassed about talking about sex than about sex itself. According to Kentucky State University human sex researcher Kristen Mark, most couples don't talk about it at all. As a result, you probably don't even know what your girlfriend wants - and doesn't want - in bed. To help you out in this situation, we asked 20 women about their secret desires in bed. Remember their answers, among them may be the wishes of your girlfriend.

Don't be too polite

Spank her. Connect. Stick to the wall. Several of the women we interviewed secretly yearn for harder sex. “I want my husband to be more aggressive! says one wife. And I'm not talking about whips and chains and 50 Shades. Just a little tougher, like a master." According to Philadelphia psychologist and sex therapist Arlene Goldman, author of The Secrets of Sexual Fantasy, some women dream of subordination because they are in charge all day. “To take a break from everything and let someone else take the lead can really turn a woman on,” she says. In addition, the anticipation of the unknown also turns on. “In sex, the main thing is excitement, and with a long-term partner there is no longer any windiness and nervousness, so you can take risks and experiment,” says Goldman. But you should not do it suddenly, because not all women bear such desires. Start with intelligence: find out what turns her on and carefully monitor her reaction to the new.

Don't limit yourself to bed

“I really like it when my boyfriend starts flirting with me outside of the bedroom. It turns me on the most,” admits one of the survey participants. Molesting in an unusual place says you're into her, not just wanting sex, as Goldman explains. Also, if you're in a public place and can't get down to business right away, it will make her look forward to what's to come. Start by kissing in the kitchen, cuddling at a party, or giving her a scenario as you take the elevator up to your apartment.

Don't be afraid of the vibrator

Some women secretly wish they had more toys in the bedroom. “I like things like a powerful clitoris stimulator or balls on a string that gently slip into the back hole,” says one respondent. According to New York-based family therapist and author of She Comes First, Ian Kerner, toys can speed up a woman's orgasm. “In many positions, the impact on the clitoris is minimal or non-existent. A vibrator can solve this issue,” he says. And in general, it never hurts to try something new: studies have shown that women who are open to experiments in bed are more likely to reach orgasm.

Do not rush

You already know that women love foreplay, but some of the participants in our survey spoke about their secret desires for what happens even before it. One even came up with its own name: pre-prelude. “I would be happy if my boyfriend kissed my neck, shoulders and stomach for hours, but he is always itching to move on to the genitals,” says one. “Sex for me is not a two-way switch. I need something like a prelude with gentle hugs, then a long prelude, and only then the act itself. I need more time to reach orgasm,” explains another. There is no clear time frame for how long each stage should last - just do not immediately strive for its gates. Pay more attention to her neck, ears, shoulders, and back, as Kerner advises.

Naturally, what your girlfriend expects from you is not rough copulation. She needs something more, she needs romance, tenderness, kisses, caresses, orgasms, etc.

A woman expects a holiday from a man. To please a woman in bed, create a romantic atmosphere for her, shower her with a hail of kisses and gentle touches. Experiment. Empirically establish what kind of caresses she likes best, what excites her, what she needs to get an orgasm.

According to existing statistics, every third woman has never experienced a wave of sensations and emotions that covers during an orgasm. But as soon as she feels an orgasm to the fullest at least once in her life, she will want it all the time.

Often, a man's mistake is that he does not think about the desires of his partner, and believes that his selfishness in bed is quite acceptable. In order to avoid dissatisfaction with your partner, you should understand her body language, and study women's sexual desires. To do this, you just need to understand at what point it is time to change your posture, or change the rhythm of movement. Be careful, and you will notice that the woman herself is trying to help you with this, she is trying to let you know what she wants, and what your actions give pleasure to the woman in bed.

Generally speaking, a woman's behavior during sex is directly related to what happened during the day. All stresses and quarrels negatively affect its potency. Therefore, it is unnecessary to be surprised if a woman, after a tiring day, will boycott your attempts to get sex from her. Therefore, the ground for evening sex must be prepared in advance. Women's desire is successfully promoted by such things as romantic acts or unexpected gifts. A woman loves when a man is ready for anything for her and he just blows the tower next to her. Well, so show yourself in this light. Give her flowers, dedicate a song, turn on your imagination and do something that will pleasantly surprise her. This will have a beneficial effect on her behavior in bed.

Remember that women are crazy about "bad guys", they love it when you are persistent. Therefore, do not give up immediately after a woman has refused you sex. It's her ritual, so she's just making her mark. You do not need to be afraid of failure, do not give up your position, seek its location with your perseverance. If you apply some effort, fight for the right to possess her, then she will give herself to you with great pleasure, and sex for her will be more pleasant and sweeter.

Also, it is worth understanding that the feeling that a woman is loved by you is important to her all the time. Therefore, during sex, your a woman in bed should be not only desirable sexually, but also loved. Do not miss the opportunity, at any opportunity, to express your feelings for her in any form. This will serve as an incredible inspiration for your passion during intercourse, or at the stage of foreplay. For this, elementary compliments are enough, regarding the qualities of her appearance or regarding anything that is appropriate to mention in an intimate setting. Show her that everything she does turns you on.

Next to give a woman sexual pleasure, you will have to work a little more, just before you enter it. After all, as you know, most women are able to get an orgasm only if the man has done a good job before the start of the process of sexual intercourse. According to some reports, most women are supporters of gentle and soft sex. A well-known fact remains that female potency is not as frisky as male, so a woman needs more time to reach the desired condition before starting sexual intercourse. But this does not mean that a man should work alone. For example, position 69, or any other mutual caresses, is quite suitable for warming up.

Remember that the process of kissing is pleasant for a woman, for her this is an extremely important occupation and a very tender intimate moment. Sometimes it happens that the process of kissing is even more intimate for a woman than the process of the sexual intercourse itself. Start with kisses, gradually switch to the neck. Caress her, kiss her, breathe heavily, lick her. Use whatever comes to mind, but keep everything under control. Your caresses should be so intense that the woman does not lose her excitement, but also careful so as not to leave their marks on the female body.

Remember her ears. Breathe passionately and heavily right above her ear, gently bite on the earlobes, kiss right on the ear.

The most erogenous zone of the female body are the breasts and nipples. Caress them gently. There is no need to play them up like a relay on an old Soviet TV, and even more so to rub and bite. During sex, they tend to harden and become extremely sensitive, including pain. Therefore, handle them very carefully, otherwise you risk ruining everything. To please a woman, gently grab her breasts with your palms, stroke her and caress. Often they experience tremendous pleasure and excitement from this, which contributes to their further ardor and irrepressibility.

No less erogenous and erotic zone of the female body is the navel, which has simply incredible sensitivity. But it is unnecessary to be very zealous with the caresses of only the navel, slowly move from it to the abdomen, kiss it so that it trembles.

If you are brave enough and not squeamish, you can try to surprise your partner with completely unexpected things. You can deal with her not obvious, but quite erogenous zones. For example, you can run your tongue between her toes, because that is where a large number of nerve endings are located. It is rare for anyone to dare such an act, but rest assured, your girlfriend will be pleasantly surprised, and you will not regret it.

This article, of course, does not contain all possible options for satisfying women's desires in bed. Remember the most important thing - experiment more often and pay attention to the signs that the girl gives you. Watch her body language, and remember her reaction to your actions. Be gentle and affectionate, try to present her with new unexpected surprises in bed and in life more often. Women also strive to bring something unusual to your sex life, only rarely mention it. According to statistics, many of them want to have sex in a random place. Also often women cannot achieve orgasm without anal penetration or oral sex. Therefore, do not abuse the missionary position, and do not be guided only by generally accepted stereotypes.

Not the first generation, the male half of the planet reflects on the "eternal" question: what do women want. But they want just a little: attention, understanding, self-care and, of course, wild unrestrained sex (yes, yes, but how without it). It is a pity that not every man can understand what women want and, at least partially, provide them with this.

Of course, there are such representatives of the stronger sex who manage to satisfy all women's desires. We have not been waiting for the beautiful for a long time, we just need a brave and passionate man. Now let's try to figure out being in bed. Ready?

Every woman has her secret sexual desires, which rarely come true. Why? Perhaps the main reason is that she is afraid of stunning (if not shocking) a man with her confession. She may also be simply afraid of offending him, and therefore remain silent. Below are some tips on how to give a woman a truly heavenly pleasure in bed.

Women love stubborn men. Contrary to the hackneyed opinion that if a girl refuses, it’s not worth insisting, it’s safe to say that very often our “no” is hiding a well-disguised “yes”. Basically, a woman, in this way, is trying to push you to more decisive action, and instead of continuing to pursue the girl, you abruptly give back. Try to tell her what a heady scent comes from her, how beautiful she looks. In a word, tell her what she wants to hear. After all, every woman carefully puts on make-up before a romantic evening, buys new sexy lingerie. Be able to show her how you are turned on by her every movement or her breath. And she will not forget this and will fully thank you for the wonderful words addressed to her.

We enjoy slowly: almost all women can achieve a full orgasm only if a man has worked hard before starting sex. After you find yourself, finally, in the same bed, remember the main rule: women love gentle, soft sex without mad attacks. Female potency, unlike male potency, takes time to warm up. Therefore, immediately before the sexual intercourse itself, try to caress each other (five to ten minutes) or apply the "69" position.

How should a kiss be? What kind of kiss does a woman prefer? This moment in sexual games is very important for every girl, sometimes even more important than sex itself. It all starts with a kiss, so don't neglect it. Next, slowly move on to the neck. Kiss with a rush (but do not forget about ugly bruises, popularly referred to as "hickeys", control your strength).

Don't forget to caress her body. Bite and kiss them. Some women are so excited that they will do everything themselves. And, of course, do not forget about the chest (no matter what size it is).

The most important thing in sex is to be interested in the opinion of your partner, and then you will really understand what she really is.

This, of course, was one side of the issue, about what women want. But do not forget that in addition to women, they also experience the Platonic. Many men are interested in another question: why do women want to get married? Perhaps they are inherent in nature and usually arise unconsciously. Some want to get married to keep up with their long-married girlfriends, some because they are madly in love. And there is another category of women who marry for sex. Well, they can't sleep with anyone, they want a husband. But it doesn’t matter what motives a woman wants to get married, it’s important to just love and want her (even despite this

I would like to believe that, after reading this article, men will understand at least a little in female logic and will be able to deliver real pleasure to their loved ones.

Discussing sexual experiences with women is interesting, though not easy. But sometimes you can learn a lot of instructive things that will definitely be useful to you in the future.

So, quite recently, I talked with my friend about what women lack in bed, and what secret fantasies they have that they would like to fulfill. I will make a reservation right away, this article will not go to such entertainments. Now I will tell you how you can add some light spice to the very process of having sex, so that it gives pleasure to both your partner and you.

All secret desires poured out on me in the form of resentment against the entire male race, which had become too inert in bed, and did not want to add color to the pleasant process of having sex, and here are some tips for men, which, as it turned out, sounded from the lips of a beautiful a girl who expressed not only her thoughts, but, one might say, spoke out for many of the fair sex.

As it turned out, women in bed lack of aggression by the men. I draw your attention - light aggression, so that you do not overdo it. Women expect enthusiasm from you. Light spanking will decorate your everyday and boring sex life, and the girl will appreciate your efforts and light creativity. Women just want a man to be more aggressive, and in bed to be the leader, not the follower. But do not confuse the role of the aggressor with mild sexual aggression, otherwise you will only do harm.

I will not give further obscene expressions, which you can use in bed, but keep in mind that a small stream of light dirty remarks about your partner will not make her blush, but, on the contrary, will kindle a fire of passion and excitement in her. So, choose your expressions, but don't be too chaste about it.

Ah, women's fantasies! Where can you get away from them! Even the softest and most tender housewife gets tired of romantic and velvet sex, and it is with you that she wants to turn into a depraved and insatiable woman of easy virtue. Vulgar sex, animal, brutal excites the minds of our life companions. And now the quote: “I'm tired of regular sex! Delicate, romantic, cloyingly sweet... It's so ordinary. In the bedroom I want fire, passion, obscenity, lust. I want to be raped by an animal. I dream about it!".

Moans and sounds. Men! Get ready! "Come on baby! A little to the left! No not like this! Right!”. Forget about it! Women want to hear from you groans and pleasant sounds, rustle of lips, whisper, sniffling. Managing a woman, making sounds and commands, like a GPS navigator, will not suit us. Don't talk, but control the girl with sounds.

body cult. Women like to be licked and kissed from the heels to the top of their heads. They just rave about it. This produces an effect on them no less than oral caresses and paying attention to other erogenous zones. The sensations of caressing the palms, wrists, feet may be more pleasant than a direct attack on the girl's genitals. Study your beloved, appreciate them, caress them, look for the keys to their body and their pleasures.

A woman has secret desires in different areas. She is also interested in relationships with a man, and the peculiarities of life and the presence of some things in her wardrobe, travel, gifts, and she also wants to try something that was previously inaccessible.

Dreams come from childhood

Many girls wanted to be princesses. And it was a huge image that was preserved in my memory: a beautiful dress, expensive jewelry and the most magical ball in the world. Of course, a ball gown may not be appropriate today, but an adult woman still wants to someday be not just beautiful, but unforgettable. To make the dress perfect, the jewelry is incomparable, and the evening spent in this image remained in my memory forever. Let it be a trip to the most luxurious restaurant or a visit to the opera, it is important that admiring glances are given not only by the companion, but also by everyone around. Being a queen is a dream, and I want it to come true for at least one evening.

It is very important to fulfill the desire not on your own, but to receive it as a gift. After all, doing everything yourself is not at all interesting.

The desire to be saved is also from childhood. I want someone to protect, someone to make it clear that you can’t even touch with a finger, that you can’t offend even with a glance. How is such a defender lacking at work, when the boss scolds, or when mom scolds for an unfulfilled promise. I want protection when the driver honks on the road, when they are rude on the street or in other public places. The feeling of security is a subconscious dream, and I want it to be realized not once, but constantly.

forbidden dreams

People today live in an abundance of prohibitions. You can't be fat, you can't be poor, you can't even leave the house without makeup. And so I want to break these rules, to do something contrary to the system. Not everyone decides on such an act, but how you want to steal candy in a hypermarket. Or run a red light. Or show up to work in a super short mini and huge cleavage. I want to break the rules that put pressure on me. And sometimes just send everyone and be left alone.

Forbidden dreams are not meant to be fulfilled. They simply excite the imagination, give fantasies some piquancy.

Of the forbidden desires, there are sexual fantasies. Every woman has something that excites her, but she will not dare to embody it. It could be sex with two men. Or even rape, when he takes her by force, delivering unprecedented pleasure. Fantasy may be associated with a restriction of movement or proximity to a completely unfamiliar handsome man.

traditional dreams

Almost every woman loves to travel. If you ask what she would like to see, she will definitely tell. Someone dreams of snowy peaks, someone dreams of deserts. There are people who want to visit Paris or New York. To be in the place that I have seen so often in the photo is the dream of many, but not everyone believes that this is possible.

For some modern women, the dream of relaxation is relevant. Not about the active and bright, but about the usual. After working days, I want to stretch out on the couch, relax and sleep for a few days. At the same time, do not remember about worries: do not cook, do not deal with children, do not run somewhere on business. I want to forget about everything that is happening for a few days and take care of myself. Baths, massages, light dinners that appear by themselves. In an active rhythm, it is almost impossible to be alone, and even more so to turn off the phone. But many women dream about it for a long time.
