Hair coloring 3 colors. Who is contraindicated for coloring?

Coloring is the dyeing not of the entire mass of hair, but of individual strands in selected colors. Girls always try something new in their appearance. Sometimes they don’t dare to change their hair color radically, but they want to update something in their hairstyle. In this case, you can try a new color changing technique. Color tinting can only involve variations of one color, or you can dye individual strands in different colors. It all depends on the courage of the experimenter. You can update the color yourself, since the procedure is not particularly difficult to perform. But if you don’t have the skill to dye your hair, then it’s better not to spoil your hair and dye, and contact a stylist. Hair coloring in photos on the Internet will help you make your choice. color range staining

Features of the method

Highlighting is the lightening of individual strands of hair, and coloring is dyeing them in other colors. They may be close to the original hair tone, or they may be different. Highlighted hair cannot be subjected to this procedure again - the result is difficult to predict. And paint bleached hair It can be fully completed without difficulty in any shades and colors.

You can change the color on individual strands or on the entire mass of hair. In the first case, the main color prevails, individual curls are subject to coloring. They are given colors that are contrasting or related to the main tone. It is better to use tested paints to imagine the composition in advance.

Dyes of different intensity and durability are used simultaneously. These can be toning, slightly brightening agents. Their choice depends on the final goal.

What are the advantages of coloring over highlighting?

  • Coloring looks especially impressive on straight or wavy long hair - the transition of colors is reflected more noticeably on them;

  • Sparse or thin hair becomes visually fuller;
  • Even the most simple haircuts become fashionable and beautiful;

Often the natural hair color is not very expressive. This depends not only on the pigment, but also on the health of the curls. Pale dull hair I always want to “spice things up.” Simply by painting them, we change the color, but not the structure. Visually, they will still be perceived as thin and lifeless.

Coloring adds color to the hairstyle and strands different shades look more voluminous and lush. So, coloring will decorate hair of any type and condition.

Coloring on short hair will effectively highlight a woman’s hairstyle at any age.

Add brightness to brown hair

Individual strands can be dyed different techniques. But most often they use the vertical and horizontal method.

  • Vertical coloring. Use from 3 to 15 colors. Hair is divided into individual strands and paint each of them in specific color. The results are clear transitions of colors that have an asymmetrical arrangement and different intensity of staining.

  • Horizontal coloring. A small amount of paint is used - 2-4 colors. The hair mass is visually divided into tiers across the hair growth. Depending on the length of the hair, three zones are divided - root, middle, ends of the hair. The crown and the upper tier are painted in the most dark color. The middle is painted in a paler tone. The most light paint- at the ends of the hair.

Advice! Multi-layer coloring looks better on long hair.

Coloring technique

We figured out the arrangement of the flowers. Now you need to master the technique of applying paint:

  • Fashionable to do multi-color painting in a chaotic manner. The strands are painted with tones close to natural or with contrasting multi-colored paints. The method depends on the style, age and preferences of the woman. This coloring will harmoniously fit on medium hair.

  • If your hair has a lot of gray hair, apply salt and pepper coloring

  • Neon coloring suitable for bold, shocking girls. On the main dark tone hair is applied colorful paints into separate strands. First they become discolored, and then they become covered coloring gel bright colors. To be able to change the image, unstable compounds are used that last no longer than 30 days. Then the coloring can be repeated or the color changed. The range of colors can vary from blue-blue to pink-lilac shades.

  • Zonal coloring– everything is simple here – we highlight a separate section of the hairstyle or strand with color. For this method, 1–2 similar colors are taken.

  • Zonal coloring option is to dye the bangs separately. The strands above the eyebrows are tinted with 1-2 colors, the rest of the hair is left untouched.
  • The highest aerobatics of the multi-color dyeing method is pattern coloring. It is carried out on individual sections of the hairstyle using a stencil. Geometric, clearly visible shapes stand out in a contrasting tone to the main color. You can apply any pattern using a stencil.

  • American technologydifficult process dark hair coloring. When coloring on dark hair ah applies gradual transition flowers, imitating the play of bird plumage. For this coloring, 4 shades of the main hair color are taken. This option is not suitable for blond hair.

  • On red hair coloring looks very impressive when more or less related shades of individual strands are added - coffee, chestnut, copper. Some curls can be lightened slightly. There is no need to change the natural bright red color.

Coloring for light hair

If you strive for naturalness, then your blonde hair Honey, brown, ash tones are suitable

Young and creative blondes can choose bright multi-colored dyes for tinting individual strands. Such rainbow hair will definitely attract the attention of others.

When fully stained natural color is replaced by the main color close to the native color. This is done to align the base tone for application. additional colors. Asymmetrical coloring looks impressive against a light background. In this case, not one color is applied to each strand, but several. Moreover, adjacent strands do not match the accuracy of the application pattern. All brush strokes are done randomly. But at the same time, related colors are taken.

Do-it-yourself coloring at home

First you need to decide which of the techniques and coloring methods described above you want to implement. Check out the hair coloring techniques on the Internet in the photos before and after dyeing, and choose what suits you best. If your hair has recently been dyed, it is better to wait 2-3 weeks until it regains its strength. Read the instructions for the dyes carefully so as not to harm the hair follicles and hair.

You need to be patient and time. Pre-watch the video lesson on the Internet to visualize the progress of the work.

Step-by-step instructions for home coloring

  • We will prepare everything you need - a set of special paints for coloring, containers for diluting coloring composition, tassel, cape, gloves to protect hands.
  • You should not wash your hair immediately before the procedure. You should also not cover them with varnishes, foams, mousses and other chemical compounds. Pre-application is not recommended herbal infusions, henna, basma and similar natural dyes.
  • Check for allergic reaction– apply all components to sensitive skin in the bend of your elbow and wait 5 minutes. If there is redness, the paint should not be used.
  • Protect your shoulders with a cape or an old large towel. Wear rubber or plastic gloves on your hands.
  • The skin at the border of hair growth in the frontal and temporal parts is lubricated protective cream, Vaseline. This must be done so that the paint does not absorb into the skin.
  • We dilute the paints in plastic containers immediately before application. Place a note indicating the color next to each bowl so you don't get confused. Dilute the mixtures as indicated in the instructions, mix thoroughly so that the colors apply evenly. You will have to prepare as many brushes as you plan to apply paints.
  • In accordance with the chosen dyeing method (horizontal or vertical), you need to divide your hair into strands or zones. To get the expected coloring result, you need to work quickly. Place pieces of foil under thin layers of hair and apply dye in accordance with the chosen scheme.

  • The direction of applying the paint is observed in this order - if we paint from the bangs, then we move from the front of the hairstyle to the back of the head. If we apply the composition from the back of the head, the movement will be directed forward, towards the bangs. Secure with clips the strands that you will not dye.

  • We wrap each dyed strand in foil and secure it in layers with hairpins. The staining time is indicated in the instructions. If there is a note about special conditions progress of the process - complete them. Sometimes it is necessary to insulate your hair during the period of exposure to the dye.

  • We release the strands from the foil, wash off the paint with warm water and shampoo, dry the hair with a towel, and immediately apply nourishing balm. Lubricate the skin around the hair with tonic or moisturizer.
  • Dye is a chemical that dries out hair. A high-quality, expensive composition treats hair more carefully, but still, this is also chemistry. Dry your hair after coloring naturally, without using a hair dryer.
  • The process is over. Enjoy the result!

Coloring- a popular technique for revitalizing the color of strands, giving life to the hair and brightness to the entire image.

What is coloring

Coloring individual curls various shades for creating fashionable look called coloring:

  • With this type, curls are often dyed in contrasting colors in relation to the natural. In this case, the image becomes shocking and attention-grabbing.
  • To add naturalness, use several colors lighter or darker than the original.

Features of coloring light brown hair

One of the pleasant features of coloring light brown hair is that you do not need to lighten it first, since the light brown shade itself is light.

Specialists hairdressing can use up to twenty shades with one coloring. If you choose shades that are close to the natural color, then after coloring the image does not undergo much change. And it only gets better. A richer range of tones and halftones, greater volume and more fresh look– this is the effect that coloring light brown hair gives.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Opportunity to change your image.
  • Visually makes you look younger.
  • Gives volume.
  • Can be used both on natural light brown curls and on colored ones.
  • There is no need to pre-lighten the curls, since the hair is already light brown.
  • Frequent adjustments are not required.
  • Shades do not mix with each other when coloring, which makes it possible to different styling hair strands look different.


  • Complex coloring methods can only be done in a salon.
  • For effective coloring you need to use several colors.
  • It can be difficult to do on a short length.
  • The brightness of the color may fade over time.

What colors are suitable

The light brown shade of the strands is a representative of the cold color scheme. Suitable for fair-skinned ladies with blue or gray eyes.

Natural Brown hair most often thin in structure and lend themselves well to coloring:

  • Warm shades of golden tones are used to create a soft and feminine look.
  • For a strict look, ash, blond and gray hair are suitable.
  • For the brave and daring – bright shades and extraordinary color solutions. As well as avant-garde coloring methods.

Warm shades of golden tones are used for a soft and feminine look.

Coloring methods

  • Zonal – one or more zones are in operation.
  • Tape - similar to the previous one, but only the top strands are used.
  • Longitudinal - strands are dyed along the entire length.
  • Transverse - using two contrasting shades no smooth transition. Graphics and clarity create a special style.

How to choose a shade

Light brown hair color is so versatile that you can choose both cool and light shades. Here you can experiment with light walnut, golden, coffee and beige tones. And young girls can be advised to pay attention to coloring with bright colors.

Types of coloring

Ombre. For fair-haired people this will be a transition from more dark roots to blonde ends. Delicate effect burnt curls will look very natural and at the same time fashionable.

For underlining light brown You can use a wide range of colors: green, black, pink. To do this, only the ends are painted with bright paint in a horizontal direction.

Balayage. Vertical dyeing will look great on dark brown hair. Painting in several tones gives a play of tones and is very beautiful. Honey, reddish, coffee, chocolate and chestnut colors are used.

Only very natural-looking tones are used. The result of this coloring looks so natural that others will not even notice that your hair is dyed. But a healthy glow and shine appears. This may include California highlighting, bronding (multi-stage dyeing of strands in several tones from brown to blonde). The step-by-step process is ideally combined with bronding. cascading haircut with torn bangs. Brond coloring can be done using the tape method, working on the upper curls. In this case, the lower ones are not involved at all in the coloring process, or they are given a natural tone. The rond of bangs and strands near the face creates interesting effect, which emphasizes the complexion and expressiveness of the eyes.

Bright colors suit those young ladies who want to stand out and attract attention. Bright dyed strands are in harmony with the main light brown hair. Colored dyeing of curls can be done either only on the ends of the hair, or in thin vertical stripes, or in tiger-colored colors.

This approach uses special paint, which has the property of shimmering. With light brown hair, this coloring is in complete harmony. And the unusual shine of the curls when different types lighting, adds variety to the image.

This method is difficult to apply to short hair, but on long curls very effective. Using the stencil method, an incredibly beautiful pattern is created. WITH short length this will be more difficult to do. Taking into account the natural shade of the hairstyle, a couple of tones are prepared for use in a similar color scheme or in a contrasting one. In any case, it is better to trust such a complex option professional stylist.

For work, bright acidic shades are taken, which in combination with dark blond give an unusual effect. Such option will do young and outrageous.

What you need for coloring at home

  • Comb with a long thin handle;
  • Two paint colors that differ by one tone;
  • Foil;
  • Clamps;
  • Brush;
  • Gloves;
  • Stripes;
  • Dishes for mixing paint with oxidizing agent.

How to make at home

Coloring is carried out from the back of the head towards the crown:

  • Separate strands half a centimeter apart.
  • A strip of foil is placed under the selected strand.
  • We paint the curl that is placed on the foil.
  • Carefully wrap the strand in foil to separate it from total mass hair.
  • Having gone through one layer like this, we move on, moving towards the crown. Shades of colors should alternate.
  • When application is complete, wait for the time according to the instructions included with the paint.
  • Rinse off with plenty of water.
  • Apply balm. And also rinse thoroughly.

Hair care after coloring

  • Use shampoo labeled “for colored hair.”
  • Minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, and straighteners.
  • Optimally – 2 times every seven days, no more often.
  • After washing your hair, rinse your hair with water with lemon juice or herbal decoctions.
  • Try to prevent your curls from burning out - wear panama hats or hats in the summer.
  • You can use a decoction of chamomile or lavender for hair care.
  • Try to use less.
  • Use as masks folk remedies after coloring - oils, kefir, egg yolk, sour cream.

  • Coloring can be done on natural hair color, on dyed strands, and on highlighted ones.
  • For a natural look after coloring it is recommended do not stray too far from the color scheme of your hair.
  • Complex ideas are better implemented not at home, but in the salon.
  • For dark brown shade You can apply darker colors to your hair, and with light brown - lighter. But there are no clear rules.
  • It is recommended to carry out . So the color is on more for a long time will retain its brightness, and the strands themselves will become smooth and lively.

Coloring for short hair – perfect option for women who want to have a beautiful, well-groomed hairstyle that emphasizes their natural beauty.

This procedure will help create a unique and natural image and change your appearance beyond recognition.

Coloring individual strands is one of the most win-win options refreshing your haircut and changing your look without drastic intervention.

The photo shows how the model’s appearance has changed.

Of course, changing the color of a hairstyle always changes a person’s appearance, but naturalness and authenticity can only be achieved through coloring.

The essence of coloring is to abandon complete coloring and give shades of a different color to individual strands.

As a rule, two or three darker or more light color, different from the main tone, but sometimes hairdressers use a more significant number of shades.

Hair coloring using this method can be either partial or complete.

With partial, shades that match the main hair color are selected and applied by the master to individual curls.

In the second case, the hair color changes dramatically, and strands of other shades are added to the new color.

Coloring techniques

To obtain the desired effect, use foil or a special cap.

Short and wide curls are usually dyed using foil, while a cap allows you to select thin strands with which you can create smooth transition colors.

A technique such as balayage involves coloring only the ends of the hair, which makes the texture of the haircut stand out.

Changing the image using different shades can be of different types:

  • natural, for which paints similar to the natural tone are selected;
  • multicolor, using a variety of shades, from similar to natural hair to sharp contrast;
  • neon, in which contrasting bright colors are applied to the strands;
  • Californian, the essence of which is to give naturalness to burnt hair by transitioning from dark roots to light ends;
  • pearlescent, which involves applying paint containing a special substance that gives a pearly sheen;
  • patterned, when painting is done using stencils.

How to change your blonde look

Coloring as a dyeing method is especially good when applying new tones to blond hair. They do not require color leveling, and the dye penetrates perfectly into the hair structure.

This method preserves the structure of the curls and is practically harmless to the hair.

The photo shows how the blond hair has changed beyond recognition after it was processed using the coloring method.

When choosing shades, experienced professionals are guided by their combination with eye color and skin type.

All colors of ash, wheat and chestnut are ideal for light hair, although the most daring girls can change their look by using bright ones. contrasting colors– red, red, blue, for example, as in this photo.

Shades for brunettes and the dreams of fair-haired women

The technology for coloring brunettes differs from coloring fair-haired beauties. First of all, the selected strands are lightened, and only after that new paint is applied to them.

Thanks to light strands, dark hair not only acquires great volume and beauty, but also visually rejuvenates a woman’s appearance.

In this photo, white hair with contrasting black looks absolutely stunning.

Dark hair can be colored without bleaching - in this case, add a few thin strands light shade, such as blond or light brown.

Despite the fact that the hair color will not change dramatically, the haircut will become fresh and the image will become youthful.

Ash strands look especially advantageous on brunettes, and chestnut strands are ideal in combination with all the variety of red colors, as in the photo below.

For fair-haired women, coloring is one of the best options for tidying up the so-called “mouse” hairstyle.

Natural brown hair, as a rule, does not have a pronounced color or shine. The best way change your appearance - shade natural color strands of brighter and darker shades.

Coloring in this case is intended to change the image of the owner of light brown hair beyond recognition.

Light brown hair has the finest structure and easily accepts any dye. Like blond hair, light brown hair is not pre-lightened, but the required shade is applied immediately.

Strands of light, cool shades, such as ash blonde or, as in this photo, platinum, look very beautiful on dark brown hair.

Despite positive reviews about this procedure, when making a decision such as changing your appearance using coloring, you should take into account some nuances:

  • blonde hair should not be shaded the first time bright colors unless, of course, you young girl looking for adventure;
  • contrasting dark color suitable for blondes and those with light brown hair, if only the ends of the hair are dyed;
  • for women over thirty, it is advisable to opt for more natural tones, and use no more than three shades;
  • light brown hair will receive a natural depth of color when applying shades of honey and caramel tones;
  • a mixture of cold and warm shades They kill naturalness, so if you want to look natural, their application is not recommended.

Additional care

Despite the fact that during this procedure only part of the hairstyle is dyed, the structure of the hair becomes porous due to the influence of the dye, and the saturation and brightness of the color disappear over time.

In order for your hair to remain natural and beautiful for as long as possible, you should follow some rules in hair care:

  • Buy and use special shampoo for colored hair with low pH;
  • Apply balms and masks to your head several times a week. When dyeing, it is recommended to use products that contain plant extracts;
  • After dyeing, it is recommended to carry out a lamination procedure, due to which the color will remain saturated for a long time and the hair will become silky.

Is it worth the risk?

The coloring procedure is expensive and labor-intensive, so many people decide to do it at home.

In practice, this is quite difficult to achieve, but it is possible if you follow the following recommendations:

  • buy special kits that are sold specifically for self-coloring;
  • do not spare money, otherwise you may damage your hair;
  • You can’t wash your hair one or two days before the procedure;
  • for the first time, choose no more than three shades and more subdued tones;
  • Provide your scalp with protection - lubricate with a rich cream or vegetable oil by hair growth;
  • follow all instructions for mixing paints, otherwise the result may surprise you;
  • At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing balm or mask.

If you follow these tips, the result can please you for quite a long time.

Latest Trends

As our a little research, thanks to coloring, hairdressers achieve amazing effects - a short haircut acquires significant volume, and colored curls attract attention with a natural radiant shine.

Masters of hairdressing every year invent new interesting ways coloring that amazes with its beauty and zest.

Thus, this year, tinted strands applied using stencils on short haircuts were very popular.

Coloring just the bangs looks no less original.

Thus, if you want to change yourself, but the thought of radically changing your image does not appeal to you, do coloring.

In this case, a shining hairstyle, as in the photo from glossy magazines, will attract everyone's attention and delight with its naturalness and naturalness.

Today, hair coloring is not only about dyeing it one tone along the entire length. There are quite a few interesting techniques, which can make it possible to obtain a more interesting result.

For example, coloring, which looks great on short hairstyles and is one of the most fashionable techniques of this year.

Let's look at what this coloring is and how you can do it at home.

Who is it suitable for, what will it look like

Coloring is the coloring of strands in different shades(there can be from 2 to 10), thanks to which a short hairstyle looks more stylish, bright and creative.

This technique is well suited for short hairstyles, as it allows you to emphasize their style, add volume and thickness to their hair, and diversify their image.

Unlike long painting short hair is most often done longitudinally.

Let's consider the features of the technique depending on the hair color and haircut features.

Light short curls You can either darken or lighten. By adding light strands, you can make your curls visually thicker.

From current techniques For blondes, babylights stand out, in which an artificial semblance of glare from the sun is created in the hair.

Dark-haired girls with creative short haircuts You can add brightness to your hairstyle by using shades of wine, cherry, red, purple, and blue for coloring.

Short haircut, photo:

Brown ladies can experiment with natural shades, and with bright, saturated variations of multi-color painting.

Please note that for some tones the hair needs to be lightened first, so think about whether you are damaging it too much.

Short hair with bangs, photo:

Hair length should also be taken into account. The shorter the hairstyle, the more responsibly you need to approach coloring.

All transitions should be as soft and natural as possible. Avoid having a clear transverse line that will visually “cut” both the curls and the face.

Transverse application of paint is used to achieve beautiful tints.

For this purpose, curls are divided into zones, and each strand is painted with 2-3 colors of paint. As a result, we get something that is not too catchy and quite natural coloring. How longer hairstyle, the more room for imagination you have.

When cutting boyish and other short haircuts, it is better to limit yourself to barely noticeable tints. Bob or bob haircuts can be diversified with a creative ombre.

Choice of colors

When choosing a shade, you should be guided not only on fashion trends, but also on native color hair and appearance features. As for trends, naturalness is in fashion.

To avoid mistakes, you can take into account the natural color and take shades three levels higher or lower. This way you will get non-contrasting coloring.

Of course, other options are also possible. In any case, when choosing a color, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in the case of some fashionable tones you need a certain base. For example, shades like rose gold they look good only on blondes, so if the curls are dark, they will have to be bleached;
  • red-haired girls they can add copper or gold highlights to their hair;
  • For brunettes, wine and cherry tones are suitable;
  • The color used for dyeing, as well as the method used, must be combined with the hairstyle. If you have a haircut with clear geometric lines, you can emphasize them with contrasting tones, and it is better to highlight soft diagonals with neat longitudinal highlights;
  • warm colors are better suited for girls with dark skin and freckles. Cold ones, on the contrary, will create a beautiful contrast with fair skin;
  • Today, ash and silver tones are popular for multi-color painting. Please note that they are only suitable for blondes and fair-haired women. Also, such shades require clean and healthy skin.

How to do it at home: step-by-step instructions

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to have the painting done in a salon., since this technique is not the simplest. However, for those who have certain skills, the procedure can be performed at home.

It’s easier to do longitudinal coloring yourself, which in many ways resembles regular highlighting, only more shades are used.

For coloring, prepare the following:

  • several non-metallic containers in which you will mix paints (how many tones will be used, how many containers are needed);
  • latex gloves;
  • brush for painting;
  • a comb with a sharp tip that will help separate strands;
  • dyes (you can buy several different ones or special set, intended for coloring);
  • foil or cling film.

The very procedure of coloring at home for short hair is performed in accordance with the following instructions:

  • mix the shades of paint and place them in different containers. If the curls are dark, they may need to be lightened;
  • Cover your neck and shoulders with a towel;
  • Apply to forehead and temples fat cream so as not to stain the skin;
  • put on gloves;
  • Using a comb, separate the strand that needs to be dyed and apply paint to it. Then wrap the strand in foil;
  • if you plan to color most of your curls, separate strand by strand and color them in different tones;
  • all strands are wrapped in foil;
  • strands should be no more than 5 mm wide;
  • rinse strands one at a time. Open the foil and place the strands under running water;
  • When the paint is washed off, apply a nourishing balm to your curls.

Coloring for short hair, video tutorial:

There are other coloring options. For example, you can color only the tips or root zone, create a creative ombre or barely noticeable balayage.

remember, that the more colors you want to use, the more difficult it is to complete the procedure at home, so it’s better to assess your strengths in advance.

Coloring is one of the most technically complex services provided in beauty salons. And if everything is more or less clear with haircuts, then not every hairstylist can be trusted with hair coloring, and even more so with creative coloring. The result is influenced by many factors: the professional skills and imagination of the hairdresser, the condition of the hair, the quality of the coloring compositions, etc.

Hair coloring services can be divided into four types:

  1. Deepening of color (when the range of shades when dyeing is three tones);
  2. Artificial lightening;
  3. Creative coloring(tinting in bright shades, ombre, pixel coloring, etc.).

Requires consistency. In order not to damage the hair structure and ultimately get the desired light shade, you need to lighten your hair gradually, over and over again dyeing it three tones lighter. If your hair has already been permanently dyed, you can do a “wash” or lighten it, but you must remember that this procedure significantly worsens the quality of the hair.

Coloring for blonde hair It’s better to do it the same way. If you want to get intense deep shade, then staining is recommended as follows: light brown hair First of all, paint it in a copper shade, and only after that in chestnut.

Particular care should be taken during the coloring procedure on dry and curly hair.

Hot new hair coloring products

Delicate strands

Fashionable last year, ombre (amber) does not lose its position and still remains a popular and sought-after type of hair coloring. This season it was replaced by new technology called “babylight”. It is quite similar to ombre and consists of slightly lightening the ends of the hair, but unlike ombre, the boundary of shades is not so clear. This is something between ombre and highlights. The result of coloring should be the effect of “childish” hair with delicate and sunny strands. This suits almost any girl (looks great on), the main thing is to find a balance between the placement of colored strands and natural color hair. Naturalness is one of the trends this season. One of fashion news in the field of coloring in 2019 can be called. This is very beautiful coloring, which looks especially stylish on curly hair.

Pixel coloring

This hair coloring technique, developed by Spanish masters, has become a bestseller this season. Unusual and bright you will like it brave girls who love everything new and creative. But this type of coloring has one small feature, which needs to be taken into account. Unusual geometric designs Can only be done on straight, smooth hair.

Fashionable wine and eggplant

  • Marsala

A shade called “Marsala” is truly fashionable this season. He looks like noble color red wine. It can be used as a main color or complementary to many chocolate and chestnut tones.

The option of combining the shade “Marsala” with the violet spectrum looks especially beautiful. The result is a deep hue reminiscent of rich wine made from ripe plums.

  • eggplant

Fashionable this season, purple and eggplant shades are great for girls with fair skin, but for warm skin tones it is better to choose shades close to chestnut.

  • merlot

Another trend for the 2019 season. Hair coloring in deep and thick color Merlot with subtle notes of ripe cherries and cocoa. This beautiful colour is on the border between purple and red, so it can be adjusted and changed if desired to suit any skin tone.

Pink gold

This is a rare and complex shade that only professionals can achieve. Pink is great for girls with blonde hair. Coloring for dark hair This shade will require preliminary lightening.

Rich caramel

Dark chocolate, so popular last season, was replaced by a softer caramel, which brunettes love so much. To prevent the color from being flat, it is recommended to use several shades that are close in tone when painting. To obtain a deeper, multi-faceted shade, caramel can be combined with mocha and milk chocolate. However, blond beige shades They also look nice combined with caramel.

Soft copper with gold accents

Copper great option for coloring light, brown and dark hair, so this shade is almost always in trend. It is ideal for girls with warm tone skin. Copper gives a special softness to the image. In 2019, sunny girls are more popular than ever.

Silver gray fox

Just recently, everyone was desperately struggling with gray strands of hair, but this year silver came into fashion. Contrary to expectations, coloring hair in silver-gray shades has become popular among women of all ages. Now gray hair is not painted over, but tinted into a beautiful silver tone. At the same time, the hair color turns out to be uniform, the hair becomes shiny, and the overall image is soft and natural. This type of coloring is best done on light and brown hair.

When coloring blonde hair, there are practically no boundaries or frames; you can safely experiment with different shades. But if you want to preserve the natural look of your hair, then it is not recommended to use dye that differs from the original color by more than 3-4 tones. You can add depth and expressiveness to blonde hair with delicate honey, caramel and copper shades.

If you dye just a few strands in unusual shade, you can give your hairstyle originality and uniqueness. Colored strands look especially beautiful in evening hairstyles and.

  • Booking

IN Lately A technique called coloring is gaining more and more popularity in coloring. This is highlighting in several shades of similar tonality. The result of dyeing is a mixture of dark and light strands. This coloring looks quite original. After it, you will no longer be a blonde, but you won’t become a brunette either. You will have deep color hair with gorgeous tints of different shades. This coloring looks especially beautiful on slightly curled long hair.

Hair coloring: fashion technology booking, photo

For getting good result When coloring dark hair, it is almost always necessary to pre-lighten the hair. It damages the hair, which in the future requires more careful and painstaking care. But there are coloring options when the lightening procedure may not be necessary (you can see them and other types of dark hair coloring in the photo). The lighter your original hair color (dark blond, brown, etc.), the more extensive color palette for coloring. This type of coloring is suitable for any haircut, including short hair.

  • Balayage

Another fashionable coloring technique that is often used for dark hair is called balayage. This clean water improvisation by a master with your hair. Like an impressionist artist, he applies a composition to individual strands for coloring in various shades, but always close in tone. As a result, you will have highlighted strands all over your head, here and there. This coloring looks very beautiful and more natural if regular coloring in one color.

Hair coloring: fashionable balayage technique, photo

Creative coloring: photo

The flight of fancy of hair colorists can go quite far. If you give a professional stylist freedom of action, completely new and unpredictable images are born.

In 2019, stylists provided a wide range of coloring methods, inviting us to make our own choice in favor of naturalness or creativity.

Fashionable hair coloring: video

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