Sculpting abstract node preparatory group. Sculpting a scene from the fairy tale "By the Pike"

Name: Synopsis of GCD on modeling "Cheerful dancers"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, modeling, Preparatory group for school

Position: teacher of the first category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 121 combined type»
Location: city of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia

Summary of GCD on modeling in the group preparatory to school
"Merry Dancers"

Program content:

Summarize children's ideas by lexical topic "dance".

To acquaint with the heritage of famous artists who touched upon the theme of dance in their works.

Introduce children to the simplest classification of dances:

- folk, classical (ballet), pop;

group, individual.

- children's, adult, etc.

Determine the degree of mastery of modeling techniques:

rolling, rolling, flattening, pinching, pinching, smearing, smoothing.

Encourage children to transfer the human figure in motion in accordance with the plan in a combined way sculpting:

- torso arms and legs in a plastic way using stack,

- heads, necks and other details - in a constructive way.

Encourage the unification of two or more works into a single whole;

Develop imagination, develop cognitive processes, eye gauge.

Improve the ability to convey the proportions of the human body (correlate in size, length, shape, color).

Develop children's speech at the level of words, phrases and sentences, Activate the words "dance", "dancer", "dancer", "ballerina", "round dance", etc.

Develop large and fine motor skills, dexterity, develop an ear for music, dance.

To cultivate artistic taste, diligence, accuracy, willpower.

To cultivate love and respect for the traditions and culture of different peoples.


Plasticine, boards for modeling, craft stands, stacks, paper napkins, schemes for sculpting a human figure.

Demo material:

Pictures, slides depicting dancing people, reproduction

E. Degas "Blue Dancers". Figures of dancing people, ready-made works from plasticine (samples), a doll.

Slides "Mordovian round dance", "ballet", "variety dance", "dancing ballerina".

Musical accompaniment:

Zheleznova "We kick top-top-top ...",

Songs: “Queen of Beauty” (Music A. Babadzhanyan, lyrics A. Gorokhov), “Brazilian Lambada”, Moksha folk song “Luganyasa Kelunya” (“In the Meadow of a Birch”).

Game tasks:

1. The emotional mood of children:

(Children stand in a circle).

Today I want to offer you musical riddle:

Music sounds - "Luganyas kelunya" (“Birch in the meadow”) is a Moksha folk song.

- Guys, while you were listening, I saw that your faces were changing. What did you feel? Why? What is this music? What is the nature of this song?

- I suggest you dance to it.

After the dance, the children sit down.

- We were doing a folk dance. Every nation has its own national dances.

Folk dances performed to folk music national costumes. Our girls also wore mordovian costumes when they were performing.

You have solved the first riddle.

- And now 2 riddlevisual.

Pictures, slides depicting dancing people, figures of dancing people.

Who is pictured? Who are the dancers?

- How did you guess that these are dancing people, because there is no music?

(According to characteristic postures).

- That's right, because the dancers convey thoughts and feelings through expressive plastic movements of the body.

- For example, in ballet, ballerinas and dancers act out whole actions - performances, and the audience understands everything without words.

- look at the picture French artist E. Degas "Blue Dancers". Pay attention to the position of their hands, body. It seems that the ballerinas are about to come to life and start dancing in front of us.

What dances did we perform at the holidays?

2. The main part.

What do you think we're going to sculpt today?

- That's right, today we will sculpt dancing girls and boys.

- Before you begin to work, you need to stretch your fingers.

1). Finger gymnastics.

Today even our fingers will dance.

(First on one hand, then on the other).

One two three four five,

The fingers began to dance.

Turn around, dance

And they weren't tired at all.

First on one hand, then on the other.

2). Work execution algorithm:

- I propose to sculpt a figure of a dancing person in a combined way: (Scheme)

- Here is a long cylinder (roller), with a stack we will make two cuts on the cylinder on both sides. These are future arms and legs. We need to round them and slightly stretch them. If it turned out to be very long, you can cut off the excess with a stack.

- From a piece of plasticine white color roll up big ball for the head and a small one for the neck. We connect them together and attach to the body, as shown in the diagram. It remains to slightly bend the legs below to make the feet, or we will make shoes from balls.

- Then we complement the finished figure with hair (pigtails, bows), a dress, etc. We complete the face with eyes, mouth, nose.

- Who will tell me how to make a pigtail for a girl? (Twist a “rope” from two thin flagella).

- How to make a skirt for a girl? (In a tape way, flattening the column).

- For the boy's hair, you need to roll a ball, flatten it and stick it to the head.

3). Independent work children.

Girls can sculpt girls and boys can sculpt boys. Then the finished work can be combined into dancing couples, or into a round dance.

Children tell what color plasticine should be taken to depict a boy (blue, brown, make hands out of white) and a girl (white).

- Let's start modeling.

— I see that the figurines are almost ready. In order not to get tired, I invite you to dance. You can find a mate, or join a group.

The teacher helps children who have difficulties in work. If necessary, shows the ratio of body parts on the doll.

4). Dance break.

We dance to the songs: "Queen of Beauty", "Lambada", Zheleznova "We kick top-top-top ...".

3. The final stage work.

1). Children complete the work:

- Guys, remember when you danced how your arms and legs moved.

- With your plasticine dancers, you can also spread your arms to the sides, raise one arm up and lower the other down, etc.

- Children sitting at the same desk can combine their dancers into a couple or a round dance.

2). Exhibition of works.

Attention-attention, a dance floor has opened in the old park!

Children place their works at the exhibition - "dance floor".

Music sounds, children have the opportunity to consider all the dancers, note the figures made most expressively.

4. Results of the work.

- Guys, what did you especially like today? Do you remember?

— How did you work today?

In children, it affects the speech center, it is known today to everyone without exception. Modeling is considered to be a surprisingly affordable and fertile option in this direction. IN preparatory group that is why classes with plasticine, clay or salt dough given so much attention. While working with these amazing materials children express their attitude to the world, realize their creative potential.

The benefits of playing with plasticine

Modeling in the preparatory group contributes to the expansion of knowledge about the world around us, helps to form the first initial concepts of physical properties materials, about the shapes of objects, their color.

Educators are sure to tell something new about what they are going to offer to fashion children. During the initial introductory remarks teachers involve the children themselves in the conversation. Thus, modeling in the preparatory group helps to expand the vocabulary of kids, teaches them to express their thoughts not only through the created images, but also verbally.

In the process of work, various muscles of the fingers and hands are involved, which further helps the children learn to write without any problems during classes at school. It has been noticed that those children for whom modeling in the preparatory group in the nursery preschool and at home was a favorite thing, at school they write much more accurately, more evenly and with great pleasure than those who neglected these activities.

"Plasticine" design

In addition to traditional creative tasks to create volumetric figures, there are other ways to work with this magic material. For example, construction from plasticine parts is also modeling.

A lesson in the preparatory group to create a car, a bus, a wheelbarrow for transporting soil, manure, bricks, helps kids learn the basics of constructing objects that move with the help of wheels. True, for such an activity, small craftsmen will need axles for attaching wheels. These can be matches with broken sulfur tips, toothpicks with sharpened sharp ends or pieces of wire with twisted ends.

Basic building skills in modeling classes

It is very useful to give kids practical skills that can be useful to them in the future. adulthood. For example, you can invite children to “build” a house. Modeling will also help to build a building from plasticine logs, fold it from bricks or assemble it from solid “slabs”.

A lesson in a preparatory group with plasticine, which is based on the development of building skills, can begin with the manufacture of building materials: walls, bricks, logs. It is appropriate to use during the "construction" not only plasticine, but also, for example, cellophane as glass, use cardboard to imitate walls.

for children

Kids love to make things for everyday use. Therefore, it makes sense to invite children to fashion cribs, sofas, tables and chairs, armchairs and even a TV from plasticine.

Plasticine modeling for children of puppet dishes is fascinating and useful. Not only does the novice master create objects of various shapes, he is given the opportunity to decorate his own creations with ornaments using “plasticine drawing”. Patterns can be applied using small balls, "sausages" - straight or curved. You can also decorate objects with relief, using the method of pressure or by scratching the surface with a sharp stick or stack.

Plasticine pictures

real masterpieces children's creativity The children really like to depict the plots of fairy tales, pictures of nature in this technique. Modeling "Autumn" is interesting in this regard.

preparatory group kindergarten can independently create a landscape using natural materials: colorful leaves, twigs to imitate tree trunks, plant seeds. Often for this direction in artistic creativity use cereals, pasta.

Home Decorations

All people like not only the process of creating something, but also the feeling of the need and significance of what has been created. Therefore, the possibility of practical application of fashioned plays an important role in creativity.

A hanging composition of an autumn plasticine sheet, real acorns, rowan clusters (both natural and self-made) can become a nice decoration for a window, mirror or wall. And you just need to apply a little imagination and patience to get such a luxurious modeling "Autumn".

The preparatory group can also make a table composition on this topic, which will perfectly fit into the interior of the hallway or children's corner.

Autumn plasticine composition with mushrooms

Figured modeling is considered easier for children. Mushrooms in the preparatory group should be molded more naturally than is done in the middle and younger groups. You should no longer limit yourself to bright fly agaric or boletus with even rounded hats.

Modeling "Mushrooms" in the preparatory group involves more variety of options: mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, mushrooms. They have the most hats different forms. Some mushrooms should be sculpted from a single piece of plasticine, and not attach a separately made hat.

It is also interesting to show children the play of colors, in some cases even the transition of one shade to another. And you should also pay the attention of novice sculptors to the fact that in nature the edges of mushroom caps can be uneven, as if slightly torn.

Plasticine fruits and berries

The more children grow up, the more complicated the subject of classes on sculpting berries and fruits. If in junior groups it was possible to limit themselves to ordinary balls, which imitate fruits, now they should be offered to make objects that are more complex in shape and color.

So, for example, modeling “Fruits” in the preparatory group can set the goal for the guys to make an apple with a stalk and a leaf, with one barrel green and the other red. It is quite difficult for children to form a lemon or an apple with a notch in the stalk area.

An interesting task will be to create a still life composition in a vase. A bunch of grapes, plums, strawberries - all this is quite accessible for children's creative performance.

plasticine vegetables

Acquaintance with the outside world is impossible without obtaining basic knowledge about plants. In this regard, classes related to working with plasticine are very effective. Modeling "Vegetables" in the preparatory group includes a conversation about what people grow in summer cottages and vegetable gardens, which plants produce crops in the spring, which ones in the summer, and which fruits delight us in the fall.

In these classes, you should draw the attention of children to the fact that vegetables differ in taste, method of use, the amount of vitamins contained in them, and also emphasize how important it is for people to eat these gifts of nature.

In order to receive good result in the classes on modeling vegetables, it should be clarified that all vegetables have different shapes: round, even, rounded oblate, oval, with a sharp tip, with a notch at the stalk, with grooves on the sides or with small pimples. It is also necessary to indicate the color of the fruit, to note that some vegetables are unevenly colored, have a white tip or stripes. During modeling, you can suggest adding green parts of plants to the fruits themselves.

Whistle, egg holder or pencil holder in the form of a bird

In modeling classes, you can invite children to make a gift with their own hands, which will be nice to receive for mom, and grandmother, and dad, and brother or sister. Bird sculpting is perfect for achieving this goal. In the preparatory group, it is extremely important to instill in kids a sense of the significance of what they do, to connect their creativity with practical application in life. Therefore, you need to teach them to sculpt not just a bird, but, for example, a whistle or a pencil holder, an egg stand or a salt shaker.

For these purposes, you should use Additional materials: a plastic cup, whistle, old salt shaker. The peculiarity of this type of creativity lies in the fact that in the process of modeling the child takes some object as a basis and hides it with plasticine, giving it the shape of a bird. It is important to do this as carefully as possible, so that the necessary holes remain working.

An interesting option in this form creative activity modeling can become not from plasticine, but, for example, from salt dough, ordinary or polymer clay. Burn (if necessary) finished goods you can in the microwave, in several steps, periodically taking out the thing and cooling it. In the "microwave" you need to set the "defrost" mode to the minimum temperature and time of one minute. Then the little thing will be able to serve for a long time without deforming. After hardening, the product will need to be painted and varnished - this can already be done in the classroom for fine arts.

Although children begin to sculpt birds in early childhood, in the preparatory group, more complex and important skills should be instilled. It is very useful to teach children to shape the whole piece of the source material at once, and not to separately fashion the head, tail, body in order to then connect everything together. Of course, not all children will learn this right away, but such a goal should be set for them now. During the lesson, you can introduce students to and invite them to do work in this style.

A pen, a leg, a cucumber - that's the little man out!

Modeling a person in the preparatory group can also be associated with a Dymkovo toy. It is best to start with female image, since the girl or "lady" is usually depicted in a long, to the ground, dress, which greatly simplifies the process. Clay should be used for manufacturing - it is this material that is traditional for Dymkovo toys. But there is nothing wrong with trying your hand with plasticine.

It is impossible to make a person realistically at this age. Therefore, do not put an impossible task before the kids. Let the little man be "cartoon", completely unlike the real one. It is important in this type of creativity to give the child the opportunity to fantasize using the skills they already have. Children love to sculpt plot compositions on the theme of famous cartoons and fairy tales - so let them do it for their own pleasure!

Classes for working with clay, plasticine, salt dough are fertile ground for educating a versatile developed personality. There is a place here for the development of speech, and for replenishing vocabulary, and for gaining knowledge about the world around us, art. And, of course, for the opportunity to realize creative potential.

To teach children to sculpt vegetables of different shapes (spherical, oval, cone-shaped), to convey their characteristic features.
Fix the smoothing technique.
Lexical work: to introduce children to the concept of "fair"; selection of relative adjectives denoting the color, shape, taste of vegetables.
To instill in children respect for work, the desire to take part in collective work.
color salty dough baskets made by children, a board for each child, a stack for each child, napkins, Russian folk costumes, knitting bagels, dummies and natural vegetables: cucumber, tomato, potato, onion, carrot, beetroot, cabbage.
Preliminary work:
Looking at vegetables, reading fiction S. Mikhalkov "Vegetables", memorizing riddles, talking with children, singing the song "We are harvesting."
Lesson progress:
Main part
The music of L. Nikolaev "Golden Fair" sounds.
The children enter the room.
- Oh, guys, where did we get to?
- To the fair.
- Right. Guys, the time has come when vegetable growers and summer residents have harvested their rich harvest of vegetables. They carried the surplus crop vegetable fair in baskets. By the way, do you know what a "fair" is?
- This is a specially designated place where collective farmers come with their harvest.
- Right. The fair is usually held in autumn so that people can prepare vegetables for the long winter.
- You and I also have to prepare vegetables for kindergarten for the winter, so that the cooks cook for us Tasty food, so we also go to the fair.
- But since we are not working with you yet, and we have no money, I think that we can buy vegetables for interesting riddles, which sellers will guess us. Whoever answers correctly, the sellers will give you vegetables and you put them in a basket. Please start guessing.
Riddles about vegetables:
1. It grows in the ground,
Known all over the world.
Often on the table
flaunts in uniform
2. Greenhouse bushes have red fruits.
Fat, pot-bellied, do you recognize them?
How big berries hang on branches
They eagerly ask for a vegetable salad.
3. Doesn't upset anyone
And makes everyone cry.
4. I am long and green,
I'm delicious salty.
Delicious and raw. Who am I?

5. For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sugar, sweet.


6. Grass above the ground,
Under the ground - burgundy head.

7. The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
AND coarse salt bag floor.


And now, guys, let's take a closer look at the vegetables that we bought. Circle them with your fingers along the contour, and tell me, what shape are your vegetables?

Tomato, onion, cabbage - round;
cucumber, potatoes - oval;
carrots - elongated;
beets are cone-shaped.

Remind me, please, what color are your vegetables?

Tomato - red;
potatoes - white, pink;
cucumber, cabbage - green;
beets - dark cherry;
carrots - orange;
onion - brown.

You are right, guys, well done. Only these vegetables are not enough for the entire kindergarten, because the winter is long. How to be?

Blind more.

Fizminutka "Vegetables"

We chop cabbage, chop,
/ move the edge of the palm up and down /

We three carrots, three.
/move palms back and forth/

We salt carrots, salt,
/circular finger movements/

We press the carrot, we press.
/clenching hands into fists/

And now, guys, we will try to mold vegetables from salt dough. Now each of you will choose the vegetables that he will sculpt.

Guys, can you tell me what dough to touch?

The dough is very soft, obedient, tender.

And when it dries up, what does it look like?

Turns stone and can be easily broken.

Well done! And now let's get to work.

In the process of work, the teacher helps with advice, shows modeling techniques.

Calm music sounds the sounds of nature. "Autumn"

(independent activity of children)

Children take necessary material and do the job.

Now I propose to lay out your sculpted works in beautiful baskets and put them on the table and admire their diversity and abundance. Look carefully at each other's work and express your opinion, whose vegetables did you like the most and why?
- Special attention when speaking, pay attention to whether your friends’ vegetables turned out neat: after all, you had to smooth the craft with your fingers so that it was smooth; Do they look like real vegetables?
(analysis of children's work).

What wonderful vegetables we have! You can't tell from the real ones, and you want to try it.

And now, guys, it's coming nice moment: I have prepared a surprise for you.

The teacher opens a dish with chopped vegetables on the table, the children name the vegetables that are on the dish. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and determine the taste of the vegetable that they put in their mouth.

The game "Learn by taste" is held 3-4 times.

Children's answers.

Tomato - sweet and sour
Cucumber, cabbage - crispy,

Carrots and beets are sweet,

Guys, I think the chefs will tell you Thanks a lot for purchased vegetables. Now we are provided with vitamins for the whole winter. Thank you for your work.

Target: Contribute to the formation in children of the average preschool age ideas about the family and moral standards.



To expand children's ideas about the composition of the family, about family ties.

– To teach children to be attentive to loved ones, to take care of them, to form a sense of pride in their family, to cultivate respect for the older generation.

- attach to generally accepted norms and rules of conduct.


Develop children's memory logical thinking and creative imagination.

- To form in children the moral categories of good and evil.

- To develop the ability of children to answer questions clearly and completely.


Develop skills oral speech

- Enrich children's vocabulary

- To develop initiative in communicating with others, the ability to make contact, negotiate, listen and hear a partner.


To form cultural and hygienic skills.

- To form elementary skills in preschoolers healthy lifestyle life.

Lesson progress

Children enter the group after the teacher.

Educator: Guys, today we have guests at the lesson. Let's say hello.

Children greet guests.

Educator: Well done! Now let's get in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And smile at each other!

Educator: Now sit on your chairs.

We sit quietly in our seats. They sat down correctly, hands on a shelf, straightened their backs, legs together.

Educator: Now I will tell you a story. And it begins like this: - Once upon a time there was a boy Vanya in the world. He lived alone, he had no one.

- Guys, does it happen that a person had no one at all?

Children: No. We all have mothers and fathers, grandparents.

Educator: So a person must have...

Children: family.

Educator: Family is people who love each other, live together, help each other.

- Let's list who the family consists of

Children: Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother (sister), me.

Educator: Guys, how do family members treat each other?

Children: They love each other, respect each other, help each other.

Educator: That's right, everyone in the family loves each other. And call each other affectionately.

- Now we will play a game called "Say kindly"

(I will call family members, and you will call them affectionately)

Daughter - daughter, daughter

Son, son, son

Dad - daddy, daddy, daddy

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.

Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather

Grandmother - Grandma, grandma.

sister - sister

Brother - brother

grandson - granddaughter

Granddaughter - granddaughter

Educator: Well done boys!!!

- like this affectionate words you have to name your relatives.

- Everyone should love and respect their relatives - mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers.

- And you can never have them .......

Children: (sad)

The game "Sun and cloud"

Educator: Look, you have a cloud and a sun in your baskets. I will suggest situations that can happen in every family; if it causes joy among relatives, then you show the sun, and if bad behavior, disappointment, then a cloud.

Did you help mom wash the dishes?

Did you get your jacket dirty on the walk?

Did you put away your toys?

- Got into a fight with a friend?

Are you taking care of your grandmother, is she sick?

Did you break your mother's favorite vase?

Did you wish your grandfather a happy birthday?

Educator: Well done boys! And now let's rest a little.

(children go out on the carpet in loose, facing the teacher)


One two three four, (clap your hands)

Who lives in our apartment?(walking in place)

One two three four five,(jumping in place)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,(clap hands)

Murka cat, two kittens(tilts of the body to the left-to the right)

My cricket, goldfinch and me (body rotation left and right)

That's my whole family(clap hands).

Educator: Well done! How well rested. Well, now I propose to play another game. To do this, you need to sit in your seats. Ready?

Didactic game "Collect the chain"

Educator: Take the cards and arrange the people in the photo by age (first the youngest, then the one who is older, etc.).

Educator: Guys, look at the blackboard. What did you notice there.

Children: That the boy Vanya has a family.

Educator: Good!

- Guys, in every family there are adults and little ones. Look carefully at the pictures and answer the questions:

The game "Who is older, who is younger"

Who is older grandma or mom?

- Who younger child or dad?

- Who older mom or child?

Who is younger, grandpa or dad?

Mom is younger, and grandmother is (older)

Grandpa is older and the child is (younger)

Educator: Well done! Did it.

- Guys, how people should live in a family (together, should take care of each other)

- Right. Did you know that everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. Your grandparents, your parents are always doing something around the house. I will name the duties, and you will raise the card of the one who does this at home.

Goes to work -

sews -

goes shopping -

teaches lessons

Preparing food -

caring for flowers

wipes off the dust

is washing dishes -

cleans the house

strokes -

plays -

erases -

reads a bedtime story

masters -

Educator: Well done guys, you did it!

The guys all have a family. And every family has its own house where they live happily. Let's also make houses so that we get a small town in which many families will live, they will visit each other.


Educator: Great! You have beautiful houses.

Guys, let's remember what new you learned today?

What is family?

How should people live in a family?

How should you treat your family?

Thank you for your attention. The lesson is over.

Summary of the lesson GCD modeling "Cows" preparatory group

Description of work: The material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group for the modeling section and parents for development fine motor skills hands of children 6-7 years old.
Educational area: "Creation"
Chapter: Modeling
Subject: Cows (teamwork)
Target: sculpting a sculpture of a cow by drawing up a technique.
Tasks: Continue to teach children the skills of sculpting sculpture by drawing up. Strengthen the ability to sculpt cylinders different size, volume. Develop imagination and creative thinking.
Materials and equipment: fox, wolf, bear, hare and cow pictures, sample finished work, board for modeling, plasticine, stacks, napkins.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment
The teacher makes a riddle:
Knows a lot and mumbles
That's just what she says
Large, large, there are horns,
Only good always.
Tail, horns, hooves again,
They awaken love in us.
Who gives milk
Who will name her? (cow)
2. Introduction to the topic
- Today we will learn how to sculpt a wild animal cow.
Children pay attention to the teacher's mistake that the cow is a pet.
The teacher invites the children to look at pictures of animals on the board: a fox, a wolf, a cow, a bear, a hare.
- Find a cow among them, and prove why a cow is a pet.
Children look at pictures, find a cow, talk about a cow:
The owner takes care of the cow: he feeds, milks, cleans up after her, so this is a pet.
- What benefits do cows bring to human life?
Children name food products that are obtained from milk: sour cream, butter, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cream, ice cream, bifidok, ryazhenka.
3. Examining the sample and showing how it is done
The teacher offers to consider the sample and name what parts the sculpture is made of, what shape they are.
Children name the parts: cylindrical body, sausage legs, head and muzzle round shape, horns on the head, oval flat cakes on the ears, a thin sausage ponytail.
Explains and shows clearly how to do the job:
- Knead a block of plasticine and divide into parts.

- Roll up a ball-head, a ball-muzzle, a cylinder-torso, 4 pieces of sausage-legs, a thin sausage-tail, oval cakes-ears, conical horns.

- Squeeze the ball-head slightly and attach the muzzle, attach ears and horns to the head.

- Connect the parts of the body and head, smoothing the joints with your fingers.

- Attach the legs to the body and tail.

- From small pieces, roll up small balls of eyes and nose and fix them on the muzzle.
4. Finger gymnastics:
Here are my helpers
Turn them however you want.
One two three four five.
They don't fit again.
Knocked, turned
And they wanted to work.
We worked a little
But let's let them rest.
5. Independent activity children.
The teacher asks you to choose color solution for his sculpture and do the work according to the model. In the course of work, he helps children who find it difficult.
6. Reflection
- What did you learn in class today?
- What have you learned?
- In what mood did you work at the lesson?
Who else would you like to learn how to sculpt?
This is what my students have done.
