Original nicknames for German Shepherd dogs. How can you name a puppy of a big girl dog? Active girls are usually called

Let's start with a life story. The girl wanted a German shepherd for a long time. She has already chosen a kennel, and a dog from which she wants a puppy. I agreed with the breeder, bought everything for the pet. The X day has come. Three girls were born, one of them was intended for a girl. Babies had to be called "E" by letter. And here it began: apart from Eve, nothing sensible came into my head. All relatives and friends were involved in the case, the name for the pet was chosen for a long time and carefully.

In those days, there was no Internet yet, and it was necessary to decide how to name a shepherd girl with the help of the environment. Now it’s easier: read the article, here are the most interesting and rare names for a pet. Try and choose.

A little about the breed

A retired German cavalryman named Max von Stephanitz had long dreamed of leading universal breed dogs. So that she would be a good shepherd, and obey the owner, and be attractive in appearance. It would seem that at the end of the 19th century.

Dreams come true by at least, von Stephanitz's dream became a reality. In 1899, at the exhibition, he acquires a beautiful (at that time) male german shepherd, whose name was Horand, and he became the ancestor of the breed.

And what names for shepherd girls were popular at that time? One of the ancestors of the breed was called Freya.

Behind short term The German Shepherd has gained worldwide popularity. But the 70s of the XX century made their own adjustments. There was a split in the breed. Since then, the German Shepherd has been divided into working and show class dogs. It is believed that "showers" are worthless, and the working lines have kept the golden commandments of Max von Stephanitz for breeding the breed. This is a highly controversial opinion. Shepherd lovers could not come to a common denominator, proving to each other which line is better.

How to choose a name?

What are the most suitable nicknames for shepherd girls? It all depends on the taste of the owner. Some people like pretentious and ornate names, and some for simplicity. When choosing a name, it is desirable to consider the following factors:

    A very long nickname can be problematic. If in an emergency you have to stop a dog without a leash (for example, she broke loose and chased a cat onto the roadway), then a difficult-to-pronounce name can take away precious time.

    The most ideal names for shepherd girls are short. For example, Afi instead of Aphrodite.

    The name in the pedigree can be completely different than the everyday one. There are many examples among breeders when a dog is called a complex and beautiful name according to documents, but at home it is quite simple.

Names "A-I"

How to name a shepherd girl? Below is a list of names that can be used both in pedigree and in household use. Long names are presented with abbreviated variants:

    Aphrodite (Afi, Afra, Dita), Artemis (Ati, Arti, Tema, Ida), Ashanti (Shanti), Aksania (Sani, Xani), Adelfida (Delhi, Adli, Fida), Astema (Asti, Tema), Asta, Aika, Aira, Aina, Aiza, Aima, Alsi, Artia, Assi.

    Berta, Bella, Baileys (Squirrel), Bunny, Birdie, Bruda, Brana, Blanca, Belkanta (Bel, Kanti), Bushida (Shida), Barnia (Bari, Nya), Bari, Brokki, Bossy, Bardi, Bardo, Belanta ( Lana, Bella), Bale.

    Wurma, Wendy, Wenda, Valari (Val, Lari), Valora (Vela), Vistia, Vista, Vesta, Varsi, Velnora (Nora, Veli), Velna, Velma.

    Hestia (Gesa), Hessy, Gesta, Gandhi, Gucci, Germa, Griona (Ria, Rina), Green, Garda, Gerda, Grasia.

    Dakota, Delilah, Danae, Dalyusha (Dali), Della, Diora, Dilma, Daineri (Neri, Daya), Daina, Derima (Deri), Dera.

    Eugene (Zheni, Evzhi), Eron (Ron), Evita (Vita), Eromir (Mira, Evra), Europe, Evra, Estia, Essi, Eteira (Teira).

In the famous animated film the main characters talked about the importance of choosing the right name. After all, as you call the ship, so it will float. This is true not only for vehicles, but also for living beings. Cynologists recommend the owners to approach this issue with all responsibility. The right name is the key harmonious development dog.

When it comes to searching correct nickname for their friend, many people remember the comedy film Beethoven. There, the family where the St. Bernard appeared found a very exotic way to pick up a name. No matter how ridiculous it may seem, the creators of the picture were not very far from the truth. Start by studying psychological characteristics puppy.

What is the level of his activity? Is he curious or craving to lie in a soft bed? The answers to all of the above questions will help to objectively assess inner world animal. Based on the information collected, it is easy to choose the most suitable name. At the same time, it is necessary to remember some prohibitions.

Do not use multi-letter names or those with more than one word. Firstly, it will be extremely difficult for a dog to remember such a nickname. Secondly, it will not be easy to achieve adequate response dogs on her. good advice, how to name a puppy of a German shepherd boy, will be a recommendation to focus on short but capacious options:

  • Aigun
  • Aksai
  • Watan
  • Grade
  • Virage etc.

In addition to those listed, there are several more prohibitions regarding the selection of a name. First, it is strictly forbidden to use human names. A similar recommendation applies to choosing the name of an animal that has recently passed away.

Secondly, the emphasis is on names characterized by the presence of voiced and hard sounds.

It will be easy for a dog to remember such a combination. Cynologists proved that the listed combinations immediately attract attention four-legged friend, regardless of his age. Thirdly, it is strictly forbidden to use abstract concepts and nicknames of the middle gender for the name.

The middle gender acts as a constant psychological irritant for the dog. There is a high probability of unmotivated aggression on her part. When using abstract concepts, the owner is formed wrong, negative attitude to a puppy, and without reason.

Instead of perceiving it as a dog, the owner treats the pet as something inanimate or unworthy of attention. The name is important not only for a person, but also for a four-legged friend.

When a baby is born, parents have a very difficult task- choice of name. The same dilemma awaits you if you become the proud owner of a fluffy lump - a shepherd puppy.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What is the name of a German Shepherd puppy?

“Whatever you call a ship, it will sail like that” - this folk wisdom especially relevant when choosing a name for a dog. If you bought a thoroughbred German Shepherd puppy, then the nickname should be chosen in accordance with the status of the puppy - sonorous and noble. Of course, even before the purchase, a dog with a pedigree will have a nickname, which is indicated in the documents. But often such names are too complex and ornate, and therefore inconvenient in everyday life.

This happens because breeders, there are some rules for choosing nicknames:

  • it must contain initial letters, indicating the cattery or breeder;
  • it must contain a piece of the name of the puppy's parents;
  • All babies from the same litter must have names beginning with the same letter.

As you understand, after observing all the conventions, the dog's nickname turns out to be at least long (I generally keep quiet about the sound). Therefore, there is a reason to find a nickname on your own. It should be simple, euphonious and a little solid. The first condition is necessary so that the puppy can easily get used to the new name and respond more quickly to commands. For example, the nickname Rudolph sounds proud, but in reality it is too long, pompous and difficult to pronounce. But its abbreviated version - Rudik, completely loses both charge and solidity.

The euphony of the name is rather the correspondence of the packaging to the content. In other words, you should not call the huge bumpkin Baby, and the blue-blooded dog Bagel. The nickname should be a reflection of the external data, temperament, character and habits of your pet. Remember, this is very important to him. Of course, he will not be able to understand what his name means, but he will catch the reaction to his pronunciation. If you call a dog Funtik or Washcloth, he will intuitively feel the irony and mockery that you put into these words. But in the Eagle or the Count, pride and respect will be felt.

Also, do not give the puppy nicknames. famous dogs and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, such a nickname does not at all guarantee that the dog will eventually behave like the hero of his favorite series - he will receive a name, and not a character with habits. Secondly, at each walking area, at least a dozen more Mukhtars, Rex and even Squirrels with Arrows will be waiting for you. Therefore, come up with a more original nickname - it will be pleasant for both you and the dog.

Also banned here are "human" names. By naming a dog after someone else's name (and even better after someone else's) you run the risk of offending him quite seriously. And then, depending on your relationship, you will transfer the emotions associated with this person to the animal, which in no case should be done. Even if you don't have such an acquaintance this moment- it may appear sooner or later (you do not take a dog for a month or a year). Another argument in favor of this rule is awkward situations that may arise during a walk. For example, calling the dog Sasha, be prepared for the fact that by calling him on the street, you will attract the attention of not only the dog, but also 2-3 more people (and both sexes). But if you are too unbearable to give a dog a human name, then use a foreign one - it sounds more solid, and the risk of meeting the namesake is minimal.

In general, foreign nicknames are almost any euphonious words with an adequate translation. For example, you can call a boy Gray (gray), Black (black) or even Boy (boy).

Nicknames for German Shepherd Dogs

The owners of German girls often make a rather serious mistake - they give their pet a too sweet girlish name. Shepherd bitches often have a more ferocious disposition than males, so Masyanya can turn out to be quite an impressive lady with an evil character. Therefore, immediately forget about flower and puppet nicknames, because Germans are service dogs and such names do not suit them at all.

As stated earlier, female names it is also not worth giving - although it is beautiful, it is unethical. When choosing how to name a pet, you should use only dog ​​names. Or you can name a dog in honor of the mythical goddesses - Athena, Hera, Lada or Lelya - this sounds proud and is unlikely to hurt anyone's feelings.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the character of your baby. If your girl is calm and even a little phlegmatic, then you can call her Taiga, Aqua or Haze. For a cheerful and cheerful German woman, no less positive names are suitable - Rainbow, Spark, Strunk. But if the puppy is evil and, moreover, burdened with an official position, then more severe nicknames will do - Cobra, Storm, Panther, Bomb.

Vozhen and color - very dark girl can be called Shadow or Night, and light (relatively) - Snowball or Blanca.

Nicknames for dog-boys German Shepherd

Names for males are selected based on the same selection rules as for girls. Therefore, no Toddlers, Toliks and Panties are needed - this will only detract from the significance of your pet.

So, if your puppy is affectionate and calm (as far as the natural inclinations of a shepherd dog allow) - call him Prince, Shah or Tiger. But an active dog can be Buran, Typhoon or Junior.

In general, it is customary to give German Shepherd males foreign names- Otto, Hans, Gunther or Leon. Also, domestic names do not cut the ear - Uranus, Azor, Tagir or Agat. But this is not the whole list of how you can name a puppy. It all depends on the owner's imagination, his preferences and hobbies. For example, males of avid travelers can be Baikal, Everest or Kazbek, mathematicians have Integral or Ygrek, and programmers live Bytes and Gates.

What are the most popular names for German Shepherd males is easy to guess - this, of course, is Rex, Dzhulbars and Mukhtar. The films of the same name at one time made a big fuss and appealed to many people in the post-Soviet space. However, we have already voiced the reason why you should not call your pet that way - too many dogs already have these nicknames. By the way, dogs from famous films actually have completely different nicknames. So, the role of Mukhtar for all seasons was played by more than 10 dogs, and among them there was not a single namesake of the main character. So, at one time, Duncan, Vargun, Zeiss, West, Guy, Jax Di Allertal, Vivat, Warrior, Prime Prem Sambatus and Count Schutz Hund were the super police dog. As you can see, the list is quite impressive and can become good example how big is the difference between official and "home" names. When choosing how to name a puppy, it will be fair if your pet gets its nickname not from a mythical hero, but completely from real dog(even if it's an actor).

General rules for choosing a nickname for a dog

When choosing a nickname for your pet, you can be guided and general recommendations. They are selected taking into account the external parameters of the puppy, his temperament, habits and other features. dogs large breeds it is customary to give impressive names - Baikal, Boss, Kazbek, Ural, Caesar, Tsar, Grizzly, Milord, Cerberus (but not Malysh, Masyanya, Buttercup, Musya). By the same principle big dog girls it is worth assigning "large" names - Cleopatra. Queen, Goddess, Hera, Panther, Bagheera and Shahinya. All of them seem to emphasize the status of your pet.

Also, the nickname may depend on the color of the coat - light shades suggest the names of Blank or White. Reddish notes in a fur coat are characteristic of Fox, Red, Light or Spark. But a dark-colored puppy can become Shadow, Night, Black, Noar. Typical Russian names are also popular in our country - Dobrynya, Trezor, Buran, Kazbek.

Beautiful nicknames can be called almost indefinitely, because there are actually a lot of them. Yes, and beauty is a purely individual matter, and what is suitable for some may cause persistent antipathy in others. Therefore, when choosing a name for your dog, you should be guided more by your own preferences than by dubious ratings and lists of the best.

Sheepdogs are probably one of the most popular breeds in the world. Almost anyone who sees them will love them.

These are perhaps the most trainable dogs. They are used in many professions. Sheepdogs are excellent searchers.

If you have a puppy and you just can’t choose a nickname for him, refer to this article. Perhaps she will help you find something ideal for you and your pet.

How to name?

From what name is chosen for the dog, its future will depend. This is the same as with a person: what name you choose for a child, this is how he will go through life. Often, the name of a dog depends on the character it possesses. So, you need to choose the nickname correctly and not be mistaken. Put all your love for your pet into it. All soul.

So, how to call a German shepherd puppy or any other breed:

The name should please both you and the dog. Otherwise, nothing can be changed.

There are basic rules for selection good name for a dog. How to choose a nickname suitable for a German Shepherd:

  1. For starters, you should choose a name that sounds the easiest. It can be either monosyllabic ( Rex, Bucks), and two-syllable ( Alba, Jackie). But if you want to choose something more complex and pretentious, then choose one that can be shortened later. For example, Maximilian - Max.
  2. It is worth avoiding nicknames that are consonant with the commands for the dog (Sit or Fars). It will be difficult for the dog to distinguish between such similar words. What will affect training.
  3. The name should be not only sonorous, but also suitable for you. True, in this case, you should be careful - because this may look strange. To call some Christina or Marat in the park - they can look bad at this.

Reference! It is worth abandoning nicknames with hissing letters. The dog may not perceive this and not respond to such nicknames.

In general, ideas can be drawn from various sources: from books, from directories of names, from films, serials, cartoons. Or from your own imagination.

You can also use such a thing as anagrams from letters that are included in the names of the owner of the dog or any family member ( Adeinr, For example).
When purchasing a purebred dog, there are some rules.

  1. All puppies of the same litter, both girls and boys, must have nicknames that begin with the same letter. For example, the names of all dogs begin with "G": Hecate; Thunder; Gerda; Gulnara and so on.
  2. The name should contain a hint of the club or kennel in which the animal is located.
  3. The nickname should contain elements of the name of the puppy's parents.
  4. It is not customary to give dogs human Russian names. Foreigners are always welcome.
  5. City names are not used. It's the cities.

Depending on purpose

Service and police

Such dogs are usually taken from kennels, and there they have already been given nicknames. But if you have a puppy and you want to make a working dog out of him, then the nicknames below can help you choose something suitable.

For a service dog, the name should be short, clear, and clear. At the same time, it is worth avoiding coincidences with ranks, names of units, and so on. Plus, the nickname should be appropriate for the status. And don't look too soft. So, how to name a male and female German Shepherd:

  • Frank
  • Jerry
  • Roxanne, Roxy
  • Vik, Victor
  • Draco or Dragon
  • Conrad
  • Jacobs
  • Bella
  • Caspar, Casper (ghost)

security guard

For dogs that will be designed to guard a house or a person, slightly different nicknames will do. Here you need to pick up something formidable and significant - in order to indicate with just one name that the dog is evil. And not only that - everyone should immediately understand that the animal is dangerous and it is better not to come close.

  • Damster
  • Bagram
  • Lecter, lecturer
  • Storm
  • Pride - pack (suitable for pack breeds)
  • Admiral - rank
  • Ramses - Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
  • Bes is a devil
  • Irbis - snow leopard
  • Fox is a mammal of the canine family
  • Rome is the capital of Italy
  • Rambo - fighter
  • Cerberus - for fearsome pets
  • Eden - Garden of Eden
  • nordi

Exhibition with a pedigree

IN this case, the names of all kinds of kings, the names of precious stones, constellations. Also, Greek and Latin names. In this case, the length of the name does not matter - the longer and more regal the name, the better.

Most often, in the pedigrees, initially, this or that name is spelled out - and the choice is no longer there. But if you are going to take a puppy from a dog with a pedigree, then you can choose a name for it, which will be written in it.

  • Adonis - shepherd and hunter
  • Diamond is a gem
  • Aladdin - thief and vagabond
  • Ambassador - a diplomatic representative of the highest rank
  • Boniface - General of the Roman-Western Empire
  • Balthazar is a demon
  • Walter - German composer
  • Doctor Watson, Sherlock Holmes - doctor and detective
  • Horatio, Horace. The first is an island. Second, the poet
  • European - race
  • Casanova - hero-lover


In this case, nicknames that reflect the personality of your pet are more suitable. Rely in the selection on the fact that you like the name yourself. Nicknames may come up in relation to your pet. There may be affectionate diminutive names, including.

Acrobat Brothers

Show how much you love your dog. After all, the nickname is the first thing that puppies of any breed begin to perceive. However, it is the same with people.

  • buddy
  • Bambi - deer
  • Squirrel
  • Betty
  • Egoza
  • bug
  • cloud
  • Kashtanka
  • Bounty - chocolate
  • Delilah
  • Donna
  • Blackberry - berry
  • Naomi
  • Michelle
  • Lagoon - a small body of water
  • Erika
  • Jurmala is a city in Latvia



Let's find out how to name a puppy or adult dog the girl herself known variety breeds - German. Names for a German shepherd girl are sonorous, beautiful, tender names, maybe some abbreviations. Choose from a variety of sources and whatever your eye falls on will be the name that will be attached to the animal forever. If the bitch looks sweet, gentle, kind, then nicknames, like Daisy, are more suitable. If she is closer to formidable, then something like Hera.

How to name a German girl: beautiful names with meaning


How can you call a puppy or an adult dog of a German shepherd boy, is there ready list names? Here everything is rougher, more powerful, stronger and tougher. Do not confuse a boy with a girl and do not call a male as you would call a girl. In this case, there can be no petting-diminutive names. For the simple reason that it will not look too beautiful if, for example, you go to the park and call: “Funtik, come to me!”. This will look pretty weird.

How to call a boy beautifully - beautiful and Russian names for a German shepherd dog (a puppy will do):

All in the game 🙂

  1. Abu - fidget monkey
  2. Aladdin - the character of the cartoon of the same name
  3. Bobik
  4. Zeus - god of thunder
  5. Hades - king of the underworld
  6. Adonis
  7. Azazello - demon of the waterless desert
  8. Woland - "prince of darkness"
  9. Empire - the style of classicism
  10. Aramis - royal musketeer
  11. Achilles - ancient Greek hero
  12. Apollo - god of light
  13. Dexter - remember the series of the same name? This nickname is for fearsome dogs
  14. Diamond is a gem
  15. Gaston - "Beauty and the Beast"
  16. Logan is Wolverine. Man with claws
  17. Golden eagle - a bird of prey
  18. Yenisei - river
  19. Siegfried - Freud
  20. Xyrus
  21. Parker (pen)
  22. Raphael is an angel
  23. Rolf
  24. Thunder is a weather phenomenon
  25. Terrible - the nickname of Tsar Ivan
  26. Demon or Damon
  27. Joker is a clown
  28. Danube - river
  29. Rambo - pugnacious and vicious
  30. Romeo is a romantic, selfless dog
  31. Cahors - red wine variety
  32. Kronos - god of agriculture
  33. Luke ("Luke! I'm your father")
  34. Fergus
  35. Frodo is the main character in The Lord of the Rings.
  36. Magnet
  37. Marseilles
  38. Michelle
  39. Narcissus - flower
  40. Nord (north)
  41. Newton the scientist
  42. Orion is a constellation
  43. Orpheus - singer and musician
  44. Osman
  45. Roger
  46. Lucifer is the devil
  47. Sultan
  48. Tutankhamun - pharaoh of ancient Egypt
  49. Fog
  50. Jerboa
  51. Batman is a superhero
  52. Bassoon - wind musical instrument
  53. Hilton
  54. Cerberus - hell hound
  55. Chibris
  56. Cherry mini tomatoes
  57. Yamal is a peninsula in the north of Western Siberia.


In this case, you need to choose nicknames associated, one way or another, with the color of the dog's coat. Try to draw analogies with black or with its tones in different ways. Use a translator. In general, either approach will be correct.

In fact - a black shepherd, this is an ordinary German. Unless, they are just working dogs: they can easily find explosives or drugs. Will serve the police and the army. This is their main responsibility.

Popular and beautiful names for a black German shepherd with meaning (boy and girl): Chernysh or Nigella; raisin; Dark; Darkness; Night; Haze;Smog; Soot; Black; Pirate; Coal; Gypsy; Gray; Agate; Azara; Andromeda.

Collie (Scottish)

Collie or as it is also called, Scottish Sheepdog is a herding dog. Which is characterized by friendliness, activity, devotion, intelligence and vigilance. To choose a name for an animal, think of places and things that interest you or simply like. They are perhaps the kindest of the types of shepherd dogs.

As the name implies, the birthplace of these dogs is Scotland. In addition to herding qualities, the collie is an excellent companion.

Have you ever seen a clipped collie? We are shocked!

An example of nicknames for girls: Lassie, Barbie, Cindy, Sandy, Molly, Jessie, Mira, Charlie, Sheila, Nanny (from the nanny).

Names for boys: Baron; White; Archie; Merlin; Almond; Force; Dandy; Osiris.


This dog is closer to guard dogs. She is smart, strong, active and hardy. Soft, gentle nicknames are not suitable for this animal. Here you need to be more selective. After all, the name shows the nature of the dog. One of oldest breeds. The Caucasus is considered its homeland. Therefore, nicknames from the Caucasian stocks will be ideal.

How to name a Caucasian Shepherd Dog:

Boy: Abdul; Ogre; Caliph; Sultan; Gaston; Abrek; bad; Baguette.

Girl: Martha; Rajina; Roxana; Janita, Gella, Gamma, Hekla, Walda, Valkyrie, Nora, Marcy, Alya, Silva, Tasya, Atlanta, Eola, Melian.

Central Asian

Eastern European

This is a fairly new breed that appeared in the twenties in Russia. The progenitors are Germans. They are closer to service dogs. Because they were specially bred for police and military service.

This breed is balanced, self-confident, distrustful of strangers. Possesses an active-aggressive stance.

So, how to name the East European Shepherd Dog:

Nicknames for boys: Kim, Asgard, Ruslan, Zeus, Grace,

Girls Gretta, Roxy, Elsa, Jess, Millie, Luna, Bianca, Gerda, Agatha, Jasper.

Interesting video

Informative video about the German Shepherd breed:


Adorable photos of puppies: try to come up with a nickname for each of them!


The main thing is to have inspiration and imagination. And also, feel and know your pet. Feel like this is it. And feel free to choose this nickname. If only - you are 100% sure of it.

  1. So. The name of the animal should not be consonant with commands such as "Fu!", "Fas!" and so on.
  2. It should be well pronounced so that the owner does not stumble over the letters every time. The dog must immediately understand that this is her nickname.
  3. It is a bad omen to call a pet after a dead dog.
  4. You should not call the animal - “trouble”, “stress”, “demon”, “fear” or “niger”. The name should be pleasant, positive.
  5. It is also desirable that the gender of the pet be understood by the nickname. Therefore, do not take the name of the middle gender. This will help you avoid trouble.

The name must be:

- Short and convenient - no more than a couple of syllables;

- Expressive. In essence, this is the first command for your pet;

- It should please the owner, the family and the dog itself.

And one more thing: do not rush to immediately name your dog. Let her show herself. Perhaps your opinion will change and you will choose something else, more suitable for her character and behavior.

That's all. Please share your opinions in the comments. You can send photos and videos of your pets. Let's help each other - choose a name for your favorite shepherd dog.

- one of the most ancient and now known breeds.

This animal is perfect, but any child dreamed of her at least once.

Not a single border guard or law enforcement officer can be imagined without a German Shepherd.

Long years of evolution did not affect her in any way - she is still brave, courageous and devoted.

dog name reflects the main features of the character of the animal.

If you want the dog to perform an excellent security service, then you should not call him Donut or Baby. The same is true for female dogs.


You need to choose names so that they emphasize the most important and distinctive features rather than revealed negative and undesirable.

How does it affect character?

With a nickname, you show how much your pet is different from the rest, how much better and what features it has. It is impossible to explain such an influence, it acts as if on a mental level, because there is a saying for good reason: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail".

The nickname is a hint about what character, intelligence, temperament the animal has. Therefore, German Shepherds, as guards and protectors, do not have a Pretzel or Sweetie. On the contrary, such names as Berkut, Apollo, Hector, etc. are most often found.

If you are not satisfied with the official name, there is always a separate column in the documents where you can write down the nickname.

It is the breeders who choose the name according to the pedigree, but the usual nickname, if the official name seems too pretentious, the owner writes. Basically, as I noticed, there are very few people who would give nicknames to "Germans" out of their heads. Many approach this very responsibly, realizing that their own animal will always be associated with this name. I believe that this is correct. A dog's name is no less important to me than choosing a name for a child. With this nickname you will decide the whole fate of the pet.

How to choose?

If you still decide to choose a nickname, abandoning the name in the documents, you will have to follow some rules to make life easier for yourself and your German shepherd:

  • choose a simple and not very long nickname. It is desirable if it is a monosyllabic name. The long name is inconvenient to use. While you call the dog to forbid something, she will have time to misbehave. You can give a long nickname, but during education and call it a simplified version;
  • when choosing a new nickname, consider the dog, her and the breed. Try to make sure that the nickname is combined with these indicators. A red dog named Snowball will cause dissonance in many;
  • do not name your pet after your previous dog. For some, this may cause confusion, but for you, memories. The dog is new stage in life, no need to associate it with the past;
  • do not pick up human names, otherwise every second passerby on the street will respond to the name "Vasya" or "Seryozha";
  • avoid funny nicknames. It's only fun at first, and then you get bored of everyone laughing when you hear your pet's name. And the dog itself will not understand such a reaction of others.

What to name the boy?

There are many methods for choosing a name. They depend on the color of the dog, his character traits, maybe even on the occasion or situation that contributed to the appearance of the puppy in the house. In any case, it's up to you to decide.

If a German Shepherd is bred to work in law enforcement, then they are often given the names Sheriff, Jace, Buyan, Nestor, Rojack. These are names that would emphasize the status of the dog.

Depending on the color of the boys, you can name:

  • black();
  • white or white();
  • Gray (gray);
  • Dark (dark);
  • Red (red).

If the dog will work in security companies in the future, the name Storm, Tamerlane, Chompy, Cher or Tsar will suit her.

If you want the dog to be kind and friendly, the name Bim, Buddy, Doby, Kai will suit him. But, when you like warlike dogs, then the pet can be called Imperial, Shuttlecock, Wolf, Napoleon, Samson.

Many dog ​​owners are interested in the specific meanings of the nicknames they give to pets. The name Harold reflects the boy's pride and courage, his self-confidence. A dog named Jul will be calm, and Icarus will be a good watchdog. Quint will make the dog more calm and kind, and Morgan means "loving people."

Here are a few other examples:

  • Zucker - "sugar", are the owners of a soft character;
  • Leo - "brave";
  • Otto - "rich and wealthy";
  • Karl - "free";
  • Falk hawk is one of the most unique names for the German Shepherd.

If you decide to name your cable based on its nature, then names are suitable for active dogs:

  • Buran;
  • Bard;
  • Alakai;
  • Bugs;
  • spinning top;
  • Thunder;
  • Jax;
  • Solt;
  • Cliff,;
  • Loyd;
  • Mitch;
  • North.

A kind and responsive dog can be called:

  • Packs;
  • Remmy;
  • Rooney;
  • Spikes;
  • Tito;
  • Terry;
  • Urry;
  • Felix;
  • Freddie;
  • Harty;
  • Xavi;
  • Charlie.

If you want the dog to have a funny nickname, then the names will suit her:

  • Jam;
  • Baton;
  • Obi-Wan;
  • Frodo;
  • Simba;
  • Rogue;
  • Gin;
  • Shastik;
  • Shrek.

To give the dog more charm, you can choose an elevated nickname:

  • Centurion;
  • Sherlock;
  • Shakespeare;
  • Everest;
  • Jupiter;
  • Sirius;
  • Raphael;
  • Raymond;
  • Maximus;
  • Leonardo.

For serious and service males, nicknames are suitable:

  • Laid;
  • Eli;
  • Zeus;
  • Wulf;
  • Hermes;
  • Weiss;
  • Jack;
  • Baron;
  • Leopard.

The names of any kings or rulers also leave an imprint on the character of the dog.

How to name a girl?

Girls are mostly called affectionately, emphasizing their gender, as well as the gracefulness and character of the lady.

Despite this, the girls also perform the so-called " men's work". Such dogs are called Alpha, Ice, Vega, Jess, Lucky.

Depending on the color, the nicknames are slightly modified, they may sound like this:

  • Blackley or Blacksey (if we call a black dog);
  • White or leave White (for white);
  • Grace (for gray);
  • Darks;
  • Reddy or leave Red (for a redhead).

The gentle nature of the dog is emphasized by the names of Lottie, Kathy, Daisy, Vivian, Rachel. If the puppy likes to fool around and play, he can be called Puma, Naida, Indigo, Thunderstorm, Evra.

Names with meaning are popular for girls. So, Aza means nervous and restless, Alva is the exact opposite of Aza. Betty is called a pet, if they want her to be kind to children, the name Gloria will give the dog playfulness - dogs with this name are smart and cheerful. Lucias are assiduous and easy to train, and if the girl is called Regina, then she will become a real pride of the owner.

Other examples:

  • Bridget - the owner of a strong character;
  • Elsa - "noble";
  • Emma - "comprehensive";
  • Heidi - "noble and kind";
  • Crystal means "beloved".

Active girls are usually referred to as:

  • Aisi;
  • Aina;
  • Byra;
  • Wajda;
  • Gera;
  • Gita;
  • Dina;
  • Irma;
  • Lola.

To emphasize kindness and friendliness, the female can be called:

  • Mila;
  • Meili;
  • Macy;
  • Nikki;
  • Ollie;
  • Patty;
  • Polly;
  • Rosie;
  • Stacy.

For cheerful and playful girls, names are suitable:

  • smiley;
  • Tinky;
  • Fiona;
  • Fifi;
  • Frutti;
  • Shasta;
  • Choco.

You can give the dog aristocracy with the help of nicknames:

  • Chanel;
  • Eleanor;
  • Juno;
  • Yanina;
  • Rachel;
  • Ronda;
  • Rafaela;
  • Patricia;
  • Ophelia;
  • Adelia.

For girls serving or guarding, nicknames will be suitable:

  • Naida;
  • Nike;
  • Ista;
  • Jessica;
  • Gerda;
  • Greta;
  • Vita;
  • Bagheera;
  • Bella.

How not to name a pet?

Don't call your dog too long or too funny a name. This will make it difficult for you to communicate with her. Also, the name of the dog should not offend any of the people or passers-by. No need to call a pet a swear word.

Also, too common names will not work, otherwise half the dog playground will respond to him. As said, human names will not work. Do not call the dog by a nickname consonant with the command.

The name should be rare, but short and concise. The dog should have no doubt that you are calling it.
