Conspiracies to protect the family for good relationships. A conspiracy for successful trading: we read at the workplace

to adjust, to adjust, to adjust, to adjust; put in order, put in order, put in order; correct, fit, trim; | * teach, guide someone. Set up a harrow, a plow, arrange it completely, make it ready for work; install coulter. The clock does not strike, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary

FIX, already, hellish; azhenny; owl., what. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

adjust- — Topics oil and gas industry EN fettle … Technical Translator's Handbook

adjust- FIXING1, carrying. (Sov. adjust) what. Do what l. a mechanism, a device suitable for use, adapting it for what l. work, for functioning, correctly fitting all parts and components to each other; Syn.: guide ... ... Big Dictionary Russian verbs

adjust- to adjust life existence / creation, start to adjust release action, start to adjust life change, positive adjust constructive dialogue existence/creation establish contact existence/creation establish relationships… … Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

adjust- I. SET UP / SET UP SET UP / SET UP, direct / direct II. establishing ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

Verb, nsv., use. comp. often Morphology: St. adjust; noun, g. adjustment; noun, p. adjusting 1. When you adjust any mechanism, device, you make it work well. The master is fixing the electrical wiring in our house. | … Dictionary of Dmitriev

I carry transition 1. Put in proper order. 2. By fixing something, make it usable. 3. unfold Organize, arrange something. II Nesov. transition unfold Tune in a certain way ( musical instrument, singing, etc.) ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

To stagger to derange… Antonym Dictionary


  • Difficult people. How to build good relationships with conflicting people. Effective Conflict Resolution, Helen McGrath. Psychology professor Helen Macrath and writer Hazel Edwards offer a science-based book to help you connect with your most…
  • Difficult people. How to Build Good Relationships with Conflicting People by Hazel Edwards. Psychology professor Helen Macrath and writer Hazel Edwards offer you a science-based book that will help you connect with your most…

Believe in strength positive thinking! © Shutterstock

To set life on positive tone, the plan was fulfilled, the career was successful, and personal life is rich, learn to live in harmony with yourself.

According to experts, if a person lives in harmony with his soul and body, happiness, success and love await him in all areas of life.

Take action today!

1. Live actively, every day devoting time to your favorite business / creativity / hobby. When a person is busy, he has no time for sadness. Do not kill time, do not drag it out - enjoy every minute, fill it with joy, devote your time to self-education, your hobby, meeting nice people.

2. Look to the future instead of dwelling on the past. Learn to make plans and try to fulfill them. After all, nothing is impossible in your life! Remember this. As the saying goes folk wisdom whoever knocks, the doors open. Focus on the future, imagine what you would like to achieve - and your plans will come true. Serve your goals daily and faithfully, show the will to win - it is the will and determination that will determine your fate.

3. . Try to get rid of fear, anxiety, envy, jealousy, greed, hostility, suspiciousness, self-pity. These feelings poison the soul, destroy the personality, worsen the physical health.

© Shutterstock 4. Don't be suspicious. There is no need to see evil all around, because if you tune in to the bad every day, it will happen. You not only spoil your relationships with others, but also undermine your health.

5. Don't worry. Save in any situation common sense, prudence, strive to oust the feeling of anxiety from consciousness, since it will not help you in anything, but, on the contrary, will deprive you of strength.

6. Do not swear, avoid swear words. Remember that words, like thoughts, have great power, and, uttering curses, you destroy, first of all, your health. If someone scolds you, ignore him - believe me, you will not only retain your dignity, but also save your nervous system.

7. Believe in the power of positive thinking. Let your thoughts become yours best friends. Try to remain optimistic in any situation. After all, an optimist always succeeds, a pessimist never.

© Shutterstock 8. Learn to set realistic goals. You don't have to take on more obligations than you can handle. By overexerting yourself, you exhaust yourself. Better to do one thing well than to mess up several things at once.

9. Do not keep discontent and resentment in yourself. Know how to forgive those who offended you.

10. Do not strive to look for perfection in people. Remember that we are all weak creatures, ideal people does not exist.

11. Smile more often. Smiling not only helps to establish positive contact with strangers, but also improves mood, helps to feel better, relieves negative emotions.

In the life of every person there are moments when, in order to realize what was conceived or simply to meet current needs, funds are needed, which in given time no, or there is, but in insufficient quantities. It is in such situations that it helps strong prayer for money. Here we have selected the most effective and effective prayers for money. We are sure that they will help you achieve your goals, and will allow you to achieve what you have planned.

Prayer to Saint John the Merciful.

Saint John of God, merciful defender of the orphans and those in adversity!

I resort to you and pray to you, as a quick patron of all those who seek consolation from God in troubles and sorrows: do not stop, pray to the Lord for all those who flow to you with faith!

You are filled with Christ's love and goodness, you appeared like a wonderful chamber of the virtue of mercy and acquired the name merciful for yourself:

you were like a river, constantly flowing with generous graces and abundantly watering all those who are thirsty.

I believe that, after moving from earth to heaven, the gift of sowing grace was aggravated in you, and as if you became an inexhaustible vessel of all goodness.

Create, therefore, with your intercession and intercession before God, all sorts of joys, may those who resort to you find peace and serenity:

grant them consolation in temporary sorrows and assistance in the needs of life, instill in them the hope of eternal rest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

In your life on earth, you were a haven for all that exists in every misfortune and need,

offended and sick, and not a single one from those who flowed to you and asked you for mercy is deprived of being your goodness:

Identity and now, reigning with Christ God in Heaven, manifest to all who bow before your honest icon and pray for help and intercession.

Not only did you yourself do mercy to the helpless, but you also raised the hearts of others to the comfort of the weak and to the contempt of the poor:

now move the hearts of the faithful to the intercession of the orphans, to the comfort of the mourners and the reassurance of the poor, so that the gifts of mercy do not fail in them, moreover, may they dwell in them and in this house that sees the suffering, peace and joy in the Holy Soul, to the glory of the Lord and Save our Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

This prayer to St. John the Merciful helps to attract well-being into your life and improve money matters. You need to read every day. Better in the morning or in the evening.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for money

Saint Spyridon was known during his lifetime as a great miracle worker. There are many cases when he helped the poor to solve financial problems, helped to achieve well-being and solve all problems related to the house and household. Several prayers to this saint are known. Given here prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for money, is considered one of the most effective. She has helped many people solve their pressing problems.

O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Humanitarian God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by his grace. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but the death of the abdomen is not shameful
and peace and eternal bliss in the future will vouchsafe us, but we unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

This prayer for money to Spiridon is read daily, at dawn or in the evening, until your money issue is resolved. Try to read the prayer always at the same time, for example, if you started reading it in the evenings, then in the following days, also try to read it in the evenings.

Orthodox prayer for money

This option prayers for money it is good to apply in conjunction with the first prayer that we have given on this page. It is a troparion and kontakion, which help to bring prosperity and prosperity into your life. It is also read at the same time as the first prayer for money.

Troparion, tone 8:

In your patience you acquired your reward, reverend father, in prayers unceasingly patient, loving the poor and this satisfied, but praying to Christ God, merciful John, blessed, to be saved to our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2:

Thou hast squandered thy wealth on the wretched, and now thou hast received heavenly wealth, O John all-wise;

Prayer to attract money

To attract material well-being and prosperity, they also pray to the Mother of God. There are two options. The first prayer to attract money is read in front of the icon, which is called the "Life-Giving Spring". It is easy to purchase in a church or church shop. Hang it where you spend most of your time, at home or (if the situation permits) at work. And in your free moment, read the following prayer to attract money.

O Blessed Virgin, All-merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Your Life-Giving Source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world sharpen; Thou hast given us, with the same gratitude, we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray to Your Son and our God to give us remission of sins and to every soul that is grieving and embittered, mercy and consolation, and deliverance from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, Madam, revelation to this temple and this people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, the country
deliverance and protection from our misfortunes, let us live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be able to see You our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and our God. To Him be glory and power with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Another prayer for attracting money.

Everything is carried out in exactly the same way as in the first version of the prayer to the Mother of God to attract money. Only a different icon is used. It's called "Bread Argumenter". You can also buy such an icon in the church. When reading a prayer, focus on what you are saying. Try to mentally ask for help, but do not focus only on yourself. Try to arouse in yourself such a state of gratitude and generosity in order to spread this grace with all sincerity to all who
needs something at this time. This is a very important point. By focusing not only on your momentary need, but on well-being as such, you bring a piece of goodness into the world, which means that something you ask for will definitely come true. The prayer itself for money sounds like this:

O Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Merciful Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth, every Christian home and family, a beneficiary, those who work blessing, in need of inexhaustible wealth, orphans and widows, and all people the Nurse! Our Nourisher, who gave birth to the Nourisher of the Universe, and the Conqueror of our bread, You, the Lady, send down Your Maternal blessing on our city, villages and cornfields and every house, on Thee have hope. The same with reverent awe and a contrite heart humbly
we pray to you: be to us, your sinful and unworthy servant, wise house-builder, arranging our life well. Keep every community, every house and family in piety and Orthodoxy, unanimity, obedience and contentment. Feed the poor and the poor, support old age, raise babies, enlighten everyone to sincerely cry out to the Lord: “Give us our daily bread today.” Save, Most Pure Mother, Your people from every need, illness, famine, curses, hail, fire, from every good condition
and any disorder. Our cloisters (vesi), homes and families and every Christian soul, and our whole country, intercede for peace and great mercy. Amen.

Prayer for good luck and money

We have given the most popular and effective prayers for good luck in the next article. Here we will talk about another very strong and effective prayer for money. You can read it every day until the situation in your life begins to take shape in the most favorable way for you.

I ask the Lord to give great help from Heaven. There is no place for man in the world without the power of the Lord. I will bring a bowl of water of painful suffering to the bright face of Heaven, and I will ask the three powers of the Lord to give me good luck and give Light on my paths.

Touch my life, Lord, with your hand and draw a line of Light from me to Yourself. Give me the strength to live until the end of my days in my mind and bodily natural state, and do not give grave tragedies to my loved ones. By faith I will draw near to You for the suffering of relief, and my gratitude to You has no limit. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for money

This short and simple prayer can bring long-awaited well-being and prosperity into your life. Turning to this saint, who during his lifetime helped everyone who turned to him for help, can add harmony and goodness to your home, solve material problems and contribute to the emergence of new opportunities in your life that will allow you to achieve what you want.

O all-praised, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray you, wake up the hope of all Christians, faithful protectors, hungry feeders, crying joy, sick doctors, floating rulers on the sea, feeders of the poor and orphans and an early helper and patron to everyone, let us live a peaceful life here and let us be able to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven , and with them to unceasingly sing of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for money to flow

In order to make money, they often use an old prayer, which is known as psalm twenty-two. The history of this text has more than one thousand years, and those who know what power they have are able to change their lives for the better, bringing prosperity and prosperity to it.

The Lord is my Shepherd; I will not need anything: He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me to still waters, refreshes my soul, guides me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of His name. If I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear evil, because You are with me; Your rod and Your staff - they comfort me. You have prepared a table before me in the sight of my enemies; anointed my head with oil; my cup is overflowing. So, may Your goodness and mercy accompany me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
many days.

Read this prayer when you need money for the implementation of the plan or for current needs. It is better to read, like the prayers given here, in the morning dawn or in the evenings.

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about independent magical conspiracies for successful trading in the store, and not only about them. As part of this article, I will offer you trading rites that practicing magicians do. Witchcraft rituals are effective, working, really helping to improve their business in the store. Here are a couple of effective examples: simple, widespread conspiracies for successful trading and financial success. We continue the conversation about how to increase sales in the store using the rituals of Russian money magic.

White conspiracy for successful coin trading - a simple whisper for money

To attract money for free on the growing moon, make yourself a money beacon. Read the white plot on a coin, and carry it with you:

“As a chicken rakes the ground under itself, a dear hugs its beloved, a turtledove calls a dove, so would I, (name), attract money to myself, hold it tightly, call to myself. Do not turn them away from me, neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor the bottomless rich man, amen, amen, amen.

It is impossible to give a charmed coin; it is also not advisable to give it to the wrong hands. On each growing moon, repeat the ritual. You can take any coin, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to speak a penny. In monetary magic for success in trading, the number 5 carries the meaning of improving money matters, increasing wealth, and stabilizing. This simple plot for a money beacon can be classified as a folk sign for successful trading. Many businessmen have their own ways to attract the energy of money, amulets and talismans for good luck in business. Check out this white conspiracy for yourself. Income is growing significantly and, importantly, is stable.

An effective sugar plot for a brisk trade

All you need is a pinch of sugar. To do after sunset, on the growing moon, of course. You need to sprinkle the charmed sugar where you trade. With your right hand, take a pinch of sugar, and read the conspiracy to trade in sugar three times:

“As sugar is sweet, so my life will become sweet. Where I throw sugar, merchants will follow the trail, they will bring me some money. Money to money in my fate, but in my life gold and silver for a good share. Amen, amen, amen."

Sprinkle sugar where you trade, in the market, in the store, in your department. To consolidate and improve the effect, do each growing moon.

A strong conspiracy to trade in honey - read on the growing moon

And here is another sweet witchcraft plot for profit and good luck in money matters. To increase the influx of profitable buyers in the store, take a teaspoon of honey, and read the plot for successful trading on honey three times:

“As bees flock to honey, so people converge on my doorstep. Not onlookers idlers, but rich merchants, money. Bee to bee - swarm. Every customer is mine. So be it".

Anoint the front door opening and the threshold with honey. To do, of course, on the growing moon. Now from a simple (but effective) move on to more powerful rituals for profitable trading.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Free love spell money for successful trading and protection from ruin

This rite protects against ruin, from which businessmen often suffer. In addition, assistance will be in the preservation of capital in a crisis.

Here is what you need for this strong love spell for good trading:

  • new white wool shawl
  • bucket of wheat
  • 4 gold coins
  • large piece of natural fabric

To be done on a Wednesday after sunset. Lay out the fabric on the floor. Sit on the floor, place the coins tails up: on the right, then on the left, behind and in front. Cover yourself with a shawl. Place a bucket of grain next to it.

Read 9 times a strong conspiracy to establish trade in the store:

“I am sitting, merchant, covered with a veil,. Around the pestilence, plague, fiery disease and poverty. I alone am pan and king, covered with a veil, closed with a barrier. As I pour myself over with grain, so the beggarly lot passes me by. Flow grain with gold and silver. My word. Key. Lock. Language. Alatyr".

Immediately after the last home reading of a good trade conspiracy in the store, pour the grain out of the bucket on yourself and sit still for a while. And how much to sit, intuition will tell you. It's important to feel for yourself. Then get up, collect all the grain into a cloth, put the coins there, the cloth into a knot, and wrap the knot with a shawl. Hide from prying eyes. Later, the grain can be given to the birds with a conspiracy (bird food for finances works very well), or it can be germinated, again, doing money rituals for wheat. The power of the rite is preserved for a year, then a fake is needed with the same coins and that scarf. The witchcraft rite for successful trading is strong, effective.

Black ritual for successful trading - for good luck in business, ask demons

In order for trade to be profitable, it is necessary to bring a sacrifice to demons. But think carefully about what you will ask for. I saw a lot, magician Sergey Artgrom, poor fellows who ran into their desires. Be careful with this. The witchcraft rite is very difficult, by a twist of fate it is done when the situation is really critical. A strong conspiracy for profitable trade, and for other things money is read on the waning moon. And it’s better to do it at all on the new moon.

You need to take a young chicken. The color of the plumage is not important this time. A sacrificial chicken in a bag, throw the bag behind your back, and at the same time read an independent conspiracy for good luck in trade:

“The church has been trampled on, but I’m an un-Christian darling (name), walk and walk in circles, and nine miles, on the ninth there is a demon, I’m his guest. Amen".

Go to a deserted place. Better deep into the forest, so that for sure there was not a single living soul nearby. When you get there, do this. Collect stones, if there are nearby, and make a hill of them half an cubit or a cubit high. If there are no stones, make from the earth.

When done, read the text of a strong love spell for good trading, like this:

“As the covenants did, so I will do, but not white, but black, but not strengthened by God's word, but labeled with demonic power. Taco rise up as a gift, call the power of demons. Amen".

Fold the dry branches on the elevation, and set them on fire. When the fire flares up, you make the call of the Forces, read the witchcraft plot 3 times so that trade goes on profitably today:

“With a blatant Glagolitic, yes a gray-haired demon, yes a black thin, I conjure, yes from the very hellish, infernal mansions, yes you go with an arrow, demon, go, but the path is not blocked by the cross, but the very thought is closed. So go with the black sky, yes with strong blasphemy, yes with the church destroyed, that it was singed with fire, with the masks of the icon that they will burn with filth, with the blood of the white-light great martyrs, with the strong chain, with the crooked course. I call out, I invite the very demon that throws white on black. Yes, you are in charge of the mirror of hell, but there is life in it, like the fate of all people you know. Yes, in the mirror surface it is written there, to whom the belly is long, to whom it is a squirt in the sky, to whom it is to be born, to whom to walk on demolitions. Taco in your mirror, demon, there the whole truth and falsehood are retold, there merchants' deeds are wicked, there is an armful of women's stupidity, there are children, rubber bands. You don’t walk versts like that, you don’t throw crosses, then the power is hidden in that smooth surface, if a secret word is spoken, all life will go through, and skew, lightning, and everything from left to right, but from top to bottom. I utter such a word, but not in loud voices, but in silence. What is not said is heard by the demon, so everything is twisted by the demon, seasoned. You, demon, but a mirror smooth surface. I spoke a secret word. Yes heard. Fortified. Ordered. Amenem forged. Amen".

Slaughter the chicken right there. How blood will be shed.

You need to read the words of the spell for monetary profit in trade:

“The demon is a victim, but a red blood, distant versts, but one road, and the darkness of darkness is more crowded, and my fate. Taco is all false, but truthful, but it will converge with fire, but it will be held together by a victim. So you, demon, do what I ordered, but in my words this is said (to say what is necessary in order, for example, to create a love spell for successful trading). So my words thundered today, yes over the sky, but under the earth. They converge with the firmament, and lightning with an arrow. Taco everything is said, fate is labeled, but the demon himself is coordinated. Taco live for me as a king. Amen".

Hold the chicken over the fire so that blood drips into the flame, read the text of the conspiracy for profitable trade:

“Blood into the fire, yes to the demon by force, but to my good share. Amen". Then throw the chicken into the fire, say: “So the ancient covenant between the people of Sinai and between God is fastened, taco is now a black covenant, indestructible, between me, a non-Christian darling, and between a demonic strength. Even everything that has gone as a request will be fulfilled. The victim is persuasive, devoured by a flame, given to a demon. Amen".

Leave here without looking back.

Black book conspiracy for good trade in the store - for dust from three intersections

In order to independently make a money ritual for successful trading, you need to take dust at three crossroads, and market dust. An effective ritual, a worker, is suitable for those who have their own trade, are engaged in some kind of business, work. This witchcraft rite is not from the category of fulfillment of desires and not for money to come in any way, even through a tragedy, let's say the inheritance of a deceased relative.

There is no appeal to either the Dark Ones or the Light Ones, therefore, it is neutral, and this suggests that it is possible to attract buyers and revive trade in the store with this money conspiracy if you use the magician's own power. However, before the ceremony, you can make an invocation of the Forces. And in this case, a ransom will be needed.

What is meant by cross dust? This is the usual sand from the crossroads, which you scoop up in a handful, as much as you can. In the rain, such magical rituals for successful trading do not. In the rain, in general, work is not done in places of Power. Of course, this also applies to strong conspiracies to establish trade in the store. They don't because the water washes everything away. If the earth is damp, but there is no rain, you can perform the ceremony. So, after the preface, here is this rite.

Self love spell for good trading

You can do it yourself on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday. Only these days. More precisely, on one of the specified days; one day they do everything. Take sand from the first crossroads, say:

“It’s like people are walking, and not just one, but a cross path, so I pick up what was thrown off by a kid, then gold and silver, but I was crowned. Amen".

From the second intersection, take a handful of sand and dust, read these words:

Scoop up earth from the third intersection, and with the words:

“We crossed two paths, then in a quarter, and a cross, exhausted, tacos of my purse. Amen".

Here's what, besides the dust from the intersections, you'll need:

  • 3 small sandbags from 3 crossroads
  • 1 bag of sand from the market
  • 1 bag of white natural fabric
  • 1 deep bowl

Pour the dust that is taken from each intersection into separate bags. From the third crossroads, go straight to the bazaar. There, take a handful of dust, and read the words of the money trade conspiracy:

“A bazaar goldsmith, like from all the roads, but a human flow, taco anther, a catch, then goodness for a merchant’s darling. Amen".

Complete witchcraft for money at home. Sand from the bazaar should be poured into a deep cup, then dust from the first, third and second crossroads. In this order. With your left hand, mix all this in a cup, and at the same time read a strong conspiracy to establish trade in the store:

“Zlatnitsa walked, but not in a circular, but in a cross, and on three crosses it converged, but in evening parties, matinees, and a night light and a diary, they made this move, but every day, and people on foot, and people on horseback fate. Yes, people with gold money, and silver, a crown, and on the cross path. Taco, gold lady, you are going to move this way, this move is golden, yes through the cross, yes crosses the path three times, yes with money, yes with a golden handrail, yes with a silver fate, a bazaar. Izhe denyuzhka people's move and through the paths, but through the bazaar people are verbal. Taco my purse, merchant's, in a hurry to fill up with a cross, overflow. So there is people's money, that the cross path is walking, and morning, and evening, so there is money in the bazaar cries of the verb, bargaining with heterogeneous holiness has passed. So all this money handwriting is a cross move, and evening, matinee, daytime, and nocturnal, then golden pesky, cross dust, and market dust, go out like a cat, and roll around the world little white. Tacos will baptize me, a merchant, with golden barns, overfill tacos with cross money. Taco to me, the clerk of market affairs, to get along with gold, silver, keep money by the account, taco the account cannot be reduced, taco uncountable money, like the dust of three cross paths, like the dust of all market spoons. Taco this golden verb, a merchant’s decree, and fill it with money, overflow, honor it with gold, throw it back with a silver, taco with three cross paths, and a bazaar. Even the strength of the merchants in those paths that emanated dust, tacos converged in front of my merchant's face. Taco goldfish is whitened. Taco is made. Amen".

When the dust is thoroughly mixed, pour it into a white bag.

Yes, independently read at the same time such words of a free love spell for successful trading:

“Three paths of the golden woman walk, three crosses, and on my (name) fate, then the market money, which is foretold to the merchant, such money will roll to me from the people. Even the people walking along the paths for bargaining and the bazaar, tacos of gold are diminished. My merchant's path, my money, and silver, and gold. Amen".

No one should see this charmed bag. Hide it where you trade, deal with money matters. It will attract people and money. Will work for a year. A year later, a repeat is needed. Let's move on from black magic to white magic. Let's see what can be done with money through a Christian egregor.

White magic - an independent conspiracy for successful trading

This white rite for the growth of wealth is done in a cemetery on a growing moon. You don't have to take off your cross. Choose the grave that the Owner indicates, or the one to which you are drawn. The same name is not required. Previously, the owner of the cemetery must be given a purchase. When giving gifts, say this:

“Open the strongholds of the earth, lift up your mouth like a scorner, open your eyes like a goddess of a household, a harbor for the gates of the opening. Taco accept this gift that is needed, taco fulfill what is asked for (state the request in your own words). Amen".

But, you can also say something differently, other words, depending on how you are used to working. After bringing the purchase to the Owner, they independently make a rite for financial success.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, repeat, the conspiracy to trade is not read on the waning moon, but on the growing one.

On the chosen grave, they make a ritual for monetary profit. Pour a glass of vodka, cover it with a piece of rye bread. Place a memorial next to it. But don't leave any money. Read the white magic conspiracy for successful trading 3 times. Then immediately leave without looking back. Do not talk to the house, you can spoil the work.

“A dead man is in the grave, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t eat, he doesn’t hear, he doesn’t look, he doesn’t speak, he won’t rise from the coffin, no one will remember him. Send me a servant of God (name) Mother Ever-Virgin Mary money, dead for remembrance, and to me a servant of God (name) for. Forever and ever. Amen".

It is necessary to repeat the magic ritual for profit in your trading, but not often. Enough once a year, but that the grave was the same. The witchcraft conspiracy for money is effective, working, the trade in the store is really starting to go uphill. It unwinds like any cemetery rite - from 40 days, perhaps a little longer.

    I made a conspiracy on a pin, I would never have started doing this, but when you are in rubber Moscow from the neighboring countries, then you already believe in everything. He pinned the charmed pin to his jacket and went to the interview. Believe it or not, I was hired, and this place is quite interesting, many people wanted to go there, but I got there. So a couple of times in life you can cheat, do not be afraid, good luck in all your endeavors)

    Six months ago, everything in my life went wrong. I didn't even know what to do. And then I came across a conspiracy on a white streak in life. Like a man, he overcame himself, read it, but did not tell anyone. And now everything has begun to improve, and therefore I want others to know that this really works. You just try and believe in yourself.

    And the pin can be spoken open, and can it be fastened to different clothes?

    I still remember that period with a shudder. When everything went wrong. When everyone turned away from me and I thought that I was at the bottom. But then I found out about the conspiracy on the grave. It was creepy and people looked at me strangely when I came to visit the grave, which was completely overgrown with grass and read some kind of plot. But after that, my life quickly changed, all things went uphill and all my relatives forgave and accepted into the family. So try it, maybe the conspiracy will be your salvation!

    I have always been very unlucky in life, everyone around me was lucky in one area or another, someone became successful at work, someone started a family with charming children, and I never even found money on the road. I decided to correct this situation with conspiracies .. And you won’t believe it, yesterday I found a thousand at a pedestrian crossing))) I also tried these methods:

    thanks to the conspiracies that save us at a difficult moment

    Some time ago everything went to hell for me. And the child was upset and the mother was sick and there were problems at work.
    What I didn't do. She left a fortune with the psychologist. Grandmother whispered about a conspiracy for good luck. I saw a lot of things I didn't like. And here is the beauty of five together. I tried it, and now I'm happy, a white stripe dawned.

    I tried the water spell.
    The last month of failure directly fell on my head. The beloved dog died, the cat ran away, the dacha was robbed.
    And you will truly believe that luck has turned away. I read the plot on the water, did everything as written. I hope that the series of adversities is over and everything will be fine now.

    Our troubles began with my aunt's funeral. It was half a year ago. First, the husband crashed the car, he got off well with light fractures - the car was in the trash. Then the mother-in-law broke her femoral neck, she is sick. Then the turn came to me, I went through a medical examination so they found a bad guy, where to run with her.? It seems to have helped. So a new misfortune, they laid off at work, first my husband, then me.
    Zebra life? where is the white stripe?
    I will look for an unmarked grave, I hope everything will work out.

    Remember the movie "Unlucky" here it is about me. What only happens to me in life.
    As I woke up in the morning I decided enough was enough! I started looking for information, at first I asked for acquaintances, they only shrugged their shoulders, and whoever was twisting at the temple like you are a man.
    Finally got on the internet and found this page. honored and carried out the procedure with a pin.
    A month has passed since then. I must say that he went through QUIETLY. and this cannot but rejoice.

    As a child, my grandmother always whispered to me. I didn’t understand then why I felt so good about it. Then I found out that it was a conspiracy. Now it's my turn to try it myself. I took a simple sample, for water. I'll tell you what I liked. In fact, luck seemed to turn to face me. I began to feel like a new person. Thank you for the article!

    I didn't think it would work, but it should. Believe me, I'm a gambler. And what is the main thing in excitement? Right luck! That's what I said goodbye to her last year. And I felt so sad without her that I decided to ask for help from the conspiracy. I studied the issue in detail. I flipped through everything I could find in print and online. Stopped here, on an unmarked grave.
    TTT is working

    For a long time I struggled with the temptation to use a conspiracy. But the last month has been really hard. We live in a small town, you go to your grandmother with problems and everything will become known to everyone. You will not end up with shame, I am a teacher. So I had to come to everything with my mind. Thanks to this site. They prompted and told me what and how. Of course, I did not dare to go to an unmarked grave, again due to the small town. But now the pin is always with me. And it seems to even work!

    Yeah) and the pin helps me. My mother told me about her, and my grandmother told me about her.
    But no one really knew how to do it right. What to say.
    Usually they just pricked a pin on clothes and that's it.
    Thanks for the useful information. Liked the article. And I love my pin)

    Yeah .. people ... your comments are pushing to sin)
    I'll go and try something. I’m a lucky girl, usually, but then somehow the luck escaped or covered himself with a copper basin, I don’t even know. Everything falls out of hand. Nothing happens.
    I'm thinking about trying some of the things I've written. I hope and believe

    I have known about a pin in clothes for a long time, I read it here about two years ago. She has helped me out many times. Now here I come again, I want to try the water. Although they say I’m not looking for good from good, but the pin still helps.
    All the same, I want. And just like a separate ritual. So I'll try, it's already Wednesday .. I'll unsubscribe in a month

    How to interpret, is it good or bad if you are a leader, you leave the office for lunch, and when you return, you find a pin with thread and cloth on the table. Apparently this is some kind of conspiracy or a variant of damage? I would be grateful for clarifications from knowledgeable people. And then the first reaction was surprise, and then I began to look for information and I don’t even know what to do now.

    At the institute, before passing the exams, I did a rite on a pin and it always brought me good luck, pulled out the right ticket. Thanks to the pin, I managed to finish everything with honors. She brought confidence and calmness, and a confident student is appreciated in the eyes of teachers!

    I want to try a plot about a grave and a cemetery. There are doubts, but when the black streak dragged on, you look for any options. Share information, who did it? Did it work and how soon did luck come into your life? A little scary, but you have to start somewhere!
