Female attractiveness - what is it? Women's images that are attractive to men.

Is it possible to be at the same time an unkempt, petty, quarrelsome person and at the same time a “hot thing”? Undoubtedly.

The guy who asked you to drink with him at the bar is unlikely to worry about such subtleties. While the bartender is preparing the order, let's take a sober look at the situation - your new friend was attracted by makeup, clothes, figure - anything, but not those things that men pay attention to when building long term relationship. This doesn’t mean that all guys are narrow-minded and primitive, it’s just that your dreams and aspirations are hardly able to make him pluck up the courage and start a conversation, or maybe it’s a spectacular neckline!
What we call “sexual charisma” is unlikely to attract you again and again like the first time. Alas, the fire of passion passes and on these ashes it is hardly possible to build relationships that will prosper for many years. You dream about them, right? In fact, it doesn't take much. In a sense, the stronger sex is indeed quite predictable. Here are five things men always find attractive in women.

Own style
This has nothing to do with the saying “everything is stylish while I’m wearing it.” We are talking about what is called individuality. In addition to the style of clothing, here we include hobbies, hobbies, everything that will allow you to be perceived as an interesting person, as a special “trophy” that the hunter keeps in the most visible place. A man is unlikely to stay for long with a girl who cares exclusively about the progressive trends of this season. Of course, after all, there are a dime a dozen such “fashionistas” around and such “prey” does not seem particularly valuable.
Sense of humor It's been told to the world so many times, but it's all to no avail... You don't have to be a stand-up comedian, but there are very few things more attractive than a girl who can make a guy laugh. Besides everything else, if you laugh at comedies or jokes together, this is the best thing that can indicate the similarity of characters. And according to the latest research by psychologists at Stanford University, it is the similarity of characters and common hobbies that are the most significant factors to create strong and lasting relationships.
Decision making ability
Eat a big difference between decision-making ability and stubbornness. In the first case, you are able to make a choice and stick to it, in the second, you can not talk for two days because you don’t want to go to Tolik’s birthday party. The first is a kind of confirmation that you can be trusted, and men consider this quality to be perhaps the most important.
The ability to notice little things
Does this mean scrutinizing every lint on his suit? Of course not. But buying shaving foam because he mentioned that he would like to try a new brand is exactly what will be very pleasant. Such small gift does not require significant expenses, but you yourself know how nice it is to be around an attentive person.

No one is going to be happy all the time, but if every time you have a drink in front of you you start crying and talking about your first boyfriend, believe me, it's not very fun. Be happy with what you have and where you are at this stage of life - it attracts everyone without exception. Moreover, it gives additional benefit- you'll never be hit on by one of those creepy guys who walk up to girls at the bar and say, "Oh, why aren't you smiling?"

What is it - female attractiveness? This is a woman's ability to please men. And since for men a woman is, first of all, a sexual object, it means that to be attractive is, first of all, to be desirable and sexy. Sexuality (translated from English as sex-appeal - “sexual appeal”) is everything that attracts members of the opposite sex.

Female attractiveness is a complex concept that includes many components: not only appearance, but also attractive manners, posture, gait, gestures, poses, timbre of voice, smell and sparkle in the eyes, state of mind. It is not enough just to have beautiful external data for men, as they say, to “fall in stacks.” A woman with rather inexpressive natural characteristics, but who knows how to emphasize them favorably, and most importantly, is internally attractive, charming and competently uses the language of her body and clothing, has more success with men than a sleek, well-written beauty who repels men with her arrogance and inability to communicate on a subconscious level. Beauty and attractiveness are not the same thing.

About the preferences of men in women.

The basis of a woman’s inner attractiveness is, first of all, confidence in her attractiveness and sexuality, a harmonious state of mind, as well as love for life, for people, and therefore love for men themselves. Most men like spontaneous, natural, with a twist, who know how to take care of their appearance, flirtatious, confident in their attractiveness, unconfined, sexy, emotional, friendly women.

Of course, a man really values ​​a woman’s appearance; it’s important to him. But surveys of men on the topic of an ideal life partner show that men rarely put beauty in first place, and above all they value tenderness, caring, affection and the ability to be a good mother. A man appreciates it when a woman admires him, when she knows how, with her feminine fragility, to evoke in him a feeling of his masculinity and a desire to protect and protect. Of course, there is also individual preferences, which, of course, play an extremely important role in choosing a partner. Men really like women, loving sex, who know how to be skillful lovers, liberal in bed. According to men, attractive, sexy women have sex more often, think and talk about it more. It has been noticed that sexy women read more often romantic literature and experience romantic fantasies. A man adores a woman who is able to take the initiative in sex and shares his love for spontaneous sex. A sexy, attractive woman knows how to enjoy sex and is not ashamed of it, is not afraid to show what she wants - both with her appearance and behavior, but subtly, unobtrusively, often on a subconscious level. When a man sees that a woman wants him, it has an exciting effect on him. Adds sex appeal to a sense of humor and the ability to have fun and enjoy the beautiful aspects of life. Strengthens a woman’s desirability and her selectivity in choosing a man. Most men like it most when a woman easily approaches him, but is inaccessible to other men. If it is difficult to access for everyone without exception, this is alarming.

Men don’t like women who don’t like sex (or pretend to), speak negatively about sex, behave rigidly when talking about it, show their reluctance to have sex, and condemn a man’s sexuality. Men don’t like women who are indifferent to them (it’s better negative attitude than indifferent ignorance). Excessive seriousness, inability to enjoy life, are harmful to sex appeal. uncomfortable state, bad mood, gloominess, prevailing negative emotions, criticality, the desire to control everyone and everything, enslavement, severity, emotional deafness, and exaltation of one’s high intelligence above the intelligence of a man (men love smart women, but not those who seem smarter to them).

It is important not to be too inaccessible to all male representatives, or too accessible, very critical and picky, or just to admire and look at a man like a light in a window, anticipating all his desires. There must be a golden mean in everything. Carrot and stick tactics can be very effective. Research has shown that men named the most attractive woman who acted rather coldly at first and then softened in the video they were shown during the study.

Can enhance sexuality or attractiveness certain conditions. For example, experiences together powerful emotions caused by a risky situation. The effect of novelty also excites sexuality - a woman who is new to a man is very attractive.

The so-called “halo effect” in psychology may also work, say, in a situation where a woman is in the company of very attractive friends, she herself is perceived by men as more attractive (only if the difference between her appearance and the appearance of her friends is not too great, otherwise another feeling is of contrast). If a woman looks and behaves so perfectly that one gets the impression that she is just ideal, this can scare away. One study showed a video recording of by different people. There were some who were attractive in appearance and behavior, and some who were repulsive, but most of all I liked the person who was pleasant in all respects, but seemingly accidentally knocked over a glass of water. That is, at attractive woman There must be weaknesses too.

To be successful with the opposite sex, it is very important to appear approachable in body language. It is believed that active role in choosing the object of sympathy belongs to the man. But, as a rule, a man chooses a partner among those women who themselves have paid attention to him and do not hide it, demonstrating their interest with the help of subtle and delicate body language: sexual gestures, poses, glances, smiles. A man usually likes those women who positively perceive his views, postures, gestures, words and other microsignals. If a woman, even without realizing it, does not respond to microsignals with a positive reaction, then the man does not like her either.

On sex appeal voice intonation has a significant influence. Well, the smell in this case can have a simply phenomenal effect.

In the perception of men, women have the greatest effect on visual images. Therefore, a woman’s appearance is very important among the components of sex appeal. Sex appeal is enhanced by the ability to present one’s appearance in a winning, tasteful manner: choosing clothes, makeup, hairstyle, accessories that suit this particular woman, and the ability to wear it all beautifully.

Of course, it is important to subtly feel and use the language of clothing in relationships with the opposite sex, this is especially important at the first meeting. There are certain clothes, makeup, hairstyles, etc. that are usually perceived by most men as extremely enhancing the sex appeal and attractiveness of a woman in their eyes. Oddly enough, very often men and women have different opinions on this matter. For example, many female representatives believe that the most attractive woman is a woman who is expensively and elegantly dressed, very well-groomed - with a chic, carefully styled hairstyle and bright makeup a la “just from a beauty salon.” Most women are critical of their appearance and hide their flaws under long or loose clothing, believing that this way they will look much more beautiful. But will they be perceived as sexy and attractive by men? Men like well-groomed women, but too sleek, carefully combed, etc. may seem inaccessible. Sexy, according to men, design of a woman’s appearance is close to her natural appearance. As one familiar saying goes: “No clothes make a woman better than the absence of them” :). This means that what more clothes, hairstyle and makeup emphasize the lines female body and the naturalness of the hair and face, as nature created them, the more sexy it will be perceived. For example, clothes that fit the body, revealing feminine forms, a hairstyle made of loose, slightly disheveled (natural) hair, natural makeup. Most men are not at all so critical of female appearance like the women themselves. A woman, for example, believes that she is not very Beautiful legs, and hides them under a long skirt or trousers. A man will like this woman much more if she wears a miniskirt instead of hiding her legs. Because in fact, her legs seem attractive to a man only for the reason that they are feminine. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are too rare. Usually natural data is quite proportional, you just need to keep it in shape and take care of yourself.

Now let's talk about the components of female attractiveness in more detail.


The main rule here is to emphasize as much as possible female figure. This is done using tight-fitting and body-opening styles:


  • + In clothing, the tightness of the body is important. The silhouette is maximally fitted, semi-fitted is also acceptable.
  • - Clothing that distracts attention from the contours of the female body is categorically rejected: loose, voluminous, shapeless, too loose silhouettes, behind which the figure is not visible. I don’t like clothes that distort the lines of the female body - styles with huge false shoulders, too puffy sleeves, with a belt not at the waist, a lot of distracting details: folds, ruffles (especially on attractive parts of the body), patch pockets, pretentious, complex elements of clothing. Clothes that are too tight and seem out of size look ugly and turn off (a woman may think that in this way she will hide overweight), squeezing, squeezing the body - a corset, a too-tightened belt, tight clothes that don’t fit.
  • + The length of the clothes is mini, and also just above the knees.; the length just below the knees is liked much less, the length to mid-calf is acceptable for older men (50 years or more).
  • - Maxi length is rejected by almost all men.


  • + All men like a dress, as well as a skirt with a blouse (top, blouse, thin tight-fitting jumper, etc.), less so - a skirt with a jacket.
  • - I don’t like trousers and shorts (although some exceptions are tight styles, especially tight ones short shorts, some people also like tight jeans), a trouser suit is especially rejected. Youth's baggy trousers, wide, shapeless styles, and strict, fitted business suits are also unattractive. Excessively revealing clothes(too short mini, revealingly transparent blouse, very deep neckline etc.) is shocking, so few people like it. Extravagant, too unusual, pretentious clothing models are not sexy. We see that a bodycon dress is the most winning option. Miniskirts complete with a tight-fitting “top” are also very impressive. You can look sexy in a business suit (but not a trouser suit), if it emphasizes your figure.


  • + Clothes that reveal the body as much as possible are suitable: neckline in front, back, transparent inserts and details of clothing, mini length, long cuts, open shoulders, back. Most of all I like the neckline on the chest; styles with bare shoulders, chest and back, then there is a neckline only on the back. Well, the open-shoulder model closes the list. Models with transparent inserts, or with tempting small cutouts of simple shapes can be interesting. For example, I witnessed the stunning effect produced on a group of men by a girl dressed in tight jeans, on which a row of small “holes” was cut out on both sides, almost from the very waist to the bottom of the trousers:) (apparently, the men were intrigued question - are there panties under the jeans?). Although they considered this option sexy, it was also shocking - too frank and unusual, according to the men themselves.
  • - Closed clothing is not attractive: closed collars, styles that cover the legs, and all attractive parts of the body (shoulders, décolleté). Closed clothing is a subconscious signal of enslavement - “Don’t come near me.”


  • + Which in itself follows from the previous point, clothing that intrigues the imagination and excites the imagination attracts attention. For example, a long clasp on a dress, a skirt with a clasp in the front, undone the top 1-2 buttons of a blouse. If clothes contain elements that make them easy and quick to remove, this is always attractive to men. Men are fascinated by the lack of a bra under their clothes. In general, sexy clothes are those that allow you to take them off quickly and easily. I also really like the slits on the skirt and dress. 1 incision in the back is most preferred, followed by an incision on the side.
  • - Repulsive: a lot of fasteners and clothes. Complex styles that can get confusing.
  • + Attractive fabrics with a soft, pleasant to the touch, feminine texture that you want to touch: silk, satin, velvet, fur. And also fabrics that intrigue the imagination: transparent, translucent. The fabric should be thin, allow body heat to pass through, and fit well female forms. Natural fabrics are much more attractive than synthetic ones, apparently due to pleasant sensations when touched. Cotton, and then wool, are also liked, although with a large gap from the previous ones (men under 40 do not often note these fabrics as attractive).
  • - Rough, thick, hard tissues are rejected.


  • + The sexiest colors: cherry, black, white, blue, followed by red (red is liked a little less, apparently due to the fact that some men find it too aggressive and bright, annoying, especially men over 50). Blue is also considered attractive, but less so; it is especially attractive to men over 50 (men in this age group usually prefer calm blue to red). Green and lilac do not stand out, but they are more likely to be liked than not.

That is, women look sexy in open, noble, rich colors red-blue and black-and-white colors. Among the pastels, only blue stands out. Among the dark ones are cherry and black, followed by blue.

  • - I don’t like colors that are dark, muted, complex, mixed, earthy, or poorly saturated. Men don't really like it either pastel shades(the exception is blue and sometimes lilac). Bright colors are also rejected: yellow and orange. The most unattractive colors: mustard, protective (rejected by almost all men). Also not sexy grey colour. The same applies to warm orange-peach tones. Pink and light green colors are slightly less unattractive.

Conclusion: men are indifferent or negative towards yellow, orange color, beige-brown tones, gray, as well as turquoise and purple colors.

  • + The colors of clothing should not distract attention from the contours of the figure. This means that the simpler and more inexpressive the pattern, the better. All men like plain fabrics the most. Then there are fabrics with patterns, with rounded lines, as well as floral motifs are perceived as more attractive than geometric patterns, with straight lines, or pointed shapes.
  • - Patterns that distract attention from the figure reduce sex appeal: very expressive, bright, with a contrasting, catchy combination of colors, complex, too large, fabrics with inscriptions. The sharp contours of the drawings are rather repulsive; they are perceived as sharp and aggressive, and not at all feminine and sexy. The straight lines of the drawing are strict, limiting, “putting into a certain framework.”


  • + Are of greatest interest feminine hairstyles, long (semi-long) hair. Always intriguing slight negligence in the hairstyle - hair, slightly disheveled. For example, loose hair, slightly tangled, or carelessly pulled up with loose strands sticking out from the general mass, with curls at the temple, slightly revealing the neck. In addition, the more natural the hair styling, the younger the woman looks. Hair colors are natural. It is known that men prefer blondes, perhaps due to associations with something light, soft, tender, somewhere defenseless and fragile. Or maybe just because light color hair often advantageously emphasizes facial features, making the face visually more youthful. By the way, in a group of several women, the blonde is the first to catch your eye and attract attention for some reason. Perhaps this hair color is simply a brighter accent that draws attention to its owner. The absolute record holder in terms of eroticism is long, flowing, slightly disheveled, slightly wavy, soft, shiny (which means healthy) hair. Especially if your hair is also light. By the way, blondes with a cold, noble, ashy shade I like them more than blondes with warm, golden, yellowish hair tones.
  • - I don’t like unfeminine short haircuts, not extravagant ones natural colors hair, pretentiousness in styling, as well as overly neat, all too “correct” hairstyles. Carefully styled, pulled back, especially carefully “sleek” hair hints at strictness, restrictions, prohibitions, including sexual ones; in general, there is no time for erotic associations. Excessive sleekness and correctness in hairstyle can also repel men due to the seeming inaccessibility of their owners. In addition, young girls usually don’t wear well-groomed hairstyles yet, so such hairstyles can make women look older. Also, loose hair that is too smooth and neatly combed is inferior to hair with a sign of slight negligence and freedom of movement. Dull, unkempt, coarse, damaged hair, as well as sticky and hard hair from too much hairspray, are unattractive.
  • + A face with makeup is much more attractive than without it. Although many men say that they like women with no makeup at all, in fact, a “no makeup” face is what they often refer to as a face with skillfully done, natural makeup, with the effect of “made up like no makeup.” In the most sexy makeup there are two rules: 1) with makeup it is better than without it, because, as you know, with its help attractive features faces can be made even more beautiful, and imperfections, on the contrary, can be smoothed out; besides, a woman with makeup is subconsciously perceived as more well-groomed, brighter, and attracts more attention; 2) makeup should be natural, and the more natural, the better. That is, facial features are emphasized and made more expressive, while cosmetics are practically invisible. Men like a slight blush on the cheeks, expressiveness, sparkle in the eyes, sexy lips that are a little redder than the natural color (because this is how a woman’s face looks in moments of excitement and sexual intimacy). Many men like wet gloss on their lips (due to very specific associations, it is clear which part of the female body is in an excited state). Some men like bright red lipstick, but most agree that the softer and more natural shade red, the better. Some men don't like lipstick at all. I like expressive, long and thick eyelashes, increasing and making more expressive eyes, which are emphasized with mascara.
  • - Unattractive, excessive, too bright makeup, when the paint is especially visible on the face, unnatural tones of cosmetics (for example, purple lipstick), an abundance foundation. Eyes outlined with black pencil look vulgar and tasteless (women often try to enlarge them in this way, although they achieve the opposite effect). Too bright contrast makeup unattractive (but it's worth noting that makeup " pale face with red lipstick, as well as with thin black arrows drawn in pencil on upper eyelid"does very beautiful faces the so-called “winter” color type of women ( dark hair, rich eye color, contrast of the iris and white of the eye), as it emphasizes their natural bright color and looks attractive on them).
  • + I like well-groomed hands, natural colors of nail polish, neat manicure (though the nails may not be long).
  • - Repel excessively long nails and unnatural, extravagant (black, purple, green, etc.), as well as aggressive colors of nail polish, as well as too long nails.
  • +Attractive open, feminine, graceful models - shoes and sandals. Look extremely sexy female legs in shoes with high (or medium) thin heels. A high, elegant heel emphasizes the shape and beauty of the legs, lengthens them, makes the size of the legs visually smaller, and also makes the gait sexier. And the most attractive men are considered a stiletto heel, while many fashionable heels that women like, men do not enjoy. Open shoes preferable to closed ones. For example, shoes with an open heel, a deep neckline and decorative thin buckles at the ankle. Sandals consisting of thin parts and buckles look especially erotic. Light (white, pastel) sandals with elegant moderate decorations, perhaps with a slight shimmer, also look erotic.
  • - Rejected: lack of heels, or low heels, rough massive models, massive platforms, sport shoes, unattractive boots, shoes with a high rather than deep neckline. Overly extravagant models are rejected.


  • + Jewelry emphasizes and accentuates femininity and sexuality. A thin elegant chain on the wrist, or a pendant that mysteriously sparkles and draws attention to the neckline, earrings with pendants, necklaces, thin rings. Almost all men agree that jewelry add attractiveness to a woman. As for costume jewelry, not all men like it.
  • - Large earrings and massive jewelry are annoying. Most men have a negative attitude towards piercings.
  • + Very sexy, of course, are stockings, both with and without a belt, and tights, body colors, as well as black. Well, as you know, men are completely delighted with sexy, exquisite lace transparent and translucent underwear!
  • - Clothing styles with a belt look less sexy than those that emphasize the waist only by cinching it (for example, a tight-fitting dress made of thin, soft, flowing fabric, without a belt). A belt may subconsciously indicate any restrictions or boundaries, which do not contribute to eroticism. Although if the belt is feminine, thin, elegant, beautiful, then it, additionally emphasizing the area female waist, is perceived positively by men. - A woman with glasses is perceived as businesslike, too smart and educated, which can alarm many men - “What if she’s smarter than me?” Glasses in any case reduce sex appeal. The exception is sometimes Sunglasses, making the face mysterious, but without glasses is still best.

Smell is an incredibly powerful factor in sexual preference.

  • + The sexiest, of course, is natural smell healthy body, because quite certain areas body, namely: the skin of the chest, genitals and areas nearby, the skin of the armpits, hands, feet and face, emit sexually arousing odors - pheromones (attractants). It’s so inherent in nature, it’s stupid not to use it. Representatives of the opposite sex react strongly to natural body odor, so it would be a mistake to try to completely get rid of it with the help of very thorough frequent washing, and also to overpower it with perfume smells. You can successfully attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with the help of your own attractants. An increase in the amount of attractants in the body is facilitated by good mood, healthy lifestyle, physical exercise. In autumn they are produced most, in spring - least. In the female body, attractive substances are released in maximum quantity in the middle monthly cycle. You can also increase the amount of pheromones by using herbs and infusions. For example, bedstraw, angelica, lovage, agrimony, yarrow can be used as regular infusions or baths, or simply place a bunch of herbs somewhere in the room. Smells also have a positive effect on the production of attractants, promoting a harmonious state and relieving depression. The smell of a sick body is sexually repulsive. Careful hygiene and a light scent of perfume will help here. If a person is in bad mood, is depressed, or is experiencing stress, his body produces in excess substances that are opposite to attractants - so-called repellents that repel. From all of the above it follows that the natural smell of a healthy body is perceived as the most attractive.

Perfumes can also be very attractive if they are chosen tastefully and applied in small quantities. The more natural your body odor is, the better. Men like feminine, subtle, light scents, as opposed to heavy, spicy and harsh ones. They really love nice-smelling women. The smell of perfume and eau de toilette and thorough frequent washing“muffles” the smell of attractants. But this, of course, does not mean that you don’t need to wash at all. Everything is just good in moderation. The main rule for body aroma: the weaker and more subtle the natural body odor and the smell of perfumes, the stronger its impact on others.

Rejected: too strong smell spirits, Strong smell sweat.

  • +The voice can be very attractive. Especially if it sounds free, relaxed, calm and friendly. A sexy voice has soft intonations, warmth, lightness, and can carry a smile. Many men like their voice to be muffled, slightly breathy, or with a charming hoarseness. The voice of TV presenter Tina Kandelaki is often cited as an example of a sexy voice.
  • POSTURE. Beautiful posture is required for attractiveness, since it does not correct position the body can ruin a lot of things. In order for your posture to be beautiful, you need to keep your head straight, slightly raised, do not put your chin forward, move your shoulders back (to find the correct position for your shoulders, just raise them as high as possible, pull them back, and then lower them), tighten your stomach, raise your chest ( stand up straight, take a deep breath (pull in your stomach), exhale and relax your body), do not push your chest forward, and do not push your shoulder blades and buttocks too far back. You can check the correct posture like this: stand straight at a distance of 10 cm from the wall, lean your head, shoulders and buttocks against the wall and check whether your entire back is touching the wall. If everything is correct, if the distance from the waist to the wall exceeds 5 cm, you should work on your posture.
  • GAIT. The gait can be either very attractive or repulsive. Attractive, sexy gait - smooth, easy, relaxed, confident, natural. To make the step smooth and light, the foot is placed on the ground gradually - first with the heel, then smoothly move to the middle part, and then to the forefoot. Toes point straight. If, when walking, your feet are placed at a distance of 7-14 cm from each other, this is normal. But having put them closer friend to a friend (at a distance of 5 cm), you can enhance your own sexuality. You need to walk “from the hip”: when taking a step, move your hip forward, and not just your knee. You shouldn’t specifically swing your hips, it will look vulgar. The effect of a feminine, slight sway of the hips is achieved by the fact that the step is taken from the hip and the feet are placed at a close distance from each other. While walking, your back is straight, your head is raised, your shoulders are straightened. It is important not to swing your arms to the sides; to do this, the elbow moves back a little while moving the arm. Non-sexy gait: Long or shallow strides with feet spaced far apart to make walking safer.


When a woman is interested in a man, she can imagine the continuation of their relationship. At the same time, her body often reveals what is on her mind. Success in business often depends on the ability to send and recognize signals sent from others. sexual relations. After all, people trust subconscious signals more than words. Women who give off a lot of suggestive body signals are much more likely to attract men. You can also use all these gestures consciously, which will greatly enhance your sex appeal. And in any case, do not restrain such subconscious movements in the presence of a man you like. And vice versa, watch your movements so as not to inadvertently attract a man whom it is undesirable to attract to you for one reason or another.


  • Preening: touching hair; straightening clothes; hair shaking is a movement of the head that throws hair from the face or shoulders to the back.
  • Sexy sitting style: sexy woman sits relaxed, free, relaxed, and at the same time full of self-esteem. Very sexy poses:
  • intertwining of the legs, in which they seem to line up on the same line, aimed at the woman’s object of interest - the most attractive female way of sitting.
  • slowly crossing your legs over your legs in front of your eyes and returning them to the opposite position;
  • sit casually on the ankle of one leg, pointing the knee of the other in the direction of the person you like.
  • Playing with objects:
  • playing with a shoe on your toes speaks of a free, relaxed pose, and the phallic diving of the foot in and out of the shoe is very sexy.
  • playing with jewelry, a lock of hair.
  • Stroking objects or areas of the body:
  • gently stroking your thighs with your hand.
  • stroking a cylindrical object - the stem of a glass (or thoughtfully run your finger along the edge of a glass), a cigarette, a pen, a finger, etc. long objects).
  • Demonstration of open delicate skin: wrists - by turning them towards the man, the front area of ​​the neck - slightly tilting the head back.
  • Swaying your hips.
  • A slightly open mouth, wet lips - a symbolic image of the female genital organs in an excited state. Slowly running the tip of your tongue across your upper lip is also very erotic.
  • Gesture with pawning thumbs by the belt, or its sophisticated modification.
  • Turn the lower body towards the person of interest. The toe of the foot, turned towards the man, even if the woman is enthusiastically talking with someone else, clearly indicates who her interest is actually directed at.
  • Entering a man's personal space (very close to him), either by coming very close, or leaning close, or every now and then invading this area with his hand or the toe of a shoe during a conversation. Well, touch is the “peak” of invasion of personal space and is a very powerful signal. For example, you can touch a man’s hand during a conversation, touch him while exchanging objects, or casually touch his body with your body. These body movements reveal the desires of its owner very clearly and strongly.
  • Bold poses (for example, bending over a table, kneeling on a chair) evoke appropriate associations.
  • Other body movements are also effective - shrugging your shoulders, tilting or shaking your head, flashing a ring on your finger, etc.
  • -Some body signals can be alarming, create a powerful barrier to rapprochement, and therefore not only significantly reduce attractiveness, but also cause a loss of interest in a woman. These are signs of closedness and tension: arms crossed on the chest, legs crossed, clasped fingers, clasped lips, biting lips, a suspicious glance from under the brows, a restless darting gaze, fingers constantly fiddling with objects, etc.; lack of interest: turning the body (especially the lower part) away from the man, avoiding looking in his direction, or a short cold look; etc.


The look can be very exciting and intriguing. This can show your interest both in response to a man’s interest and as a unobtrusive first step. Eye contact is a very powerful tool in gender interaction. Therefore, it is important to know how to use it correctly. Often a woman who is interested in a man, without meaning to, can push him away only by not responding to his gaze and by hiding her eyes. She may be doing this simply out of excessive shyness or reserve, while a man may interpret her behavior as evidence of her lack of interest in him.

A woman who can freely and openly look into a man’s eyes is much more attractive than one who stubbornly does not look at a man, which is perceived as detachment, coldness, secrecy, and lack of interest. It’s sexy when you feel an appeal in your gaze, but not too overt. The look seems to say: “I’m interested in you, I like you.” Most often this entails reciprocal sympathy. A warm, smiling look is very attractive.

  • The shine of the eyes, the “fire” in the eyes, is stimulating.
  • Dilated pupils indicate interest.
  • It is very seductive to look “in the distance-down at the man”, then look away, and again “in the distance-down-at the man”, etc.
  • No less intriguing is the sidelong glance from under half-lowered eyelids, and when a man notices this, as if embarrassed, quickly look away to the side (this creates the feeling that the man is being watched with interest), which is very enticing.
  • Also fascinating is the long gaze in the eyes, he talks a lot. Then the eyes move to the side. It’s also not worth looking into the eyes continuously, it already looks threatening, it’s embarrassing, and, moreover, it has an overstimulating effect.
  • The gaze of a person interested in a sexual sense drops from the line of the interlocutor’s eyes down to chest level and above, which is subconsciously perceived by the other person that they are interested.
  • A sidelong glance from behind a raised shoulder (the rounded raised shoulder is an imitation of one's own chest).
  • + A smile is a magnet! She can attract men to her owner even more than a very beautiful, but not smiling face. A woman's smile for a man is a powerful sign that she likes him. A soft, friendly, sweet, natural, sincere smile on a relaxed face is what you need! A slightly shy, mysterious smile, as well as a slightly mischievous one, is also attractive. A smiling woman is perceived as open, relaxed, friendly, positively disposed, happy, loving life, and all this cannot help but attract. Without a smile, coquetry, which is so attractive, simply cannot exist. Facial expression is often more important than the features themselves.
  • - And vice versa, an unsmiling, gloomy, with tense muscles, enslaved face is very repulsive, even if many other things in a woman look attractive. A person’s tense state makes a smile false, forced, and completely unattractive (“I don’t like you, I don’t care about you”).

Using all these recommendations in practice, you can easily see how effective they are and how they can increase a woman’s success with the opposite sex and her ability to be happy in her personal life. The image of a super sexy woman can be clearly seen on the screen, remembering, however, that one of the properties of the image of “stars” is the exaggeration of qualities, which should not be done in life, it would be too much. One of the striking examples of female attractiveness is the group with the eloquent name "Via Gra" :). It is obvious that good, competent professionals work with these girls. There are many erotic moments, sexual movements that have an extremely sexual effect on men, and a sexy “inviting, inviting” style of appearance. The girls are as close as possible to the look that a woman usually has during sexual intimacy with a man - they are half-naked, or in figure-flattering clothes, with expressive facial features skillfully emphasized with the help of almost natural makeup, their long hair either loose and slightly tangled, or carelessly pulled back, with curls falling out, their looks and poses are eloquent, their voices are erotic, they behave softly and femininely. Humor also plays an important role in their images.

Of course, their image is exaggerated, as befits in show business, and therefore very visual.

Finally, I will give another example of the image of an attractive woman. This time the example is not from show business, where everything is presented in a somewhat enhanced form, but from life. One photographer I know, who works in a marriage agency, before photographing girls who wanted to find a husband via the Internet, set them an indispensable condition: to be photographed in tight-fitting, open clothes, always in a miniskirt that reveals the legs (tight-fitting short shorts were also allowed), in tight-fitting tops with a neckline or blouses that emphasize the chest, in open elegant shoes or sandals with heels (barefoot was also allowed, which also looks erotic), with loose hair, or hair hastily pinned back, obligatory makeup in natural style made professional makeup artist. He advised all girls not to cut their hair - the longer the better. During the filming, he relaxed the girls with jokes so that they acted naturally, and asked them to smile, remembering something pleasant, and also to make as soft a facial expression as possible. He said that experience shows that men react much less to photographs of women in long skirts or trousers, as well as to a gloomy, even without a shadow of a smile, facial expression. How did they react to these prerequisites"Girls? Most of them were perplexed. Some said that they did not want to look “like prostitutes,” while others assured the photographer that they looked much better in a different style of clothing, that it suited them better, others refused these conditions, explaining this is because they either have “ugly legs”, or “untanned back” and “don’t like breasts”, etc. But the photographer was adamant, because he knew what he was doing (he was, after all, commercially interested in the girls received as much as possible more reviews from men). If only you knew how many letters these girls received from potential suitors! True, there was one more condition - the agency worked only with girls who did not have seriously pronounced imbalances.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Inner world

The more serious a man is, the more attracted he is personal qualities women. The first thing that representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to is femininity. This elusive trait has become increasingly rare among beautiful ladies. In the struggle for equality, in imitation of men, and was replaced by proud independence.

Femininity is softness. Alluring weakness with a touch of defenselessness. She awakens the strength in a man, his hidden essence.

Femininity should not be confused with capriciousness or helplessness. When there's no man around real woman steadfastly withstands the trials of fate, endures difficulties and adversity. But next to a man, you can allow yourself to relax, open up, and allow a strong gentleman to solve some of the problems that are beyond a woman’s shoulders.

When a representative of the stronger sex offers help, do not refuse, accept, thank, praise. That's what attractive women do. Forget about the constant: “I do it myself!” IN life together men value wise companions. How will your partner look in the eyes of others when his woman, relying on her own principles of independence, carries heavy bags from the store or a huge suitcase from the station, and he walks next to him? This is a blow to his pride.

Men are attracted to feminine charm- general attractive force and special magnetism. It appears in confident women who know their worth. Freed from complexes and prejudices, a representative of the fair sex goes out to new level understanding of a man.

What are representatives of the stronger sex afraid of? Tears, hysterics, showdowns. They are afraid of the mysterious feminine logic and offended silence. They shudder: “We’ll talk in the evening.” In order to attract and hook a male representative for a long time, you need to eradicate women's stereotyped habits that have become the basis for tales, jokes and third-rate TV series. Understanding is the main quality of an attractive woman, and the ability to hear and listen is an equally important addition to it.

April 29, 2014

It turns out that they pay attention to such “minor” details as the tone of your voice, the shape and height of your heels, the color of your nails... They notice how you carry yourself in an unfamiliar environment - nervously twirling a glass of wine or calmly and confidently conducting a conversation. And there are two options: either he likes what he sees in front of him, or... Alas, but this is so, there will be no continuation.

To be fully prepared, we asked men to tell us what they pay attention to first. Some of their confessions became a revelation for us.


Unexpected actions, reactions and behavior that he least expects are what arouses male curiosity and... desire. “She did everything wrong: she ordered beer at a wine restaurant, she could go to a grocery store in evening dress... This intrigued me,” says Edward (29). – For me this meant that she bright personality. And even if we didn’t succeed, I would still remember her now.”

Your own style

“I like it when a girl wears something extraordinary, when she stands out in the crowd. Her clothing style indicates that she creative person", notes Ivan (31).


“I go crazy if a girl has a beautiful shoulder line, beautiful collarbones,” admits Boris (26). “This is the most sexy, tender part of the female body.” Who would have thought that an ordinary T-shirt with a low neckline could knock out a man?

Your lips

“I once met a girl - she was sitting at the bar reading a magazine, biting her lower lip in thought, and it was so sexy!” – says Anatoly (23). This, of course, is a matter of taste and chance, but do not forget that a woman’s lips have always attracted the gaze of men, especially if they are beautiful and well-groomed. So don't forget about lip balms and bright glosses.


“Our relationship with Katya began when I saw her at a corporate event. Dressed in formal business suit, she excitedly played table football, screaming triumphantly at every goal. At that moment she was beautiful. I couldn’t take my eyes off,” says Nikolai (27).

Healthy Appetite

“My wife works as a chef, and, naturally, on our first date we talked exclusively about food, and then I thought that she must be very sensual,” recalls Yegor (31). “At some point, she closed her eyes and described all the flavor nuances of the dish that we then ordered in the restaurant. At that moment I imagined what she would look like during an orgasm.”

Many men like it when a woman eats with appetite, and does not push a lonely lettuce leaf around the plate.

Fragrant hair

“There is nothing better than the aroma of freshly washed hair,” says Victor (22). – When I walk next to a girl and a fresh sound comes from her head pleasant aroma“I’m ready for anything!”

Our own research shows that notes of vanilla, peppermint, fruity and citrus aromas also make a man's heart beat faster.

Sexy walk

“If a girl has a beautiful, free gait, this indicates that she knows her body well,” says Alexey (24). Yuri (23) agrees: “I always pay attention to the girl’s gait.” To make your gait beautiful, use the models' secret: hum to yourself the melody of a slow sexy song, with a clear enough rhythm that will allow you to automatically move to this melody with a long stride. And don't forget about high heels! Another option to develop a gait is to start dancing. After just a couple of lessons you will feel more relaxed.

Invisible makeup

“Too bright makeup almost always looks quite vulgar,” notes Konstantin (26). “But on the other hand, long black eyelashes and bright lip gloss are always better than nothing at all.” A girl should be able to do light, almost invisible makeup.”

There are 4 cosmetic product that will make you look better, but at the same time you will look natural: this is a little corrector (under the eyes), mascara, lip gloss and a little blush.

Eye contact

“I don’t like girls who don’t look their interlocutor in the eyes during a conversation,” says Peter (22). “I must feel her interest, there must be contact.”

In general, when you talk to him, try to keep your gaze on his face a little longer than usual.


“Tattoos always attract my attention, they catch my eye,” says Mikhail (25). – Firstly, they immediately attract the eye to the part of the female body on which they are applied. And if you see only a piece of the tattoo, then you begin to complete the rest in your imagination. Secondly, even the most harmless tattoos (for example, a butterfly) in the most harmless places indicate that the girl likes to try new things and is not afraid to take risks, and this is attractive.”

It's good that now it is possible to get temporary tattoos!

“I fell in love with a girl who was not a beauty at all, but her velvety voice simply drove me crazy,” says Ilya (29). How can you attract him with just your voice? Speak a little slower than usual, this can be done without any training. When you speak quickly, your voice becomes higher and thinner, and when you speak slowly, it sounds softer and deeper.

Well-fitting jeans

"There's nothing more attractive than thighs and ass, covered with jeans, “this suggests that the girl is confident in her sexuality,” notes Vadim (26).

Well-groomed skin

“I met my girlfriend at the wedding of mutual friends. She was wearing a long dress with open back. When I danced with her, I felt how tender and soft skin. I immediately liked that she takes care of herself. Agree, it’s unpleasant to see rough or pimply skin, even if the girl has an excellent figure,” says Svyatoslav (32).

Charming smile

“I met a girl at a party - she smiled, and very sweetly and friendly. She simply captivated me. I felt good just because she was smiling, looking at me,” says David (25).

A strong word

If you catch his eye, don't be afraid to start a conversation in a way that will make him remember you.

"What are you doing tonight?"

This question may seem a little familiar, but there is a chance that it will pleasantly surprise the man.

“I see you like the cocktail. It seems to me that only real men are capable of ordering girly drinks.”

An unexpected question will most likely intrigue him. And then he will have to take a retaliatory step.

“It was only thanks to yesterday’s massage that my legs survived the disco.”

When you mention some part of your body in a conversation, the interlocutor will involuntarily pay attention to it.

“Will you show me to the table?”

Of course, you can do this yourself, but let him feel strong and take care of you.

The attractiveness of a woman consists of several parameters:
- well-groomed appearance;
- mental, professional, creative development;
- pleasant character.

Well-groomed appearance

Don’t rush to look in the mirror for another discrepancy with the standard of beauty. Woman with irregular features faces, but with shiny hair and well-groomed skin always looks more advantageous than a “neglected” beauty.

A well-groomed appearance is for a girl the same as a frame for a picture. The most beautiful painting without a frame will look sloppy and unfinished. A correctly selected frame allows you to highlight the beauty of the canvas; it makes the picture harmonious and perfect.

Try to always look after yourself. Healthy and radiant skin, thick and shiny hair, fit figure, neat nails - all this helps a woman feel more confident, independent and strong.

It is very nice to be neat - in clothes, in hairstyle, and in makeup - so use luxury cosmetics and apply them in moderation. Gestures and facial expressions must be appropriate. And, of course, do not forget about correct posture.

Mental development

Some people think that a person's education ends at school or college. This is far from true. By constantly expanding and improving your horizons, knowledge in professional fields, acquiring new skills, learning new hobbies, you allow your brain to work better.

Training thought processes- excellent protection against premature mental aging in old age. Self-education will allow you to always maintain a sharp and sober mind. In addition, men love smart women. True, this applies to interesting and intelligent representatives of the stronger sex.

Professional Development

Although some people believe that men don't like successful women, strive for yours. professional development, and career growth. You should not put work above personal needs and family, but you should not underestimate its role either. Your favorite profession is your path to realizing your abilities.

Enjoy your work, hone your professional skills, and acquire useful contacts within your work team and beyond. Loving your work will allow you to earn money with pleasure. Besides, successful men successful women are valued.

Creative development

Creativity is a wonderful energy that helps literally transform your daily life, get rid of depression, be in harmony with yourself and the outside world. With the help of creativity, you can express and externalize your thoughts and experiences, realize ideas and internal images.

Today there is a huge scope for realizing your creative potential, ranging from writing stories, poetry to dancing, painting, singing, various arts and crafts and playing the musical instruments. The main thing is that you really like the type of creativity you choose, even if it’s just cross stitch. With the help of your favorite hobby, you can easily relax and unwind after a working day.

And thanks to your favorite activity, you will be internally transformed. Your eyes will sparkle and you will look at the world a little or completely differently. All this because you will begin to feel a taste for life. In the eyes of others - including men - you will look like an interesting person with whom you will never be bored.

Pleasant character

Another quality that makes a woman attractive is her character. No one wants to see a whiny person next to them, nervous and irritated over trifles. A cheerful and calm woman looks much nicer.

Let a smile play on your face. Men perceive a smiling woman as friendly, open and sociable. And this cannot but push them to take decisive action.

And finally

Remember that inner beauty is no less (or even more) important than outer beauty. A woman who pays attention only to caring for her hair, skin and figure is not truly interesting.

That is why the concept of self-care must certainly include intellectual, professional, creative and even spiritual self-improvement.
