How to celebrate the New Year together. Romantic New Year: celebrating together

We are used to celebrating noisily and cheerfully, in the company of friends or relatives. But sometimes you want to spend this amazing holiday together with your loved one. To make it truly unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. together to make the holiday memorable for a long time? There are many original ideas for this.

Several reasons to celebrate the New Year together

The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to devote much time to our significant other, so spend New Year Together at home is a great solution. Going for gifts together, decorating the Christmas tree, cooking holiday dishes very close.

Celebrating only with your significant other, you don’t have to worry about the dress code. When alone with your partner, you can safely dress up in revealing outfits with stockings and deep neckline. The main thing is that he likes the outfit.

By celebrating the New Year together with your loved one, you can move away from the usual stereotypes. The festive dinner can be moved to bed, on the floor or in the bathroom. As a gift, you can dance a fiery dance for your loved one or arrange a striptease.
If you have decided to celebrate the New Year together with your husband, you need to take into account some points that will help you organize a real holiday love.

Mutual desire

This is the first and most important rule. If one of the partners cannot imagine celebrating the New Year without noisy company, then it’s better not to try to change his desire. Otherwise festive night may be the last night we spend together. So if you can’t convince your soulmate, it’s better to meet her halfway.

Important little things

Each of us understands perfectly well that the holiday will not work on its own. If you have already decided to celebrate the New Year together with your husband, think over the scenario of your holiday in advance. Traditional and always a win-win option is festive. It is best if you prepare for the celebration together: clean up, decorate the Christmas tree, prepare festive dishes, set the table. It is necessary to come up with an original menu in advance, and also take care of festive attire. If you wish, you can even buy carnival costumes, which will create an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue.

What to do after midnight?

When deciding how to celebrate the New Year together, think in advance about what you will do after drinking a glass of champagne while the chimes ring. You can just have a snack and go to visit friends who are celebrating the New Year in company. Don't forget to let us know about your visit, otherwise it may be an unpleasant surprise.

Another option is a romantic walk around the city. Visit the places of your first dates. This A good reason remember your feelings. Are common Nice memories will make you feel how much you value each other. Feel the holiday atmosphere, enjoy the bright lights and Christmas trees.

What to give?

Gifts should be personalized as much as possible. It can be elegant jewelry, a CD with your favorite music, a hand-knitted scarf. This gift should be another declaration of love.

Forget about everyday life

Try not to overshadow New Year's morning with household worries. Post-holiday cleaning can put a man in a less than romantic mood. Nothing bad will happen if the dishes are washed the next day. How to celebrate the New Year together without being distracted by everyday problems? There are many options for such a holiday.

In a luxury room

If you are going to celebrate the New Year this way, book a room in advance. You can pamper yourself with expensive and unusual dishes, ordering them to your room. Before the clock strikes 12, you can go to the hall in festive attire, dancing for which is usually arranged for guests, and then return to your room and celebrate the New Year alone with each other in romantic setting.

Romance in the mountains

In the mountainous area you can rent a house for two. Such a New Year's Eve meeting will be romantic and unforgettable. Celebrating your holiday in the mountains, you will enjoy the fresh air, picturesque landscapes and relax comfortably by the fireplace. Adds romance natural skin bear, laid out by the fireplace, on which you can expect the arrival of the New Year in the arms of a loved one. Don't forget to book your room in advance.

Or you can simply rent a house in the village, far from civilization. The holiday will be especially fun if the village has a tradition of organizing New Year's festivities with a traditional feast. And in the morning it will be nice to take a steam bath and plunge into an ice hole.

New Year abroad

Together and get a lot of money. Foreign tours are perfect for this. In addition, this is a wonderful chance to see a lot of interesting and new things. The disadvantage of such a holiday is the road, which can be tiring. Of course, such a vacation will cost a little more than celebrating the New Year at home, but for those who like to travel, this is a wonderful opportunity to realize their desires. From the many proposed destination options, everyone can choose what they like. For lovers of passive relaxation, a seaside resort with sunny weather and festive atmosphere. For lovers beautiful places With a rich history, a trip to Austria, France, Italy is suitable.

Party at a restaurant

How to celebrate the New Year together for a couple who likes noisy parties, new acquaintances and impressions? Go to a restaurant or night club. The positive aspect of such a rest is that you don’t have to stand at the stove. This option is also suitable for those who work on New Year's Eve.


Fans of extreme recreation will like this method. If you are thinking about how to celebrate the New Year together in an interesting and unusual way, go to some romantic corner outside the city, having prepared in advance for such an adventure. For convenience, you can take folding chairs, prepare dishes, lanterns, barbecue, hot tea in a thermos. Don't forget thermal underwear and good winter shoes. Kebabs on frosty fresh air- what could be more romantic!

On the roof

Isn't it romantic to celebrate the New Year in each other's arms, enjoying the fantastic view of the city lights from the roof of a high-rise building? To make the holiday a success, do not forget to dress warmly, bring champagne and light snacks, as well as a thermos of hot tea.

On the rink

Do you wish a fabulous New Year? Go to the skating rink. Bring champagne and glasses with you. Sliding on the ice together, you won’t notice how time flies. And when the clock strikes twelve, it’s time to open the champagne and make a wish, glasses in hand.

On the road

How to spend the New Year together in an unusual way? Another one original idea- arrange a holiday for yourself in a train compartment. Under the rhythmic sound of wheels, you can watch the beautiful winter landscapes outside the window and, of course, enjoy each other’s company.

It’s even easier to drive around the city at night in a car and, after waiting until midnight, celebrate the New Year wherever it happens. You need to take fruits or sweets and champagne with you. The disadvantage is that the driver will have to celebrate the holiday upon returning home.

In fact, for loving people doesn't have special significance, where and how to spend the New Year together, the main thing is that the closest and most beloved person is nearby.

Together. What could be better? Outside the window, snow flakes are silently falling, firewood is quietly crackling in the fireplace, the soft skin spread on the floor exhales warmth and happiness, and in the kitchen there is a pile of dirty dishes left over from preparing culinary delights in the sink, a grease-splattered hob, light aroma burnt cakes from the oven... However, all this can be avoided. More precisely, leave only the first part with skins and snow flakes, and omit the domestic thriller with elements of culinary action.

So, in order to have a romantic New Year with the least loss for yourself, it is not at all necessary to give up home comfort and book a table in a cafe. Although, of course, there is such an option - for the laziest and most unromantic romantics. We will take a completely different path. First, let's decide what is the most important thing in the New Year? Naturally, there is a festive (in our case, romantic) atmosphere, the feeling of which makes the simplest things magical. Achieving its presence in your home is quite simple.

We decorate open shelving and shelves with decorative candles different sizes and shapes. A couple of candles in the shape of a cute snowman or an angel with snow-dusted wings wouldn’t hurt either. You can use and popular all over the world glass balls, filled with water, with wax snowflakes swirling inside them. But know when to stop - the apartment should not resemble a Christmas tree decorations store.

Using ordinary tape, you can decorate the ceiling plinth with several balloons in the shape of hearts, decorate with rain or tinsel. If the walls in your house are painted, then you can apply a New Year’s romantic applique made of self-adhesive colored paper to one of them. New Year is a holiday that we have loved since childhood, so why not be a little boyish and draw something like “Sasha + Masha = Love!” on the wall? and surround the inscription New Year's snowflakes, or create a whole picture in a free manner, telling about your joint happy life and about the plans you are making for the New Year? Something in the style of “The Lovers” by Marc Chagall or candy wrappers from chewing gum"Love is". It is worth noting that self-adhesive paper can be easily removed from the wall, and the pleasure you will get from joint creativity will be inexhaustible.

As for the Christmas tree, it all depends solely on your preferences. What will it be? Living forest beauty? Big faux Christmas tree from the shop? Miniature decorative Christmas tree, located on coffee table, or real spruce branches placed in a vase? It's up to you to decide. The main thing is that your Christmas tree brings joy. Decorate the Christmas tree branches chocolates in a beautiful wrapper, write your wishes to each other and declarations of love on cut-out paper snowflakes and also hang them on the spruce tree. Each warm word, spoken out loud or written on paper, each piece of sweet chocolate is small pieces of one huge happiness that you were once able to discern in each other and preserve.

Now let's move on to the New Year's table. New Year's dinner for two should be light, the kind after which you don't want to sit in front of the TV. soft chair fall apart and take a walk at night winter city, invite your beloved to dance or, having bought firecrackers at a stall, salute under the windows of the apartment and, holding hands, make a wish under the cheerful roar of New Year’s “cannonades”. cherished wish. I think that heavy, time-consuming dishes should be excluded from the menu completely, creating it from light snacks, salads, fish or chicken dishes that can be prepared in advance easily and quickly, without bothering yourself with hours of standing in front of the stove and washing huge amount dishes.
Here are a few dishes that are easy to prepare, but look more than elegant on the holiday table.

Salad with tomatoes and cheese

4 medium tomatoes
2 sweet peppers
250 g cheese
½ cup sour cream or unsweetened yogurt

We cut the tomatoes into slices, the pepper into strips, add salt and pepper, season with sour cream or yogurt, and the gorgeous salad is ready. By the way, feta cheese can be replaced with Adyghe cheese. This will not make the taste worse; rather, it will take on a softer hue.

Egg balls with cheese

This dish always looks delicious, and even the least seasoned man in the kitchen can prepare it.

6 eggs
50 g butter
150 g cheese
75 g walnuts
dill greens
3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise

Hard boiled eggs, cheese and butter grate on a fine grater. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Roll small balls from the resulting mass and place half of them inside each walnut, roll the balls in chopped dill (you can use nut crumbs instead of dill) and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
I think that in one of these balls, instead of a nut, you can put a ring or a small pendant on your neck. I don’t know how practical this is, and how it will affect the girl’s dental health, but it’s undeniably romantic.

Burrito (8 servings)

This simple dish will add some Mexican passion to your relationship. Originally, a burrito was a wheat tortilla in which Mexicans wrapped a filling of meat and onions, seasoned with hot sauce. In our case, the burrito will be healthier and less spicy.

2 thin pita breads
300 g boiled or canned mushrooms
1 can canned corn
½ head of green lettuce
2-3 tbsp. mayonnaise
salt, pepper to taste

Cut each pita bread into 4 parts. In each of the “lavash” pieces we will put a filling of mushrooms, corn, chopped lettuce and mayonnaise, and roll up an envelope. The burritos are ready!
Note: you can replace canned corn with canned beans, mushrooms with pieces of boiled chicken, and add a little pepper mixture to mayonnaise.

Chicken chops

1kg chicken fillet
2 eggs
salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Chicken fillet should be cut into small pieces, lightly beaten, salt and pepper. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl, add salt, pepper, dried herbs if desired, and a little grated cheese. Heat the butter or vegetable oil(to taste), dip pieces of chicken fillet in the egg mixture, then in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until golden brown. All preparation will take you no more than half an hour.

Fish rolls

As you know, fish cuisine is low in calories and good for health. In addition, fish cooks much faster than meat and, when handled correctly, looks very appetizing.

500 grams red fish fillet
500 grams white fish fillet
2 slices of white bread,
1 onion
salt, pepper and herbs to taste

Red and white fish fillets must be passed through a meat grinder separately. Onions, bread soaked in water or milk are also passed through a meat grinder and added equally to both minced meats, pepper and salt. Place a layer of minced red fish on cling film, sprinkle with herbs, and place a layer of minced white fish on top. Flatten the resulting “dough” using cling film roll into a fairly tight roll, cut into pieces and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. I note that fish rolls are good both hot and cold.

Bunches of sweet grapes, juicy tangerine slices and chilled champagne will complement your menu and make it truly festive.

Romance in table setting - no less important detail in preparation New Year's Eve for two. Small candles in transparent candlesticks, neatly laid out cutlery, dishes made in appetizing cream colors, an elegant tablecloth in a large check, napkins carefully placed in silver ring holders - all this will look very cute. But sometimes you want the festive table, merging into the cozy intimate atmosphere of the house, not to separate two loving people with plates and glasses, but to unite them behind it in the literal sense of the word. The best embodiment of such a desire could be a table with low legs or a large wooden tray with treats placed on it.

Landing on soft pillows or a fleecy carpet with a glass of champagne in hand, albeit not in front of a real fireplace with crackling wood, but in front of an LCD monitor broadcasting about what we have achieved this year and what is yet to come, or in front of a homemade painting created in a single burst of creativity and love, you will feel real warmth. Twelve o'clock will strike, and under the screams of the celebrating crowd outside the window, you will once again catch yourself on the most important thought - what bliss it is, this quiet happiness to be together. Together.

Svetalana Rozhdestvenskaya

You decided to mark the main one winter holiday alone with your other half. The idea is great because, firstly, the New Year is a family holiday, which means your couple has a reason to create and maintain appropriate traditions. And secondly, with whom you meet, as you know, you will spend your time. Let's believe folk signs and celebrate the New Year together with your beloved man. Website " Sunny hands» will tell you how to organize unforgettable holiday. Perhaps after it you will want to celebrate all subsequent New Years only together, and this will become your main family tradition.

Rules for a good New Year

“New Year together. What could be more romantic? - you think when you agree to such an offer or make it yourself. But the holiday will only be memorable if you both really want to celebrate it together. When one would prefer to make a wish during the chiming clock in the company of friends and agreed to the New Year tete-a-tete solely in connection with the desire of another, a real holiday will not work. Proven personal experience. So don't put pressure on your partner. To make your relationship more harmonious, pay attention to the article “Why accept a man for who he is?” on the Sunny Hands website. That's why first rule happy holiday– a mutual desire to celebrate the New Year alone with the other half. And don’t be offended if your partner is not yet ready for such a step. Many men perceive this as an encroachment on their independence, as he told me about close friend. Therefore, don’t panic - he definitely loves you, he’s just afraid of a new level of relationship. Other men need an audience, a holiday for them is an opportunity to express themselves, and no amount of arguing and persuasion will convince him of the benefits of celebrating the New Year alone with you. You can force him, but both you and he are unlikely to enjoy the evening.

The key to a good holiday will also be your initiative. Both partners should participate in preparing for the event, but you will have to take on most of the responsibilities. It's like with a wedding - grooms for the most part don't care what color the tablecloths on the tables in the restaurant are. Their minds are occupied by global issues. For example, how to earn money to buy a car as a gift. About how your man can make money. So let them spend their energy in this direction while we prepare for the New Year! Keep your man informed about planned events, but do not ask his advice on any matter. The best New Year's napkins you can choose for yourself. Do you want your loved one to enthusiastically tell his friends about the past holiday? Be independent in preparing for it. This second rule, which you need to follow to organize an unforgettable evening.

All women dream of a perfect holiday. Therefore, long before the event, we think through the outfit, hairstyle, evening menu, gifts and want the man to appreciate every little detail. But our beloved defenders, as noted above, think globally and most often do not even notice that the patterns on the glasses and napkins are the same. You tried your best and want to hear enthusiastic compliments. And he sits and instead of praising you, talks about the new boss at work. You are offended, and are no longer even happy about the new car that your loved one presented to you as a gift. New Year's gift… Pay attention to third rule, although it may seem controversial to you - when organizing a holiday, be guided, first of all, by your taste. And don’t worry if everything doesn’t work out the way you planned. A man doesn’t admire you for your perfectly matched glasses and napkins. Don't know how to improve your relationship with your loved one? Read the article by Anastasia Gai "Admiration will make your family happy" on the Sunny Hands website.

Surprises will help make your holiday memorable. Even if you have been together for more than one year and it seems that you won’t surprise your life partner with anything, show your imagination. Have dishes on your table that you haven't cooked before, or choose an outfit that doesn't match your style. Always wear only short dresses? Buy something long and curvy. Please with surprises - fourth rule happy holiday.

Seeing off old year and meet the new one together!

After reading the first part of the article, did you decide that such a scenario is not for you and it’s better to go with a group of friends? But organizing a fun and memorable holiday that you will remember for a long time with a smile, and at the same time believing in a miracle yourself and giving a fairy tale to your loved one, is within the power of each of us. Please note the following recommendations:

— start celebrating the New Year from the very morning of December 31st. Try to finish all household chores the day before so that you can devote the last day of the outgoing year only to each other. Get enough sleep, take a bath with added essential oil, have a leisurely breakfast, and then go for a walk, to the cinema or to the New Year's performance. After returning home, give your loved one a gift. Hide it... on yourself - in your clothing pocket, behind the elastic band of your stockings. Of course, if the size of the gift allows it. Play hot and cold. Let your spouse name where his gift might be hidden, and you answer only hotly or coldly. For each correct answer, reward him with a kiss;

- think about the idea of ​​a holiday. Classic version- Romantic dinner. Most likely, your man will choose just such a pastime. Invite him to deviate from traditional ideas about how to celebrate the New Year together. Perhaps you have been wanting for a long time
visit some country. Find information on how to celebrate the New Year local residents, and arrange a similar celebration at home. Decorate your apartment accordingly, choose outfits and prepare National dishes. Even try to give each other gifts similar to those given in the country according to whose traditions you celebrate the main winter holiday. Arrange pajama party. Give each other original pajamas, prepare light snacks and movies you've been wanting to watch. Let each of you choose a picture, but don’t tell the other about your choice until viewing. If you stopped at traditional dinner, show your imagination when setting the table, decorating the apartment, choosing gifts. It will be useful. The more non-standard solutions you come up with, the more interesting the holiday will be;

- take care of your outfit and hairstyle. Many representatives of the fair sex decide that they can celebrate the New Year at home without wearing festive clothes. Don't join their ranks. Put it on Nice dress, do your hair and makeup. New Year's dress code must be adhered to
and your companion. Also approach the table setting. Place beautiful dishes, buy New Year's napkins, candles;

- let festive dinner will be easy. Limit yourself to salad, for main course – meat or fish, and instead of cake, make jelly. Be original when composing New Year's menu. Or cook dishes that are your date's favorites. Don't say in advance what
you will treat him on New Year's Eve. No matter what anyone says, the way to a man’s heart also passes through his stomach. So pamper your beau. Or you can buy various delicacies in a gastronomic boutique that you have long wanted to try, but were sorry for the money to buy them;

- Prepare a surprise for your loved one. Last New Year, one of my friends staged a show at home with her own participation. She signed up for school oriental dances and prepared several dances specially for the holiday. My husband was delighted. And from the idea, and from my beloved wife. Another friend made a family themed video for her husband. New Year's photos previous years. In general, use your imagination;

- write letters to the future. After 12 o'clock strikes, take a piece of paper and write down what each of you expects in the coming year for yourself and your family. Don't read each other's confessions. Seal them in a common envelope and put them away until the next New Year. This way you will set yourself up to implement your plans and create a wonderful family tradition;

— think over the entertainment part of the program. You can watch your favorite movie, old photographs, arrange dance marathon. Do not be shy! Select popular melodies (lambada, music from the dance of little ducklings, etc.), write their names on pieces of paper, put them in a box and pull them out one by one. Whoever gets which composition performs that dance! Or maybe on New Year's Eve you will want to go along the route where you walked for the first time. Dress warmly and go towards romance! Or organize a karaoke competition, just prepare a CD with your favorite songs in advance. After the chiming clock, you can go for a while to visit friends or relatives. If possible, find the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, buy souvenirs and go visit the guests without warning. Irina Kravchuk’s article “Unusual gifts, how can you please and surprise your loved ones?” will help you choose gifts for your loved ones. on the Sunny Hands website. Play wishes. Choose any game, for example, cities. The one who loses fulfills the desire of the other. If you want to dance, go to a nightclub after 12 o'clock. Just book a table in advance. Or you can grab a thermos of tea and tubing and go to the nearest ice slide. Fly with the breeze, and then hurry home to warm up and enjoy the festive dinner;

- if you have a dacha, go there to celebrate the New Year. Of course, provided that it is suitable for winter gatherings or if you are fans of extreme recreation. This could even happen in a country house. One of my friends at the beginning romantic relationships with my future husband, I received an offer from him to celebrate the New Year at the dacha. The girl had only been there in the summer before, and she really liked it. She was already imagining how she and her beloved were sitting on pillows near the fireplace, and he was declaring his love for her. The young man, apparently, also visited the dacha only in summer period, because the fireplace was unfinished and, accordingly, turned out to be not working, and the guys had to wrap themselves in everything they could find in the house. Fortunately, the cold night did not melt their feelings. Therefore, take care in advance about the suitability of the cottage for the New Year celebration. I think that any woman needs comfort and order in her home, even a country house. Go to the dacha before the holiday and clean it up. I remember
case with another friend of mine. She and her husband also somehow decided to make a wish while the chimes were striking at the dacha, they arrived there on December 31, and there was such a mess there that my friend, instead of setting the festive table and listening congratulatory speech President, began to restore order. She and her husband managed to clink their glasses already at last words head of state. Take care in advance warm clothes And bed linen, beautiful dishes. Take it all to the dacha. Decorate it with garlands, Christmas tree branches, and if there is a tree growing in the yard (even if not spruce or pine), decorate it in a New Year's style. Take a book with you to the dacha and tell your fortune. Ask a question, name a page at random and read the answer. Or try this fortune telling - prepare cards with sayings at home famous people, place them in envelopes and mix. Take turns with your loved one, ask questions, pull out the envelope and read what fate promises you in the coming year. Pamper your favorite fondue - cheese or chocolate, and prepare mulled wine as a festive drink;

— make one common wish as the chimes strike. An hour before the New Year, discuss what is most anticipated for your couple. Say it together important words out loud while the clock ticks;

— arrange a home photo shoot. Record wishes and confessions on a video camera, and on December 31 of next year, start by viewing these recordings. This could also be one of the family traditions. Create similar posts every New Year.

These are just a few options for how to celebrate the New Year together. The holiday scenario depends only on your preferences. Maybe you want to spend the whole New Year's Eve cuddling on the couch watching your favorite comedy, and at that moment you will be truly happy. After all, the most important thing is that your loved one is nearby. And with it you can go to an ice slide, or to a dacha with a non-working fireplace!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

Vanity and rhythm New Year's holidays sometimes they get very boring. When such a moment comes, many people think about quietly celebrating the New Year. If you don’t have your own family yet or haven’t had time to have children, then excellent option there will be a celebration to celebrate the New Year magical night only with your soulmate.

A romantic New Year together with your loved one is also a great opportunity to truly be alone. After all, in the bustle of everyday life there is simply not enough time to do this. If you decide to celebrate the New Year together, then you won’t have to be nervous on the eve of the holiday and torn between a hundred responsibilities. New Year's Eve itself can be celebrated tenderly and romantically. New Year's Eve itself will become a gift for lovers, strengthening their feelings.

Ideas for the New Year together, if you have planned a holiday at home, differ depending on the specific stage at which this moment preparations are underway. Let's look at the main components of these stages.

In the traditional sense of New Year's Eve this holiday is a celebration of the belly. But, if you are alone with your loved one, you simply won’t be able to eat much physically. Therefore, you can make a delicious and light menu, which, moreover, does not require much time to prepare.

If you are celebrating the New Year together with your husband, then seafood, caviar, light vegetable salads, more fruits, delicate desserts based on soufflé or cottage cheese are very suitable for the festive table. Avoid salads with mayonnaise, fatty meats and cream cakes - such dishes will only make you sleepy and cause heaviness in your stomach.
As for the alcoholic component of the menu, it all depends on your personal preferences. But for light gourmet dishes, wine and champagne are best suited. From the strong alcoholic drinks try to refuse if possible.

Additional decor

Wherever you decide to celebrate the New Year together, consider an additional holiday decor. For example, following European traditions You can decorate your home with oranges, into which fragrant cloves will be inserted. To add some holiday flavor, you can place cinnamon sticks around the house. Oranges and lemons are generally great not only as fruits for the table, but also for room decoration. Their smell gives you a feeling of happiness and cheerfulness. The aroma of lemon provokes love deeds, and the smell of grapefruit awakens unbridled passion in you.

To make the night bright and memorable:

There is no need to decorate your naked body with rain or tinsel. Such New Year's paraphernalia can leave unpleasant irritation on the body;

In order not to want to sleep during the New Year's celebration, exclude fatty foods and strong alcoholic drinks from the New Year's menu;

If in plans New Year's Eve Having a cute baby is not included, think about contraception in advance.

New Year's Eve with your loved one is a great opportunity to enjoy each other and celebrate the New Year unforgettably. The most important thing is to approach the organization of this holiday responsibly.

New Year is considered traditional family holiday, and how to celebrate the New Year alone with your loved one(husband or boyfriend) usually worries many girls. After all, according to the well-known sign, how you spend a holiday, that’s how your whole life will be. next year. And, probably, all girls want it to be interesting, romantic, filled with pleasant events. In order for the New Year's Eve to be successful, you need to prepare in advance for this long-awaited event.

You decided to spend this holiday together in a romantic atmosphere without a cheerful and noisy company of relatives or friends. But it’s not about them, it’s just that sometimes you want to be just the two of us and enjoy each other’s company.

First of all, it is worth clearly defining the concept of the evening. What do you want: to eat deliciously and celebrate the New Year in front of the TV or naked by the fireplace on a bear skin, or maybe in the forest near the New Year tree or in a bath with champagne?

Discuss this with your partner or come up with it yourself and surprise your loved one. We offer you several different options, how you can celebrate the New Year with your husband or loved one, and where to do it.

Classic version

Arrange romantic dinner. At dinner, you shouldn’t overload yourself and your other half with hearty mayonnaise food. Food should be light. Your menu should include a variety of fruits, chocolate and, of course, champagne. If you do not have enough time to prepare holiday dishes, you can order food in a cafe or restaurant, the main thing is to have dinner at home, so that no one bothers you. Create romantic atmosphere. Decorate the room with tinsel and Christmas decorations, decorate the Christmas tree, light the candles. Although you can do without them on New Year’s Day. Candles can successfully replace electric garlands. And don't forget about light relaxing music. Romantic evening start with words of love, and how such a New Year’s Eve will end is clear to everyone.

Helpful information:

Erotic option

Instead of running around all morning on December 31st for groceries, trying to stock up on whole year provisions, arrange a joint trip to erotic shops, to buy underwear for the evening, play costumes or intimate toys, if you like to use them, of course. And if you have never tried it, then you have an excellent reason for sexual experiments. On this day, you shouldn’t worry about preparing food; it’s better to book a table in a restaurant or cafe (this should be done a few weeks before the New Year), and stock up on champagne and light snacks at home. Give preference to establishments that have live music. You can specially order music and dance with a partner.

You should visit the restaurant before the New Year, so that by 12 o'clock you will have time to get home and put on your morning shopping.

Extreme option

You can also celebrate the New Year together with your spouse in a deep forest, in the mountains or on the ocean, but this option for celebrating the New Year should be considered in a few months before the celebration. Wherever you find yourself, take with you the traditional symbols of the New Year - sparklers, a bottle of champagne, a glowing Christmas tree, even if it is very small. If you can, hang real garlands on the trees, but you'll need a power generator to do this. And don’t forget about snacks, which should also be prepared in advance. In general, celebrating the New Year in nature is a matter of troublesome.

Extravagant option

You can celebrate the New Year with your loved one, as they say, “in what the mother gave birth.” Sit on a bearskin by the fireplace, make a circle of lit candles, place fruits, champagne, cheese, red caviar, chocolate next to you and enjoy each other throughout the first night of the New Year.

There are many options that allow you to be original and spend this evening in a fabulous and unusual setting. But whatever you choose, know that one thing is important - your loved one should be with you.

Jul 23, 2015 I'm Myself
