How to choose a wedding cake? Everything you need to know about wedding cake.

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Daniel, Duke of Västergötland

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding cake could be the first unusual cake in royal history British weddings(and one of the few ─ among European ones), of course, if the prince’s wishes for something “yellow, light and banana-caramel” come true. However, more recently, the couple has already reconsidered their priorities, and now asks the pastry chef (according to media reports in the United Kingdom, this will be Claire Ptak, owner of the London confectionery Violet Bakery) to add lemon notes to their main dessert. Let's see if this tradition will withstand the onslaught of one of the most atypical royal couples in Britain, because royal newlyweds usually choose a fruit sponge cake with a nut filling.

Cakes (possibly) of the future royal pastry chef, and “drafts” of Harry and Meghan’s wedding cake:

The design raises even more questions: the chosen lucky lady gravitates towards very discreet style culinary masterpieces are performed, and royal wedding treats are usually richly decorated. We remember what kind of cakes the most famous royals previously treated to guests at wedding receptions.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert (1840)

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's wedding cake

Box containing a piece of Queen Victoria's cake (today on display at Windsor Castle)

George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1923)

Wedding cake of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

At the wedding of the father and mother of the current Queen of the British Commonwealth, the guests saw a magnificent array of white glaze, reaching a height of more than 3 meters. True, the fantastic cake was first shown to the general public in Reading (Berkshire) shortly before the wedding itself, which took place on April 26, 1923.

Replica wedding cake of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

Duke of Kent and Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark (1934)

Wedding cake of George of Kent and Marina of Greece and Denmark

Deja vu, right? The wedding cake of the Duke of Kent, George, is surprisingly reminiscent of the cake of his brother George VI: the same 4 tiers, fondant monograms and rich floral decorations. The main thing that distinguished George's cake were the Greek columns separating the tiers of the sponge cake, which gave the nationality of the bride, born in Athens.

Elizabeth II and Philip (1947)

Wedding cake of Elizabeth II and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Ingredients for Elizabeth and Philip's wedding cake

Baking cake layers

Assembling the cake

Cake decoration

Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones (1960)

Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong-Jones' wedding cake

Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips (1973)

Princess Anne and Mark Phillips' wedding cake

The only daughter of the British Queen married Mark Phillips in Westminster Abbey, and the television broadcast was watched by millions of people around the world. The photo shows Major David Dodd from the Army Cookery School working his magic on the couple's wedding cake, decorating it with fondant. Anna and Mark's wedding cake weighed just over 65 kg and took 4.5 kg each butter and sugar, 84 eggs and 5.5 kg of flour, as well as more than 30 (!) kg of fruits, candied fruits and nuts and two bottles of brandy. Its tiers were decorated family coats of arms newlyweds, and the top one was crowned with a silver vase of flowers.

Prince Charles and Diana Spurser (1981)

Pastry chef David Avery poses next to his creation - the wedding cake of Prince Charles and Diana

An "archival" slice of Charles and Diana's wedding cake

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson (1986)

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson's wedding cake

Cooked at the Royal British Navy Cookery School in Torpoint a wedding cake Prince Andrew's, like his brother's, was also five-tiered, weighed about 110 kg and reached a height of 1.5 meters, and in general was very similar to him. Andrew and Sarah's cake was marzipan, and its recipe used 15 ingredients, including a spicy alcoholic component (port, rum, brandy).

Prince William and Kate Middleton (2011)

Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding cake

Two cakes were served at the wedding: a chocolate sponge cake and a traditional wedding “white”. The latter may not have been as huge as William's parents or grandparents' cakes, but it was quite impressive. Kate and William chose an intricate eight-tier fruit-based design of 17 individual standard cakes, topped with cream and icing and decorated with approximately 900 flowers from... sugar paste. Interestingly, the ornament of the central tiers of the cake corresponds to the design art gallery at Buckingham Palace, where the cake was first shown before the wedding. The large number of flowers on the cake was due to the special “ flowery language", according to which roses meant the traditional symbol of England, the shamrock - Ireland, the thistle - Scotland, and the daffodil - Wales. Also among the decorations were acorns (endurance), ivy - conjugal love, apple blossom (luck) and orange (fertility), chamomile (innocence), lavender - success and luck. The cake was created by pastry chef Fiona Cairns, who and her team spent 5 weeks preparing the masterpiece.

Cambridge wedding cake created by Leicestershire pastry chef Fiona Cairns

Preparing cake decorations

The most expensive wedding cake on the planet, worth $30 million, was studded with diamonds!

A wedding cake is not a simple dessert; it is both one of the main decorations of a wedding banquet and a tribute to tradition. It’s hard to imagine how the holiday can end if the newlyweds don’t cut off the first piece of the birthday cake together, which, According to legend, it will bring those who eat it many years of good luck and joy. Often the first piece is auctioned off to guests, but there is another good traditiongive this happy piece to your parents.

But no matter what you choose, one thing is clear - there will be a wedding cake, but in this article we’ll talk about how to choose one, the best holiday dessert, among the many proposals.

The right wedding cake must meet two important criteria: to be very beautiful (so that his photo spreads all over social networks) and tasty.

Fortunately, these two qualities can be successfully combined, but for this It’s worth turning to professional confectioners.

Cake base

Most often, the basis of a wedding cake is a sponge cake. It is light, soft and fragrant. However, the lower tiers of the cake cannot be made from sponge cake. If it is high enough, the upper tiers will simply crush the bottom sponge cake.

When using a stand, the tiers are not stacked on top of each other. Each of them has its own plate. Such stands can look very solemn.

Another important point: the cake, which will be placed on a stand, is easy to transport and serve, but behind a high biscuit tower
you will have to worry all the time.

Cake filling

The filling of the cake can be anything! It all depends on the wishes of the bride and groom. And of course, it’s worth thinking about what guests will like. Of course, it is impossible to please everyone, and, nevertheless, there are fillings that almost everyone likes, you just need to avoid too unusual flavor combinations.

An important point is that the cream in the wedding cake should not be too greasy. By the time the cake is served, your guests will already be full. And if the cake is heavy, then most of them will not be able to taste even a piece.

Yogurt, cream, fruit and berry fillings, soufflé - these are good things to use for a wedding cake.

If the wedding is taking place in the summer, work with the pastry chef to select ingredients that will not spoil in the heat in a few hours and will not lose their appearance.

Cake decor

As mentioned at the beginning, the cake should surprise and delight. It will become one of the most memorable moments of the wedding and will be captured on all cameras and phones. Confectioners now present a luxurious selection of various decorations.

The cake can be covered with all kinds of glazes and cream flowers. The top can be decorated with fresh flowers (which will give the dessert a certain charm) or figurines of the bride and groom. By the way, these figures can also look completely different: romantic or humorous, or maybe they will be your favorite cartoon characters?

If you don't want to use classic figures, you can decorate the top of the cake with two swans, hearts or wedding rings.
You can also make funny paper figures yourself.

The latest trend is wedding cake, which
the color and some elements have something in common
bride's dress. It looks very interesting.

How big should a wedding cake be?

The size and weight of the wedding cake is chosen on the basis that each guest should receive approximately 120 grams wedding cake.

By the way, this is not as little as it might seem at first. Keep in mind that many will simply refuse the cake, but there will also be those with a sweet tooth who will eat a couple of pieces. Therefore, calculate the amount of cake so that each guest has exactly one piece left, and let there be a few extra.

It’s not at all scary if a little cake is left on the second day, but spending a lot of money on a 5-tier dessert if you have a wedding for 30 people is not rational.

World's tallest wedding cake 18 meters 5 centimeters. We worked on the creation 75 people.
Weight 5 tons.

Nowadays at some weddings you can see “cakes” made from pastries. The cakes are beautifully laid out on a special stand, and the whole structure is crowned with a small cake, from which the young people, according to tradition, can cut off the first piece.

The advantages of such a wedding dessert are that it is easy to transport, and the number of cakes is easier to calculate. In addition, you can order cakes decorated in the same style, but with different fillings and different test. Then each guest will be able to find something he likes.

Care should be taken to match the cake to the style of the wedding. If your celebration is decorated in a rustic or rustic style, a much more appropriate final dish would be a loaf or pies. A cake with cream, cream and roses will look strange.

However, you can please the different tastes of guests by making the tiers of a large cake different in taste.

Confectionery shops always offer delivery of the cake to the banquet venue. Usually it is very expensive, and young people often prefer to save money, thinking that they themselves can easily cope with transporting the cake. This is very reckless
opinion. Carry several kilograms of airy sponge cake with cream and
decorations - a task that only a professional can do.
By saving on delivery, you can be left without a cake at all or be content with one that you had to buy in a hurry and which does not at all meet your ideas and wishes.

Here's an example. Thankfully this is a joke.

We hope that our tips will help you and the cake will become a worthy decoration for your wedding!

A wedding cake is a delicious treat for the celebration of two hearts. His submission to gala evening marks the end of the feast and symbolizes the beginning honeymoon for the beloved couple who have become spouses.

The history of the wedding cake

An exquisite dessert, as it is customary to see it now, appeared relatively recently.IN old times We didn’t even think about such sweets.

There are several versions of its appearance at the same time. According to one of them, we must pay tribute to the memory of the Roman Empire, where the custom of breaking a wedding cake over the bride’s head originated; according to another, we must thank eastern countries, famous since ancient times for their love of delicious sweets.

But today English is considered more correct lo -French version. In the Middle Ages, a whole mountain of sweet buns was served at the wedding tables of newlyweds. And in XVII century, one of the French pastry chefs assembled these buns into a pyramid, decorating the resulting cone with other sweets and flowers . This brioche wedding cake was called "croquembouche" and is still very popular in France.

But in England they began to experiment with various sweets and soon appeared masterpieces already close to our time, with glaze and decorations. Of course, there was no such variety as is found today, however, cakes have become an indispensable attribute of everyone wedding table. Having such a dessert at a wedding was considered chic, and not everyone could afford it, but everyone tried to buy it his To important day. There are known cases when brides saved on wedding dresses, in order to There was cake at the wedding.

Wedding cake coming soon “penetrated” into Russia, took root, and along with, became a symbol himself solemn event in life.

How to choose a wedding cake

Today, culinary fantasies know no bounds. The variety of ingredients for a sweet dessert is so great that there are an incredible number of options for wedding cakes.From regular classic white with cascade delicate flowers and chocolate figurines of a loving couple at the toptwenty tiered thematic ones, completely telling the story of how the groom met the bride.

Before making a specific choice, you need to make a plan and think through the details, otherwise there is a risk of getting what is called a “pig in a poke” for the celebration.

    N You need to decide on the weight. This depends on two factors:

    Number of guests

    Menu calorie content

On average, you should expect a weight of approximately 100 grams per person, or even less. More is needed only if wedding banquet It is planned as a buffet.The cost of the culmination dessert is quite high, so pay extra Not worth it for the heavy weight.

    Recipe. When choosing the main ingredients, you need to consider:

    Own tastes

    Guest preferences


    Convenient cutting

Naturally, newlyweds should be guided by their wishes when choosing the flavor of their cake. However, you can also take into account the tastes of the guests, if they are known. Of course, there is no need to call invitees from social networks. survey, but if, for example, the groom’s mother likes yogurt cakes, and the bride’s father loves prunes, then you can include this in the composition and please your loved ones.

As for the time of year, it is preferable to order cakes that are lighter in texture in summer than in winter. Experienced chefs advise avoiding oil creams in any season. Cutting a wedding cake is a separate ritual, so it is important to think about this moment. Cakes such as “meringue”, “Napoleon” and similar for wedding ceremonies unsuitable.

    Confectioner's choice. It will be useful:

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Much depends on the choice of the order executor himself, but in every city there are masters of their craft, you just need to find the right one for yourself. You should not trust inexperienced confectioners to avoid trouble. With the Internet, this is very easy to do. You need to choose the works you like and order a small cake for tasting.

Wedding dessert must be ordered in advance, since it cannot be prepared difficult work It's not easy on the last day. The necessary components may not be available, something may not work, etc. There is no need to rush for quality. After meeting with the order manufacturer, you can choose the appearance of the cake. Usually confectioners offer their own execution options, but they will be happy to fulfill the customer’s wishes.

    Delivery. It is also necessary to check:

    Who delivers

    When will the order arrive?

    Where will the cake be placed after delivery?

After production pastry must be delivered to the place of celebration. Sometimes confectionery shops offer their delivery services to the customer; it is better not to refuse them, since in your car there is a risk of not being able to transport the fragile product intact to the restaurant. It is also necessary to clarify the preparation time of the cake, since the shelf life of the dessert is extremely short. And, most importantly, the restaurant must have a refrigerator where the wedding delicacy could fit unharmed. Leave it at room temperature it is impossible, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning the guests.

There are many nuances, but if you take everything into account in advance, the culmination of the evening will be simply fabulous.

How to serve a wedding cake

If the decorative elements of the cake are discussed with the pastry chef, then the details of the takeout should be discussed with the host, especially if the newlyweds have specific wishes.

    Additional decorations in the form of sparklers, firecrackers, confetti, etc.

    The table on which he will be taken to the hall

  • Sale-auction

Taking out the cake is very touching and extremely important point weddings It needs to be done very beautifully, and nothing will distract the attention of the guests and the newlyweds from the dessert. To do this, it is important to discuss in advance at what point this will happen. The waiters must prepare everything for the tea ceremony. And the presenter will control the phases of removal, cutting and future fate cake.

Sometimes it is sold in pieces to guests. It has symbolic meaning, this is done by old custom as a wish for wealth to a young family. Nowadays this is done infrequently, since many consider this custom to be quite mercantile.

The cake is cut by the bride and groom, and the groom cuts it, and the bride, holding his hand, only guides it. To do this, you also need to take care of the cutting devices. The knife and spatula should be decorated in a wedding style.

If the cake consists of hard cakes, then before taking it out it should be allowed to stand in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes, and, conversely, too soft cream cakes should be strictly kept in the cold until placed on a special table. In addition, it would be nice to have a wide knife with a triangular blade.

As usual, if the cake is not sold, then the bride and groom cut off 6 pieces for themselves and their parents, the rest is cut by the waiters.

This part of the banquet is always captured by photographers, so this ritual should be extremely solemn and important.

Signs about a wedding cake

    The bride and groom cut together - to unite two souls into one

    Taking a piece from the hands of the newlyweds is fortunate

    An unmarried girl, putting a piece of wedding cake under her pillow, will see her betrothed in a dream.

    The wedding cake was damaged before it was taken out for the celebration - unfortunately for the young wife

    Wedding dessert figurines are kept until the first anniversary for good luck.

    Only the groom or only the bride cuts the cake - to a childless marriage

    The bride keeps dried small piece so that the husband will always be faithful

    Refuse wedding cake - to a sad event

A wedding is an important day in life and there are no trifles, every detail has its own meaning. The wedding celebration will be unforgettable if you pay sufficient attention to all the details in advance.

Every couple wants a cake on their wedding celebration was enchanting, beautiful to look at and tasted excellent. And the number of options offered by confectioners makes your head spin. But how to choose a wedding cake that suits all your desires without causing a crushing blow to your budget? Our advice will help solve this seemingly impossible task. It is only important not to postpone the question of choice until last days preparation. Better yet, order the cake from the bakery in advance.

Stage I: choosing a confectionery

In every city there are many large restaurants and small pastry shops offering cake making services. But when choosing, it is not enough to rely on the recommendations of friends, although the opinion of a wedding planner or toastmaster can perhaps be considered more authoritative. It's important to make sure you get exactly what you want on your big day. To do this, you need to select several confectionery shops that best meet the requirements and call them to clarify the details.

Be sure to ask the bakery manager the following questions:

  • What types of dough and fillings are used by confectioners? (The website may contain an incomplete list or may contain outdated information.)
  • What types of decor do the craftsmen offer? Will they be able to make adjustments to the existing layouts according to your requirements?
  • How much does a kilogram of wedding dessert cost, what is the minimum and recommended weight (the latter is calculated based on the number of guests)?
  • Is it possible to customize the cake according to your design or not? (Relevant only if you have a clear idea that you don’t want to deviate from, or the wedding will be in some kind of unusual style and will require dessert in appropriate design).
  • How far in advance do I need to place an order and make an advance payment?
  • Is there an option to deliver the cake to the venue, and if so, what is the cost? This is very important because transporting a wedding cake yourself is quite difficult. The possibility of delivery is an additional plus in favor of choosing this particular confectionery.

Based on the information received, you can easily choose a confectionery shop.

To ensure you don’t make a mistake with the dough and filling, it’s best to make a test order for the cake. small size, evaluate the combination of tastes and their compliance with expectations.

Remember that you need to decide on a confectionery shop in advance. This is the only way you can explain in detail what you want to the master, if necessary, order a wedding cake according to an individual sketch and know for sure that it will be perfect to your taste after the trial.

Stage II: selection of dough and filling

What should a wedding cake be like? First of all, not too high in calories. Keep in mind that after the main part of the banquet, few guests are able to enjoy a heavy delicacy with thick cream. Shortbread dough is one of the most high-calorie doughs, so it should be avoided. In addition, the dessert made from it crumbles greatly when cut, losing its attractive appearance. For the same reason, cakes based on puff pastry and meringue are not recommended. Although the latter may well be present in the form of a thin layer.

Biscuit dough is considered the most successful for any time of year. It is light, tasty, and not demanding on temperature. In addition, when ordering a large multi-tiered cake, you can choose different tastes dough and fillings for each of the tiers. Whether this is worth doing in practice is a difficult question. On the one hand, different tastes will allow you to please all the guests, but on the other hand, during the banquet it is rarely possible to explain to everyone where the filling and biscuit are. If the waiters simply distribute the portions, then there is a risk that one of the guests will be offended, considering the neighbor’s piece at the table better.

When choosing a filling, do not succumb to the temptation of exotic options. Guests gather at the wedding different ages and preferences, however, most people like light berry, fruit, and yoghurt fillings, with chocolate among their favorites. People are allergic to nuts, and they are also high in calories. Therefore, it is preferable not to use them in large quantities for filling or discard completely.

In the summer, it's tempting to order an ice cream wedding cake, but you need to think twice before implementing such an intention. First, you need to make sure that the bakery will deliver it in a refrigerated vehicle. Secondly, the restaurant should also have a refrigerator of sufficient size to preserve the sweet masterpiece until it is taken away. Thirdly, such a cake is only suitable for banquets indoors with air conditioning, otherwise the risk that it will not have time to get on the guests’ plates is too great. Fourthly, even if all the conditions are met, you need to cut and eat such a cake very quickly. Think about whether you are ready for such worries and difficulties.

So, a sponge wedding cake with yoghurt, chocolate, berry or fruit filling would be optimal for any season. Everyone will most likely be able to enjoy it.

Stage III: design selection

This moment is the most important for many. And here you can show your imagination to the fullest. Someone selects a cake according to fashion trends, some prefer classic solutions, while others like the design of the sweet to match the decor of the hall, wedding style, or even the bride’s outfit.

Which one is better, you decide, but there are several important details things to remember:

Plain Cakes(among wedding ones these are usually white) look flat and inexpressive in the photo. If you want to stick to a classic design, then choose jewelry in silver or pastel colors.

So, the sequence of actions for choosing the ideal wedding cake is as follows:

  1. Choose a pastry shop that can bring all your ideas to life in the best possible way.
  2. Decide on the dough and filling, taking into account the season, the preferred low calorie content and the fact that the dessert should be versatile enough to please everyone.
  3. Choose a beautiful, fashionable cake design that matches the decoration or style of the wedding.
  4. Calculate the exact weight of the dessert.
  5. Select a delivery method.
  6. If necessary, rent/purchase a stand and trolley for serving the cake in advance.
  7. If possible, make 100% prepayment for the cake to avoid cash payments during the banquet.

A little forethought and creativity will allow you to be proud of your wedding cake and enjoy discussing it after the celebration. Choose the best masters, tastes and design, place your order in advance and take care of delivery, as well as making sure there is enough goodies for everyone. Then the cake will become the true culmination of your holiday!

The first thing you need to decide when choosing a wedding cake is its type and appearance. What will be the main decoration of the banquet? A wedding cake can be rectangular, oval, or the more common round one, made from one or more cake layers. However, the most popular is the multi-tiered cake made from sponge cake, cream and sugar mastic.

  1. Cake with cream. Delicate sponge cakes and buttercream between them are so delicious! As a cream, you can use whipped cream with fillers (mascarpone, fruits, berries, cottage cheese), classic butter creams with fillers, mousses, etc.
  2. Open cake– simple and concise design for home and soulful wedding. As a rule, this is a small cake consisting of several open layers with cream, decorated with berries and fruits between the tiers.
  3. Soufflé cake. This cake will be light and at the same time dense in consistency. The soufflé can be multi-colored and with different additives (curd, yogurt, bird's milk).
  4. Cake with fondant– more traditional version For classic wedding. Typically, such samples are decorated with icing - a pattern in tiers, berries, flowers and other decorative elements.

    note that total weight There will be more of this cake, since the mastic weighs quite a lot, and it will taste sweeter than a cake with cream.

  5. Marzipan cake. Marzipan is a mixture of grated almonds and powdered sugar. Such cakes are not decorated with fruits or berries, as the juice destroys the marzipan. Marzipan covering, like mastic, makes the cake smooth and elegant, but it cannot be used to make decorations and details for the cake.
  6. French croquembouche- a tall cone-shaped dessert made up of individual cakes, such as profiteroles, and held together with caramel. Instead of profiteroles on such a wedding cake, cupcakes or individual portioned cakes can be used, laid out on a multi-tiered stand in the form of a wedding cake.

Different types of wedding cakes can be decorated with icing, nuts, coconut or chocolate chips, fruits, ribbons, flowers, etc. Traditionally, the top of a wedding cake is decorated with figures of the bride and groom, but you can use any other toppers: hearts, doves, cats, deer, etc.

How to calculate the weight of a wedding cake?

By the time you order the cake, you must know the exact number of guests, since its weight is calculated based on this indicator. On average, confectioners recommend a norm of 150 grams per person, but it can increase if the cakes are soaked in liqueur, filled with a thick layer of chocolate and, in addition, decorated with mastic. In this case, it is better to “allocate” 200-250 grams for each guest.

The number of tiers depends on the weight of the cake. The distribution is approximately as follows:

  • up to 2.5 kg – 1 tier
  • 3-4 kg - 2 tiers
  • 5-6 kg - 3 tiers
  • 7-8 kg - 4 tiers
  • 9-10 kg – 5 tiers

Tiers in a cake weighing up to 7 kg can be placed on top of each other; if the weight is larger, it is recommended to use special stands.

How to store a wedding cake?

Storing the cake directly depends on the ingredients from which it is made. Cakes with almonds, candied fruits or dark chocolate last longer than white chocolate desserts. And the most perishable cakes are those that contain cream and fresh fruit.

Cakes covered with fondant can easily be stored in the refrigerator. But cakes decorated with icing cannot tolerate even minimal humidity, so they should not be placed in the refrigerator, as the icing will melt.

Be sure to discuss the issue of storing dessert with your banquet manager: you need to leave room in the refrigerator in advance for the cake to fit there, especially if it is tall and multi-tiered. He also needs constant temperature, so it is not recommended to open the doors frequently. Make sure that no meat, fish or other foods are stored in the same refrigerator that could transfer their smell to the delicate cream, and be sure to cover the cake.

Or order a cake with delivery to certain time- literally 2 hours before its ceremonial presentation.

The main mistakes when choosing a wedding cake

1. Combination of incongruous things

If you choose several fillings for a cake, remember that they must be combined with each other. For example, it is difficult to combine cheesecake and honey cake, but it is very easy to spoil the treat by combining these flavors. Therefore, order a tasting set with your chosen fillings in advance to make sure that the cake will really be delicious.

2. Too many toppings

Don't know which flavor to choose and want to order a cake with five different fillings? We understand that choosing just one from such a variety can be very difficult, and yet we advise you not to overload the cake with flavors. If you want variety, prepare sweet table from cupcakes with different fillings.

3. The cake doesn’t suit the wedding style.

A cake with open layers is not suitable for a classic celebration in a restaurant, and on the contrary, a multi-tiered cake with fondant will look out of place at a barbecue-style celebration. Therefore, when choosing a cake, follow general rule wedding decoration: all details must be combined with each other and create an overall harmonious picture.

4. Lots of dyes and additives

Let the cake not be too bright, but it will be tasty and will not harm your body or the health of your guests. In addition, some of the guests may have allergies, which can be easily provoked by artificial dyes.

5. Lack of a beautiful stand and cutting knife

Gorgeous cake, gorgeous background, beautiful and happy groom and the bride - this whole picture can only be ruined by an ordinary table knife, which a quick fix The waiters found it in the kitchen. Therefore o beautiful set for cutting and a suitable stand should be taken care of in advance.

Author of the photo: |

How to serve a wedding cake?

Serving a wedding cake is an art, so you should take extra care when it comes to serving it. For example, for large and multi-tiered cakes, do not choose a stand with a foot, it is too unstable.

The classic presentation of a wedding cake looks like this: the cake is rolled out into the hall in the dark by the light of candles or pyrotechnics, to the accompaniment of live music or to your favorite composition. Here Special attention attention should be paid to the stand - no flat metallized sheets, which can reduce the cost of even a real work of art, only elegant stands made of quality materials. |

Alternatives to wedding cake

Do you want or just don't like sweets? Here are a few options that can replace the classic wedding cake:

  1. Cheese cake is a great alternative for gourmets. Different types of cheese, complemented by fruits and berries and decorated with flowers, are a worthy and very original treat for a wedding. Don't forget that you will need a special knife for this cake.
  2. Ice cream cake – great option for a wedding on a hot summer day.
  3. Macarons. You can use them to build beautiful pyramids, they can act as an independent treat (lie in vases and on trays), or they can be an element of serving (macarons on a stick or in a glass of champagne).
  4. Homemade pie.
  5. Chocolate cake.
  6. Pancake or waffle cake.
