When is flower day in the year? Flower holidays around the world

Flowers are the thing that makes our life more colorful and interesting. People have long admired their forms and beauty. The ancients endowed them magical properties, believing that they can influence the destinies of people and their characters.

There are flowers that have healing properties. From them people learned to make healthy decoctions. There are those that give us a wonderful taste when used in the form of tea. And there are also flowers that simply delight our eyes and give the most sincere emotions.

People have long valued representatives of the earth's flora, and as a sign of their love they organized annual holiday flowers, which is celebrated around the world on June 21st. On this day, major florist festivals and flower processions take place.

Stories from history

The tulip country of the Netherlands has a rich floral history. So already in the 17th century, the bulbs of these lovely flowers were valued at the same level, and sometimes even more than a measure of gold. High price The popularity of tulips bordered on insanity, at some point they began to be considered as an integral currency. The secret of such high cost of plants was that they symbolize endless life, its very movement.

There are flowers representing entire government units. For example, Calochortus is the official symbol of the state of Utah in the USA. Parts of these wonderful representatives of the flora served as food for the first settlers of the state in times of famine. As a sign of their deep gratitude to the gifts of nature, the inhabitants of the state education made the calochortus their symbol.

Legends about flowers existed in ancient times. Thus, ancient Greek myths say that Achilles’ mother bathed her child in a solution of yarrow, which is famous for its protective properties.

People of antiquity also burned aster petals to drive away evil spirits from their homes.

Nowadays, the flower festival is celebrated on June 21, when flowering reaches its peak, and is achieved by many representatives of the flora. Oddly enough, in Russia an identical holiday is celebrated on June 12th.

What to give for the holiday?

On International Flower Day, you can congratulate your loved ones and please them with a beautiful bouquet, which you can order from us. Celebrate the holiday bright festival colors, using gorgeous scarlet and white roses, or soft pink shades in a bright and juicy emerald design.

If you have no one to please with a colorful composition, you can make our world more beautiful and brighter. Just plant beautiful garden flowers on your balcony or windowsill, and your life will sparkle with new colors.

Day of flowers.


3 Note the significance and role of flowers for the life and activities of humans, animals and insects.



Holiday entertainment"FLOWER DAY"

Prepared by the teacher of the senior group

1st qualification category:

Kapustina Elena Nikolaevna.

Village Krasnoe Echo MKDOU No. 10.

Day of flowers.

Goals: to introduce children to the colors of the earth.


1 Give the concept of what a flower is.

2 Teach children to classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field, house)

3 Note the significance and role of flowers for the life and activities of humans, animals and insects.

4 Educate careful attitude to flowers, the ability to take care of them.

5 Replenishment of vocabulary.


Adults: Host, Flower Fairy, Hooligan


The celebration takes place in the hall kindergarten. Cheerful music is playing, children are gathering in the hall.


Oh, guys, what a miracle!

We received a letter.




And I don’t know myself yet.

Wait, I'll read it.

(Reads the letter.)

"Better than our kingdom

Doesn't happen in the world.

See our wealth

Would you like it, children?

Well then come

Come visit us soon.

Here the hostess will meet you -

Beautiful Fairy.

The path is not too far, and the address is:

This is a wonderful, bright kingdom of flowers.”


We can easily find the kingdom of flowers.

Would you like to visit there?




Well, then hurry up and hit the road,

Just don't forget the song.



Oh guys, wait

Turn around and look!

Look how many flowers there are here

Left, right, ahead!

And along that path, it seems,

Someone is approaching us here.

What a beauty!

Like a colorful meadow shines.

A soundtrack recording of P. Tchaikovsky’s “WALTZ OF THE FLOWERS” is playing. The Flower Fairy approaches the children.

Fairy of flowers.

I am the Flower Fairy, waiting for you here


After all, you received my invitation?


Hello, mistress of the beautiful kingdom.

Come on, show us your wealth.

Fairy of flowers.

My riches - after all, they are near you,

The ones that so caress your eyes.

My riches are our flowers,

Isn’t it true, they are of unearthly beauty!

Now I will show you my kingdom

And I will tell you many miracles about him.

(Shows the children flowers, asks what they are called, invites them to smell and feel their aroma.)


Many satin petals -

Look at me, look

I call myself... (clove)

Wonderful flower

He's like a bright light

Magnificent, important, like a gentleman,

Blooms... (tulip)

Turns deftly

He's behind the sun's head.

The field seems to be covered in yellow waves.

We will weave wreaths in the summer

For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,

For Alyonka, two Natashas.

We carried mushrooms in a basket

And another blue flower.

This wild flower -

Thin delicate... (cornflower)

Look - at the fence

The queen of the garden blossomed.

Not a tulip or a mimosa,

And there's beauty in the thorns... (rose)

Lush, round, like a head of cabbage,

He shook his head at us.

In summer it blooms

Wonderful... (peony)

Hedgehog in a grove, near a hummock

Mishutka says:

"Do you see the blue flowers?

This is ... (forget-me-nots)"

In May - yellow, and in July -

He's a fluffy ball.

We blew on him a little -

Soared... (dandelion)



Thank you, good Fairy. The guys also love flowers very much and can’t stop admiring them.

Children read poems about flowers.


Fairy, maybe you will say,

Why do you have flowers?

So they grow, they smell fragrant,

Is your kingdom being decorated?

Fairy of flowers.

This is no secret at all:

Labor is held in high esteem in this kingdom.

You have to put in the effort

To loosen the earth,

Throw a seed there

And then, not without difficulty

Wait like a sprout

Turns into a flower.

You have to work hard.

To give the sprout something to drink.


Fairy, maybe we are too

We will help you water the flowers.

To grow even stronger,

To make them look more cheerful.

But first, let’s help the flowers do their exercises. The fairy will help us with this. "Charging for flowers."

1. Straightened the stems, extended the branches (arms)

2.Straightened the leaves, rustled the leaves (fingers)

3. Gymnastics for the stem: bending the body to the right - left; back and forth.

4. Gymnastics for the roots: pulled out right leg– rotated the foot;

They stretched out the left leg and rotated it.

5. We wash the leaves and stems in the rain: we raised our hands up, spread our fingers, exposed our palms to the rain, and twirled. Three girls water the flowers with a bucket and watering can, and the children spin around in the rain of the watering can.

The girl Yana asks a riddle:

It grows everywhere in the summer

In the field and near the hummocks

It's an elegant purple.

This is a bell.

"Round dance BELL".


Oh, and it's a hot day.

Let's go into the shade

Let's open our eyes wide and listen to the whole fairy tale.


Presenter (V.).

White butterfly. I'm so afraid of rain.

Yellow butterfly.

Red butterfly.

Yellow butterfly.


Yellow butterfly.

Red butterfly.What do we do?

White butterfly.


White butterfly. How can I leave my friends?


Suddenly a crash is heard and someone's song is heard. A Hooligan comes out from behind a tree with a slingshot and a stick in his hands, crushes the grass, scares away the birds and sings to a Russian tune. folk song“I’ll go outside.”


I'll go outside and look into the forest,

I'll scare everyone away, I'll bend all the branches.

I am a bully, I am the most formidable here.

Well, watch out, my mother nature!


Oh, who is this?


You do not know me?

Yes, everyone is afraid of me like fire!

I'm a guy named Goose.

I'm not afraid of anyone!


So wow, Goose! Shame on you. Why are you destroying our nature?


I do what I want! If I want, I’ll scare the birds, if I want, I’ll break branches, and if I want, I’ll turn off the heads of all the flowers!

Girls in bee hats run out.


Wow, were you the one who picked all the flowers in the forest? Now we have nowhere to get pollen, and without it we won’t be able to produce honey. For this we really pity you! (They run after him.)


Guard! Save! Oh, bee glasses, I won't do it anymore! Hey trees, help, scatter these bees with your branches!

Don't ask us for help, Bully. You broke our branches, tore off our leaves, now we are sick.

The bully escapes from the bees, but ends up in the bear's clutches.


Who do I see! Finally I got you! Did you pick all the flowers in the forest? Because of you, the bees didn’t give me honey, and I was left without my favorite treat?


Guard! Save! Little bear, I won't do it again! Children, help me, I will never destroy nature again.


You will not? Well, guys, shall we believe him for the first time? Okay, Mishka, let him go, let him come with us, and the guys along the way will teach him to be friends with nature. He will understand that trees should not be broken, but planted, flowers should not be destroyed, but admired, birds should not be shot, but fed and enjoyed by their singing. And for all this we need to say “thank you” to Mother Nature. And now you can take a walk in the forest.


Well, let's hit the road again.

We were a little hungry.

If we go a little further,

We'll pick some raspberries there.

Children dance in a round dance “LET'S GO THROUGH RASPBERRY TO THE GARDEN”, music by A. Filippenko, poetry by T. Volgina.

Educator: Flowers grew in the clearing. Name which ones?


Goal: teach children how to dance in a round dance.

Progress of the game:

Children, choosing a headband - a wreath, name the flower and its color.

Educator: Flowers grew in the clearing (children)

All together: What kind of flowers are these?

A breeze blew, the flowers began to play around and scattered across the clearing.

The teacher comes and says:

“Hang, hang the wreath! Curl the wreath!”

Children follow the teacher and form wreath circles.


Fairy of flowers.

Friends, I don’t know how to thank you.

Look, the flowers come to life again

And they rustle the leaves so merrily!

It's time for us to go home.

Children approach the kindergarten staff who are caring for flowers and hand them pre-prepared flower arrangements and thank you for your work.

Riddles about flowers with answers

Yellow-golden flower,

Like a chicken, fluffy.

Immediately withers from the frost

Our sissy... (mimosa)

Many satin petals -

Yellow, white, variegated, red.

Look at me, look

I call myself... (clove)

Wonderful flower

He's like a bright light

Magnificent, important, like a gentleman,

Blooms... (tulip)

Let's do it in the middle of a swamp

Great photo:

Picturesque picture -

Bloomed here... (water lily)

Turns deftly

He's behind the sun's head.

The field seems to be covered in yellow waves.

A flower grows here... (sunflower)

We will weave wreaths in the summer

For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,

For Alyonka, two Natashas.

All wreaths are made from... (daisies)

We carried mushrooms in a basket

And another blue flower.

This wild flower is

Thin delicate... (cornflower)

Look - at the fence

The queen of the garden blossomed.

Not a tulip or a mimosa,

And there's beauty in the thorns... (rose)

The one who is already seven years old

He will say: “School, hello!

I have a bouquet in my hands -

Festive... (asters) "

Lush, round, like a head of cabbage,

He shook his head at us.

In summer it blooms

Wonderful... (peony)

Vasya brought flowers to class

Unprecedented beauty.

Petals look like they're made of plastic

At Vasily's flowers.

Give me the vase quickly,

He will put... (lilies)

Hedgehog in a grove, near a hummock

Mishutka says:

"Do you see the blue flowers?

This is ... (forget-me-nots)"

In May - yellow, and in July -

He's a fluffy ball.

We blew on him a little -

Soared... (dandelion)

Wheat in the field in September

It poured out like a spike.

And at our school today

Lots of... (gladioli)

It grows everywhere in the summer -

In the field and near the hummocks.

He is graceful, purple,

This is... (bell)

Here are the thorny bushes

It's better not to touch them.

Rose's relative

Hidden in the thorns is a threat.

At least not a cactus, not a thorn,

But the thorn in the garden... (rosehip)

Decorating in the summer

Flower beds, parks, flower beds

We are our carrot color,

And we're called... (marigolds)

Nastya wrote this to me.

1 Educators:

Ability to maintain a festive mood.

Love of nature, the ability to see the beauty of flowers and trees.

2 Educational:

Teach children to distinguish the names of colors.

3 Developmental:

Develop thinking and attention when solving riddles.

Develop imagination and predict the outcome of the ending of a fairy tale.

Three butterflies

(dramatization game based on a Hungarian fairy tale)

Presenter (V.). There lived three butterflies in the world: white, red and yellow. They fluttered from flower to flower and collected pollen. One day the sun disappeared. The sky was clouded with thunderclouds. The butterflies were very scared.

White butterfly. I'm so afraid of rain.

Yellow butterfly. If our wings get wet, we will not be able to fly.

Red butterfly.Let's hide in a tulip cup and wait out the rain there.

IN. The tulip was also afraid of the rain and folded its petals tightly.

Yellow butterfly. Let us in, tulip; it starts to rain, but the house is far away.

Tulip. I'll let in the yellow and red ones. But white - no way.

Yellow butterfly. We can't leave our girlfriend alone.

IN. But the tulip closed its eyes and did not answer.

Red butterfly.What do we do?

White butterfly.

IN. We fly to the lily.

White butterfly. With difficulty flapping their wings, the butterflies finally reached the lake where the lily lived.

Lily. Let us in, lily, we are getting wet in the rain.

White butterfly. How can I leave my friends?

Lily. I'll let the white one in, but I'll never let the yellow and red ones in.

IN. Well, as you wish (and closed her petals).

The butterflies cried bitterly. The sun heard them and looked down. It dried the tears of the butterflies and smiled at them. The butterflies were happy and flew to play in the field.

Appendix 5 Purpose: to introduce children with


  1. flowers of the earth. Giveconcept
  2. what is a flower? Learnchildren
  3. classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field, house). Purpose: to introduceIntroduce
  4. professions of people related to floriculture. Markmeaning
  5. Cultivate a caring attitude towards flowers and the ability to take care of them.
  6. Develop constructive, visual skills children in making flowers using different materials and technical means.
  7. Replenishment of vocabulary.

Preparatory work.

  1. Decorating the group with fresh flowers for the holiday.
  2. Prepare recycled material, material for visual arts, fiction and educational literature for reading to children.
  3. Preparing flower seeds.


  1. What is a flower? Flower structure.
  2. Where do flowers grow? (Field, meadow, water, forest, dacha, vegetable garden, garden, apartment).
  3. Why were the flowers called that? (Annex 1).
  4. Flowers and time.
  5. Flowers and your name.
  6. Healing flowers.
  7. Flower dreams. ( Appendix 2).
  8. Flowers-mascots. (Appendix 2).
  9. Flowers are the heroes of the works.
  10. Flowers in legends, poems, riddles, song. (Annex 1).
  11. Professions of people involved in floriculture.
  12. Teach children to take care of flowers, take care of flowers, plant and grow flowers correctly.
  13. A collection of poems, songs, legends, myths, illustrations, postcards, riddles related to flowers.
  14. Diagnostics—determining the level of children’s skills and knowledge on a topic.

Project implementation.

  1. Conversation “Flowers are the beauty of the earth.”
  2. Lesson "Flowers and Time".
  3. Excursion to the park, field. Goal: getting to know the flowers of my region.
  4. Work on the site, in a group - planting flowers, caring for them.
  5. Making riddles and puzzles.
  6. Memorizing and reading poems.
  7. Reading fiction, educational literature.
  8. Examination of illustrations, postcards with images of flowers.
  9. Assemble a collection: flowers made from different materials, flowers on fabric, postcards “Bouquets of Flowers”.
  10. Children's stories about flower beds at home, how they and their parents take care of the flowers. On what occasions do people give flowers at home?
  11. Research activity: if you do not water flowers for a long time, the leaves wither and the flower falls.
  12. Observation: Dandelions bloom when the sun appears if overcast, then they do not bloom.
  13. Artistic and creative activities:
    A) Active participation in events related to the theme “Flowers”;
    b) making flowers from paper;
    c) drawing flowers with paints, pencils, crayons, using different techniques;
    d) take part in exhibitions in kindergarten;
    e) active, finger games.
  14. 14. Card index of didactic games:
  • “The flower is your talisman”;
  • “Guess the flower from the description”;
  • “Guess the flower by riddle, by illustration”;
  • “Assemble a flower from geometric shapes”;
  • “Deck the carpet with flowers.”
  1. Artistic, educational material.
  2. A selection of illustrative material.
  3. A selection of poems, riddles, songs, fairy tales, myths, and legends on the topic.
  4. A selection of mobile, finger, didactic games, fun questions and exercises on the topic.
  5. "The Red Book of Russia". (Appendix 2).
  6. Samples, patterns for making flowers from different materials.
  7. Album of postcards “Bouquets”.
  8. A collection of flowers made from different materials.
  9. Children's drawings, applique.

Resource support for the project.

  1. A corner of nature in a group, a flower garden on the kindergarten site.
  2. Methodological tools.
  3. Visual material:
    a) fresh flowers, illustrated, made from different materials;
    b) printed board games on ecology;
    V) didactic games on ecology;
    d) library of a young florist.
  4. Equipment with natural and waste materials.

The result of the project.

  1. Development cognitive interest children, expanding ideas about colors.
  2. Positive emotional and conscious attitude to nature, to the flowers that surround the child. Flowers are not only decoration of the Earth, but also healers.
  3. Willingness to participate in practical activities to improve the natural environment (planting, caring for flowers).
  4. Skills of cultural behavior in nature, the ability to protect and care for it have been developed.

Outdoor games

We are flowers


  1. Straightened the stems, stretched out the branches ( hands ).
  2. They straightened out the leaves, rustled the leaves ( fingers ).
  3. Gymnastics for the stem: bending the body to the right and left; back and forth.
  4. Gymnastics for the roots: stretched the right leg - rotated the foot; stretched out the left leg and rotated it.
  5. We wash the leaves and stems in the rain: we raised our hands up, spread our fingers, exposed our palms to the rain, and began to spin.

Living flower bed

All players are divided into three teams:

  1. Golden balls;
  2. Marigold;
  3. Marigold.

Children are flowers in a flower bed. Golden balls grow in the center - the tallest ones. Children raise their arms up and spin around themselves. The second circle is marigolds, they dance around the golden balls. Third circle - marigold children squat, these flowers are the lowest.

The wind blew, the flowers came to life and began to move: golden balls were spinning, marigolds were going in a circle in one direction, marigolds were going in the other.

Magic wand

Touch the flower with a “magic wand” (toy or illustration), name it, describe it (color, size, shape, where it grows, when it blooms, where it is used).

Favorite flower

Draw your favorite flower or take an illustration and dance with it to the music “Waltz of the Flowers”.

Find your place

Two presenters. One picks up wildflowers, the other picks up garden flowers. Flower children dance to music. At the end of the music, the children run and form a circle with their leader.

Game for attention

The presenter shows cards with flowers. If it is a wildflower, children raise one hand. If a gardener - two hands.

Game "Gardener"


I was born a gardener
Seriously angry
I'm tired of all the flowers
Except…(names a flower)

This flower: - Oh!

Gardener: What's wrong with you?

Flower: In love.

Gardener: Who?

Flower: Rose.

Rose: Oh! Etc.

Finger gymnastics

Scarlet flowers

Riddles about flowers

This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun!
Answer: forget-me-not

Grew from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
The flower is similar.
Answer: Tulip

Although I am neither a beast nor a bird,
But I can defend myself!
I'll spread my claws -
Just touch my flowers!
Answer: rose.

Everyone knows us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Answer: carnations.

Breaking through the snow
Amazing sprout.
The very first, the most tender,
The most velvet flower!
Answer: Snowdrop.

White bells
In my garden,
On a green stalk
Hiding in the shadows.
Answer: lily of the valley.

The spring flower has
Signs to avoid mistakes:
The leaf is like garlic,
And the crown is like that of a prince!
Answer: narcissist.

Jugs and saucers
They don't drown and don't fight.
Answer: Water lilies.

Sometimes purple, sometimes blue,
He met you at the edge of the forest.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he can hardly just ring.
Answer: Bell.

I was walking along a path through a meadow,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
But not hot at all
white rays of the sun.
Answer: Chamomile.

I am a herbaceous plant
With a flower lilac color.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy.
Answer: Iris.

There is one such flower
You can't weave it into a wreath,
Blow on it lightly
There was a flower - and there is no flower.
Answer: Dandelion.

I'm a fluffy ball
I turn white in a clean field,
And the breeze blew -
A stalk remains.
Answer: dandelion.

Burnt in the dewy grass
The flashlight is golden.
Then it faded, went out
And turned into fluff.
Answer: dandelion.

Amazing sun:
This sun has a hundred windows,
They look out of those windows
Hundreds of little black jackdaws.
Answer: Sunflower.

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.
Let's pluck this sunshine -
We will collect a lot of grains.
And the guests will arrive -
We'll give them a handful.
Answer: Sunflower.

Bright blue, fluffy
It is born in bread, but is not suitable for food.
Answer: Cornflower.

That's what they call little Vasya
And those flowers that are collected in the field.
Answer: Cornflower.

In spring - in fragrant white flowers,
And in the fall - in fragrant pies.
Answer: Bird cherry

He doesn't hiss, although he bites painfully.
Then why is it called that?
Answer: Rosehip.

I'm not famous for flowers
And with unusual sheets:
Then hard, cold,
It's soft and warm.
Answer: Coltsfoot.

In the morning my flowers
Ugly and petty,
But at night the aroma
Fills the whole garden!
Answer: night violet.

It's very easy to recognize me:
By name I am related to tigers.
Speckled red is my flower
Among the greenery, like a light!
Answer: Tiger lily.

And I look like a star -
That's how the name is translated.
I'm closer to autumn color,
To get into bouquets for schoolgirls.
Answer: Astra.

I look good in a wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.
Answer: Rose

I open my mouth like a lion
And I call myself...

According to legend, my flower
Opens treasures.
They say once a year
A miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't actually bloom!
Answer: Fern

The lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All covered in large double flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!
Answer: Peony

My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
The name refers to an eastern country.
Well, guys, do you recognize me?
Answer: Nasturtium

We have neither fingers nor hands -
Only petals around.
We have an unusual name
But we don’t need a manicure!
Answer: Marigolds

I'm capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I always remain beautiful!
Answer: Rose

I dress the steppes in red silk
And I give the name to the candy.
Answer: Mac

From green chicken
Completely covered with fluff,
I'm getting proud
Scarlet cockerel!
Answer: Mac

15.04.2010 10:12

Characters:Presenter, Tanya, Cat Basilio, Fox Alice, Emelya, Nesmeyana, Aibolit, Pirates, Pinocchio and Carlson

Leading: Sound the fanfare! And blow the trumpets!
The children are rushing to the joyful holiday.
Today we are seeing the kids off to school.
It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten.

Children enter the hall to the march of G. Sviridov. They stand at their places.

Leading: Today is your farewell day.
Which good words say?
For five years you have been coming to us at Krepysh.
And now the hour of farewell has come!
1. There is a miracle garden in the world!
I am glad to go to this garden.
Here in summer and winter
All my friends are with me.
2. It's good to live here!
And in our garden they grow
Not cherries and not pears,
Sasha, Vanya and Katyusha.
3. It's not cherries that live here -
Marinochka and Mishenka.
And it’s not the branches that make noise -
Kolya, Dasha, Svetochki.
4. Our favorite gardener
Calls everyone by name.
Our teacher
He dances and sings with us.
5. They help her in the morning
Nannies and cooks.
Protects our health
6. What a miracle this garden is here
For guys like us!
"Wake-up" song.
Leading: Graduation nights in May
You won’t be found in less than a year.
We will postpone parting with friends,
Let's all dance now.

Dance "If you go on a journey with a friend."

Leading: There is only one life, and probably
There won't be a second one
That is why we are so captivated by it.
That's why we sometimes forget about everything,
Just forget childhood
We will never be able to.

Song "If only there was grace."

Leading: Dear friends!
Today is our children's first prom.
Let him accompany them to school
A tale of kindness, friendship and fidelity.
The song "What does our world consist of?"
Children: Fairy tales give us miracles,
And without miracles it is impossible,
They live everywhere
And they are our friends.
There are sunny colors
Waltz dance for you.
We can't live without fairy tales
They can't live without us!

The phonogram sounds. Tanya enters the hall, holding a pot with a cap in her hands.

Tanya: Hello guys! Do you know what I have there?
I raised him to give you as a goodbye gift.
. It has many large multi-colored petals:
1 - fun,
2 - good,
3 - smiles,
4 - health,
5 - courage,
6 - knowledge,
7 - friendship!
This is the most beautiful flower. And the most gentle. He is afraid of the wind and bad weather, anger and lies. I covered it warmer, and now I’ll water the flower last time and I’ll give it to you. (Opens the pot, it’s empty, just one stem). Everything is lost! Someone tore off the petals! The flower is dead! (cries) I will get sick from grief and die! Ah-ah-ah! Who will help me? (Cries and leaves the hall.)

Basilio and Alice enter looking around

Basilio : Hehehehe! What a fuss you and I made! Alice: Don't joke with us! lie down softly, but sleep hard!...

The phonogram "Duet of Cat and Alice" plays.

Alice: Listen, Basilio, you and I made a mistake.
Basilio: And do not say! They stole these petals, but what’s the use of them?!
Alice: No beauty, no joy! (Pulls out a petal from his bosom and tries it on his tooth.) And most importantly - there is no taste!
Basilio (trying): It’s like you’re chewing cotton wool! Ugh!
Alice: Let's throw them away! We should have gotten into the refrigerator, that's where! There's sour cream and sausage!
Basilio: Refrigerator, refrigerator! I'll give it to you right now!
Alice: What?! Right now I’ll hit you in the eye, you’ll become completely blind! (They start to fight.
Basilio cries: meow, meow!)
Basilio: I won't do it anymore, let me go, Alisushka!
Alice: Okay, I'll let you go! The girl wanted to give this flower to the children for their school graduation, but we scratched it and didn’t have it.
Basilio: Why is this school needed at all? You and I are so smart!

They leave the hall to the soundtrack. Tanya enters to the music.

Tanya: Guys, I figured out what to do to find the petals.
We need to ask a fairy tale for help.
Day and night I wait for a miracle...
Well, let them scold me!
After all, at least once a year
Miracles happen.
I know you'll come to me somehow
A miracle will knock
And in the hushed silence
Something will happen!
Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond!
Come to us quickly!

Emelya enters the hall to the soundtrack and dances.

Emelya: Hello, grandma!
Tanya: Hello, grandson!
Emelya: Do you know what my name is?
Emelya: Do you know where I'm from?
Children: from the fairy tale "At the Pike's Command").
Oh, what a funny little guy I am! I’ll give the guys a petal of fun if they dance a funny dance for me.

Dance "Big Walk".(Emelya dances with Tanya).

Emelya: Ooh, good dance! Or maybe you know a funny song?
Tanya: We know!

Song "Why don't flowers grow on my head?"

Emelya: Well, you made me laugh, for that I give you a golden petal of fun!
Tanya: Thank you very much, Emelyushka!
Emelya: No, goodbye! Don't remember it badly! (Leaves).
Tanya: Well, there is the first petal! Let's continue to conjure!
Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,
Come to us quickly!

Nesmeyana appears(cries).

Nesmeyana: Will I get up late, will I get up early,
And I still won’t laugh!
And I, sighing, sadly sing,
From morning to night I shed tears!
I cry at dinner and at lunch,
Tear after tear follows.
I cry bitterly, I sob anxiously.
It's impossible for me to laugh!
Weeping willow, tears of fog...
I am Nesmeyana! I am Nesmeyana!...
Tanya: Dear Nesmeyana! Tears of sorrow will not help. Try to laugh better.
Nesmeyana (sad): You are asking me the impossible.
Tanya: Well, at least a little bit!
Nesmeyana: Hee-hee-hee... No, I can’t!
Tanya: Guys, what should we do? Maybe you can help me cheer up Nesmeyana?

Dance "Katerina".

Nesmeyana is crying.

The song "Sneaker-Koryabeda".

Nesmeyana is crying again.

Dance "Land of Limonia".

Nesmeyana: Oh, and I had fun! (Laughs). This is why I give you my blue petal of a smile!
Tanya: Thank you, Nesmeyana!
(Nesmeyana leaves).
Tanya: There are already 2 petals!
Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,
Come to us quickly!

Aibolit enters.

Aibolit: From trees and flowers,
From bugs and spiders,
From spring ringing birds
Soloviev, goldfinches, titmice,
From rabbits and bear cubs
Congratulations to the kindergarten!
I wish the older children
First-graders, seven-year-olds
Succeed in everything, everywhere
Both in study and in work.
(Puts a thermometer on, calls them to jump on one leg on a skipping rope. Gives commands - stand up, sit down, left, right. Praises the children, says that everyone is healthy and can go to school).
Tanya: Doctor Aibolit, listen to the song.

Song "We want to build a bridge."

Aibolit: 5 bottles in a row
Let's put them in a row on the table.
And there's milk in bottles.
The one who drinks milk
Will jump high
He will run far.
This will be useful at school.

Competition "Who can drink milk through a pacifier the fastest."

Tanya: You see, Doctor Aibolit, our children are strong and healthy. Look how they can dance.

Dance "Berlin Polka".

Aibolit: Well done, for this I give you a petal of health!
(Tanya inserts a petal, Aibolit leaves). Suddenly, Pirates run into the hall with noise and shouts, with the words “Board”, “Whistle up everyone”, “Bang-bang”: “Pirate song” (to the soundtrack).
Tanya: Oh guys, I'm scared
Where did they come from?
Pirates: And we are from the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit". Look, everyone is welcome, but we are not welcome. And we specifically came to see if you have any brave and courageous people or just some crybaby-waxes, mama's boys...
Tanya: Guys, help out! Are there any brave and resourceful people among you? (- Yes!)
Pirates: We'll check it now.

1. "Burst the balloon."
2. Tug of war.

Pirates: You are very brave, but can you dance?

Dance "White Steamer".

Pirates : Well, well done. So be it, here is our blue petal of courage as a souvenir. It’s time for us to go to a fairy tale (they leave).
Tanya: Oh, how they scared me! Let's quickly call another fairy tale!
Tanya: Walking to school with an ABC book
Wooden boy.
Gets to school instead
In a wooden booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name?

Buratino enters to the soundtrack.

Pinocchio: Who remembers me here? There are so many boys and girls here! I was going to the theater and heard that someone was talking about me. Today I sold ABC and bought a theater ticket with the proceeds. I don’t understand why study, when you can live like that.
Tanya: What are you saying, Pinocchio! All children need to go to school. Listen to the puzzles here:
1. Once to the bunny for lunch
A friend - a neighbor - galloped up.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump
And they ate 5 carrots.
Guys, who is clever at counting?
How many carrots did you eat?
(Pinocchio answers incorrectly, Tanya asks the guys).
Tanya: Here's another problem, listen carefully, Pinocchio!
2. Granny fox knits
Mittens for three grandchildren.
"I will give you soon, grandchildren,
2 mittens each.
Take care, don't lose,
How many are there, count them.
3. The little sparrow has arrived
Chick - and my brother sat down next to me,
And here are 2 more friends
In warm gray shells.
How many were there together?
Buratino repents that he did not want to study.
Pinocchio: Oh, how can I go to school now without the ABCs?
Tanya: Don’t worry, Pinocchio, I’ll bring it to you now, and in the meantime, listen to the song about school.

Song "First Class".Basilio and Alice appear.

Basilio: Did you see it?! Did you hear?! Do you understand?! It turns out - meow, meow - these petals more expensive than money, better than any gift. And we, fools, threw them away (searches, crawls on his knees). The wind must have carried them away!
Alice: Who threw it away? Will you say I threw it away?
Basilio: Who else?!
Alice: Well, Basilio, watch out! Don't make me angry! My nerves are already not in order.
Basilio: Meow! Meow! You've got yourself on my head! I'm sick without you!
Alice (suddenly): Wait, we still have time to fight! I came up with something! (Whispers in ear).
Basilio: Well, head! Wow!
Alice: You won't get lost with me!
(They walk, limping, towards Buratino.)
Together: Look, people of God!
Basilio: Meow! Meow!
Together: Benefactors passers-by!
Basilio: Meow! Meow!
Together: We support ourselves with a stick!
Basilio: Meow! Meow!
Together: Let's fight under the window!
Basilio: Meow! Meow!
Together: Ah, our fathers, parents,
Would you give me a crust of bread?
All day long we wander, toil,
We only eat air!...
Alice: Ahh!
Basilio: Oh-ho-ho! My problem is bad...
Alice: A-ah-ah... apparently the end is coming for me.
Pinocchio: Poor things! What's wrong with you?
Basilio: We're starving...me-ooh, we're getting cold...
Alice: Give me something, even a chicken leg.
Basilio: Or a saucer of sour cream.
Pinocchio: I don't have anything like that. Would you like some cold water?
Basilio: What are you, what are you! Water makes me dizzy! Meow...
Fox (ingratiatingly): Tell me better, what do you have?
Pinocchio:Petal of knowledge. I'll give it to Tanya.
Basilio:I wish I could take a closer look at him.
Alice:Admire it.
Pinocchio:Watch as much as you want! (Shows).
Fox(grabs): Get away, Basilio! (Runs).
Basilio:Run Run!
Tanya appears at the door with the alphabet.
Tanya:Where are you going? Oh, you nasty deceivers! We'll show you now!
Lisa and Basilio:Forgive us, we won't do it anymore! We are so unhappy - so unhappy!
Tanya:Thank you, Pinocchio, for the petal of knowledge. Well, get a new ABC for this.
(Pinocchio leaves).
Tanya:Well, we will drive the Fox and the Cat away from our garden!
Both:Forgive us! We really want to stay with you for the holiday!
Tanya:Well, guys, let's forgive Alice and Basilio? (-Yes!) Shall we leave them at the party? Okay, stay and watch the girls do the dance.

Dance "Charlie".

Tanya:But our flower is not yet complete; it still lacks two petals.
Let's continue to conjure.
Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,
Come to us quickly!

Carlson flies in and sings the song “Funny Man.”

Carlson:I am Carlson, I am a cheerful baby,
I'm overeating on semolina porridge...
Of course, if the porridge contains... honey,
Any kid will understand me.
Hi guys! I knew that you couldn’t do without me! Tell me, who is the smartest and most learned? And who is the most beautiful? And who is the most best friend? I'm the best game inventor! Place all hands on your knees. I will say: “Let's go!”, and you should clap your hands on your knees. I say “Nose” - you grab your nose, I say “Ear” - you grab your ears. It's clear? Then be careful! Let's go, let's go...

A game(involves parents and guests into the game). Alice and Basilio try to confuse the children. Attraction "Get ready for school". (Dad fixes a pencil, mom makes a sandwich, the child collects his briefcase and rings the bell).

Carlson:Tell me, who is the kindest in the world? (Children's answer). For this I give you a petal of goodness!

Polka dance.

Tanya:Thank you, Carlson! Bon Voyage! Well, guys, there is one more petal left, and the fairy tales are over. What to do? Lisa and Basilio: Well, okay. Because you didn’t drive us away, because you are so friendly, we will give you a petal of friendship! He ended up with us by chance!

Tanya places the last petal.

Dance "True Friend".

(The Fox and the Cat also dance, and after the dance they leave).

Leading:Our holiday has come to an end. And we wish our graduates to study well, and, of course, not to forget kindergarten.
1. In a cozy kindergarten
We lived as if at home.
Any corners
We knew each other here.
2. We grew up in friendship.
Loved to laugh
But now they have become big,
It's time to say goodbye!
3. Goodbye sleeping dolls
And the balls are shiny,
And affectionate nannies,
They were like mothers to us!
4. The school opened its doors,
Our desks and class are waiting for us.
We're leaving, but believe me
We won't forget you!

"Farewell song"

Leading:Farewell ball!
Farewell ball!
He brought together children and adults!
He is for us, he is for us
Good fairy tale became now!

Who founded this and when? beautiful holiday, unknown. Each country has its own symbol. In Russia, the holiday is celebrated under the emblem of chamomile. On this day, festivals and flower parades, florist competitions are held. Participants enjoy pleasant aroma And amazing beauty plants.
Blessed world of flowers,
Wonderful scent of nature!
And the heart feels love
Heaven blessing the vaults.
How wonderful is God the Creator in flowers,
In elegant, festive shades!
The light of the sun froze in the petals,
The sound of a string orchestra,
And the music of flowers flows,
Decorating the whole world of the Universe,
And the heart feels love
Listening to the wonderful music... Svetlana Magnitskaya
I will enter the watercolors of earthly beauty,
In the meadow grass under the azure sky,
And with my eyes I will fly, not afraid of heights,
To the clouds passing slowly in white.
I will braid a wreath of daisies into a ring,
I'll wrap a ray of bright sun on my wrist,
I will wash my face with spring water,
Looking into the purity of the silver bottom.
I will collect the scents of flowers in a bouquet,
I'll get lost among the bounty of mature summer,
And I won’t look for answers to questions,
Only I will fill my soul to the brim with light... Lina Kuznetsova
This is interesting:
In some religions, flowers act as a conductor between this world and the other world.
In Holland, tulips symbolize immortality, life and love. In the 17th century, their bulbs were valued more expensive than gold. In 1630, this led to a craze called “Tulipomania” in Western Europe. Flowers became so expensive that they were considered a form of currency.
Yasenets is mentioned in Holy Scripture like a magical and mysterious plant. The flowers, leaves and pods of this plant emit strong vapors essential oil, which can be set on fire with a match on a windless summer night.
The graceful Calochortus is the state symbol of Utah, USA. The flower's bulbs and roots saved Mormon pioneers and indigenous peoples from starvation in the past.
In ancient times, people burned aster petals to ward off evil spirits.
The legend about yarrow says that Achilles' mother bathed her son in it, knowing about protective properties unpretentious flower.
Delicate and beautiful lily of the valley, crocus, oleander and azalea are among the ten most dangerous flowers on the planet. They contain toxic substances.
The funniest and most positive plants are considered to be psychotria (popular name - “hot lips”, “whore lips”) and Orchis italica (orchid, popular name – “naked man”).

*Flowers are the best of all that God created, but forgot to give a soul. Henry Ward Beecher
*The earth laughs with flowers. Ralph Waldo Emerson
*Art is a constant attempt to compete with the beauty of flowers - and always unsuccessfully. Marc Chagall
*The orchid is as beautiful as the seven deadly sins. Oscar Wilde
*Daisies can tell her you love her, but it takes orchids to prove it.
*Inhabitants of a planet where there are no flowers would think that on Earth, where there are flowers at every turn, we are probably going crazy with joy. Iris Murdoch
*Flowers have no everyday life; they are always dressed festively. Malcolm de Chazal
*Flowers in the city are like a woman’s lipstick: with a little color you look more interesting. Lady Bird Johnson
*A flower turning towards the sun also sees it behind the clouds. Robert Leighton
* Fragrances are the feelings of flowers. Heinrich Heine
*The corollas of flowers are their pants. Tear off the petals - there will be public obscenity. Malcolm de Chazal
*All flowers are coquettes, especially those whose names are written with a dash. The more dashes in the name, the more flirtatious the flower. Flowers with one line - black-eyed Susan; put on a robe; musky mallow - they will throw one at you glance and their eyes will be downcast; with two hyphens - century-don't-forget, fleur-de-lis - they will glance again and again. Flowers with three or more hyphens flirt with you throughout the garden and even after they are cut and placed in vases. It's time-to-bed-it's noon, and it's clearly not for sleep. Willard R. Espy
Black-eyed Susan is the popular name for hairy rudbeckia, put on a robe - meadow core, musk mallow should be written without a hyphen, century-don't-forget is, of course, forget-me-not, fleur-de-lis is one of the names of the Florentine iris, French in origin , it's time-to-bed-it's noon - meadow salsify (Tragopogon pratensis).
Our national flower is the concrete leaf clover.
*Something about dandelions: if you can't beat them, eat them. James Duke
*If dandelions were difficult to grow, anyone would be happy to have them in their garden. Andrew Mason
*Scientists, or pseudo-scientists, claim that geraniums bloom better if you talk to them. In fact, a rare friendly word is enough for her. Excessive attention, such as excessive fertilization, weeding and loosening, confuses and restrains it. Victoria Glendinning
*The almighty Lord created the lily on the third day, early in the morning, when He was filled with the most beautiful plans. Michael Jefferson-Brown
*The bindweed outside my window makes me happier than the metaphysics of books. Walt Whitman
*Some people grumble that roses have thorns. And I'm glad that the thorns have roses. Alphonse Carr
*Violets in the mountains sprouted through the stone. Tennessee Williams

Watercolor flowers by German artist Elke Memmler.





Flowers on a bare mountain slope,
Where there is no place for flowers,
As if thrown from a balcony,
And a scattered bouquet.
They lie in the dust of the road,
Barely alive miracles
I collect them carefully
And I lift it into the heavens. Shalamov Varlam

They come to us in the morning with the rays of dawn,
They sit on asters, tulips, peonies,
Opening the buds with your love.
Dew crystals are scattered on them,
They sparkle in the petals of delicate roses,
And rainbows are sprinkled on flower beds, paths,
And the rays of the sun are like crumbs of gold.
From small bright glass bottles,
Light odors pour into the depths of the buds,
And hiding in the bushes of open roses,
They are from dragonfly brocade bags,
And butterflies are released into the garden and meadow,
And they flutter and fly with delight,
Pollen is transferred from flower to flower,
And they drink angelic miracle juice from flowers.
Flower angels - angels of light,
I want the sun so bad, I want summer so bad! Larisa Kuzminskaya

I love June when peonies bloom
When at dawn in the morning,
Pleasant warm breeze enchanted
It carries a wonderful aroma in the garden.
Peonies bloom quickly, fleetingly,
As soon as the bud opens, it’s time
Send your petals forever,
Go with the wind - on flights for centuries.
Peonies will delight you for just a week,
Illuminating the garden with luxurious colors,
And we wait a year to be spellbound,
Feel that same aroma again. Victor Gold

The cool tenderness of peonies,
The light of the sun on the petals...
Perhaps we have known each other before
In spring and fairy dreams...
My gaze - fragrant, boundless -
Flows through the bright distance...
And the evening is exquisitely tender
He threw a veil over his shoulders... Svetlana Magnitskaya

There are many bright and beautiful flowers in the world,
But there is no alternative to flowers like roses.
She has so many shades that, without torturing herself,
It is not difficult to choose a bouquet for any occasion.
When a gentleman asks a lady for her hand in marriage,
He always gives her roses as a sign of recognition.
There is a king of beasts in nature - the lion - a formidable master,
All flowers have a queen, the queen's name is rose.

Rose is a symbol of perfection,
Wisdom and purity.
Her supremacy is recognized
Among the colorful flowers.
The queen keeps in the petals,
The secret of tenderness, love,
Everyone can enjoy
The standard of beauty.
A bouquet of roses is charming,
Gives a symbol for each color:
Red is the path to love, recognition,
White is a covenant of purity. WeightAn

Yellow rose, tea rose,
Extraordinary aroma.
Sweet rose, tender rose,
As a sign of the inevitable.
Her beauty is a complicated thing,
Reckless, impossible,
Subtle and vicious
Sizzlingly foggy.
Although she is not a lily of the valley and not a lily,
Only there is nothing more beautiful in the world.
There is nothing cleaner, more beautiful and joyful,
No more alive than a flower and sweeter.
And let people say that I’m separated,
And that a deal has been made with the demon,
But they talk, because people are different,
For me it is a wonderful song.
For me she is happiness without sorrow,
The climax of a light story.
Hymn to loved ones, and to those who love too,
Without whom our world is so insignificant. Romashka-N

If you want to know what date Flower Day is and everything about this holiday, read this article.

It always pleases the gas and the soul when you see the variety of inflorescences. You feel especially joyful during the blooming of spring flowers. At this time, nature awakens, and man himself also begins to look at everything around him in a new way.

But the real holiday of flowers is the summer days of June. It is during this period that many flowers shine with all the colors of the rainbow. This period in nature is called day summer solstice. And the date is June 21. And it is on this day that International Flower Day is celebrated. In many countries, various flower festivals are held, where you can see the unprecedented beauty of the creations of nature and human hands.

When is Flower Day and how is it celebrated?

But, oddly enough, in Russia, when Flower Day is celebrated, the date is a little earlier - June 12. On this day, the flower festival in St. Petersburg has already become traditional. Here you can see flowers from many countries of the world, consult with experts on how to properly grow a particular variety of flowers.

The organizers do not forget about various competitions. Florist competition, flower parade. And, what’s most interesting, this festival, although it was held quite recently, has gained great popularity not only among Russians, but also among European countries.

Many florists come to this wonderful city to show off their new varieties. The main symbol of Flower Day in Russia is, of course, the chamomile, the most common flower in this state.

After all, since ancient times the Slavic peoples have assigned each flower its purpose. Divination, medicinal properties, scaring evil spirits“Each flower is necessary for different purposes,” our ancestors believed.

As for chamomile, everyone knows it healing properties. Well, for fortune telling it was an indispensable flower.

What about in Europe?

Europeans also have their own traditions of celebrating Flower Day. On June 21, the most famous masters of your business. They conduct master classes and compete in various competitions. And what’s most gratifying is that even the Queen of Great Britain has been the most active participant in this festival for many years.

The purpose of such festivals is to show each of us how beautiful and fragile the world is. And, if each of us treats this world with care, it means that nature and man will live in harmony for many millennia.

So love beautiful world colors. It is filled with joy and happiness, as well as its magnificent variety of colors and smells.

Quiz "World Flower Day"

Target: Replenishing children's knowledge interesting information about flowers.

Tasks: 1.Create conditions for expanding students’ knowledge about colors. 2.Promote the development of attention, communication skills, thinking. 3.Promote education respectful attitude to nature.

Progress of the event

1. Organizational moment.

Before the game starts, children are divided into two teams. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name related to flowers.

2. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Guys, today we are holding a quiz, during which we will take a trip to the world of flowers. By competing, we will enrich our knowledge with interesting information about them. And I hope you will be even more attentive to the wildlife around us.

Our quiz consists of several tasks:

For each correctly completed task, the team receives 1 point.

1. Main part.

Teacher. First competition: Questions about flowers.

1.What is the name of a flower with girlish eyes?(Pansies)

2.This is the queen of flowers. It blooms in summer and smells wonderful.(Rose)

3. This plant is a bush with fragrant clusters of flowers. It blooms in the spring, and in the summer the flowers come in all shades from white to deep lilac.(Lilac)

4.What is the name of a plant that has a piece of iron in its name?(Carnation)

5.What is the name of a flower with excellent memory?(Forget-me-not)

6.What is the name of the flower that bears the name of the narcissistic prince?(Narcissus)

7.What flower are they trying to find on the night of Ivan Kupala, the seventh of July?(Fern) 8. Which country specializes in growing tulips?(Holland.) 9. Whichflower"decorated" shoulder of the famous heroine of the novel by a famous French writer? (Lily, my lady. A. Dumas"Three Musketeers" .) 10. Which onefloweris it a symbol of narcissism?(Narcissus.) 11. Whatflowers, according to Natalia Koroleva, are messengers of separation?(Yellow tulips.) 12. I call them nerdsthis flower is viola, and how is itcalled by the Russian people? (Pansies ) 13. What is the art of creating bouquets called? (Ikebana ) 14. What flower grows in forest fires? (Blooming Sally ) 15. What flower is said to have grown from the blood of chained Prometheus? (Edelweiss ) 16. Which flower is directly related to the king of beasts? (Snapdragon ) 17. Which famous writer made snowdrops bloom in winter? (S. I . Marshak ) 18. What flower suffers from love? (Chamomile ) 19. What flower is called sleepy? (Poppy ) 20. Which humble wildflower's name means "royal" or "royal" in Greek? (Cornflowers from "basileus" - royal ) 21. What lily blooms before sunset, white as snow, turns pink on the second day, and turns scarlet on the third? (Victoria - water lily in the tropics South America ) 22. What plants give names to the shades of flowers? (Rose - pink, lilac - lilac, cherry - cherry, raspberry - raspberry, pistachio - pistachio, orange (French "orange") - orange, lemon - lemon, peach - peach, olive - olive, mustard - mustard, coffee - coffee , cornflower - cornflower, lettuce - light green, carrot - carrot) 23. What flowers are jam made from? (Rose, dandelion ) 24. In the leaves of which plant have people been trying to find happiness for many centuries?(Clovers - look for flowers with four petals instead of three) 25. Lilac blooms in spring or summer? (In spring: summer is counted from the time the lilacs fade) 26. Why is hyacinth called the “flower of rain”?(In its homeland, in Southern Europe, it blooms after the spring rains) 27. What garden flowers, called “the last smile of autumn,” bloom until the first snow? (Asters ) 28. What flowers were first sung by Persian poets three thousand years ago and were then called turbans, after the shape of the Muslim headdress? (Tulips ) 29. What “flower” name was given to the internecine war in England of 1455-1485? (War of the Scarlet and White Roses ) 30. What plant was called the mermaid flower because it floated up in the morning and mysteriously disappeared under water in the evening? (White water lily ) 31. What flower is named after ten year anniversary married life? (Roses, "Rose Day" - tenth anniversary family life, on this holiday, spouses are given red roses) 32. Court etiquette in feudal China required anyone speaking with the emperor to hold this flower in their mouth.. (Cloves, already known in those days as a deodorizer) 33. What did Carl Linnaeus, the author of the classification of flora and fauna, create in Uppsala?(Famous flower clock: different flowers open at a certain time) 34. Which flower has only one petal? (Calla ) 35.What is the name of the miniature bouquet attached to the dress?(Boutonniere ) 36.Thisthe flower is called"green acrobat" . At first, like all plants, it grows upward. Then its top begins to rotate counterclockwise, describing a full circle in just two hours in sunny weather. When it encounters any support while rotating, it clings to it and grows upward.(Boundweed.) 37. For the grain grower thisfloweris worst enemy, it grows in the rye and clogs the crops.(Cornflower.) 38. As legend has it, thisflowerappeared on earth in an unusual way. When Aphrodite was swimming in the sea, some brave souls decided to spy on her. Angry Zeus turned them into thisflower. (Pansies.) 39. This oneflowerV different corners Russia wears different name: bowler hat, bell, dove, eagle, sandpiper, bootie.(Bell.) 40. Elegantflower red, white, yellowcolors, one bulb of which cost a fortune in the 17th century.(Tulip.) 41. This oneflowergrows in damp places, has very smallinflorescences. According to legend, blacksmiths hardened blades in the juice of this plant, which then easily chopped iron and stone. At the same time they were light and flexible.(Forget-me-nots.) 42. This onethe flower is an excellent honey. 1 hectare of land dotted with theseflowers, can produce up to 50 kg of honey. People use it for food: coffee is made from the roots, salad is made from the leaves,flowers - jam. This is a real storehouse of vitamins.(Dandelion.) 43. Flower yellow or white , the real name of a young man from Greek mythology who died of love for himself.(Narcissus.) 44. According to ancient legend,flowersthese appeared on the site of the last extinct fire during the onset of the Ice Age as a sign that glaciation was not eternal, that life and joy on earth would be resurrected. Predictionscolors were justified. But to this day they are under joyfulcolorshide the sadness of parting with people. What are theseflowers? (Dahlias) 45. TheseflowersThey are similar in shape to umbrellas, and, according to legend, in ancient times they were the umbrellas of small steppe gnomes. It will start to rain in the steppe, the gnome will take coverflower, or picks it and walks across the steppe, picking upflower above your head. The rain knocks on the umbrella, flows off it in streams, and the gnome remains completely dry. About whatfloweris this legend talking about?(Chamomile) 46. ​​In China thisflower- a symbol of longevity and love, and in Japan - the personification of shyness. In Pakistan, Iran, India it is a symbol of clumsiness and stupid pride. Say a nameflower. (Peony) 47. Once upon a time a goddesscolorsFlora descended to the ground and began to give giftsflowers names. Everyonegave the flowers a name, did not offend anyone, and only onethe flower remained without a name. However, Flora gave him miraculous power- return memory to people. What's the name of this oneflower? (Forget-me-not) 48. Ancient legend tells: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily, and Eve was very cold. Then, wanting to warm her with his attention, several snowflakes turned intoflowers. Seeing them, Eva became cheerful and had hope, so thisflowerbecame a symbol of hope. What is thisflower? (Snowdrop) 49. Ancient people endowed it with supernatural properties, suggesting that inflowerthe soul of a person migrates to communicate with surviving relatives and friends in order to convey to them the last bow - greetings from the deceased. Name this oneflower. (Immortelle) 50. FlowersWhich giant African tree is pollinated not by insects, but by bats?(Baobab) 51. Whichcolors of flowers in plants, which are pollinated by nocturnal insects?(White colors - so they can be seen better in the dark) 52. How many kilograms of rose petals are required to prepare one kilogram of rose oil?(Three thousand kilograms, that is, three tons of petals) 53. What is it called japanese art making bouquets?(Ikebana) 54. From whichthe flower was poisoned, which Juliet asked Father Lorenzo?(From buttercup) 55. What do the Russian people callranunculus flowers? (Night blindness) 56. In the coat of arms of which state is therechrysanthemum flower? (Japan) 57. Whichflowerin the old days in Rus' they called"overcome-grass" ? (Water lily) 58. What holidayflowerCelebrated every year in February in the French city of Cannes?(Mimosa) 59. Which writer made snowdrops bloom in February in his fairy tale? (Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak, fairy tale"Twelve months" ) 60. In which ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovskyflowers dance waltz? ( "Nutcracker" ) 61. What nameflowertranslated from Greek"star" ? (Aster) 62. What nameflowercomes from the Latin word"sword" ? (Gladiolus) 63. This common name has its nameflowerreceived in the eighteenth century from the Latin word"crane" . What is thisflower? (Geranium) 64. What nameflowertranslated from Greek as"gold flower » ? (Chrysanthemum) 65. What nameflowertranslated from Greek as"pearl" or"nacre" ? (Daisy) 66. Whichflowerconsidered a symbol of inaccessibility?(Edelweiss) 67. Whichflowergot its name from a headdress very common in the Middle East?(Tulip from turban) 68. Whichflowersymbolizes England?(Rose) 69. What is another name for alpine violet?(Dryakva, cyclamen) 70. What is popularly calledflower"calendula" ? (Marigold) 71. Whichflowerhas the second name Kasatik?(Iris) 72. Whichfloweris a symbol of Ireland? (Clover ) 73. What aquaticflowerAlmost everyone is incorrectly called a lily?(Water lily) 74. Name at leastflower, which has only one petal.(Calla, Anthurium) 75. What profession do people have two crossed poppies as their emblem?(Anesthesiologists) 76. With whatflowersMongolian boys are walking around the neighboring houses andsing : “They came to visit youflowers! Congratulations on the New Spring!(With snowdrops. The owners give the children gifts and sweets) 77. Japan has a Boys' Day. What's the second one?« floral » , what is the name of it?(Iris Festival) 78. Japan also has a Girls' Day. Which« floral » does it have a name?(Holiday peach blossoms ) 79. Whichflowerin China it is considered a symbol of wealth andnobility? (Peony) 80. Why yellow roses are they called tea houses? (Tea shops means"Chinese" , from English"Chinese" - China. Theseflowersthere are symbols of Beijing.

Teacher. The next competition is “Riddles about flowers.”

1.White peas on a green stem.(Lily of the valley) 2. Rye is earing in the field. There, in the rye, you will find a flower. Bright blue and fluffy, It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant.(Cornflower)

3. Sisters stand in the meadows - Golden eye, white eyelashes.(Chamomile)

4.Oh, the bells are ringing, Blue colour, With a tongue, but no ringing.(Bells)

5. I turn white like a fluffy ball in a clean field,

And the breeze blew - A stalk remained.(Dandelion)

6. He was the first to crawl out of the earth on a thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small.(Snowdrop)

7. Head on a leg, peas in the head. The sun is burning the top of my head, I want to make a rattle.(Poppy)

8. Golden mean and rays all around, Could this be a picture, the sun in the blue sky? No, not the sun on a piece of paper In the meadowflower. (chamomile) .

9. They are visible and invisible, you can’t count them! And who just invented them - Cheerful, blue ones? They must have torn a piece of the sky, cast a little magic and made itflower! (forget-me-not)

10. Early in the morning it opens its Petalsflower, And as evening comes, the red light goes out. Look, look, what's that red fan? It's bright.(carnation) The new one celebrates the day.

11.Looked outflower in the twilight of the forest -A little scout sent in the spring; Let the snow still rule over the forest,

Once the scout came, then spring came!(snowdrop)

12. When he grows up, he dresses up little white dress. Light, airy, obedient to the breeze. In the meantime, he stands dressed in a yellow sundress, and the guys call him Simple.(dandelion) .

13. Everyone would like you,flower, good, why are you spoiling rye! Better come to the garden,

You'll make the guys happy!(cornflower)

14. She stands in the grass at the sunny edge, quietly raising her purple ears. And here your ingenuity will help you, Everyone is callingflower. (violet)

15. I am a herbaceous plant with a lilac flower. But change the emphasis, and I turn into candy.(iris)

16. The ballerina came out: The skirt is lush. Gatherings and frills, Folds and linings. And the artist’s name is Heavenly Registration. (aster)

17. There are flags on the pole. Under the pole - swords. (gladiolus)

18. « Angel flowers, and the claws are the devil's» . (rosehip, rose)

Teacher. And now the competition “Flowers from a fairy tale.”

1. In which fairy tale is the girl with blue hair When washing her face in the morning, she powdered her cheeks and nose with flower pollen, and then tried to teach the naughty wooden boy to read and write, forcing him to write a magical dictation: “Did a rose fall on Azor’s paw?”(A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”)

2. In what fairy tale did a little girl save the unlucky gardeners from the wrath of their owner, the very evil Card Queen? This person ordered their heads to be cut off because they planted white roses instead of red ones in the garden, and to correct their mistake, the gardeners decided to paint the flowers with red paint. The queen and her retinue found them doing this.(L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”)

3. In what fairy tale did the petals of an amazing flower help the girl get mountains of toys, lots and lots of sweets, visit the North Pole... and finally understand that happy man Can you become only when you help others, take care of someone?(V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”)

4.Which fairy tale The fairy, for her kindness and friendliness, gave the sweet girl the following gift: “...from now on, every word you utter will fall from your lips either as a flower or as a precious stone?”(Ch. Perrault “Gifts of a Fairy”)

5.What is the name of the fairy tale in which a very self-confident queen in winter, under New Year came up with - new law nature‖?(S. Marshak “Twelve Months”)

6. In what fairy tale did the youngest daughter bow at her father’s feet and ask him to bring “a flower that would not be more beautiful in this world?”(S. Aksakov " The Scarlet Flower»)

7.What flower did the frog princess choose?(Water lily)

8. For which heroine of H.H. Andersenflowerwas your place of permanent residence?(Thumbelina.)

9. What was the name of the man who really wanted to create a stoneflower? (Danila the master, a character from P. Bazhov’s fairy tale.)

10. In which work did the heroes fly on hot-air balloon VFlower City? (N. Nosov."Dunno and His Friends" .)

11. The hero of which book he liked to repeatwords : “Fly, fly, petal, through west to east, through north, through south, come back after making a circle.”? ("Seven-flowered flower, V. Kataev)

12. From whichflowerWas the tiger Sherkhan terrified? (Fieryflower, R. Kipling"Mowgli" .)

Teacher. The last competition of our quiz is Flower Puzzles.


Bird cherry

2. ka




4. whoa


5. p = m




The results of the quiz are summed up. The winners and participants of the quiz are awarded.
