When does Kurban Bayram come in a year. Beautiful congratulations in verses with Eid al-Adha in Russian

The Muslim faith is one of the most widespread on the planet. Eid al-Adha is known even to non-Muslims. Moreover, its plot and history are very similar to the Bible.

The Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha is celebrated on September 13th. This holiday is one of the most important and significant for those who preach Islam, since it also correlates with the culmination of the pilgrimage to Mecca. Since not all believing Muslims can make such a pilgrimage, being in different remote parts of the world, the holiday is celebrated everywhere. It usually lasts about three days. Muslims read prayers on this day, which are no less powerful for them than traditional akathists and canons for Christians. There are also Muslim prayers from the evil eye and corruption, which can help even non-Muslims.

What is Eid al-Adha

Translated from Arabic word"Kurban" literally means "sacrifice". This word is traditionally also called everything that brings a person closer to the Almighty. The second word "bairam" means holiday. In fact, this day is called the Feast of Sacrifice, and the main event of this day is the sacrifice to God. Usually a ram is selected and fattened for this purpose.

How Eid al-Adha is celebrated

Before Eid al-Adha, they always fast for 10 days. The celebration starts in the morning. They get up early in order to have time to perform a full bath and, if possible, rub themselves with oils. Be sure to dress in clean and fresh clothes. Then they rush to the morning prayer, before which, according to tradition, they usually do not eat. The prayer is followed by a sermon and a visit to the cemetery. After offering praises to Allah and honoring the memory of the dead, a sacrifice is made. Most often, a one-year-old lamb, always healthy, is chosen for this.

The meat that remains after the sacrifice is most often divided into three parts. One of them is given to those in need. The second becomes the basis for festive dishes, which are treated to guests, they give it away. The third part becomes a tasty morsel for the owner of the house and his family. Traditionally, this meat should be eaten during the holiday and not left for later. On this day, they go to visit relatives and invite them to their home. They try to give gifts to the dearest and closest people. Superstitions are everywhere, so there are gifts that cannot be given. But it all depends on what the person to whom they are given believes.

The origins of the holiday in the Quran

In the Koran holy book Muslims, there is the following plot, with which the Eid al-Adha holiday is connected. An angel appeared to the Prophet Ibrahim, who conveyed to him the will of Allah: Ibrahim had to offer a sacrifice to God, and not some kind, but a human one. Namely, his son. Ibrahim had two of them: Ismail and Ishak, but the name is not indicated in the Koran. According to tradition, it is considered that the choice fell on Ismail. Then Ibrahim, as an obedient believing prophet, was able to overcome his paternal and human feelings and went to the valley of Mina.

During the preparations, his son did not resist and showed amazing humility. He was obedient to his father and Allah and perfectly understood that his father was fulfilling the will of God, which the angel had conveyed to him. At the very last moment When Ibrahim had almost completed the sacrifice, the knife, perfectly sharpened, did not cut Ismail's throat. As a sacrifice, Allah sent a ram to Ibrahim, and thus the son remained alive.

In fact, it was a test of obedience and humility before the Almighty. Allah tested the firmness and strength of Ibrahim's faith. When the prophet thus proved and showed his devotion, he received not only the favor of God, but also a second son. In the Bible there is an identical plot of Abraham offering his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to God.

Muslim culture is quite ancient, and of course it has its own secrets. For example, strong Muslim damage. But any faith forbids sending something bad to a person. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.07.2016 01:02

Perfume day - one of the most important Orthodox holidays. This date has been celebrated for many centuries and contains...

People professing the Muslim faith meet and see off the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram (its other name is Eid al-Adha) with great joy and reverence. Verbatim from Arabic name translated as "the feast of the sacrifice", according to http://pressa.today/. It is on this day that Muslims sacrifice a ram, bull or camel to Allah, and then noisily and cheerfully celebrate the holiday, arranging a huge feast.

Kurban Bayram always falls on the 10th day of the 12th month of Zul-Hijjah according to lunar calendar, and the duration of the holiday is 4 days. It is also worth knowing that this event is celebrated exactly 70 days after another important event in the life of Muslims - Uraza-Bayram. This 2016 Eid al-Adha begins on September 12 (according to other sources: September 13) immediately after sunrise and, accordingly, ends on September 15-16.

What date is Eid al-Adha-2016 celebrated in Moscow

In the capital of Russia, Moscow, the celebrations of Kurban Bayram in 2016 will also be held on September 12. On this day, in specially designated places, followers of Islam will be able to perform ancient rite- sacrifice. In this regard, the movement of vehicles will be closed on a number of streets of the capital. In total, 38 sites have been allocated in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region for morning prayer and slaughter of sacrificial animals. Also during the days of Eid al-Adha-2016, Muslim pensioners will have the opportunity to order the meat of a slaughtered ram or bull by a special phone.

The Cathedral Mosque of Moscow will gather these days great amount celebrating Muslims.

It comes from the Arabic root KRB, which carries the meaning of everything related to "approach". Proceeding from this, it is believed that the essence of the holiday is not so much sacrifice as "approaching Allah" through this rite.

The history of the appearance of kurban goes back to ancient times and is associated with the prophet Ibrahim, who had a dream where he was ordered to sacrifice his eldest son Ismail. Thinking that this was an obsession, he decided to wait, but the dream repeated itself for the second and third time. Then Ibrahim decided to carry out the order. At the very moment when he raised the knife over his son, he heard a voice: "O Ibrahim, you have already fulfilled your dream ...". After that, he saw a lamb, which was ordered to perform a kurban (sacrifice). According to the Muslim interpretation, Allah did not need any sacrifices, he only tested the strength of the faith of his prophet.

Celebrating the day of sacrifice, even if it does not happen in Mecca, starts early in the morning. On this day, before the holiday prayer, Muslims are advised to wake up early, cut their hair and nails, take a bath, anoint themselves with incense if possible, put on best clothes. Can't have breakfast until holiday prayer. A little light Muslims go to the mosque for morning prayers. After its completion, believers return home, and then, if desired, gather in groups on the street or in the yards, where they sing praises to Allah (takbir) in chorus.

Then they again go to the mosque or to a specially designated area (namazgah), where the mullah or imam-khatib delivers a sermon (khutba), which usually begins with the glorification of Allah and his prophet, then the origin of the hajj and the meaning of the rite of sacrifice are explained. During the holiday of Eid al-Adha, it is desirable to exalt and praise Allah (takbir) for all three holidays after each obligatory prayer.

The time for the sacrifice comes immediately after the end of the holiday prayer, and ends shortly before sunset on the third day. Some argue that the performance of this rite is mandatory for every adult Muslim who permanently resides in the area at the time of the holiday and is wealthy on the day of sacrifice (having the means to buy an animal).

Others state that sacrifice is not prescribed, as there are Muslims who different reasons unable to perform this ritual.

According to Muslim ideas, sacrificed for Allah and for the sake of caring for the poor, animals on the Day of Judgment will help people cross the hellish abyss to paradise along a thin bridge - Sirat. The believer will be able to cross the Sirat Bridge, thrown over hell, only on the back of a sacrificed animal. Therefore, before the sacrifice, each owner marks his own animal (decorations, special signs) in order to quickly find it on the day of the arrival of the Mahdi, i.e. Messiah, and the resurrection of the dead, when herds of sacrificial animals will crowd at the entrance to Sirat.

Of all animal species, only camels, cows (oxen), buffaloes, sheep or goats are allowed to be sacrificed. A camel and a cow can be sacrificed from one to seven people, and a sheep or a goat is allowed to be slaughtered for only one Muslim. The custom allows for sacrifice not only for the living, but also for the dead.

The sacrificial animal must meet the following age requirements: sheep and goat - at least a year old; buffalo and cow (ox) - two years; camel - at least five years. The animal must be healthy, without significant defects. A few teeth or a small part (less than one-third) of the ear may be missing. The tail, eyes and other organs of the animal's body must also be intact. The animal must be well fed.

It is desirable that the animal be slaughtered by the one who sacrifices it. If, for some reason, a person is not able to do this, then he entrusts the slaughtering of the animal to another.

Above the sacred sacrifice prepared for slaughter, the clergyman of the mosque - mullah or muezzin - reads special prayer, which recalls the sacrifice of Ibrahim. Over the victim, any ordinary Muslim can pronounce a short formula: "Bismillah, Allah Akbar", that is, "In the name of Allah, Allah is great!"

The sacrificial animal is laid on its left side, with its head towards Mecca. The meat of the sacrificed animal, according to the Shariah, is divided into three parts: one is distributed to the poor, a treat is prepared from the second part for relatives, neighbors, friends, and a Muslim can keep the third.

It is allowed to treat non-Muslims with the meat of a sacrificial animal. But it is impossible to pay with the meat and skin of a sacrificial animal to anyone, and also sell them.

After the slaughter of the animal, a ritual meal is arranged, to which you need to invite as many people as possible, especially the poor and hungry. From the meat of a sacrificed animal various countries prepare traditional dishes, in accordance with local tastes, using various spices and flavors. great attention given festive decoration table, as well as the preparation of numerous sweets.

The use of alcohol (categorically forbidden to Muslims in general) on this day is blasphemy, a mockery of the principles of Islam.

On the days of this holiday, the graves of ancestors, as well as relatives and friends, receive guests. They try to give gifts to close friends and relatives.

In 2010, the Moscow authorities supported the appeal of public figures who considered it unacceptable to slaughter animals on the streets of the capital on Eid al-Adha. Therefore, in last years on specially designated farms and slaughterhouses in different districts of the Moscow region.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

There is another name for this great Muslim holiday - Kurban-Ait. The rite of sacrifice is done for the sake of praising the Almighty. According to the Muslim calendar, the celebration begins on the 10th of the month of Zul-Hijjah and ends on the 13th. This holiday ends with the rite of Hajj - the annual wandering of the admirers of Islam to Mecca.

Turning to the Koran, you can find out the origins of the origin of Kurban Bayram. In a dream, an angel appeared to the prophet Ibrahim and told him the will of Allah: the prophet had to sacrifice his son. Ibrahim did not dare to disobey the Lord, so he followed to the valley of Mina and stopped at the place where Mecca is now located. By his command, Allah decided to test how devoted the prophet was to him and what he was capable of injuring him. At the last moment, the son of Ibrahim was replaced by a lamb. In gratitude for his faith, the Almighty gave the follower a second son, who was named Ishak (Isaac).

How to celebrate and prepare for the holiday

Before the start of the three-day holy celebration, Muslims must endure 10 days of fasting. Celebration, as always before, will begin at sunrise. Believers wash, put on clean clothes and go to the mosque to attend morning prayers. Then the local mullah, or, in our opinion, a clergyman, reads a sermon, after which Muslims go to the cemetery in order to honor the memory of deceased relatives.

The final stage of the holiday is the sacrifice of some animal. It can be a ram, camel, bull or other hoofed creature. The custom allows sacrificing not only for the health of the living, but also for the repose of deceased relatives or friends. As a victim, you can not choose any animal that caught your eye.

For example, the age of a ram should not exceed a year, a bull or a cow - no more than two years. As for the camel, it is allowed to choose an individual that has reached the age of five. It is desirable that the chosen victim should be in excellent health, be large in size and not have any physical defects. This means that lame, blind and sick beings cannot be used in the sacred rite of sacrifice. Muslims believe that bad physical state affects the palatability of the animal.

Before slaughtering the victim, the believer can say a prayer in the name of Allah. Then the creature is knocked to the floor, always head towards Mecca. It is recommended that after the sacrifice, the meat of the slaughtered animal be divided into three parts: give one to the needy and poor people, use the second part as the basis for festive dishes, which will then be distributed to neighbors, friends and relatives, and the third part can stay at the owner's house. The meat of a sacrificial animal is allowed to be sampled by people of other religions, but in no case should it be sold or exchanged for something. It is forbidden to use this meat at the end of Kurban Bayram.

Muslims are of the opinion that a sheep or goat can be slaughtered from one person, and a camel, cow or bull from seven people.

Traditional dishes for Eid al-Adha

Muslims are hospitable people, they love to treat and delight other people, so it is not surprising that with the onset of Eid al-Adha, any true believer tries to invite them to their home as much as possible. more people. Special attention they give to the poor and needy people.

It is customary to cook dishes traditional for this holiday from the meat of the sacrificial lamb. The more food prepared, the better. On the first day, dishes from the liver and heart are prepared, the second day must be started from soups cooked on lamb heads and legs. Roast or stew meat is also cooked, and beans, vegetables or rice are used as a side dish. On the third and fourth days, Muslims have lamb bone soups, fried lamb ribs and, of course, traditional manti, lagman, shish kebab, pilaf, beshbarmak, chuchvara on the tables.

Not a single festive table is complete without the usual sweets, homemade bread, pies, cakes and biscuits. As a favorite dessert, Muslims prefer dishes of their almonds and raisins.

Kurban Bayram - the Feast of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha), one of the main Muslim holidays. The day when this most important event in the life of the followers of Islam will be celebrated falls on the 70th day after the celebration of Eid al-Fitr (Feast of Conversation). Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha are the main holidays of Islam, days that fill the hearts of Muslims with piety and joy. This is the time of prayers, good deeds, universal mercy and love. This year Eid al-Adha in Russia is celebrated on September 13th.

The history of the celebration of Eid al-Adha

The prototype of the holiday of Eid al-Adha, as well as many other traditions and religious practices of Islam, are the acts of the Prophet Muhammad. For a faithful Muslim, imitation of Muhammad is The best way please Allah. The Prophet established the main holidays of Islam and the lunar calendar according to which they are celebrated. If it correlates with the time of the end of Lent (the month of Ramadan), then the Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Zul Hijjah and is the culmination of the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. Both fasting and hajj are among the five pillars of Islam, the foundations of the creed.

A visit to the sacred Mount Arafat, a ritual sacrifice is a tradition that goes back centuries and is associated with the legend of the mercy of Allah, who replaced the son of the Prophet Ibrahim with a ram at the last minute on the sacrificial altar. Over time, this custom was forgotten, but the prophet Muhammad revived it, ordering the faithful to make a hajj to sacred places and sacrifice animals in the name of Allah.

“The Prophet Mohammed was asked: “What is the best business?” He replied: "Faith in Allah and His Messenger." He was asked: "And after that?" He replied: "Fight in the way of Allah." He was again asked: “And after that?”. He replied: "Flawless Hajj" (Al-Bukhari; Muslim).

The cult practice of the hajj was established by the prophet in 632 during the "farewell pilgrimage", Muhammad's last visit to Mecca.


- an obligatory act for a Muslim, performed at least once in a lifetime under certain conditions:

  • the pilgrim must be of legal age and of sound mind;
  • Hajj is forbidden to infidels and apostates;
  • the pilgrim must be able to perform all the rites of the Hajj: be physically healthy and financially secure;
  • slaves or prisoners are not required to perform the Hajj.

Women can perform Hajj accompanied by a husband or relative.

Rites of the Hajj:

  • Hajj begins with a full ablution, dressing in snow-white clothes in a special place (miqat), and prayers. This achieves a special state - ihram. It must not be defiled by shaving, cutting, harming animals and plants, smoking, sexual relations. You can not trade, wear jewelry, use incense;
  • visiting the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca and worshiping the black stone, circumambulating the Kaaba seven times;
  • seven times running between the hills of Safa and Marwa;
  • visiting the sacred well Zamzam;
  • standing at Mount Arafat, repeated prayer;
  • the next day, the pilgrims go to the valley of Mina, where they throw seven pebbles at a pillar symbolizing Satan;
  • Kurbam-bairam begins on the same day. Pilgrims make a sacrifice, cut their hair or shave their heads, shorten their beards;
  • for the next three days, pilgrims continue to make sacrifices and visit the Mina valley.

On the fourteenth day of the month of Zul-Hijjah, the Hajj completely ends, but pilgrims continue to visit the sacred places of Mecca and Medina.

Eid al-Adha Celebration

In fact, the ritual slaughter of animals on this day is a spiritual appeal to God. Animal sacrifice is performed not only in the Mina Valley, but in all the cities of the world where there are Muslim communities. As already noted, what date the celebration of Eid al-Adha begins is determined by the Muslim lunar calendar, created by Muhammad himself.

Even before the start of the holiday, believers must endure a ten-day fast. The holiday begins with ablution and morning prayer in the mosque. After that, it is customary to visit the graves of deceased relatives. Then comes the main event of the holiday - the sacrifice. The sacrificial animal may be a camel, a cow, a ram or some other hoofed animal.

sacrificial animal:

  • should not be sick;
  • is at least six months old;
  • should not have flaws, be beautiful and fat.

After the sacrifice, the skin of the animal is taken to the mosque, and a festive treat is made from the meat, distributed to relatives and those in need.

Traditional Eid al-Adha food

The meat of the sacrificial animal serves as the basis for holiday table, but it is distributed over three or four days. On the first day, dishes from the liver and heart are prepared, on the second - the heads and legs will go in, from which soups are cooked, as well as fried and stewed meat. In the next two days, soups from animal bones are cooked, traditional meat dishes: pilaf, stewed ribs, manti, barbecue and other goodies.

These days, Muslims are especially hospitable than more guests at home, so much the better.

Mass sacrifices on the streets of Russian cities in holidays provoked outrage from animal advocates and other opponents of the public killing of animals. Muhammad's words Indeed, Allah has ordained to do everything well, and if you have to kill, then kill in a good way, and when you cut the animal, then do it the best way. And let each of you sharpen his knife properly, and let the animal be freed from torment.(Muslim, "Sahih" 3/1955) are not always performed properly and the desire of representatives of other religions not to see the bloody details of this ritual is understandable. Now in Moscow and many other cities of Russia, the ceremony is performed in specially designated places.

Eid al-Adha is an official holiday in many republics Russian Federation: in the Crimea, Adygea, Tatarstan, Chechnya, Dagestan and a number of others.
