Competitions for the New Year of the Rooster. Lady from the snow

What distinguishes the New Year holiday from other days? A special mood. But it is unlikely that it can be created only with the help of delicious treats and a house decorated in a certain way. It is necessary to come up with games, competitions and other entertainment for the New Year 2017. What could they be?


Eastern horoscope says 2017 a year will pass under the sign This bird loves a non-standard approach to everything, so a great option There will be table games where you need to show your creative abilities:

  1. Participants are divided into pairs, and this pair does not have to sit next to each other.
  2. One person from the pair writes 7 nouns that are associated with the symbol of the coming year or with the holiday itself, and the second person writes the same adjectives.
  3. Everyone hands over their sheets to the presenter, and he reads the resulting phrases. The funniest or most original wins, for example, “crowding fireworks”, “snow tail”, “multi-colored champagne”, etc.

You can make the task more difficult by asking participants to write words only starting with a specific letter. The time allocated for this game is limited, for example, 2 or 3 minutes.

Another table game suitable for celebrating the Year of the Rooster could be “By the Grain.” In it, participants are invited to be like poultry and eat a plate of green peas or corn, one grain at a time, picking them up Chinese chopsticks for food.

They play at the table and Mind games. It is worth offering guests a quiz for the New Year 2017. You need to prepare for it in advance, come up with appropriate questions on the topic, for example, “ Famous people born in the year of the Rooster."

  1. First, you need to select a list of those born in the year of the Rooster; for this, 12 years are subtracted from 2017, i.e. 2005, 1993, 1981, etc. This will include Catherine the Great, Giuseppe Verdi, Vasily Kolchak, Valentin Kataev, Yves Montand, Yuri Nikulin and others.
  2. Now it is necessary to make some statement about each. For example, this: “The most famous work of this writer shows the war through the eyes of little boy, who lost his entire family and was raised by soldiers." The answer is Valentin Kataev (“Son of the Regiment”).

Of course, putting together such a quiz is a very painstaking task, but it can truly captivate everyone gathered at the table. In addition, the quiz will allow you to learn a lot of new things.


Spend all New Year's Eve impossible at the table. You will definitely have to get up to stretch, dance, play outdoor games. Here is one of them:

  1. When all the guests got up from the table and began to dance, communicate, clear the dishes, etc., the host says loudly “Stop” and everyone freezes in the positions they were in.
  2. The presenter approaches one person, says “Otomri” and asks to explain the poses of those present as if they were all animals in a village yard. For example, a woman who has gathered children around her is a hen with chicks, and two men looking at a picture on the wall are lambs looking at a new gate.
  3. It is very important that the explainer is polite and tactful in his comparisons, and that the guests have good feeling humor.

For the New Year 2017, in the company of friends, a competition for best suit cockerel For this purpose, participants are offered big box with the most different things: scarves, bags, gloves, baby bibs, beads, corrugated paper and so on. During the allotted time, accompanied by fiery music, the competitors must make themselves a costume from these things. The competition has options: you can blindfold the participants so that they do not see what they are taking out of the box, or work in pairs, where one dresses the other.

On the street

If the weather allows you to go outside, then the New Year celebrations can continue there. Not only children like to have fun in the snow; many adults don’t mind remembering their youth in such fabulous holiday. For the first game you will need sleds, at least 2, but preferably 3-4:

  1. You need to choose an open area where there is a flat, wide path and a hill. If there is no slide, you can build one out of snow.
  2. At the start, participants sit on the sled backwards.
  3. At the command of the leader, they, pushing off with their feet, must begin to move along the distance, overcoming obstacles (slide). The one who gets to the finish line first will win.
The path of the “sleigh runners” can be complicated: build a snowman or just a small hummock that needs to go around, or hang flags on the nearest bushes that need to be collected along the way. This competition is tough physical work, and the Rooster - the symbol of 2017 - will definitely “appreciate” this.

Games and entertainment for the New Year 2017 include the popular winter fun called "Making a Snowman". Only the task should be modified:

  1. Participants are divided into 2 teams. On the count of three they start throwing snowballs at each other.
  2. In each team, half of the participants throw snowballs, and the other half catches them.
  3. Those who catch must sculpt them not a simple snowman, and such that it looks like a cockerel.

Those who are the first to create a snow figure win. Perhaps everyone wants to make their own cockerel. Then everyone just starts doing it at the command of the leader in the allotted time, and then the best figure is chosen.

With kids

It often happens that children celebrate the New Year together with adults. They definitely need to be occupied with something, otherwise they won’t have fun themselves, and they won’t let their parents do it. What to offer the kids?

If a large company gathers, fun competitions It’s not difficult to come up with ideas for New Year 2017, because everyone probably has some ideas on how to have fun during the holiday. Some people, when inviting guests to their home, immediately warn them so that everyone prepares some kind of competition or game.

On New Year's Eve, many expect miracles and magic. In order for a holiday to be remembered for a long time, you need to have fun; there are many competitions that can be held among relatives and friends. Competitions for the New Year 2017 will delight you in great company and diversify the holiday in fabulous night. At this moment, adults become children and create the atmosphere of a forgotten past.

Alphabet toast, New Year's games and entertainment

To warm up, let everyone present take turns making a toast. A beginner should start with the letter “A”, the next one with “B” and so on. Let's give an example: “Have a fragrant orange New Year in 2017!”, “I’m afraid that you won’t get all the happiness you want this year, but if you try, you’ll manage!”, “Let’s drink to strong friendship, which will only get stronger!” The one who makes the best toast wins.

Company of divers

It's pretty funny competition, which helps develop coordination of movements and teaches you how to navigate in space. We lay out a small path on the floor, and it’s more intricate and winding, the player puts on a swimming mask and go! The point is to get through the entire journey without difficulty, because wearing a mask is not entirely easy. It changes the picture, and if you put on flippers, fun is guaranteed.

Crocodile on New Year

The competition is suitable for of different ages and is completely simple: without resorting to words and sounds, you need to show with your hands some kind of New Year’s accessory or image. You can even pronounce entire proverbs; you need to divide into two teams.
Let's have some tea

Now it's time to take a break and drink tea. Each person present is given three cookies; there is no need to rush and eat. You need to put them all in your mouth and try to whistle. Who managed to whistle perfectly, you can give him another cookie and a large mug of drink!

Romantic tailor

This romantic fun designed for families or couples. The essence of the competition is to find five pins that are pinned in different places on the players' clothes. You will have to do this blindfolded. Since the tailor can be forgetful, there may be not five pins, but four. Someone will spend a very long time looking for a non-existent pin! Whoever guesses first wins!

Competition "Sweetie"

The most delicious competition “Candy” is held for children and adults. You need to take a large bowl of flour and hide the candies there, leaving the tails on top. The problem is to fish out the candy without getting dirty with flour. Do not use your hands in this situation; you can only get the candies with your mouth. The winner will be the one with the most candies. Well, of course, in the end, the winner will share with the candies, of which he has a lot!

Tower clock

This humorous competition needs to start early. When all the guests have gathered, you need to distribute notes to them, where a temporary task will be written that needs to be completed. It will be funny when, at the main peak of fun, guests will perform a task while doing ridiculous things, such as meowing, squeezing the person sitting next to them in their arms, or quoting prose.

Competition "Your name"

On the most fabulous night, all guests will have to forget their real name. Everyone present will receive a new New Year's name. For example: needle, snowman, chimes, cone. The person running the competition asks questions, for example:

Your name?


gift, where did you find it?

In the snowman

Where will you spend your summer vacation?

In the snowman

Anyone who could not restrain himself and laugh loses the forfeit and leaves the game.

Prediction competition

On New Year's Eve, everyone dreams of fulfilling their most secret desires. With the help of this competition, you can open the mysterious veil and look ahead. Prepared in advance Balloons, we send notes with predictions, fill them with air and hang them all over the room. We blindfold the guests, hand them scissors and send them to get the pieces of paper that are hidden in the balls. Naturally, all predictions should be good and gentle, let every guest be satisfied.

Fishing in the New Year

Prepare cotton wool for this competition Christmas decorations and a fishing rod with big hook. In turn, each guest must hang New Year's toys on the Christmas tree, and then remove them with a fishing rod. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Competition for creative people

Let's take it large leaf paper, make two holes for the hands. The task is to draw, using a brush, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus blindly. The one who drew the most successful picture wins.

Fresh breath

Placed on the table in front of each player big snowflake, which is cut out of paper. You need to blow the snowflake to the other end of the table so that it falls. The winner is the one whose snowflake deflates more slowly, since his frosty breath freezes the snowflake.

Signature dish

The lovely ladies who are present at the table can take part in this competition. The task is to prepare several dishes, choosing the products that are on the table. It could be a salad or an unusual sandwich. The men are blindfolded and begin to try the dishes prepared by the housewives. The winner is the one who quickly feeds her dish to the man.

New Year's march

Bottles are placed on the table, spoons are handed out to the players. You need to play the melody by knocking on the bottles. Whoever comes up with the best melody wins.

Image modern Snow Maiden

This competition requires men who, with the help of ladies, will create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use cosmetics, jewelry, New Year's accessories, which will make the Snow Maiden the most fashionable and modern. The one who provides the most striking image wins.

New Year's competitions for the 2017 Year of the Rooster will not only help you celebrate the New Year with joy, but will also bring a lot of excitement for guests. If you have a lot of imagination, you can come up with competitions that can make players and spectators smile.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 will bring fun time sitting at the table, and dancing breaks will help create festive atmosphere. Games and competitions will entertain not only adult audiences, but also children.

New Year competitions for the 2017 year of the rooster can be held with a cheerful company, relatives and children. At good mood, you can create masterpieces that will appeal to many people. Positively minded people will create the right atmosphere, and competitions will come in handy. Even the most simple game will seem exciting in a circle friendly company. To continue the fun, here are a few more exciting competitions, which many will like.

In 2017 Chinese calendar The Monkey will be replaced by the Fire Rooster - an energetic, colorful bird. He will not tolerate dull celebrations. We celebrate the New Year on a grand scale, welcoming the Rooster with incendiary competitions and games.

1. "New Year's toast"

Number of participants: 5.

The host invites the guests to make a collective toast and dedicate it to the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

The presenter gives the participants sheets of paper with letters (P, E, T, U, X) and tells the conditions: they must come up with a New Year's wish, and it will begin with the letter that they got. For example, the letter “P”: “The weather today is just right, and we have gathered in this room to wish everyone happiness in the New Year.” The next participant continues the thought of the previous one to make a meaningful toast.

2. “Surprise Bag”

Number of participants: 2.

The presenter prepares the props in advance. On thick sheets, prints two pictures with the image of a rooster and cuts each into 5-7 elements, mixes them and puts them in a bag.

Santa Claus presents the participants with a surprise bag.

At the leader’s command, the participants scatter the contents of the bag and try to collect their rooster.

The one who did it faster wins.

3. “Dress up the cockerel”

Number of participants: 4.

Two men and two women are invited to the stage and they are divided into pairs.

“Chicken” women should dress up their “cockerel” man with everything their imagination tells them: tinsel, sweets, Christmas tree decorations. Time to complete the task is 1 minute.

The guests determine the winning rooster by applause.

4. “Whose rooster is more beautiful”

Number of participants: not limited.

The presenter calls everyone to the stage, distributes A4 sheets and felt-tip pens, and invites them to draw Fire Rooster... without hands.

Participants are given exactly 1 minute.

Typically, markers end up in the teeth of “artists.”

5. “Attention, news!”

Number of participants: not limited.

The presenter distributes pre-prepared cards with several words that are not related in meaning. For example: rooster, milk, space, billiards (one of the words should be the word “rooster”).

Each participant has half a minute to come up with an information message, using all the words, and pronounce it with the intonation of the announcer.

The absurd “news” makes the guests laugh heartily.

6. "Cockfight"

Number of participants: 2.

Two “roosters” are invited to the “ring”, the presenter gives them boxing gloves.

The presenter heats up the situation, and just before the start of the fight... hands out candy in wrappers to the participants and announces the rules: in 1 minute, use boxing gloves to unwrap greatest number sweets

7. "Talisman"

Number of participants: 4.

Two couples are invited to the stage: a man and a woman. The presenter hands each pair scissors, a sheet of paper with a picture of a rooster and offers to cut out their talisman.

Couples holding hands and hands free trying to kill the rooster.

The one who does it faster and better is the winner.

8. “The brightest cockerel”

Number of participants: not limited.

Clothes are pre-packed into the bag: hats, underwear, swimsuits, stockings, socks, skirts. The funnier the clothes, the better.

Music sounds, participants form a circle and pass the bag from hand to hand.

When the music stops, the participant who is holding the bag randomly takes an item out of it and puts it on.

9. "Follow the Rooster"

Number of participants: not limited.

In the hall, chairs are placed in a chaotic manner, and the participants, the “chickens,” sit on them. Guests of the evening choose the “rooster”.

To the music, he walks between the chairs and, clapping his hands, collects the “chickens” behind him. Forming a “train”, the participants, led by the leader, walk between the chairs.

When the "cockerel" claps his hands twice, the "chickens" must sit on the chairs. The difficulty is that the “rooster” must also sit on an empty chair, and one participant will remain standing. He will become the new “cockerel”.

10. "Chicken Race"

Number of participants: 2.

Participants are tied to their belts computer mouse(“chicken”) so that it does not reach the floor 10-15 cm.

On command, participants guide their “chicken” through obstacles prepared by the leader. The difficulty is that participants must constantly crouch and look back.

The first one to reach the finish line without passing obstacles is considered the winner.

11. Game “Guess the Beast”

Number of participants: the whole audience.

The presenter takes one person out of the hall and asks him to portray a rooster so that the audience in the hall guesses it.

While the participant is preparing, the presenter encourages the audience to deliberately name incorrect options.

It's funny to watch how an angry "rooster" tries to give himself away with all his behavior!

12. “Whose comb is better”

Number of participants: 4.

Men and women are invited to participate in the competition and are divided into pairs.

The presenter gives the women hair accessories (hairpins, elastic bands, combs). On command, within a given time, they begin to build a “comb” on the heads of their partners.

Spectators decide whose “comb” the “cockerel” turned out to be more beautiful.

13. “Children, it’s time to go home!”

Number of participants: 2.

For the competition you will need two chairs, two plastic bottles and balloons of two colors.

Participants must use bottles to drive the “chickens” (balls) a certain color) into the “chicken coop” (under the chairs).

The first one to collect his chickens wins.

And so, it's time to talk about the New Year. Or rather, it’s time to start preparing for this holiday. And for this you need new competitions for the New Year 2017 and New Year's games and entertainment to make it fun for you and your guests. Such competitions are also suitable for children and families and everyone will have fun. Ready to get started? Let's see what new we have.

Competition - lucky egg.
For the competition, you need to prepare empty barrels of Kinder Surprise toys in advance. 32 such barrels will be enough. Divide the barrels into 4 groups of 8 pieces each. You also need to write numbers on pieces of paper: 2, 0, 1, 7. Write each number 8 times and put all the pieces of paper in different barrels. It turns out that you have only 32 barrels and 8 of them have the same numbers.
Place all the barrels on a tray and mix. The participants of the game come out. For example, 4 people. At the leader's command, they must take one barrel and open it. Take out the piece of paper with the number and put it near you. Then they immediately take the second barrel and open it. If there is a different number, then they take the next barrel. If the number in the barrel is the same as what is already there, then they put the piece of paper back into the barrel, close it and put it on the tray. And they take another barrel. The point of the game is to be the first to find all four numbers to get the name of the year: 2017.
As you understand, if the number in the barrel is the same as what is already there, then the barrel is put back on the tray. Participants should not have the same numbers.
Well, whoever collected 2017 first gets a gift.

Competition - the tail of the rooster.

Everyone knows this competition, but only in a different version. For the competition you need a drawing of a rooster, but without a tail. You also need to make a tail, which will have to be attached to the rooster.
Glue a drawing of a rooster on the wall. We blindfold the participant and give him the tail in his hands. We spin the participant, and he must reach the rooster and attach his tail. Whoever can do this more accurately wins.

Competition - who will eat first.
Everyone has seen roosters eating. They lean towards the food and peck at it. In this competition we will do the same, only with evemdems chocolates.
3-5 participants come out. Everyone has a plate and there are 15 evemdems chocolates on the plates. Participants keep their hands behind their backs. At the leader’s command, they lean towards the plate and use their tongue to take the chocolate bar. Whoever eats all his chocolate the fastest this way wins.

Competition - let's sing.
Everyone knows that roosters sing beautifully. Especially in the morning. In this competition we will almost sing. To be more precise, we will pronounce tongue twisters. Therefore, you need to prepare fun and funny tongue twisters in advance.
The participants take the stage. They are all given pieces of paper with the same tongue twister. They take turns reading it. Then the participants are asked to put candy in their mouths and repeat the tongue twister again with their mouths full.
Whoever comes up with the best or funniest result wins.

Competition - let's sing 2.
And in this competition we will sing for real.
Those who wish come out and are given the lyrics of funny New Year's songs. At first they sing them just like that. And then they are given lemon slices and they put them in their mouths! And so they have to sing songs. Let's see how much fun there is in their voice.

The New Year of the Rooster is expected to be merry and magical holiday! For such a holiday you need funny company from friends or colleagues.

Usually, New Year's celebrations for adults are planned in advance. And therefore it is worth thinking through all the details necessary for this.

The details include the menu festive table, line-up of guests and New Year's competitions for the entertainment of adult guests. The rooster is the symbol of the year, so try to please it. What does a rooster like? Everything is bright, shocking, impressive. He's a badass and a big fashionista.

We have prepared for you a small but useful collection of competitions that suitable for the presenter for holding competitions in the year of the rooster.

New Year's entertainment for adults with competitions

We don't always manage to celebrate the New Year with a lot of snow. However, if we still managed to catch him, then we can easily come up with a lot New Year's competitions and outdoor entertainment.

Let's look at a few of them:

Cockerel on a stick

Everyone's favorite lollipop since childhood - a cockerel on a stick - can become the subject of an incendiary competition. To do this you will need:

2 giant models - a cockerel on a stick.
2 participants.

To win the competition you will need to dance with the symbol of the year to different music. The music changes all the time, sometimes fast and cheerful, sometimes sad, sometimes childish, you can turn on a melody suitable for striptease. The most original dancer receives a candy - a cockerel on a stick.

Decorate the Christmas tree

Competition for adult couples. All invitees must split into pairs. The man will have to choose a woman as his partner, who will subsequently portray the beautiful Christmas tree.

To decorate the Christmas tree, you need to take garlands, ribbons or tinsel. It will be fun if feathers or a chicken mask are used as props. After all, the year of the rooster is coming. The tree should hold one end of the tinsel, and the man should decorate it with the other end. The couple that is the most beautiful and dresses up the fastest wins.

Lady from the snow

This competition is for adults only. The invitees are divided into two teams. Each team sculpts its own snow lady. The main thing to understand here is that you need to sculpt not a snow woman, but beautiful woman made of snow, with natural female forms.

To decorate such a figure, you can use all ladies' jewelry. Beads, dresses, hats and stoles are perfect. The one who has female figure turned out to be the most beautiful and closest to a natural woman.

Song of the year

In this competition you need to choose the most famous one New Year's song. All participants are given pre-prepared cards containing nouns from this song.

The participant will have to depict the word that is indicated on his card. The rest guess the name and make up a song. It is appropriate to include a song associated with the symbol of the year - the cockerel. This is a very fun competition.


For this competition you will need a large, roomy bag. Then you will need to put it in this bag different clothes. A hat, tights, scarves, socks, bras and panties in size 3XL are perfect for this!

Then a variety of music is played at different intervals. All guests dance and during the dance they pass this bag from hand to hand. As soon as the music stops playing, the participant in whose hands the bag is, takes out an item of clothing from it and puts it on himself. The competition continues until the bag is empty.

The most dressed up and cheerful participant wins.

Competition with clothespins

One of the team members will become the Christmas tree. You need to decorate the Christmas tree until the New Year's chimes are striking. The team with the funniest Christmas tree wins.

The same competition can be turned not into decorating a Christmas tree, but into dressing up a rooster. That is, you need to prepare the props in advance: feathers, a rooster’s tail on a clothespin or elastic band, a mask or helmet, a comb, a false beak, etc. Whose cockerel is more elegant is the winner.

Neon show

For such a competition, you need to purchase items that glow in advance. This could be a bracelet, beads, glasses and more. The electric lights turn off and everyone wearing illuminated items begins to dance. A very fun competition!

Golden eggs

Well, how can you not wish your adult friends wealth and prosperity in the New Year? For this we offer new competition with eggs.

Boil a few eggs in advance. We paint them with gold decorative paint. Dry it.
We buy or prepare 2 baskets ourselves. We add other distracting items there as well. Divide the eggs equally among the baskets!

Participants - 2 people, at the command of the leader, must, blindfolded, find golden eggs in baskets among other objects and hay (paper cut into noodles). All this happens with cheerful music.

Whoever finds all the eggs, or more than the other participant, is the winner.

Celebrating the New Year of the Rooster should be fun and definitely noisy company. After all, this holiday happens only once a year. It should be remembered with laughter and fun for all adults until next New Year!

The New Year of the Rooster is coming to an end. It's time to cook!
