Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preparatory group "magic brush". Scenario of the autumn holiday for the preparatory group "Autumn Disco" - Scenario

Autumn Festival in the preparatory group

To the music, children enter the hall and become a semicircle

Presenter: Here and autumn came to us - the golden time! Autumn covered the whole earth with a golden carpet, bared trees and bushes, and set a lot of work for gardeners and grain growers. Our mothers and grandmothers cook jam, compotes, make vegetable stocks for the winter, and mushroom lovers dry and salt them, gathering them in the forest after rain.
what Don't say it - autumn is a beautiful time!

September Boy 1:Attention attention! Today, our mother, Empress Autumn, deigned to invite all her subjects and guests to the feast. hic!

October Boy 2:Attention! Attention! There is a strict order for everyone: to have fun, sing and dance until you drop, and whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will, to be sad until winter!

November Boy 3:Listen everyone! Empress Autumn herself will arrive at the feast! And for this, a song about autumn should now sound.

The song "Autumn Waltz" is performed

Sounded like an autumn waltz
golden leaf fall,
Silently the leaves are spinning
They rustle underfoot.

Chorus: Autumn, autumn, autumn -
_______Affectionate fairy tale,
_______ And on an autumn day
_______ There is no need to be sad.
_______Autumn, autumn, autumn -
_______ You are beauty and affection,
_______I better about it
_______ Compose a song!

The sun is still high
And the kids are walking
Only birds on a long journey
It's time to get together!

Chorus. Autumn, autumn, autumn -
_______Affectionate fairy tale,
_______ And on an autumn day
_______ There is no need to be sad.
_______Autumn, autumn, autumn -
_______ You are beauty and affection,
_______I better about it
_______ Compose a song!

The birds are flying again
Autumn will say: "Good luck!"
Goodbye, dear stork,
Don't forget to come back!

Chorus: Autumn, autumn, autumn -
_______Affectionate fairy tale,
_______ And on an autumn day
_______ There is no need to be sad.
_______Autumn, autumn, autumn -
_______ You are beauty and affection,
_______I better about it
_______ Compose a song!

Presenter: And here comes the Queen of Autumn! Meet!

Autumn Hello, friends,
On an autumn day, on a wonderful day
I'm glad to see you.
I am golden autumn
My bow to you, my friends!
Been dreaming for a long time
About meeting with you.

presenter : In a golden dress
Autumn came to us in the hall,
Like a beautiful queen
Opens ball.

Child 1

A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
A maple leaf circles above the foliage.
Ah, Autumn, again you took us by surprise,
You put on a golden outfit again.

Child 2:

You bring with you a sad violin,
So that a sad motive sounds over the fields.
But we, Autumn, meet you with a smile
And we will open the ball with a cheerful dance.

The dance "Autumn golden leaf fall" is performed(children waltz)

(Screams are heard at the doors of the hall: “Let me in, let me in!” The Garden Scarecrow runs into the hall with a broom in his hands, falls at the feet of the Queen of Autumn)

Scarecrow: Mother, my dear, our Queen, they did not order to be executed! Tell the word to say!

Autumn: Who are you? Where? Why did he come to the party like this?

Scarecrow: (rises to his feet)

I dress out of fashion
I've been standing like clockwork all my life.
Am I in the garden, in the garden
I instill fear in the flocks.
Me magpies, jackdaws
They are more afraid than a stick!

Autumn: Stop talking in riddles! Answer plainly the question of the Queen!

Scarecrow: Empress, I'm not some kind of loafer and lazybones! I am a labor Scarecrow garden! All summer I stand in the garden - the garden. In any weather: under the sun, rain, wind. I guard the harvest. I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, I work tirelessly. Yes, I have witnesses.(referring to children)Tell me, do I chase birds in the garden and garden?

Children: Yes.

Scarecrow: And also, I protect fruits and berries from winged robbers?

Children: Protect.

Scarecrow: Well, they don’t let me go to the holiday, they say that the outfit is not fashionable! Already given out! And then, if I stand in a garden in a beautiful suit, then neither the bird nor the beast will be afraid of me.

Autumn: Don't be offended, Scarecrow. Now we've got it all figured out. Come in, sit down, be a guest.(The scarecrow sits on a chair next to the children)

September: Dear Mother! We are your beloved sons: I, brother October and brother November, decided today to amuse you, amuse you, and show you what we are capable of. Allow me, Mother, to begin our holiday!

Autumn: I allow you to start the holiday, let's have plenty of fun today, otherwise someone came up with the idea that autumn is a dull time!

Dance of November, September, October I'm dancing to the right)


In a golden carriage with a playful horse,
Autumn galloped through the forests and fields.
The good sorceress changed everything,
She painted the earth bright yellow.

The song is performed - "Autumn rustles with leaves"

Autumn is very good
Good, good!
Autumn walks slowly
He doesn't go fast.
Autumn has an outfit
Golden, golden!
Surprise everyone
Autumn beauty.

Autumn dear, rustling
Leaves around.
Don't rush to follow
Cranes to the south!

Autumn dear, rustling
Leaves around.
Don't rush to follow
Cranes to the south!

Autumn is not sad for a long time,
Not sad, not sad.
Even if the snow is flying
Snow is flying with rain.
Her outfit became wet,
He became thinner than he was.
Still burning with fire
Rowan berries!

Autumn dear, rustling
Leaves around.
Don't rush to follow
Cranes to the south!

Autumn dear, rustling
Leaves around.
Don't rush to follow
Cranes to the south!

Girl 2:

Numerous army
Collects old stump.
thin-legged guys
They grow up every day.
Troops march across the grass
Mushroom pickers will be found here.
Just bend over a little
And look, full of baskets.

Scarecrow: Guys, do you want to play, show your dexterity?

Children Yes!

Scarecrow: in September a lot of mushrooms grow, and I want to invite you to play

Attractions are held

1. "Who will pick the most mushrooms in baskets blindfolded"

2. "Who will dry the mushrooms more"

(Scarecrow plays with children)

Presenter: Here is the Queen of Autumn, you see how smart, fast, and funny our guys are!

Autumn: Yes, well done guys!

Scarecrow: Let me amuse you.(Sings to the music “Is it in the garden in the garden”, r.n.m)

In the garden or in the garden
The scarecrow stood.
It is with an old broom
The birds were driven away.
In the garden or in the garden
Fruit poured out.
But their birds did not peck,
The scarecrow was afraid.
Uuuuhhhh!(dancing, everyone clapping, then bowing in all directions)

Scarecrow: Do you know how to guess riddles about fruits and vegetables?

Makes riddles

Unsightly, lumpy,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
"Well crumbly, delicious!"
Red girl

Sitting in the dark

And the spit is on the street.

(carrot )

The caftan on me is green,

And the heart is like a kumach.

Tastes like sweet sugar

It looks like a ball.


Our piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails.

These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.


One hundred clothes

All without zippers.


Sits children in a hundred fur coats dressed

Who undresses him sheds tears


Scarecrow: Well done!

Presenter: Queen Autumn, and we also have our own garden.

Only for some time now
They start an argument.
So that there are no quarrels,
Let's hear the conversation?

The scene "Garden" is performed

Choir all vegetables:

Which of all vegetables
And tastier, and more necessary?

Who with all diseases will be more useful to everyone?


You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will love it, of course.
It crunches on the teeth, crunches.
I can feed you!


I am a ruddy radish
I bow low to you - low!
Why praise yourself?
I am known to everyone!


Let me say a word!
Eat beets for health!
Beets are needed for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself
There is no better beetroot!


You beet, shut up!
Shchi is cooked from cabbage.
And what delicious cabbage pies!
Bunnies are crooks
They love stalks
I will treat the guys
Sweet stalk!


The story about me is not long,
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
And eat carrots.
You will always be, my friend
Strong, strong, dexterous!

Tomato: Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and pleasant
And, of course, tomato juice!

Autumn: (gets up)

All of you are right, do not argue!
To be healthy and strong
There's no doubt about it
Gotta love vegetables
Everyone, without exception!

Scarecrow: (carries a bag that says "Potato")But look at my potato harvest (shows potatoes. Let's play a little game, some guys will plant potatoes, and others will pick them. For this I need two teams of five people.

The game "Plant-harvest crops" is being held

Presenter: And now, Queen Autumn, listen to poems about you.

Child 1:

Autumn at the edge
Dilute the colors.
Quietly through the leaves
She drove with a brush.
Yellowed hazel,
And the maples blushed
In aspen purple
Oak is still green.
comforting autumn,
Don't feel sorry for the summer
Look - autumn
Dressed in gold.

Child 2

Autumn is walking in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Red beads - Rowan,
Apron pink - Aspen,
Yellow umbrella - Poplars,
Autumn fruits - Gives us.

Child 3

If in the trees
the leaves turned yellow
If the edge is far
the birds have flown
If the sky is gloomy
if it's raining,
It's the time of year
called autumn.


Well read poetry
I liked.


I'll give you a riddle:
"Drop one, drop two,
Very slowly at first.
And then, then, potto,
All run, run, run"

Children: Rain!


We're not scared at all
Run in the rain.
If the rain is heavy
Let's take umbrellas.

The dance "Dance with umbrellas" is performed,

Autumn: Yes, guys, I am different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet. I am very glad that you love me for generosity, beauty, for rare but glorious warm days. Thank you for coming to the holiday in the autumn fairy kingdom. Low bow to you. And for this I want to treat you. There is a magic mushroom in my forest kingdom, here it is.(Picks up and looks at it)

This mushroom is not simple.
He is handsome and big.
I'll take off his hat, what's in it?
I'll show you.

(He treats children with Mushroom cookies, says goodbye and leaves)

Presenter: I think that our holiday cheered you up!

I want to sing, always smile,
Children, do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

(The presenter invites everyone to a tea party, everyone leaves the hall to the music)


- create conditions for the development of the creative potential of children in accordance with their age capabilities;

- to consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature;

– to develop artistic taste, using literary and musical material of Russian poets and composers in the event;

- evoke positive emotions and a desire to participate in various activities.

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday, 2 sultans of shiny paper for "rain", 5-6 hats, apples.

To the music, the children run into the music room.

1st child. Hello dear guests! Today the guys of our group will delight you with songs, poems, dances. All this will be dedicated to an unforgettable time of the year - autumn. Are you ready for your fall trip? Then we start.

2nd child

The hot summer fled into the distance,

Warm days dissolve somewhere.

Somewhere there are rays of gold,

Warm waves remained sea.

3rd child

Leaf fall wanders in the grove

Through bushes and maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

4th child

All around, as in the picture.

And birch and aspen

Dressed in golden clothes,

So autumn is around the corner.

The song “Autumn Forest” sounds (music by V. Ivannikov, lyrics by T. Bashmakova).

1st child. We taught poems about autumn, we want you to appreciate them.

Kindergarten, kindergarten

Will be happy to go for a walk.

Let's collect a bouquet soon,

Oh, what leaves are not in it!

Here is the brown oak

Golden all maple.

yellow birch leaf,

And the willow is silver.

Red - at the mountain ash,

Brown - at the aspen.

The leaves are on fire

In the palms of strong guys.

We will put the bouquet in a vase

And we'll fall in love right away.

E. Zaichenko

2nd child

Bugs and flies hid

Under your leaves

And frogs in the swamp

Everyone hid behind the bumps.

Children suddenly put on raincoats,

Boots in rubber.

All umbrellas have already been bought

In our store.

The rain is knocking on the window pretty -

You can't see heat.

Puddles deliver a lot

Mom's dissatisfaction.

Warm tea and chocolate

Warm the soul

And funny leaves

The earth is being covered.

E. Zaichenko

3rd child

almonds, almonds,

We were with my grandmother.

All harvested,

You try and count.

Here is a potato, here is a carrot,

The turnip was deftly pulled out.

Beets, and garlic, and onions

Collected ten hands.

Autumn vegetables "hello"

Come on, get everyone into the basket.

Harvest, harvest

Do not be lazy, but collect.

E. Zaichenko

Children perform the song "Harvest Harvest" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Boy. But I wonder what would happen if autumn was lost? It would be great if winter would come right away: skis, sleds, snowballs and slides. Nothing terrible will happen if autumn does not come.

The Witch appears.


I am an evil, powerful witch.

I will now collect the gray clouds.

I will take all the autumn leaves with me.

Do you want autumn, children?

So she should not be in the world.

It will be winter for you:

Cold, ice, snow, permafrost.

See, the snowflakes are already flying!

Children perform the dance "Snowflakes" (from the program "Dance Rhythm for Children" by T. Suvorova).

It's good - it's cool. Look, the squirrel is jumping. Let's ask if she's happy about winter?


How, from summer to winter at once?

I did not have time to stock everything

Gather your own in the hollow,

What, you have to starve?

Witch. Yes, you will have to starve. But Bunny is probably glad that autumn will not come?

Bunny. Before winter, I shed, I change my gray coat.

And now the fox will quickly catch me. So it doesn't fit.

I don’t want winter right away, I’m waiting for autumn,

To take off your coat.

Witch. Honey, come here. Tell me, are you looking forward to autumn or winter?


Time to sleep, but I can't sleep

It just doesn't fit.

The bear is not ready for bed.

How can I lie down and snore?

Witch. Well, what do you say! Give everyone autumn. Or maybe this pink beauty thinks differently?


Haven't harvested

So what now - let's go pig?

What, will they eat me now?

Oink-oink, that's not going to work,

Quickly all to the garden!

Witch. Oh stop screaming. No one is and is not going to eat you. Hear, Magpie is flying, she will bring news on her tail.


I brought you news:

Trouble is coming.

Santa Claus is coming to you

He is saddened to tears.

I did not collect gifts for you,

And it's time to hurry to the ball.

If autumn doesn't come

The New Year will come soon.

Witch. What do you feel bad about? New Year's holiday: songs, dances.


Yes, but we're not ready

We don't know new dances.

We can't live without autumn

What do you suggest, friends?


Waiting for autumn, come soon

Into a warm circle of friends.

Rain song, sound

Well, autumn, come.

The song “Rain” sounds (music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by N. Solovieva). Enter Autumn.


You called me - Autumn I,

Hello my friends!

(Turns to the Witch.)

And what are you doing here?

Witch. I'm sorry, what? Came to visit. You know how happy the guys are for me! (Tries to hug the children.)

Autumn. I don’t see something that the guys are glad to see you, but look how they meet me.

Musical game "Hello Autumn"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Children. Hello Autumn, it's good that you came.

We will ask you Autumn: “What did you bring as a gift?”

Autumn. I brought you pain.

Children. So there will be pies.

Autumn. I brought buckwheat.

Children. The porridge will be in the oven.

Autumn. I brought vegetables.

Children. Both for soup and cabbage soup.

Autumn. Are you happy with the rain?

Children. We don't want, we don't!

Children scatter around the hall, and the “rain” child catches up with them and tries to “wet”, hitting them with sultans.

1st child

Autumn knows his stuff

In the groves yellow leaf fall.

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

2nd child

Everyone talks about autumn

That she is beautiful.

Stay among the guys

You will like us.

Autumn. Guys, thank you for inviting me to the holiday and returning to the place. Between summer and winter, I returned home again. Now the squirrels will have time to stock up, and the bunnies will change their coats.

Witch. I also realized that without autumn the bear would not go to bed on time, and vegetables and fruits would remain in the fields and gardens. What to treat guests, what to serve on the table?

Autumn. Well done, Sorceress, you are changing before our eyes. Do you want to play with the guys?

Witch. I am a fashionable lady. See how many different hats I have in my wardrobe.

Game "It's in the Hat"

Some of the chairs have hats on them. Children run in circles. At the end of the music, the child should sit on a chair and put a hat on his head. The one who did not have a hat on his head is out of the game.


Somewhere behind the autumn clouds

The crane hushed up the conversation.

On the paths where the summer ran,

Multi-colored laid down carpet.


The sparrow was sad outside the window,

Unusually quiet at home.

On autumn carpets

Autumn has come unnoticed.

According to V. Orlov

Autumn. Yes, someone is sad that autumn has come. And in early autumn everyone rejoiced. There were a lot of mushrooms, cedar cones, cranberries in the forest. And now they have already harvested, filled the jars with pickles, made jam, dried apples. All things have been redone, ready for winter, and it's time for me to leave. Now the cranes have turned their wedge to the south.

Children perform the dance "Crane Wedge" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Following the cranes and I have to go. Accept the autumn treat and remember that any season is beautiful in its own way.

Autumn brings a basket of apples.

Witch. Yes, it's time for me, goodbye.

Autumn and the Witch(together). Let's all wave goodbye.

Autumn holiday script.

Children enter the hall to the music.


When the sound of rain is heard, when colorful leaves circle in the air, falling from the trees, and flocks of birds fly south, we recognize this as signs of autumn. A bit of a sad, but wonderful time of the year, whose beauty has always been admired by poets, musicians, and artists. We also rejoice in autumn and dedicate our holiday to it.


Queen Autumn was coming
The hot summer said goodbye to nature,
And there is very little of it left.
You will go out into the field - along the edges of the road
Yellow withered grass.
Autumn claims.

Birds fly to warmer climes
And the trees are yellow in autumn.
Leaves are falling, circling in the air,
Slender birch trees tremble in the wind.


Asters bloom in my flower garden,
I'll make a bouquet, take them to the house.
They smell like autumn, bright flowers -
You will not find more beautiful than this beauty.

Wedges of cranes float across the sky
And in distant lands you and I are called.
Here they are, noisy, fly away into the distance,
We are a little sorry for the summer that has flown away.

Song "Autumn"
(at the end, the children go to the chairs)


Oh guys! I hear something strange .. Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

B.Ya.: Hello please! Came, not dusty, darlings
Ouch…! Why am I saying this?! Hello, please come in
settle down, I'm very glad to see you!
I fixed my house
This is where I opened a cafe.
And the rumor went in the forest
Business lady is me!
I was waiting for you all to visit
Fly agaric baked.
Amazing time!
The holiday is now in the yard.

So that you are mine, I've been waiting for you! Oh, I forgot the most important thing to say that my cafe is not easy - autumn, and Queen Autumn herself is in a hurry to visit us, she brings us gifts.

Oh, guys, but we need to rehearse poems for the arrival of autumn .. So that she likes it?

B.I: Let's, let's!!! I'll listen for now. Suddenly she doesn't like it?

Bad Weather Poems:
1. It's raining all over the earth,
wet road,
Many drops on glass
And a little warmth.
2. Summer passed, ran, rushed off.
The sky frowns, and the rain drizzles.
There are very few warm days left.
Maybe nature is sad about this?

B.Ya.: Who said that autumn is a sad time?
With joy, the kids are jumping through the puddles!
I don't allow sadness
I invite you to play

The game "Who is more likely to run across the puddles."
(2 teams of 4 people participate. Each participant runs around the “snake” puddles (hoops lying on the floor), hiding under an umbrella, then passes the umbrella to the next player.)

B.I: Oh, well done, well done! Do you know how to solve riddles? Well, let's check it out now. I prepared the most delicious treat, for which you must guess everything. If you don't guess, I'll leave it to myself. Oh, what am I saying, I'm kind, not greedy, I've corrected myself. Here are my riddles:
I emerge from the garden
I grow up smart.
Eat me guys
Red…. (carrot)

The hedgehog was surprised in the field:
"That's a vegetable, a hundred clothes!"
And the hare ate with a crunch
Appetizing ... (cabbage)

He warms his side in the sun,
Gives us tomato juice, people love for a long time,
Red, ripe ... (tomato)

I'm a pod, beloved home
Good brothers in it!
Each brother is green and smooth,
Each ball is delicious, sweet.

B.I: All my riddles have been guessed, here's a treat for you! (takes out a plate of fly agarics). Eat, help yourself fly agaric fresh, just collected.


Thank you Grandma-Yagusenka! Eat them yourself. Our children are full for the holiday came.

B.I: Well, whatever you want. I'll leave, I'll have dinner!
Music sounds, the Scarecrow enters the hall

B.Ya.: Who are you and where are you from? Why in this form at a holiday, in my cafe?

Scarecrow: I dress out of fashion
All the century I stand as if on a clock,
Whether in the garden, in the field-garden,
I instill fear in the flocks.
And more than fire, whip or stick,
Rooks, sparrows and jackdaws are afraid of me.

B.Ya.: Well, it's understandable that in the gardens and orchards it's impossible to do without you, but in my cafe, what good are you? You are all slackers and lazybones.

Scarecrow: Yes, you can’t cope without me, and you can’t spend the autumn holiday.

B.Ya.: So I believed you! what if you're cheating on me? And you, for starters, amuse me, hung Yagusya.

Scarecrow: Guys! I can't do without your help!

Vedas: Guys, let's help the Scarecrow and play a game:

Game: Move vegetables

B.I: Oh well, well done made me happy.

Scarecrow: Everyone knows that in autumn all people and forest animals make supplies for the winter. Have you prepared for the winter Yagusenka?

B.I: Of course, I always have a couple of delicious juicy fly agarics in stock. Just a meal.

Scarecrow: well, that's not the point. They are also inedible. Really guys?
I saw you have a garden, there must be something growing on it. Guys, let's help Yagusa, harvest.

Game: "Plant and harvest"

B.Ya.: It's fun with you Scarecrow-garden, and the guys help at the holiday, but only without Autumn-beauty and the holiday is not a holiday.

Scarecrow: Yagusya don't be upset, I know what to do. After all, autumn does not come alone, but with multi-colored leaf fall and doge. As soon as the autumn dance begins to spin in this hall, autumn itself will come to us.

B.Ya.: And right! Well done, great idea you came up with this.

Vedas: And you know what! Dear our guests! Our kids are ready to dance!

A dance is being performed.

(After the dance comes autumn)

Autumn: Hello guys! I am Autumn, I came to visit you. You are so beautiful! I see that you have been waiting for me! I came to you with gifts!

Vedas: hello dear autumn! We've been waiting for you!

B.Ya.: Give me Autumn the first gift. I tried my best here, from morning to night I did not close my eyes. Give me all the gifts.

Scarecrow: Oh you liar and greedy. Yes, if it were not for the guys, only fly agarics, but there was green melancholy in your cafe, and the holiday would not have happened.

B.Ya.: Oh, again I became greedy and mischievous. Forgive me, only good and kind, oh, how hard it is to be. Let's reconcile!

Autumn: Well done folks, you've reconciled. And now go to your home, there I also prepared gifts for you! A beautiful painted scarf is waiting for you, Grandma-Yagusenka. And you dear scarecrow new outfit!

B.I: Well thanks Autumn! Run faster, Scarecrow home! And then someone else will take my scarf! Goodbye guys!!

Autumn enters the hall to the music.


The trees also gave a festive outfit,

Look how the leaves burn with gold!

(trees come out)


In the autumn garden by the path

Aspen claps his hands!

That's why this week

Her palms turned red.

Oak is not afraid of rain and wind at all.

Who said that the oak is afraid to catch a cold?

After all, until late autumn I stand green,

So I'm hardy, so hardened!


Poplar - everyone knows it -

Height champion.

And get my top

It's not easy for you!

Because I grow 2 meters over the summer!


The birch is thin and tender

She put on a white dress.

And the sun's autumn light

Dyed the braids yellow.

Dressed like this every year

I welcome the arrival of Autumn.


Maple meets the very first coming of Autumn.

A cheerful round dance of leaves circles in the air.

The earth is quickly covered with a golden carpet -

Let the native fall asleep with a long winter sleep.


I am a smart mountain ash, on my shoulders a scarf.

The beads are as bright as fire, but don't touch them yet.

My beads are a decoration and a treat for the birds!

Birds love my treat on a winter day!


There are many trees in our forests, but not all of them are in our area!

Now we will play the game "Cotton - Silence". I name trees.

If such a tree grows in our area, clap. If not -

Apple tree. Pear. Raspberry. Mimosa. Spruce. Saxaul.

Sea ​​buckthorn. Birch. Cherry. Sweet cherry. Lemon.

Orange. Linden. Baobab. Mandarin.

Well done boys.

Autumn: But I am still rich in my harvest. Look at my potatoes!

The game is being played "Collect potatoes with a spoon"

Autumn: And I also grew a good harvest of apples and brought them to you as a gift.
(Gives a basket of apples)

I thank you guys
You gave me the opportunity to rest.
At the holiday I am glad to have fun,
But soon I'm on my way back.

What are you, Autumn, it's too early to hurry!
At the festival we want to have fun.
And to make it more interesting
We will sing a song for you.

Song "Leaf fall"

It's time for parting
It's time to say goodbye, friends
I tell you goodbye
After all, I still have things to do.
See you next year!
I will definitely come to you!

"Magic brush"

The scenario of the autumn matinee

preparatory group

The song by I. Parakhnevich “Magician leaf fall” sounds, the children come in and perform dance movements.


1 child:

Today I looked at the holiday in every house. Because autumn wanders outside the window. I looked into the autumn holiday in the kindergarten, To please both adults and children

2 child:

Thank you, autumn, you are very kind, And generous with autumn colors. We love you, dear autumn, we dedicate autumn verses to you.

3 child:

Oh, how much beauty autumn brings! How late these flowers delight: Beautiful asters and rowan brushes, Chrysanthemum bushes and viburnum clusters.

4 child:

And from maple trees, leaves fly to us like letters. Himself, covering our beloved garden. Autumn leaves burn in the sun, They talk about the past summer.

5 child:

The leaves are spinning in plain sight, The wind, jokingly, threw them up. Again the mistress in our garden, The beautiful Autumn wanders.


Yellow-green, red, different leaves are spinning. The leaves in the garden are painted, small and large.

8 child:

Autumn wind, wait, do not rush to pluck the leaves hastily. Hide in the trees and breathe quietly, It's so beautiful in our garden!


Autumn, golden autumn, Who, tell me, is not happy with you. It happens only in autumn, This is a miracle - leaf fall!


Autumn swirled red blizzards,

Painted maple leaves flew,

Scarlet and yellow wind tears the leaves,

All (in chorus): motley round dance!

Dance "Leaves Fly"


How loud the music sounded!

A wonderful holiday awaits us today!

And secretly I knew

That autumn is coming to visit us.

Come visit us, Autumn,

We are asking all of you!

Children(in chorus):

Come visit us, Autumn,

We are asking all of you!

Children sing a song "Colorful autumn"

To the music enters a dull Autumn in a faded outfit.


How beautiful this room is!

Peace, comfort and warmth.

You called me poems?

Finally I came to you!


How are you, Autumn? I don't understand

Why are you like this?

Not bright, dull

And not dear to anyone.

Where is your golden outfit?


That's the problem, and I don't know what to do.

I don't know where the golden brush went.

The magic brush that I repaint with

All autumn nature, and trees, and fields.

Child (from a place)

Is your golden brush gone?

What to do, dear Autumn?

Who will paint the fields and forests with colors?

How we all liked the autumn beauty ...


Do not be sad, dear, I know the answer.

There is a miracle in the world that will give color!

This miracle is called a fairy tale.

If you find it, then the brush will return to me!


Autumn, do not be sad, we will help you.

We can find ourselves in a fairy tale, without a doubt!

We believe in magic, we know a lot of fairy tales!

And we will find a way to a wonderful country!

Dozhdinka runs in jumps to the music (with an umbrella)


Hello kids, boys and girls.

I am a raindrop - laughter, I am an autumn girlfriend,

How wonderful my outfit is, droplets hang everywhere.

Because the rain and I are bosom friends!


Well, raindrop, stay, you are also friendly with us, we all know

Children: (in chorus) rain is needed!

Dance: "Don't Shawl"


Well, hold on now, since I've come, I'll take up my wet business!


What are you, what are you, Rain, wait! Autumn has not yet been golden!


Here and hello! Where were you? Know your time you overslept?


Rain, listen, wait.

I have a terrible problem:

The magic brush disappeared without a trace.

How to paint forests in gold?

How to create miracles without a brush?


Is the brush missing? Why suffer in vain?

We need to take urgent action.

Okay, I'll help you, so be it!

It is necessary to wash off the green color from the leaves.

Well - droplets, get down from behind the clouds,

Yes, wash the leaves better.

Background - the boys sit in their places, and the girls with leaves take their places on the stars.

The song "Talk of the leaves" (girls with leaves sing)


No, you washed the trees in vain,

Leaves, green, as they were! (points to the central wall where the green leaves are)


Okay, okay, Autumn, don't be sad,

Someone else showed up!

To the music, Dozhdinka runs away, Autumn also leaves, the Hedgehog and Amanita fungus run in, the fungus squats down.


I roll on my way, looking for yellow leaves.

I want to warm the mink for the winter with leaves.

Only I do not see them, there are no golden leaves.

Why didn't autumn come? Forgot about things?

Fly agaric:

Hello, hedgehog, if you are looking for a yellow leaf,

You don't seem to know

Lost Autumn brush.

She has nothing to paint the leaves with!


I need to help her ASAP.

After all, she can’t do without leaves.

1 fly agaric:

Wait! What a freak!

You are one, but there are many of us.

Brush mushrooms will help to find.

Hey, mushrooms in a bright hat,

Gather in the field!

mushroom scene.


In the clearing, in the middle of the woods, two mushroom- A short stature in red hats on one side. They stretched, looked around, both smiled together:

Mushrooms:- “Ding-ding! Ding-dip! We were born on this day! Walked by sad bear and asked him Fungus (1): - “What happened, clubfoot? Who could hurt you?" bear replies sadly: - “No offense, there is only one sadness - I have prepared few berries, and the winter is so long ... Without supplies, I will freeze and therefore I am sad ... I walk through the forest all day looking for raspberries and berries ..” The conversation was overheard Crow, flew up and: - “Kar-kar-kar! Don't worry, you bastard! I recently flew Past raspberry bushes near a sonorous stream, Berries were picked there by our mutual friends - Two rooks and a white-sided - talkative (or - beautiful) magpie. (holds out the drum to Mishka) You knock on the drum and rooks will fly here - They will bring baskets full of raspberries! (The bear knocks on the drum, rooks fly with baskets - they have fake jars with raspberry jam)Fungus (2) :

"Interesting interesting! What is it called - When the Little Birds try to help the Bear cub in trouble? Crow :

(turns to Mushrooms) “This is called friendship! Friends are always willing to help! bear:

My friends, what happiness! Thank you all for your participation! Rooks:

“And it’s time for us to say goodbye - we have to fly away to a distant (warm) land. Don't be sad, don't be sad! We'll be back in the spring! And now we invite everyone to sing a song about friendship together And then it will be easier for us to fly to distant lands!


Mushrooms, you haven't met by chance,

The magic brush that autumn has lost.

2 Amanita:

There is no magic brush here, but heed the advice

Hurry along the path, ask the forest dwellers!

Maybe someone saw the brush, maybe he took it for himself?

Mushrooms leave, sit on chairs.


This is how the story came out guys

The brush has really disappeared somewhere.

Autumn is somewhere sad walking,

The golden brush is nowhere to be found.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga enters with a golden brush, paints the hut (it is two-sided: 1 is ugly, 2 is the golden side.)

Baba Yaga:

At the edge of the forest, Yaga lived in a hut,

The house was completely warped from antiquity.

And by the way, even I found a brush,

I'll repaint the hut to make it a tower!

Golden ceiling and window

Even a door with a wall, like the sun,

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won't forget you, chicken legs.


So there it is, the magic brush.

Come on, Baba Yaga, give her here!

Baba Yaga:

Well, I do not! Whatever got to me is gone!


But autumn has lost this brush. She knows what beauty will bring,

He will give golden outfits to trees, cover the earth with a golden carpet!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you are cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you order me to live in such a skewed, shabby hut? No, now I will bring beauty to myself, but I will live in clover. And I won't let anyone in!


What to do? How can we lure a magic brush from Baba Yaga? ...

Invented! Baba Yaga, you must be bored to live alone?

Baba Yaga:

Is it boring for me? Yes, I will arrange such fun, I want to sing, I want to dance!

(Baba Yaga starts dancing while Baba Yaga dances, the host changes her brush for a broom).

Baba Yaga:

Oh, what am I, the old dancer? I have no time to talk to you! Look, the hut is not finished painting. (Takes a broom, starts painting).

Baba Yaga:

What is it, I don't understand? The brush does not paint, why?


Don't you understand yet? It's your broom!

Baba Yaga:

How's the broom? Where is the brush?


Search, don't be lazy. (Baba Yaga walks around the hall and looks for a brush).

Baba Yaga:

Apparently I can’t find a brush, I’ll have to finish painting the hut with my whisk!


And you play with our guys in the game "Funny Hat", and they will help you paint the hut.

Funny hat game

Children pass the hat around to the music and say the following words:

"You fly funny hat and jump over the heads,

Whoever has a hat left will now dance for us!

During the game, the presenter turns the hut over (with a beautiful, golden side to the audience, sad Autumn leaves the hall.


Baba Yaga, look how beautiful your hut has become!

Baba Yaga:

Wow, what a beauty, and it’s true what they say, beauty is a terrible force! Living in such a hut is a pleasure! Let's go, I'll heat the oven, and warm my bones! (Baba Yaga leaves with the hut).

Music sounds and autumn comes into the hall in autumn attire.


Here comes the Golden Autumn!


I don't know how to thank you.

I will do so many miracles!

I'll go and gild the whole forest,

I will give red beads to mountain ash, birch-yellow kerchiefs.

I’ll lay a carpet on the ground, I’ll warm Yezhov’s mink.

And the wind, how happy it will be when the leaves fall!

Autumn approaches the central wall where green leaves are attached.

To the music, he touches each leaf with his magic brush,

"Autumn magic", the leaves turn into golden-autumn. (pull the fishing lines).

Dance: "Leaves Fly"

Children read poetry

1 child:

Here comes the autumn

As much as we would like

This summer to extend

Pushing back the blizzards.

But don't be sad

Autumn is beautiful too

It's boring to live without her

This one is clear to everyone!

2 child:

Autumn time. It's your turn too!

Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.

And leaf fall, and bird flight,

Both the forest and the garden are full of charm!

3 child:

The leaves are spinning in front of everyone

The wind jokingly threw them up.

Again mistress in our garden,

The beautiful Autumn is wandering!

4 child:

yellow green, red,

Leaves are spinning around.

Painted leaves in the garden

Small and big.

5 child:

Autumn wind, wait, do not rush

Leaves to pluck hastily.

Hide in the trees and quiet the soul

Our garden is so beautiful!


Autumn, golden autumn.

Who, tell me, you are not happy.

Only happens in autumn

This is a miracle leaf fall!

The boys sit down, leaving only the girls with leaves.

"Dance with leaves"


For this holiday, bright, bright, accept gifts from me.

Here are my autumn gifts for the kids (shows the children a basket of apples).

7child:(read near the chairs)

Thank you Autumn

For generous gifts

For a patterned, bright sheet,

8 child:

For a forest treat -

For nuts and roots


For cranberries, for viburnum

And for the ripe rowan

We say thank you

All children in chorus:

Autumn we thank you!

Leaving the hall.

We offer you a collection of autumn holidays for preschoolers of the preparatory group.

The current situation in the field of preschool education is characterized, on the one hand, by the presence of a significant number of variable programs developed by research teams and improving the educational process, as it were, “from above”; on the other - the initiatives of practical teachers, their growing professional skills, sensitive response to the demands of modernity.

But no matter how quickly life changes, no matter what new trends appear in the pedagogy of preschool education, there have always been and will remain moral, ethical and aesthetic ideals formed by many previous generations. It is very important that already at preschool age the ability to perceive, feel, understand the beautiful in life and art is formed, there is a desire to participate in the transformation of the world around according to the laws of beauty, the cognitive, creative inclinations of the child develop.

The artistic impressions of early childhood are strong and remain in the memory for a long time, sometimes for life.

For the successful artistic development of the child, the teacher must correctly use, in accordance with age, various forms and types of work on aesthetic, moral education, but the main thing in this series is such a form of work as a holiday, in the broad sense of the word.

How much joy, unforgettable impressions the holiday brings to the kids! Children especially enjoy their own performance. Here are songs, and dances, and recitations. Not a single interesting holiday passes without games and attractions. They bring liveliness, cause direct children's interest, laughter, fun.

But the most interesting and mysterious, the most unexpected and attractive, perhaps, falls on a children's holiday, if the organizers and teachers who developed it did not forget to include surprises in the script.

Surprises at the holiday are used in different ways, depending on the form and content. A dance taught by a small group of children in secret from the rest is already a surprise. The appearance of puppet theater characters, the staging of a fairy tale that children saw for the first time is also a surprise, which is better to insert in the second half of the holiday so that children's interest does not decrease, but rather grows.

We hope that the materials presented in this collection will help you create your own interesting scenarios and developments, and golden leaves, warm autumn sun, the aroma of autumn fruits will create a good mood for you to work.

Creative success to you, dear colleagues.

Autumn holidays in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution. Scenarios

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