Magic tips for longevity, health and beauty from Vanga. Vanga's love plot for beets

The self-fulfilling prophecies of Vanga did not leave indifferent any skeptic. They confirmed that the advice of the great seer should not be neglected. Therefore, conspiracies from Vanga are still of interest to Internet users.

From the great seer, there are several effective conspiracies for good luck and money.

Friday spell for money

The ritual is held from Friday to Saturday. You have to go to bed, close your eyes, relax. Imagine a certain amount of money, think about how good it would be to receive it soon. You need not just to think about this amount, but to realize its necessity, to understand what it can be spent on, to feel the joy of the upcoming purchase. Then you need to repeat the phrase nine times:

“This is my desire, this is how I want, therefore it will happen.”

This is not the whole ritual. You must have an alarm set for 4 am. After waking up, you must immediately leave the house, wait for the first rays of the sun and say:

“For this, I got up early in the morning, so that the sun would give me strength. Magic rays of the sun, you come from the east to fulfill your innermost desires. I need (here name the amount). I'm sure you can tell me where and how to get it."

The plot is repeated three times. Very soon you will receive the named amount, but you must spend it on what you thought of. The ritual can be repeated after three months.

Conspiracy with holy water for money

For this conspiracy, they go to church and bless the water. The ritual is performed the next day, in the morning. Before him do not drink, do not eat. You must sit down at the table, put a glass of water on the table, cut off half of the black bread, put it on a plate. Next you need to say:

“Since the Lord fed all the hungry with bread, he will be able to help my family. I want not to need anything, always have food and well-being in the house. Show me the way to wealth, and I will use money wisely.

This plot is also read three times. After the third reading, you need to drink water, divide bread between households. But, eating bread, they should not know about the conspiracy.

Conspiracy on the doorway (for good luck)

This conspiracy is considered the most effective, because bad energy enters the house through the door, causing failures and quarrels. A plot on the doorway will protect your home from negative influences from the outside. To pronounce it, you need to find out the phase of the waning moon, stand in the doorway during this period, say quietly three times (so that no one hears):

“There will be as much luck in my life as there are people who pass through this door. A bad person will not be able to get through, but wealth and health will visit my house and stay there forever.

After saying these words, dip your fingers in holy water, cross the door three times. Then sprinkle water on the threshold. This will help you avoid misfortunes and disappointments in life, lure only good energy into your home.

Prayers for good luck and money from Vanga

Vanga had not only conspiracies, but also prayers for luck and money.

Prayer from failures to the holy angel

For the ritual, you need to fill the jar with water, leave it at night on the window. At dawn, get up, take a jar, go outside (it is allowed to go to the balcony). Holding the jar and looking at the sky, cross yourself, then cross the water from the jar. Quietly read the request to the guardian angel:

“My holy angel, guardian of soul and body! I cross myself, I turn to you with a pure prayer. I beg you for forgiveness: forgive my sins committed in error and ignorance. Bright angel, do not leave me in a bad moment, or in a good one, be with me on all my roads and paths. Help me find a righteous path, pleasing to God, take away evil from me, attract good luck. Give happiness, protect from troubles, so that I can help my neighbors from a pure soul, glorify the name of God in my deeds. Affirm the will of God, teach me a righteous life. Amen".

Prayer is read three times, on water. Then you need to drink a few sips, sprinkle all the housing with a sprig of parsley or dill, go outside, pour water under your feet and in front of you. This is how you bless your path.

Bread prayer for money

If you want to lure wealth into the house, you need to take a piece of bread after waking up, looking at it, read three times:

“Lord Christ, you were able to feed the hungry with five loaves, support my family. Make our life happy, well-fed, secure. Help me find the way to prosperity, send money to the house. I will spend this money wisely, use it for good. I will help the poor, glorify the Lord. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you need to eat bread, drink holy water.

Prayer for good luck to the owner of the water

For this ritual, you need to pour water into a glass bowl at dawn, leave it outside until noon under the rays of the sun. At noon on this water read:

"Great water spirit! Save me from trouble! Show mercy, save from diseases. Give me strength, beauty, health, good luck, so that I can be loved by people and God. Amen".

After reading, drink seven sips from the bowl, undress, pour the rest on top of your head.

Vanga said that at home there should be items that attract money. These items include:

  1. Valenki - serve as a receptacle for gifts of fate, attract abundance to the house.
  2. Dry fish scales - resembles the shape of a coin, so it attracts money well.
  3. Specially prepared money.

The last paragraph refers to the ritual. We must put the money for a few hours under the moonlight and leave, so as not to look, not to scare away the magic. After a few hours, wrap this money in a cloth, hide it in your wallet. Do not spend a month, leaving them to attract new money. In a month, spend them on church candles. Leave change for donations. You can put candles anywhere, and repeat the ritual in a month.

Vanga's conspiracies are not known in the same way as her popular predictions, however, they can bring much more immediate practical benefit to every person in everyday life. Most of them are very simple, understandable and will not require any lengthy preparation and unusual things from you. At the same time, they are all really safe and are an excellent example of exceptionally good white magic.

In the article:

Vanga's conspiracies - what you need to know about them

The famous soothsayer from Bulgaria, Vanga, knew many conspiracies, prayers and easy-to-perform ways to become richer, gain good health, find love and happiness. She tried to share her wisdom with people. This was especially true of loved ones, who recorded not only predictions, but also conspiracies and prayers.

Conspiracy for bread

This Vanga conspiracy for money is aimed at ensuring that your wealth does not decrease, and you and your family do not have to think about how to feed yourself and your children. It will not cause fabulous wealth, but it will save you forever from poverty. According to one of Vanga's advice, the first meal of the day determines the household part of the future person. This simple rite uses this principle.

On this day, it is advisable to get out of bed early, at dawn or shortly after it. Immediately after waking up, first read the Our Father prayer, and then the prayers dedicated to the patron saints of your family members, in any order. After reading the prayers, you can go to wash, and you need to do this carefully - remember that money does not like untidy people.

After washing, put a piece of bread and a glass of holy water on the table. This is your breakfast. It should be spoken like this:

God Almighty, All Forgiving! Like your son, Christ, he was able to feed all the weak with five loaves, so don’t leave me in trouble. Give us our daily bread, do not leave prayers unanswered. I don’t ask for fabulous wealth, I only ask for protection from poverty. Amen.

After reading the plot, you need to eat bread and drink it with holy water.

Holy water conspiracy

Vanga considered the water consecrated in the church to be one of the most powerful components of money and any other witchcraft. In addition, its use does not allow the presence of evil spirits during the ceremony. Vanga was a believer, she built a church in her homeland at her own expense. In this temple, she could often be seen, the seer believed that the church was full of positive energy.

This plot is read only in the first half of the day - from dawn to noon. You need to learn it in advance. For the ceremony, only holy water is required. With it, it is supposed to bypass the house clockwise, starting from the front door. Crosswise, you need to sprinkle walls, corners of rooms, doors and windows with holy water. At the same time, such a conspiracy is read:

Holy water, full of the Holy Spirit, (name) sends grace to me. The water of my holy house cannot be bypassed, no windows, no doors, no ceiling, no floor, no corner of the smallest. Everything is sprinkled with water, I will have grace. Amen.

A conspiracy that will help find money for a cherished desire

It happens that there is a cherished desire, but there is no money for its implementation. In such a situation, Vanga's conspiracy for money and good luck will help. But you need to spend the money you suddenly have only the way you planned, you can’t change goals. Otherwise, the money will go away, most often to solve some suddenly appeared problem.

You have to get up before dawn. The plot is read at dawn, on an empty stomach, but it is necessary to wash after waking up. If your window faces east, you can read the plot at home by opening it. If not, then go outside. You need to read three times, by heart:

I get up early
Until the sun comes out
I look at the side of the dawn
On the east side the country stands alone
And in it the trinity of wise men lives
Clever thoughts and words speak
Help is given to everyone, no one is offended, those in need are solved
Tell me the first wise man where to look for joy
Show me to the second wise man where he saved me from grief to find out
To the third to my desires show the way
To those wise men I will go on my way
And the sun will show me the way!

Sheep wool conspiracy

This simple rite attracts wealth and luxury to the home. It will require sheep's wool, a piece of skin or some fur. On the skin, fur or wool, you need to say the following words:

In a fur coat, a sheep wandered around the world, she wore it everywhere on herself. That coat, rich and warm, ran to me by itself, dragged riches and warmth to me. From now on, my house will be filled with goodness, gold and silver, it is boundless to be found in it. It's good for me, it's amazing for people! My words will be eternal, said to no one to turn back!

Sheep amulet, which will be the reason for improving your financial situation, is kept in the house so that it does not catch the eye of anyone. It will last a year, so the rite is repeated every year with a new piece of skin, and the old one is burned.

Vanga's conspiracy to work with holy water

Finding the right job has always been difficult. This Vanga conspiracy to work will help you find a workplace to your liking. He will help you find a job that suits your salary and responsibilities. But all Vanga's conspiracies for work are read when you are sure of success.

Pour into a glass of holy water and read on it three times:

There is strength in water, I will need it. Let me prove that it was not in vain that I received knowledge. Heavenly forces will help me, they will find a job worthy of my liking, they will lead me to it. The work itself will knock on my door, and I will prove that I can be useful. Amen.

Drink water, and then cross yourself. It is best to read this plot in the morning, before starting a job search.

Vanga's conspiracies from drunkenness

Alcoholism has been a problem for many people for more than a century. As a rule, it is not the alcoholic who suffers from it, but his family. Vanga's conspiracies from drunkenness will help you stop being a codependent person and improve your life and the life of your loved one who suffers from alcoholism.

The simplest option is to slander the water. It is very easy to make it without the knowledge of the drinker, because the water has neither taste nor smell. For the ceremony, glass containers and clean water from a natural source are useful. If you have problems with the last condition, you can use mineral water. This conspiracy is read on the 19th of any month:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit I say. A person is born, baptized, lives and dies. Just as that person died and does not get up, so may the servant of God (name) not drink booze. Just as the dead man’s hand does not rise, so the servant of God (name) does not touch vodka with his hands. Just as the mouth of a dead man does not speak, does not open, so do not pour demonic swill into the mouth of the servant of God (name). They baptized me with a cross, they saw me off with a dead man’s cross, the cross will protect me, the servant of God (name) will fence off evil. So be it, no one can break my words. Amen.

Spit three times over your left shoulder after reading Vanga's conspiracy from drunkenness. Hexed water should be mixed little by little into the food and drink of a person who is addicted to alcohol. You can sprinkle his clothes, the person himself, sprinkle the places where he spends a lot of time.

Vanga's conspiracies for love

Vanga's conspiracies for love are similar in their action to. With their help, it is impossible to cause harm, however, one should be more careful with such witchcraft. If you are not sure that you now need a relationship and the presence of a specific person in the role of a fan, it is better not to use magic.

Love magic has always been popular. With its help, you can easily beat off the gentleman from your rival, return your husband to the family, and also become the most attractive for your husband or boyfriend and guarantee fidelity in marriage. However, such witchcraft requires responsibility and caution, because getting rid of the "bewitched" groom is much more difficult than casting love spells.

Vanga advised me to carefully monitor myself during love magic. Such rituals require an appropriate appearance. Imagine that you are going not to read conspiracies, but to meet the object of your passion, and try to look the part.

Beet Conspiracy

For this ceremony, you will need two photographs - yours and your chosen one. In advance, you need to buy two thin candles in the church, which are also needed for the ritual. You also need a knife with a wooden handle and raw beets. Candles should be wrapped with natural red thread. On the beets with a knife with a wooden handle, make an incision in the shape of a cross. From this incision, you need to squeeze out three drops of beet juice for each photo.

Put the photos on the table that you will use for love spells. Above them, place the beet so that it becomes the top of the triangle. Between the photos, place candles and light them. Now you can read the plot:

Let the narrowed one come to the servant of God (name), brought by the holy spirit by the hand. Let him think about me day and night, don’t let other women near him, dream about me, and the Holy Spirit opens his eyes to me.

After a while, the guy you did the ritual to will pay attention to you. You can count on reciprocal feelings and the emergence of relationships. In order to enhance the effect of the ritual, ask the object of your passion to sharpen the knife that you used for love witchcraft.

Conspiracy in the photo

In order to conduct this ceremony, you will need a photograph of the object of your passion, which depicts only him. It is held at midnight from Saturday to Sunday. While reading the plot, you should sit near the window, and at least the window should be opened. Before that, light a church candle. The plot is read nine times:

The dark lightning rises, leading the force behind it. Black melancholy runs from the forests and swamps. A terrible sadness flows out of the old pools. My strength does not go out through doors and gates. My thoughts are to walk along untrodden paths, to make their way through unclimbed burrows. Do not look at others anymore, do not know freedom, only desire me. There is power in my words. Which have not be avoided. Amen.

Now you need to drip wax on the photo so that the drop falls on the image of a person. Put the photo under your pillow and go to bed. The candle must burn out completely, so it is better to choose thin candles. The ritual needs to be performed for nine weeks in a row, but it is worth the time spent. With it, you can restore the brightness of the relationship with your spouse or fall in love with a person with whom there is no relationship yet.

Vanga's conspiracies for health and beauty

Vanga's conspiracies for health, beauty and weight loss are quite popular. These are difficult questions that can be solved either with a large amount of money or magic. If you didn’t get good health from nature or the willpower needed to lose weight, you can turn to witchcraft that has come down to us since the time of the great seer from Bulgaria.

With the help of health conspiracies, you can get rid of diseases and improve your health, forgetting about the cost of treatment. The topic of health has always been in demand, and the famous seer was engaged not only in predictions, but also in the treatment of people. You can do magic for self-healing at any state of health, and this only applies to conspiracies for health. For other types of witchcraft, perfect well-being is necessary.

Conspiracies for beauty and weight loss will not make you a model in one evening. However, with their help, you can achieve the results you need if you persist not only in repeating the rituals, but also in the appropriate actions that are needed to lose weight or otherwise change your appearance.

Conspiracy to lose weight on water

Conspiracy from the evil eye to holy water

There are many conspiracies from the evil eye, but this is what Vanga, known all over the world, used. If you are not sure if there is an evil eye, this rite can still be done just in case. There will be no harm from this, on the contrary, because it also has protective properties.

Before going to bed, take a glass of consecrated water and say to it:

Holy water, I conjure myself, flow to God, ask for me. Let evil people do not do me famously, evil eyes do not look at me. The Lord God will help me, protect me from hardship, turn away adversity.

Drink water and go to bed. You can’t talk with anyone until morning, you need to sleep alone.

Conspiracy on the front door

Vanga believed that luck, happiness, money and health tend to come to people through ordinary front doors. Diseases, failures, lack of money also fall into houses. Therefore, the front door, according to the famous seer, deserves special attention. In order for the good to freely enter your doors, and the bad to not enter your life, you can read the plot on the front door. This is done only on the growing moon.

Pour water from a natural source into a clean glass container. If you only have tap water, it is better to use bottled mineral water, which is available in any store. On the water you need to say a slander:

Everyone who enters my door will be my faithful helper and friend. Enemies and villains will not enter me, they will not find the way to my house. How many doors open, so many times I rejoice in goodness. Sorrows and troubles cannot come to me, I can find happiness in life. Health is at the door. Happiness is at the door. Wealth is at the door. Luck is at the door. Money is at the door. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Many people know about the predictions of Vangelia Dimitrova (Vanga), a Bulgarian healer famous throughout the world. But not many are aware that there are still wise advice, prayers and conspiracies of the soothsayer. Of course, only a part of the great heritage has survived to our time. We will tell about it today. In this article you will find the most popular Vanga conspiracies that will help you avoid adversity in everyday life, improve your health, preserve beauty and youth, attract good luck, money, wealth, various material benefits, etc.

All conspiracies and prayers that were not lost after Vanga's death and were passed down by ordinary people from generation to generation are considered very powerful and effective.

To date, there are several publications about the conspiracies, instructions and advice of Vanga. Books containing texts about luck are very popular among them. And the most common conspiracies that are aimed at helping ordinary people to gain luck and good luck in various matters, we give below.

Prayer that attracts favorable changes

If clouds hang over you, and a streak of trouble haunts you in various matters for quite a long time, read Vanga's conspiracy below. In order for the text of the said prayer to bring the expected result, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate ceremony.

To get rid of the “streak of bad luck” and attract good luck into your life, you need to get up at dawn on any of the days of the week and the lunar calendar. Having collected fresh water in a bucket, wash the floors in all the rooms of your home with it. After that, take the dirty water out of the house. It should be poured onto the ground away from the walls of the house. After returning home, take a dip. After completing the procedure, dress in clean clothes. Having gone to the most spacious room of the house, say the plot out loud:

“I turn, servant / servant of God / God (my name), to You, merciful Almighty Lord, and to Your saint, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Crossing and praying, I ask. In a deserted field, in a clean meadow, lies a large stone. He does not conduct any business, does not call anyone. To lie to that stone forever, and to me, the servant / servant of God / God (say your name), get up with the sun in the morning, white light come out with your feet and grab luck by the tail with your hands. Catch, grab, good luck, come to my hands.

Say the words of this prayer three times in a row. Then repeat "Amen" three times and leave the house. Go where your eyes look. A new path and signs will open up for you, heralding the onset of improvement. If you do not fulfill the main condition and stay in the house, do nothing, you will be inactive, you may not expect favorable changes.

Prayer for good luck before a responsible business

The Vanga conspiracy written below will help those who:

  • settles in a new job;
  • opens a new business;
  • starts a new activity.

To bring good luck, luck and the favor of Fortune, which would accompany you on a responsible day, try the following. Getting up with the first rays of the morning dawn, fill a wide plastic vessel with water for washing (room temperature). Bending over the container, say the text of the prayer for good luck on a significant day for you:

“Voditsa is pure, fast sister, you passed along unexplored paths, dark forests, high mountains, deep valleys, along paths in meadows, across fields, through sands, along steep banks, through clear skies. You met the dawn and said goodbye to the sunset many times. Meeting the clear dawn, you were illuminated by the sun, you were cleansed by the light. Cleanse me too, the servant of God (your name). Wash my soul, wash my body, mind and heart so that dirt and evil spirits, failure, damage, evil eye and filth are washed away. Let my new business be kind, bright, so that everything in it develops and is filled with goodness. Amen".

After saying this text once, pour the water spoken on your head to wash yourself with it. Once done, you can safely go to a new business. Good luck will accompany you in it.

Prayer if you need luck for a financial business

If you want to attract good luck for a financial business, in order to get money or inherit wealth, use this Vanga conspiracy. It will help you get rich if you have good goals and bright intentions for this. The ritual is as follows.

Getting up at dawn, take a loaf of bread. Looking at this piece, say a plot for financial luck (raise money):

“Merciful Lord our God, how could you make the needy fed with five loaves, do not deprive me of your mercy. Feed us so that my family does not need, and my life is full, prosperous and joyful. Please, turn luck to me, let the money in the palm of my hand flow like a river to me. I will spend them wisely, I will give joy to others, I will bring good. Let my wealth increase, my house will open for him. Glory to our Lord forever and ever. And my words are the key and the lock. Amen".

This conspiracy from the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga should be done early in the morning and on an empty stomach. And after you say the words of the prayer on the bread, it will need to be eaten first.

Ritual to attract financial luck

Conspiracies from Vanga, which, according to her recommendations, should be read at dawn, are quite strong. And we give another one with which you can attract financial luck.

The ritual must be carried out in your home. To fulfill your plan, you have money and wealth, prepare a glass filled with holy water and salt for the ceremony.

Rising with the first rays of the sun, take a vessel filled with liquid. Throw a pinch of salt into it. When all the crystals are dissolved, begin to read a prayer aloud:

“As the scarlet dawn appears, as the bright sun illuminates the Earth, people and all living things, so may the Lord give me, the servant of God (his name), health, happiness, good luck, prosperity. May the Lord Sovereign protect me from all evil. Amen".

After the ceremony, a glass of charmed water will need to be removed to the farthest corner. Just keep in mind that no one should try or pour this charmed liquid. This should be done only after a month yourself. After a month, take the vessel and take it outside. Pour the charmed water on the ground and return home, repeating the ceremony again, filling the glass with clean new water.

Rituals for financial prosperity

In books about the advice of a wise soothsayer, there are not only conspiracies to attract good luck in financial matters. There are special Vanga conspiracies that are aimed at endless prosperity and enrichment.

Rite to gain permanent prosperity

This rite, during which it will be necessary to read a conspiracy for wealth and prosperity, should be done strictly before noon. You need to take a glass of holy water and before the arrows converge on 12, go around all the rooms in the house with it. Sprinkle liquid on all walls, floors, windows, corners in the room, starting from the threshold. At the same time read the plot:

“Pure Water, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit. Please send me, the servant of God (your name), this house and all the people who live in it, grace. So that we all have plenty of all happiness, good, prosperity, wealth.

At the end of the procedure, say the word "Amen" 3 times in a row. It is desirable that the water runs out when the last room is sprinkled.

Ritual to bring in more money

Unlike the previous one, this Vanga conspiracy is aimed specifically at enrichment. If you want money to literally “flow like a river” into your hands, perform this ritual.

Stock up on psyllium seeds first. If possible, assemble them yourself. A handful of these seeds should be taken early in the morning, as soon as you wake up, and read over them the words:

“You are the grass of the road, traveling, you know all the paths, paths and paths on earth. So show me the way to my house money. Let it never overgrow, but expand, not be trampled, and bring wealth. Amen".

Then go outside, cross the threshold of your house. Hold grass seeds in your hand. Throw them under the threshold, while saying another conspiracy 3 times in a row: “Money to the house!”.

Ritual for a prosperous life

This conspiracy from Vanga promises well-being in general. If you want money to always be in the house, health and happiness do not leave, and everything in life is measured and calm, perform the ritual described below.

In the first half of a sunny day, go outside. If this is not possible, just open the window. With your palms facing the sun so that the rays illuminate them, repeat the words of the prayer three times:

“Affectionate, warm red sun, you live in heaven and illuminate everyone with your radiance, illuminate with good. Give me, red sun, your warmth, light and all kinds of blessings. From now on, it will be so now and forever and ever. Amen".

Immediately after the spoken words, put your hands to yourself, palms to your chest. Close your eyes and visualize what you want. Imagine how happiness and wealth enter your life, how money and various goods fill the house.

To achieve a positive result, and your wish came true, perform the ceremony and read this Vanga conspiracy for a week.

It is important to perform magical actions on each of the seven days (even cloudy), at the same time.

Ritual for receiving the amount for an important matter

In Vanga's legacy, there are several conspiracies that help bring to life not just money, but a specific amount. As a rule, such prayers are successful if the money is needed for a good cause (improve health, buy housing, education, etc.).

For the ceremony you will need:

  • a bag made of natural fabric, sewn with your own hands;
  • a bunch of cut grass (can be dried).

Before noon, take a bunch of picked herbs in your hands. Bring it to your lips and say the following conspiracy to it:

“The grass grew, grew, rose and grew, and as much as I needed, it fell into my hands. Let the money grow in this way, as much as you need in my hands, they are added. My word is firm, so be it from now on! Amen".

After speaking the herbs, place them in the bag. In order for the money that you do not have enough to do a good deed to appear, carry this bag with you all the time.

Ritual for the return of borrowed money

Conspiracies from Vanga will also help those who want to return their money given to someone in debt. If your debtor does not return a certain amount for a long time, read this prayer.

First, get a candle in the church. In the evening, before going to bed, light it. Looking at the flame, say three times:

“The fire is bright and burning, I endow you with my word and the memory of a duty that should rightfully return to me. Burn and shine brightly, in the head, body, mind, in all the veins of the servant of God (name the debtor). Let him not forget and remember his duty. Let him neither eat, nor sleep, nor think about anything but duty. Let him not know peace day and night, but return the debt. As soon as he comes and brings me money, the fire will calm down, it will stop burning from the inside. My word is strong. Let it be so! Amen".

Rituals for better health

For those who want to improve their health, there are such conspiracies in Vanga's magical heritage. As a rule, they also provide for a special ceremony.

To fill the house with health and happiness

To let health and happiness into your home, and at the same time wealth, you need to perform a ceremony on the front door.

By applying this conspiracy, you will not only be able to enrich your home, but also block the path to your home for adversity, sorrow, bad weather, misfortune and failure.

“I speak the door to my dwelling. How many will enter it, so many helpers will be for me. Enemies, enemies, evil and envious people will never come here, just as there will be no passage for grief, need and evil spirits. I will attract good luck, health, wealth, money to my house. May it be so from now on! Amen".

Having crossed after that the front door, sprinkling it three times with holy charmed water, say the prayer “Our Father” after the words of the conspiracy. The effect of the conspiracy will be noticeable soon. You will feel that your health has improved significantly, and money and other benefits will begin to fill the house.

To rid your body of disease

Vanga also had special conspiracies, with the help of which she healed various ailments and ailments. If health is shaken under the influence of any disease, read the conspiracy described below. The magic words of Vanga's conspiracy should be pronounced at dawn.

Fill any bowl with spring (or well) water. Go outside with her. If this is not possible, stand with a vessel filled with water at the window, after opening the shutters. Whisper the words over the bowl:

“I will rise, the servant of God (my name), wash myself with holy water, cross myself, bless, pray to the Lord. I will go from the door, through the gate, at Mary's morning dawn to the blue sea. There, on the sea, I will find a stone of gold. He stands, does not sink, does not whine, does not groan. Let me, the servants of God (her name), do not ache. Let there be no pain in the head, body, bones, joints, on the face, in the eyes. Morning dawn, Mary, evening dawn, Maremyana, you will soon subside, you will remove sickness from the servant of God (your name), alleviate all sorrows, tracts, shelters, all 12 relatives. My word is firm, my word is strong, so be it from now on! Amen".

Having uttered this Vanga conspiracy, you will need to wash yourself with charmed water so that all diseases disappear and health improves.

There is still a huge number of conspiracies that the Bulgarian healer used to help people. Conspiracies from Vanga are still the most effective and powerful.

Give your child three times a day to drink water - in the morning from one cup, in the afternoon from the second, and in the evening before bedtime from the third. Pour the rest of the water from each cup down the drain.


For children suffering from diarrhea, the Bulgarian clairvoyant advised them to drink a decoction of peppermint leaves (Mentha piperita L.) several times a day.

Conspiracy from hiccups

The evil eye is often manifested by minor ailments, often by hiccups, from which it is impossible to get rid of. If this happened to a child, then you need to take three church candles and a wide bowl of water. Place the bowl on the table, light the candles, and drop a drop from each candle into the water. Above each drop, read the plot:

The Virgin Mary, the virgin Palagea, walked through the dungeon, cleaned the gray stones, washed the white roots, cleaned, rinsed the dry land from the servant of God (name), uzeesha, oh tracts. Wash it from black eyes, from brown eyes, from clear eyes. All lessons are prizes, hiccups, boredom, go to the forests, to the swamps, there you will have a walk, there you will show off, on the mosses to the swamps, there you will have drinks, there you will have nasties, there will be soft beds. Be, my words, strong and sculpting, stronger than stone, tighter than damask steel. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Let the child soak his hands in this water three times and shake the drops from his fingers to the floor. Wash it three times with the same water, pour the rest on the ground.

Protection against spoilage help charmed water for drinking

In order to create reliable protection against possible evil eye or damage, let your child drink three sips of charmed water every morning. In the evening, pour water into a glass, throw three grains of salt into it and read the plot over it:

I will rise, the servant of God (name), bless, I will go cross from door to door, from gates and gates, to the east and west, to the east, under the sun it is clear, under the stars are frequent, under the whole moon of the Lord, to the ocean. On the sea-ocean lies a white golden stone, on this white golden stone stands the Mother Church of God. I will go to this Church of God. In this Church of God there is a golden throne, on this golden throne sits the Most Pure Mother of God. Mother Most Pure Blessed Virgin Mary, do not plow, do not brush off the sea foam from the blue of the sea, but wash, splash, sprinkle with water from the servant of God's baby (name) all lessons, all prizes, all stabs, all flogs, all hissing, all lomotishsha, sip, yawning, thirty-three pains, thirty-three ailments, thirty-three relatives, thirty-three thin people, prickly and doucheful, yawning and mellow. Rinse, rinse, let them go into the blue sea. There they are in love, there they are adornment, there they admire, there they show off, and they don’t touch the servant of God’s baby (name), his good health is added. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Leave the water on the windowsill at night, and in the morning let the child drink three sips. Pour the remaining water into the sewer, and start talking new in the evening.


Damage in a child can manifest itself in circular alopecia. To cope with this scourge, take a bunch of Full Color Field (Anagallis), and a glass of grape vodka. Dip the herb into the liquid, bring to a boil and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. Cool the decoction, soak cotton wool or a piece of clean linen cloth in it and wipe the affected areas 3-4 times a day for a week. Then prepare a decoction of the roots of clover (Trifolium) and pour it over the child's head for three days before going to bed.

There is another way to deal with hair loss in a child. You need to take three clover roots (Trifolium), each of which will be the size of an olive, grate them on a fine grater and pour 100 ml of strong grape vodka (you can take medical alcohol). Let it brew for a day, moisten a cotton swab with tincture and rub it into the places of hair loss 1-2 times a day.

A conspiracy on water for morning douche to remove damage and the evil eye

If in the morning the child complains of feeling unwell, then before the doctor arrives, you can help him (of course, if the reason is damage or the evil eye).

Take 1 tablespoon dried chamomile, 1 tablespoon dried mint, 1 teaspoon dried marigold. Mix the herbs, pour them with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Pour warm water into a jug, add the strained infusion to it and read the plot over it:

As you, mother key water, washed away from the steep banks, from the yellow sands, so wash and rinse from the baby slave (name) all the lessons, prizes, sorrows and illnesses, dear relatives, thin people, wash and rinse twelve relatives, twelve thin people, death-bearers , helicopter carriers, ulcers, no matter what the name is, no thinness, no fruit, no root, no growth.

Mother, the most pure river, you wash, rinse the steep banks, so wash-rinse from the baby slave (name) pinches, aches, hits, inflows and windy disturbances. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Pour the child with this water.

A conspiracy on a woolen thread to protect against the evil eye and illness of a young mother and baby

If you are going with a small child somewhere in a crowded place, on the evening before, prepare yourself protection from damage and the evil eye. Take the icon of the Mother of God and the Savior, put them on the table, light three red candles next to each other, and put two woolen threads in front of the icons. Cross yourself and read the plot:

Mother Most Pure Blessed Virgin Mary, as you gave birth to Jesus Christ, swaddled in swaddling clothes, curled in silk belts, so close, protect the servants of God (names) from lessons, from prize-winners, from tricks, from influx, from windy commotions, from pinching, yawning, from a violent head, from clear eyes, from a white body, from black eyebrows, from the lungs, from the liver, from the entire female and child body, from a single, from a two-married, from a three-married, from a black, from a red, from a red, from a girl - simple hairs. Which teacher taught me, which words I didn’t finish, be my words strong, molding, stronger than stone, blue fire, damask knife, I will conclude forever, from now on, from age to age, so that there is no belching forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Blow out the candles, and leave the threads overnight in front of the icons. In the morning, tie them to yourself and the child on the right wrist.

A conspiracy for warm boiled water to protect the child from spoilage

In the evening, in the cup from which the child usually drinks, pour boiled water and throw in a pinch of salt. Cross the water and read the conspiracy three times over it:

A wolf in the forest, and a month in the sky, they don’t go in a bunch, don’t fight. From the goose water, from (name) all the thinness.

Leave the water on the windowsill at night, and wash the child with it in the morning.

Conspiracy on water spilled through the ring

In the morning, when you wash your child, scoop up water and pour it through your ring into his palms. And read the plot nine times:

Like water from a ring, so with (name) all thinness.


You can save a child from frequent headaches like this: with well-dried sandy cumin (immortelle, Helichrysum arenarium D. C.), which is often called “Bogorodskaya grass” or “gray flower”, you need to fill a pillowcase made of natural linen and offer the child at night as a pillow. In the morning, shake the grass out of the pillowcase, prepare a decoction from it and pour over the child's head in the evening, after bathing. Well helps with this disease and washing the head with a decoction of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.).

Sleep conspiracy

This conspiracy helps to remove damage and protect the child from the evil eye. A mother or grandmother should read it over the child's bed when he falls asleep.

I went, a servant of God, (name), I went, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the ocean-sea, the Church stands by the ocean-sea, there is a throne, there is a golden robe on the throne, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, seventy seven apostles, help, help the servant of God (name) from a white body, from a zealous heart, so that the bones do not break, the veins do not pinch, from a red hernia, from an internal hernia, from fear.

Lessons, prize-winners, daytime troubles, nocturnal neprosshishshschi, stingy, lomotischsche, thin, relatives, from a white (name) face, from a black eye, from a white eye, from a girl of an idler, from a woman of a cigarette, from an oncoming-transverse, from a sorcerer, from sorceresses who tame, look after, let him swallow a sharp knife, turn his tongue, let hot blood pass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Cross the child three times.

How to identify and remove damage and the evil eye in adults

Rite-amulet with a pin to detect damage and the evil eye

In order to protect yourself from the evil eye, use an old remedy - a pin. Take a small clay cup and pour coarse salt into it - table or sea salt. Bury an ordinary safety pin in salt and place the cup overnight in front of the icon of the saint bearing your name. In the morning, pin the pin on the inside of your clothes so that it is not visible to others. Remember that the pin should be perpendicular to the ground. Having pinned a pin, read the old conspiracy three times:

Lord God, save me on the road, from unkind people, from an evil eye, and from a bad word. Amen, amen, amen.

In the evening, look at the pin, if you have lost it or it is undone, this means that you have damage or the evil eye, which you need to quickly get rid of.

Detection of the evil eye with coal

There is another way to find out if everything is fine with your subtle body. So you won’t detect damage caused by an experienced sorcerer, but you will accurately identify the accidental evil eye. If you suddenly feel unwell - your head begins to spin or weakness, take a cup of warm water, cross the water and yourself three times, each time repeating "Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, all the saints of God, have mercy on us!"

Throw hot coal into the water and read the plot:

Voditsa-voditsa, holy sister. I didn’t recruit you, the Most Holy Theotokos herself recruited you, wash our Christian family, and remove the evil eye and damage. It’s not me who washes, it’s not me who washes away, the Mother of God washes away, everything that is thought, and thought, and let loose and narrowed - you won’t be here, you won’t live here, you won’t destroy the servant of God (name). Amen.

Watch closely the coal and your condition - if the coal is spinning in the water and does not immediately sink, and if you suddenly start to yawn, you are sleepy, dizzy, or hiccups attacked - this means that you have an evil eye, and you need to take off as soon as possible.

We remove the evil eye with a raw egg

To perform this ancient rite, you will need an assistant - a woman older than you, preferably your close relative or friend.

Put the icons of the Virgin and the Savior on the table and put a raw egg in front of them, put a glass glass half filled with water, a wooden stick and a sheet of white paper. Cross yourself three times in front of the icons.

Sit on a chair facing the icons, and the assistant should take the egg and start rolling it around on your head. You should start the movement from the top of the head and move in a spiral, passing along the back of the head, back up again. In this case, the egg should not come off the skin. Having made nine runs, you need to roll the egg from the back of the neck and further along the spine up and down also nine times. Then roll in a spiral nine times on each arm and leg. Make sure that the egg does not come off the body!

Then you should break the egg into a glass of water, and crush the shell in your hand and throw it on a piece of paper.

With a stick, shake the egg in a glass, saying over it:

Lord, deliver me from filth and impurity, so that nothing remains in me but the goodness of Thy truth and Thy holy power! Amen.

Pour the water with the egg into the sewer, roll up the paper with the shell, burn it on the ground and bury the rest.

Wash your hands up to the elbow in running water.

A conspiracy for salt to remove damage and the evil eye, read on the full moon

This conspiracy is very strong - it helps to remove the most difficult damage, but you can read it only once a month - on the night of the full moon.

Sprinkle a thin layer of salt in a flat bowl. Place three candles around the bowl and light them. Place your left hand on the salt, cross yourself three times with your right hand and read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become, the servant of God (name), I will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, on the path of God, on the works of the Lord, from the door of the house, from the gate to the open field. As in the open field Okiyan-Holy blue sea; in Okiyana-Holy blue sea there is a Zlatar stone. As in that Zlatar stone there is a golden chair, on a golden chair sits St. Mary; Saint Mary is holding golden scissors; she, holy Mary, circumcise, and the Holy Spirit shears off the servant of God (name) prikos, prizes, lessons, glass and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, a pinch and other internal illness; bone and alluvial hernia, and peritoneal hernia; heart hernia, dashing damage, deafness, hiccups, talker, lingering, yawning and laughing - from the bones, from the brain, from the eyes, from the eyelashes, from the face, from the zealous heart, from the black liver, from hot blood, from the back joints, from subarticular from the veins, from the arms, from the legs, from everything I will become. From the servant of God (name), holy Mary, remove damage and mowing, prizes, glass and morning lessons, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight - on dark forests and dry forests, on mosses and swamps, and on rotten decks, on she puts it on the recumbent vyskiry, she herself says: how can those rotten decks and lying vyskiry so not be green, on the servant of God (name), not be parables and corruption, prizes and mowing, and lessons, glass and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight , witchcraft and sorcery from now on and forever, the servant of God (name) has been speaking for a century, the Most Pure Mother of God, the Altar Mother of God. Amen.

At night, leave a bowl of salt on the windowsill, do not close the curtains. The next evening, fill a basin or bucket with water and throw in three pinches of salt. Stir and pour over after a shower or bath. Do this until the salt runs out.

An ancient conspiracy to remove damage and the evil eye on water from a spring

Bring water from a stream or spring into the house, collecting water, read a conspiracy over it:

Voditsa Stepanida, the dawn of Solomonides, the land of Levanid, the well of Jacob! Bless, Father Jacob, to collect water for the servant of God (name) on a toast, on a silushka, on a vein! At the well of Jacob sat the wife of the Samaritan woman, she poured water, (name) gave drink. The Lord gave the Samaritan woman a drink, and you, (name), will give you a drink, heal, and bring you to grace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Carry water home in a closed bottle where no one can see it, and don't say a word to anyone along the way. At home, put the bottle at night in front of the icons of the Savior and the Virgin, and from the next morning drink water three times a day, three sips.

Evening conspiracy to remove damage

Before going to bed, go to the window, if the weather allows - open it (or at least a window), cross yourself three times and read the plot:

Oh my God! Have mercy on me and save, Thy servant (name). As the evening dawn divorced and flares up, and soon goes out; in the same way, I, your servant (name), got lessons and manakos, prizes and slanders, sorrows and illnesses and windy fractures, relatives and fevers, fall, fall, everything would go out. It came from the wind, it goes to the wind, and what came from people will go to people; where it came from, go there. Lord have mercy and bless. Amen.

Go to bed and don't talk to anyone else.

Ritual with river sand to remove damage and the evil eye

Bring three full handfuls of sand from the river bank and pour it into a sieve. Place a deep bowl under the sieve. Pour water into a clay cup and pour it into a sieve with sand. While pouring - read this conspiracy:

Lord, God! Bless me, your servant (name), Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Holy Trinity Life-Giving, and George the Passion-Bearer! I cover myself, the servant of God (name), heaven, gird myself in shells, gird myself with weapons. I covered myself, the servant of God (name), heaven from all sorts of dashing people and adversaries; against me, the servant of God (name), the sun, over my head is a month, my star is in heaven. You have tied up in this world in the free seventy princes of Hellenic, so you will also bind our dashing people and adversaries, sorcerers and sorcerers, sorcerers and sorcerers, little things and little things, sorcerers and sorcerers, stricken and comprehensible, dokhturs and dokhturits, blacks and yellows, and Samoyeds, and Samoyeds, and monks, elders and old women, schemniks and schemnists, priests and priests, deacons and deaconesses, deacons and deacons, sextons and sextons, blacksmiths and blacksmith wives, polniki and foresters, and zaleshnikov, fishermen , merry men and wives, and mekhonosh, and my sweat and my thought, old and young, and all kinds of dashing people, and all dashing hot blood. And neither water nor dew can fill those words of mine, nor moisten them with rain. Amen. My words are the key and the lock, and the whole fortress of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

Wash yourself with water from a bowl three times, and throw the sand on the ground.

A conspiracy to remove spoilage and the evil eye on water, salt and clay

Bring home water from a river or spring, pour it into a clear bowl or plates, and place it in the middle of the table. Turn off the lights and light five red candles. Prepare a handful of salt and a handful of dark clay (you can take cosmetic).

Pour clay or salt into the water with a pinch with your left hand, and stir with your right hand and read the following plot:

I’ll torture, salt, blacken the water, I speak the servant of God (name) from drifts, from drifts, from far-fetched, from fortune-telling, blown by the wind, from a whirlwind man, from a bald grandfather, from a Kiev witch, from an evil eye. Dawn-dawn, it rises to heaven and goes out at night, so it would rise and go out from the servant of God (name) disease and corruption, all kinds of sickness and black sorrow. As fire is knocked out of black stone, gray flint, so would all sorrows, all drifts, drifts, far-fetched, loosened, guessed, planted out, thrown out, carried away to where people do not live, dogs do not bresh the birds don't sing. My word is strong, locked with seven locks, my tongue is the key. Amen.

Wash your hands and feet with this water, then rinse with running water.

A conspiracy to water from three sources to remove the evil eye

For this ceremony, you need to collect water in three different bottles from three different sources - a well, a spring, a river. If you can’t do this in any way, then collect tap water in three different houses (but not in your own).

When collecting water, each time read the plot:

Sister-voditsa! In the name of the Holy Trinity, give from three sources of holy water not for evil and destruction, but for purity, for lightness in health to the servant of God (name).

Put all three bottles on the windowsill at night, drain the water from them into one bowl in the morning and wash your face three times and wash your hands up to the elbow. Drain the rest of the water down the drain.

Children's conspiracies for the treatment of various diseases

Conspiracies and rituals with water

Plot on birch and oak branches for children's health

In the old days, this conspiracy was read on a birch or oak broom, with which a child was lightly steamed in the bath. But even if you don’t go to the bathhouse, you can read such a plot on fresh birch (for a girl) or oak (for a boy) branches.

Put the branches with leaves, cut from a young birch or oak, in a basin or bucket and fill with hot water. Let the branches stand in the water for 10 minutes, then put the child on your knees and gently “stroke” the steamed branches three times. Each time, applying the branches to the body of the child, read the plot:

Just as this white birch (mighty oak) stood (a) in an open field, did not know (a) any lessons or prizes, so you, baby, servant of God (name), do not know any lessons or prizes, grow mother on joy, but in good health. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! (spit over left shoulder) Holy Spirit, amen!

Water, in which the branches were soaked, pour over the baby after bathing.


In order to save the child from asthma attacks, Vanga ordered to take two glasses of brandy (homemade fruit vodka, popular among the population of the Balkan Peninsula) and insist forty whole fresh leaves of coltsfoot (Tussilag farfaral) in it for 12 hours. On the first day, before going to bed, put 2-3 sheets on the child's back (between the shoulder blades) and leave overnight. The next day, put the leaves on the chest. Treat the child in this way for 2-3 weeks.

Conspiracy for health while bathing a child

Prepare a baby bath and add three pinches of sea salt to warm water. While pouring salt and stirring - read the plot:

Grandmother Solomonidushka, hovered the Christ-baby, and left the park to the servant of God to the baby (name). God bless! Rastunyushki in the arms, walkers in the legs, a talker in the mouth, and a mind in the head. Grandmother Solomonyushka of Christ the Infant hovered and ruled, asking God for mercy. The Mother of God Theotokos herself washed her Son Christ, and sent rinses to us, for babies. Silk broom on a paper slave (name) body with good health, for the sake of our cause. Come out, all sorrows and illnesses! After all, as a mother could bear her child and give birth, so I, the servant of God (name), can dissuade all ailments! Zosima and Savvaty, miracle workers of Solovetsky, come and help our deeds, infantile sorrows! The grieving Mother of God delivers everyone from torment and sorrow; deliver us from human reproaches and nets!

Cross the water three times and lower the child into it.


In the treatment of hepatitis (jaundice) in children, bathing the child in a decoction prepared from dodder (Cuscuta europaea) is a good remedy for drugs.

A conspiracy during an evening swim for a good sleep

In order for the child to sleep peacefully at night (this is especially important during illness), before bathing him, read the following words above the water:

Sleep, servant of God (name), at night, grow by the hour. That's your business, that's your job, your main concern. Let your mother and servant of God (name) sleep, let's work. Do not listen - where the hens cackle, where the birds chirp, listen to the singing of the church, and the ringing of the bell. Sleep, sleep, rest in peace.


If the child grows too thin and weak, Vanga advised to collect walnut leaves in the spring, boil them in boiling water and add the decoction to the bath for bathing the child. This should be done within 10 days. Best of all, this tool helps children up to three years.

Plot on water for pouring

After an evening bath, pour water over the child, slightly cooler than the one in which he bathed. Fill the jug with water before bathing the child and read the plot over it:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us! The Most Holy Mother of God Mother of God called for help, and washed away all sorrows and illnesses; I don’t help, I don’t help, I don’t deliver from ailments and pains, Jesus Christ Himself and the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos Herself with Her Son Christ in Heaven, helps and delivers. Do not be, servant of God (name), be a baby walker, be a walker. Listen to the father, yes mother, yes the Lord-Christ, yes the Most Holy Theotokos. Do not listen to lessons, or prizes, or cleanliness, or tracts, not from the bad, not from the good. Live and grow, get fatter, but more vigorous.


Rubbing the back, chest, neck, feet and hands of a child with a remedy prepared according to Vanga's recipe relieves colds. To do this, you need to take honey, add crushed aspirin and quinine tablets, mix with rakia (homemade fruit vodka) or just vodka. After rubbing, it is warmer to cover the child and, when he sweats, change into dry clothes.

A conspiracy to wash water for any illness

Whatever the child gets sick, you can significantly alleviate his condition if you wash him every hour with charmed water. Take three pinches of salt and put a drop of eucalyptus essential oil, a drop of peppermint oil, and a drop of clove oil on it (unless the child is allergic to these plants). Salt with oils dissolve in 1 liter of warm water poured into a clay bowl. Read the plot nine times over the water:

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the door to the gate, from the street to the open field, to the shore of the Okiyana-sea. On the shore by the sea stands a silver Church, in this Church there is a golden throne, on the golden throne Mother the Most Pure Theotokos herself sits. I will come closer, I will bow lower:

Mother of the Most Pure Theotokos, I ask you, wash off the baby (name) from the servant of God, pinch, shrimp, from a white body, from mighty shoulders, from clear eyes, from the whole baby (name). A beluga pike swims in the ocean-ocyane, iron teeth, pewter eyes, I put them to damask steel, to blue iron.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen.


Inflamed tonsils and overgrown adenoids are a common occurrence in frequently ill children. The following advice from a Bulgarian healer helps to cope with these unpleasant phenomena: take the dried roots of wild garlic (Allium victorialis L.), which is often called "cheremitsa", "puppeteer" or "victorious onion", and chop. Mix flour and water to get a dough that needs to be rolled out into a long, wide strip. Pour crushed wild garlic on the strip with a thin layer and wrap the dough around the child's neck, covering the tonsils. Top everything with a linen or cotton cloth. Leave a compress for a small child for 30-50 minutes, for a schoolboy - for 2-3 hours. This tool helps well with sore throats and adults who can keep the compress throughout the night.

Ritual for water for a sleeping child

Bring water from a well, spring, or river into your home. Pour it into a bowl of light clay and read the following plot over it nine times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I speak, I speak, I sentence the baby (name) to health, I dissuade him from illnesses. Amen, amen, amen.

Lightly sprinkle the sleeping child with charmed water, and sprinkle the whole room around him. Repeat three times a day.


Parotitis (mumps) is a fairly common childhood disease. Using the advice of Vanga, you can get rid of it in three days. The healer ordered to mix chalk, crushed incense powder and brandy (vodka). This mixture was applied to blue wrapping paper, pierced many times with a thick needle, and compresses were made on the area behind the ears.

Water for bathing or rubbing a sick child

Water in illness helps especially well - it lowers the temperature, and washes away all the harmful substances that have come out with sweat on the surface of the skin. So if it’s harmful for a child to bathe now or he himself refuses, is naughty, wipe him from head to toe with a damp towel dipped in charmed water. Cross a basin with water or a bath for bathing three times and read the following words above it:

I pray, but I dissuade, the servant of God, the baby (name), from painful pains, from sorrowful sorrows. I will stand, blessed, and go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, from door to door, along the road, straight to the sun, to the East. In the eastern side stands the Church of God, not cut with axes, not planed with spurs, set by the Lord God, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. I will come closer to her, I will bow to her lower, so that not lessons, not insights, not fears, not commotions do not stagnate, do not stagnate in a gray brain, in a white body, in a zealous heart, in hot blood, in a black liver, in black eyes, black eyebrows. I debug, I dissuade from the grandmother-about stovoloski, from the cigarette-rolling girl. I lock it with a lock, I conclude it with a key, I put the key on my tongue in my mouth, no one will intercede this key, no one will step over it, my words will not open, I will not allow illness to the servant of God (name). Amen.


To lower the temperature, Vanga advised to take a few brushes of sour grapes and boil them in 3 liters of water. Cool the broth and pour it over the child.


Healing tea at high temperature

Pour 1 tablespoon of heart-shaped linden and 2 tablespoons of dried raspberries into two cups of boiling water. Infuse for 20 minutes. Give the child a strained infusion to drink for several hours.

Plot for pouring a child in case of illness

From time immemorial, among the people, one of the surest ways to reduce the temperature of a sick child was dousing with cool water. And in order for such water not only to reduce the heat, but also to expel the disease itself from the body, you need to whisper the words of an old conspiracy three times over it:

Mother Voditsa, silver trickle, as you wash mountains and tols, so wash-rinse from the servant of God the baby (name) all the lessons, prizes, other people's slander, commotion from the wind. Rinse them off from the white body, from the zealous heart, from the lungs, from the liver, from seventy joints. Rinse-rinse from the oncoming-cross, from the sorcerer, from the sorceress, from the retnitsa, from the retina, from red, from black, from white, from gray-haired, from clear eyes, from various speeches. My word is sculpted, but your health is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Water for dousing at a high temperature becomes even more effective if, on the advice of Vanga, bring fresh hay into the house, boil it in 10 liters of water and cool the broth. This water can not only pour over the child, but also bathe him in it.

Enchanted water for drinking

In the evening, pour boiled water into a cup, cross it three times and read a conspiracy over it:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Lord God, help, Mother of God - help! I will rise, the servant of God (name), having been blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the east side, under the sun of the Lord, to the sea-okian. The Apostolic Church stands by the sea-okiyana, in this Church there is a throne, three angels of the Lord sit on the throne, Jesus Christ himself, with the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, with holy prayer, with all the powers of heaven. I, the servant of God (name), will come closer, bow lower and ask the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, intercessor, intercessor:

Help, Lord! Help, Mother! I will speak, servant of God (name), a disease of wind, daytime, midday, night, midnight, so that it does not grieve, does not get sick, does not go through the bones, through the veins, does not break the joints by the evening jura. As you, mother dawn, go out-wither-disappear, so would the servant of God (name) have a windy dangerous illness expire and disappear. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Give the child as much water to drink as he wants, throw the rest outside. Every evening, speak water like this until the child recovers.

Baba Vanga is a prominent Bulgarian specialist in the magic of money, fulfillment of desires, attraction of luck. The prophecies, prayers and conspiracies of the blind witch are described in the books of numerous followers. Vanga's spells save from enemies, ill-wishers at work, the vicissitudes of life. Here we will consider conspiracies and prayers, strong rituals for money and good luck from Vanga.

Most rituals for the fulfillment of desires and wealth are easily organized at home. We will consider Vanga's spells for love and health in a separate article. All conspiracies in this article will be devoted to money, apartments and luck. Surely you will successfully cope with them.

Before proceeding to the study of conspiracies for money from Vanga, it is worth a little study of her biography. The healer was born in the Macedonian town of Strumica, in 1911. The sorceress went blind early, so her father was forced to send her to a special Zemun school. Vanga spent most of her life in the village of Rupita.

It was in Rupita that Vanga acquired the ability of clairvoyance and became famous for all time for her predictions. The money conspiracies that the healer read have long turned into a legend. Since 1967, Vanga collaborated with the Bulgarian special services and the KGB (the monthly salary was 200 leva). The witch died in August 1996.

The famous prophecies of the healer

Vanga not only conjured for good luck and money, she regularly looked into the future. The reputation of the sorceress grew, because she helped many people. Here are some examples:

  • the beginning of World War II in 1939;
  • Hitler's seizure of power in Germany;
  • the election of a US president with African American roots;
  • collapse of the USSR;
  • the September 11 tragedy in New York;
  • sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk.

Many people live in fear of the future seen by Vanga. So, she prophesied for the year 2043 the introduction of the Arab caliphate in Europe. Vanga predicted space flights, the search for alternative energy and the immortality of man. The fortuneteller also made mistakes (World War III in 2010).

Vanga's recommendations for attracting wealth and good luck

Take into account that Vanga's white conspiracies for every day help only benevolent people. Live in world harmony, avoid negativity, honestly earn a living. Cast spells when the moon is waxing or on a new moon. There are other helpful tips:

  1. Hang a horseshoe, an elderberry sprig or a cross at the doorstep (they attract happiness and money).
  2. Carry a piece of turquoise quartz in your wallet.
  3. Rearrange furniture during the new moon (then the case will lead to a real increase in income).
  4. You can’t leave a sticking knife in bread if you want money to flow.
  5. It is forbidden to take change when buying artifacts (candles, threads, pins).

To stay at work, avoid table swearing (food absorbs negativity). Create the strongest attracting rituals with prayer and good thoughts. Always thank the higher powers for the help provided. If you have extra money, share it with the poor.

The strongest money rites

One of Vanga's best conspiracies for money and good luck is recommended to be done on Friday. The spell must be read in your own bed with your eyes closed. Present the required amount, comprehend the need to attract financial flows. Further actions:

  1. Say the phrase ("My wish will come true, because I want it so").
  2. Repeat the text nine times.
  3. Take an alarm clock and set it for four in the morning.
  4. When you wake up, go to the threshold of your home.
  5. Read the main part of the spell (this is done three times).
  6. The named amount should be spent on the purchase of what you have planned.

The text of the conspiracy for wealth: “In the early morning I got up, turned my eyes to the clear sun, received a blessing. Sunbeams, fulfill my innermost desire, give me quick money. I need (exact amount) to buy (item name). Guide me to good luck in my work, help me quickly gain prosperity. Amen".

charmed water

The most powerful conspiracies to improve life are associated with the use of holy water. You will need to fill a glass container with spring water, and then read a money prayer. The water is drunk at the end of the ritual. Prayer text:

“People who cross the threshold of my house will become my faithful helpers. Enemies will go away, they won't be able to find the way to me. Every time the door opens, the goodness in my life multiplies. Evil spirits and misfortunes will bypass these edges. Good and happiness - in the house. Amen".

If you need career growth at work and a constant increase in profits, create an appropriate talisman. To do this, you will need a piece of sheep's wool, which you need to speak and hide in the apartment. The wool must lie for a year, after which the ceremony is repeated. And this is what you need to say:

“Mother sheep, you wore a fur coat, wandered around the world. And now come into my life, attract success and prosperity. May my dwelling be filled with goodness, gold and silver. Abundance remains with me, the benefit flows into the wallet. Be sculpted and strong, my words. Amen".

Ritual with bread and water

There is one effective conspiracy for good luck in business, but it takes place in two days. The first stage is connected with a trip to the temple and the blessing of water. The next day, you will have to completely give up food and food. Procedure:

  1. Sit down at table.
  2. Pour holy water into a glass, place the container in front of you.
  3. Cut a loaf of black bread in half.
  4. Place the cut half on a plate.
  5. Now you need to read the plot three times.
  6. Drink some water.
  7. Divide the bread among relatives (let them eat it).

“Jesus fed the suffering with bread, so let it help my family too. I don’t want to need it anymore, I’ll get a high salary at work. I will have plenty of food and coins, and even more left over. Prosperity will come to the house, the wallet will be filled. And I will spend wisely what the Lord sends. Amen".

Complicated midday rite

Among the conspiracies and prayers, strong, for money and good luck from Vanga, midday rites stand out. At exactly noon, light three green candles on the kitchen table. You will also need three coins, a teaspoon and a bowl (coins should have a low denomination). A conspiracy for coins is accompanied by certain ritual actions:

  1. Begin the ceremony at noon.
  2. Place a teaspoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg into a bowl.
  3. Mix the ingredients, constantly thinking about money and enrichment.
  4. It is not worth guessing exorbitant amounts - you can lose everything.
  5. Start tossing coins (two heads and an eagle should fall out).
  6. Place the coins in the spice bowl.
  7. Read the plot for money.

After the end of the session, the enchanted coins and spices are poured into the closed compartment of the wallet. This will be a special wallet, keep it together with securities and important documents. Get ready for promotion at work and the transition to a "tasty" position. Spell text:

“Money powder, help me get a better life. I conjure so that they take a job with prosperity, and coins and banknotes are not transferred in the wallet. I want to find happiness, reject poverty, provide for my family. As I say, so be it. Amen".

Doorway and attract good luck

Enrichment happens faster if you are lucky. Bad energy usually enters the home through the door, bringing poverty, strife and illness. Therefore, prayers for good luck help people protect themselves from external influences. Wait for the waning moon, go to the door and read the plot three times to gain luck:

“People pass through the opening, and streams of luck flock to my house. The more guests, the more luck, happiness and joy. A bad person will not cross the threshold, but health and wealth will visit my house. When luck gets inside, it will no longer be able to leave the home. Amen".

You can strengthen the opening with pre-prepared holy water. If you want luck to stay in the apartment all the time, dip your fingers in water. After crossing the door three times, sprinkle the rest of the water on the threshold.

Selling conspiracy

Vanga has conspiracies to sell a car or apartment. They should be resorted to if the item being sold is of no interest to anyone. Procedure:

  1. Place a jar of spring water on the windowsill in the evening.
  2. Rise at dawn the next day.
  3. Go outside with a jar in your hands (a balcony will do).
  4. Look at the morning sky.
  5. Cross yourself and the jar.
  6. Read the spell three times, referring to your guardian angel.
  7. Take three sips, sprinkle the dwelling with the rest (dill and parsley sprigs are used for this).
  8. Re-exit the house (not to the balcony).
  9. Pour the rest of the water under your feet, blessing the path of life.

The text of the prayer: “Holy angel, I turn to you with prayer words, I ask you to forgive my sins and delusions. Bright angel, help me in a dashing moment, support me on the roads and on my journey. Make sure the deal goes well. Let them buy from me (product name) at a good price, they will give the money without cheating. Attract good luck, protect from troubles, enlighten and enrich. Amen".

We pray to the owner of the water

Some conspiracies from Vanga seem strange, but this does not prevent them from effectively changing our destinies. The ritual below is extremely powerful, although oriented towards pagan pre-Christian culture. Before you is a conspiracy to attract good luck with the help of the owner of the water.

When you wake up at dawn, fill a glass bowl with well water. Until noon, leave the bowl outside - so that the sun illuminates the vessel well. Further procedure:

  1. Exactly at noon, leave the house to the courtyard.
  2. Read the plot to bring good luck.
  3. Take 7 sips from the bowl.
  4. Strip naked and throw out the remnants of the charmed water.

Prayer text: “Great water spirit, protect me from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. Take aside disease, poverty, curses and the machinations of enemies. Have mercy, endow me with luck in any endeavors. Give me beauty and strength, let others love me. Let the black winds go around my dwelling side. I speak strongly, my word is sculpted.

Bread money prayer

A charmed piece of bread has an amazing power that can multiply material wealth many times over. In the early morning, take out black bread, speak it three times and eat it. The rest of the bread should be washed down with holy water. The text of the bread prayer:

“Bread feeds people, makes everyone happy, even if it supports my family. I want to live well and in abundance, not to count money, not to know grief. Direct, heavenly powers, silver and gold to my doorstep. I will spend it wisely, I will use it for good. I will praise Jesus, help the poor. Amen".

Raspberry Conspiracy

Here is another effective ritual for employment and a decent income. Suitable for anyone who is changing an old employer or is going to a difficult interview. Procedure:

  1. Go to the forest and look for a piece of bark lying under your feet.
  2. Remember the place where you took the artifact.
  3. Also in the forest you need to collect a bowl of raspberries.
  4. After returning home, rub the raspberries into the bark (where the smooth part is).
  5. Take a pen (the rod should be black).
  6. Write on the bark the place of work (position, company) that you dream of.
  7. Use the same pen to add your name.
  8. Go to the forest and bury the bark where it was found.
  9. Eat the rest of the raspberries at home, saying the incantation words.

The ceremony is organized on Wednesday, since this day is patronized by the monetary Mercury. Wednesday is the best time for career advancement and attraction of financial flows. Spell text:

“Raspberries are ripening, and my career is getting better. Wherever I go, I will be useful everywhere, the authorities will like me, I will get rich. Success will accompany everything. Amen".

Help of the saints

There is a very strong conspiracy to fulfill financial wishes, but it takes a long time to prepare for it. Three days before the ritual, go on a strict fast (fruits, vegetables, cereals). Quit smoking and alcohol completely. Here is what happens next:

  1. Silently go to the church (it is strictly forbidden to talk to passers-by).
  2. At the church threshold, mentally say Vanga's prayer.
  3. Inside the temple, purchase seven candles and place them in front of any icons.
  4. Pray (texts do not play a role).
  5. Wish your loved ones health and good luck.
  6. At home, repeat the prayer of the Bulgarian healer.
  7. Continue fasting until late at night.

The text of the prayer: “Holy saints, I humbly ask for your help. Send forgiveness to the sinner (your name), wish a good share and a well-fed life. Grant me a bit of earthly happiness, protect me from adversity, illness and dashing people. Let the sorrows go away, and the heart be filled with grace. My steps will go to the heavenly abode, I will move on the righteous path. The Lord Savior will be with me in prayer. Amen".

How to get the required amount

If you need to quickly get a specific amount of money, you should resort to the appropriate prayer. To do this, you need to wake up before dawn and leave your home. On the street, turn around to face the east side and calmly wait for the first rays of the sun. Say a magical spell.

To enhance the effect, constantly think about the amount of money you need. When the dream comes true, spend money on those things that you originally planned to buy. If you do otherwise, wealth will go away, and poverty will settle in the house. Spell text:

“I get up in the morning, I meet the red sun, I open my cherished thoughts to the sky. The three wise men settled in the lands of the east. The first one knows what I intended to receive. The second sees the path to acquiring the thing. The third will tell you how and what I should create. I open the cherished secret: help me buy (the thing is called). Let the desired come, and wisdom will not leave me. Amen".

How to Save Savings

Reasonable spending is a great art, which money magic will help to master. Water represents cash flows, so turn all the taps in the apartment tightly. Get a red ribbon, cut it and tie the pieces around the plumbing drains. Then do this:

  1. Tie eight knots on each piece (so you stop the mystical outflow of funds).
  2. Get a red notebook and record income and expenditure transactions there.
  3. Plant a money tree and basil in red pots.
  4. Put the pots in the far (from the doorway) left corner of the room.
  5. Sit down at table.
  6. Light four blue candles (they symbolize stability).
  7. Tie your credit card (or several bills) with yellow ribbon in a criss-cross pattern.
  8. Read the plot.

It is forbidden to remove a sling from money (or a card). A yellow bow should always remind the owner of the ritual performed. And the text of the spell is:

“My money is multiplying, clinging to each other. Candles burn, silver and gold attract. I tie expenses with knots, I tie bills (cards) with ribbons. Henceforth and forever in my house, wealth will not be transferred. Until the ribbon is untied, the wallet will be full. Amen".

good luck on a full moon

If you want to become lucky and forget about bad luck, wait for the full moon and perform the Vanga ritual. As in other rituals, you need to get up at dawn. Set the alarm - you should see the first rays of the sun. Procedure:

  1. Wash yourself in running water and fill a glass vessel with it.
  2. Whisper a conspiracy into the water.
  3. Put a few drops on your head.
  4. Wash again from the vessel.
  5. Allow your face to dry (do not dry with a towel).
  6. Keep the ritual a secret.
  7. Repeat the ceremony on the next full moon (it can be done regularly).

Prayer text: “Vodichka-sister, steep banks, pebbles and sands. You see off the nights, you meet the dawn, you give happiness and good luck to people. Cleanse me from filth, give me a grain of luck. Amen".

Baba Vanga knew a lot about predictions, attracting good luck and prosperity. Those who turned to the wise woman for advice lived happily ever after. So do not neglect the recommendations of the witch, follow the ritual algorithms exactly. And your house will turn into a full bowl.

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