Men don't like me, what should I do? The signs of a selfish attitude are quite clear

You admire your friend's ring again - she has been dating her lover for only six months, and he has already proposed to her. But your relationship never reaches even the third date, not to mention the fact that no one offers you marriage. And you constantly ask yourself: “why don’t men love me?” Why do men carry some women in their arms, but do not pay attention to others?

I want to get married, but the relationship ends quickly

The obsessive desire to get married can scare men away. Even if he completely shares your views on life, he prefers to make decisions himself. In addition, men often worry that their partner wants to get married, because that’s how it’s supposed to be, all their friends are already married, and parents demand grandchildren, and not for the sake of life together with him.

A man should take care of a woman, but he shows no interest in me

Forget about the word should. Men value their independence very much. If he feels that his freedom in the relationship will be limited, your romance will never continue. One of the main problems of many women is that they place too many demands on a potential candidate.

I try to dress brighter, but men are in no hurry to get acquainted

There is an opinion that men like beautiful women. So it is, but with a small caveat - beautiful and well-groomed, and not beautiful and provocative. When dressing up for men, the main thing is not to overdo it - an overly bright and vulgar outfit will only lead a man to have ambiguous thoughts about where you work. Such women scare men away, and they try to stay away from them.

The men I talk to don't want relationships

In fact, of course, they are needed. A normal, accomplished man wants a relationship - they value comfort in the home, regular sex and having a close and understanding person nearby. But in order for a man to decide on a relationship, you need to meet his criteria. Learn to be an interesting conversationalist and a promising partner in the eyes of men.

Men pay attention to other women, but not to me

Have you noticed that other women around you are literally basking in attention from men, but you hardly get any of it. Most likely, the fact is that they consider themselves attractive and sexy - it is this confidence in themselves and in their merits that attracts men like a magnet.

I can't get a man interested on the first date

Pay attention to what you say in a meeting with him and how well you listen. Tell him about what you like, about your hobbies and work - let him know that you are a serious and interesting woman. Do not ask a man how much he earns and how - this will establish you as a mercantile person who wants to ensure a comfortable existence for himself.

Men like stupid women, but trying to act like a fool leads nowhere

Stupid women are liked only by insecure men, or those who only want to satisfy their sexual desires. If you need a serious man, he needs to be interested. Men love women who strive to achieve something in life and are interested not only in themselves.

I don't know where to meet an interesting man

Meet today a worthy man you can do it almost anywhere. If you are hesitant to approach a man at a party, find places where your potential partners hang out - for example, enroll in a programming course, a motorcycle school, or take up any extreme sport. Find mutual language It’s much easier in a relaxed atmosphere.

Ask your friends to introduce you to people they know who might be for you a suitable match— there will certainly be many interesting men among them.

And finally, huge opportunities provides the Internet - today the easiest way to meet people is online. If you are not confident in yourself and are embarrassed to talk to a man “live”, try starting a dialogue with the man you like online.

I can't meet a man on my own

If you lack self-confidence and you don’t dare approach the man you’re interested in yourself, arrange for him to approach you himself. Try to attract his attention - straighten your back, make sure your movements are graceful, and carry yourself with dignity. Smile at him, hold your gaze on him - this way he will understand that you are interested in him, and it will be easier for him to decide on specific actions. Remember that men can be insecure too.

I don't find myself attractive enough

To attract interesting man, you need to love yourself. Treat yourself with love and respect, stand up for your principles in life and don’t settle for less than you deserve. Engage in self-improvement - acquiring new skills, expanding your horizons and working on yourself will help you feel more confident in your life. own strength and attractive - men will definitely feel and appreciate it.

I'm very sorry, but modern world Not all men behave like knights, respecting and protecting the lady of their heart. you spend together fun evenings and even wake up in the same bed? This does not mean that the relationship is serious, and the chosen one is really in love with you. Perhaps the man is indifferent to you or is simply using you to satisfy some personal needs. How to understand that a man does not love you? How to avoid manipulation by your partner? Read the article!

Constant lack of time to communicate with your woman

Does he value work too much and disappear for a week? Know that he has no feelings for you. If a man loves a woman, he will always find a couple of minutes to call or at least short message. And if his calls are rare, then you don’t have to delude yourself about yours. further relations. What to do if a man does not love, but uses (in in this case- your patience and meekness)? Decide for yourself once and for all whether you need such a relationship, and act!

He only needs one thing

Cases when men need sex from women and nothing more are not uncommon in the modern world. It's a pity that many representatives do not understand this. If a man does not love you, but uses you, it is immediately obvious. When he is gentle, loving and sensitive only to intimacy, and after it he turns to the wall and doesn’t want to talk about anything - this is not love. It's simple sexual attraction and passion. loving person He often says pleasant things to his lady, but a sexual manipulator only does so at the moment of excitement; after satisfaction, the object is no longer interesting to him.

How to understand that you are being used? Manipulative men usually do not think about the pleasure of their other half in bed. They think only about themselves, their release. These men want to be on top, but to do this they use standard set memorized techniques, without thinking whether a particular woman will like them.

Signs that a man doesn't love you: inattention to business

A man in love with a woman always strives to learn more about her; he is interested in how she lives. He wants to know how the lady spent her day, how she is doing at work or school, what music she likes, what movie she wants to watch. Such questions simply will not occur to a manipulator; he is not interested in the past, the present, or, unfortunately, future life partners. If a man does not love you, but uses you, he will not be sensitive to your mood swings and will not be interested in your affairs and plans.

He doesn't use the word "we"

Does your partner not use the pronoun “we” when talking about your couple? You can immediately draw disappointing conclusions: he has no serious plans for a relationship. Such a person does not recognize you as a whole. If you went to the cinema together, he might say to his friend: “I went to the cinema yesterday.” He doesn't like talking about a future together, even a short one. Such a partner will not take pictures together with you and, most likely, will ask you not to post joint photos on social networks. Such signs only indicate a lack of love and affection on the part of the partner.

He doesn't let you into his life

Whether a man loves or uses a woman is not difficult to understand. All the signs mentioned above indicate dislike. However, there are other important “symptoms” that your partner is not interested in you. A man who does not allow a woman into his life is simply using her. A man who avoids talking about himself, does not like to invite a lady to visit him, does not introduce her to his parents and friends, is unlikely to take her seriously. The main signs that a man does not love you are listed in this article. Remember them forever if you don’t want to end up as a toy in someone’s hands! There is also a type of man who takes a girl into his company, but remains very distant. They do not kiss or hug their partner in front of their friends and generally spend more time away from her.

Always pay attention to male gaze. If your partner is interested in you, his eyes will give it away. A person in love looks straight into the face, without going down to the blouse, neckline or knees. Eyes fixed on the neckline will only tell about sexual interest. Eyes darting around the room indicate a lack of interest in the interlocutor. If a man does not love you but takes advantage of you, he may even show signs of impatience (for example, tapping his fingers or rocking in his chair).

Psychology of the victim

Why do some women seem to attract manipulative men? The fact is that a person is responsible for everything that happens to him (although he may not even realize it). The victim's state is psychological internal state, it literally attracts all kinds of lovers of easy money of a material, sexual and other nature. If someone is using you, it means that you yourself are allowing similar situations. What could be the reasons for such an internal state?

  • Disrespect for one's own personality.
  • Various complexes.
  • The desire to hurt yourself, to punish with the help of strangers.

It is very likely that you did not like this explanation, but it does answer the question of why you were chosen to play the role of “victim”. How can a woman be used?

  1. Love manipulations. Very often, an insecure lady agrees to “supporting roles,” that is, she simply becomes a mistress married man. While it seems like you're not worthy best option, a man will use you to satisfy physiological needs
  2. Professional use. For a woman who does not believe in her strength and talent, her colleagues will try to throw off a considerable part of their work in a work environment. Also, cunning colleagues can appropriate your ideas, currying favor with their superiors, while at the same time convincing you of your absolute professional unsuitability
  3. "Friendly communication. Very often, an insecure woman gets a manipulative friend who knows what buttons to push and will quickly win over the “victim.” A woman, listening to false compliments, and pleased with the admiration in her direction, is ready to do anything for her “best friend.” Which the latter uses with great pleasure.

Adverse Signs

If you feel like you're being taken advantage of, but you can't be one hundred percent sure, listen to these warning signs.

  • Assumptions from family and friends that they don’t love you at all, but are simply using you. At first, such conversations only cause rejection and anger in the “victim.”
  • Relationship analysis shows that you give much more than you receive.

Think about the question posed for several days in a calm atmosphere, and then, on the contrary, try to distract yourself and forget about it. The correct conclusion will come on its own.

How not to be used?

Often a woman is not able to quickly figure out the following question: “Does a man love or use?” We described in detail how to understand what a partner really feels in the article above. How can such situations be prevented? Know your worth! Moreover, we are talking not only about love, but also about professional, material plans. Have clearly set goals, work hard on self-confidence, and then no manipulator will simply be able to break into your life and ruin it.

Don't settle for relationships you don't want just because you... this moment Stories like this lead to manipulation and sad outcomes.

Have you realized that a man does not love you, but is simply using you? Break up with him quickly, because the pain of separation will last much less than the bitterness of humiliation, unfulfilled hopes and annoyance!

A man (and a woman too, let’s be honest) can say anything. But if he does not do anything for his “beloved” - alas, these are just words.

Not renounce loving

“Do you love me” is an eternal question that women ask their chosen ones. They get the answer “yes, of course.” And then they wonder - how could he? Don't show up home, drink away your salary, cheat with best friend, forget that it’s time to pick you and your baby up from the maternity hospital and raise your heavy fists against your beloved? If he didn’t love it, he could have – it’s simple. However, it also happens the other way around - romantic ladies sigh “he never spoke about love”, not noticing that their cozy nest is packed from floor to ceiling by male hands.

A man (and a woman too, let’s be honest) can say anything. But if he does not do anything for his “beloved” - alas, these are just words. And what actions say that love has died and waiting “without leaving the door” has long been useless?

Ten signs that a man doesn't love you:

Especially for ladies who have doubts and questions. Young people can sing sweetly and build castles in the air, may find themselves in difficult circumstances and literally fall into the abyss, but nevertheless - loving man always values ​​his woman. And the one who does not love, accordingly, does not value.

1. A man doesn't care if you're in danger. He will let you go home alone at midnight or at two in the morning for cigarettes and go to bed. He doesn’t care how many hot horsemen or greedy sharks are at your resort, what is the condition of the wiring in the apartment and whether your parachute is well built. And if something happens to you, he will not come to save you from all misfortunes (according to at least without much persuasion).

2. A man doesn't care if you're in pain. Whether you have an unpleasant procedure coming up, a hospital or a trip to the dentist, whether you were taken by ambulance with appendicitis or to an emergency room for a new cast - the most you will get is “I’m sorry, dear.” If you ask too much, they can give you medicine or money. But he won’t worry.

3. A man is indifferent to your experiences. If your cat died or your mother got sick, he will be upset - that dinner was late, the date was cancelled, and you have an unpleasant expression on your face.

4. A man doesn't care about your problems. If they don’t waste it and take up time, of course. If you were fired from your job, the sink broke, the lock on the door got jammed, you forgot your suitcase on the train - “it’s your own fault.” IN best case scenario"poor thing."

5. He will eat knowing that you are hungry. Just take it and eat it, piece by piece, without noticing that your mouth is watering and your fingers are trembling.

6. He can watch you cry. Don’t get angry, don’t feel sorry, don’t console, and don’t even yell “stop it right now!” - continue killing monsters on the computer, staring at football or cutting herring.

7. He won’t stand up for you - it doesn’t matter if your neighbor in a communal apartment, a teacher at school, or a drunk plumber on the subway is yelling at you. He will not cover you in front of your mother-in-law, boss or traffic cop. You are not the woman he wants to protect.

8. He won't offer you money, knowing that you don't have it. Will not offer help, knowing that you need it. It will be serene to walk lightly when you are carrying heavy loads.

9. He doesn't call first. Doesn't write text messages or letters. Doesn't come to pat you on the head or hug you unless you call. And he’s not interested in where you disappeared and where you stayed.

10. He is not jealous of anything at all - not men, not work, not children, not pets, not social networks and computer games. He doesn’t ask how you live without him, who you communicate with, what’s going on with you. He does not care.

Ten signs that a woman doesn't love you:

For those men who doubt the feelings of their girlfriends. And for ladies who drag out hateful romances and hopeless marriages for years and decades out of habit, “for the sake of the children,” or out of a sense of duty. Women more often deceive themselves, mistaking nesting and maternal instincts for love. But if they are not there, then, alas, there is definitely no smell of love.

1. A woman doesn’t care where or with whom her man spends the night. She will never send a text message, call or ask the next morning “Where were you and who put lipstick on your shirt.” She doesn’t wait until dawn for the key to creak in the lock, doesn’t make scenes at the doorstep, and doesn’t ask questions to friends or the police. She doesn’t feign indifference or coldness—she just goes to bed. And sleeps.

2. A woman doesn’t care what a man looks like. Does he shower and shave often, does he have a clean shirt, intact socks, nice underpants and a decent umbrella. It’s not a fact that she will wash, mend and buy new things herself, but if a woman does not comment on a man’s appearance, she is indifferent to him.

3. She doesn’t care what, how or when he eats. There are good housewives, bad and no, there are women, in principle, not created for the kitchen. But even the most mediocre cook at least occasionally wants to feed her man - it’s an instinct.

4. She doesn't nag him. He doesn’t grumble about scattered socks and a cap of toothpaste, doesn’t ask to shave his stubble, shake off the ashes in the ashtray and not fight with Petka. He doesn’t complain about career failures, a ruined weekend, or a wallet lost due to drunkenness. She doesn't care about his mistakes and bad habits.

5. She doesn't care about him. Doesn’t bring medicine when a man is sick, doesn’t sit by the bedside, doesn’t console, doesn’t go to the hospital and doesn’t experience the illness with him. He doesn’t prepare breakfast in the morning or heat up dinner, doesn’t iron his shirts, doesn’t tie his tie, doesn’t cover him with a blanket, wakes him up unnecessarily and doesn’t allow him to rest.

6. She doesn't want children. Not now, not later, not in the distant future. Despite the fact that she does not belong to childfree and is capable of childbearing. If the couple already has children, it does not matter to her that this particular man is their father.

7. She does not talk about her problems, does not complain, does not seek sympathy and protection. Women tend to be frank with close people; if she is silent, the man is no longer close to her.

8. She doesn't stop the man. It doesn’t matter what stupid adventure he started, whether he was going fishing, going on a drinking binge, going to a corporate party with a striptease or to Manezhnaya with fittings - she will blow a kiss after him and slam the doors.

9. She does not caress a man. Doesn’t try to kiss, cuddle, fall asleep next to him, call him a funny name, or show tenderness. Never steals pieces from his plate, never puts on his shirt or T-shirt, and never moves into his warm spot in bed.

10. She doesn't dress up for him. He doesn’t try to look more interesting, put on perfume, style his hair in a special way, or put on a new dress. And he doesn’t ask what she looks like and whether he likes her experiments with her appearance. She doesn't care what he thinks about it.

Women also know how to sing like nightingales, especially if they have a reason or theme for a song. But if they do not see in a man either a father to their children, or a provider and protector, or an object for care, and do not strive to be beautiful and desirable for their chosen ones, it is better to understand this in time. And come to terms with the fact that feelings did not grow in this Garden of Eden... Or try to revive the fragile trunk of a broken family apple tree, so that later the two of you can eat the sweet fruits of bitter love. published

-”Why don't men like me“- Christina from the city of Ramenskoye, Moscow region asks us a question. It seems that they have both the looks and the brains, but after several meetings the gentlemen disappear without a trace.

“Has my age really gone beyond the fatal mark?” the girl, who is thirty-two years old, is indignant.

This is how Christina describes her problem:

I’m not a “crocodile” and I don’t have 2 brains in my head, I easily meet men and strike up conversations, but I can’t understand why relationships end before they even begin. To be honest, I am not a supporter of going to bed at the first meeting; I generally believe that sex is a necessary addition to mutual understanding and love feeling, which should only occur when people already know each other well.

As soon as I start to get used to young man, for some reason he finds himself new passion, often without even bothering to say the word “goodbye”. And what’s most interesting is that I can’t understand what my former men in completely unattractive persons?!

But a sociologist, historian and just a good person agreed to answer Christina’s question man - Andrey Viktorovich.

Dear Christina, it’s not all about your appearance and the “fatal mark” has nothing to do with it. Your worldview and mentality do not allow you to adjust the basis of old-fashioned education to modern conditions relationships. I do not condemn your undoubtedly highly moral principles, for I myself am a supporter of the old thinking. But the whole point is that the world of a man and a woman lies on different planes, and the time is different now, which many pathetically call the sexual revolution. In this regard, there has been a fairly strong opinion that for serious and long term relationship called marriage, it is necessary to study sexual preferences both parties before the wedding. And if previously sexual contact often happened first wedding night, then it is now a relic of the past.

Dear Christina, your stereotype of thinking is primarily due to the fact that you are afraid that after forbidden intercourse you will be desecrated and abandoned. But as practice shows, everything is exactly the opposite. Your gentlemen are mature and healthy men, who are not crazy about “sweet strawberries”, it’s just that their physiology requires sexual satisfaction much earlier than you can allow it to them. Realizing that you do not fit into their category, they while away the nights with those who willingly agree to intercourse.

In this situation, I do not undertake to advise you to radically change your thinking, I am only trying to give the most competent answer to the question asked.
Would you like to date a man who does not insist on sexual contact because he has one woman for the Soul and another for the flesh?
Most likely, you will answer “no”, because you do not want to be second in line.

As for the question posed, it is incorrectly formulated, because men love you the way they want, so just wait for your happiness and remember that true love is self-sacrifice for the sake of another. When you meet one, you will most likely forget about your old-fashioned upbringing.

The question was asked by: Christina from the city of Ramenskoye.

Answered by: Sociologist and historian Andrey Viktorovich

The material was prepared by your humble servant: Edwin Vostryakovsky.

Is it possible to definitely say about a change in behavior if a man does not love a woman? What are the signs that a man has lost his temper?

As a rule, women with low self-esteem and a lot of free time think about how to understand that a person does not love you. But not only: sometimes some warning signs can make any woman doubt the feelings of her man.

In contact with

How to understand that a man doesn't like you? By his gestures you can guess his indifference, because body language has not yet been canceled. If a man does not want a woman, signs of this will not take long to appear. But keep in mind that these signs do not always work correctly, and must be assessed along with other nuances.

To do this, pay attention to it:

  • eyes;
  • lips;
  • hands;
  • feet.

If during a conversation he tries to look through a woman or to the sides, this may indirectly indicate that he does not love her. And constantly looking at the clock is sure sign desire to leave quickly.

Also, such a man will constantly answer messages on the phone in front of a woman, sit in in social networks. Easier distractibility of a man in this situation - reliable sign indifference or neglect towards a woman.

You should pay attention to his smile. A sign that he does not like a woman will be an insincere smile. It uses exclusively the facial muscles around the mouth. But it is clear that the eyes “do not smile” - wrinkles do not appear, eyebrows do not rise. The sudden appearance and abrupt end of a smile is also a sign of pretense. And hypocrites rarely love.

A “closed pose” also indicates a lack of sympathy for a woman. In front of a woman, the hands are intertwined and the legs are crossed. There is a feeling that he is ready to fiercely defend his personal space.

This sign is unreliable, because a man may simply be cold. And don’t be fooled by wide pupils! If a young man has drunk coffee and the room is quite dark, then the woman is clearly not to blame for this, so this sign is also doubtful.

In how to understand that a man doesn’t like you, a trivial observation of his attitude towards you will help. If he doesn't love you, behavioral signs are as follows:

  • he doesn't spend time with you;
  • you always find yourself initiating a meeting, except for those cases when he needs something;
  • he is embarrassed by you in public;
  • a man withdraws and gets nervous when you are in the same company.

Why doesn't a man want a woman?

If you are in the mood to dig deeper, you can think about why a man doesn’t want a woman. We have already analyzed the signs, but we can talk about the reasons for a long time and tediously.

Generally speaking, because the woman does not satisfy his needs. After all, if not by analyzing what is he missing?

It's not just about sex, although that is very important aspect relationships. The need for sex is normal and natural for both men and women. People basically love sex. However, if a man only needs him, this bad sign– you chose a superficial teenage male. But if you are a chic housewife and a smart conversationalist, but sex isn’t going well for you, don’t be surprised if you notice the above-mentioned warning signs.

Communication between a man and a woman is also important. You can be a goddess in bed, but what's the point if in the intervals between intercourse you cannot even hold a semblance of a conversation with each other? If you have a radical different tastes and interests, which is accompanied by a reluctance to delve into each other’s affairs, it is not surprising that his need for communication remains unsatisfied.

A difference of interests is not a sign of the impossibility of a relationship, on the contrary! If you love different things, you can exchange experiences and impressions, teach each other. We are talking about a devil-may-care attitude. Nobody likes someone who is self-centered.

The need for care and support is also important, because everyone comes home to rest and lick their wounds. If, instead of an adequate woman, a husband is greeted at home by a toothy hysterical woman, it is not surprising that he is tired of such a life. Who loves this?

If a woman likes to confront her husband every evening, warning signs are not far off. Should you always be kind and flexible? Depending on the appropriateness of these expressions of care. How to understand what your husband no longer loves: a tsunami at home or a boring appendage to the furniture? You clearly know better.

What to do if you don’t like it, but use it?

It all depends on the stage of development of a woman as a person and on her priorities. If a man doesn’t love but takes advantage of him, what should he do?

There are two options. Either stay with a man who doesn’t love you, or leave him. Remember that until a woman makes a clear choice, she will be in limbo, a sign of which will be:

  • constant anxiety;
  • anxiety;
  • dissatisfaction with one's own life;
  • health disorders (as a rule, these are psychosomatic diseases such as arterial hypertension, neuroses).

These signs will help you understand that it's time to change something. Yes, and that he doesn't love you. Therefore, the first task is to decide.

If you know that a man no longer loves you as a woman, but is in a relationship with you for selfish purposes, then, of course, you still have the right to come to terms with it. You can explain this by love, habit, common children - it’s your business. But remember that if inside you there is a feeling from the category “oh, I’m so unhappy, my man doesn’t love me and uses me, and I’m so heroic that I decided to be with him for the sake of...”, you accept the role of the victim.

This is one of the variants of psychological vampirism and a sign of infantile behavior. Such signs usually do not end well. On the other hand, if you are sincerely satisfied with such “mutual use”, there is nothing wrong with it.

And if you don’t intend to tolerate it, if you want more and are ready to develop further, then just leave him. Don't try to make excuses for yourself and don't be afraid to take the first step. If a man uses a woman, then there is not much to lose.

Signs of a woman’s dependence on a man easily become garbage if you pull yourself together and start taking care of yourself.

Does he make money? So what's the matter, start earning money yourself. Sex? If he doesn't love you, it's all mechanical, nothing emotional. Children? If you are a mature person, you will show your children your family with love, not with destructive relationships, therefore you will find them a sincere and honest father. Gradually, you yourself will stop wondering how to understand that a man doesn’t like you, because you won’t be so worried about it anymore.

How to understand that your husband doesn't love you anymore?

Usually, bored women I’m tormented by the question “How do you understand that your husband doesn’t love you?” If this question arose in principle, then, most likely, somewhere inside the woman perfectly understood that her partner had cooled off.

Now she's looking for more reliable signs, in order to present this whole matter to my husband in the form of a claim. The signs that your husband doesn’t love you are no different from the general ones mentioned above.

A ? The question is complicated if you still prefer to look at it through pink glasses and not seeing the obvious. Many women stubbornly refuse to see a flaw in their partner, so as not to end up lonely. So it seems that it is difficult for a woman to determine the one life situation, if a man does not love, but uses.

The signs of a selfish attitude are quite clear:

  • he turns to you only when he needs something from you;
  • he avoids the promises you demand from him;
  • he is in no hurry to help you, even if you need it and it is important;
  • he gives you gifts, expecting something in return;
  • he manipulates your feelings to get his way.

The most convenient feelings and character traits for manipulation include:

  • compassion;
  • a pity;
  • shame;
  • lack of self-confidence and complexes;
  • fear (loneliness, poverty, etc.).

If you notice that your partner is appealing to your deepest complexes, it is best to send him to hell! It is very dangerous to deal with such people.

Let's return to the question itself. If you are bored and wondering how to understand that your husband doesn’t love you anymore, then your finest hour. Do something! First of all, by yourself and for yourself. If you actively develop, then you will not have time and reason for this kind of thinking.

Useful video

Why doesn't a man want sex? Until recently, such a situation was nonsense for you, but today more and more husbands do not want sex with their wives... What to do about it? After all, no one wants to hear “I don’t want you” addressed to them. This video will help you understand this problem:


  1. Before asking how to understand that a man doesn’t love you, pay attention to yourself. If this topic arises in your life out of banal boredom, it would be best to take care of yourself and develop.
  2. If there are alarming signs, pay attention to his gestures, facial expressions, and behavior in your presence.
  3. How to understand that a man does not love you, but uses you? By the correspondence between his words and actions and by the selflessness of one or another of his impulses.
