Love hypnosis: NLP at the service of the senses. love hypnosis technique

Every woman is a born manipulator. And few men can dispute this fact. From childhood to adulthood, the representatives of the weaker sex are trained in all conceivable and unthinkable ways to achieve their goal. But it’s one thing when the usual and slightly annoying female whims are used, and another thing when we use manipulation techniques that are completely invisible when communicating with men. How to learn to apply NLP in life and in communication with the stronger sex? We'll talk about this.

NLP for every day

Having delved a little into science, let's remember that neurolinguistic programming is, first of all, a verbal influence on our opponent. And in the hands of women, the competent use of NLP skills can turn into a real weapon. If pick-up artists use programming techniques to woo girls, then why can't we do the same? No one knows how to influence the opinions of others and convince them the way women do. So let's look at a few tricks where neurolinguistic programming works flawlessly on men.

Phrases encoding the stronger sex:

  1. "Honey, I'm seriously thinking here...". Psychological studies have confirmed that in almost 50% of cases, such a phrase makes a man tense up and turn his attention to the interlocutor. Within a fraction of a second, dozens of assumptions are born in the head of men, as the interlocutor decided to say. It is very convenient to use such a phrase if you urgently need a man to pay attention to you.
  2. "Honey, today I don't want sex". Such a phrase can put a man into a state of stupor, similar to an impending global catastrophe. In what situation can such a phrase be used? There are several options: turn away from him and fall asleep, so that he suffers and thinks what he did, and was more attentive to you in the future, or still agree to intimacy after a long and painful wait for a man. Let him be proud of himself and his perseverance. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to cajole a man's pride either.
  3. "I want more!". An alternative to the previous one. After a sexual intercourse that has just ended, when a man leans back on his back without strength, such a phrase has the effect of a bombshell. You will immediately hear hundreds of excuses, how tired he is and wants to sleep. To this he can answer something like “Well, dear, I understand everything and will not insist,” after which you will certainly bathe in his love and gratitude.

Time and place in NLP

Also in NLP for girls there are a couple of tricks when the emphasis is not so much on the phrases themselves, but on the time when they were spoken. For example, you are tired of waiting for enterprise from your man and decided to act on your own. A few examples for your reference:

  1. The man has been surfing the Internet for a long time. Silently approach him, take away the mouse and, as if by chance, go to some porn site. At the same time, you can poke at any photo or video and ask: “Why haven’t we tried this pose yet?”. An amazing effect awaits you, in which you can ask for anything.
  2. Husband's friends stayed up late at your place, and obviously they are not going to leave. Enter the kitchen in the most beautiful and revealing dress, with beautiful hair and makeup. Pick up a glass of beer or other drink that is consumed in the company of your man, drink it in one gulp and go out with the words “Darling, can I have you for a minute?”. Further development of events depends on you.
  3. One example that is used in a pickup truck. If your partner does not always understand you, and it seems to you that you cannot find a common language with him, use the imitation effect. This does not mean that it is worth literally copying it. But you can quietly copy his movements, manner of speaking and pace of speech, adopt some of his habits and hobbies. After some time, you will notice that you have become a closer person to him. He will begin to pay more attention to you, praise you for some of your gestures and admire your habits, not even suspecting that they all belong to him.

NLP skills in love

Touching upon neuro-linguistic programming in love, it is important to remember that although this science is called manipulative, it is primarily aimed at developing the best qualities in a person. NLP is self-improvement, a way to make yourself better. As for relationships with the opposite sex, for their harmonious development it is enough to acquire only four NLP skills:

Compliance with these simple rules will not go unnoticed by your man. Relationships are always a sacrifice. Invest in your love and in time you will achieve what you want.

NLP for women was created long before the advent of Neuro Linguistic Programming as a psychological science. And the women themselves created it. Everyone remembers the phrase that men rule the world and women rule men. Simple and uncomplicated skills of interacting with the stronger sex will give you the opportunity to achieve your goal without sacrificing your interests. The main thing in this matter is to know exactly and imagine what you want from your life and from the man who is next to you. The rest is a matter of technique.

First of all, you need to tune in to the positive. If you start a conversation, you expect failure, then most likely you will not be able to establish contact. After all, your embarrassment, tightness and stiffness will not allow you to properly build a conversation. On the contrary, believing in your own strength, you and the interlocutor will infect with confidence in your attractiveness. Think of communication and flirting as a game by practicing different approaches, techniques and techniques. Remember that success comes with experience.

One of the most popular NLP techniques is anchoring. It is based on associative thinking, or rather, the connection of memories and feelings that a person experiences because of them. An anchor is an action or word that brings to mind pleasant moments and helps to transfer positive emotions to you.

For example, ask a potential partner or loved one about some joyful event in his life, even if it is a children's birthday. At the moment when he starts smiling, or even laughing, to share his memories, casually take him by the elbow or stroke his shoulder. Repeat this gesture every time your loved one has a strong emotional high around you: walking during a date, watching a magnificent sunset, or even riding a roller coaster. Of course, the movement should not be too obvious, otherwise the man may suspect something was wrong. However, if you manage to do everything right, the chosen gesture will take on a special meaning. By repeating it even in a normal setting, you can evoke pleasant emotions in your partner, a warm attitude towards yourself, and even remove a nervous one.

Another technique that will allow you to speed up the heart of your chosen one is adjustment. Its essence lies in copying gestures, facial expressions and even the rate of speech of the interlocutor. Thus, you perform the role of a “mirror”, which helps to quickly win over a person and inspire his confidence. This technique is quite popular among scammers who extort money from naive and gullible people by deceit. It's time to put it to good use.

However, even here it is worth proceeding carefully. By copying a man's demeanor too carefully, you can get the opposite reaction. After all, he may decide that you are mimicking him and this is a mockery of yourself. Therefore, the most important thing is to catch the direction of movement. The man throws his hands behind his head - as if you are brushing a curl from your face or straightening your bangs. He crosses his legs - you cross your legs at the ankles. The only thing worth repeating right away is a smile.

Pay attention to the manner of speech of the interlocutor. How does he speak? Fast or slow? Pausing, or speaking a phrase in one breath? Try to adjust your speech to his pace. If a man constantly repeats any words - except for obscene words, of course - then you can use them a couple of times.

A huge number of techniques in psychology allows you to choose your own way of influencing the world around you in order to make it more pleasant. One such technique is NLP for Women. Very useful information, if you, of course, read it in full, and not the first twenty pages. You must understand that practice without a good basic theory makes the tactics and techniques used simply useless and sometimes harmful.

NLP for women

This theory was singled out in a specific direction. They called it conditionally like this: "NLP for women." I confess, I have read such literature. There is a lot of useful information, but as long as you separate theory from practice, cross out useless information with the author’s thoughts. So what did I find interesting in these books? They give certain tips on how to communicate a woman with a man in order to charm or interest him. Convince in the end. In fact, this NLP for women is nothing more than learning the art of communication and more. This theory is based on adjusting oneself to the environment.

Some excerpts

For example, when walking with a person, try to adapt to his step, pace and rhythm of walking. On a subconscious level, this will endear him to you, since by such behavior you signal that the person dominates you, and you agree to this. If you talk with the object of your attention, you can calmly interest him, let him talk on any topic, accurately showing your competence in this matter or interest. It has been proven by practice that most of all men love the sounds of their voices, and if you also let them teach you, consider that you are the winner. NLP for women teaches how to adapt to a man in such a way as to dominate him imperceptibly. Do not let a man get fed up with topics, jump from one issue to another. Give out information in doses, not to the last drop. This creates a stealth effect.

An example from history

In the feminist world, such tactics are considered humiliating, but remember our great-grandmothers, and just facts from history. The happiest and most successful women have learned to submit to men in such a way as to ultimately defeat them. Remember at least the story of Roksolana. Everyone knows about the attitude of Muslims towards women. And if she had shown her character and assertiveness under the Sultan, she would have instantly fallen off the pedestal. But she found a balance in which she could both express her opinion and maintain the affection of her beloved Suleiman. So this very NLP for women existed long before the very term "programming" appeared.

In my plebeian mind

After reading more than one book, I came to the conclusion that a couple of articles on the topic of intuition, charisma and the art of communication will give much more results than many days of reading about NLP techniques. It’s just that there are books that are too diluted with some kind of verbal garbage, and there are even like Chinese letters: I see and recognize the letters, but I can hardly read the whole terms, let alone understand them. The main thing is to remember the thesis of the entire theory that NLP psychology consists of: "You and the object are a single whole that breathes, reacts and lives in the same rhythm!"

In our time, there are many different courses that teach how to influence people, seduce them, using various methods of influence, such as NLP, and others. This is not only useful, but also very interesting. It is noteworthy that many people who are trying to learn what love hypnosis is and doing it with success, then with surprise and joy tell on the forums on the network how they easily manage to win any man or girl they like. Let's try and learn this unique technique.

Impeccable appearance is the first step to success

Where should you start if you decide to use love hypnosis to attract members of the opposite sex? Of course, with their own appearance. It is unlikely that a person with a powerful attractive force has an ordinary appearance. People who are well acquainted with the technique of love hypnosis carefully monitor themselves. It is important for them to make a favorable impression on the interlocutor or interlocutor. Moreover, we are not talking at all, for example, about bottomless blue eyes, long slender legs or a perfect chest shape. A person who has the technique of such hypnosis, whether male or female, may not be very handsome. But, no doubt, he is well dressed, combed and looks attractive. For the fair sex, this moment is key. If a woman is pretty, well-groomed, self-confident, she begins to emit invisible vibes that men capture so well. No wonder they say that a girl who is "in search" is easy to distinguish from other women. Just looking at her is enough.

The role of confidence in behavior

Each of us has probably ever asked himself such a question: “What distinguishes a person who makes everyone around him fall in love with himself from other people?” Of course, confidence and determination. As a rule, such people behave firmly and calmly. They do not even doubt that the object of their desire can refuse them. But it has nothing to do with arrogance. A person who is well acquainted with such a concept as the technique of love hypnosis, as a rule, speaks in a calm, commanding tone, looking directly into the eyes. It is very important. Even the psychiatrist Stewart, who practiced in the last century, argued that a hypnotist who wants to put his client into a trance must pretend that he is omnipotent. This art does not tolerate weakness, indecision and timidity.

How to capture the attention of a partner?

This tip will help you not only attract people of the opposite sex, but also learn how to influence other people to achieve your goals. How to capture the attention of a person you like? Tell him some interesting stories from your life? Showcase any of your unique qualities? Not at all! In order to capture the attention of the interlocutor, you need to become the most grateful listener. That's the way all people are. Our own headache interests us much more than, for example, an earthquake or a major flood that claims thousands of lives in some country. Here is an example: in a cafe, some smiling, pleasant-looking person sits down next to you. You strike up a conversation. He is interested in all the smallest details of your pastime, your addictions and tastes, and so on. And now you have not noticed how you found yourself in his full power. It seems to you that this person is infinitely close and dear to you. And this is also love hypnosis. For women, this moment is very important. After all, as you know, lovely ladies "love with their ears."

The importance of tactile contact

A person who wants to seduce his "victim" often, as if by chance, touches her. Touch is a kind of "anchor" thrown by a skilled hypnotist. Some time will pass, and the “victim” will again and again remember these gentle light touches of his tempter. There is another important point here. In order to introduce your interlocutor or interlocutor into a kind of trance, you need to confidently take your partner by the hand and press on his wrist. It is difficult for us to understand how this technique works, but it works with 100% efficiency. This movement disarms the victim.

Here it is enough to recall the street gypsies who are trying to "swindle" passers-by people, defrauding them of all the money. The deceiver in a flowery dress speaks to her victim in a soulful voice, takes her by the hand. And now the man gives the gypsy all the values ​​​​that are with him, without understanding how this happens. The same applies to the hypnotist, who has a similar technique. He looks you straight in the eyes and speaks in a calm, confident voice, while taking your hand and making a little on your wrist. This is what love hypnosis looks like. For men, it may turn out to be owning such a technique. There are many cases when a man left his wife and children in order to spend an extra hour next to such a “enchantress”.

The main law of NLP

There is a technique called Neuro-Linguistic Programming. In simple terms, this is copying gestures, movements, speech of a person and further modeling of his actions. This is also a kind of love hypnosis. Its methodology is simple. Here's what it looks like: the hypnotist sits opposite his "victim" and "adapts" to him. At the same time, he copies her movements: if she strokes the stem of the glass, he makes exactly the same movement, if she crosses her legs, he does the same. The second step is "breathing in unison". The hypnotist, adjusting to the victim, breathes with her. That is, when she takes a breath, he does it with her, while exhaling - exhale. The next moment is to tune in to the victims. You need to try to operate with the same words as she does. Thus, the tempter becomes closer to the object of his desire. These are the simplest principles

Who is at risk?

What kind of people most often fall for the bait of love scammers? How do they choose their potential victims? Often, subtle romantic natures fall under the scope of hypnotists who want to attract someone's attention. Such people are easily suggestible. Love swindlers say about them like this: "They themselves want to be deceived." Sigmund Freud believed that in the essence of any lies some kind of erotic principle. Each potential victim perceives his tempter as a mother, father and leader in one person, whom she must obey unconditionally. It is important for us not only to understand how the hypnotist acts on the human mind, but also to find out how you can protect yourself from this influence. Many different scientific works have been written about this. Every home should have this book. Love hypnosis is a powerful influence on us by members of the opposite sex, which often leads to detrimental consequences.

How to protect yourself from love hypnosis?

And now to the merits of this issue. All people who are familiar with the concept of love hypnosis, and who wish to reduce the risk of being deceived, are advised to follow these rules:

Try not to look directly into the eyes of your adversary. It works hypnotic. A few minutes of eye-to-eye contact and your will will be paralyzed.

Don't let strangers invade your personal space. Do not allow to approach you at a distance of less than 1 meter. This will keep you safe.

Do not let scammers touch you, take your hands. Tactile contact is one of the most powerful techniques of such hypnotists.

Do not answer strange questions from people who meet you on the street. Don't talk to the person if they seem suspicious to you.

After the acquaintance, try not to let the interlocutor “adjust” to your breathing, gestures, intonation, movements. Remember that this person may have the technique of love hypnosis.

Frank love spell

Magicians and sorcerers often resort to love spells to capture the attention and emotions of their victim. They influence her energy field in order to change her attitude towards this or that subject. What is the difference between a love spell and hypnosis of love? The fact that in the first case the "patient" is not affected directly. The victim of a love spell may not know that she is being bewitched to someone. But in the second case, a person is influenced directly through gestures, tactile contacts, and communication. The consequences of both methods are very similar. The victim loses control over himself, becomes susceptible to suggestion, ready to fulfill all the instructions and desires of his tempter.

Love hypnosis: reviews

If we analyze the comments of people on forums devoted to certain sections of psychology, we can find out that we have not so few people who own this kind of art. Most often, women complain about love scammers online. In life there are such men who make you forget about everything and follow them wherever they are. The “victims” themselves did not notice how quickly they became entangled in love networks. What's this? Love hypnosis, love spell or just self-hypnosis? It's hard to understand. In any case, it becomes clear that if a person wants to master the skills of influencing other people through communication, gestures or something else, he can easily do it. Many write that at one time they bought the relevant literature on hypnotizing people and now they successfully apply the knowledge gained not only on the personal front, but also at work to achieve their goals. Fortunately, we sell such books at every turn.

So, we found out what love hypnosis is, identified the main methods for its implementation and developed several rules for protecting against it.

Neurolinguistic programming in modern psychotherapy is one of the most popular methods of influencing the human psyche. It is used in almost all aspects of life.

Effective NLP techniques in love can be applied by both women and men. They help create new or improve existing relationships. According to E. Berger, the author of the famous book “NLP for Happy Love”, how the novel ends and how it develops depends directly on the person himself, his aspirations and desires.

Crazy love passes quickly, the love of two crazy people never!
Angelina Jolie

Effective NLP Methods

In NLP, there are general techniques designed for use in various areas of life. They are also suitable for improving your personal life.


Among the most popular techniques are "Tuning". This method is effective for establishing closer contact with the interlocutor. The reception involves copying the behavior of a partner, his gestures, facial expressions and even the rhythm of breathing. This is the so-called "external" adjustment, which should be done as naturally as possible.

After establishing contact, you can proceed to the "lead". To do this, you need to smile, and the interlocutor will repeat the action. If you become serious, then after a while the partner to whom you have adjusted will also go into this state. Adjustment to values ​​is no less effective. To find a common language with a partner of the opposite sex, you should try to look at the world through his eyes, through his belief system.


Almost all seduction techniques in NLP involve "Anchoring". This technique is based on the positive emotions and feelings experienced by the partner at a certain moment. In order to direct them to yourself, you should create an environment similar to that which surrounded him at the moment of pleasure.
Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the atmosphere is fully consistent with the memories of a person. Sometimes smells, music, touch act as anchors. They are associated with previous relationships or just having a good time. "Anchors" can be made independently. One of the algorithms for their installation is as follows:
  • It is necessary to position the partner towards you, for which the techniques of mirroring, joining, adjusting, etc. are used.
  • When a man is in a relaxed state, he can be asked about his favorite holidays. You should be asked to describe in detail how the event went, what he felt.
    Important! With the holiday that the partner remembered, he should not have any negative emotions associated with him.
  • When the man's condition reaches its climax, which can be traced by external signs (breathing, skin color, facial muscle movement, etc.), you need to gently touch any part of his body (back of the head, neck, shoulder, etc.). This action will set the tactile anchor.
  • After that, you will need to change the topic of conversation and return the man to his normal state.
Next, you need to check how the anchor works. To do this, you need to repeat the touch and look at the condition of the man. If everything was done correctly, then after the unconditional signal, the joyful mood and euphoria associated with the feeling of the holiday that he described will return to him.

"Mirror", "Join"

"Mirror" and "Accession", in fact, are similar to "Adjustment". This is the adoption of a pose, the repetition of facial expressions, gestures of the interlocutor, which contributes to the emergence of trust and sympathy on the part of the interlocutor.

"Positive Reinforcement"

A person experiences various emotions that reflect his attitude to any event. Reinforcement is a kind of encouragement of behavior. This method is used in animal training, but it is also effective for humans. As a positive reinforcement of someone else's behavior are used:
  • smile;
  • Attention;
  • agreement;
  • praise;
  • positive "anchor", etc.
"Positive Reinforcement" can also be attributed to the technique of manipulation. This technique helps to teach a person some skills, to correct his behavior. For example, if a partner talks about something too emotionally, then at this moment you should frown and shake your head slightly. Once he returns to a calm tone, show your approval by smiling and showing positivity. After a while, a person will intuitively guess what style of communication to follow.

NLP techniques for women

Women who want to arrange a personal life can turn to the book written by Eva Berger "NLP for happy love." The author not only describes techniques and techniques, but also gives practical exercises aimed at realizing one's problems in search of the ideal man. In her book, several effective techniques can be noted with which girls can start new relationships or improve existing ones:

  1. "Perfect Date". At the first meeting with a guy, almost any girl experiences awkwardness and tension. These emotions lead to the fact that the date leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, and on both sides. To exclude such a development of events, psychological preparation for the meeting is necessary. The girl is recommended to visualize the image of an ideal date, think it over to the smallest detail, foresee possible troubles and ways to overcome them.
  2. "Rule of three yeses" can be used with anyone. At the same time, men are more prone to stereotypical actions, which is what this technique relies on. A person who answered yes to three questions in a row will do so for the fourth time. The technique can be used to push a man to a new stage in a relationship (cohabitation, marriage, etc.). The most important phrase should be spoken not in an interrogative, but in an affirmative tone with confidence in your voice.
  3. "The Right Motivation" is a method that will allow relationships to exist and develop. If a woman can give a positive attitude, then a man will be interested in continuing the romance.
  4. Among other methods, "Disarmament" A that represents the preemptive action. This technique is effective if the relationship is on the verge of a break. The technique is to anticipate the partner's actions. A phrase such as "I understand that our relationship is not perfect, and we can break up, but I would really like to try to correct previous mistakes and get a second chance," may well help to avoid a breakup.

    When using Disarm, the woman says what her partner wanted to say. Accordingly, the meaning of repeating her words is lost, and there is a high probability that the relationship will continue. But their duration will depend only on the further actions of the couple.

  5. Something NLP offers in a variety of techniques. Among the effective methods are "Breaking the Stereotype". This method is suitable for attracting the attention of a desired object, standing out from other fans.

NLP techniques for men

Not only girls, but also men can use techniques that allow you to quickly conquer your chosen one. Effective techniques for manipulating consciousness are used in practice and have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness. Men who want to master the initial skills of seducing the opposite sex can pay attention to the following methods:

  • "Illusion of choice";
  • "Plus or minus";
  • "Rule of one consent";
  • "Choice without choice."
Let's take a look at each of these methods:
  1. "Illusion of Choice": Thanks to NLP techniques, it is possible to create the girl's illusion that she herself chooses one or another scenario. The essence of the methodology is quite simple: it uses questions of a "closed type". In other words, the question itself already contains the answer to it. For example: "Where do you prefer to go, to the cinema or to a cafe?". In this case, not every lady will decide to offer the third option.

    The main thing to remember when applying this method is that both choices should be beneficial for the man. Another option for using the technique is that in the question one of the answers must be initially negative so that the girl does not choose it. So, the phrase can be constructed as follows: “Today is wonderful weather. Do you want to sit in this stuffy cafe, or would we rather take a walk in the fresh air?

  2. Reception "Plus-minus" based on the contrast of experienced emotions. A positive response will be more powerful if you first provoke a negative one (but do not exacerbate it too much). For example, on a date, you can compliment another girl, which will be a “minus”. But then the miss is corrected by pleasant words to his partner, which counts as a “plus”. Moreover, the latter should cause a stronger emotional reaction.
  3. "One Consent Rule" can be included not only in the techniques of seducing men, but also women. This technique is similar to the similar "Three" yes. However, it can be difficult to get several positive answers from a girl at once, so sometimes it’s enough to stop at one. The essence of the technique is that a proposal is made, after which a question is asked. If the lady answers it positively, then most likely she will agree with the first statement.

    For example, an invitation to a date might sound like this: “Let's meet and go to the movies. Do you like comedies? Regardless of whether the partner answers positively or negatively, she subconsciously already managed to agree with the first sentence. Phrases can be swapped, first a question, then a statement. But this is typical for men who are not completely confident in themselves and prefer to adapt to the desires of their partners.

  4. "Choice Without Choice" operates on a similar principle. A woman is offered a free choice from the only possible option. For example, when making an appointment, the phrase is formulated as follows: “When are you free, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?”. So, initially it is assumed that the meeting will take place. But the partner creates the illusion that the choice is hers.

    Using an inferiority complex in a relationship between a woman and a man can bring good benefits to the latter. But this method should be used as carefully as possible so as not to achieve the opposite effect. The essence of the game with complexes is as follows. In the presence of a lady, one should begin to admire another girl:
    At the same time, if the lady is short, then it must be said about how good women of high stature look. If the girl is thin, then you can admire the fair sex, who are inclined to be overweight. This awakens in women the desire to prove otherwise. They are ready to show a man that they are no worse than their rivals, who have opposite qualities.

    As an example, we can cite the story of one bachelor, whose apartment was always clean, and he himself did not put any effort into it. When he brought women to visit, he did not ask them to do anything. He just started talking about the fact that one of the purposes of girls is to create cleanliness and comfort. At the same time, he noted that a real woman could never endure a mess. After that, his guests themselves picked up cleaning products to show their best side, not suspecting that they were only being manipulated.

Receptions for everyone

In NLP, there are techniques for women and men, and there are techniques that are successfully used by both sexes. Do not assume that manipulation techniques are very simple. In order to master them perfectly, you will need to make a lot of effort. However, the result will not be long in coming. After all, to become happy, to be successful with the opposite sex, to improve existing relationships - this is what most of those who want to master NLP techniques in love strive for.
