Vincent Cassel with a new passion. Divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: causes and consequences

Now 50-year-old Vincent Cassel is busy with several new projects and spends a lot of time on the set and on business trips. And his 20-year-old girlfriend Tina Kunakey (Tina Kunakey), apparently, absolutely does not like to spend time alone. The other day, the model was spotted in New York in the company of Kendall Jenner's ex-boyfriend, rapper A$AP Rocky. According to eyewitnesses, the rapper hugged Tina by the shoulders.

Vincent's fans decided that after two years of relationship, the actor and model broke up, but Cassel posted a new picture with his lover on Instagram, thus refuting the rumors about Tina's new romance. However, there is a possibility that the French movie star is simply not against his girlfriend's intrigues with other men. On her pages on social networks, Tina regularly posts pictures from meetings with male friends, and Kassel obviously does not care at all.


Recall that Vincent and Tina met in Ibiza in the summer of 2015. According to Kunaki, she did not know that her new chosen one was a famous actor. “I grew up in the countryside. We didn't have a TV and didn't go to the movies. As a child, my interests were limited to school and football. Before we met, I hadn’t heard anything about Vincent Cassel and didn’t know who he was until the paparazzi surrounded us, ”said the model in an interview.

In addition to the attention of the paparazzi, an affair with a French actor brought a lot of dividends to the aspiring model. Kunaki signed contracts with major modeling agencies, starred for Glamor Beauty and walked the catwalk at the Jean Paul Gaultier show as part of Paris Fashion Week.

The most extraordinary couple plunged the press and fans into shock with the announcement of their breakup. What caused the divorce of Monica Bellucci and Let's take a closer look and find out what the former spouses say about this.

Statements from both sides

The divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel happened after almost 18 years of family life. Not only their fans, but also colleagues in the field of cinema considered the couple an example of an ideal marital union. In the marriage of Monica and Vincent, two beautiful daughters were born: Deva and Leoni, who now live and are educated in Portugal.

At first, when information about the couple's divorce had just leaked to the media, the only comment that Bellucci gave was: "We were divorced by our own lives. And if our paths completely diverge, we will still maintain a warm relationship." In an interview with one of the famous Hollywood magazines, Monica expressed her attitude towards marriages, saying that one can never be sure how long this marriage can last.

Around the same time, Kassel gave an interview and said that he and his ex-wife are very different, but perhaps this is what made their marriage so strong. When people are very different, they do not get tired of getting to know each other from new sides every day. He also noted that they were always good together, they never waited for someone's approval.

Absence of suspicion

Nothing bad was said on both sides, and the spouses speak quite kindly about each other. So why did Monica Bellucci divorce and It would be quite reasonable to conclude that if everything was good in a couple, the spouses would not divorce. Many friends and acquaintances of the couple have already noticed that the family had some relationship problems. But no one wanted to admit it: this idyll was so beautiful and harmonious that even the most important Hollywood gossips did not speculate on this basis.

When did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel divorce?

Their divorce became known in August 2013, and yet in July of the same year, the couple, along with their daughters, Deva and Leoni, rested on the territory of the Greek islands, enjoying the sea and the sun. In connection with this event, it would be rather difficult to guess what is the reason for the divorce of Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel, because the family looked absolutely happy. However, something happened that the fans of the couple did not want to hear: through their representatives, the spouses announced the divorce.

Hidden Problems

But in fact, many moments testified to a very imperfect relationship. First of all, it is a place of residence. Monica Bellucci lived most of the time with her daughters in Rome because Italy is her favorite country. While her husband Vincent spent almost all the time in Paris. It would seem that it's okay, because Rome and Paris are located so close to each other. But after a while, Kassel bought a house in Brazil and began to live there, constantly sharing enthusiastic comments on social media profiles about new housing and the natural beauties of the country.

Where did it all begin?

Let's go back many years. The couple got married in Monaco in 1999, after 3 years of marriage. Only the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds were invited to the celebration. The marriage turned out to be very modest and without unnecessary pomposity. Then everything was just beginning, the newly-made husband and wife were infinitely happy and pleased with each other.

So how did things change, and what is the real reason behind Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel's divorce? A year before the divorce, in an interview, Bellucci uttered a phrase that she was not sure about their future, but would really like them to be together. This once again suggests that in the relationship of the star couple there were already omissions and disagreements related to living in different countries.

At 39, Monica gave birth to her first daughter, Deva. And then rumors about problems in a couple began to appear more and more often. Because Kassel had to constantly leave for filming and social events in France and other countries alone, while Bellucci spent all her time with her daughter in Rome and occasionally agreed to participate in filming.

The divorce of Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel, the reasons for their separation, omissions in the relationship - all this was discussed in the media for a very long time. One thing is worth noting: the former spouses still provide mutual support, do not swear at each other and give love to their daughters, and this is worthy of respect.

Wedding of Vincent and Tina, August 24, 2018

At first, no one thought that their romance would last longer than a few weeks. The difference in 31 years is still quite significant. But French actor Vincent Cassel and Italian model Tina Kunaki have been together for more than two years, and everything points to a completely harmonious relationship. Tina assures that she is happy next to Vincent, and Kassel only smiles politely when he is hinted at an existential crisis, which no, no, but happens to men who have crossed the 50-year mark.

On August 24, without much fuss and without announcements to the press, Tina and Vincent got married in the city of Bidart in southwestern France. What awaits a bright couple in the future? We have collected 10 interesting facts about the romance of a French star with a young model.

Tina and Vincent at the Paris Fashion Week, September 2017

He didn't leave Monica because of Tina.

Vincent Cassel lived for 18 years with the Italian film star Monica Bellucci. At the end of August 2013, the Italian news agency Ansa announced the breakup of one of the most beautiful couples in European cinema (read: Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: photo from a family album). Since 2013, Kassel prefers to live in Brazilian Rio de Janeiro. In all likelihood, one of the reasons for the breakup of the actor with Monica was his desire to live in Brazil, which Vincent loves so much that he is even a capoeira master. Kassel met Kunaki only in 2015.

Who is Kassel? Tina didn't know

Vincent met Tina in Ibiza while on vacation. Kunaki somehow mentioned that at first she didn’t even think that her friend was a famous actor. According to the girl, their acquaintance was almost no different from millions of others. “Two people who happened to be in the same place at the same time, who turned out to be attractive to each other. This is one of those wonderful surprises that happen in life, ”the girl explained.

Already as a couple, leaving Ibiza, 2016

Tina and Monica have a lot in common

Like Monica Bellucci, Tina grew up in Italy. Her father is a native of Morocco, her mother was born and raised in Sicily. According to Kunaki, her parents have been together for over 25 years, and for her, her mother and father are the ideal role models. “My mom is gentle, never screams, a real Italian mom. My father is strict, but he is the first person I turn to if I need advice.”

Like Bellucci, Kunaki began her modeling career and now she can be seen on the pages of gloss and fashion shows. It is possible that in the future the girl will try herself as an actress.

Tina's mom and dad have been together for 25 years (photo from e Instagram)

The couple announced their relationship on Instagram

The very first post on Instagram, on which Vincent was next to Tina, August 1, 2016

Vincent showed that he was young at heart

A month before his 50th birthday (November 23, 2016), Cassel starred in the video clip for the song Cheveux Blancs by the young French rapper Black M. Vincent appeared as an elderly rebel with gray hair and a beard, who once again challenges society, and at the same time yourself. “The personification of French carelessness, the same sexy, still the same La Cassel,” admired French columnists.

The first joint exit of the couple took place at the Victoria's Secret fashion show in Paris

November 30, 2016 Vincent and Tina walked together on the pink carpet of the famous Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Paris Grand Palais. The eternal seducer officially announced his relationship. His look and sly smile with which Vincent posed for photographers seemed to say: “You are still Are you going to ask me about a midlife crisis?

Tina likes to post her candid photos on Insta. Vincent too

Tina collaborates with many fashion houses, including Dior. In February 2018, the girl published a picture for which she posed topless with the hashtag #DIORFORYOUTH. Fans are thrilled, the tabloids published photos under headlines like "Kassel's sweetheart showed everything (almost)". Vincent is definitely not against such frankness (which confirms the comment to this photo: "I love you, my friend"). Quite in the style of La Cassel.

In November 2017, the tabloids separated the couple.

In November, there were rumors of a breakup. One of the social observers noticed that the actor and model followed each other on Instagram. After some time, Kunaki was noticed in New York in the company of rapper A $ AP Rocky. Fantasy columnists played out. But it worked out. Later, reviewers recalled that Tina had known A$AP Rocky for a long time and starred in one of his video clips a couple of years ago.

Another post with the subtext "Don't wait"

2018 Kassel with Kunaki met in Rio. And that was also a message.

The couple celebrated the New Year in Rio. Here Kassel spends most of his time, the capital of Brazil for him, in fact, his home. In honor of the onset of 2018, Tina posted a spectacular romantic photo with her beloved on the beach. Any body language specialist will immediately say that Kassel's hand on the girl's hips is the message: “She is mine!”. Well, after August 24, all questions about whose exactly Tina can be safely removed. Now she is officially ─ Madame Cassel.

New Year's message to all haters and sympathizers: "We are together."

Vincent confessed his love to Tina on Instagram

Life in Hollywood does not stand still. Literally over the past few days, it has become known about at least 5 new sensational celebrity novels.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez

One of the first to announce his new romance was the leader of Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo. The chosen one of the athlete was the 21-year-old Italian model Georgina Rodriguez, with whom he first appeared in early January during the FIFA 2016 ceremony.

According to the footballer's inner circle, the couple's romance is developing so rapidly that immediately after the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Cristiano and Georgina plan to formalize their relationship.

Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunaki

But Vincent Cassel completely shocked the audience with his new hobby. The 50-year-old actor, who broke up with the beautiful Monica Bellucci more than four years ago, has an affair with a girl who is suitable for his daughter.

The new darling of Vincent was the 19-year-old Italian fashion model Tina Kunaki. Together with his beloved, the man has already managed to relax in Ibiza, and also light up at the Victoria's Secret party.

Monica Bellucci and Gilles Lellouche

Monica Bellucci herself does not lag behind her ex-husband. The 52-year-old actress started an affair with her colleague, 44-year-old French actor Gilles Lellouche.

Recently, Monica and Gilles were spotted together in Paris during a charity gala dinner of the Sidaction foundation. The paparazzi managed to take a few pictures of the couple - they look great together.

Tom Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson

54-year-old Tom Cruise followed the example of Vincent Cassel, having an affair with a girl who is 21 years younger than him. The actor's new girlfriend was 33-year-old Swedish-born actress Rebecca Ferguson, whom he first met in 2015 on the set of the fifth part of the Mission: Impossible movie.

According to insiders, Tom is so infatuated with Rebecca that he even negotiated for her the main role in the next part of the Mission: Impossible movie, which will soon begin filming in London.

Pamela Anderson and Julian Assange

But the most unexpected union was the affair of the spectacular Pamela Anderson with the founder of the scandalous site "Wikileaks" Julian Assange, who specializes in large-scale exposure of classified materials.

According to British media reports, the 45-year-old actress began to regularly visit Julian in London, where he was granted political asylum several years ago.

Photo in text: RexFeatures/Fotodom,

The parting of one of the most beautiful couples in world cinema, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel, in 2013 terribly upset the fans of the actors. An even greater storm of indignation was caused by Kassel's affair with 19-year-old (at that time) model Tina Kunaki. However, in order to prevent accusations of treason, it is worth noting that Bellucci herself initiated the divorce, and Kunaki appeared in Vincent's life a little later, and apparently, as a consolation.

At the beginning of 2018, rumors appeared in the press about the upcoming wedding of Kassel and his young lover. Meanwhile, Vincent is 30 years older than his bride: how real is their love, and who is Tina Kunaki?

Tina Kunaki is a model. She made her runway debut at the Jean Paul Gaultier show during Paris Fashion Week 2017.

As a child, she was fond of swimming and even began to practice this sport professionally, but because of an injury, she stopped classes.

Kunaki began her modeling career at the age of 8.

At the age of 15, Tina moved from France, where she lived with her parents, to Madrid to enter the French Lyceum. At the same time, the girl did not know Spanish at all.

The girl appeared in the video "Belinda" by the popular French artist Matt Pokor.

For the first time, the press got wind of the relationship between Kunaki and Kassel in 2015, but according to rumors, the actor and model began dating much earlier.

None of the couple gives comments regarding the history of their acquaintance. Tina only somehow casually mentioned that they just accidentally crossed somewhere.

The first joint official appearance of the Kassel-Kunaki couple took place at the Victoria`s Secret party in November 2016.
