An event to form a positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle for teenagers of senior school age "My choice is health". Theoretical foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents

A healthy lifestyle for teenagers is not just important, but vital if a young person and his parents want him to achieve success, be healthy and purposeful. Let's try to figure out why such a "healthy" model of behavior is better, what are its components and the benefits of its implementation. Let's also take a look at environmental factors that can interfere with the natural development of a person.

Components of a healthy lifestyle and the main environmental factors that affect a person.

A healthy lifestyle of a teenager includes a number of various social and domestic moments. It is easy to include here the solution of medical problems, the availability of certain necessary living conditions, material well-being, the rational use of free time, the conscious decision to refuse bad habits, physical activity, control over the problem of drug abuse, the presence of successful interpersonal relationships. In general, this list can go on and on, but we will focus only on a few important aspects.

This includes daily activities for:

- hardening by air, sun, water;

- hygiene;

- ensuring motor activity;

- the presence of a balanced diet;

- creating a harmonious psycho-emotional state;

— implementation of the principles of environmental protection.

It is quite easy to interfere with the natural and full development if there are the following unfavorable factors in the life of a teenager:

- insufficient amount of physical activity;

- irrationally composed baby food with excess salt and fat;

- stress;

- the presence of bad habits;

- Inadequate, disturbed sleep.

Leisure and physical activity: the benefits and necessity of developing your body

The formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is inextricably linked with the presence of a good rest. The tasks that young men and women solve during this period are related to study, the choice of a future profession, as well as the formation of a mature organism, require dynamism and intensity from a person. Leisure must be directed to replenishing the spent forces, as well as to identifying and developing existing abilities.

It is extremely difficult to overestimate the formation of a healthy lifestyle by means of physical culture. Movement in general is one of the most important signs of life. For adolescents, the presence of physical activity means increased efficiency and, of course, health promotion. A sad moment: a fairly small percentage of the population is purposefully engaged in physical education.

As a result, physical inactivity (lack of movement) is the cause of various diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system and other organs of the human body.

Scientists have conducted interesting studies that have shown that with a lack of physical activity, mental activity is sharply reduced. Already on the next day of the experiment, work efficiency reaches only 50%, nervous tension sharply increases, irritability grows, concentration of attention decreases, and the time to complete tasks increases. In general, the result is not the most rosy. That is why at least a small, but regular charge is so necessary.

The influence of physical activity on thought processes

The importance of physical activity is extremely important for our mental activity. This happens because our brain uses only 10% of nerve cells in the process of mental activity. All the rest regulate the work of our body. For mental activity, it is extremely important that signals-impulses come from the periphery. If the brain ceases to receive such stimulation, then its activity gradually fades and the person wants to sleep. From all of the above, the conclusion follows that muscle tension is one of the necessary conditions for mental activity.

Each of us who has experienced fatigue after a hard day at work can now realize that this fatigue is the result of fatigue of the cerebral cortex, a decrease in the amount of oxygen and glucose in the blood, as well as the accumulation of metabolic metabolic products.

It is worth figuring out how to remove these negative consequences in order to fully lead a healthy lifestyle for young people. So, there are several ways to solve this problem. Firstly, you can rest passively, and secondly, you can use medications that increase the efficiency of brain cells. The first option is not particularly effective, and the second leads to nervous exhaustion.

There is a third way, which is also safe. This requires any physical tension of the muscles and the body as a whole. Any sports activity is suitable: running, swimming, yoga, gymnastics, etc. Hardening will help to enhance the effect, which stimulates the protective properties of the body, improves local immunity.

The importance of good nutrition for well-being and academic success.

Proper nutrition for teenagers is important from many points of view. It is during this period of life that a variety of diseases are actively laid, which are associated with malnutrition. And this, by the way, includes not only diseases of the stomach, intestines, but also of the nervous, endocrine and other systems, since the processes of removing harmful substances are disrupted. A growing organism quickly enough adapts to overloads and nutritional deficiencies, this can create the illusion that everything is fine. Here lies the prerequisite for the appearance of overweight or underweight.

Irregular nutrition in schoolchildren occurs due to the heavy workload of the educational process, lack of time. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that insufficient levels of trace elements come with food. Proper nutrition is the basis of full-fledged mental and physical activity, health, performance, life expectancy.

Proper nutrition for teenagers menu includes about 50 different components. A person needs all nutrients, and it is necessary that they enter in certain proportions. Those are determined taking into account the gender of the person, his age and other factors.

The educational process for a teenager is largely associated with stress. During such periods of time, it must be remembered that the body more than ever needs proteins, B vitamins, pantothenic acid, vitamins A, E, choline, since each of these elements is involved in the production of pituitary and adrenal hormones. It would seem that these hormones have something to do with it, but the ability of our body to withstand stress largely depends on them.

A healthy lifestyle for teenagers is not just words. It helps a person not only feel full, but also is a kind of choice of life position. Boys and girls are already almost adults, they decide for themselves what is good for them and what they want to avoid. If parents believe that they can control every step of their child, then they are deeply mistaken. That is why it is important that the principles of a healthy lifestyle are a conscious choice of the teenager himself, then these rules take root, are used and benefit.

The material was processed by I.V. Scubius,

educational psychologist

Lesson-training "Time to be healthy" for students in grades 7-9

Titova Victoria Viktorovna, social teacher of the Zaporozhye secondary school of I-III levels No. 12 of the Zaporozhye city council of the Zaporozhye region

Material Description: I offer you a lesson-training "Time to be healthy!". This material will be useful to class teachers, social teachers, subject teachers. The training lesson is aimed at expanding the knowledge of adolescents about health and a healthy lifestyle; showing the importance of health for each student and for society as a whole; formation of a value attitude to one's own health; development of responsible behavior of adolescents.

Subject: Time to be healthy!

Goals: to increase the knowledge of adolescents about health and a healthy lifestyle; show the importance of health for each student and for society as a whole; to promote the formation of a value attitude towards one's own health; develop responsible behavior in adolescents.

Equipment: badges of two colors; ball; posters “Rules of work”, “River of expectations”, “Health Express”, “Wall of bad habits”; stickers: in the form of boats, bricks; sheets A-4, drawing paper, markers, colored pencils (for each group).

The target audience: (training participants): students of grades 7-9.

Course of the training

Before the start of the training, participants are invited to choose badges of the color they like and take a seat at the appropriate table. Thus, two working groups are formed, at the green and yellow tables.


I am glad to welcome you to the training lesson, which will allow us to expand our knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle “Time to be healthy!”.
It is not known who, when, but someone said the words that are passed down to us and which we pass on to our descendants: “Try every day, for every business, to find some positive start, because from the mood with which you enter the day , or your successes, and possibly failures, depend on some business.

Exercise "Three words about yourself"
To tune in to a friendly relationship, I suggest starting with an acquaintance. We all have the right to a name, so let's say what we would like to be called today, and also describe ourselves in three words. The name does not count as a word.

It is proposed to pass information in a circle, from the first (coach) to the last participant. Participants then write this name on their badge next to the official one. When the last member has given their name, the groups are given another task.

Exercise "Wish for today's lesson"
I wish you to start the training with a good mood and get pleasure from it and good results. Let's start our work by saying wishes to each other for today's lesson. The wish should be short. You throw the ball to the person to whom you address the wish and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next one, expressing his wishes for today's lesson. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

Exercise “River of Expectations”
Going to today's lesson, everyone asked himself the question: "What do I expect from the training?" Indicate, please, on the boats, the expectations from our event. Sound them out, please.

Participants voice their expectations and place them on the “River of Expectations” poster, attaching hopes to the shore

Exercise “Adopting Group Rules”
Before proceeding to further work, I suggest that you accept certain rules by which we will work during our meeting:
1.Communication based on trust.
2. Communication on the principle of “here” and “now” (talk about what worries you right now).
3. “I-statements” (I think, I think).
4. Sincerity of communication (there is no desire to speak frankly, it is better to keep silent).
5. Active participation in what is happening (actively listening, watching, talking; we do not close ourselves, we are always in a group, attentive to others).
6. Tolerance to each other (respect, tact, patience, compassion, sociability, equality, courtesy, intelligence).
7. Work “from” and “to”.
Do you agree with these rules? I propose to accept them as a whole.


Exercise “Associations”
What is health? Each of you at the mention of health have their own associations. I suggest that each team write down three associations on sticky notes.
And so, health for you is ...

Participants list association words recorded on stickers

According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. I suggest you watch the video "Health and its types."

Participants watch and discuss the video "Health and its types"

So guys, we have looked at the three main aspects of health that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise “Health Express”
So, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. You have learned what is physical health, mental health, social health.
You have leaflets with words-associations. Attach them, please, to the car, what health, in your opinion, means this word.

Participants attach leaflets with association words to a poster depicting a steam locomotive with three cars: car 1 - social health, car 2 - mental health, car 3 - physical health

Exercise “Model of a healthy and unhealthy person”
How is a healthy person different from an unhealthy one? (Participant responses) Choose words to characterize a healthy person: handsome, dexterous, stately, strong, round-shouldered, pale, slender, clumsy, strong, ruddy, fat, fit. Let's try to portray a healthy person and not a healthy one and explain why this person was portrayed in this way.

Participants in groups create models of a healthy and unhealthy person

What kind of person, healthy or unhealthy, do you think feels comfortable? What does it depend on? (Participant responses) A person who leads a healthy lifestyle feels much better.

Exercise “Chamomile of a healthy lifestyle”
What is a healthy lifestyle? (Participant responses)
A healthy lifestyle is a conscious, active attitude towards one's own health, the accumulation of certain positive or the neutralization of negative factors, external and internal. I propose to grow chamomile, the petals of which will be components of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise "Wall of Bad Habits"
What prevents us from leading a healthy lifestyle? (Participant responses) At every step, a person faces dangers: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, which from innocent entertainment can turn into a habit. But what is a habit? (Participant responses)
A habit is a behavior, a way of acting that has become normal, permanent. Let's think about what bad habits can undermine a person's health. You have stickers-bricks, write down these habits on them.

Participants write bad habits on sticky notes and post them on the wall of bad habits between healthy and unhealthy person models.

A wall of bad habits stands in the way of a person, and it depends only on him whether he will bypass it or not. And then his state of health. Indeed, according to scientists, a lot of factors affect human health: heredity (20%), health status (10%), environment (20%) and lifestyle (50%).


Exercise "Your health is in your hands"
Two smart people lived in one village, one was kind and fair, and he was respected, they went to him for advice and conflict resolution, the other was cunning, angry and prudent, people, despite his intelligence, did not go to him for help. The evil old man decided to prove to everyone the imperfection of the good sage in this way: he caught a butterfly, gathered the inhabitants, called the sage and asked what he was holding in his hands. The good old man answered - a butterfly. “Is she alive or dead?” was the next question. And the elder answered: “Now everything depends only on you: if you want, open your palms, and she will fly alive, but if you want, squeeze, and she will die. All in your hands!"
The moral is this: your life and your health is in your hands. Teachers, doctors, parents can influence, help with information, but the decision is up to you. And I hope it is correct. I just want you to understand how great it is to be free and healthy. Everyone is responsible for himself, remembering that he has only one health and body and there will be no other. You are already at the age when you are able to think about how to live today in order to have a chance to see tomorrow.
Take the butterflies in your hands - this is your health. Tear off the butterfly's wing. It's a pity. And this is our health.
Who tore the wing: you see that if you glue it and glue a crack on it, so will your health, if it does not apply to it, carefully it will not be the same. Health, not to return for any money.

Exercise “River of Expectations”
We have conducted a wonderful training on a healthy lifestyle with you. I suggest you return to the River of Expectations. Can you please tell me if your expectations were met? (Participant responses)

Participants share their thoughts, if their expectations are met, they move the boats to the shore of fulfilled hopes

I hope today's lesson was useful for you, you were able to learn something from it and make the right choice for yourself, the choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for your active work!

The effectiveness of the upbringing and education of children and adolescents depends on health. Health is an important factor in the performance and harmonious development of the child's body.

Health is the most important factor in the implementation of the life program of the individual. A healthy lifestyle is an integral way of being an individual in the external and internal world, as well as a system of relationships between a person and himself and environmental factors, where the system of relationships between a person and himself is considered as a complex set of actions and experiences, the presence of useful habits that strengthen natural resources health and the absence of harmful habits that destroy it. Due to the deterioration of the environment, modern man is increasingly aware of the need for a healthy lifestyle, personal activity in improving health.

Preservation of health as a significant internal motive occurs most often in the period of maturity. The motivating factors are a disease or a “bouquet” of diseases, a life crisis, and other extreme life situations. In reality, however, a healthy lifestyle in a person should be purposefully and constantly formed from an early age. Only under this condition will it be a real lever for the strengthening and formation of health, it will improve the reserve capabilities of the body, ensure the successful performance of social and professional functions, regardless of political, economic and socio-psychological situations.

That is why in our country the issue of the need to develop and adopt a state program for the formation of early motives for a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents is now very acute. The country needs a healthy generation, and this can only be achieved with the help of a wide and competent dissemination of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

The charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is not only the absence of disease and physical defects, but a state of complete social and spiritual well-being. G. L. Apanasenko points out that considering a person as a bioenergy-information system characterized by a pyramidal structure of subsystems, which include the body, psyche and spiritual element, the concept of health implies the harmony of this system. Violations at any level affect the stability of the entire system. G.A. Kuraev, S.K. Sergeev and Yu.V. Shlenov emphasize that many definitions of health proceed from the fact that the human body must resist, adapt, overcome, preserve, expand its capabilities, etc. The authors note that with such an understanding of health, a person is regarded as a militant creature in an aggressive natural and social environment.

AND I. Ivanyushkin offers 3 levels to describe the value of health:

1) biological - primordial health implies the perfection of self-regulation of the body, the harmony of physiological processes and, as a result, a minimum of adaptation;

2) social - health is a measure of social activity, an active attitude of a person to the world;

3) personal, psychological - health is not the absence of illness, but rather the denial of it, in the sense of overcoming it. Health in this case acts not only as a state of the organism, but as a "strategy of human life".

There are many definitions of the concept of "health", the meaning of which is determined by the professional point of view of the authors. According to the definition adopted in September 1948 by the World Health Organization: "health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects."

I. I. Brekhman emphasizes that health is not the absence of disease, but the physical, social and psychological harmony of a person, friendly relations with other people, with nature and oneself. He writes that "human health is the ability to maintain age-appropriate stability in conditions of sharp changes in the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the triune source of sensory, verbal and structural information" .

One of the founders of valeology, T. F. Akbashev, calls health a characteristic of a person’s vitality reserve, which is set by nature and is realized or not realized by a person.

O. S. Vasilyeva, paying attention to the presence of a number of components of health, in particular, such as physical, mental, social and spiritual health, considers the factors that have a predominant influence on each of them. So, among the main factors affecting physical health are: the system of nutrition, respiration, physical activity, hardening, hygiene procedures. Mental health is primarily affected by the system of a person's relationship to himself, other people, life in general; his life goals and values, personal characteristics. The social health of an individual depends on the conformity of personal and professional self-determination, satisfaction with family and social status, the flexibility of life strategies and their compliance with the sociocultural situation (economic, social and psychological conditions). And, finally, spiritual health, which is the purpose of life, is influenced by high morality, meaningfulness and fullness of life, creative relationships and harmony with oneself and the world around, Love and Faith. At the same time, the author emphasizes that the consideration of these factors as separately affecting each component of health is rather conditional, since all of them are closely interconnected.

Thus, after analyzing various approaches to the definition of the concept of health, it can be interpreted as a state of complete bodily, mental and spiritual well-being of a person. Health is considered as an integrative characteristic of a person, covering both her inner world and all the peculiarities of relationships with the environment and including physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects; as a state of equilibrium, a balance between the adaptive capabilities of a person and constantly changing environmental conditions. "The way a person interacts with the external environment is determined by the person himself and constitutes his way of life."

The orientation of the individual to a healthy lifestyle is a rather complex and contradictory process, it is influenced by the features of the development of the state and public opinion, the ecological situation, the technology of the educational process, the personality of teachers, as well as the state and orientation of family education.

I.Yu. Zhukovin recommends changing people's attitude to a healthy lifestyle based on the formation of traditions and value motivations. The creation of traditions of a healthy lifestyle is what should be the basis of valeological work in educational institutions, and what should be strived for in the end.

B.N. Chumakov characterizes a healthy lifestyle as “an active activity of people, aimed primarily at maintaining and improving health. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the way of life of a person and a family does not develop on its own depending on the circumstances, but is formed purposefully and constantly throughout life. The formation of healthy lifestyle motives is the main lever of primary prevention in strengthening the health of the population through changes in style and lifestyle, its improvement using hygiene knowledge in the fight against bad habits, overcoming adverse aspects associated with life situations.

Around children from early childhood, it is necessary to create such an educational environment that would be saturated with attributes, symbols, terminology, knowledge, rituals and customs of a valueological nature. This will lead to the formation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, to the conscious protection of one's health and the health of those around them, to mastering the practical skills and abilities necessary for this. Thus, the formed traditions of a healthy lifestyle become the property of the nation, the state, an integral part of people's lives.

A healthy lifestyle, according to leading medical specialists in the field of physical culture, is the implementation of a complex of a unified scientifically based medical-biological and socio-psychological system of preventive measures, in which proper physical education, a proper combination of work and rest, and the development of resistance to psycho-emotional overload, overcoming difficulties, hypokinesia.

The group of authors of the monograph "Forming a Healthy Lifestyle of Youth" pointed out that a healthy lifestyle is understood as an activity aimed at strengthening not only physical and mental, but also moral health, and that such a lifestyle should be implemented in the aggregate of all basic forms of life: labor, public, family - household, leisure.

According to Academician D.A. Izutkin, a healthy lifestyle is the fundamental principle of the prevention of all diseases. He emphasizes that it implements the most valuable type of prevention - the primary prevention of diseases, preventing their occurrence, expanding the range of human adaptive capabilities. The way of life - healthy, cultured, civilized - is realized in a specific objective activity, which has two necessary conditions for the flow: space and time. In order for any activity to enter into the daily life of an individual, it is necessary that this individual could allocate time from his time budget for this activity in a fairly standardized way, and the activity itself would be carried out in space, and not just in thoughts.

The basis of a healthy lifestyle, according to D.A. Izutkin, a number of basic principles should be put:

A healthy lifestyle - its carrier is a person as an active being both biologically and socially;

Man acts as a whole, in the unity of biological and social characteristics;

A healthy lifestyle contributes to the full performance of social functions;

A healthy lifestyle includes the possibility of disease prevention.

Education, as a social way to ensure the inheritance of culture, socialization and development of the individual, is the hope of the state policy for the formation of an individual culture of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation, as one of the main components of the national culture of a healthy lifestyle. The main activities of the education system in this area were:

Refinement of the conceptual apparatus: a healthy lifestyle, a culture of a healthy lifestyle;

Study of the state of health of adolescents and identification of the main groups of factors influencing the formation of health;

Identification and study of the problems of forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle;

Creation of the theory and practice of the development and implementation of pedagogical technologies focused on the preservation and strengthening of the health of students.

The formation of motives for a healthy lifestyle is largely due to the process of socialization of the individual. The development and socialization of a teenager takes place in a certain social environment, which is an important factor in the regulation of his behavior. In the studies of N.V. Bordovskoy, V.P. Ozerova, O.L. Treshcheva emphasizes the role of society as an environment for the formation of a certain way of life among schoolchildren. The social direction in solving the problem of forming the motivation for a healthy lifestyle is also traced in the works of V.P. Petlenko and N.G. Veselova.

The motive of a healthy lifestyle is a system of incentives for the needs to conduct health-saving activities.

The process of formation of motives for a healthy lifestyle of a teenager should be considered as an interaction of external and internal factors. Internal factors are the need-motivational sphere of a teenager's personality, its value orientations, relationships, self-esteem, interests, individual properties. External factors for a teenager are the process of personal self-improvement, preparation for a healthy lifestyle. In the process of formation of motives for a healthy lifestyle of a teenager, it is necessary to build a system of means, which, on the one hand, is aimed at changing the conditions of the educational process at school, in particular, the valueologization of the content of education, on the other hand, at changing the intrapersonal environment through conscious-volitional work on rethinking by adolescents of their attitude to a healthy lifestyle, to their lifestyle. To build a system of means for the formation of healthy lifestyle motives, it is necessary to take into account socio-psychological characteristics, dominant motives of this age group, as well as take into account the initial state of healthy lifestyle motives. The logic of the system of means for the formation of motives for a healthy lifestyle of a teenager is due to the ideas of a systematic and holistic approach to the design of pedagogical processes and consists in the movement of motives for a healthy lifestyle from situational manifestations to sustainable functioning, as well as the ideas of a personality-oriented approach that characterizes the means and conditions for the formation of this component of the structure personality. The recognition of health as a priority value, goal, result and necessary condition for the successful operation of each educational institution, the appeal to a healthy lifestyle and its approval as the basis of the life style of the main participants in the pedagogical process require the study of the motivational sphere of the individual. In researching the problems of motivation, domestic teachers and psychologists single out the principles of systemicity, the unity of consciousness and activity, activity and personality, the unity of the content, semantic and dynamic sides of motives, recognition of the leading role of consciousness in the regulation of human behavior, as well as the social conditionality of the needs of the individual, their depending on the needs of society. Determining the essence of motives, researchers consider them from different positions: biological, need, emotional, cognitive. Taking into account the ideas of a holistic approach and the main provisions of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical understanding of motivation, we define it as a conscious system of motives, which is a hierarchical structure of the driving forces of the behavior and activity of the individual, which is the integrator of the individual as a whole. Based on this definition, the motivation of a healthy lifestyle is a kind of “look” at motivation in a generalized form through the prism of a healthy lifestyle, the identification of the essence of which involves understanding such basic categories as lifestyle and health. In approaches to determining the essence of a healthy lifestyle, today there are three main areas: philosophical and sociological; biomedical; psychological and pedagogical. An analysis of approaches to determining the essence of motivation and consideration of the features of a healthy lifestyle allows us to determine our own understanding of the motives of a healthy lifestyle. We understand the motives of a healthy lifestyle as an integral system of conscious motives that activate and direct the manifestations of the personality (moral, spiritual, physical) in various spheres of life from the standpoint of the values ​​of one's health.

Among the many factors (socio-economic, demographic, cultural, hygienic, etc.) that affect the health and development of children, physical education occupies an important place in terms of the intensity of the impact. Today there is no doubt that in the conditions of increasing volume and intensity of educational and cognitive activity, the harmonious development of the student's body is impossible without physical education.

There are 3 stages in the formation of motives for a healthy lifestyle:

1. Orientation, during which adolescents form a positive attitude and interest in a healthy lifestyle, realize the value of health for self-realization.

2. The stage of formation, during which the needs for a healthy lifestyle are formed, the desire for self-education in this area from the standpoint of health values.

3. Generalization, the main content of which is the formation of an integral system of motives for a healthy lifestyle, providing creative design of life from the standpoint of a healthy lifestyle.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky argued that “Care for the health of a child is a set of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules ... not a set of requirements for regimen, nutrition, work and rest. This is, first of all, care in the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity.

Health problems are important and relevant at any age, so any educational institution prioritizes the upbringing of a physically healthy child. Physical health is determined not only by the presence of childhood diseases, but also by the ability to prevent them. To do this, you need to teach children to dress for the weather, keep the workplace clean, take care of the body and achieve mental comfort. From the very beginning, you should talk about hygiene, about proper posture. A healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role in the prevention of many cardiovascular diseases. It includes such components as sufficient physical activity, proper sleep, rational nutrition, harmonious relationships in the family and in the team, rejection of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs). Properly organized mode allows you to maintain high performance of the child's body, the ability to normal physical development and improves health. The organization of a rational regimen of the day should be carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the work of a particular class schedule, the optimal use of existing conditions, an understanding of one’s own individual features, including biorhythms.

Intensive classes at school, difficult homework, additional foreign language or music lessons, the temptation to watch TV, play computer games deprive schoolchildren of the time necessary for rest, walks, physical education and sports. The modern student is overloaded with information and this leads to the development of chronic mental fatigue. After an active day, when the child's heart is working with maximum load, he needs rest. The most effective and useful rest for a child is sleep. If a child regularly lacks sleep for one and a half to an hour, then this leads to a deterioration in the activity of the cardiovascular system, the development of fatigue, a decrease in working capacity and body resistance.

Specialists are also concerned about other ailments of children, such as addiction to tobacco, alcohol and drugs. This is due to the fact that the child wants to assert himself, keep up with his peers, "grow up" in the eyes of older children. The insidiousness of these substances lies in the fact that over time, the body becomes dependent and the so-called chemical dependence diseases develop - smoking, alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction. The form of work on prevention can be very different: classes aimed at developing a strategy for safe behavior in the field of infectious diseases; cooperation with medical centers; field medical diagnostics of extracurricular work with students (trainings and class hours, parent lectures, excursions); school-wide measures for the prevention of smoking, alcoholism.

Therefore, it is necessary to gradually form the motives of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren through extracurricular activities, since extracurricular educational activities are a combination of various types of activities and have a wide educational impact on the child.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle motive is a long and multifaceted process, the success of which is determined by a number of conditions.

1. Coverage in the process of formation of the motive of the most important parameters of the life of the individual, including: - observance of the optimal motor mode; - immunity training and hardening; - organization of rational nutrition and mode of life; - psychophysiological regulation; - education of psychosexual and sexual culture; - eradication of bad habits.

2. Accounting in the process of forming the motive of the structure of this phenomenon, which requires a holistic unity of three aspects of work: - mastering the system of knowledge about the essence of a healthy lifestyle and ways of its formation; - stimulation of a person's self-awareness, aimed at an emotional and personal attitude to the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle; - mastering the norms of behavior corresponding to a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, after analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature, we identified the following basic concepts:

Health is not only the absence of disease and physical defects, but a state of complete social and spiritual well-being.

A healthy lifestyle is the implementation of a complex of a unified scientifically based medical-biological and socio-psychological system of preventive measures, in which proper physical education, a proper combination of work and rest, the development of resistance to psycho-emotional overload, overcoming difficulties, hypokinesia are important.

The motive of a healthy lifestyle is an integral system of conscious motives that activate and guide the manifestations of the personality (moral, spiritual, physical) in various spheres of life from the standpoint of the values ​​of one's health.

The formation of motives for a healthy lifestyle is considered as a purposeful process of helping a teenager to realize health as the highest value, to form a responsible attitude towards him and to include a child in health creation in accordance with his individual capabilities and abilities. This process is based on the principles of preservation, strengthening and formation of health.


Happiness is impossible without health

V. G. Belinsky

Form of holding: parent meeting.

Purpose: to attract the attention of parents to the problems of educating a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

Objectives: to draw the attention of parents to the problem of children's health; discuss the risk factors for the health of modern children, introduce the main recommendations for maintaining the health of the child and educating the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Meeting progress:

Teacher: First, let me tell you a parable:

A man lived in a house. Together with him lived his wife, an elderly sick mother and his daughter - an adult girl. Late one evening, when everyone was already asleep, someone knocked on the door. The owner got up and opened the door. There were three people on the doorstep. "What is your name?" the owner asked. They answered him: "We are called Health, Wealth and Love, Let us into your house." The man thought, “You know,” he said, “we have only one free place in the house, and there are three of you. I will go and consult with the household, which of you we can accept in our house. The sick mother offered to let Health in, the young daughter wanted to let Love in, and the wife insisted that Wealth enter the house. The women argued among themselves for a very long time. When the man opened the door, there was no one else outside.

I really wish something like this didn't happen in your house. And Health, and hence Love with Wealth will find shelter in your home. (I think everyone agrees that these components of human happiness should be placed in this order.) What do you parents need to know about a teenager and his health? What should you pay attention to? We will now try to answer these questions.

Every parent wants to see their child healthy and happy, living in harmony with themselves and the world around them. But many do not know what should be the key to the well-being of their children. The answer is simple - a healthy lifestyle that includes:

Maintaining physical health

absence of bad habits,

proper nutrition,

an altruistic attitude towards people,

joyful feeling of being in this world.

A healthy lifestyle forms in adolescents not only physical, but also moral health, develops emotional and volitional qualities of a person. It is no coincidence that people say: "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

Psychologists have found that the most favorable age for the formation of good habits are preschool and school. During this period, the child spends a significant part of the time in the family, at school, among relatives, educators, teachers, peers, whose lifestyle, behavior stereotypes become the strongest factors in shaping their ideas about life. The most difficult period is adolescence. Let me remind you of the main signs of this age:

- Intensive growth. With the exception of the first two years of life, a person never grows so fast again. Body length increases by 5-8 cm per year. Girls grow most actively at the age of 11-12 years (height during this period can increase by 10 cm per year), increased growth of boys is noted at 13-14 years old. (After 15 years, boys overtake girls in height). The characterization of the “long-legged teenager” is very accurate: the increase in growth is mainly due to the tubular bones of the limbs.

- The musculoskeletal system is rebuilt: the degree of ossification increases, muscle strength increases. The sensory and motor endings of the neuromuscular apparatus reach full development. These changes are manifested even outwardly: there is an abundance of unnecessary movements, awkwardness, “angularity” of a teenager. Parents should be aware that at this age, mastering the technique of complex movements may be most successful. A teenager can achieve a virtuoso technique of playing a musical instrument, master the most complex elements of special sports exercises. Some researchers believe that people who have not developed the necessary motor qualities in adolescence, throughout life remain more awkward than they could be.

- A teenager develops the chest and respiratory muscles. The number of breaths is reduced by half, that is, the teenager breathes less often, but deeper. The body needs oxygen. It is noted that a teenager endures its lack (hypoxia) much harder than an adult.

- The heart grows rapidly. Its volume increases by about a quarter. Vessels grow, but do not keep up with the heart. Therefore, adolescents often have high blood pressure, sometimes there is juvenile hypertension. It is transient, but requires special care when dosing physical activity. Not only physical activity is adversely reflected, but also negative emotions.

– Changes in the state of the nervous system. As a result, in the behavior of adolescents there is increased nervousness, incontinence, and instability of emotional reactions. With the right upbringing, these phenomena are overcome by the teenager himself, with the wrong upbringing, they can become the basis of stable traits.

Adolescence is the age of self-affirmation, and the main task of a teacher working with a teenager is to help them understand what are the main values ​​in life. Children are trying to assert themselves, to take their place in this world, in the family, at school, in the class team and on the street.

The task of the school and parents is to explain to the teenager that beauty (and each of them wants to be beautiful and loved) is physical, spiritual beauty, it is health. To our great regret, medical examinations of children, conducted annually at school, reveal more and more diseases in adolescents. Our children, who are just starting to live, often already have a whole “bouquet” of fairly serious chronic diseases.

According to scientists, human health is 50% - his way of life, 20% - heredity, another 20% - the environment and only 10% - health care.

What are the most pressing health issues in adolescents? What do you need to know and what to pay attention to?

1. The problem of healthy eating.

Boys have three times the food budget of girls.

- boys consume on average 55.5% more calories than girls;

- 20% of boys are found to be overweight compared to the norm. This is observed all over the world.

Parents need to know that teens, especially boys, often experience unreasonable muscle weakness during the months of rapid growth. Sometimes they get tired very quickly after sports activities, complain of pain in the heart area. Cardiologists believe that this is due to a lack of carnitine, a substance that ensures the delivery of “fuel” to the energy systems of cells. In adolescents, carnitine production lags behind the needs of rapidly growing tissues. There is an increase in fatigue, low performance. Carnitine is found in beef and veal. Lots of it in milk. If a teenager eats enough meat, he may not notice the growth of his heart - he will be moderately cheerful and energetic.

2. Passion for teenagers diets.

Studies show that 73% of girls say they have been on a diet in the past 12 months. However, most of these girls are not overweight. Meanwhile, parents need to be aware that diets are dangerous for teenagers. Particular attention should be paid to parents whose daughters, from the age of 15, begin to torture themselves with various diets, trying to look like real fashion models. Interesting facts were discovered by scientists of the University of Missouri. They concluded that those children who eat less with their parents and watch TV more often get overweight more often.

3. Physical inactivity is a problem of modern teenagers.

Lack of physical activity and excessive caloric intake have led to the fact that the weight of the average modern child is noticeably more than a few generations ago. If the heart is not loaded, it will not become hardy. The heart muscle, like any other, requires training. Nature created this organ for a person who spends all day in motion. American experts have come to the conclusion that if at least 15 minutes a day devotes to outdoor games, this reduces the risk of developing obesity by 50%. Even walking at a fast pace and then gives a positive result.

4. Stress and its impact on a teenager.

Stress is a universal phenomenon in the lives of today's teenagers, affecting their health and well-being. Parents of teenagers should be aware of the possibility of stress and behave appropriately in these conditions. Perhaps sometimes it is advisable to lower the bar for the child requirements.

Many parents put a lot of pressure, both direct and indirect, on their teenagers, both in terms of physical development and academic performance. In some cases, teenage stress symptoms may be a reaction to parental pressure. A teenage athlete who competes from an early age may be tired of the competition, but he cannot express it to his parents. He may experience fear that his parents will be disappointed.

Peer support is important during this period. Adolescents who feel socially isolated or who have difficulty relating to peers are more vulnerable to stress-related psychosomatic problems.

Family support can also change the impact of stress on an adolescent's health. It just needs to be properly organized. It is wrong to respond to the problems of a teenager by attracting special attention and providing some kind of privileges.

With such behavior of parents, children will use their painful symptoms as a way to avoid a problematic situation (for example, exams or competitions).

5. Bad habits.

Disturbing Facts:

Currently, the average age of onset of alcohol consumption is 12-13 years. In the age group 11-24, more than 70% of young people consume alcohol. At the same time, girls consume almost on a par with boys.

– On average, 35.6% of boys under 15 and 25% of girls smoke. And at the age of 16 - 17 years, this ratio looks like 45% to 18%.

– More than a quarter of girls and more than half of boys have tried drugs at least once by the age of 16.

Talking to teenagers about the dangers of smoking is very difficult. They don't believe. But it is necessary to tell what happens to a person when he smokes, and what this habit threatens him in the future. Therefore, I want to introduce you to some arguments.

At the moment of puffing, tobacco and tissue paper are sublimated, and about 200 harmful substances are formed, including carbon monoxide, soot, benzopyrene, formic and hydrocyanic acids, arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, and radioactive elements.

Smoking one cigarette is equivalent to being on a busy highway for 36 hours.

Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) has the ability to bind the respiratory pigment of the blood - hemoglobin, as a result, the processes of tissue respiration are disrupted. Smoking a pack of cigarettes, a person injects over 400 milliliters of carbon monoxide into the body, as a result, all organs and systems of a smoker are constantly sitting on starvation oxygen rations.

Passing through the respiratory tract, tobacco smoke causes irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes - the pharynx, nasopharynx, bronchi, and pulmonary alveoli. Constant irritation of the bronchial mucosa can provoke the development of bronchial asthma. A chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract - chronic bronchitis, which is accompanied by a debilitating cough. A relationship has also been established between smoking and the incidence of cancer of the lips, tongue, larynx, and trachea.

The heart of a smoker makes 12-15 thousand more contractions per day than the heart of a non-smoker.

Nicotine and other components of tobacco also affect the digestive organs.

Long-term smoking contributes to the occurrence of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Smoking has a bad effect on the hearing apparatus of a person. Even 20 cigarettes smoked a day weaken the perception of colloquial speech.

Smoking negatively affects mental activity. Two smoked cigarettes reduce the speed of memorization and the amount of memorized material by 5-6%.

Reasons for girls

- French scientists have found that smoking affects the appearance of a woman more negatively than the appearance of a man. In the fair sex, the skin on the face quickly ages, loses elasticity, and deep wrinkles appear in the corners of the mouth and eyes.

– Women who smoke are more likely than non-smokers to give birth to children with heart disease and developmental defects.

From numerous surveys it follows: there is not a single boy who would like to have a smoking wife.

Reasons for boys.

- Smokers are twice as likely to become impotent as non-smokers, because smoking narrows the blood vessels in the genitals.

- Children of non-smoking parents are one and a half times more likely to remain non-smokers than children whose parents smoke.

6. Mode for a teenager.

During the period of important and global changes in the body, attention to the daily routine of a teenager should become especially close.

Sleep is the most important factor in health. The need for sleep in a child of 7-12 years old is, depending on biorhythms, approximately 9-10 hours; at 13-14 years old - 9-9.5 hours; at 15-17 years old - 8.5-9 hours. Lack of sleep can make your child obese.

The daily routine of a student should be built taking into account the peculiarities of his biorhythms. People are divided into "owls", "larks", "pigeons". During the day, the activity, performance, mood of each of us changes.

Without normal sleep, high performance is impossible, and lack of sleep is dangerous - it affects the child's psyche (distracted, easily distracted, inadequately responds to comments, easily excitable), so it is important that the child not only sleeps enough hours, but also that his sleep is deep , calm. If the performance is reduced and with a well-established daily routine, then it is possible that he fell ill. Even a mild cold impairs attention, perseverance, that is, the overall performance of children for several weeks, the child quickly gets tired. And more serious diseases are unsettling for a longer time, in which case a sparing regimen is needed, strengthening the immune system, and of course, understanding of adults.

Final part.

Dear parents, before you is a portrait of a healthy child. Check the boxes for the traits that your child has and draw conclusions about what needs to be worked on:




Kindly treats the people around him - adults and children;

Positive emotional impressions predominate in his life, while negative experiences are endured by him with firmness and without harmful consequences;

The development of his physical, primarily motor, qualities proceeds harmoniously;

Sufficiently fast, agile and strong;

The daily regimen of his life corresponds to individual biorhythmological and age characteristics: this is the optimal ratio of wakefulness and sleep, periods of ups and downs in activity;

Unfavorable weather conditions, their abrupt change are not terrible for a healthy child, as he is hardened, his thermoregulation system is well trained.

He doesn't need any medication;

Has no excess body weight.

To help a child be healthy, parental love, a desire to help children, their reasonable exactingness and everyday healthy lifestyle as a model for children to follow are needed. We wish you success in the difficult and noble cause of family upbringing of your child, may he bring you joy and happiness!

"Reminder to Parents"

1. A family is a material and spiritual cell for raising children, for marital happiness and joy. The basis, the core of the family is marital love, mutual care and respect. The child should be a member of the family, but not its center. When a child becomes the center of seven, and parents sacrifice themselves to him, he grows up as an egoist with high self-esteem, he believes that "everything should be for him." For such reckless love for himself, he often repays evil - neglect of parents, family, people.

No less harmful, of course, is an indifferent, all the more neglectful attitude towards a child. Avoid extremes in love for a child.

2. The main law of the family: everyone takes care of each member of the family, and each member of the family, to the best of his ability, takes care of the whole family. Your child must firmly grasp this law.

3. Raising a child in a family is a worthy, continuous acquisition of useful, valuable life experience in the process of living in a family. The main means of raising a child is the example of the parents, their behavior, their activities, this is the child's interested participation in the life of the family, in its worries and joys, this is work and conscientious fulfillment of your instructions. Words are an aid. The child must perform certain household chores, which become more complicated as they grow older, for themselves, for the whole family.

4. The development of a child is the development of his independence. Therefore, do not patronize him, do not do for him what he can and should do for himself. Help him in acquiring skills and abilities, let him learn to do everything that you can do. It’s not scary if he does something wrong: the experience of mistakes and failures is useful to him. Explain to him his mistakes, discuss them with him, but do not punish for them. Give him the opportunity to try his hand at different things to determine his abilities, interests and inclinations.

5. The basis of a child's behavior is his habits. See to it that good, good habits are formed in him and that bad habits do not arise. Teach him to distinguish between good and evil. Explain the harm of smoking, alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, materialism, lies. Teach him to love his home, his family, kind people, his land.

The most important habit for him should be the observance of the daily routine. Develop a reasonable daily routine with him and strictly monitor its implementation.

6. Contradictions in the demands of parents are very harmful for the upbringing of a child. Coordinate them with each other. Even more harmful are the contradictions between your demands and those of the school and teachers. If you do not agree with our requirements or you do not understand them, come to us and we will discuss the problems together.

7. It is very important to create a calm, friendly climate in the family, when no one yells at anyone, when even mistakes and misconduct are discussed without scolding and hysteria. The mental development of the child, the formation of his personality to a large extent depends on the style of family education. The normal style is democratic, when children are given a certain independence, when they are treated with warmth and respect for their personality. Of course, some control over the behavior and teaching of the child is necessary in order to help him in difficult situations. But it is more important to contribute in every possible way to the development of self-control, self-analysis and self-regulation of their activities and behavior.

Do not insult the child with your suspicions, trust him. Your trust, based on knowledge, will bring up personal responsibility in him. Do not punish the child for the truth if he confessed his mistakes himself.

8. Teach your child to take care of the younger and older in the family. Let the boy give way to the girl, this is the beginning of the upbringing of future fathers and mothers, the preparation of a happy marriage.

9. Keep track of your child's health. Teach him to take care of his own health and physical development. Remember that over the years of study on the scale, the child experiences age-related crises in one form or another: at 6-7 years old, when the child develops an internal position, awareness of his feelings and experiences; the crisis of puberty, which usually passes in girls 2 years earlier than in boys; and youthful crisis of finding one's place in life. Be attentive to the child during these crisis periods, change the style of your attitude towards him as you move from one age period to another.

10. A family is a house, and like any house, it can deteriorate over time and need to be repaired and updated. Be sure to check from time to time to see if your family home needs updating and refurbishment.

Literature and sources of information

    Kadashnikova N.Yu. We educate the individual and the citizen. 5-11 grades: class and club hours, themed evenings, parent meetings / N.Yu. Kadashnikov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 221 p.


Health is given to a person from birth, but in order to preserve it for life, it is necessary to take care of strengthening it from early childhood until old age. If in early childhood the health of the child depends mainly on the lifestyle of the family, then in adolescence, the influence of the environment increases.

It is necessary to remember from childhood that a healthy lifestyle is the most practical and least expensive way to prevent diseases, it requires a person to work and consolidate good habits, and an idle lifestyle leads to a deterioration in health.

Physical activity is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. All girls dream of having a beautiful slim figure, and all boys dream of being strong and strong. All this can be achieved with regular physical education involving all muscle groups (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, skiing, rowing, team games).

The normal posture of the child and the shape of the foot are associated with the state of the muscles, which are formed during systematic physical exercises and constant monitoring of their posture by the children themselves and their parents.

Dosed physical activity is useful for everyone. Even children who have some contraindications should not be completely exempted from physical activity, because. it is possible to use the complexes of therapeutic gymnastics.

Compliance with the daily routine is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle for a child. The daily routine is a well-thought-out schedule of work, rest, and nutrition.

The main type of rest, of course, is sleep. The student needs to sleep for at least 8-9 hours in favorable conditions - a warm blanket, cool air, a calm environment.

Stay on fresh air daily for 1.5 - 2.5 hours in combination with physical activity, physical labor, sports is one of the components of a rational daily regimen.

Hardening is useful at any age. A hardened person resists cold and heat, humidity. Air baths, walking barefoot, visiting the bath have a hardening effect. The strongest hardening effect is provided by water procedures - wiping, dousing, showers, baths, rubbing with snow and winter swimming. When hardening, it is important to follow the following principles: gradualness, systematic, individual approach, a variety of hardening effects.

During the period of physiological changes for adolescents, a balanced and rational diet is especially important. Rapid growth and build-up of lean body mass requires uniform nutrition throughout the day. Long breaks, hasty food, "snacks" on the go are the cause of violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wholemeal bread, cereals, sour-milk products, lean meats, chicken and fish, fruits, raw vegetables and greens are very useful for eating teenagers. It is necessary to reduce the content of animal fats and "fast" carbohydrates in the diet - sugar, sweets, confectionery, potatoes. It is necessary to give preference to marmalade, marshmallows, honey, chocolate in a small amount.

It is necessary to ensure that schoolchildren receive hot lunches, do not eat dry food, do not get carried away with burgers and chips. During the day, they drank about 2 liters of liquid, preferably clean water.

A good psychological climate in the family, good mutual understanding of a teenager with adults, parents and friends are of great importance for health promotion, which helps young people to overcome stressful situations and difficult moments in life with the least loss to health.

Maintaining clean skin, caring for nails are also elements of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to teach your child to wash their hands before eating, after going to the toilet, working in the garden, walking down the street. Taking care of your body is especially important for teenagers. During puberty, they themselves notice that they began to sweat more, they feel a strong smell from their legs and armpits. From those who neglect personal hygiene, an unpleasant smell is felt at a distance. After taking a shower, you need to change your underwear. Feet are washed daily at night.

In adolescence, hair care is also important. Healthy, shiny and obedient hair can become a real decoration, so you need to learn how to properly care for them.

Regular oral care will help preserve teeth and prevent many diseases of the internal organs. In order to keep your teeth healthy until adulthood, you need dental care and visits to the dentist 1-2 times a year. A sparkling row of white and healthy teeth truly adorns a person. Brushing your teeth should not be taken lightly. You need to use an individual toothbrush, which needs to be changed 1 time in 3-4 months. Rinse your mouth after every meal. After the appearance of bad breath, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

Hygiene of linen and clothes is very important. It is desirable that the clothing be loose and that an air gap is preserved under it. An important place in personal hygiene is occupied by the cleanliness of underwear and clothing, the daily change of socks or tights, especially with excessive sweating. Each family member is recommended to have a separate bed, separate towels, change bed linen once a week. At night, it is recommended to wear a nightgown or pajamas.

In the foreground in the formation of a healthy lifestyle are love for the child and a positive attitude towards life. The more parents and others love the child, the more harmonious and happier he will grow up. Just do not forget that love is not permissiveness, but attention, respect, healthy criticism. It is easier to raise a healthy person in an atmosphere of love and friendship.
