Beauty secrets of Egyptian queens. Smoke in your eyes

Secrets of Cleopatra's charm

Probably one of the most interesting riddles Cleopatra is actually a “portrait” of the legendary queen. Legends and novels paint her as a dazzling beauty. But, according to contemporaries, she did not have any special beauty, however, more importantly, she was very smart, educated, sophisticated, knew nine languages ​​and brilliantly mastered the art of seduction. “It’s a pleasure to hear her voice,” they said about her. “Her speech is like a many-stringed lyre, no matter what language she speaks.”

Does this mean that the “famous and legendary” Cleopatra VII (before her there were six more rulers of the XXXI dynasty in Ancient Egypt, who bore this throne name) was not a beauty at all? In any case, a similar impression can be formed if you look at the “authentic” computer reconstruction of her appearance and the “authentic” lifetime images of the last sovereign ruler of Egypt, presented to the public not so long ago. They have already started talking about a new, also “genuine” secret of Cleopatra, which allegedly consisted in the fact that with such, frankly speaking, not a brilliant appearance, she somehow managed to make an irresistible impression on men. But let's not rush to conclusions.

Concerning the appearance of the queen, the opinions of modern authors are divided. Some of them claim that Cleopatra was beautiful, like the Trojan Helen, and also “intelligent, like Aspasia,” and “passionate, like Sappho.” However, there are opinions that the queen was not just ugly, but very ugly (some even mention a long hooked nose).

The most interesting thing about this is that reliable description Cleopatra's appearance does not exist. Ancient authors only mention that she had extraordinary charm and attractiveness, intelligence, and the talent of a true diplomat. Therefore, the source of information for modern authors is, apparently, fiction or some images of the queen preserved on reliefs, coins and statues, which are striking in their diversity and lack of similarity to each other.

The words about “reliability” and “authenticity” of new facts are not put in quotation marks by chance. The point is that they are not actually “reliable” or “authentic.” That is, from the point of view of antique and archaeological value, the found statues, of course, are genuine and really depict Cleopatra and were not made by the worst sculptors of ancient Alexandria. But the whole point is that they cannot be considered historically reliable, conveying the real appearance of the queen.

Europeans are accustomed to such a genre as the “ceremonial portrait”. In it, an important and wealthy customer always looks somewhat embellished - with a proud posture, without a paunch, if any, with an excellent complexion, etc.

But in Ancient Egypt, since the time of the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten, things were different. Then an unusual trend arose in Egyptian sculpture, which is sometimes called “hyperrealism.” The strange ruler demanded from his sculptors not only to depict himself - the “living god” - and mere mortals in their true appearance, but, moreover, to emphasize in every possible way the features of the “original’s” appearance, even if these features were completely unattractive. In his sculptural incarnation, a man of mediocre appearance seemed simply a freak, and it’s scary to think how ugly he looked by nature. The pharaoh passed into eternity, his very name was cursed and forgotten, but the sculptural style took root, albeit in a somewhat softened form. Therefore, the ceremonial statues of the ancient Egyptians after Akhenaten look worse than the “original source”. A kind of “reverse formal portrait”.

The situation with computer reconstruction is even clearer. The peculiarity of the “electronic portrait” is that, like the Egyptian “solar style,” it always somewhat highlights the features of human appearance, especially the features, from a computer point of view, non-standard. This is the “inherent defect” of all electronic anthropological reconstructions. And if we take into account that the computer based its conclusions on the mentioned figurines, it becomes clear why the “electronic portrait” of Cleopatra VII looks even more unattractive than her sculptural images. However, some things have been pointed out correctly. The Egyptian queen was truly a very plump woman vertically challenged. But this is from our point of view; for her time she was a person of average, and perhaps slightly above average height and normal build.

We must not forget about acceleration. Average height the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt did not exceed 154 cm. To this we can only add that thinness (in modern language - slimness) is also a consequence of acceleration, and our ancient ancestors were not only short, but also more massive. But still, even adjusted for strange traditions Egyptian sculpture and acceleration, there was nothing out of the ordinary in Cleopatra’s appearance. Where did the amazing impression she made on the men of her time come from?

It should be noted here that rumors of this amazing experience may well be exaggerated. Did Caesar and Antony love Cleopatra? one hundred percent certainty we don’t know and will never know. But we can say: how would these two outstanding statesmen and commanders Ancient Rome no matter how they treated the Egyptian woman, they needed an alliance with her, including a dynastic (marriage) alliance to implement their own political and military plans. It is more difficult to say about Anthony, but, as far as can be judged from his biographies, he also sought this union. For in the life of this man, power and glory played a dominant role...

However, all of the above does not at all exclude the fact that Cleopatra was desirable as a woman for most men of her era. And now any representative of the fairer sex knows what can be done from the most banal appearance with the help of well-chosen clothes, cosmetics, hairstyles and perfumes. Especially if you add personal charm and temperament to this. And two thousand years ago the industry " feminine charms"was a little worse than the current one (if it was worse at all), although not as technologically advanced. In any case, the secrets of many ancient dyes and incense have not yet been revealed and, perhaps, will never be solved. Recipes were literally crystallized over thousands of years, by the “collective mind” of the priestly caste and craft corporations.

Here, for example, is one of these “secrets”. A mixture in the form of a weak solution of mercury and antimony in vegetable oil is very harmful to health, but when rubbed into the skin it gives it, firstly, a characteristic “mercury” shine, and secondly (more importantly), creates a female body an elusive, but felt by the body, “micro-atmosphere” that causes a man to have an irresistible attraction to opposite sex. And this is only one of dozens of similar “cocktails” that were widespread among the “high society” of antiquity and the Middle Ages (and which is strongly not recommended to be tried, since ignorance of the exact proportions can easily lead to death for an unlucky seductress).

In any case, whether Cleopatra was an irresistible beauty or not, on August 2, 30 BC. e. in her person independent Egypt perished irrevocably, although its culture existed for almost six more centuries. The ruins of Cleopatra's palace long ago sank to the bottom of the sea as the terrain changed. The queen's tomb was never found. Together with the coastal part of Alexandria, it slowly sank to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, which Cleopatra loved so much. Somewhere there, under its emerald waves, she still rests, the legendary queen, heir to the great pharaohs of antiquity and simply a faithful daughter of the Egyptian land, who fought with all the strength of her heart for the future of the country on the banks of the Nile...

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There are legends about the beauty of the Egyptian queen, but her appearance is not only natural data, but also the result of regular self-care. Now we will reveal the secrets of Cleopatra so that you can evaluate their effect for yourself.

Cleopatra is known not only as the queen of Egypt, but also as beautiful woman. She spared neither money nor time to carry out different procedures to care for your skin, hair and health. Thanks to excavations and preserved records, scientists were able to unravel some of the secrets of the great Cleopatra, which you will now learn about.

1. Cleansing the body

External beauty is impossible without internal health, and Cleopatra understood this very well. There is evidence that the queen used a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice to cleanse her body. Once every two weeks she drank 100 ml of this composition, diluting the oil and juice plain water. This drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. After this, Cleopatra was given a massage abdominal cavity so that the abdominal muscles press against the spine. This helped cleanse the liver and intestines.

2. Rose water

The queen loved to take baths with rose petals because rose water is very beneficial. This excellent remedy to maintain skin tone. Rose water can be bought in cosmetic stores, but just choose good means organic origin. Another option is to prepare it yourself, for which you need to pour 400 ml of water into a cup of petals, put it on the stove, boil and cool the broth. After this, strain, pour into a spray bottle and use as a facial toner.

3. Egg shampoo

You can see this in stores today a wide range of different shampoos, and in ancient times women used natural remedies. Cleopatra chose for hair care egg yolks. They cope well with dirt and give curls strength and shine. To do homemade shampoo, mix eggs with honey and almond oil. Beat well, rub into the roots and distribute along the length. Massage for a few minutes and then rinse off.

4. Hemp seed oil

One of the popular ancient cosmetics that was in Cleopatra’s arsenal. Hemp oil contains a lot of proteins and essential fatty acids providing excellent skin hydration. The oil helps slow down the aging process of the skin and supports water balance, and with regular use you can cope with acne. Hemp oil can be added to your usual cream, masks, tonics and other products.

5. Healing royal jelly

This beekeeping product is also called royal jelly. It includes great amount useful substances, which contribute to the activation of restoration processes within the body. As a result, the cells can heal themselves. Bee royal jelly helps reduce dark circles under the eyes, moisturizes the skin and reduces the number of wrinkles. If it is not possible to obtain the product, then at least find a cream in the store that contains it.

6. Green grapes

Cleopatra had to protect her skin from the active sun, because if this was not done, then the aging process would accelerate. A mask can serve as protection, for the preparation of which you should mix only two ingredients: liquid honey and crushed green grapes. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then wash and apply moisturizer.

7. Milk bath

In the records of Hippocrates, information was found that Cleopatra used milk from 700 donkeys to take a bath. It contains lactic acid, which is beneficial for the body. It is used as a soft exfoliant - a product that cleanses the upper dead layer of skin. It is clear that few people have the opportunity to implement such a bath at home, but cosmetologists offer an alternative - add to regular bath with water 1.5-2 liters of milk. In addition, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to the recipe to soften the skin. To make your bath even more beneficial, add a small cup of unrefined fresh honey to it, which should be completely dissolved. The sweet contains substances that make the skin smooth and velvety.

8. Apple cider vinegar

Among my favorite cosmetics natural remedies the queen was and Apple vinegar. Cleopatra used it for washing. This product tones the skin well, improves blood circulation and maintains an optimal pH level. Apple cider vinegar cannot be used in its pure form, so it must be diluted with water: for 1/4 cup you need 1 cup of warm water. Rinse your face with the prepared solution, do not wipe it, but let the skin dry on its own.

9. Clay masks

Clay has been used in cosmetology for a long time, and Cleopatra herself knew its miraculous properties. The clay contains beneficial substances that exfoliate and soften the skin well, and kaolin masks can remove toxins from the pores, making it silky. You can buy powdered clay in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. You should choose it based on your own skin type. Remember that you need to use a moisturizer after clay masks, as they dry out the skin.

10. Salt scrub

It has long been proven that sea salt contains a huge amount of useful substances, so it is recommended to be used for cosmetic procedures. Cleopatra had her own salt mines. A sea salt scrub activates the dermis and removes dead cells. It's important to buy salt good quality and it is better if it is fine-grained so as not to injure the skin. Add your favorite salt to the salt essential oil. Ready scrub use while showering. Rub it into your skin in a circular motion and then rinse off with warm water.

11. Beeswax

Since ancient times, beekeeping products have been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Today wax is included in the composition different means for skin care, as it has a moisturizing and smoothing effect. By the way, beeswax practically does not cause allergic reaction in people, even those who cannot tolerate honey.

12. Aloe juice

There is confirmed information that Cleopatra took care of herself using the juice of this plant. In addition, it is known that she wrote down one of her recipes with aloe in a book of useful medical advice. The plant is suitable for skin and hair care. You can purchase products containing aloe juice. In addition, there is a huge number folk recipes, among which you can choose something for yourself.

13. Shea butter

The Egyptian queen often pampered herself with remedies including unrefined oil shi, beneficial features which can be listed for a long time. For example, the product contains caristerols that promote skin regeneration, since collagen synthesis is activated in cells. The sun protection properties of the oil should not be overlooked, which was especially important in the Egyptian climate. It can also be used for hair care. Many cosmetic companies use shea butter in their products, and you can also buy it in its pure form.

14. Miracle cream

I would like to finish unique recipe from Cleopatra, which contains her most favorite ingredients. Women with any skin type can use the cream. To prepare it, prepare 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice and beeswax, 4 drops of rose ether and 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil. First heat the wax and almond oil, and when they come together, add the remaining ingredients. Ready cream Can be stored in the refrigerator for a whole week.

There is a lot of debate about Cleopatra's beauty now. Some argue that Cleopatra was ugly, had a very prominent chin and very narrow lips. The Egyptians continue to defend the beauty of their queen. Still others say that in the time of Cleopatra there were other canons of external beauty. Each version has a right to exist, and we are not historians to argue about it. Our conversation is not about external beauty Cleopatra, but about the beauty of her skin, confirmed by all sources. For Egypt, where the skin is constantly exposed to the scorching sun and sand, this was especially important, and Cleopatra, to her credit, left very good recipes for us.

Cleopatra's strength lay in the art of seduction, brought to the point of virtuosity. She had what is called "manicness". She had a charming voice, she perfectly mastered the art of insinuating speech, seductive play with her eyes, and had an amazing gift for maintaining passion. Add to this an excellent education: Cleopatra sang, played the lute and harp, danced, spoke several languages, and you could talk with her about literature, art and the latest philosophical trends.

In addition, Cleopatra took special care of herself, using all the means from the arsenal of that time. Let us remember that the ancient Egyptians used a lot of ointments and incense. It was used, and quite liberally, decorative cosmetics. They were whitened with lead white and chalk, and blushed with carmine compounds. Eyes and eyebrows were lined with a mixture of antimony, bismuth and lead.

Blondes and redheads were in fashion, so women either wore wigs or sat in the sun for hours, anointing their hair with “Gallic oil,” which contained a lot of alkali. Hair was carefully removed from all parts of the female body.

Of course, none of the means that enhance feminine charm, Cleopatra did not neglect, and also had some secrets of her own, which allowed her to maintain the charm of youth, smooth skin, youthful blush until her death (the queen died at 37 years old - an age considered very advanced at that time).

We now know that Cleopatra regularly used face masks made from wheat dough mixed with donkey milk, as well as powder rare breed snails mixed with bean broth. When Cleopatra traveled, several donkeys followed her chariot so that the queen could take a bath of donkey milk at any time, which is considered truly miracle cure eternal youth. Less exotic recipes for the beauty of Queen Cleopatra have also reached us.

"Internal rinsing". According to legend, the queen carried out “internal washing” twice a month. To do this, she mixed equal proportions of lemon juice, water and olive oil. This mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach, in small sips. Then you need to do 15-20 exercises abdominals- the stomach is pulled towards the spine, lingers for a few seconds in this position, and only then the muscles relax. This is nothing more than cleansing the liver and intestines. A very useful and common procedure to this day.

"Milk bath". Cleopatra's most important beauty recipe is, of course, the famous milk bath. To make a Cleopatra milk bath, dissolve a small cup of honey in 1 liter of hot (not boiled) milk and pour the mixture into the bath. The bath temperature should be the same as body temperature, that is, 36-37°C, take a bath for 10-15 minutes. Modern followers of Cleopatra's beauty sometimes suggest replacing fresh milk with dry milk, at the rate of 1-2 kg per bath.

But that's not all. Speaking about the beauty of Cleopatra, we note that the effect of Cleopatra’s bath was enhanced scrub. 300 g of ground sea salt was mixed with half a cup of heavy cream and rubbed over the queen's body. Rubbed before the bath or after - opinions differ, but, as practice shows, it’s good either way, but it’s better to use the scrub before the bath: it will cleanse the skin, and milk and honey will have a greater effect on the beauty of the skin.

Cream. Mix 40 ml aloe juice with 40 ml distilled water, 20 ml rose water or infusion of rose petals and 1 teaspoon of honey. Place the mixture on water bath and gradually introduce 100 g of melted pork fat. Transfer the finished cream into jars, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator. Apply a thin layer once a day.

Skin masks. Several masks are attributed to Cleopatra, for example, made from the same honey and milk.
Combine warm milk and honey in equal doses, apply the mixture to your face for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. The good thing about this mask is that it suits almost any skin type.
In addition to this recipe for Cleopatra's beauty, they often talk about clay mask, which cleanses and whitens the skin. Its composition is clay, honey, sour cream and lemon juice in equal parts. Apply it for 20 minutes, rinse first with warm, then cold water.

Aromatherapy. Why do you think Cleopatra chose milk and honey as the basis for her beauty recipes? Smell is another component of her feminine attractiveness. The smell of honey in deep esoteric beliefs is personified with the smell of nature, it is “sweet” by nature, and milk smells of a child, youth, youth. Therefore, milk and honey, if viewed in the philosophy of faith, mean a combination of natural sweetness and youth, literally “young tasty woman.” It is no coincidence that both Caesar and Mark Antony were unable to resist the charms of Cleopatra’s deeply subconscious natural beauty.

In addition to these smells, Cleopatra loved incense and myrrh: mysterious and attractive, they at the same time calmed her strong, but often unrestrained and quick to kill men. Perhaps it was next to such beauty of Cleopatra that the powerful men of this world felt good and rested in comfort and bliss. Isn't this worth learning?

Cleopatra's beauty secrets haunt you modern fashionistas. Applying simple products and using the DIY method, you can feel like an Egyptian queen. The ancient Egyptians were obsessed with body care, cosmetics and the creation of anti-aging cosmetics.

Ancient Egypt is the ancestor of the modern cosmetics industry. Cleopatra was famous not only for mystical life, exploits and great lovers, she was famous for her beauty and grace. Cleopatra lived for 38 years, voluntarily dying, not wanting to be captured by the Roman emperor.

Cleopatra's beauty secrets

The ancient Roman philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero described Cleopatra this way:

Her character permeated all her actions, inexplicably captivating people. When she spoke, her voice sounded sweet...

We had to fight for beauty, as well as for freedom, and until today Cleopatra's beauty recipes have arrived.
Cleopatra had a lot of cosmetics in her arsenal. In those days, beauty products were natural, many of which we can still use today. Cleopatra first became famous for her milk baths, commonly known as the “Cleopatra bath.”

Cleopatra's favorite foods were honey. Milk softens the skin, lactic acid removes old cells. It was believed that a milk bath would get rid of unsightly brown spots on the skin. Judging by historical data, Cleopatra used donkey or mare's milk. This is the only ingredient that is not available these days.

Modern followers of the Egyptian queen have adopted Cleopatra's beauty secrets, such as body scrub, face mask and fragrances. IN modern interpretation it looks like this:

Body Scrub

  • Fine sea salt 200g
  • Heavy cream (you can use cosmetic cream or shower gel)
  • Mix everything and rub into the body before taking a bath.

Mask for the face

  • Milk
  • Mix and leave on the skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water, you can make a mask directly while taking a bath.

Purifying face mask

  • Clay
  • Cream
  • Lemon juice
  • Take everything in equal parts, mix, apply to facial skin, rinse with warm water.

Cleopatra's favorite scent was the smell of myrrh, mysterious and attractive. Today you can use myrrh essential oil by adding a few drops to your bath or cream. Honey has bactericidal, anti-fungal properties and a softening effect. Honey was widely used in Ancient Egypt.

Honey was applied to the skin for cooling, and even on the head under the extravagant wigs worn by the ancient Egyptians. It was believed that honey protected the skin from the scorching Egyptian sun. Cleopatra, as Queen of the Nile, was obliged to have a soft, elastic and gorgeous skin. We can follow the ancients Egyptian recipes. Today, every woman can afford a bath with the addition of milk (can be dry) and honey.

Cleopatra's beauty secrets for face and body from time immemorial

To cleanse the body, the Egyptians used soda and water. Soda was used in embalming bodies and as a cleanser. The ancient Egyptians were the first to use face creams. Archaeologists have discovered the graves of three court ladies of Thutmose III, where, among other riches, jars of cleansing cream were found. We managed to restore the ointment recipe. The ointment consisted of vegetable oil and lime. The Egyptians highly valued sea ​​salt Dead Sea and used it in their recipes. The following recipe was found in one of the ancient papyri:

Salt body scrub

  • 1 part honey
  • 1 part baking soda
  • 1 part sea salt
  • Grind into a paste and rub on the body.

You can still use this recipe today. For aroma, you can add a few drops of frankincense or myrrh essential oil. Musk scents were highly valued in Ancient Egypt. You should apply this paste to your body, relax for a few minutes, inhaling the heavenly aroma, and then rinse with water. After cleansing you can take it.

Before new procedures and when using unfamiliar ingredients, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of product to the skin area and make sure it is safe.

Mask for the face

Another recipe from ancient papyri. The face mask was used to get rid of wrinkles.

  • 1 part wax
  • 1 part moringa oil
  • 1 part cypress herb
  • 1 part incense
  • All ingredients were crushed, the mask was applied to the face daily

Of course, we cannot use such masks every day. But, take into account frankincense essential oil and sweet almond oil. The use of oil is necessary to moisturize and soften dry skin. in the composition of masks will help get rid of fine wrinkles, and reduce scars on the skin.

The Egyptians used sandalwood powder, turmeric powder and milk in their daily beauty routines. This mixture was applied to the skin and washed off with water. Today, a turmeric mask is popular not only in the East, but also among Western women. When using turmeric as a face mask, be sure to add milk, cream or sour cream, this will reduce slight discoloration of the skin.

If dark skin Turmeric gives shine, but it colors blondes yellow. Be careful! The Egyptians also took great care of their hair. Various oils were used to strengthen hair, Castor oil, rosemary oil, almond oil and fenugreek.

And finally, distinguishing feature ancient Egyptians, this is their famous makeup, almond-shaped eyes with black outline. Malachite powder was used as eye paint in Egypt. Modern women They can easily achieve Egyptian charm using green eye shadow, black eyeliner and a smoky eye style.

But, as you know, true beauty always comes from within, or as the Egyptian proverb goes, beauty cannot be perfect. However, using time-tested natural products, you can still successfully use Cleopatra’s beauty secrets today.

There are legends about how seductive the great queen was. At the same time, historians unanimously say: in fact, this woman was not distinguished by beauty, but at the same time she literally fascinated the stronger sex. Even Caesar and Antony found themselves at her feet.

How did the sculptors of those times see the queen? The surviving sculptures reveal to us a strong-willed face, a convex nose with a clearly visible hump, a protruding chin and expressive, but deep-set eyes. It would seem about ideal features and there is no need to talk. But Plutarch, in his Comparative Descriptions, admires the beauty of the queen. Her undivided power over her partners confirms: Cleopatra could amaze anyone on the spot. Why? Today we will reveal to you the main beauty secrets of Cleopatra.

Let's return for a moment to Plutarch, a contemporary of the queen who saw her in person. “Cleopatra’s beauty cannot be called incomparable, but her manner is distinguished by an irresistible charm, therefore her appearance, combined with enormous charm and rare persuasiveness of speech, cuts the soul, the sounds of her voice caress, delight... Her tongue is like an instrument that is tuned to any way..."

Are these the main, main secrets of Cleopatra that are not even mentioned today? We will come back, we will definitely return to the queen’s masks and rejuvenating baths and reveal the intricacies of their preparation, but now let’s talk about the key, about the source, without which cosmetical tools they would not have allowed this woman (the heiress of the Ptolemaic dynasty, the daughter of an illegitimate father) to weave such intrigues and reach the throne. Let's talk first about the inner, spiritual secrets of Cleopatra.

Mind games

Cleopatra's life can be called a complex braid of intrigue, and the path to the throne can be called an intricate chain of complex moves. The laws of the dynasty were to marry Cleopatra to her own brother. Having formally married, the girl, weighing every step, stubbornly moved towards Caesar - to the best man and those who were within her feminine reach. A woman's instincts, ingenuity, and sometimes cunning moved her towards her goal. Do you know how Cleopatra appeared before Caesar for the first time? She emerged from the rags that the servants brought to his chambers! What a cheat! The most noble one, richest woman suddenly their ashes and rubbish appear! Caesar is intrigued and subdued... Did he even guess about secret secrets Cleopatra?

Love games

Caesar, who could not be surprised even by sophisticated moments in sex, had to be somehow tied to a skirt. Of course, the matter could not have happened without a mass of erotic tricks, but they were not the main magnets. The queen always woke up joyful, made appropriate jokes, felt sorry at the right time, whispered tenderness to Caesar and... always kept the intrigue going. Imagine - she took him on a romantic trip along the Nile, literally tearing him away from other women. Do you know how? Cleopatra asked him questions that her chosen one could not answer: why is the Nile so flooded, where is its source? Caesar was caught. Again. The longer he stayed with Cleopatra, the deeper he sank into her network. The queen rejoiced. But did Caesar himself guess about this?

Marriage Games

In communicating with men, Cleopatra never “exposed herself” to scandal, always having a carrot ready for distraction. So the queen managed to marry Antonio. And this with a Roman living beauty wife - worthy and truly beautiful Octavia! Ooo! Cleopatra knew how to pacify the unrestrained Antonio! When he was sweet, the queen quietly cooed and caressed him, and when he suddenly exploded, she disappeared with lightning speed, making the chosen one feel unrequited loneliness. As soon as the anger subsided, the sorceress quietly appeared with something that would certainly give Antonio pleasure - a rare wine, an enchanting aroma, an idea for a holiday. And Antonio fell in love again. I must say that he remained with Cleopatra until the end...

Tempting fate

The Queen of Egypt literally played with her life, and considered this game useful. Only by taking risks did she receive the highest pleasure. But Cleopatra’s chosen one also shared this euphoria.

Want an example? When Cleopatra was finally invited to the first, so long-awaited meeting, she suddenly postponed the promising rendezvous. And more than once! Of course she took a risk. But the anticipation only fueled the interest of Antonio, who, by the way, had no idea about the upcoming surprise ship - a huge ship made of the most valuable wood with bright scarlet sails, exuding a fantastic fragrance, approaching the shore to the sound of mesmerizing gentle music. How could the commander not have taken his breath away at that moment? Cleopatra's secrets are countless...

Games "inimitable"

Perhaps this trick could be called the invention of life events. The Egyptian woman managed to lure Antonio to Alexandria. But what time did she choose to implement the plan? The time when the sea was supposed to be closed to navigation! It turns out that during this period Anthony would not have been able to return to his native Rome, which means he would have been forced to stay with Cleopatra!

The queen wasted no time in creating an entourage of close friends, calling it the “Society of Inimitables.” She obliged each of the circle to organize daily holidays, all of them different - not one had to repeat even the slightest detail of someone else! It was a pleasure theater with a rich repertoire! How could the enchanted Antonio not forget his Octavio?

All these inner secrets of the great Cleopatra had amazing power. That is why she became queen. Smart, cunning, sometimes treacherous, Cleopatra was still a woman and sought to prolong her youth. Of course, the shine of her hair, the velvety of her skin, the clarity of her eyes, and her beautiful figure were important to her.

What did the queen use in those distant times? What are Cleopatra's other beauty secrets?

Milk baths

To receive them, the queen was given the freshest milk from a donkey. Honey and almond oil were then added to the bath itself. Of course, today bathing in donkey milk is an unimaginable luxury. But another (similar) recipe is quite accessible: to take a bath in water (38 degrees), dissolve almond oil, three liters of milk and a glass of herbs (honey). Acceptance time is a quarter of an hour.

All this time, Cleopatra’s body was massaged, her skin was rubbed.

Lifting mask

To two tablespoons of natural cream were added 15 drops of sea buckthorn oil, 4 drops of orange oil (essential) and pink clay(meaning cosmetic). The last component was added until a creamy mass was obtained. Cleopatra applied the mixture to her face for a quarter of an hour and washed her face with lukewarm water.

By the way, this mask is suitable for both the neck and décolleté.

Anti-aging cream

It was prepared for Cleopatra from crushed tea rose petals, pulp medicinal aloe, pork fat and liquid honey. Everything was taken in approximately equal proportions and mixed. The mask gave several results at once: it nourished, visually rejuvenated, hid fatigue, smoothed out fine wrinkles.

Hair health

There were no strengthening shampoos or multi-useful rinses back then. What was the secret of the beauty of Cleopatra's hair? You won't believe it - in a couple of eggs! Yes Yes! It was with them that the great queen washed her hair. The eggs were beaten and rubbed into Cleopatra's hair, which was then washed with warm water. Try it! No shampoo can compare with the wonderful effect of the recipe!

Let Cleopatra's beauty secrets become your secrets. Use them and rule, because each of you is a queen by nature!
