Pacifier for correct bite. Orthodontic pacifier - a healthy smile for a child

Most babies calm down and fall asleep only if they suck on a pacifier. The sucking process has a beneficial effect on nervous system, helps to cope with grief.A simple device that has been in use for decades has undergone a number of changes these days. Modern pacifiers are more convenient; they not only help the baby fall asleep, but also perform therapeutic functions.

Why is a child given an orthodontic pacifier?

Orthodontic pacifier, just like its predecessor, the anatomical one, are noticeably different in shape from the usual old teardrop-shaped one. The difference is that modern options nipples for babies take into account the shape of the palate and are grasped correctly by the lips. Using an anatomical or orthodontic pacifier, you don’t have to worry about your baby swallowing air. Colic, belching, and abdominal pain will occur much less frequently than when using a traditional pacifier.

An orthodontic pacifier promotes proper tooth growth and bite formation. Its carefully thought-out shape is close to the shape breast nipple, which allows you to choose the option that is familiar and convenient for the child.

Types of pacifiers

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The photo below shows types of nipples made from different materials and differing in the shape of the soft part. Each is designed to perform specific functions. In order for the baby to suckle it with pleasure, the configuration should correspond as closely as possible to the mother's nipple. This is also useful for the baby to latch onto the breast well, because the familiar shape will help to latch on correctly and suck effectively.

To select a product, suitable for a child, it is necessary to take into account all the parameters: the material from which the pacifier is made, the shape - it should be as comfortable as possible for the baby, the size - is determined individual characteristics baby. If you choose the right pacifier, your baby will love it and suck on it with pleasure.

Material of manufacture

Pacifiers are made from 3 main materials:

  • rubber;
  • silicone;
  • latex.

Rubber is rare these days. This material is allergenic and may cause rashes or irritation on the cheeks and lips. However, rubber is well suited for teething children (we recommend reading:).

More modern material– medical silicone. This material is synthesized artificially and is resistant to heat treatment, which allows it to be disinfected by boiling. Silicone is colorless and has no odor of its own. The disadvantages include relatively high rigidity, which can cause tooth deformation. But it's easy to bite through. It is better to use a silicone pacifier before the first tooth appears.

A soft latex pacifier suitable for use at any period of dental development. The raw material for latex production is natural rubber. This nipple is very soft. Thanks to increased elasticity it is suitable for babies from the first days of life, including premature babies. The latex pacifier is usually transparent or light brown. The features of this pacifier are:

Nipples made of any material must be changed periodically. Latex ones should be replaced after 4 weeks, silicone ones after 6. Rubber ones usually last much less and are replaced as they deteriorate.

Shape and size

Pacifiers offered by manufacturers vary in size and shape. Unlike its anatomical predecessor, which is similar in shape to oral cavity child, orthodontic is close in configuration to the female nipple. Flattened on one side, convex on the other, with a beveled top, it is easily captured by the baby’s lips. These pacifiers are divided into 3 types depending on the shape of the fixing disc:

  • traditional round shape;
  • heart - used for proper development jaws and bite formation;
  • butterfly – specially created for babies who prefer to sleep on their stomach.

Different designs have pacifiers designed for night and day use. Daytime ones are equipped with a ring for which the baby can hold the pacifier, insert it into his mouth and take it out. The ring allows you to attach the pacifier to clothing.

Night versions are available without a ring. This product weighs less and does not bother the baby when turning from side to side. When choosing a pacifier for your baby, you should pay attention to the presence of holes in the disc that allow the baby to breathe freely. The disc should be in contact with the lips to prevent air from being swallowed.

Pacifiers have markings that determine the size of the product:

  • For the most small ones will do size I, it can be used for up to 6 months.
  • Size II is purchased for children aged 6 months to one and a half years.
  • For those who are older but still use a pacifier, size III is suitable. However, after 2 years it is time to give up the pacifier.


Several companies are engaged in the production of pacifiers, the products of which have their own distinctive features. Each company produces its own range, products vary in quality, cost, and material used. Below are a few of the most common brands:

How to use a pacifier correctly?

To give a baby a pacifier or not to give it is a question that is relevant at all times. The pacifier not only calms the baby, but also prevents him from getting into the habit of sucking his thumb. This is very important for the baby, because over time you can part with the pacifier, and it is much more difficult to wean yourself from the bad habit of putting your finger in your mouth in case of any difficulties or upsets. When using a pacifier, you must follow certain rules.

Many children need it, both as a sedative and as an additional means for the development of the maxillofacial apparatus. For some, mother's breasts are enough for this, but for others, nipples are needed. Orthodontic pacifier in in this case is an excellent remedy, because in addition to the development of the lower jaw, it forms the bite, and, of course, calms the baby.

Types of orthodontic pacifiers

Based on their shape, pacifiers can be divided into:

  • heart – forms the bite;
  • butterfly – suitable for lying on the tummy;
  • cherry – recommended for children with a big palate.

Based on the composition of the material, nipples are divided into:

  • orthodontic latex pacifiers – environmentally friendly, very elastic and soft, ideal for newborns. The disadvantage of latex pacifiers is their specific taste and smell, which not all toddlers like;
  • orthodontic silicone pacifiers – have neither taste nor smell. Unlike latex, silicone is stronger.

How to give an orthodontic pacifier?

Having heard enough advice from everyone who wants to teach, young parents are often in a stupor and ask the question: “How to properly give an orthodontic pacifier?” Let's talk. Up to 6 months you can not worry and safely use the pacifier. But don’t overdo it, if you have not yet established lactation, then don’t put a pacifier in your baby’s mouth. First, sort out your chest.

After a child reaches 6 months, a pacifier, even an orthodontic one, has negative factors:

  • nipples are addictive;
  • slows down mental development;
  • an open bite is formed incorrectly;
  • speech development is inhibited;
  • breathing is impaired.

At this age, pacifier use needs to be considered more carefully. Let's just give it to extreme cases, in the usual Everyday life try to switch the baby’s attention to foreign objects. You can show new toy, sing a song, laugh together, because it’s very easy to distract such little ones, everything is new and interesting for them. It sometimes happens that mothers put the pacifier in their mouth at the slightest groaning of the child. Remember - this is wrong! This is how you form your baby’s first bad habit in his life! Approach the issue of using a pacifier in your life with your baby with a cool mind and reason. And of course, don’t forget about hygiene. Pacifiers must be sterilized before use.

The question of which pacifier to choose for a newborn is not at all trivial: the normal formation of the baby’s nasopharynx and jaws will depend on its design. If parents want to see their grown-up baby beautiful and healthy, they need to decide whether there is a need for this device and which nipples are best for newborns.

From this article you will learn

What is a pacifier for?

In newborns, the sucking reflex is unconditioned, that is, it is laid down by nature from birth. It still appears in mother's womb, which is often observed from ultrasound photos. After about a year, its manifestations weaken, and by 3-4 years they disappear completely. The need for sucking actions is due to the following reasons:

  • Nutritional requirements, carried out either by breastfeeding or through a bottle.
  • Decreased arousal, anxiety due to hypertension.
  • Formation of the correct bite. In progress breastfeeding the lower jaw develops harmoniously and by the age of six months the baby reaches normal.

With established breastfeeding special. In a bottle-fed baby, the need for sucking is not fully satisfied, since through a bottle he is saturated much faster. Often the baby begins to suck a finger or the edge of clothing.

In this situation, the pacifier will help the baby perform necessary actions and satisfy the need. A pacifier will also help a breastfeeding baby in case of illness, overexcitation, or stressful situations.

Starting from 6 months, it is advisable for the mother to reduce the use of the pacifier, distracting the child with games or songs, gradually, since then it will not be easy for the baby to learn to calm down without his favorite object.

Types of nipples

As in the last century, the design of this children's product consists of a soft part, a limiter (mouthpiece) and a holder. But over the past decades appearance pacifiers have changed a lot. To the classic round shape, narrow at the mouthpiece and spherical at the end, two more types were added:

Anatomical. It was developed by German doctors back in the 50s of the last century. Its shape corresponds to the structure of the baby's gums. It is rounded only at the top, flattened at the bottom in such a way as to create the correct pressure on the palate. When sucking on a physiological pacifier, the baby does not swallow air, which avoids colic and creates the necessary load on the lower jaw.

Orthodontic (symmetrical). Physiological and classic model nipples obstruct normal development cutters, so experts developed a different design. An orthodontic pacifier is characterized by a narrow neck at the mouthpiece. The nipple itself is teardrop-shaped. With this structure, the grip resembles mother's breast, the tongue remains behind the gums.

There are pacifiers with flat top and bottom nipple. This model, like the classic one, is convenient in that it can be given to the child from either side.

Which mouthpiece (protective disc) is better?

Orthodontic pacifiers, like anatomical ones, come with different mouthpieces:

The shield of the product has many modifications: round ones are good because the pacifier can be given to the baby from either side. Their disadvantage is the pressure on the child's nose, and therefore a more convenient form is a mouthpiece with a notch in the middle. Modern models have disks in the shape of a butterfly, figure eight, heart.

Pacifiers should have holes in their main part for better ventilation. Otherwise, the baby will swallow air, which leads to increased gas formation. Shields with uneven surface At the attachment points, the nipples prevent the accumulation of saliva and do not rub. Polypropylene mouthpieces can also cause redness. Ideally, the protective disk will be latex or silicone, like the sucking part.

Look short video from Dr. Komarovsky, which tells in detail which pacifier is best to choose.

Which size to choose

Whether a baby will accept a pacifier depends largely on its size and weight. A product that is too large can cause discomfort and the baby will begin to choke. And small and big model may cause malocclusion. Produced modern industry models are classified into three types:

  1. Size A. Designed for ages from birth to 6 months.
  2. Size B. For babies from 6 months to 1.5 years.
  3. Size C. For children from 1.5 years.

Some manufacturers intend their products for infants from 0 to 3 months. For premature babies There are special models with a special mouthpiece structure, some of them are equipped with a feeding tube.

When buying a pacifier, be guided by the baby’s weight: there are large newborns, and there are those whose weight is barely more than 2.5 kilograms.

Which material is better

The texture of the pacifier material may also not be to your baby’s liking, literally. This is especially true for products made from rubber. Most manufacturers no longer use this material, as it has a characteristic odor and can also cause allergies. Rubber pacifiers are short-lived and easy to chew.

Materials for modern nipples - latex and silicone. The first material is soft and elastic, so products made from it are suitable for weakened and premature babies. The color is light brown, the texture is translucent. Silicone models appear colorless and transparent.

Table 1. Pros and cons of silicone and latex ( Attention

Advantages Material of natural origin.Does not cause allergic reactions.
Able to heat up from the heat, which creates a feeling like from a mother's breast.Easy to clean.
The softness of the material does not require effort when sucking.Retains its shape well during long-term use.
Recommended for children during teething.Does not absorb foreign odors.
Flaws Do not boil or wash with aggressive detergents.An incorrectly selected model can cause deformation of the dentition.
They get dark in the sun.Due to the rigidity of the material, sucking requires effort.
They become deformed after prolonged use.The material is harder than latex, which the baby may not like.
Protein molecules contained in latex can cause allergies.Artificial material.
The product must be replaced one month after use.It should not be given to infants with teething teeth: the baby may accidentally bite off a piece and choke.
Low-quality latex may contain carcinogenic substances.

Advice. Try to find a product made from a single piece of material. Water will not get into it, it is easier to process, and it will not break due to accidental mechanical impact.

This is interesting. The variety of pacifier models is amazing: there are thermometer nipples, products with a dispenser for taking medications, and miniature inhalers.

There may be several dozen varieties of pacifiers in the store, how can you not get confused and choose the right option? Here are some tips:

  • To begin, select the products age appropriate, decide which material is preferable. You can ask a consultant to recommend a model.
  • pay attention to surface features: Cheap brands may have seams and uneven parts that can cause chafing on your baby's lips.
  • Give preference one-piece structures: they become less dirty and there is no risk that the baby will swallow something.
  • Check if there is marking on packaging. According to the instructions of Rospotrebnadzor, it should contain the following information: name and description, what age the product is intended for, date of manufacture, country of origin, care and storage instructions, trademark.
  • The packaging must be hermetically sealed.
  • There should be anti-vacuum holes.
  • Products for newborns need to be selected only in departments licensed or pharmacies.
  • Give preference to models whose manufacturers produce them based on scientific research.

Buy several models of different shapes, latex and silicone: even if the child likes everything at once, which is not often, you will need several pieces in reserve in case of loss or accidental damage.

Among the world's manufacturers there are many companies whose products can be safely recommended to mothers of newborn babies.

FirmManufacturer countryprosMinuses
Nuk GeniusGermany
Available in silicone and latex.
High price.
PigeonJapanThe pacifier shape is improved orthodontic.
Strict quality control of materials.
Affordable prices.
Unusual design.
Philips AventNetherlandsA diverse range of models.
The set includes a protective cap.
High price.
HeveaDenmarkA diverse range of models.
Natural rubber is used for production.
The most expensive products.
High quality latex.
Reliable design.
BibiSwitzerlandUnusual design.
Long service life.
Unusual price.
Canpol BabiesPolandAvailable in silicone and latex.
The pacifier shape is improved orthodontic.
A diverse range of models.
Affordable prices.
TigexFranceThe shape of the nipple is improved anatomical.
A diverse range of models.
Affordable prices.

Rating of pacifiers for newborns

(Attention! The table can be scrolled left and right).

NameCharacteristicsprice, rub.
1. Nuk Genius
Anatomical shape.
Long term services.
Original design.
From 290
2. Pigeon Interesting design of the protective disk.
The line includes a nipple for chewing and pacifier weaning.
From 150
3. Philips Avent IN protective disk 6 holes for air circulation.
Optimal size.
Found in every pharmacy.
The disadvantages include the leaky design: moisture can get inside the nipple.
There are models with a luminous body for the night.
From 265
4. Bibi Bright design with funny inscriptions. There are models for babies and toddlers.300
5. Hevea Solid pacifiers made of natural rubber.
Variety different shapes: round, orthodontic, physiological.
6. Nuby Original shape with a movable sucking part.
Convenient to store and use.
Additional bumps on the nipple massage the gums.
7. Chicco Anatomically correct molded construction made of fast-heating latex.220
8. Canpol Babies orthodontist Improved air valve.
Orthodontic form.
9. Tigex There are models for premature babies.
Anatomical shape.
10. World of childhood Various shapes: round, orthodontic, physiological.
There are models for both boys and girls.
From 130

Rules for bottle feeding

When feeding a baby through a bottle, it is also important to use an anatomically shaped nipple. There are several recommendations from pediatricians for mothers of children on IV:

  • For any, even the most minor, deformations or cracks, the nipple on the bottle must be replaced.
  • You need to ensure proper grip and retention of the nipple when feeding.
  • You need to give a bottle to your baby in a position that is as close as possible to breastfeeding: holding the baby close to your body in your arms.
  • Buy nipples and bottles from trusted companies, such as Aventa.
  • During feeding, the bottle should be held so that its front part does not put pressure on the baby's jaw, as this leads to its deformation. Correct position: Perpendicular to the face.
  • There is no need for excessive sterility: as Dr. Komarovsky recommends, boiling nipples and bottles is not necessary. It is enough to wash them with soda or soap.
  • If the nipple opening is too wide, the baby will quickly finish eating and there will not be the necessary load on the jaws. Feeding time should not be less than 20 minutes.
  • Bottle placement must be completed before age 2 years.

Rules for using pacifiers

The purchased pacifier must be kept clean. For disinfection, you can take a weak solution of vinegar or soda. Products should be stored in a container with a screw-on lid. Here are some more tips from experienced moms:

  • If your baby is used to a pacifier a certain shape, buy 2-3 spare ones of the same brand.
  • To avoid early caries, gastritis and ARVI in your baby, do not lick the pacifier.
  • Do not use laces and ribbons - it is better to buy special clothespins with a short chain.
  • Don't give a pacifier unless necessary.

Important! When teaching your baby to take a pacifier, do not dip it in honey. In children under one year of age, it can cause botulism.

Children need a pacifier less when they feel safe. The baby himself will tell you when he wants to eat and when he just needs attention. Even the most best pacifier for a newborn will not replace maternal warmth and love.

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The recommended remedy for preventing malocclusion in an infant is the use of a special orthodontic pacifier with an anatomical shape. Naturally, the use of such a pacifier should not replace breastfeeding, which is the most the best remedy to form the correct bite. The fact is that in this regard, the breasts of a nursing mother are ideal. Nature has made it not only as convenient as possible for feeding, but also creates good conditions For healthy development child's jaw.

But not everyone is able to for a long time stick to breastfeeding. The reasons for this may be different - medical contraindications, personal reluctance, the need to urgently go to work, and so on. In this case, it is very important to choose the right pacifier and nipple for the bottle. To avoid problems with the formation of a correct bite, it is recommended to use an orthodontic pacifier instead of a regular pacifier.

Benefits of orthodontic pacifiers and pacifiers

The orthodontic nipple has a beveled anatomical shape with a flattened tip. This design of the nipple forces the baby to periodically move his jaw during feeding, without swallowing air and evenly distributing pressure on the areas of the palate. As a result, the baby’s maxillofacial apparatus develops most correctly. But at the same time, the mother must carefully ensure that the beveled side of the nipple in the process artificial feeding looked down. The same rules should be followed when using an orthodontic pacifier.

What to consider when choosing a pacifier

Any pacifier consists of a mouthpiece - a protective disk, on one side of which there is a ring, and on the other side there is a nipple. Depending on the specific pacifier model, the mouthpiece may have different shapes and sizes. In any case, it should fit snugly in the lip area without interfering with free breathing. The protective disc must have ventilation holes to prevent the accumulation of saliva and ensure timely air circulation.

The size and length of the pacifier is selected individually for each child. In any case, the pacifier or pacifier should not make breathing difficult or jump out of the mouth. An orthodontic pacifier for the formation of a correct bite has a heart-shaped mouthpiece, the cutout of which helps determine the correct position of the pacifier in the baby’s mouth.

Many people know this situation when parents give their baby a pacifier in order to calm him down. Sucking reflex makes the child feel safe, which is why the pacifier is one of the most effective and simple ways prevent baby crying. We must not forget that when constantly sucking a pacifier in childhood Bite defects may occur, which are dangerous not only for health, but also for psychological comfort.

Harmful pacifiers for a baby

Through prolonged sucking on a bottle nipple, pacifier or thumb A gap may appear between the front teeth or an open bite may develop, in which the jaws are unable to fully close.

The pacifier contributes to the underdevelopment of the lower jaw or, conversely, its very rapid growth, as a result of which it will be located very far relative to the top or move forward.

Such a bad habit can provoke incorrect position tongue while swallowing. Language in in good condition located not between the front teeth, but near the lower part of the jaw.

Pacifiers used to correct malocclusion

Some manufacturers have special latex pacifiers that mimic the shape of female nipples. They are anatomically correct and from the birth of the baby they begin to form the correct bite. These pacifiers should be used until the age of six months.

If it is difficult to wean a baby from a regular pacifier after 6 months, and also if parents observe a bad habit of constantly putting something in his mouth, there is a safe medical alternative - vestibular plates or pacifiers for correcting malocclusion. They are orthodontic (medical) devices.

Such a record thanks to its anatomical shape allows you to reduce the pressure of the tongue on the front teeth, normalize its position, and also promotes unloading masticatory muscles and helps wean off a lot bad habits.

The baby adapts to it very easily, because in feel and shape they are similar to ordinary nipples, and such brightly colored nipples are baby game form gets used to the new design quite quickly.

The plates should be used constantly or periodically - only on the recommendation of a doctor. Depending on the problem they need to fix, it forms individual program treatment, as well as total term and the frequency of wearing them. Orthodontic pacifiers are most effective for children from six months to 1.5-2 years.

Orthodontic pacifiers, types

There are several types of orthodontic pacifiers:

  • regular record, which is used for malocclusion for prophylactic purposes;
  • with a visor, promoting the development of the lower jaw, since the baby bites the visor with his teeth;
  • with a flap, which interferes with the tongue and it cannot fit between the front teeth, thanks to which an open bite can be prevented;
  • with a bead - during each swallow, the baby involuntarily rolls the bead with his tongue and thus trains his muscles;
  • pacifier, which completely follows the shape female nipple, used in children under six months of age.

What are the advantages of pacifiers for correcting malocclusion?

  • help to form the correct bite;
  • normalize the position of the jaws;
  • unable to call allergic reactions, as they are created using modern equipment from hypoallergenic materials;
  • allows you to maintain the tongue in a natural position, reducing its pressure on the front teeth;
  • promotes the formation of the correct swallowing reflex;
  • protects against the formation of gaps between the lower and upper jaws, front teeth, and from open bites;
  • develops normal nasal breathing;
  • eliminates bad habits (pacifier or finger sucking).

Using orthodontic pacifiers is very simple. Thanks to this, they are as comfortable and useful as possible for both children and parents. They help prevent the development of bad habits that affect bad influence on the process of bite formation in a child.

As a result of malocclusion, problems with posture and appearance, digestive and breathing disorders, and impaired diction may occur. This can be avoided not only by using orthodontic plates, but also by taking maximum care of the child’s health and surrounding your child with parental love!
