Body skin care at home - “Tight and elastic skin! Smooth as silk and delicate like rose petals✿! How to achieve this? Very simple, and most importantly - fun ♥! My secrets for body skin care and many recipes with photos (scrubs, masks,...

I really like to take care of myself, make all sorts of masks, scrubs and come up with something new. This is a rewarding thing, how you take care of yourself and how you look! Taking care of the body is not work for me, but pleasure and relaxation. I like to arrange things for myself SPA at home! And the skin is transformed and the soul rejoices.

I have a shelf in my bathtub, crammed with all sorts of care items! And they are all necessary and I use them. I’ll try to tell you about my body skin care, I hope you will find something new, interesting and useful for yourself.



Do you want to make Turkish beldi for your skin? It is very easy! We take any shower gel, and also better soap in banks, Agafya and Ecolab have this. Mix it in base oil, vitamins, essential oils and herbs. Regular pharmaceutical herb, finely ground. We specially prepare this grass for beldi. Infuse it in oil for a week, or brew it with a very small amount of water. And we mix it into our beldi. The photo shows an example of how I make beldi! You can also add clay, cocoa powder, crushed citrus peel, and coconut flakes.

I also sometimes enrich my shower gels with oils and essential oils. But be prepared for the fact that your beautiful, transparent gel will turn cloudy!



I started using scrubs about seven years ago. I received a packet of scrub called “Pharaoh’s baths”, based on sea salt and with jasmine extract. And after using it, I was shocked, my skin was silky smooth and more elastic. From that moment on, I always have store-bought scrubs in my bath and I often make homemade ones.

What I noticed from the constant use of scrubs:

The skin becomes much more elastic

Skin smooth as silk

No more ingrown hairs after epilator

Skin tone evens out

Goodbye skin unevenness and cellulite

Skin tone is more beautiful and even

The tan is stronger and more even

With the help of a scrub, not only does deep cleansing, but also massage. Thus, you smooth out the skin and restore its elasticity. And if your scrub contains valuable oils, it nourishes and moisturizes. After a homemade scrub, you don’t even have to use creams and lotions.

I'll tell you how to make a homemade scrub. Well, the first and most important thing in belongings is the scrubbing particles. We have decided on them and your scrub is almost ready. Scrub particles can be anything, you can buy them at special store for soap making, I once bought wax granules with jojoba oil. But I prefer sea salt and ground coffee scrubs. So what can you take:

✔ Sea salt

✔ Normal table salt, small ones in bags are better here

✔ Regular sugar

✔ Cane sugar

✔ Coffee beans ground in a coffee grinder

✔ Coffee for coffee machines

✔ Milled rice

✔ Semolina (not suitable for all scrubs, only oiled and applied immediately - it swells)

If you want a stronger scrub, then take the scrubbing particles and add some liquid vegetable oil(not very much), essential oil, you can also add vitamins. And that’s it, the scrub is ready, before such treasures you need to additionally cleanse the skin with soapy agents. It will not only cleanse the skin well, but also nourish and moisturize it. After such a scrub, it is not necessary to use moisturizers.


Scrub with a soapy base. You can take any shower gel, liquid soap or soap base (creamy, sold in soap stores). We add basic liquid oil to the soap base and you can also melt butter (coconut, shea butter, cocoa, mango, palm and palm kernel oil), this will make our scrub thicker and more nourishing. Next, I like to add essential oils (orange, grapefruit, lemon, mint, bergamot, tangerine, cinnamon). You can also add vitamins (A, , D-panthenol).

You can also add the following components to our scrubs:

✔ Ground dry herbs and a little decoction

And sometimes, instead of cream, I apply coconut or cocoa oil to the skin of my body. pure form. They give a magical aroma to the skin and smoothness. And I’m generally silent about hydration and nutrition... I like to give myself a massage with oils, the skin becomes elastic. I did it before cupping massage, but after giving birth something is wrong with the veins - it’s not possible yet!

With the help of creams, I got rid of dry skin, made it firmer, and more beautiful in appearance. And prevented stretch marks!!!

Skin butter recipe! I will write my own, you can make whatever you like and have a different consistency. I wanted it thicker. We take cocoa butter, shea butter and mango butter. Add liquid jojoba oils, unrefined avocado and sea buckthorn. Add a few drops of grapefruit and tangerine essential oils. I got a batter orange color with chocolate orange aroma)). If anyone is familiar with Yves Rocher's cocoa and orange series, this scent reminds me very much of that.

Massage tiles

I made it for convenience; I have it on my nightstand near my bed and when I forget or don’t have time to apply the cream, I use it. I love how it applies and melts into the skin. After all, in order to smear yourself with wonderful cocoa butter with a chocolate aroma, you must first melt it. And here it melts on its own when you touch the skin!

And so is my recipe! We take a convenient mold; I have a silicone and a plastic one (a regular children’s toy from a sandbox. You can even take a plastic or glass glass, the latter will not contain big problems with picking out tiles))).

To create this tile, I took cocoa, coconut, and shea butter. Melted it in a water bath. I added argan oil there - not a full dropper. And drop by drop: jojoba and rose absolute, orange, tangerine, mint. I mixed it and put it in the refrigerator, and this is what I got!

Body masks and wraps

Human skin is constantly exposed to environmental factors: sun, cold, air. Because of this, it becomes rough and dry. The skin will become smooth and even if you slightly change your daily routine and lifestyle.

Daily care

How to make your skin even and smooth without visiting a salon? Start your day with dry exfoliation. With such a technique dead cells the skin is removed and blood circulation is stimulated. At the same time, the skin becomes fresher. The procedure must be carried out on a daily basis. Then the skin will become radiant.

Dry peeling. How to do?

How to carry out the procedure correctly? Follow the instructions:

  1. To prevent skin injury, you need to choose brushes made from natural fibers.
  2. Movements should be confident, short and directed from the limbs to the center. The whole body is wiped, and a separate small brush is used for the face.
  3. To perform dry exfoliation, the skin must be dry, the contact of the dry brush and wet skin is not so strong. Therefore, the friction will be weak. As a result, the effect will not be as noticeable.

Swimming in cool water

How to make your skin even and perfectly smooth, and how to maintain it in this condition? You need to wash in cool water. Water procedures in hot water lead to excessive dryness, microtraumas, and a feeling of tightness. The transition to cool water should be gradual to avoid getting sick. Water room temperature should gradually decrease to a colder temperature. This will keep your skin tight. Some more useful recommendations:

  • The duration of the water procedure should be no more than 10 minutes so that the skin does not dry out.
  • You also need to wash your face with cool water.
  • Hot baths can be used, but not often. They are good for relieving stress.

How to make your skin even and smooth during... water procedures? You can exfoliate your skin in the shower using a loofah, a washcloth, or a special exfoliating glove. This procedure will help get rid of dead skin cells. A scrub is also perfect for these purposes. Just don’t need extra zeal; you need to rub the skin gently. A separate washcloth is needed for the face. On gloves) dead skin particles and bacteria remain, so that the skin does not develop rashes and it continues to remain tender, you need to wash it regularly.

Too much frequent use Soap is not advisable to keep the skin smooth for a long time. Cleaners that are included in shower gels, scrubs, and bar soaps make the skin dry. At the same time, the plaque that remains after their use is not completely washed off. This is why the skin looks dull. In such cases soap will do based natural oils. Also, washing with just water would be appropriate. Use soap to wash the parts of the body that sweat the most.

Application of oils

How to make your body skin smooth and even so that the effect lasts for a long time? Applying lotion or moisturizer after shower is a must. This way moisture is retained in skin, it provides protection from dry air throughout the day.

To make your skin glow beautifully, you can use Coconut oil. It dissolves quickly on the skin and gives it additional hydration.

How to make facial skin smooth and even if it is sensitive? Excellent for such purposes oil will do shi. IN winter time skin especially needs additional care, so lanolin can also be used.

More deep hydration can be achieved using olive oil. It is applied to the skin. After which it should be absorbed within 10 minutes. Then you need to wash it off and wipe dry.

Flaky and dry skin quickly loses its elasticity and softness. How to make the skin of your feet smooth and even? You can restore its beauty by using lotions with lactic acid. They are especially suitable for heel skin.

Sensitive and sunburned skin will feel soft after applying aloe vera gel.

Men's skin care

To properly care for your skin, you need to determine its type. There are such types: dry, oily, combination, flaky or normal skin. You need to carefully examine your body and determine the “front of work”, which areas require more thorough care. Only then carry out procedures aimed at eliminating deficiencies. How to get smooth, even skin for a man? Men should also be well-groomed, just like women. Therefore, tips on how to make your skin beautiful are also suitable stronger sex. Care instructions:

  • Particular care should be taken when treating areas of skin where acne appears, regardless of whether it is on the face or body. Dry brushing will only make it worse, causing new rashes and inflammations to appear. Also, do not use soap or other substances that will only make the situation worse.
  • Skin with conditions such as rosacea, eczema deserves more attentive attitude. It is necessary to use only such means that will not harm her. In addition, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the right solution.

Physical exercise

What will help, besides caring products? How to make your skin even and smooth? There are a variety of ways. One of them is physical exercise. The skin will become toned and blood circulation will improve. General state the body will feel better, and this will be visible on the skin.

The following exercises are needed:

  1. To improve blood circulation, you need to walk, run, bike or swim more. In addition, the skin will acquire a healthy tone.
  2. You can strengthen your muscles with strength training with dumbbells. Your skin tone will become smoother and your figure more toned.
  3. Stretching. With its help, the muscles will remain toned, which will also improve the condition of the skin.

Nourishment and smooth skin

How to make your skin smooth and even with proper nutrition? The lack of nutrients in the body is reflected in the skin. Adding more fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains to your diet will give your skin a natural glow. Also, inclusion in the diet will have a good effect on her condition:

  • Nuts and avocados. Healthy fat, which is contained in these products, will help the skin remain elastic.
  • Foods that are rich in nutrients and microelements. For example, sweet potatoes, carrots, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, mangoes and blueberries are rich in vitamins A, E and C.


Drinking plenty of fluids is also necessary. The skin becomes fresh and radiant due to cell saturation required quantity moisture. Dehydration usually causes the skin to dry out. At least 8 glasses a day are needed to maintain it healthy condition. Also a large number of water is found in fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, apples and berries. Herbal and other teas that do not contain caffeine are beneficial. You can also drink water with lemon.

Harmful substances to the skin and body

There are substances that harm the entire body. And above all, it affects the skin. These include:

  • Tobacco. Tobacco use can cause spots and wrinkles to appear prematurely.
  • Alcohol. Due to the fact that it retains water in the body, the skin stretches, loses its radiance and becomes gray. And the ability to wash away useful material from the body leads to blood vessels burst. Therefore, alcohol consumption should be limited.
  • Caffeine. Because of it, dehydration occurs in the body, which negatively affects the condition of the skin. One cup of coffee a day is fine if you take it with a large glass of water.

Good Habits

How to make your skin smooth and even without spending a lot of money on visits to a cosmetologist? It is necessary to establish the right habits. Let's look at them:

  1. Apply sunscreen on a daily basis. With the help of the sun, the skin will become radiant due to tanning, but it also causes harm to the skin. Constant exposure to the sun can cause wrinkles, spots, and can also lead to skin cancer. The product should be used even in winter before going outside. Sunscreen It is applied not only to the face, but also to those parts of the body that will be exposed to the sun.
  2. You need to go to bed only with cleansed skin. Makeup must be washed off. There are substances in cosmetics that will act on it all night, and this is very harmful to the skin.
  3. Lack of sleep also negatively affects her condition. That's why night sleep must be at least 8 hours.


There are many ways to keep your skin healthy excellent condition. They can be combined. It won't be worse if you choose the right one cosmetic care physical exercise and proper nutrition will be added.

There is no person who would not like to achieve clean, effortless, beautiful skin without wrinkles, but simple and universal method do it no. At any age, both women and men experience acne, exfoliate dead skin particles and see wrinkles in the mirror. If you want to make your skin even and smooth, cleanse it regularly and use care products according to its type and condition.


Part 1

Regular care
  1. Make skin care a habit. Whatever you do, it is important that this process is regular. As with other body care routines, if you have the choice of doing something simple every day or choosing something complex every two weeks, it is better to opt for simple but consistent care.

    • If you can do something regularly, it's with more likely It will become a habit for you. If you want to achieve beautiful skin, you will need to do something over a long period of time, so it is important to choose something that you enjoy and that is easy for you to do on a regular basis.
    • This will be especially true if you have acne. Acne is difficult to deal with, and it is constant cleansing that will allow you to cope with this problem.
  2. Cleanse your skin at least once a day. If you're aiming for an even-toned complexion, it's crucial to wash away oil and dirt from your face daily. During the day, dust and bacteria accumulate on the skin, which can clog pores, cause redness, itching and other problems. By cleansing your face, you will wash away bacteria before they have a chance to harm you.

    • First, wash your face with clean, warm water. Then apply to skin special soap or foam (they should be selected for your skin type). You should use oil-free soap unless you have dry skin. A moisturizing soap will do. Rub your face in a circular motion with soft cloth napkin, and then rinse off the soap with clean, cool water.
  3. Apply a scrub to your skin to remove dead skin particles and dirt. This will not only give you pleasant sensations, but will also help your skin. Scrubs use solid particles that remove the top thin layer of skin, leaving skin feeling more healthy looking. Most often, a scrub is used to cleanse the skin of the face, but there are also scrubs for everything.

    • One of the main benefits of scrubbing is how it benefits the areas you need to shave (legs, face, any other part of the body). When shaving, the hair root can become dislodged and begin to grow under the skin. Scrubbing allows you to direct the hair into its natural growth channel and relieve you of inflammation. Try to scrub your skin after every shave, and sometimes before shaving.
    • You can buy scrubs and skin cleansing products where other skin care products are sold, or you can make your own scrub at home. The easiest way to make a paste is from baking soda: Mix baking soda with a little water to form a paste and use the resulting product instead of soap. This product is most suitable for facial skin. It is better to cleanse the body with a homemade sugar scrub.
  4. To prevent new problems from appearing, dry your face in a special way. Avoid drying your face with a regular towel or rubbing your skin, as this spreads bacteria that can cause irritation. Gently pat your skin dry with a towel that you use only for your face.

    • This primarily applies to those who have acne.
  5. Solve skin problems instead of letting things take their course. There are many possible problems, but whatever you encounter, don't start the problem! The sooner you start fighting it, the easier it will be for you. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, consult a dermatologist. It is possible that drug treatment is indicated for you.

    • Treat acne and minor inflammations. There are many ways to get rid of acne, and the method of treatment depends on the type of acne and skin type. Try it different means, and you will find one that suits you.
    • Moisturize dry skin. Dry skin needs to be looked after just as much as oily skin, even if it doesn't look as bad as it could or is hidden by hair. Dry skin can crack, making it susceptible to bacteria and acne, so it's important to treat this problem as early as possible. Drink more water, moisturize your skin with cream and start scrubbing it regularly.
  6. Take extra care of your skin in winter to prevent dryness and cracking. Please pay attention Special attention skin in winter if you want to achieve beautiful skin. Low temperatures have a negative effect on the skin, drying it out and making it vulnerable. Try to cover as much skin as possible with clothing. Apply moisturizer or lanolin to the part of the skin that remains exposed. Don't forget about this and moisturize your skin more than usual so that your body can fight the cold.

    Part 2

    Effective means
    1. Use sunscreen. This is one of the most useful means for the skin not only of the face, but also of the whole body. The sun's ultraviolet rays A and B cause drying and aging of the skin, and the same thing happens in a tanning bed. Always apply sunscreen sunny days and avoid tanning beds.

      • You will need a cream with a filter of at least 15 SPF. Apply it at least half an hour before going out into the sun to allow it to soak in, and then 20 minutes after you go outside. This means you'll only need to use the cream outside again if you get very sweaty or wet (or spend the whole day at the beach).
      • Chances are you're not applying enough. protective cream. It is necessary to squeeze out at least two finger-length strips for each part of the body (head, right and left shoulder, left and right hand, left and right half of the chest, left and right thigh, left and right shin).
      • Do not use creams with a higher SPF number. 15 SPF will be enough for you, because stronger creams do not provide significantly more benefits. Higher SPF number also does not mean that you will need to apply less cream - the amount should be the same.
    2. Use retinoids for smooth skin. Vitamin A plays important role in skin restoration and healing. You can buy a cream that will enrich the skin with retinoids, similar in composition to vitamin A. This is one of the few products that positive impact which has been proven on the skin. Retinoids help treat acne and smooth out wrinkles.

      • It's best to use retinoids prescribed by a dermatologist, but you can also buy retinol over-the-counter.
    3. Protect your skin's natural moisture from evaporation with lanolin. Lanolin is a natural fat that is produced by animals (most often sheep) to protect wool and skin. Even though you don't vomit or eat grass, lanolin will benefit you too. This substance is often added to chapstick, which treats chapped lips, but it can also be applied to the arms, legs, face and other areas of skin that are prone to drying and hardening.

      • When starting to use lanolin, cover the entire area of ​​your skin with the cream once or several times a day (depend on how much the skin is damaged). After this, you will only need to apply it once every 4-5 days.
    4. Use face masks. Remember the people with cucumbers and white stuff on their faces that are often shown in movies? This is what a face mask looks like. A mask is a soft, creamy substance that contains many different substances.

      Part 3

      Full body care
      1. Drink more water. It's great for your health, but did you know that water helps make your skin softer and smoother? If the body is dehydrated, the skin suffers first. Dry skin leads to redness, itching and a feeling of tightness. You will feel uncomfortable. However, this problem can be solved: drink a few more glasses of water a day.

        • You can usually tell if you're drinking enough water by looking at the color of your urine. The darker the color, the more dehydrated your body is.
      2. Eat healthy food so that the skin receives all the nutrients it needs. The skin, like all other organs, needs certain substances that allow it to be healthy. Complete diet promotes long-term skin health. Although the effect will not be immediate, you should remember the benefits of nutrition in all conditions. Highest value for the skin have vitamins A, C and E, as well as omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and selenium.

        • Salmon contains several elements from this list. Most fruits are a source of vitamin C, and carrots are a source of vitamin A.
      3. Play sports to prevent your skin from losing its elasticity. Surely you already know that the skin only benefits from exercise. physical exercise. It has been scientifically proven that exercise brings great benefits to the skin, maintaining its elasticity and slowing down aging. If you're lacking exercise in your life, consider taking up exercise.

        • It is important to understand that there are no exercises that can correct the condition of a specific part of the body. No magic exercises to improve skin quality. You just need to do more active image life and sports.
        • To introduce sports into your life, start with walks. briskly half an hour every day. Each walk should take at least 15 minutes at a time.
      4. Get enough sleep. During sleep, the body directs its forces to recovery, and the skin is one of the organs that recovers at night. When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces too much cortisol (a substance that breaks down skin and makes it uneven) and too little growth hormone, which is responsible for skin repair. Get enough sleep and your skin will thank you.

        • All people different needs in the amount of sleep. No two organisms are alike. You will need to try sleeping in different ways to figure out how many hours of sleep you need. Getting enough sleep means feeling energized throughout the day without the help of coffee.
      5. Get your hormonal system in order. Remember that hormone levels affect skin condition. We all know that during adolescence Acne appears in teenagers. And there is an explanation for this! Certain hormones lead to the most different problems, including acne, and when the body experiences fluctuations in the levels of these hormones, the skin condition worsens. There are ways to smooth out hormone fluctuations, but first of all, you need to be aware of what the consequences of such fluctuations can be. Fluctuations are a natural process, and, as a rule, most often you just need to wait them out.

        • Maturation, adolescence, pregnancy and medication influence hormonal background and can lead to skin problems.
        • In particularly difficult cases, consider taking medications that will balance the hormones in the body. It’s easiest for women and girls: contraception do not allow the level of hormones to change spontaneously, due to which the condition of the skin improves.
      • If you have pimples, do not squeeze them or touch them.
      • Book a facial with a cosmetologist. Salon treatments They will not only cleanse the skin, but also give it a healthier appearance.


      • Read all the information on the labels and the ingredients of all the products you use. If you apply a product to your skin that contains a substance that you are allergic to or that causes irritation, your skin will suffer.

Every girl dreams of having a soft, smooth and elastic skin, while representatives of the fairer sex are at a loss when choosing a solution to this problem. Beauty salons offer their services, the Internet is teeming many recipes to achieve smooth skin at home.

It's no secret that the beauty and health of the skin depends primarily on proper cleansing, toning and nutrition.

1. Skin cleansing
You should cleanse your skin in the morning and evening, and choose products depending on your skin type. It should be remembered that for dry skin it is necessary to select more gentle products.

2. Skin toning
To tone your skin, you can use lotion or cosmetic ice, such as chamomile ice; you can buy it at any pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Medicinal properties chamomile will also soothe the skin.

3. Skin nutrition
Then apply to the skin nutritious cream, do not forget that in winter you should choose glycerin-based creams, in spring and autumn - fortified creams, in summer - moisturizing ones.

Also to achieve desired effect Don't forget about scrubs and masks. Moreover, today there are many options cooking at home. Here are the main ones:

1. Kefir mask for smoothing skin and treating acne.

  • 2 tbsp. mix clay with kefir and bring to a thick consistency, then add a couple of drops of rosemary oil.
  • Apply to facial skin and leave for 10-15 minutes.

2. Tomato mask (eliminates skin inflammation)

  • Mash a ripe tomato and mix with 1 tbsp. honey
  • Apply the mask for 15 minutes.

3. Peach mask(for radiant skin)

  • Mix Peach oil with lavender, clove and thyme oil.
  • Apply to the skin for 5 minutes, then massage the skin.
  • Then wipe the skin with alcohol-free toner.

Repeat this procedure once a week for oily skin, for normal and dry skin no more than 2 times a month.

Mask for moisturizing and nourishing body skin

To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of cottage cheese and lemon juice: Mix 2 cans of cream, 500 ml each, with 1 kg of cottage cheese, mix thoroughly and apply a thin layer to the body and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water.

From goose bumps in the hip area, a massage using a brush and further moisturizing the body with oil will help. A more noticeable effect will be if the massage is alternated with sports.

Don't forget that food, lack bad habits, healthy sleep and playing sports, along with the procedures described above, is the key to the health and beauty of your skin. Take a comprehensive approach to improving your body, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Clean and smooth skin Not everyone can boast by nature. Most women put a lot of effort into this. Some go to expensive salons. Others use various creams and scrubs, without thinking that this also needs to be done correctly and constantly. Women just need to understand that their body skin was smooth and effortless only in childhood, but now they will have to try for it.

There are many different components of body care:

  • exercises and massage;
  • healthy eating;
  • giving up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • drinking enough water daily;
  • sound sleep of at least 8 hours;
  • products that nourish the skin of the body.

How exercise and massage help make body skin smooth and even

Every second woman, especially those who are in maternity leave, do not do any exercises at all. They believe that if there is no time or opportunity to go to the gym, fitness center, swimming pool or yoga class, then nothing will help them at all. Of course, if you do nothing, nothing will change!

But there are a lot of options. Start a workout that fits your lifestyle.

Morning exercises, walking, running or cycling - these exercises will tone you up, improve blood circulation and saturate all the cells of the body with oxygen. Accept cold and hot shower, alternating hot and cold water. When bathing in the evening, massage your body with a washcloth and shower gel or soap. Let these be the first steps towards solving the problem of how to make your skin smooth.

Healthy eating for beauty and health

If your body does not receive necessary substances, will definitely suffer from this appearance. Eat fruits, nuts, fish, cereals, whole grain bread, olive oil, cottage cheese and green tea. Fruits such as mango, grapefruit, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, black currants and, of course, avocado contain vitamins A, C and E, which will help strengthen blood vessels, and collagen will slow down the aging process.

Nuts contain coenzyme Q10, which accelerates the process of cell regeneration. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects against toxins and sun rays. Sea fish- a source of vitamins A and D, as well as fatty acids omega-3, which relieves inflammation. Grains and legumes are rich in B vitamins, which soften the skin and promote its renewal. This kind of nutrition will help you have smooth skin like a baby.

Bad habits are your worst enemy

No matter how diligently you take care of yourself, all your efforts will be in vain if you do not give up alcohol and cigarettes. Tobacco causes spots to appear and the skin takes on a grayish tint.

Alcohol retains fluid in the body, which worsens not only your appearance, but also your health. This does not mean that you need to give up a glass of champagne at the New Year's banquet, but do not allow yourself more than 2 servings of alcohol per week.


Moisture nourishes skin cells, making it glowing and fresh. If you are dehydrated, your skin becomes dry and rough. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. If you can't drink water straight, get the liquid from watery vegetables by making a salad. Quench your thirst with herbal tea with lemon.

Sleep disturbance leads to exhaustion of the body

Lack of sleep is stressful for the body, and this has a bad effect on the skin. A person should sleep 8-9 hours. The amazing thing is that at night the brain rests and the skin works. After all, at this time of day she is cleared of sweat and fat released during the day, and open pores actively absorb moisturizers. Relaxed muscles help the blood actively enrich cells with oxygen and nutrients.

How to use body cosmetics correctly

The main thing when using body cosmetics is to choose the right one for your skin type. Determine this and carefully read the instructions for use.

Shower twice a day, morning and evening. Use a moisturizer or lotion every time after this to avoid dryness and retain moisture throughout the day.

In summer, avoid direct sunlight, but if you go to the beach, use sunscreen to avoid exposing your body to ultraviolet radiation.

Be sure to use a scrub in the shower, but not more than once a week. This remedy removes dead skin cells.

Apply body scrub and massage in circular motions, as if rubbing, for about 10 minutes.

How to get perfectly smooth skin on your butt

So that the skin on the butt is not lumpy and covered small pimples, you need to carry out the same procedures as for the whole body, only devoting more time to the butt and thighs. Of course, a massage would also be useful. It helps fight cellulite and makes the surface soft, warm to the touch, and silky.

Anti-cellulite massage for the buttocks can begin with stroking, then gradually increase the pressure and use the edge of your palm to make circular movements in a spiral. When the body is warmed up, large and index fingers pinch the folds and quickly knead them.

You can also use patting and pinching to massage your butt. Finish with stroking movements.

Not trusting cosmetic companies, women are replacing store-bought cosmetics with homemade ones. To moisturize the body, you can use olive oil with vitamin E. You can also make a scrub yourself. For this we take coffee grounds, any shower gel or liquid baby soap, honey, sea ​​salt(ground) and a few drops of vitamin E, and use it as a regular scrub.

After the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

How to keep your underarm skin smooth

The armpit area is very thin and therefore more sensitive.

Therefore, there are problems with the use of deodorants - dryness, itching, rash and redness. In this case, you can get rid of the smell of sweat only by going to the shower and washing your armpits tar soap, mixture cosmetic clay with water or moistening the armpits with hydrogen peroxide diluted 1:1 with water.
