How to be feminine. Femininity, what is it, what is it? Who is a true, real woman

An important part of developing femininity is creating a feminine appearance. Understanding the main principle will help with this: femininity is the opposite of masculinity. Therefore, to look feminine, emphasize the difference between yourself and a man.

First, let's look at the silhouette of a man and a woman. Or rather, the difference in silhouettes. If men have wide shoulders, then women have narrow ones. Let's look further, women have a narrow waist, but wide hips, for men, on the contrary, wide waist And narrow hips. If you look from the side, we have a bulge in the chest area, and in men it is below the waist. This is the opposite. And our task, on the path to the development of femininity, is to emphasize this opposition as much as possible.

When choosing clothes, try to emphasize (we choose your own): delicate fragile shoulders, a thin wasp waist, rounded hips (in fact, it is rounded, not narrow hips that are feminine and seductive - there are plenty of examples in history), then we emphasize the bulge of the chest. Please do not confuse this with an open demonstration of this bulge. Remember - a hint always looks much more seductive than showing it off. Better a thin, chest-tight golfer than a too open neckline. A long skirt with a spacer looks better and more erotic than Short skirt, putting everything on display. Always leave a man some room for imagination.

The ability to create feminine and attractive image- This a whole science and philosophy, which can only be comprehended through special training. Below I will give some tips that you can use now.

Wear clothes and use materials that are not associated with men and that contrast with men's clothing. Men do not wear light, thin, delicate, lacy or flowy. Therefore, whenever possible, use exactly this material.

When getting used to looking feminine, make sure to follow the following rules:

Textile. Avoid fabrics such as tweed, herringbone, rough wool fabric, coarse cotton fabric, tartan, stripes, and everything that men usually wear. However, all this can be used in clothes characterized by a feminine style, color or cut.

Wear soft or rustling ones cotton fabrics, soft or thin woolen products, thin linen and everything else is silk, delicate and feminine. Exclusively female types of fabrics are chiffon, lace, velvet, satin, angora wool and thin muslin. Try to use these fabrics for your wardrobe. Wear them when you need to look especially feminine.

Fabric color. Women's colors- pastel, soft, clean and rich, even when it comes to black. Avoid dull colors colors worn by men, such as brown, gray and green, and their shades. However, these colors can be used in soft fabric, feminine style or cut.

When choosing a fabric pattern, make sure it is a good pattern. Avoid anything flashy, colorful or peculiar bad taste. The design of the fabric should not overshadow the woman herself. The color of the fabric should suggest softness, modesty and femininity in a woman.

Style. Avoid strict style or any hint of men's clothing, such as trousers, male type vests and jackets, buttoned cuffs and stiff collars. This style can be used, but only when sewing clothes from feminine types of fabric with appropriate colors. To exclusively feminine style can be attributed bouffant skirts, lace

cuffs, frills and pleats. Use this style with matching fabric. Even the most ordinary, simple dress will be feminine, since it will not resemble a piece of clothing from a man's wardrobe.

Trousers. According to Vedic tradition, a woman should not wear trousers. The skirt helps to fill the earth with power, better contact with nature, acquisition feminine power and health. At the same time, than longer skirt, all the better. Besides, trousers are not the most feminine clothes. However, if you do wear them, then let them be made from female species fabrics in feminine style, and their color suits you. Feminine looking top, women's accessories and hairstyle can smooth out the negative external effect, but, in any case, in trousers you will not receive the earth energy that is so necessary for women.

Cut. The cut can add softness and femininity to the simplest clothes with the help of various laces, ribbons, bright scarves, embroidery, beads and braids. Remember that the cut should highlight the curves of your feminine body. The easiest way is to emphasize your waist with a belt.

Accessories. Avoid carrying handbags that resemble men's briefcases, and male appearance shoes. Wear soft scarves, flowers and jewelry.

Feel like a Goddess, look like a Goddess and carry yourself like a true Goddess.

Develop good manners. They are necessary in order to be feminine. Such girls know how to behave nobly and suit any situation. They know exactly how to speak, move, write, eat and generally act in all possible circumstances. And they all do it with dignity and grace. Here are a few simple things you can do.

  • Saying "thank you", "sorry", "excuse me" and "please" are basic etiquette. Don't be outraged if someone is being rude, just ignore them and carry on in your spirit.
  • Stand straight, shoulders back and chin up. When sitting, train yourself to keep your legs together.
  • Love the spelling dictionary! " Don't tweet or write like that" on the Internet, you must know how to write words and speak correctly.
  • Learn table manners. If you don't have time, just search on Google. The simplest and most common rules: do not put your elbows on the table, do not slouch, close your mouth when chewing, do not slurp and do not speak with your mouth full.
  • Keep it clean. Clean and fresh - absolutely necessary condition, if you want to be a noble and feminine girl. This will help you look classy and act like a true girl. So, learn the basics of hygiene.

    • Use whitening toothpaste like Crest and Colgate and a good toothbrush. Yellow teeth have never added femininity to anyone.
    • If you wear braces, don't let that fact stop you! You can get clear braces, attach them to the back of your teeth, or highlight them with classic, girly colors like pale pink or soft lilac.
    • Clean your tongue too, as this gets rid of bad smell from mouth. Tongue brushes are easy to find in pharmacies and supermarkets.
    • Use mouthwash after brushing your teeth. Listerine and Act are top brands among such products.
    • Baking soda and crushed strawberries will further whiten your teeth, but use them only occasionally because they can wear away tooth enamel.
    • Take a shower. You need to wash your body every day with sweet scented soap or shower gel.
    • Stay hydrated. Use a nice-smelling lotion after your evening shower to keep your skin soft and smelling fresh and sweet all day long.
    • Wash your hair every other day with shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair type. Use conditioner every day.
    • Brush your hair every day to keep it smooth and stylish. You should never have tangled hair.
    • Use deodorant and perfume. Let your perfume smell of vanilla or flowers, and your deodorant have a sweet scent.
  • Good hair immediately give you a feminine and noble look. So take care of every hair you have.

    • Metal curlers and straighteners quickly improve the appearance of your hair, but they are very harmful to your hair. Take advantage of protection from temperature influences to keep your hair looking healthy and shiny.
    • Apply natural products. For example, avocado or olive oil for a very smooth hair, oil tea tree for dandruff and so on, there are a lot of options.
    • Change your hair style to a more sophisticated one. There are many noble styles. Side bun, straight hair, loose large curls, side braid, fish tail or a trendy ponytail.
  • You need simple, neat and fashionable accessories. You don't need to adorn yourself with twenty bracelets, necklaces or piercings at the same time.

    • Learn to complement your outfit in a simple way. Always wear earrings, a necklace and sometimes a bracelet.
    • Pearls, gold, 925 silver and diamonds simply scream of your femininity. Fake or real, it doesn't matter: as long as it looks natural, you're good.
  • Learn to dress like a student from an expensive private school. Certain brands, styles and clothing combinations create an upscale look. So, learn the secrets of a noble wardrobe.

    • You should wear polo shirts, Oxford shirts, tunics, dresses, plain T-shirts in deep, bright or pastel colors, maybe with a simple floral pattern, polka dots or stripes. They should be made of soft fabrics like silk, cotton or stretch fabric
    • On your legs, wear skinny jeans, khakis, cargo pants, slacks, Bermuda shorts, decent length skirts in colors like navy, khaki, brown and black. They should be plain or with minimalist patterns. Fabrics should be: denim, corduroy, cotton or polyester.
    • Shoes can be Sperry boat shoes, oxfords, ballet flats, canvas shoes or riding boots made of leather or tweed or soft material. Colors - black, dark blue, beige, white and others.
    • You need to wear certain brands. Recommended clothing from Gap, Ralph Lauren, USPA, Beverley Hills Polo Club, Lacoste, Vineyard Vines, Izod, and Sperry. However, if something fits into the style and looks noble, then it will work for the image.
  • What makes a girl feminine? Perfect Makeup And flawless styling? Express yourself only with feminine side? Too easy to do quickly conclusions, when you meet a beauty who seems to be overly in touch with her inner goddess. But in reality, we are all different or not as scary as we pretend to be.

    The opposite of this feminine type of girl is most likely a tomboy. And both of these psychotypes can be easily identified. You just need to discard conventions and know certain features of each “category”. However, if we consider the feminine type, we will see that such a girl always wears skillful makeup, prefers skirts and dresses to trousers, rarely makes scandals in public, wears perfectly chosen combinations of things, squeals when she finds herself in a puddle, and generally behaves How real princess from the Disney cartoon.. But all this is a COMPLETE DECEPTION.

    Of course, feminine girl regularly spends time on her appearance to highlight her beauty, while rejecting the fact that she doesn’t have to leave the house looking super well-groomed (you know, she has requirements that need to be met, which she has set herself). But despite all this, it does not meet any specific parameters. She - a real man, not a Barbie doll.

    Here 12 secrets you need to know about the most feminine girls to put aside any preconceived notions about them.

    12. Sometimes we put a new layer of makeup on top of the old one.

    Have you ever thought about how gorgeous mascara looks when applied in several layers? There's no doubt that sleeping with makeup on your face is a bad idea when it comes to skin care.

    It sounds unpleasant, but sometimes, when we are overwhelmed with work and we do everything in a hurry, we leave the house in the morning with yesterday’s makeup. Just don't judge us. We are the same ordinary people.

    11. Sometimes we don't wear makeup at all.

    This usually happens when we are alone at home. Watching girls on the street, on Instagram, on Facebook or anywhere in real life, where they seem perfect, you probably think that they look like that every day. But that's not true. Of course, social media make the look amazing, and all fans are in awe of the look of her lipstick, which never smudges, and her beautifully styled hair.

    But for this, a feminine girl makes great efforts to create the image of a beautiful diva. All this is not done because she is smug, but rather because she likes to appear beautiful to the outside world. Check out our top 10 summer makeup tips. Don’t worry, when such a girl drinks, she no longer looks so standard and is no different from others. And she behaves the same way.

    10. Sometimes we forget to shave

    Yes, just like everyone else. Because a feminine girl is still just a woman, not a robot, whose legs, armpits, and bikini area are always clean-shaven. We wax our hair from time to time and can afford it, but as a rule, we shave with razors, like most women . And sometimes we don’t wax at all, because it’s cold and we wear jeans instead of dresses. In such cases, there is no need to worry about body hair.

    This bias against femininity is just tiresome. Even heaven forbids a feminine girl to bring home a man without putting every part of her body in order. Otherwise, she will simply run away from her, shaking the earth with her screams.

    9. Sometimes we just want to roll around in the dirt.

    It doesn't matter that being a girl means always being feminine, wearing stylish clothes and look perfect. We also want to play the role of savages. We looked great for so long at family gatherings, outings and friends’ weddings.

    In reality, we would just like to tear off our excellent dresses, rush headlong, throw ourselves into some big dirty ditch and frolic in it, getting dirty from head to toe, to the tips of our toes. At the same time, perform all these actions shamelessly, without a drop of embarrassment.

    Sometimes all these expectations about what a girl should be are simply depressing. WE CAN BE disgusting too!

    8. We can be wild in bed

    There is something elusive about a woman whose general image close to perfection. Natural makeup, pantyhose without creases, and sometimes a bag matched to the color of the shoes - one can assume that this special lady will probably be boring in bed.

    Men, do not be fooled by a feminine girl - she is not as innocent and inexperienced as she seems. You may be interested in the article 12 sexual fantasies of girls that you had no idea about. The bedroom is the place where she can relax and give free rein to her feelings and nature, because the rest of the day she tries very hard to look decent and not provocative. Rest assured, she will be wearing stunning lingerie.

    7. We're not as cute as we seem.

    Girly girls look like it's written all over their faces: " I'm so sweet and I'll do anything for you"No doubt we all seem a little too kind, polite and helpful from time to time. We offer to help people as much as they help us. This is just human nature and has nothing to do with being a girl.

    Seriously, when we've had a tough day at work and have had to respond to a series of complaints from various clients or endure a terrible verbal dressing down from our boss because we weren't focused enough on morning meeting on Monday, we get a little hostile. A little rough. A little angry. And we can even swear. We may not act this way in public, but that doesn't mean we don't get nervous and angry like others.

    We're just a little better at holding back our emotions until we step foot inside our own home.

    6. We don't demand more attention than other women.

    Do you think that because we spend a lot of money on clothes, shoes and accessories, that means we can't be interesting friends? You are completely wrong. Full image girly girls will make her an instant hit with your family – because what mom wouldn't love the look new girlfriend son when she wears low heels and floral dress with a formal jacket?

    Since we spend a lot of time on our appearance, don't think that makes us more correct than other types of girls. We still want to watch stupid TV programs, sing loudly in the shower, and cook pizza while making a mess in the kitchen. No doubt we want to shop a little longer than necessary, but we also care whether you feel like shopping.

    5. It’s easy for us to choose a gift

    Perfumes, jewelry, clothes, shoes - any contribution to the departments of a girl's closet is welcome. There is a stupid prejudice that well-groomed girls It’s difficult to choose a gift, since their needs are much higher, unlike tomboyish girls, for example. Check out the 10 best gifts for Valentine's Day.

    Just buy some cool DVDs and a bouquet of flowers and we'll be over the moon. There is no need to focus on designer handbags and expensive stilettos. If we really want you to buy us something, we will say so. It will not be difficult to please us, and the range of gifts is very wide and does not always fit our pockets.

    4. We need to work hard on ourselves to look great.

    Clumsiness is just a trait of human nature. Just because you haven't seen a girl hit a table or slam into lamp posts doesn't mean she has the grace of a doe. The fact is that she skillfully gets out of such situations when, for example, her heel gets stuck in a cobblestone tile or she drops spaghetti on white shirt. A feminine girl is prepared for such emergency situations and instead of panic and screams: " God, I'm covered in spaghetti!", she quickly copes with everything herself.

    And all these things that you find mega refined? Like, for example, her manicured fingers, impeccable hair and absolutely calm demeanor? These are all elements that such a girl constantly works on. It happens to every girl that her manicure loses its appearance. Here the only question arises: having the tools in your hands and free time in order to eliminate shortcomings in appearance.

    3. Sometimes we want to get sooooo drunk.

    But for some reason, our innate femininity does not allow this. That the only time when you were 19 years old and home party, you saw an unpleasant picture - yours beautiful girlfriend she was vomiting because she had too much vodka. It only happened ONCE. You'll never see this again.

    For these reasons, a feminine girl knows how to disappear into right moment, before she can be seen at the height of her intoxication. It's like a homecoming instinct - turning around and getting into the nearest taxi before she vomits into her handbag is a better prospect than facing the humiliation of vomiting in front of her less distinguished friends from the local high street. This kind of girl would rather leave early than make herself look stupid, even if it makes her seem a little prudish to everyone.

    2. We get tired of compliments.

    Sometimes it may seem that feminine girls receive compliments from friends and strangers all the time, but still some of them are unnecessary. Pay attention to . Of course, it's great when they say we look amazing, or when they ask where we got such an adorable cat and where our shorts are made. But we are the same as everyone else. We saw something we liked, bought it (and most likely regretted it the next day, since we didn't need it at all), and then just used it.

    Being feminine is often discussed, but we don't dress to get compliments. We just have special style and we wear clothes according to it, because it makes us feel confident. It's like a guy buying a fancy suit and wearing it just because he looks cool in it. We're not trying to play fashion show models. We're just trying to live.

    1. Weddings are high on the agenda

    What a girl looks forward to in her life is her wedding day. Just not in the stereotypical perception of this event as a union of a man and a woman. This desire is more based on the fact that this will be the day when she will look absolutely charming in a wonderful, delightful and super expensive dress. She will spend this significant period of her life enjoying being in the spotlight and basking in compliments about how incredible she looks.

    Preparing for a wedding will take a lot of time. Such a girl will think through everything down to the smallest detail, just perfect. And of course, the final option for holding the celebration in to a greater extent will suit her taste rather than the taste of the groom. But she herself the wedding will take place simply chic, and the bride on such an exciting day will shine in all her beauty.

    “Where can I meet the man of my dreams? How can I make my man propose to me? What do I need to do to make him even happier with me?” What else do girls think about? We invite you to find out in the video below!

    How to look more feminine? Every woman has asked this question at least several times in her life. Usually the desire to look more tender, fragile and beautiful arises in a woman in love when she wants to please a man, but sometimes the strength that femininity gives fascinates girls so much that they always want to look like that.

    First, let's figure out what it actually means look feminine? Of course, in addition to appearance, femininity also means inner fullness, harmony, softness and shining eyes. How to achieve this state, read my article «» . And today we will only talk about appearance, because it directly affects our feeling and perception of our feminine essence. I don’t know about you, but if I imagine the embodiment of true femininity, then I imagine a goddess dressed in a light, flowing dress, walking in heels with a slow but flying gait; she holds a small clutch in her hands, beautiful earrings flaunt in her ears, bracelets jingle on her wrist, and there is a tattoo on her face gentle makeup. I am sure that all passing men would pay attention to her even if nature did not reward her with beauty. There is a more subtle concept than ordinary beauty, because attractive, alluring vibes come precisely from girls who know how to be feminine.

    So if you want to understand how to look more feminine, then get ready to follow these recommendations:

    1. Wear dresses or skirts that highlight your figure. Just not the defiant ones! If you want to look feminine and at the same time highlight your assets, then choose one thing - or short length, or neckline. If the dress has both, you will look not feminine, but openly, and men will want to invite you not for coffee, but for sex.
    2. Choose shoes with heels. Let it not be a big heel, the main thing is that it will be there. After all, thanks to heels, our gait changes, it becomes smoother and softer, and in them we can no longer walk like the “mymra” in the movie “Office Romance.”
    3. Don't give up on accessories. I know that many girls don’t like flashy jewelry and prefer small gold pieces that they don’t take off for years. But they do not create that special state that radiates femininity. Therefore, wear a large, beautiful necklace, choose earrings and bracelets to go with it, and don’t forget about other accessories. Scarves, handkerchiefs, and hats also help create the desired look.
    4. Apply light makeup to yourself. It’s just light, and not so that it becomes scary. More and more often I see girls on the streets with black eyes, bright red lips and cheekbones clearly highlighted with foundation. Girls, what are you doing? Men love natural beauty, and in general, in this form you look simply funny. Ideally, both eyes and lips should be lightly painted, keeping your face looking fresh and youthful. If you are going to festive event, then it is allowed to clearly highlight one thing on your face: either your eyes or your lips.
    5. Get a manicure. Agree that unkempt nails do not add femininity to you at all :)
    6. Watch your hairstyle. It is not necessary to constantly pin up your hair and come up with interesting and sophisticated hairstyles, the main thing is that the hair has a vibrant and well-groomed appearance. After all, when you see a girl with unwashed hair, split ends of hair and overgrown roots (if the hair is dyed), then no attention is paid to either the dress or her manicure.

    This is what a well-groomed, feminine girl looks like, who feels strength and a surge of energy from her beauty. All that remains is to answer the most common questions that girls ask me.

    How look feminine in winter?

    I also didn’t understand before how it’s possible not to change all the above rules if it’s -10°C outside, icy and cold wind. It turns out that it is possible. Choose dresses from warm natural fabric no shorter than knee length. Wear woolen tights underneath, and if it’s very cold, you can pull one pair of tights over the other :) On top of the dress you can also wear a jacket, sweater, or wrap yourself in a woolen scarf. Wearing shoes with heels in icy conditions is inconvenient and even dangerous. So I opted for platform boots. And the leg has an instep, both gracefully and steadily. The hairstyle will only spoil if you pull on a tight-fitting hat, and if you wear a hood or wool scarf on the head, the hairstyle will not lose its shape. Therefore, winter is not a hindrance for femininity!

    How look feminine Houses?

    You came home after a happy but hard day. Finally, you took off your shoes, took off the earrings that were pulling on your ears, hung up the dress that hampered your movements in the closet, put on a comfortable and cozy tracksuit, pinned your hair in a ponytail, took off your makeup so that your face could breathe... And you meet your husband from work . Common situation? That is, you dressed up for people, put on makeup, tried to look impeccable, but why for your husband? The fact that he sees you like this homemade, does not strengthen your marriage at all. My husband, for example, first hinted and then said directly that he would like to see me beautiful at home and admire my femininity. Of course, at first, a change in the usual tracksuit on dresses will cause discomfort, but then everything will fall into place. At home, it turns out you can dress comfortably, beautifully, and femininely. To do this, you need to choose comfortable cotton dresses that do not hinder movement, but emphasize your figure. We are women whose beauty will save the world, remember? This means that we always need to look beautiful and feminine, even at home!

    Try to follow these tips not sometimes depending on your mood, but every day through “I don’t want to” and “I don’t know what to wear.” And you will feel the difference in your feminine condition!

    With love, Yulia Kravchenko

    If you have any questions while reading the article, you can ask me. I will be happy to answer you!


    In the very depths of their souls, all women, without exception, are sweet coquettes, sensual, wise, feminine and Stylish Things that know their worth. Femininity b is a special beauty, captivating with its mystery, lightness and sophistication. Every young beauty dreams of being gentle, feminine, and therefore interesting and attractive.

    Ask any representative of the fair sex about how to look feminine, and she will immediately open your own “ purely personal". Original halftones, freshness and romance of the image will reflect the individual perception of fashion trends and the breath of inner beauty.

    The secret of true femininity

    The main thing is when playing your “ feminine image ", do not drown in vulgarity and vulgarity. A real Stylish Thing always knows her worth and does not consider it necessary to assert herself with rhinestones, neckline and flashy makeup, because at the very least it looks very cheap and irrelevant.

    Modesty– a true decoration of a feminine image. It’s better to show off your erudition and creativity, a flirtatious look, an elegant outfit, and shoes on high heels– let the men around you be at a loss as to who you really are: prey or hunter?!

    Submit your " femininity"with a sauce of mystery and ambiguity, as Vanessa Paradis, Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie do. In a word, fascinate, intrigue and completely confuse!

    Going deeper into the question, how to look feminine, just try to avoid strict officialdom, male elements clothing, hard and rough fabrics. Wear things made of soft fabric or rustling silk, cotton fabrics, thin " Jersey", the canvas and everything is tender, feminine. Pamper yourselves with chiffon, velvet, satin clothes, waves of lace and openwork lace.

    Clothes are a must emphasize the advantages of your figure: beautiful and firm breasts, appetizing hips, graceful waistline, well-groomed and slender legs. This does not mean that all blouses and dresses should immediately be too revealing." stick"to your body. Your elegant ensemble can have both layers and volumetric view, but it is preferable that he " sat on the figure", without distorting the proportions and smoothness of the silhouette.

    Must be found in " my beloved» natural gift attractiveness and charm, figure out for yourself how to look feminine, and then, even among your usual outfits, it will be easy to find elegant and charming things that will help you look your best, or even two hundred!

    How to look feminine: several methods and tricks

    1. Style and decor

    Styles feminine outfits with their reliefs, seams, trims, tucks and folds, they are distinguished by their smoothness and softness of lines. Please note that hard and harsh elements cause a feeling of imbalance and aggressiveness, which is unlikely to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The cut will add elegance and grace to any clothing with the help of lace, satin ribbons, flounces, frills or handmade embroidery.

    2. Airy, pastel colors

    Every shade color rainbow carries notes of a certain, individual mood. Saturated, contrasting tones claim to create a daring and self-confident image, moderate, pastel colors, on the contrary, are romantic and gentle.

    Website for women Stylish Thing recommends actively use in your ensembles clothes in a pastel palette that will add sensuality and softness to your feminine look. Alternate calm tones with bright, rich shades, floral patterns, watercolor ornament.

    3. Elegant and original accessories

    Create charming image and skillfully and tastefully selected jewelry will help you decide how to look feminine. Beautiful beads, pendants, bracelets, earrings of a miniature, streamlined shape will emphasize lightness, prettiness and fragility feminine image.

    A fashionable collection of exquisite hats will not only help you forget about the problem of how to look feminine, but will also give you the opportunity to stand out among the crowd thanks to your originality and elegance. Small pillbox hats, felt beauties or wide-brimmed ones straw hats with bright, ethnic decor will turn you into a chic and stylish lady.

    The main thing is that your hat matches successfully and harmoniously with the outfit, and a joyful smile and good mood always complemented the feminine image.

    Stylish Thing: Veronica Grichulevich
