How to lift hair at the roots? How to lift up short hair at the back of the head. Casual and festive high hairstyles for medium hair

Beautiful hair is an important part of the image of every girl. Yes, and men who take care of their appearance are not averse to boasting well-groomed hair. Moreover, the modern beauty industry offers an endless variety of styles, products and procedures for hair care and giving them the desired shape and color. And if we usually turn only to professionals for a haircut or styling for a special occasion, then some simple manipulations on curls can be done independently. For example, lift the hair at the roots to give them splendor.

To give additional volume to the hairstyle, owners of thin, not thick hair most often seek. Their strands are naturally soft and not elastic, so they cannot keep their shape for a long time. Although long and thick hair also falls down under its own weight. In other words, there can be several reasons for the insufficient splendor of the hair, ranging from structural features (hair type inherited from birth) to manifestations of ill health (excessive fat content, dandruff, dormant follicles). Is that curly people do not complain about the lack of hair volume, but they are unhappy just for the opposite reason. In any case, that article is not addressed to them, but to those who want to lift their hair at the roots and make them more voluminous, at least visually.

Ways to add volume to hair
Hair with good volume looks thicker and healthier. In addition, they visually make their owner a little taller, which also gives him or her self-confidence. In general, even if up to this point you have not had any particular complaints about your own hairstyle, this is not a reason to abandon several useful tricks to increase hair volume:

  1. The washing up. No matter how trite, but clean hair is always more voluminous than stale. The sebaceous glands in the scalp work continuously, and the very next day after the next wash, the base of the hair is saturated with sebum and inevitably adheres to the head, sticking together. But do not wash your hair too often: daily washing out of natural fat helps to activate the glands and accelerate hair pollution. The optimal frequency of hair washing is once every couple of days.
  2. Shampoo. The cosmetics industry offers a variety of hair washes that promise to add volume to your hair. In practice, not all shampoos cope with this task. If you still have not been able to find an effective cleanser for hair volume, try using baby shampoo. It does not contain silicones and other aggressive components contained in cosmetics for adults. After washing with “no tears” shampoo, any hair becomes light and airy.
  3. Drying. Regular use of a hair dryer makes hair oily at the roots and dry at the ends. Curls in this state are not able to hold volume and hang sadly. In addition, drying with hot air makes the sebaceous glands work more actively, the skin and hair become oily faster, which also interferes with the creation and maintenance of splendor. So on days when you're not in a hurry to leave the house, let your washed hair dry naturally at room temperature. At least alternately using a free-dryer instead of a blow-dryer will show you the strength of your hair and its ability to rise elastically from the roots after a while.
  4. Laying. Wet hair of any type looks almost the same, they get their shape during drying. You can give them extra volume by using cunning tactics. To do this, you still have to use a hair dryer, but on one condition: it must work in cooling mode. Wait until the hair is not wet, but just damp, let your head down and send a stream of cool air directly to the roots. The silt of gravity will force your curls to take a position perpendicular to the crown, and quick drying will fix this direction. And when you return “from head to foot” again, the hair will be scattered over the shoulders, but will retain volume at the very roots.
  5. Diffuser. The wide nozzle with long teeth, which is standard on many household hair dryers, is designed just to lift the hair at the roots during drying. Its use requires some skill, but in general it is quite simple and affordable at home.
  6. Mousse. The volume created by the diffuser can be made longer if a small amount of styling foam is applied and evenly distributed over damp hair before drying. Carefully dose the product: an excess of mousse, on the contrary, will make the strands heavier, they will stick together and take on an untidy look. Applying foam to dry hair is also not worth it - this will not give the desired effect and will not add splendor to the hairstyle.
  7. Powder. And this remedy is intended just for raising already dried hair at the roots. To do this, take a small amount of fine powder in the palm of your hand and evenly distribute it at the hair roots, lightly massaging with your fingertips. The dry composition absorbs sebum and envelops each hair, making it elastically stick out above the skin. Hair powder is also used as a dry shampoo when it is not possible to wash your hair with traditional means. But she has a significant nuance: she deprives the hair of shine, and if used carelessly, it makes them matte and, as it were, “dusted”.
  8. Comb. Most of us do not think about how everyday combing of hair affects their volume. Nevertheless, it is the configuration of the comb that largely determines whether the curls will be airy and light or lie on the shoulders in a dense wave. To add volume to the hair at the roots, use not massage “brushes” with natural bristles, but combs with long and not very frequent teeth. Experienced hairdressers raise the hair at the roots with the so-called frame combs, the skeleton of which vaguely resembles a fish skeleton.
  9. Curler. The old proven way to add volume to your hair. Elderly ladies still use it, but you don’t have to inherit the style of your grandmother at all: not small bobbins, but Velcro curlers of the maximum diameter will help lift your hair from the roots. Take three or four pieces and wind wide strands of wet hair around them, starting from the very roots. After the curls are completely dry, carefully remove the curlers and make sure that the hair is not curly, but voluminous.
  10. Bouffant. A good and effective way to lift hair from the roots. You will need a comb with short, often aligned teeth and patience. Divide your hair into small strands and fluff each of them sequentially, moving the comb in the direction from the ends to the roots. Try to comb your hair closer to the base so that the bouffant does not look too disheveled. And do not forget that later you will need to smooth your hair again, so it is better not to be zealous and not create tangles.
  11. A haircut. Sometimes the reason for the loss of volume of the hair is their severity, or vice versa - weakness and numerous damage. In both cases, a haircut becomes a radical solution to the problem. It gets rid of lifeless strands and makes the curls remaining on the head lighter and freer, which means voluminous. The most common technique for adding volume to hair when cutting is thinning. After it, even the thinnest and softest hair looks more lush.
  12. Headdress. Wearing hats in the cold season has a bad effect on the volume of hair: they are pressed against the head and refuse to rise at the roots. To keep your hair in shape and not freeze your ears, replace tight hats with a hood or bonnet in cold weather and a headscarf on warmer days.
  13. Diet. Directly affects the condition of the hair. The abundance of spicy, salty and fatty foods, artificial colors and preservatives provokes increased fat content, and hence the loss of hair volume. If you want your hair to be elastic and voluminous at the roots, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts and cereals, give up fast food and convenience foods. Provide your body with a sufficient amount of liquid (pure water without gas, natural juices and herbal teas), and additionally rinse your hair with decoctions of medicinal plants.
  14. Lifestyle. Dull and lifeless curls are a common attribute of smokers and lovers of alcoholic beverages. Give up these bad habits, get enough sleep, spend your free time in the fresh air and do fitness. After a while, you simply will not recognize your own hair, which will gain strength, shine and volume from the very roots.
The combination of all these methods allows you to achieve the best effect. Each of them is good and appropriate in its own way, so it is better to have several tricks in service in order to quickly and effectively lift the hair at the roots if necessary.

Professional hairdressers have many tricks that help make your hair more spectacular and unusual. So, curls slightly whipped at the roots can become a wonderful touch to a beautiful styling. This technique allows you to make a haircut more voluminous and stylish, so let's try to figure out how to lift the hair at the crown?

Contrary to popular belief, volume is almost impossible to create on dirty hair, which, in principle, is quite difficult to work with. Therefore, before lifting the hair at the crown, you should wash your hair well, and for the best effect, use special shampoos that add extra volume to the styling. Such tools help to model the desired hairstyle, as they themselves are able to slightly lift the hair roots. Next, you need to dry the curls a little with a towel, and then apply styling agent to them. Thus, we will prepare the hair for further procedures.

How to lift hair at the crown with a hair dryer?

In fact, the creation of additional volume of hair by raising the hair at their base is most often done with the help of a powerful hair dryer, in addition, a model with a special nozzle - a diffuser is often used for this purpose. We also need a frame brush, which, in the process of drying, should pull the hair strand by strand from the very roots.

But you can do it even easier: to lift the hair at the crown, you need to dry it with your head tilted. Although this method cannot be called universal, because it is not suitable for girls with short hairstyles. Ladies with such hair can purchase special brushes, the diameter of which will correspond to the length of their curls.

When lifting the hair at the crown, do not forget that it is necessary to dry it from roots to ends, because if the hairstyle remains wet at the base, you will not achieve any effect.

Flat iron and curlers for hair volume

Especially in order to give the hair extra volume, many special devices have been created. These include large tongs and flat irons. However, remember that you need to use them only after the hair dries out a little. To get the desired effect, divide your hair into a large number of strands, then pinch each of them at the roots and slowly move to the very ends.

How to lift the hair at the crown? Use large diameter curlers that create volume for a long time. Just wind strands on them, paying special attention to the back of the head. At the same time, the hair must be dried with a hairdryer: this way the effect will last much longer, in addition, it will speed up the creation of the hairstyle.

Bouffant for extra volume

Another way that our great-grandmothers used to create hair volume is an ordinary bouffant. It is believed that it harms the hair, so it is better not to abuse this procedure.

To add volume to the hairstyle, you need to take a comb with rare teeth, lift the hair and carefully comb it in the direction from roots to ends. This should be done as carefully and slowly as possible so as not to confuse your curls. Then the result must be fixed with hairspray.

Lifting the curls at the crown, you can make your hair more stylish and well-groomed, but do not forget about the health of your hair. You don’t need to comb too often, as well as use a hair dryer and iron every day, it’s better to save these ways of creating extra volume for special occasions.

Any woman, without exception, pays as much attention to hair styling as to makeup. Modern experts in this field have outdone themselves with a variety of styles and shapes of hairstyles. The leading place is given to the creation of volume. On how to lift the hair at the roots, and you should stop.

It is better, of course, to trust a professional stylist, but not everyone can afford frequent visits to this specialist, and you want to look attractive every day. Therefore, having studied a few theoretical tips, a woman, even without skills, will be able to successfully, as well as quite economically, make volumetric styling.

Ways to increase volume

  • The first is hairdressing and beauty salons. It can be resorted to by those ladies who decide to change their image, that is, to make a haircut that visually gives volume to their hair. This is a cascading bob, bob and some others.
  • The next is the use of special products that give volume (foams, gels, mousses). They make curls dense, enveloping the hairs with a film. But it must be remembered that a glut of these compounds can create a greasy effect.
  • Another trick is to dye your hair in a light tone, which will visually give it splendor.
  • Velcro curlers and tube curlers will perfectly lift the hair roots, and thanks to such devices, the hairstyle will receive the desired volume and last for a long time.
  • It is not easy to lift thin and smooth hair; a light bouffant will help here, which, if desired, is fixed with varnish.
  • Fans of curls can decide on long-term styling based on a perm.

Rules for creating volume

  • After shampooing, apply to the hair and distribute the balm-conditioner along the entire length. When rinsing, it’s a good idea to add lemon juice to cool water - this procedure also adds volume. Regular nourishing masks will enhance the effect.
  • For drying curls, it is better to use a professional hair dryer. To lift the hair roots, the procedure is carried out with the head tilted, the strands are combed from the roots to the ends. Further styling should be continued with a round-shaped comb brush, passing it along the entire length of the curls.
  • Styling products are applied to wet hair in a small amount, distributed throughout the head. At the roots are fixed with varnish. It can also be applied during drying, spraying a little on the roots and drying thoroughly.
  • The bouffant at the hair roots is done for each strand separately, then it is smoothed with a brush and sprayed with varnish on top.
  • When using soft curlers, pre-dry the curls, then wind them up, warm them up with hot air, and the curls are ready.
  • A curling iron will help lift the hair at the roots and add splendor, but the use of styling products in this case is prohibited.
  • You can still sometimes resort to the help of professional craftsmen and make long-term styling. During this procedure, specialists will lift the roots, which will avoid combing and pulling them at home. Long-term styling will save naughty curls from their constant disheveling and tangling.
  • Another service of beauty salons, which is worth using, is a perm. But here there is a possibility of overdrying and thus ruining the hair if formulations with natural ingredients are not used. On the basis of a perm, it is easy to style curls only with a hair dryer, which will allow you to keep your hair in perfect order for a long time.

Having mastered the theoretical tips on how to lift the hair at the roots, having the necessary cosmetics and tools to achieve the desired result, you can proceed to practical exercises and create a spectacular voluminous hairstyle, saving time and money.

Many girls, due to any reason, do not have lush hair. The reason may be a decrease in immunity, a lack of vitamins or an innate predisposition. But to create an attractive image, it is simply necessary to make a beautiful, healthy, lush hairstyle.

The visible image of a beautiful hairstyle consists of several components. The first one is the right hair shape. If you have a good hairdresser, this is done quite simply. The second component is healthy hair. If the hair is dull, split, fall out, this greatly spoils the overall appearance of the hairstyle. To remove local problems, it is enough to make a mask suitable for the type of hair. The right masks will nourish the hair, stimulate its growth, and also, perhaps, create volume at the roots. In some particularly severe cases, you may need to contact a trichologist.

The volume of the hair at the roots is responsible for the splendor. No matter how healthy and shiny your hair is, without volume, the hairstyle will never look good. Therefore, if the treatment does not help, then it is necessary to apply additional methods to give the hair volume at the roots.

Boost Up Procedure

The technique that creates basal volume of hair has recently become very popular. This is a root curling technology that does not touch the upper strands. Changes are not visible on long hair, they remain as they were, but volume appears.

The technology is designed for long-term use, the effect of it lasts about six months. Boost Up is claimed to be safe for all types of hair, including brittle and fine hair. The only limitation is the inability to apply on short hair, the corrugation cannot be disguised.

The procedure takes about 2 hours. The master applies a special mixture at the hair roots and performs a biowave. Also, thanks to the composition, they promise to restore the structure of the hair. However, Boost Up technology has its downsides. Still, it's just chemistry, and chemistry has a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair.

The most noticeable of the minuses, at first glance, is the price. The procedure is quite expensive, although the effect is promised for six months. But for carrying out you need to choose a qualified master, who can not be found everywhere. In addition, after a while, the corrugation effect on the strands begins to appear. Corrugated strands grow and fall on the ears.

According to our readers, the most effective hair product is the unique Hair MegaSpray, which was created by world-famous trichologists and scientists. The natural vitamin formula of the spray allows it to be used for all types of hair. The product is certified. Beware of fakes. The opinion of hairdressers .. »

At the moment, there are quite a few reviews of girls who have undergone this procedure on the Internet. You can already notice that the procedure is not as safe as the masters promise.

For many girls, some time after the Boost Up, hair from the corrugation begins to fall out in fairly large quantities.
It is not known what is the matter - in the inferiority of the procedure itself or in the insufficient qualification of the master. But at the moment, you can find very few people who recommend doing Boost Up root volume with a corrugated effect.

This styling lasts about 2-3 months. In addition, for its implementation, natural ingredients are used that do not harm the structure of the hair. Thanks to this, it can be done several times a year, almost immediately, as the effect of the previous procedure subsides. This is the key difference between carving and ordinary perm, chemistry greatly damages the hair and can only be applied once a year.

Long-term styling can be done from the base of the hair to the ends, depending on where the problem exists. The only limitation is the procedure for thin brittle hair, healthy and thick results will not be visible. Carving is ideal for oily hair types, the procedure dries them. At the same time, it is not recommended to do a long-term perm for dry hair, chemistry will make them brittle.

After carving, it will only be necessary to maintain the health of your hair, however, this is not surprising for owners of brittle and thin hair. Therefore, it is worth at least once a week, but make a mask, as well as wash your hair with shampoo and balm 2-3 times a week. But daily styling now becomes a matter of minutes and there is no need to use tongs.

Each has its downsides. Still, although it is gentle, it is still a perm with a possible corrugation effect. Therefore, chemical exposure can slightly damage the hair structure. If your hair is severely split or has recently been exposed to dye, then this procedure is not needed, the condition will only worsen.

This is a method for those who have not very thick hair from birth. In this case, no treatment will help to achieve the required volume, and chemistry will take away the remnants of health, so you need to fight for it in other ways. In order to carry out hair extensions, you need to carefully monitor their health. If the hair falls out, splits or breaks, then you should not build them up. This will only make the situation worse. To build, you need to carefully select the material, that is, the strands that will be attached.

You can choose strands of your own color or, conversely, highlight by adding strands of a different color.

After building up, you need to remember some precautions. Extended strands do not tolerate sea water, and are also afraid of high temperatures. Only special masks can be applied. It also requires special care for such hair. At night, you must definitely braid your hair in a pigtail; you can comb it only with a comb with sparse teeth. It also needs to be adjusted from time to time. But this procedure successfully creates volume of hair at the roots.

Home methods to increase basal hair volume

For those who are not suitable for salon products, it is possible to increase the volume of hair at home. We will not discuss here the simplest means known to everyone - using a brush and a hair dryer or corrugation tongs.

Purchasable funds

At the moment, there are a large number of different products for increasing hair volume on the market. The first of these, of course, are shampoos. A separate group is shampoos containing silicone. They cover the hair with a protective film and lift it up. Shampoos for professional use with protein and keratin content greatly improve the health of the hair.

They nourish the hair, give it shine, and also form the density and volume of the hairstyle.

There are also additional tools that allow you to create volume for a while at home. This includes mousses, varnishes, gels and other similar products. Oddly enough, the use of various vitamins greatly increases the volume. Vitamins of groups B, A, E and C decide the health of the hair and, accordingly, increase the volume. There are even special hair masks with a set of vitamins and minerals. In particular, vitamin C improves blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates hair growth. Vitamin E nourishes hair follicles and protects against ultraviolet radiation. B vitamins stimulate hair density and fight oiliness at home.

Micronutrients also contribute. In particular, sulfur gives strength and shine, potassium enhances hair elasticity, phosphorus is responsible for color saturation, copper and zinc strengthen hair, silicon enhances the strength and structure of strands, calcium stimulates hair growth, iron prevents brittleness, removes the corrugation effect.
In addition, there is hair powder.

The powder is very easy to use - you just need to sprinkle on your head, and then distribute with your fingers. This is a special powder for giving volume to hair. This powder is washed off very simply: with ordinary shampoo.

Powder is not suitable for owners of long and thick hair, the effect will be insignificant. And very thin hair powder simply blinds.
Powder requires a carefully adjusted dosage. On weakened hair, the powder should be no more than 5 hours. Remove powder from hair with shampoo.

homemade shampoos

Even our ancestors noticed the benefits of various plants. At the moment, more than a hundred different recipes have been developed that allow you to keep your hair strong and healthy at home. There are also homemade shampoos that will increase the volume of hair, they do not use chemicals.

The simplest recipe consists of a decoction of chamomile and gelatin. Chamomile flowers need to be brewed for 15 minutes, until completely cooled.

Next, you need to take an incomplete tablespoon of gelatin and pour it with two or three tablespoons of cold chamomile broth. The resulting substance must be left alone for 40 minutes, until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Further, about 1-2 tablespoons of any, the simplest shampoo without dyes and other additives, should be added to the container. When using the shampoo, apply to the hair and leave for 5 minutes for the active additives to work.

Also a very good way is a mask of decoction of fenugreek seeds at home. Shampoos can be added to the decoction in a one-to-one ratio. It also needs to be left on the hair to act for 5-10 minutes. This procedure activates the growth and regeneration of hair at home.

Tips for creating basal hair volume with your own hands

At home, it is quite possible to increase the volume of your hair without using tongs or corrugations. To do this, you need to follow some rules for hair care. For example, hair should be dried with the head tilted down. After each shampooing, you need to rinse your head with cool water with the addition of lemon juice. When you go outside in bad weather, fix your hair with hairspray.

And if no other means help, you can use bouffant and curlers. Alternatively, you can make volume using corrugation tongs. This is a fairly simple procedure. You need to make a parting on the head, separate the upper strands, apply a thermal spray on them and use tongs.

Curls must be placed in tongs one after another, the impact on one strand should not exceed 15 seconds, otherwise overheating will have a detrimental effect, like chemistry.

Forceps can also be used to create a basal volume. To do this, you need to use forceps only for processing the roots, it is not necessary to process the entire length of the hair. The forceps must be used correctly, for long and coarse hair, a temperature of about 210 degrees is needed, for thin and brittle hair no more than 180. The forceps should not be overheated. After tongs, powder can be additionally used.

How to make hair voluminous? At the tips, it is quite simple - just wind it on curlers or a curling iron. But the root volume is much more difficult to make. There are a lot of ways, from a simple bouffant to salon procedures, but they are not universal, and they should be selected based on the type and condition of the hair, as well as the time and money that you are willing to spend on it.

I have coarse and porous hair that has only one advantage - volume. And when I try to smooth and “tame” them (for example, with the help), they become shiny and silky, but the volume goes away. It is especially lacking at the roots, where the hair simply “sticks” to the head. With a flat nape, this looks especially ugly, so I tried many ways to create a basal volume in this particular area.

Method 1 - regular bouffant

This is the simplest and oldest method for basal volume, which was used by our grandmothers. All he needs is hairspray and a comb. You can use an ordinary frequent comb or such a special brush for combing:

How to make a bouffant in the occipital area:

  1. We separate the strands of the occipital zone, which we will comb, and stab at the crown.
  2. Starting from the bottom, we separate the layer of hair with a horizontal parting, sprinkle it a little with varnish and comb it.
  3. Having combed the entire zone in layers, we leave the top layer without fleece and close the previous ones with it. We spray the entire “construction” with varnish.

Who is this method for?: only for owners of thick hair. Sparse hair will not block the bouffant, and it will be visible. With oily, thick hair, this method is also not very good, since the basal volume will not last long. On dry hair, the bouffant will hold on very well, the main thing is not to go overboard with styling products, which can also contribute to drying.

Advantages of bouffant:

  • very easy to do, any girl can handle it
  • does not require expensive tools, appliances and electricity, bouffant can be done anywhere, even on a hike


  • when combed, the hair is very tangled, and it is very difficult to comb them later, you can even damage them when combing
  • if you comb too much, then this “nest” can be noticeable from under the top layer, especially in windy weather
Method 2 - corrugation

It is a little more complicated, but also quite doable at home. Due to small zigzag bends, the strands are superimposed on each other with “gaps”, which creates a basal volume, or even a full volume, if you make a corrugation for the entire length. I have a corrugation with Aliexpress, it copes with the task:

This method is similar to the previous one in execution:

  1. I separate the zone on which I will do the root volume, I stab it.
  2. Starting from the bottom, I separate thin layers of hair with horizontal partings and corrugate them with special tongs at the roots. In this case, an indent of about 1 cm is made from the roots, so as not to damage them and burn the skin. The length of the corrugation itself can be any - from a few centimeters to the entire length. But the more corrugation is made, the more noticeable it will be. For a root volume, 5-7 cm is enough.
  3. I corrugate all the layers of the selected zone, except for the last one, and just like when combing, I put the last layer on top to hide the previous ones.

Who is corrugation suitable for: to everyone who would not fit a bouffant. That is, it will look good on sparse hair, even if it is visible. It will dry out greasy hair a little and due to heat styling, the basal volume will last longer. But the owners of dry hair should not get carried away with the corrugation, so as not to spoil them completely.

Advantages of corrugation:

  • the hair is not tangled, it will be easy to comb it
  • does not require hair styling products
  • even if the wind suddenly blows, and corrugated “peeps out” from under the smooth layer of hair, it will look much nicer than a tangled tangled bouffant.


  • corrugation, like an iron with a curling iron, is harmful to hair due to high temperature
  • waterproof effect. Rain will straighten your hair

Advice: in order not to spoil the hair, shirring after washing your hair on thoroughly dried hair, and do not repeat it until the next wash. Even if during this time the root volume decreases slightly, it is better to lift the strands and sprinkle with varnish at the roots.

Method 3 - hair powder

A styling tool that has appeared relatively recently. It is a fine white powder and in use is very similar to ... baby powder!

Root volume powder is applied to the roots and rubbed into the hair, after which they become stiff and literally “stand with a stake”. This tool (professional line) is often used in the creation of festive and wedding hairstyles. In combination with corrugation and fleece, this is what happens:

The effect of a similar powder from the mass market is much less bright and persistent:

A post shared by Olga Lisa(@okosmeo) on Mar 20, 2017 at 2:59am PDT

Who is powder for basal volume suitable for: owners of fatty roots! In effect, it is very similar to dry shampoo, only with the addition of fixation.

Advantages of hair powder:

  • ease of use
  • reduction of oily roots
  • long-term fixation (for professional products)


  • cheap powders give the effect of dirty hair
  • good powder for basal volume is quite expensive
Method 4 - Bust-Up procedure

This is a salon procedure based on a perm. Her scheme of action is the same as with corrugation, only the effect persists for a long time - until it grows back.

How to do it (I didn’t dare, so the photo is someone else’s):

On the selected zone, a basal chemical or perm is made on very thin bobbins. The length of the curled section of the hair is about 5 cm. The top layer of hair remains without a curl, and no curls are visible under it.

Who is Boost Up for?: owners of fatty roots. This procedure will dry them out. In general, hair for Boost-Up, as well as for chemistry, should be healthy, preferably not bleached and not overdried.

Advantages of Boost-Up:

  • long-term effect that will last for 4-5 months. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every six months.


  • bad for hair. This is the same perm, especially for the small diameter of the bobbin, which makes the creases on the curls more fragile. When repeating the procedure, the curl partially overlaps the previous one, which after several times can lead to brittleness.
  • growing, root chemistry does not go anywhere. The curls will remain in the same place, only they will be more and more separated from the roots.
  • Not cheap. Like any salon procedure, Boost-Up is quite expensive.
Method 5 - braiding or twisting at the roots

If the basal volume with fleece, corrugation or chemistry does not suit you because of the insecurity of these methods, then you can try this method, which is absolutely harmless to hair, but it will take quite a lot of time.

Do this before bed:

  1. We select a zone for creating a root volume in the same way as in the previous methods.
  2. We divide the hair into small strands
  3. We braid each strand at the roots into a short pigtail (4-5 cm) or wind it onto a thin bobbin.

It turns out the same effect as in the previous methods.

Who it suits: those who have a lot of time and patience. Weaving so many small, even short braids is a painstaking task, and personally I have never been able to bring it to the end. And sleeping on bobbins is very uncomfortable.

Advantages of weaving or winding:

  • completely harmless to hair
  • good effect, comparable to professional


  • hard to do it yourself
  • takes a lot of time
  • causes discomfort during sleep
  • the effect is unstable, since there is no thermowave or chemistry
Method 6 - special inserts: rollers and hairpins

Now there are a lot of accessories with which you can make a basal volume at home. In stores, they are inexpensive, and on the Internet (for example, on Aliexpress) they can be bought at all for a penny.

They are used in much the same way:

  1. With a horizontal parting from the temples to the back of the head, we separate the top layer of hair and stab at the crown.
  2. Under this layer on the back of the head we make a small bundle and tightly tie it with an elastic band.
  3. We insert a roller or hairpin above the beam so that the teeth fall behind the elastic.
  4. We dissolve the top layer of hair over the roller and tie it again in the form of a “Malvinka”

It turns out the root volume due to the insertion.

For whom inserts are suitable: everyone, except for owners of rare hair, in which these rollers will be visible. They are also not suitable for lovers of loose hair, because they will not hold on without a “Malvinka”, or at the first gust of wind they will become noticeable. But the ponytail, braid and any high hairstyle with basal volume on the roller will look great.


  • fast, simple, easy to do at home
  • harmless to hair


  • not suitable for loose hair, such rollers are worn only under the hair
  • when you loosen your hair and remove the roller, there is no trace of the basal volume
Method 7 - shampoos and masks for hair volume

Theoretically, the scheme of their action is to envelop each hair with a composition containing silicone, due to which the hair becomes thicker and more voluminous. But I never found a shampoo or mask that would give a real, noticeable result. Therefore, I will not recommend it, because I think this is another deception of money from us, gullible consumers.
