How to glue an air mattress. How to seal a hole in an air mattress: at home and in field conditions, with and without a patch

Do you also have problems with Intex air bed? Or with an air mattress? I think yes. No wonder you opened this page. At first I was also glad that such a one appeared in the house. But then she, too, began to pass air. Slowly at first. Then in the middle of the night I had to get up and pump up. Then during the night I had to do this twice already, otherwise you would wake up lying on a hard floor in the arms of a deflated air bed. Everything ended very badly: the bed was finally "blown away" and removed until better times. When did it start summer season and repair kits for sealing Intex inflatable products appeared on sale, appeared real chance repair our leaky bed. I bought a repair kit and...

Where to buy a repair kit for gluing mattresses and beds Intex

The first place where I saw it for sale was the Sportmaster store. For only 199 rubles, you can buy a repair kit, consisting of a tube and a transparent patch. Good thing I never bought it. Indeed, in the Auchan store, the exact same set costs only 54 rubles:

No matter how much I tried to discern the differences in these products, I could not find it. The kits are identical. Probably, Sportmaster buys kits in Auchan and sells them at four prices.

Returning home, I pulled the long-suffering inflatable bed from the mezzanine, laid it out on the floor and decided to immediately begin repairs. First, I tore off all the previous patches. It’s embarrassing to even admit, but earlier, trying to solve the problem with holes, I sealed them with tape. You know, it didn't make much sense. Moreover, from the adhesive tape on the surface of the bed there was a sticky, viscous glue that was very difficult to remove.

But what was to be done? It was winter outside, repair kits are not sold in winter. This is a seasonal item. Therefore, if you become the proud owner of an inflatable bed or mattress Intex buy one or two repair kit. Who knows when your product will leak, in a year or tomorrow.

Finding old holes in the old places of the bed, I lightly cleaned them with alcohol. If there is no alcohol, vodka will do.

After unpacking the repair kit and reading the instructions, I became thoughtful. At some point, there was even a desire to abandon this whole undertaking, since it was fraught with the most "rosy" consequences if something went wrong. Read what is written about glue:

Can you imagine? Inhale random vapors of glue and that's it! Fatal outcome. Maybe, well, her, this bed. Then I'll try with ordinary rubber glue?

However, curiosity and the desire to solve the problem right now took over. As they say, fly so fly!

How I glued the Intex air bed

To begin with, let's give "praise" to the manufacturer for wrapping the patch material so tightly into a tube.

No matter how long I tried to straighten the material, each time it regularly folded into the same compact roll. Here, you bastards! Just bastards! No, to put two or three bookmarks in a straightened state. After all, the size of the package allows you to do this. In a word, I got angry at the manufacturer and for the second time I wanted to give up what I had planned.

Then, when the surging rage subsided somewhat, he nevertheless cut out a patch right size and prepared for the worst: it's time to open a tube of killer glue.

I didn't even doubt it! The glue in the tube, of course, was under pressure. It was worth piercing the protective membrane, and part of the "magic liquid" immediately appeared partly on the fingers, partly on the floor. But, as the old joke says, "Chukchi is not a fool"! Rubber gloves were prudently put on his hands, and the floor was covered with old newspaper. If not for the gloves, it is still unknown what could have happened. Perhaps you would not be reading this article now and would not have been warned about the insidiousness of vinyl glue :)

Then the most interesting began. It was necessary to somehow manage to smear a patch with dangerous glue, which strove to twist into a roll. I tried on for a long time, but each time I realized that now she, already smeared, would again curl up into a tube and immediately stick together. This will end the game. And no pleasure, except inhaling the fumes of vinyl glue! How can you not be angry at the manufacturer!

Then came the saving thought. What if you glue not a patch, but the very surface of an air bed? Let's try, anyway, otherwise it will not work:

Is it clear now. There was no explosion or other chain reactions. Now quickly apply a patch on top!

Aha! Somewhere already "grabbed"! Quickly grease the rest of the area with glue and press:

This is where things got weird. The corners of the patch suddenly began to curl into reverse side- from the surface of the bed. I had to take action - grease the edges and press them into place.

More than once or twice during this time I again wanted to drop everything and return to the good old rubber glue. The patch turned out terribly ugly. I didn't like it. Moreover, somehow I could not believe that it would hold on and not fall off at the first inflating of the bed.

In a similar way, I glued a couple more patches to the holes in the air bed that I knew. Then, according to the instructions, it was necessary to leave the product for 12 hours for a complete setting.

It's been 12 hours (even a little more)

The sight of the glued patches caused despondency. They looked too primitive. Most likely, all this is an empty idea. But when I tried to pick at the edge of one of them, it turned out to be stuck tightly.

After inflating the air bed, I first left it alone and went about other things. What was my surprise when, after about a couple of hours, I came to the room where the experiment was carried out, and found that the Intex product did not even think to "lower". It looked exactly the same as immediately after pumping.

Deciding to try a more daring experiment (just in time for the afternoon break), I lay down on the bed. When I woke up about an hour later, I noticed that the bed had lost some of its elasticity.

One of the two - either some patch "departed" or there are one or two more "unaccounted" holes.

How to look for holes in an Intex air bed or mattress

This is the longest part of the work, but at the same time the most creative. Find a hole the size of a prick from sewing needle in a huge double air bed It's a whole ritual. I'm not afraid to say that this is an exciting quest for real adventurers!

First, it is worth pumping up the product tightly enough and listening for suspicious hissing from any part of it. Before that, you need to close all windows, doors, turn off all sounding Appliances and remove the headphones from the player from the ears.

Try to listen to the mattress alone. Otherwise, your concentrated look, which is an example of embodied attention, will certainly cause an unhealthy reaction from those present. With their laughter and barbs, they can jeopardize the failure of your mission.

Sometimes just listening is enough to find a leak. However, very small holes are not so detectable.

Another way: drive slowly wet hand above the surface of the inflatable product in the hope of catching a faint stream of air escaping out through the opening. Here you definitely need to be alone in the room. Indeed, from the outside it may seem that you are trying to treat the mattress with your suddenly awakened psychic abilities. Here you can not avoid jokes. Especially if you inadvertently tell someone that this is how you are trying to repair a mattress or bed.

Alas, sometimes neither hearing nor magical passes with hands over the surface of the product help to identify problem area. Then you'll have to move on to Plan B.

Perhaps you remember looking for a puncture in a swim ring or a bicycle tube as a child? Correctly. They were simply lowered under water and watched where the bulbs would come from. But try lowering even the simplest single air mattress into the water, not to mention the huge bed.

Helps soap solution. Armed with a brush, first of all, it is worth "walking" with the solution in all corners, ribs and seams. Look carefully to see if bubbles have begun to inflate in the place where they just smeared. Try to do without witnesses in this case too, because in your work you will resemble an outstanding artist who is concentrating on the next greatest canvas of our time.

If you've gone through all problem areas, but the bubbles were not seen, we begin a total check of the entire surface. You will need a wider brush. For example, painting. This work is quite painstaking and wet, but it is guaranteed to lead to results. The main thing is not to rush.

still exists potential opportunity passing air through the pump valve. There's nothing to be done here. Fate, as you know, will not go far.

The internal partition in the air bed burst

There is another "ambush" that can lie in wait for the owner of an air bed. It's a broken interior wall.

Once, in the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up from some strange and rather loud sound. First thought: the cat is tearing up the air bed with its claws. Is very similar. However, turning on the light, I realized that the beast had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's just that the outermost partition of the bed has burst.

As a result, a slight elevation appeared on one side. It didn't cause much inconvenience. Rather, on the contrary - now there was no fear of falling out of bed during sleep.

About a month later, another one burst - the next from the same edge. The inflatable bed from a double bed turned into some kind of fancy single sofa:

What to do in such cases? I'm afraid to upset you, but the decadent word "nothing" will be the answer. Of course, you can do what real optimists should do: carefully cut the outer shell, carefully glue the inner bulkhead, and then close up the outer cut just as carefully. But at home, only a very determined person can venture into such experiments.

Therefore, it remains only with sadness to observe how the partitions fail one after another. When the last of them will die, the inflatable bed will stop into some strange object, resembling a huge hamburger in shape. I think I have all the prerequisites to follow this process to the end and show you all the stages.


Now I know what to find a small hole in the outer shell and glue an air bed or an Intex mattress quite possible at home without resorting to the services of specialists. I used a branded repair kit for this. Perhaps the same effect can be achieved with ordinary rubber glue and simple patches. It's been almost three weeks since then, and the bed feels good. Of course, once every two or three days it has to be pumped up using the built-in pump, but this is quite normal.

So, if your air bed needs to be pumped more than once a day, you can try to look for a hole and seal it up instead of getting upset over trifles. We know with you nerve cells are not restored.

As for the destruction of the internal partitions ... it remains to be hoped that you will have more luck than me. After all, fixing such a defect will be either impossible or very expensive.

Inflatable furniture is popular due to its convenience, ease of storage and transportation. But over time, holes appear on the mattresses through which air escapes.

You can repair damage on your own at home. Most often, damage is associated with inflating the mattress to the maximum. Manufacturers indicate in the instructions that this is prohibited, but many violate this rule.

  1. Rubber adhesive made from natural rubber Desmokol.
  2. Super Moment Crystal from Henkel.
  3. "Uranus" for rubber boats.

Do not forget that the toxins contained in the adhesives can harm a person and require careful and careful handling.

It is worth remembering that the compositions for working with inflatable products are flammable and there should be no open sources of fire or sparks near you.

How to seal an Intex air mattress

You will need:

  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • rubber patch,
  • glue brush,
  • sandpaper,
  • detergent or shaving foam.


You need to start by looking for damaged areas, it's not easy. Usually holes are left by pets or children who love to jump from the heart.

First of all, you should carefully examine the seams, joints of the surface and internal ribs.

  1. Not in living conditions use the method: lower the inflated mattress into the water and see where the air bubbles will come out.
  2. At home, you can use soap or shaving foam, applying it to possible puncture sites, it will bubble in the air outlet areas.
  3. If it was not possible to find cuts, water with washing liquid is poured into the mattress. From the damaged places, when pressing on the mattress, soapy water will come out with a whistle.
  4. When damage is found, a patch or sticker is applied to the cut.
  5. What glue to glue an air mattress, the craftsmen answer - buy an Intex kit designed for repairing inflatable things, it includes both patching material and glue.

If the cut is at the junction of the seams, then the place is treated with alcohol, and then glued according to the instructions.

But in order not to spoil appearance, glue can be applied from the inside.

  1. The damaged area is pulled out through the valve hole and the patch is fixed from the inside.
  2. It will take a little glue - apply an even layer on the patch and firmly press it to the surface. Leave the mattress to dry for about 12 hours.
We glue the mattress step by step

Another option for the reconstruction of the mattress:

  1. The place of damage is treated with sandpaper.
  2. Then soaked in alcohol.
  3. After that, the size of the patch is selected, glue is applied to it and attached to the cut site. Instead of purchased patches, you can use rubberized materials and polyurethane glue or a compound for working with rubber.
  4. After gluing the patches, the mattress is left under pressure for 24 hours.
  5. Then they inflate and check how reliably it was possible to glue the patch and the cut.

If there are several damages, then they need to be closed in stages, waiting until the previous seam is completely seized. If, after inflation, the air still comes out, then either there are still cuts or the inlet valve is not screwed tightly.

If the problem is in the valve:

  1. To check for problems in the valve hole, shaving foam is poured into the inflated mattress.
  2. It will foam around the valve if it is damaged.
  3. Then the valve is unscrewed and lubricated.
  4. The butt itself is ground and processed silicone grease and put back in place. In case of serious damage to the valve, you will have to contact the workshop.


If you have this question, then with large cuts, punctures, open seams, it is better to call and ask for the help of professionals.

It is difficult to repair seam gaps or damage to internal partitions on your own. Technicians can come to your home and fix the damage on the spot. And if there was a small puncture, cut, you can fix the problem yourself.

There are companies and private craftsmen who specialize in the repair of just such products. You need to call professionals if the seams and cuts are more than five cm, and also the internal partitions have come off.
The master will quickly diagnose and find the places where the air comes from, and they will also be able to seal them in short time. You can give things a second life even with severe cuts and edge damage.

And in order not to have to repair expensive thing, it is important to follow the rules of storage, namely:

  • store deflated, and if the item was used on water, dry thoroughly,
  • for cleaning and washing, use a mild soapy solution without chemical substances and abrasives
  • do not allow pets to things.

Many, buying a mattress, use it for other purposes. Inexpensive products are not designed for swimming, so they can only be used as a replacement for a bed.

Inflate the mattress, remove all sources of noise, and listen carefully. Damage to the mattress may give off a slight whistling sound. For fidelity, the noisy part can be immersed in water: small bubbles will indicate the location of the puncture.

If the previous method did not help, it's time to feel like a real barber. Whisk water in a container detergent and with a brush we apply a thick soapy foam to the surface of the mattress. At the puncture sites, the foam will begin to bubble.

Once you've found the damage, circle it with a pen or crayon so you don't lose it.

How to prepare the surface

Before starting, release all the air from the mattress. Clean the area around the puncture from dust and dirt, degrease the surface with gasoline or alcohol. If a velor or flock covered mattress is to be sealed, it is important to remove the fluff with acetone or fine sandpaper before patching.

How to prepare a patch

Sometimes they come with a mattress special sets for repair. If you don't have one, take pieces of thin rubber from a car tube repair kit or cut a rubber toy. The patch should correspond to the size of the puncture with indents of 2-3 cm and be oval or round shape. Before use, degrease its surface with gasoline or alcohol.

How to seal an air mattress

How to seal a hole in a mattress? Suitable glue for PVC, universal "Moment" or polyurethane shoe glue.

How to do it? We already have a mattress ready for repair and a fat-free patch cut to size. Now apply an even layer of glue to the mattress and patch, wait 5 minutes for the glue to set a little, and combine them. For greater effect, you can put a load on the place of gluing for a day.

What to do if you need to glue the mattress along the seam

If the mattress is torn at the seam, a patch applied to the outside may not help. In this case, it makes sense to seal the mattress from the inside. To do this, pull the damaged area through the valve hole with your hands or a ruler. Then glue the patch (according to the instructions from the previous paragraph) to inside mattress. You can turn the mattress inside out and use it as usual within a day after the glue has completely dried.

How to avoid new damage

In order for the repaired air mattress to please you as long as possible, follow the following simple rules.

  • Before laying the mattress on the floor, grass or sand, inspect the surface for piercing objects.
  • Do not play on the mattress with pets: they can pierce it with their claws or teeth.
  • Do not pull the mattress across the floor if people are lying on it: the seams may disperse.
