Ood for the development of speech. Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech in the preparatory group on the topic: Friendship

Andreeva Ksenia Alexandrovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU DS KV №29
Locality: s.Ateptsevo Naro-Fominsk district M.O.
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech on the topic "My family"
Publication date: 03.10.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Educational area: Speech development.

Type of activity: directly - educational

Age Group: preparatory

Subject: "My a family»

Purpose: To consolidate the idea of family how about the people who live

together, love each other, take care of each other.

Program content

Educational tasks:

Learn to answer questions develop right skills

grammatical structure speeches, learn to tell sequentially,


Enrich students' vocabulary.

Teach children to write an oral story about their family.


- Develop visual and auditory attention: to learn to hear and listen

each other and the teacher;

- Develop logical thinking, through the establishment of pairs of related

relationships (mother - son, grandmother - granddaughter, brother and sister).


positive relationships in family.

Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations.

Vocabulary work: a family, relatives, relatives,

Materials and equipment: pictures for a story, family photos,

The course of activity.

1. Org. moment.

Children become in a circle.


All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Guys, let's greet each other.

Educator: and now we will sit down and listen to a poem.

2. The teacher reads a poem about the family.

« Family is a great happiness

Everyone in the world

Must be mom and dad -

Those who are obedient to all

And the most disobedient.

Everyone in the world

There must be brothers and sisters.

To make life fun

And from smiles motley.

Everyone in the world:

Children, birds, animals,

There must be those who are dear -

darling a family!

Everyone in the world

Must be mom and dad

Family is a great blessing

The best gift!

3. Educator: And who will tell me what this poem is about?

Children: children's answers (about family, mom, dad, etc.)

4. Family talk.

The children are sitting at the tables.

Educator: Tell me, guys, where are you in a hurry in the evening after the children's

Children's answers: home!

Educator: Why?

Children's answers: Because they are waiting for us at home.

Educator: It's good that you all have a family! You are the most

happy children in the world, because in your families love you, fun and

they all live together.

The main thing is that in the family has always had peace friendship, respect, love

to each other. A family may be small - for example, mother and child, but

if they love each other - this is real a family.

Well if big family.

5. Educator: And what is your a family? (question to children)

Children's answers; big, small

6. Educator: And now I offer you talk about your family.

Who wants to talk about their family?

Children use family photos to tell about their loved ones and relatives,

indicating their occupation.

Educator: And who lives in your families?

Children's answers: (mother, grandfather, father, grandmother, brother, sister.)

Teacher: Who can say? what will we call mom, dad, brother, sister

in a word!

Children's answers: a family, parents, relatives.

Educator: who wants to play and say good words about


The game is being played - Didactic game "Pick up signs" Pick up

as many words as possible that will tell about mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother and

Mom (what?) - kind, beautiful, patient, affectionate, gentle:

Dad - strict, smart, strong:

Grandmother - old, gray-haired, sympathetic:

Grandfather - old, wise, gray-haired:

Sister - cheerful, perky, restless, older, younger, little,

Brother - strong, weak, small, big, older, younger,


Educator. Well done.

Teacher: What can mom do?

Children's answers: (sew, cook, wash, wash)

Educator - What can dad do?

Children's answers: (make, saw, dig, build)

7. Fizminutka "Family exercise".

Autumn, spring, summer and winter

We go out into the yard - friendly family.

We stand in a circle, and in order, everyone does exercises.

Mom raises her hands

Dad squats cheerfully

Turns to the right - to the left - makes my brother Seva.

I'm jogging myself and shaking my head.

8. Finger gymnastics (standing)

Raise your left hand with the palm towards you and in accordance with the text of the verse in

bend your fingers in a certain sequence, starting with

ring finger, then the little finger, index finger, middle and thumb.

I know that I have

Friendly at home a family:

This is mom

This is my grandmother.

This is Dad,

This is grandfather.

And we have no discord.

10. Psychogymnastics. "Mom's mood" (performed while sitting on


Guys, I know that all of you love your parents, grandmothers and

grandfathers, brothers and sisters. But, despite this, sometimes you upset them. Now

I will call you the actions of children. If you think it's good

act - raise the sun up and smile, and if it's bad

act - raise the cloud and make a sad face.

The son watered the indoor flowers.

My daughter ate all the porridge.

The boy tore the book.

Guys, what should you do if you tore a book?

The children put the toys away.

The girl broke the cup.

If you accidentally break the dishes, what should you do? (sorry)

The son had a fight in the yard.

How should you play? (unanimously) And if you don't like something? (necessary

negotiate or seek help from an adult)

The daughter washed the dishes.

The boy wiped off the dust.

And now let's play the game "Who are the members of the family related to each other?"(With

Boy for dad and mom who?

A boy for grandparents?

A girl for mom and dad?

A girl for grandparents?

Dad for grandparents?

Mom for grandparents?

Who is the boy for the girl in the family?

Who is the girl for the boy in the family? (Answers of children).

Educator. What good fellows you all are! They spoke so well about their families!

And the questions were answered correctly. Yes guys, the family can be big and

friendly. The main thing in the family has always been love and respect for each other.

Educator. And now the game is called.

Now let's play a game of which of these people is not


Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Mom, neighbor, grandmother, sister

Grandmother, friend, sister, mother

Sister, seller, grandmother, brother

Janitor, dad, brother, grandfather.

Educator: so why does a person need a family?

Children: to be pitied, praised, loved, helped, cared for.

Educator: How do you think people should treat each other in

Children: in the family they must respect each other, protect, care for, love,

care about each other.

Educator: guys, you are all great, you know everything about the family and

relatives! Let's play with you?

caregiver: and now imagine that you are going to visit

grandma and grandpa. And grandpa and grandma will definitely cook for you


Game "Guess what"

Cooked from fruits - (fruit compote)

Will make from vegetables - (vegetable salad)

They will bake from flour - (delicious pies, pancakes)

Educator: Who's to say what is a family?

Children: a family are adults and children who live together, love each other

and take care of each other.

Consolidation of the studied topic


1. Who warms with love

Everything in the world succeeds

Even play a bit?

Who will always comfort you

And wash and comb,

Kiss on the cheek - smack?

This is how she always is

My. dear!

2. Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

Having fallen from a great, do not whine,

And scratched my knee

Don't cry? Of course, …

3. fragrant jam,

pies for treats,

delicious pancakes

At the beloved. (grandmothers)

4. He did not work out of boredom,

He has callused hands

And now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved. (grandfather)

5. Who will solve the riddles

He recognizes his relatives:

Someone mom, someone dad,

Who is a sister or brother,

And to know you grandfather and grandmother -

You don't need to think at all!

All relatives with whom you live,

Even an uncle or aunt

Surely you friends

Together you are one ... ( a family)

Educator: and I, in turn, want to wish you to have a strong,

friendly, loving family, where they will always support, accept and understand.

Thank you for your active participation and see you again, children!

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten No. 32 "Bead"


senior caregiver

G.N. Ivanova

Synopsis of OOD on speech development.


(second junior group



teacher Alimulaeva E.A.

Conducted on April 26, 2017

g.o. Khimki 2017

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development".

Target : the formation of a sound culture of speech in children.


Educational: to exercise children to clearly pronounce the sounds [s] and [h] in isolation and in different parts of words, to contribute to the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech.

Developing: to promote the development of speech breathing, articulatory motility; develop imagination.

Educational: foster a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to help others.

Material and equipment : a bunny toy, a basket, toys whose names contain the sounds Z-S (elephant, plane, bus, wasp, fox, bunny, pig, dog), a subject picture of a mosquito, stickers with the image of the sun for each child.

preliminary work : examining subject pictures, in the name of which there are sounds Z-S, memorizing words for the outdoor game "Sun and Rain", create in the group the necessary conditions for the lesson.

Methods and techniques (during the OD): surprise moment, didactic game, outdoor game, articulation gymnastics, teacher's story, looking at the picture, explanation, finger gymnastics.

The course of educational activities :

Organizing time

Educator. - In the morning the kids got up,

Everyone is in kindergarten.

You are welcome as always.

We have guests here since morning,

Say hello friends!

Introduction .

Educator - Guys, do you want to play? I suggest you play with the tongue.

(articulation gymnastics)

Show your tongue. He went out for a walk. And we will play with him: 1-“Tube” (Pull out the tongue and turn it into a tube), 2-“Sausage” (raise the tongue up and turn it inward), 3-“Watch” (pulling out the tongue, turn it out, 4- “Balls” (we push the cheek with the tongue left and right), 5- “Horses” (click with the tongue), 6- “Cars” (we depict the motor of the car with our lips), 7- “Offended” (frowned our brows, twisted the lower lip), 8- “Air kiss” (kissing the palm, we send a kiss), “Bubble” (we take air into our mouth and hold it).

Main part.

The teacher's story.

And now I will tell you a story that happened to the tongue: Once the tongue met the Mosquito. “Excuse me, do you like to sing? - the tongue asked. “Of course, of course,” the mosquito nodded, “We mosquitoes are good singers. Our songs are beautiful and sonorous and sang "Z-z-z." "Z-z-z" - tried the Tongue. At first, Tongue was difficult, because the song of the mosquito was unfamiliar to him, but then he learned. Would you like to sing a mosquito song? Let's try to slowly "Z-z-z". Children try to sing a song. Choral and individual singing (5-6 people optional). Guys! But mosquitoes are also different, both large and small. Here is a big mosquito sings such a song: "Zoo-zu-zu." Repeat with me. Children repeat with the teacher. And the little mosquito sings this song: "Zi-zi-zi." Repeat with me. Now, who wants to sing the song of the big mosquito or the little one? Children take turns singing a song of a big and a small mosquito.

There is a knock on the door. -Who came to us?

Yes, it's Bunny who came to visit us. Hello Zainka!

Hello! (Children greet the hare)

Where did I get to?

To the kindergarten "Bead" (children answer)

Oh, it's great that I got to the kindergarten, I really want to play with my new toys. Will you play with me?

The bunny takes out her toys from the basket one at a time, the children call them (elephant, bus, wasp, fox, dog, etc.). At the same time, the teacher monitors the correct pronunciation of the children.

Didactic game "What's gone"

Educator. - And now Zainka you play with us our favorite game "Sun and Rain".

The outdoor game "Sun and rain" is held.

Bunny says goodbye and says that it is time for him to return. As a token of gratitude that the guys played with him, he gives everyone a sticker with the image of the sun.

Final part

I am very interested to know what new, interesting things you learned today?

And now, let's remember what we did. Let's remember the song of the mosquito. And whose song do you prefer the big or the small mosquito?

What did you like playing Misha the most? And you, Alena?

Well done!

Dear colleagues, I will be glad to every comment and wish!

Gafiyatullina Liliya Rafailovna
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 63"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-09 Synopsis of OOD in the senior group for literacy and speech development on the topic "Autumn Grammar" Gafiyatullina Liliya Rafailovna MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 63" Your attention is presented with a summary of an integrated lesson on teaching literacy and speech development

Synopsis of OOD in the senior group for literacy and speech development on the topic "Autumn Grammar"

Synopsis of integrated organized educational activities

literacy and speech development

(final integrated lesson)

Class type: cognition (literacy, speech development)

Lesson type: subgroup

Topic:"Autumn Grammar"

Target: to generalize, consolidate and systematize the ideas of children about autumn and the sounds passed.

Program content:

Educational tasks:

  • generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn;

to consolidate the passed sounds, to be able to select words for them, the ability to divide words into syllables.

Development tasks:

  • develop visual-figurative thinking;
  • continue to develop memory, speech;
  • develop observation, the ability to compare, generalize;
  • develop coherent speech;
  • develop the ability to perform various game tasks;
  • develop communication skills, the ability to communicate with adults and peers;
  • health-saving: to promote the preservation and promotion of health;
  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Educational tasks:

  • cultivate a desire to observe the beauty of nature;
  • to cultivate the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty of native nature, love for it;

to cultivate communication skills, to promote the manifestation of activity,

  • educate the ability to independently complete tasks;

to cultivate goodwill, a sense of empathy for those who need help;

To cultivate independence, to encourage initiative.

Expected result: children name the distinctive signs of autumn, divide words into syllables, communicate with each other and with adults; actively participate in OOD, showing interest and initiative.

Activities: productive, communicative, playful.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal (questions to children, repetition and clarification, reminder, encouragement, description);

Visual (multimedia presentation);

Practical (looking at pictures depicting autumn, dividing words into syllables, drawing elements of letters);

Game (game plot);

·Methods of control (analysis of completed tasks, children's self-assessment of the results of activities).

Vocabulary work: activate children's vocabulary with adjectives, nouns, verbs.

Equipment: children's chairs - 4, a magnetic board (1 pc.), magnets, a table for benefits-1, a model of trees (maple, 2 spruces).

Demo material: subject pictures of ducks, needles, oranges, raspberries, autumn, pictures with signs of autumn, a picture with a task to determine the number of syllables, autumn leaves, split letters A, O, U, I, s, M

Handout: pictures with drawing elements of letters, felt-tip pens, simple pencils (4 pcs.)

Preliminary work of teachers:

Compiled a summary, prepared demonstration and handout material.

Preliminary work with children:

  • Watching nature change in autumn
  • Walking around the kindergarten
  • Acquaintance with vowels, exercises for selecting words with a given sound and dividing words into syllables,
  • speaking tongue twisters,

Conversation about autumn, making simple sentences,

  • Reading fiction.

Individual work in class:

Observe the behavior of hyperactive children;

Organization of the lesson:

Throughout the lesson, children complete tasks that are located throughout the classroom.

Lesson structure:

Ⅰ Organizational moment - 1.5 min.

1. Entry of children into the group. - 0.5 min.

2. Game "Yes-no" - 1 min.

Ⅱ Main part – 15 min.

1. Conversation about the signs of autumn.

2. View presentation.

3. The game "Catch the sound."

4. Physical education "Hares"

5. Game to determine the first sound.

7. The task "The letters are broken."

Ⅲ Concluding part - 4 min.

Distribution of meals. Summary of the lesson.

OOD progress:

I. Org.moment

Let's play the yes or no game:
Do flowers bloom in autumn?
Do mushrooms grow in autumn?
Clouds cover the sun?
Do fogs float in autumn?
Do the bugs come?
Animals mink close?
Is everyone harvesting?
Are the birds flying away?
Does it rain often?
Do we get boots?
Is the sun very hot?
Can children sunbathe?
Well, what should be done?
Jackets, hats to wear?

II. Main part.

It's time to say goodbye to autumn. And let's remember what autumn is? (season). After what time does it come? (after summer). Name the autumn months. What signs of autumn do you know? (the sun shines, but does not warm, the sky is gray and gloomy, it often rains, it gets cold, birds fly away to warm lands, animals prepare for winter, leaves turn yellow and fall).

- Now tell me, guys, autumn is sad. Why? (it gets cold, it often rains and therefore it is not always possible to walk, the leaves fall and the trees stand bare, the grass turns yellow and dries up).

And autumn is good. Why? (The trees are beautiful, with colorful leaves, there are leaf fall, there are a lot of mushrooms, berries in the forest, they harvest, you can play with leaves, make crafts from vegetables, natural material).

- Do you like autumn? (but why? What is autumn now? (late autumn). How did you guess?

Late autumn is not yet winter,

But light snow covers the houses.

The branches sparkle with white fluff,

Light and bright outside our window.

It is important that a crow walks in the snow,

And he revolts the sparrows,

How to look for crumbs and grains on the ground,

You can’t get them, because it’s not the time for winter!

Do not be angry in vain, my sparrows,

Snow often melts in November, baby,

Just winter helmet reminder:

I'll be back soon, no goodbye!

Let's try to talk about autumn together

But in order for you to tell us beautifully and correctly, our assistant scheme will help us with this. Let me remind you that in the diagram, each window helps to tell about one thing that is connected with autumn phenomena, and together you get one big and beautiful story:

* the first window is the sun. Who can say how the sun warms and illuminates the earth in autumn? (in early autumn, the sun still shines brightly, but it is not as hot as in summer, and in late autumn, the sun no longer rises so high and does not warm the earth with its warmth).

* the second window is the sky. What can you say about the autumn sky? (in early autumn the sky is still blue, but clouds appear, it drizzles, and in late autumn the sky is low, gloomy, overcast, it rains more often, the wind is colder, there are even slight frosts at night, and fog in the mornings).

* the third and fourth window - the earth and trees. What happens to the grass and trees in autumn? (In early autumn, the grass turns yellow and gradually disappears, the flowers wither, the leaves on the trees turn yellow first at the tops, where the air is colder, and then on the lower branches, in golden autumn all the trees put on their bright outfit: birches and lindens turn yellow, aspens turn red, and in late autumn the leaves from the trees completely fly around, only the Christmas trees to the pines are green).

* the fifth window is the clothes of people. How are people dressed in autumn? (gradually people dress warmer and warmer - put on jackets, raincoats, boots in rainy weather, often take an umbrella with them from the rain).

* the sixth and seventh window - changes in the life of animals and birds. Tell me what you know about it. (in autumn, wild animals prepare for winter: the hare changes its gray coat to a white one to hide from the fox in the snow, the squirrel also changes the color of its coat so that it is not noticeable among the trees and stores nuts, mushrooms and berries for the winter, the hedgehog goes to bed until spring itself; and birds fly away to warmer climes, only wintering birds remain - sparrows, crows, titmouse, crossbills). ,

* the eighth window - games and activities for children in the fall. What do we do in autumn? (In autumn, schoolchildren go to school; in early autumn, children help adults to harvest in gardens and orchards; in kindergarten, on a walk, we collect beautiful autumn leaves in bouquets to decorate the group; we make bird feeders for the winter).

The story is very interesting, thank you.

- Guys, look what is on the table? (Leaves). When the leaves turn yellow, what happens to them? Fall off. They slowly spin and fall to the ground. What is the name of this natural phenomenon? (Leaf fall). Tell me, do all the trees fall leaves in autumn?

What kind of coniferous trees do you know? Name and explain why leaves do not fall from coniferous trees? What is another name for needles in coniferous trees?

Autumn is an amazing time of the year. Fruits ripen in the gardens, vegetables in the beds. Let's see what has grown on the tree (Letters).. Name them. (children's answers). Are they vowels or consonants? (vowels). What else can you say about them? (they are singing, lingering, they can stand at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word). What other sounds are there? (consonants). Why are they called that? What sound does not occur at the beginning of words?

What sound does the word autumn begin with? (O). What sound is he?

Let's play the game "Catch the sound". I will pronounce a series of sounds, and you clap your hands when you hear the sound U. And, A, U, A, U, S, I, A, U .... Well done!

Let `s have some rest.


We kick top top,

We clap-clap with our hands,

One-there, two-here,

Turn around yourself.

One-sit down, two-stand up,

Everyone raised their hands up.

One, two, one, two

It's time for us to get busy.

- There are pictures on the board. You must find out what sound they start with and connect with this sound.(Children do the task). What sound does not occur at the beginning of words? (Sound Y).

- Guys, what happens when the sounds are combined? (children's answers). Syllables.

The game "color as many circles as syllables"

- Prepared another task "The letters are broken." On the table you have strips of paper where vowels are written, but they “broke”. Take felt-tip pens and "fix" them.

(Children take felt-tip pens and draw lines to unfinished letters).

III. Final part.

- This is the end of our lesson. What season are we talking about today? What sounds do we already know. A lot of them. In the next lesson, we will get acquainted with other sounds. Autumn has left treats for you.

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Synopsis of OOD on the development of coherent speech in the senior group

Topic: "Household appliances"

Program tasks: correctional and educational: To consolidate children's knowledge about household appliances and its purpose; about the color, size, shape and usefulness of individual devices of modern household appliances;

Activate the vocabulary of children on the topic "Household appliances", improve the grammatical structure (practical use of prepositions, word formation), teach children to compose a story according to a scheme, develop coherent speech of children;

correctional-developing: develop attention, memory, thinking, coordination of speech with movement;

correctional and educational: educate the ability to carefully handle household appliances.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting household appliances, the “Apartment” panel, a doll, symbols of prepositions, plot pictures, diagrams for making sentences.

1. Organizational moment.

So guys let's start withlessons with kind words . Look at each other, smile and wish good morning.

2.Introduction to the topic.

Q: Guys, do you remember the fairy tale "Cinderella"? /Exposes the image of Cinderella on the easel. / The poor girl was very tired, because she herself did all the homework.

D: She washed the dishes, heated the stove with wood, swept the floor, washed the clothes.

Q: Let's remember what helper items helped her in her work? (A cast-iron iron, a broom, a rag, a bucket, + other off-topic items.) The teacher puts the necessary pictures on the easel, names the items, what work they do.

Q: What do you think would make Cinderella's job easier?

Children: Cinderella could use household appliances.

Q: What is home appliances?

D: Household appliances are appliances, devices that help a person in life, in everyday life. It was created to make our lives easier.

3. Exercise "What are household appliances for?"

What is an iron for? (kettle, refrigerator, TV, vacuum cleaner, etc.)

4. Game "Wizard" (compilation of short descriptive stories).

Q: Household appliances are of great help to people, but Cinderella has no household appliances. Let's help Cinderella learn as much as possible about household appliances?

Speech therapist: Cinderella, we decided to help you to make your work easier. What is it? And we will teach you how to use it. The guys will “turn” into household appliances and talk about them, and such a scheme will help them in this - a support.

5. Consideration of the device description scheme: for example, I'm a washing machine - I'm big, electric, people need me to wash clothes. etc.).

6. Fizminutka.

No, you don't have to hunch your back

Over the trough day after day -
Because the washing machine
Instantly cope with linen.

Roll over, cross over, wash over, over steam,

Rinse, squeeze...

Get it, here!

6. Drawing up a descriptive story by children.

Children take it in turns to write a story.

V: Well done. Let's call Cinderella with you, safety rules with electrical appliances (Children call the rules)

IX .Reflection

What were they talking about today? What do you remember the most? What was difficult? What was the most interesting? I want to say thank you to all the guys. I really liked your stories.

You helped me learn Cinderella about different household appliances.

Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech in the preparatory group. Topic: "Books are our friends"

Purpose: for preschool teachers
1. Continue to develop in children the ability to make reasoning, observing the structure of this type of text. Teach children how to write an advertisement, including a description of the subject.
2. To consolidate the idea of ​​the genres of literary works.
3. Exercise in the ability to understand and explain the figurative meaning of phraseological units.
4. Cultivate a respectful, caring attitude towards books.

A chest with a key, cards with the name of the genre, a large sheet of paper for writing the rules for caring for books, an exhibition of books, an advertising scheme.

Lesson progress:

Pay attention, guys, to this casket. What's in it, I don't know. It's closed. And to open this chest, you need a key. The key is not easy, the key of knowledge. If during the lesson you cope with all the tasks, you will be able to get the key and open the casket and find out what is in it.
"The nut of knowledge is hard,
Well, we're not used to backing down
Help us break it down
Desire: "We want to know everything!"
Let's start with a riddle:
"Not a bush, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but sewn.
Not a person, but tells.
What is it?" (Book)
- Yes, it's a book. The book is the greatest miracle in the world. You already got acquainted with the history of the appearance of books. You know that each book has come a long and difficult way before getting into your hands. Do you think books should be protected? Why?
- You know, there are guys, and some adults, who don't know how to handle books. I suggest you come up with rules for caring for books and write them down. We will hang them in the kindergarten so that everyone knows how to properly handle books. Guys, each rule is one sentence. (Children make up the rules).
- Guys, what are the books? (For children and adults).
What is the difference between children's books and adult books?
- I know that fairy tales are printed in children's books. And what other literature is printed for children? (Stories, fables, riddles, poems, teasers, proverbs, etc.).
What is the difference between a fairy tale and a story?
How is a story different from a poem?
- What is the difference between a tongue twister and a proverb?
What is the difference between a teaser and a riddle?
- Guys, I will read you excerpts from various works, and you must determine what it is: a poem, a fairy tale or something else. Support your answer with evidence as to why you think so. (Educator, children argue their guesses).
- Well done! I think that you will be able to cope with the next task. I have prepared cards for you. Each card has one word: a fairy tale, a story, a poem, a riddle, a teaser, a tongue twister, a proverb. You need to remember or come up with what you will get.
- Guys, today we have an exhibition of books. The books are all interesting and good. I have read each of them cover to cover. Is it possible to say so: "I read it from cover to cover." (Answers of children).
- Yes, you can say that. This means reading the book carefully from beginning to end.
Let's get back to our book show. Imagine that you are sales representatives of the Press House. You need to profitably sell books, and for this you need effective and interesting advertising. Now we will learn how to come up with advertising books. What do you think needs to be said?
- You need to tell about the title of the book, the author. What kind of binding: soft or hard? What is in the book? (Fairy tale, story or poem). Can you give a short story of who the main character is?
- What words can you start advertising with?
- What words to finish?
- I suggest you choose a book for advertising. Examine her carefully. When advertising a story, you can use a diagram.
I suggest: Book - Title - Author - Binding: M or T - Tales? - About what? - Heroes!
(Analysis of the resulting advertisements).
- Well, you coped with all the tasks, it's time to open the casket. (Children open the chest, there are gifts for children in it - books).
