What animals are considered the most intelligent on Earth? Our smaller brothers - the rating of the smartest living creatures on the planet.

There are a huge number of beautiful animals on our planet. Scientists and experts have been trying for a long time to determine which of them is the smartest.

10th place: rats

Mankind has been at war with rats for centuries, but we cannot win. Some biologists believe that gray rats have a collective mind that controls the actions of each individual. This hypothesis explains a lot: both the speed with which gray rodents dealt with other species, and their success in the fight against humans.
We may hate these gray rodents, but when you recognize their abilities, a sense of respect involuntarily arises. The rat is a real superorganism, able to live and thrive in almost any conditions, the vitality of which has been worked out for 50 million years.

9th place: octopuses

The octopus is one of the most intelligent sea creatures. They can play, recognize different shapes and patterns (such as colored light bulbs), solve puzzles, navigate mazes, and have short-term and long-term memory. As a sign of respect for the mind of octopuses, in some countries of the world even laws have been passed requiring the use of anesthesia before performing operations on them.
Octopuses are very curious, which is usually associated with intelligence. In nature, they sometimes build their shelter houses from stones - this also indicates a certain intellectual level.
Various experiments show that octopuses have an excellent memory. And the “intelligence” of an animal is primarily determined by the ability of its brain to remember experience. When everything is in order with memory, the next step is ingenuity, which helps to draw conclusions from the experience gained.

8th place: pigeons

Pigeons can be found in large numbers in all major cities, and most of us consider these birds to be "bad" creatures that get in the way. But numerous scientific experiments show that these are very smart birds. For example, pigeons can remember and recognize hundreds of different images over the years.
A group of scientists from the Japanese university Keio University as a result of experiments showed that rock doves are able to recognize themselves in the mirror better than small children. Prior to these studies, it was believed that only humans, primates, dolphins and elephants had such abilities.
The useful skills of pigeons have always been valued. For example, the ability of these birds to find their way home and their fast flight made it possible to use them to transmit mail.

7th place: squirrels

One of the well-known distinguishing features of squirrels is their ability to store nuts for the winter. Squirrels do not hibernate and must find up to 3,000 hidden nuts to survive. They bury some types of nuts in the ground, others are hidden in the hollows of trees. This work requires incredible effort.
Thanks to their phenomenal memory, squirrels can remember the location of a nut 2 months after it was buried. Fantastic!
Squirrels have their thieves, too, who decide not to forage for nuts, but wait and watch from ambush until other squirrels begin to bury their winter diet. But for every action there is a counter-action. If the squirrel notices that they are starting to follow it, it pretends to bury the writing. While the thief is wasting time on the empty hole, the squirrel moves his nut to another, more secret location. Isn't this the best proof that squirrels have intelligence?
Studies show that squirrels have excellent spatial orientation, and already from the ground they can see which hole leads to nuts. Proteins without hesitation fit into the right hole leading to food.

6th place: pigs

Some scientists argue that the intelligence of a pig is about the same as that of a three-year-old child. Due to their high intelligence, pigs are highly susceptible to stress. Pigs are very attached to their mothers, and if they are separated, especially at an early age, they experience this very painfully: the piglet does not eat well and loses a lot of weight. No wonder Academician Pavlov stated that the pig is the most nervous of the animals surrounding a person.
In terms of learning ability, pigs are at least at the level of cats and dogs, and often surpass them. Even Charles Darwin believed that pigs were at least as intelligent as dogs.
Various studies have been conducted on intelligence among pigs. In one test, a feeder was connected to a computer. A cursor was displayed on the monitor screen, which could be moved with a joystick. Also, a special area was depicted on the monitor: if you get into it with the cursor, the feeder automatically opens and feed is poured out. Surprisingly, the pigs were perfectly controlled with the Piglet joystick and moved the cursor to the right place! Dogs cannot repeat this experiment and lose here to pigs in intelligence.

5th place: crows

Crows are extremely intelligent animals. Scientists believe that their ability for analytical thinking is not inferior to those of higher primates.
Crows understand better than many people what red and green lights mean when crossing the street. Crows living in the city collect nuts from trees and place them on the roadway under the wheels of passing cars to open the shells. Then they wait patiently, waiting for the light they need, return to the road and collect their shelled nuts. An impressive example of innovation in the animal world! The important thing is not that the crows have learned to do this, something else is important. This method was first seen in crows about 12 years ago in Tokyo. After that, all the crows in the area adopted this method. Crows learn from each other - it's a fact!
Another example is from Sweden. The researchers noticed that the crows wait for the fishermen to throw their lines into the water, and when they leave, the crows flock, reel in the line and eat the fish that was the bait.

4th place: elephants

Elephants are animals that are good at showing their emotions, both positive and negative. Their "facial expressions" are made up of movements of the head, ears and trunk, with which the elephant can express all sorts of, often subtle, shades of good or bad mood.
Elephants are extremely caring and sensitive to other members of their group, as well as to other animal species, which is considered a highly advanced form of intelligence. For example, elephants feel very deeply the loss of someone from the herd. They can gather near a dead body for several days. Cases of "burials" have been recorded, when elephants covered their dead comrades with a layer of vegetation.
Elephants have an incredibly good memory. A person who treated them well or badly, elephants remember all their lives. There are many examples when the owner offended the elephant, and only years later the elephant took revenge on him, and sometimes even killed him.

3rd place: orangutans

Great apes are considered the most intelligent creatures on Earth after humans. Of course, people are biased in this matter, but the mental capabilities of great apes are hard to deny.
Orangutans have a high culture and strong social bonds. Females stay with their children for many years, teaching them everything they need to survive in the forest. For example, orangutans cleverly use leaves as umbrellas from the rain, or memorize places where trees bear fruit at different times of the year. By the age of 10 years, an orangutan can taste and identify more than 200 species of various edible plants.
Greater primates, such as chimpanzees and orangutans, are able to recognize themselves in the mirror, while most animals react to their image in the mirror as a different individual.
If intelligence is defined as the ability to solve various problems, then orangutans in this sense have no equal in the animal world.

2nd place: Dolphins

Like other most intelligent animals, female dolphins stay with their children for many years, passing on their knowledge and experience to them. Much of the behavior of dolphins is passed down "through generations".
Dolphins can use tools, which we know is a sign of intelligence. So, the researchers observed a female dolphin who taught her dolphins to search for food by first putting a sea sponge on their nose so as not to get hurt and get burned by a stone fish that has poisonous spikes on its back.
Dolphins are very social animals. They are characterized by self-consciousness and division into separate individuals, who, moreover, think about the future. Research shows that the "society" of dolphins has a complex social structure and consists of individuals who cooperate with each other to solve complex problems, obtain food, and so on. In addition, dolphins pass on new behavioral traits and acquired skills to each other.
Dolphins have very well developed imitation behavior. They easily remember and repeat the actions of both their fellows and other individuals from the animal world.

1st place: chimpanzee

These great apes are leaders in the use of tools. So, during observations of chimpanzees in the savannah in the southeast of Senegal, more than 20 cases of the use of 26 different tools by these animals, from stone hammers to sticks for picking out termites, were recorded.

But the most striking thing was to observe the manufacture and use of half-meter spears. Chimpanzees not only broke off branches of the required length and thickness, but also cleaned them of leaves and smaller branches, peeled off the bark, and even sometimes sharpened the tip of the tool with their teeth.

Another impressive example of the presence of intelligence in chimpanzees. When scientists set the task for the monkeys - to get a nut from the bottom of a firmly fixed plastic test tube - some of the monkeys (14 out of 43 individuals) guessed that if you take water from the tap into your mouth and spit it out into a narrow neck, then the nut will rise to the surface. 7 chimpanzees brought this task to a victorious end and got to the nut. In addition to chimpanzees, researchers at the Uganda Monkey Sanctuary and the Leipzig Zoo have done similar experiments on gorillas. However, none of the gorillas managed to bring the nut to the surface by transferring water in their mouths from a faucet to a test tube.
Moreover, in this matter, chimpanzees turned out to be smarter than children. The scientists conducted the same experiment with several groups of children: 24 children of four years of age and the same number of children of six and eight years. Only instead of a tap, the children were given watering cans so that they would not have to carry water with their mouths. The results of four-year-old children were worse than those of chimpanzees: only two out of 24 coped with the task. The highest percentage of success, as expected, was in children of 8 years old: 14 out of 24.

Man is accustomed to consider himself the most intelligent creature on Earth. Despite his very weak physical abilities, he manages the lion's share of the land and makes attempts to "enslave" the oceans. As for animals, their importance has been downplayed, allegedly due to their lack of intelligence. But do not underestimate the mental abilities of our smaller brothers, because some of them are not as stupid as they seem at first glance.

Although animals do not have enough intelligence to call them "intelligent", some of them are definitely smarter and smarter than others. For example, pigs. They are easy to learn, have excellent memories, and perform well on intelligence tests.

A certain level of intelligence has been seen in parrots, in particular, in grays. Yes, in most cases they simply repeat the sounds they hear without understanding their meaning, but this is due to a lack of proper training. It has been proven that they are able to associate words with the objects they designate, as well as to perceive the concept of shape, color, serial number.

Squirrels are not only smart, but also cunning. They learned long ago that man is a source of food. If you once fed a squirrel, then it is likely that the next day it will be waiting for you at the same place, “recognizes” and takes food again. Moreover, she will take as much as you give - she simply hides the remnants of food, remembering the “hiding place”.

"Man's best friend" - a dog - is a very intelligent creature. With proper training, she is able to understand 250 words and gestures, count to five, and perform simple mathematical operations. It is worth mentioning that the smartest dog breed is poodles.

Of course, this rating could not do without seals. Domestic cats are very smart - their main sign of intelligence is the ability to adapt. Moreover, if your murka does not follow the command that you taught her, then this does not mean that she has forgotten it. Rather, she simply does not want to do it: the ability to say “no” is also a sign of intelligence and willpower.

There are legends about the mind of ravens - these birds are able to do incredible things to get to food, for example, crack a nut, placing it under the wheels of a car, etc. When scientists decided to check whether the raven was really endowed with intelligence, they began to give the bird water to drink from a deep jug, which he could not reach with his beak. The test raven thought of throwing various objects into the container so that the water level would rise. In general, these birds will definitely find a way out of any situation!

Here's who you hardly expected to see in this rating, so it's octopuses! These marine invertebrates are endowed with a very impressive brain relative to body weight. They are trainable, have a good memory, distinguish geometric shapes, recognize people, get used to those who feed them. Some mystics believe that octopuses are able to predict the future: what is the epic with Paul, the “football oracle”, worth.

Elephants open the top three "smartest" animals. They recognize themselves in a mirror image, which is considered a sign of self-awareness, they have excellent long-term memory and orientation to the terrain, they know how to use tools (for example, branches as “fly swatters”), they distinguish many sounds, and most importantly, they are very susceptible to the death of their fellows. These giants know how to draw conclusions and empathize!

Chimpanzees, especially bonobos, are very intelligent creatures and are the closest relatives of humans in the animal kingdom. Although chimpanzees cannot speak due to the structure of the vocal apparatus, they are able to communicate with their hands in sign language, use words in a figurative sense, and create new concepts by combining known words. They are able to make tools (clear sticks from leaves, sharpen sticks and stones) and have a sense of humor. If you put a chimpanzee cub and a child next to each other, then up to 2 years old you will not find any intellectual difference between them (sometimes a chimpanzee turns out to be even smarter).

Perhaps the most powerful among the animals endowed with dolphins. And no wonder! The brain of a dolphin weighs about 1,700 g, while that of a person weighs 1,400 g, while the dolphin has twice as many convolutions in the cerebral cortex as a human. According to the latest scientific data from cognitive ethology and animal psychology, dolphins not only have a "vocabulary" (up to 14,000 audio signals) that allows them to communicate with each other, but also have self-awareness, "social consciousness" and emotional empathy. Moreover, each dolphin has its own name, to which it responds when relatives address it! Obviously, humans are not the only "intelligent" beings, except perhaps a lot more aggressive.

Reading time: 10 min.

A person has the ability to develop, solve logical problems and express himself in creativity. Humans are inherently self-aware, thoughtful, and sensitive, and have the ability to show mercy and empathy to others. We can lie or tell the truth. We use language as a tool to express our thoughts. All of these factors may be signs of intelligence. Science has not yet defined intelligence as a term, but in general it confirms that humanity is intelligent. But among the representatives of the fauna there are many other animals that are in no way inferior to humans in intellectual development. Our Big Rating magazine has compiled a list for you - the smartest animals in the world.

This eternal companion of all civilizations is perceived as a distributor of epidemics and has a very bad reputation. But all rat breeders can unanimously declare that their pets are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet. A study at the University of Guelph, in Ontario, confirmed that although a rat cannot solve a cognitive problem and use a strategy that is inherent in a person, it thinks quite well by the standards of the animal world. The rat quickly navigates in an unfamiliar room and communicates with other rats using ultrasound, which is often inaccessible to predators. At the same time, in their "language" they distinguish between many signals that can be given in a different range. Mutual assistance is inherent in a flock of rats. If there is new food in front of a flock of rats, then first one of them will try it, and then they wait for several days. If nothing happened to the rat that tried the new food, then the pack also begins to try the new food.

If we compare the crow with other birds, it has the largest brain in terms of volume, if you do not take into account a couple of species of exotic parrots. The crow is so smart that it can recognize a person by sight and hide its supplies from other birds. These are the only birds that consciously use a wide variety of objects in order to achieve their goal (for example, they get an insect from under the bark of a tree with a twig). It is also often possible to observe how a raven breaks a nut, dropping it from a height to the ground. Also, the raven can use stone and pebbles to repel the attack of predators. The "language" of this bird is very rich: crows have special signals to care for each other during the mating season, gather in a flock, swear, signal danger, communicate with chicks and threaten each other.

The cow seems to be a calm and even slightly melancholic creature. But in fact, she lives a very rich and complex emotional life. Science says that a cow distinguishes between friendly creatures and enemies that she shuns. This animal is able to feel very complex emotions, she is afraid, and sometimes even worried about her future life, given her past experience.

Of course, the pig is far from the smartest animal in the world, but it is one of the most underestimated and unfairly ranked as “dirty”. The pig's toilet is very far from the place where she sleeps and eats, the farmers just do not give her such an opportunity. The pig is a very smart, playful and socially active animal. The pigs get together to eat and play, they even sleep together. To communicate in the lexicon of a pig, there are twenty signals that it uses in a certain situation. It is a curious fact that even a newly born pig can perceive and understand what his mother wanted to tell him. Science says that a pig has a lot of cognitive energy, even more than a dog and a human cub.

The most intelligent and sensitive creature among invertebrates. It is the only invertebrate that easily uses tools for defense. Young octopuses adopt the habits of old ones and develop their own life experience. The octopus can transform its body and change shape so that predators do not touch it. An octopus easily finds a shelter for itself and can even make it on its own from what it finds near it - it can be a stone, a shell or an edible crab shell. The octopus simply collects all these materials and makes a kind of crater in them, which serves as a refuge for him. Sometimes he can even cover himself with a flat stone to completely protect himself from a predator.

The dog is the most intelligent pet (although the owner of a cat or a small pig may argue with this). From time immemorial, the dog has been the most faithful companion of man. Almost every dog, regardless of breed, reaches a two-year-old child in terms of intelligence. This creature has the most complex and advanced understanding of the human world. The dog can learn different commands faster than any other animal and respond to the commands of the owner. Not for nothing, the dog is considered the most easily trained animal. In addition, dogs have a very developed sense of smell, they can distinguish up to a million different smells.

This mammal has a colossally huge size and therefore a person is unlikely to ever be able to tame it. The social structure and its own "language" makes this creature one of the smartest on the planet. In proportion, the brain of a whale is huge compared to its body, especially when compared with other animals. In addition, their brain has spindle cells, which determines a very developed ability for cognitive thinking. Spindle cells are responsible for behavior in society and for consistency between thoughts and feelings. In addition to whales, humans, primates, and dolphins have these cells. Communication between these giants occurs through a complex vocal tone. This animal is very social, it travels and hunts in groups. It is noteworthy that the beluga whale is able to imitate human language.

Of all land animals, this mammal has the largest brain. He can distinguish a hundred different sounds. This gray giant has a very wide range of emotions. He has both a cheerful mood and a sad one, and he manifests it with the help of a wide range of sounds. An elephant uses various objects to find food. In addition, never offend an elephant, he will remember this for a lifetime, and even try to take revenge. And given its size, most likely, it will threaten you with death.

The second place in our ranking is occupied by a creature that is the smartest on earth after a primate. Man has long been using the dolphin behavior model in order to get closer to understanding the great mysteries of the oceans. Dolphin is a graceful and cheerful child of the sea, he can show many emotions and easily learns new things. And when a dolphin sleeps, its brain does not rest completely, one half always functions, so that in case of danger, it always has time to respond to it. In addition, the dolphin is the only animal that passed the mirror test among marine life. A dolphin always recognizes itself in a mirror.

The primate, which belongs to the hominin family, is the most intelligent animal in the world, after humans. He has a very interesting and eventful life in a society of his own kind, and is also able to express many different emotions. Hominids are a whole family that includes several species: they include the chimpanzee, orangutan, gorilla and bonobo (the closest relative of the chimpanzee). A hominid can build a house, use a wide variety of items to find food. The gorilla has similar DNA to humans. The monkey can understand what an individual is, and is also able to learn and understand the words of the human language, in addition, a person can communicate with hominids using gestures and symbols that the primate easily understands. If this monkey is threatened by a predator, it can defend itself with the help of nearby objects.


10th place - Pigeons

They usually live in big cities. The smaller the city, the smaller their number. Pigeons can be found in any, even the smallest city and almost anywhere in the world. They also recognize their reflection in the mirror, only 5 creatures, including humans, have this ability.

They are well oriented in cities and are able to remember the road more than 1,000 kilometers, which allowed them to be used as carriers of letters in the 18th century.


9th place - Pigs

The ninth line among the most intelligent animals is occupied by pigs. It is believed that pigs are somewhat superior in intelligence to cats and dogs. They are easy to train and can perform some tricks with ease. Pigs have a very good biological clock. They know exactly what time to expect feeding. In the event of a delay in food, these smart animals begin to worry and grunt displeasedly. Academician Pavlov proved that this is not only one of the smartest animals, but also the most nervous. An elementary clap of the hands can cause alertness in the whole flock, which freezes in anticipation of something unknown.


8th place - Squirrels

Considered intelligent animals, in populated areas they are able to feed from bird feeders, dig up planted plants in search of seeds, and settle in indoor spaces such as attics. Squirrels can be tamed for hand feeding. Since they are adapted to hide excess food, they will take as much from you as you offer. If a person begins to feed a squirrel, she will return to him a day later for a new portion. Squirrels living in parks and gardens within the city have long learned that man is a source of food. Feeding squirrels by hand is still not recommended, as they can be infected with plague or other animal diseases. Even if they are not sick, they can hurt their hand or bite painfully.


7th place - Crows

This is not an ordinary bird, scientists believe that its mind is close to the highest primate. They perfectly adapt to any habitat, by the way they live on all cantenents except Antarctica.

There are many proofs of their mind. For example, in order to open the shell of a nut, they put them on the road, assuming where the car wheel will be. And after the car passes over the nut, they collect the insides.

For the first time this method was seen 12 years ago in Japan, in the city of Tokyo. After some time, all the crows in the nearby cities adopted this method. This shows that they are learning from each other to innovate.


6th place - Rats

Very intelligent beings, to say the least. They live all over the world, except for one continent - Antarctica. Their diet is very similar to the human, they can live with people in the same house and people do not even know about their habitation. But what is striking is their collective intelligence, thanks to which they survive so successfully.

Rats have their own hierarchy, where there are some "scouts" who check the house, trying different foods and checking the neighborhood for habitability. These suicide bombers are controlled by the leader of the pack, who can send them to several houses at once for reconnaissance. If the scouts die, then the flock goes to another house, which was previously checked.

Rats are used for experiments because of their resourcefulness and vitality. There are cases when rats have outwitted experimenters, finding amazing loopholes in experiments that scientists themselves did not notice or could not calculate. And of course, rats learn from their mistakes, they won’t step on the same rake twice, unlike people.


5th place - Cats

By nature, they are lonely and independent. However, they can easily adapt to the group without much difficulty, quickly accepting rules, hierarchies and restrictions. Only a human being has the same expanded possibilities of adaptation both psychologically and socially. Being a cat also means having qualities such as curiosity, the spirit of observation, and the ability to analyze raw data.


4th place - Dogs

Able to understand more than 250 different words and gestures. Based on just a person's facial expressions, they understand his mood. And by the tone in the voice they can recognize the person himself. They also have an excellent sense of smell and love their owners.

Scientists recently proved one interesting fact. Of the animals, only dogs perceive the pointing gesture, and they will look in the direction where the finger is pointing.

But they can not only do this, if a trained dog points a finger at one of the objects, then it will bring it. Scientists went further and conducted a test, they put several identical objects, one of which was closed to a person, but a dog saw it.

When the fetch command was given, the dog took the object that was visible to the person. This shows that they perceive human reality and realize that it differs from them. Of the animals, only dogs have this.


3rd place - Elephants

Elephant confidently takes 3rd place, because they have a phenomenal memory. They perfectly remember people and if they treat them badly, then they will definitely remember it for the rest of their lives and even at some point they can take revenge.

Elephants are highly trainable and trainable. Somehow they conducted an experiment where the elephant had to get food, but it was too cheerful. In order to get it, he used all available means: Cube, tire, stick.

And they are very caring to their relatives, as well as to other animals and even to humans. When their relative dies, they can gather at the place of his death for several days. And if the elephant is in a good mood, then he can amuse people well.


2nd place - Dolphins

Some say that dolphins the smartest animals in the world because of their amazing abilities. One of which is to sleep with one hemisphere of the brain turned on, when, for example, oxygen is needed, the dolphin rises to the surface in a state of sleep, gaining oxygen without even waking up.

They are able to teach each other and share their experience, constantly swim in a flock and are well trained to search for prey, as well as fight back from larger fish. The dolphin perfectly remembers the actions of other animals and even tries to repeat them.

It has been proven that the number of convolutions of the brain in this animal is twice the number in humans. Surprisingly, the dolphin is awake all the time: the two hemispheres alternately enter back. Thus, he never sleeps.


They very quickly learn to speak the language of the deaf and dumb and can communicate both with a person and with their fellows in this language. Anyone they don't like is called dirty, in the language of the dumb.

Monkeys have all the skills of a person, only in the initial stages. Their brain is very similar to the human, not to mention the habits and expression of emotions. Surprisingly, knowing the language of the dumb, not one of the monkeys has yet asked a single question to a person, although they know the sign for a question.

It's no secret that humans are not the only intelligent beings on the planet. Animals that accompany a person for many years, give their warmth and benefit, are also very smart. And then the question arises: which animal is the smartest? The answer is always ambiguous. If you take five scientists and ask them this question, you can get as many answers that are clearly different from each other.

The problem is that it is quite difficult to characterize all animals according to the same level of intelligence. Someone is able to communicate, while others amaze with their ability to adapt to the environment, while others cope well with obstacles. Scientists have repeatedly tried to figure out how the brain of animals works. Humans are undeniably the smartest creatures. The human brain can think, remember and reproduce various information, analyze and draw conclusions. But, as it turns out, this ability is inherent not only to people. Below is a list of the most intelligent animals, in their ability to think not very different from a reasonable person.

List of 10 smartest animals

10 position occupied by a toothed whale. An animal warm-blooded, making a mysterious movement in the ocean. The big secret is how whales are able to find each other at a great distance.

9 position assigned to cephalopods, in particular, squids and octopuses. They are inimitable masters of camouflage. The octopus is able to easily change its color in less than one second by giving the brain signals from its body. The amazing fact is that they perfectly control their muscles.

For 8 positions the sheep settled confidently. The British assure that people appreciate their ingenuity and insight too little. Scientists have found that these animals are able to perfectly remember the faces of people and other animals. The intellectual development of sheep is close to human. The reputation is spoiled only by the fact that they are too shy.

7th position: in Britain, the parrot was recognized as the most intelligent animal. Baggio, that's the name of the one who knows how to sew. To do this, he just holds a needle and thread in his beak. The professionalism of the tailor is estimated at 90%.

6 position pulled out by the city crows. Especially smart are those who live in metropolitan areas. Their dexterity is equated with thieves. They can also count to five.

For 5 positions there are dogs. Some people think that they are only capable of good learning, and they have problems with intelligence. However, our smaller friends are perfectly capable of distinguishing pictures of nature from pictures of dogs. This explains the presence of their own "I". can understand about 250 words and gestures. Up to five I think no worse than crows.

4 position belongs to rats. The most experienced of them easily cope with the rat trap, taking the bait as a reward.

3 position at . Many scientists believe that they may even be smarter than humans. Since both hemispheres of dolphins are switched off alternately, they never fully sleep. They communicate with each other by whistling and emitting ultrasound.

For 2 positions are located. Their brain size is small, but females can take care not only of their offspring, but also of males. In addition, they are able to recognize their reflection in the mirror. Elephants have excellent memories.

1 item, no doubt assigned to monkeys. The smartest are chimpanzees and gorillas. The abilities of orangutans are still not well understood. The primate family includes: humans, as well as chimpanzees, orangutans, baboons, gibbons, and marmosets. They have a large brain, are able to communicate with animals of their own species, and have certain skills.

Scientists never stand still in their research. Perhaps something will change soon. People can only remember that they are responsible for everyone they have tamed.
